A Periodical of Anarchist Thought, Work, and Literature
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* \ m A PERIODICAL OF ANARCHIST THOUGHT, WORK, AND LITERATURE. VOL IX. NO. 21. , , 25, 1902 \ . CHICAGO SUNDAY MAY . WHOLE NO. 363. The Rejected Banner. Thefact thntwc at present arc still a small tion in the work of the proletarian revolution (THE RED FLA <1.1 minority is in reality unimportant and in- involves. But even the number of theactive Flag of flame, tfao linked with glory, significant. The question is not whether the followers grows daily, and the promulga Clean of shame and rich with story. number of adherents is small or large, but tion spreads, and on the day - Fire of blame and misdeeds gory of insurrection whether the ideas o , Trail thou in the dust. í Anarchist Communism this minority will become the majority arc in accord with the evolution of the hu * Tifl the right be hailed with gladness - # • . man mind, which at present, and especially War and fightforgotten madness. History shows us that those who before And the night fades with its sadness. among the Latin races, arc developing. In the revolution were in the minority, on the Trail thon as thou must. this respect all doubUs are removed. The day of uprising liecame the decisive power, Flag of flame, thy heroes slunilier. tendency of evolution is not toward author- provided they represented the popular striv- Without (nine, in countless numlier. itarianism ; but its consummation tends to- jnRS and when and that is another cssen Without shame, in peace they slumlier. ward the freedom of the individual, toward tial provision —the duration of the - Like thee, in the dust. rcvolu producing and consuming groups, the free tion lasts long— enough, so that the revolu- " - Sleep they still until the morrow. communc and free federation. Neither does tionnry ideas are given an Sleep they will, till crime and sorrow, opportunity to evolution tend toward the property- loving sprout and to l>car fruit. Let us not forget No more fill the world with horror, Individualism, but Then thou will, rejected Imnner, toward joint production that it is not a revolution of a day or two Be uplifted from the «lust. and consumption. In large cities nobody is which we expect will transform society into scared Ross WINN. by Communism when mark it well Anarchist Communism. An uprising of so O Anarchist is in— question Communism . In short a duration can overthrow onegovern « Revolutionary — Minorities. the country evolution travels on the same ment and substitute another ; it can replace- "All you say is well and good,” our op- road. And indeed, if we except some parts a Napoleon for a Fabrc, but it cannot often remark Jules ponents . " Your ideal An- of France in which its populace developed transform the foundation of a society. It archist Communism— is admirable, and— its under particular conditions, one must admit may perhaps require a period of insurrection realization would indeed signify comfort that the peasant has much in common with of three or five years to accomplish our rev- nnd pence on earth. But how few men de- us, which especially becomes apparent when olution in the province of property relations sire and comprehend such the common use of , condition, and implements is observed and the modeof federation. It required five how insignificant is the numlier of those who It isfor this reason that we are everywhere, years of a permanent revolution from 1788 possess the necessary spirit of sacrifice that in the centers of industry as well as in the to1793 to wreck the system —of feudalism ideal , met with the realization of this involves You villages approval, as soon as we —and the power— of kingkraft, and it will take only a small minority of ^ explain our ideas arc weak and scat- to the great mass, when- three or more years to break the power of teringgroups, here and there,lostaltogether ever we talk to them in their own and com - the bourgeoisie, the power of plutocracy, in the great and indifferent mass before prehensible , ,and language supported by practical In such revolutionaryperiod, in which the you stands a terrible,well organized enemy, illustrations,and telling them of the coming mind works with extraordinary , , education revolution rapidity, armies capital and at his com- . when the whole world, in the cities ofsplen fact, the struggle you And could be mand. In have under- it otherwise ? If Anarchy dor ns well as in the dark huts, exhibit- taken exceeds your power.” and Communism were nothingbut the prod - great interest for publicaffairs; whenfcople the objections a Such arc of certain of our uct of philosophical speculation, coming talk, discuss and try to convince others , often also forth from , adversaries and raised by our the shadows of a college room, j„ this fermenting period the Anarchistic— well meaning friends. verily,it would own - Very well. Let nowhere find its echo. But ¡deas, which are even now disseminated by whether the objections these ideas came , us see will stand the forth from the people the existing groups, will sprout and bear test. That the Anarchists compose They arc the expressions the only a of worker, the fruit,and implant themselves inthe mindsof small minority to those millions peasant, of which pop- everything he thinks and talks the musses. Then will the indiflerent of to ulate France, Spain, Italy, Germany as soon as hc- - , etc., sooner or later-discards day becomeadherents of the new ideas. Such who will deny ? But have not all traditional superstitions aggrega- and begins tocon. was always the course of new ideas, of tions, representing a new ideal, began with template a better future. They ex are the - which the great French Revolution is an a small minority ? Y’cs, it is very likely that pression of a long mental development, the example. we as far as our organization is concerned expression of the tendencies of - large the Certainly the French Revolution was not of remain in the minority present century. -will till the day of Finally, they are the po- such deep natureas will be theone of But is that an pular conception which revolution. argument against of the revolution which Wc dream. Aristocracy was ideal ? Shall wefor that shortly will carry overthrown our reason embrace justice, solidarity and and the bourgeoisie substituted. The power opportunism because the opportunists have fraternity into the villages. forth Coming of private property was not shaken ; on the at present the majority behind from the people, themselves ? these ideas arc readily ac- contrary, its authority was strengthened Is reason to l cepted by that enough >ccomc opportu- the people, whenever they are jt was the French Revolution that inaugu nists ourselves ? Till 1790, the royalists presented in a plain,comprehensive manner, — rated the system of exploitation of the hour- and constitutionalists were in the mnjority. Here fact, - in rests the force of our ideas, gcoisie. Yet the abolition of serfdom Vas a Should the republicans of this epoch there and not in the number of their • - active and great thing came thru i . Tuis force, which * fore have renounced their ideal and become organized adherents, who are courageous proved itself more effective than the law. royalists, until the abolition of the kingdom enough to face all the dangers and conse- The French IWftt ion has cleared the way - was near at hand ? quences of the struggle which the participa- for an era qf'revohmfms, which at short in / ^ - \ i mâ 2 PRBB SOCIETY. * tcrvals are repeated, which more and more wages are demanded ). Two years Inter, Criticisms on the Propaganda. lead to the Social Revolution. She has im ¬ 1789, the peasant already goes much fur¬ If the comrades will pardon a few friendly planted into the French people that revolu¬ ther. A universal idea then finds birth: comments on the methods of propaganda, I ¬ V tionary instinct, without which the peoples ‘‘Full emancipation from the yoke of the will deign to offer them. I write in the kind of EurojK* would for centuries smart under nobles , the priests, and middleclassproperty liest spirit, and having the movement at the most painful oppression. She has left in owner." Since the peasant realized that heart my words e'omc spontaneously with ¬ the entire world a fertile stream of ideas for the government had lost the power to stifle out any desire to offend anyone. Knowing the future; she has awakened the spirit of his uprisings, ‘he rebelled against his foes. some of my own shortcomings, and finding indignation and given the French people a A few determined individuals set fire to the some faults in the words and work of others, revolutionary training. If France in the palaces, while the great mass still remained I wish to stimulate an improvement. If my year 1871 proclaimed the Commune, if she submissive and in fear, till the flames of the remarks bedeemed worthy of serious consid ¬ today accepts with joy the ideas of Anarchist burning mansions reached theclouds; before eration, all well and good. If not, they have Communism, while other people still wander it was thought of to hang the taxcollectors been written in vain. My remarks are not in the authoritarian or constitutionalperiod to the same gallows, which before had to inspired by any particular case, nor directed (already aside by before 18 8, weight of the farerunners of the àt any particular comrade. Most of wlmt 1 laid France + carry the I that is 1789), it is because this nation went Jacqueries. But this timethearmy docs not shall say 1 am as much ammendablc to my¬ thru a powerful revolution at the end of the save to crush the uprising; it is busy else¬ self ns anyone else.