University of Calgary PRISM: University of Calgary's Digital Repository Alberta Gambling Research Institute Alberta Gambling Research Institute 2009-04 Problem gambling in Europe : an overview Griffiths, Mark Nottingham Trent University technical report Downloaded from PRISM: REPORT BY PROFESSOR MARK GRIFFITHS INTERNATIONAL GAMING RESEARCH UNIT Problem gambling in Europe: An overview DIVISION OF PSYCHOLOGY NOTTINGHAM TRENT UNIVERSITY BURTON STREET NOTTINGHAM NG1 4BU
[email protected] Report prepared for Apex Communications (April 2009) Note: All information compiled by the author for this report is from that in the public domain 1 Contents Executive summary 3 Glossary of acronyms used in the report 6 Report background, context and methodology 7 Country by country reports (alphabetical order) 10 - Austria 10 - Belgium 12 - Bulgaria 14 - Cyprus 14 - Czech Republic 15 - Denmark 15 - Estonia 16 - Finland 18 - France 20 - Germany 22 - Great Britain 24 - Greece 32 - Hungary 33 - Iceland 35 - Ireland 38 - Italy 39 - Latvia 41 - Lithuania 41 - Luxembourg 43 - Malta 43 - The Netherlands 44 - Norway 47 - Poland 50 - Portugal 50 - Romania 51 - Russia 52 - Slovakia 53 - Slovenia 54 - Spain 55 - Sweden 58 - Switzerland 60 Conclusions 61 References 67 Appendix: Brief author biography 85 2 Executive Summary • This report provides a European country-by-country analysis of the known empirical (and in some cases anecdotal) evidence of gambling and problem gambling in that particular country. • In Europe, gambling is a diverse concept that incorporates a range of activities undertaken in a variety of settings and giving rise to differing sets of behaviours and perceptions among participants and observers.