Classroom Learning

1. The Unseen World This is the first course of the FAITH module. In this course, students will learn the essentials of faith outlined in the famous of Jibril. Topics will include proofs of divine existence, types of tawḥīd, differences between the ahlussunna, muʿtazila, mujassima, shīʿa, qadianis and the nation of , proofs of prophethood, scriptures of earlier prophets, angels, jinn, the end of times, the afterlife, and the divine decree.

2. Islam & Modern Ideologies This is the second course of the FAITH module. In this course, students will study a series of modern ideologies in the light of Islamic values and principles. Topics will include liberalism lgbtq, scientism, evolution, , and feminism.

3. Answering the Tough Questions This is the third and final course of the FAITH module. In this course, students will learn the answers to a series of questions about Islamic beliefs and practices that are often raised by Islamophobes. Topics will include , ḥudūd, minority rights, women’s rights, , and doubts surrounding the preservation of and the integrity of hadith.

4. Islam & Money Matters This is the only course of the CAREER module. In this course, students will learn ways to maintain the purity of their wealth. Topics will include of zakat, careers and investments.

5. Marital Bliss This is the only course of the FAMILY module. In this course, students will learn how to establish a prophetic household. Topics will include why and when to get married, fiqh of marriage, etiquette of marital intimacy, and rights and responsibilities of spouses.

6. Sacred Activism This is the first course of the COMMUNITY module. In this course, students will learn about the importance, prerequisites and etiquette of social activism in Islam.

7. Interfaith & Outreach This is the second course of the COMMUNITY module. In this course, students will learn about the importance, prerequisites and etiquette of engaging in interfaith work and community outreach.

ﷺ Life of the Prophet .8 This is the first course of the LEGACY module. It is divided into two parts: the Meccan era, and the to find ﷺ Medinan era. In this course, students will explore the biography of the Messenger of inspiration in his legacy and to take him as the ultimate role model.

9. in America This is the second course of the LEGACY module. In this course, students will explore the history of Islam and in America from the earliest settlements until the current era.

10. History of Fiqh This is the third and final course of the LEGACY module. In this course, students will trace the evolution of the four schools of fiqh, discover the primary reasons why Muslim scholars disagree, and explore the of disagreement.

Annual Retreats

1. Connecting with the Divine The theme serves the SPIRITUALITY module. In this week-long outdoor retreat, students will follow a daily regimen of intense learning, worship and outdoor activities carefully designed to cultivate a strong spiritual connection with Allah. Topics will include miracles of the Quran, tafsīr of selected passages of the Quran, perfecting prayer, and the virtues and etiquette of Allah’s remembrance and supplication.

2. Purification of the Heart The theme serves the CHARACTER module. In this week-long outdoor retreat, students will follow a daily regimen of intense learning, worship and outdoor activities carefully designed to cultivate a strong spiritual connection with Allah, and instill Prophetic character. Topics will include the perfect names of Allah, diseases of the heart and their cures, and stations of the seeker.

3. Reaching for the Stars The theme serves the LEGACY module. In this week-long outdoor retreat, students will follow a daily regimen of reflective learning, worship, and outdoor activities designed to draw inspiration from the legacy of Muslim luminaries, and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood with fellow students.