Measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection

1) We have published GENERAL PRINCIPLES on Meopta´s internal communication channels (Sharepoint, company notice board, Kaizala, electronic screens) that must be followed in order to reduce the incidence and spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). 2) Immediately we restrict foreign and domestic business trips, as well as foreign and domestic business visits. 3) Immediately we move the dates of excursions and similar meetings to the time when the situation will be more favourable. 4) Employees returning from business trips from risk areas* will work from home (Home Office) for at least one week. 5) We requested the cooperation of employees who returned from abroad. If they have visited risk areas* and show symptoms that are characteristic of coronavirus disease**, we ask that they follow the announcement of the Ministry of Health and contact their GP, National Institute of Public Health (724 810 106, 725 191 367), or Public Health Office of Olomouc Region by phone (585 719 719). 6) We urge employees to consider their private trips abroad, especially to risk regions*. If they visit them, they should, with an emphasis on their health and the health of their colleagues, take into account the sufficient time to eliminate the infection after their return.

Dear employees,

I wish everyone health and I believe that by taking a responsible approach we will eliminate the risks associated with the spread of coronavirus. We will monitor the situation continuously. Your managers and HR department are ready to answer your questions, as well as your company management.

Vítězslav Moťka CEO

*Risk regions: : – only these 10 affected villages in Lombardy (, Castiglione d’Adda, , , Maleo, , , , and ), Veneto – only Vo' Euganeo China, Japan, South Korea, Iran, Singapore

**Symptoms of the disease: Monitor your health status throughout the whole incubation period, i.e. 14 days after arriving from the area – if you experience symptoms such as fever (above 38°C), cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and breathing difficulties, contact your GP by phone or the relevant infectious compartment.