<Articles HOW DID RUSSELL WRITE THE PRINCIPLES OF MATHEMATICS (l903)? I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS Middlesex Universiry Enfield, Middlesex EN3 4SF, England
[email protected] Parts I II, IV, V, and VI of the book as published were written that autumn [ofI900]. I wrote also Parts I, II, and VII at that time, but had to rewrite them later, so that the book was not finished in its final form until May 1902. Every day throughout October, November and December, I wrote my ten pages, and finished the MS on the last day of the century, in time to write a boastful letter to Helen Thomas about the 200,000 words that I had just completed. (Auto. I: 145) During September 1900 I invented my Logic of Relations; early in October I wrote the article that appeared in RdM VI I 2-3 [Peano's journal Revue des mathematiques]; during the rest ofthe year I wrote Parts II I-VI ofmy Principles (Part VII is largely earlier, Parts I and II wholly later, May 1902).... (Russell, letter to Philip Jourdain, April 19101) I. THE RECEIVED STORY: FROM PEANO TO The Principles ussell's book The Principles ofMathematics, published in the spring of1903, was one ofhis most important works; for in it he R set down not only his logicist thesis, that pure mathematics was obtainable solely from a version oflogic that he had formulated, but also many features of the so-called "analytic philosophy" which he and his friend G. E. Moore had launched around 1899 as a reaction to the domi- 1 I.