IN I H15 ISSUE IN THIS ISSUE iii i )'( alla Hi-hop *KHin make* *r- ghan. nu ed ears, pastel ii.nt appeal in hehalf af of St. Jiihr fi^iTTSBURi.n atholic the T0<> children a» 81. dr-'il- he T C Paul's Orphan \»>liiin. h o und e ci in ¡844 by Rt. Rev. Michael O'C onnor, hirtt Hishop of Pittsburgh f)ioce*e

EIGHTY I.lGÏI I I! YEAR PITTSBURGH, PA , THURSDAY, DF.t EMBER 15, 1932 No. 80 Serious Situation ! Holy Name Man Instantly Killed t. O'Callaghan, , Soon After Going To Confession DESTROYED BY FIRE F Confronts Orphans,Siste r M. Cain ie. McCartney, Blessed Sacrament Is Carri Priest For 59 Years, a Native of Pittsburgh, to Safety as Flames Rum Dies in Oklahoma 1 Regma Coeli Cintiteli Ho the regu .<• H ime (. ri B1 Dead At Age Of 83 Diocese Is Warned •Sister Mar j Gabriel McCartney, A» Mr. I.d K all I i.saline min for more than A. the Rev. A1 oys A' «,. pa-Tor, » a 1- .¡stan w i twenty years, died Friday afternoon, tire the night L»s in« Fa th e i: Angel, Mi 1 he K a toell chi December U, a! St. John's hospital in Bishop's Letter To Priests and as he reached ie street i ar tracks Jurn vorth ¡side's Coyleiville Paitor For SS Tulsa, Okla . where she had been te the wheels of in onncomine g interurbar Itali a :. e a í i y moved from Hartlesville that morn- T Years, Ht W«» Third And People, Urging Ut- jured. The scene of the », i ident l- . We,I ing:, suffering arthritis. Sister Ga- ay morning The loas was Lranre to the St, Anr lurch property most Generosity At briel, who had been teaching in ace : at $ ¡20,0011 i>. Deput > K ire Oldest Priest In The Bartlesville since last September, Father Angel was soon at the injured le a : h ef Frank J >nea Christmas Time To Di- had been sick only a week. When her nointed him, but life was extinct. Mr P.. g • a me r.he cause of the fire is so far un- E Diocese — Founded Hdj condition be« ame worse Friday morn- of St. Anne parish for 4-S years and ha i ah* •termined, but fire officials believe ing, she was taken to the hospital in »11 parish affairs was caused by an expl ision if g-as Name Parish In Duqnesso ocesan Wards, Says ChiI-|SignsPortendEuropeanConf|ict Work at Castel Gandolfo Will Till a where she died at 3:10 o'clock M' Pang'» d*ath is the ftfth fatal St Anne hic h had accumulated in the heat- Says • .' i ii -n, wit hout rrga.n ng parish in the ¡mm three mont is. g ystem in the basement. Be Inspected Late This —Bishop Presides At dren May Actually Want by 1937, John Correli \\ i.en the fire broke out at about at St. Month or Next For Bare Necessities Soon. Fidelis, Herman in s m , I athei Fani a aio., has Solemn Funeral Mas* On

Herman, Pa. Dec; 12 Tilt st mat: Monday. No one who n Mr it Rev dent and faculty of St. I idei is Sen- * ( 'aste! 1 Her to th na rv en ¡o veil a rea! ! rent ia-t Thür FR. DOMINIOS ASKS WINNIPEG TO CLOSE eren«l I: !• Ho The Rc ererpiah O'Callaghan, pastors and |»#• .->j years th'rd oldest priest in 1 John .1. Correli, ti <1 ,„ --f of Pitt.sburgh in age and announcing 'be ( man and conver FOR SPECI HELP .u «pent in tii" priesthood, for the orphans editor of The Pit n the afternoon of the Feast of fail to r, t >.M the institution is Mr. Gorrell chose Immaculate ( onception in the Wants to Give Carnegie Children Spi IM 3W Confronts facing a ver\ s«iious "-ituation. experiences and y of St. John's parish, Coyle»- Hi . Ie. to Care rtiitier county, which he had What the orphans «hall pat ami Extra Christmas T>eat in inspiring pictur. of the I- n harist >« 1 as pastor for the part 36 • Pupils wear, and use in the way of actual ('ongress at Dublin, D« land, \ftet Addition to Food foi Mr necessities «lurmsr the nex' «tx the cong-re - Mr. (iorrell tin vrledj >n on Ai I'evpue his age. Father O'Cal- over the Continent, studying social i and (ireeley, st aia t m ; i... laghan has been able to carry on his months, will depend entirely upon Fa ther Dominic•is , p astor c.f Hoi -, Winn i j if y , Ma The wr and economic conditions. Kan. and Part IH k Wf'.ÍH«'-••i«'! y ni "Í ' i ^ iter rençive d today the fi rs parish duties without assistance un- what their friends provide through 1 Soul.«< church, ( arne gie. and di 1¡ V\ nn i- g hod a ioIll| The speaker gave his opinion of Th .antv of Sister o whichi has been aci orile til about six years ago, when he recto r of the F r.-.' 1Í .ti neh for ali ! tional p liiipe it 'll its lap til- "'"'' a to inspeel1 the P,.pe' s model the collection on Christmas Day. All the situation in Ktirope as he saw j Gahr •i'was a by the throngs anvûU alai ni farm i met with an accident which in- i th»" needy of hat «¡istrici, ask- day wliiei l \rebbi \ A S in no! ''"'"1'a.iie, ¡ t lie s paci their funds have been exhausted, and it. Italy, he called the best governed I ends wl passed her bier in Ukrht 1 ). ous; lov el y g ron ml s of th capacitated him. The Capuchin i everybody to re alize that Christ : notified otf is tais t he nini i'atho- -"Unu-.l, • Villa Pa nation in Europe today a tribute to i the com i III , hapel, I'aola. Her rare I 1 hid .111 'a •U-. He 5 •i e t h re Fathers from S< Mary Monastery, money is so scarce in other quarters i ma- is coming . r ni y for them an the ability of Mussolini. Italy is personality, combined with a deep ed a thit papal vili Herman, then assisted him in his that a loan to tide them over is im- seive hut al- for the p....i c of 00( prosperous. There are no beggars, I spiritual nature, fitted her most 1 . , g i A thon;-an d wo parish duties unt I two years ago peop le of the ( a rne g i e commun it v, C : i î hi ne.êdVhat un A:' 'J '"'' ' possible. and no one ever heard of the vet eminently for t he difficult task of fe the Kr." inds of the -e villa when the Rev. John Boslet was as- iallv the i Id rei, It i- at !h'is i- t he\ cannot >pi • ' " 1 e -pe. r the direct i oil Ot i 1' : are inclined to be ' add il ion ng i tie charig i d exc. •pt for the aililitic. nation. Germany never will have ne rnl riles were held Tuesday morn ; in*n were « failing health for several months, dren from the suffering that is found a lit tie bit se ¡fish at id think ,-nly ma nt «-n ¡hi it" hf>«> 1 s, it of a pow unity until Hitler and his supporters I ing, December ii, was replete with lort-wav«' r and his death at 11. o'clock last •II every hand, and to secure for ' of thlemselves . fi. rget * ing that there i wa- '-ai. are crushed. They speak of Com- former pupils, many of whom drove Ti.« Hll obsi'lrvatory . Tine sec 111 1 hursday afternoon did not come as ! is a Free 1 un« h serving n them at least those things that will munism being the menace; hut the from a distance to attend the serv- a surpri e to his friend- and parish- j hundreds of needy people eve prevent physical and mental break- real danger is from the Nazis. It is He is » m ixed by one sister I Father Doniinicis down in the future. While the German militarism and the iron heel j •' Ijfiiuip • d and several nieces and special Christmas ' . D gtrictest economy is practiced of despotism on the ram page auam.i Ma - nepliews. for P Following his r at the orphanage, those in charge " Aust ria and Hungars are i Mos ie-, Bishl tii, Father OTal- pitiful condition," said Mr. laghan's bodv re ed in the rectory are trying to soft, n the effects of • d and redeci "The culture ami ga> . • v of \ iem •I. il Or until o'clock Sunday afternoon, the hard times to a point where they to eat ai i he Fref Lurv rs and tei ra are being laid when it was translated to the church have become in e re shadows. 1 D, ( Hi i Me will leave no permanent scars in the da' He .stated, however, ' ,. and it is in liner of these to lie in .-tate until time for the treaty of Versa.|!e* is to blame, M. J M They s.iff." ri hru; lives of these little ones who have depends upon the genero it} nos near the age of Aihato funeral countries have been separated, and e I at h and probable ¿ready lost so much of life's deeper r I ^ l>e°p.e of Camelie and to t •he Pope n has his farm, I A guard of honor was provided the lands have, been given over to j \. .1. P W < a jov and security. nis special appeal, He the i w i i might well ve as a model by the men of the parish from that aggressive neighbors. Their people | sub- man was ( Jam- The TOO children a' S'. Van! .- and is asking for any kind of co tri - ! rent 1 that a mod scientific farm time until lo o'clock Monday morn- are under 'trance government I he I I m O ( ner feeir superiors ¡ma the,.- Most Kev- hution, whether in foodstuff s or gl V e i.OOO liti should i>e ing when the Solemn Funeral Masa centuries-old spirit is broken." n¡ cere n trend diocesan h" l'I in ¡ money. ¡ i ont i igiit injuries. He One approaches the central group was sung, oris w Mr. Gorrell affirms that ihr-e Rt. Joyce faith that their f.-i...i The activity of the Free I, neh I if buildings through olive groves,) Bishop Preside* at Masa conditions portend another war with- F. M. O P w them in this great crisis ; and there I" trellised vines an,I meadows dotted1 The Most Rev Hugh C. Boyle. in five years. Daly - -'.•-•ng. and a• |h i- A. J nurm t e pa |a no doubt tha! their grateful pray- WASHINGTON HOLY NAME IV th twenty-five neehtve. One steps 1, ¡1, Bishop of Pittsburgh, presided Fra nee fea rs her soul hern ncighboi • Vincent, Monda* ers and devotions throughout the U e.r Baptist ( hurch I hreatened The Versailles treat> in n large !•' M ita* day, 1>; into a space Mirrounded on three m thp sanrtuar>. at the Solemn coming vear will bring the blessing MEMBERS HOLD RALLY measure responsible, ho -aid. I he 1- ith children stdes with new biiilnings of brown Requiem Mass, which was celebrated af Almighty Cod into the lives and i e w a s culture of oil, Europe is bi ng fought , M .1 1 Frida . .. On the left IS the barn, now |,y ,he Rev. Francis R. Shields, pa»- the homes of their benefactors. larks * ith ha; , and next to ,or by the doctrines of the new p;i£.m- a I so r. -1 '' <•( Ht. Charle.s Borrmneo church, Rapt s To the right is a .-ta The Ri«hop s Letter mm. The work of the priest and ti^e >lf Sutersv ille. The Rev. John P. P H. De! now ei ipty, but w h Catholic layman is to ftght pagan I t I . \ ail ch Shields, ps r r of St. Coleman'a The Bishop's letter, read at a 1! 11 bv , b d with the finest bro« ism, and not Protestantism, the d- church, turtle Creek, was deacon Masses last Sunday and to be read Role of 1 •nvi ( speaker declared, ar'd until ?h< of the Mass; the Very Rev. M. J. he i inter is •gain this Sunday, folio» pagan ideas of the bec are dis I loll lairy. now go- McRuniey, V.F., pastor of St. 1 swing, supplying tl •To the Reverend and Right Rev- carded, world peace cannot exist; 'te at" an Jo-eph'.s church, Natrona, was sub- .1. Ml er, Imper la 1. 1 n o day with milk, h r and deacon; the Ro\ Raymond J. Lu- erend Glargv and Beloved l.aity peace : - Christian turnip- K ncti e Meat \ . Insidi one sees tw -eight i.i- of St. Mary's church. Heaver Mr. (iorrell heid the rapt atten- h of the Diocese of Pittsburgh: fiuantlt y of ile. r me. a 1 i \ eñlv matched. wn m halls, »:is ma-'er of ceremonies; the tion of the students for two hours. >r. A the w ails are of bine tile i Rev. John Poslet was assistant "I again commend the children a* F. Fruit ' Market. \ e tí ei w •eiîinirs are paint.'«! bl ie in nia-ter of ceremonies, and the Rev. §t. Paul s Orphan Asylum to your Kearn.i (,roe e r\ , végéta H..« of the e with the new theory tha! 1 ather Sas agi' of St. Pauls church, generosity on the Feast of the Nativ- M M I nin U a ot hke blue. Butler, was thurifer. ST. LAWRENCE HOLY nt leme- ity of Our Lord, in the firm faith in • cor are arrangements to milk ! A bout 40 priests were in attend- tery at tl Academv that you will not fail them in this I rutiline ST. STEPHEN HOLY NAME Th« "li sail the electrira11y ami to make at the Funeral Mass, while the NAME ELECTION HELD campus. "'I I I anner. alter itter and cheese. Th. re are church wa.s fi lied to overflowin* hardest year of the long drawn out Sister Gabriel is survived by her MEN HEAR FR. DELANEY wir ns. president of d ai w tn parishi an« friends ¿•pression. mother, Mrs. Susan McCartney; I At a meeting last week the St.' -poke on van malic hot! Ie rs, all in the latest of Father O'Callaghan three sisters, Mrs. H K VV'ynn of I "The scarcity of work and the Lawrence Holy Name Society elected I,-els of III \ame Society no,|cl . chicth from Sto, kholm j The Ma.-s was preceded by the McKeesport, Sarah and Susan ; three I An address by the Rev. J< M »Imost complete cessation of indus- officers for the cominj year. Those Jesus, My Lord, The pope ha< arranged everywhere Office of the Dead at 9:"0, chanted brothers, Janu John and Jerome, Delaney, dioce.-an spiritual director trial and commercial activity have elected were: Phil J. Brennan, presi- s. , M\ All," n e«- p a C K a CI to bring the best the world ha- to by the ¡'r ests' ch«ur of the Diocesa. all of Wilmording, l'a Mrs. Susan and a musical and dramatic enter produced serious domestic problems dent; Timothy McCarthy, vice Rev. Jan M Delanev, his farm. One of two breeds of The final absolution was given by McCartney and James McCartney j tainment were special features of thf ill many homes in the ten counties president; Joseph Kihn, secretary; i spiritual lirertor of the •Ircken«, for instance, hun«lre«ls of the Most Rev. Bishop, whose chap* attended the funeral. meeting held for annual election of •f the diocese. Not only are fami- Thomas F. Findlan, treasurer. N. was the prtn V =1 h are tl, be -e.-n walking around lain« were the Rev. \ J. Weisen- ntficers of St Stephen's Holy Nam< lies forced to give up luxuries and The St. Lawrence unit of the ;pa ira ve a power ii nent enclo.-iircs or roosting in berger, pastor of St. Peter's church, Society last Mondav evening m the «omforts to which they have been Holy Name Society was reorganized addi UNIVERSITY CATHOLIC t leir painted coops, come from the Butler, and the Rev. Father Didacus, »«customed, but they are compelled last fall and has been very active j Id av as th«" I n ted States. S.. do the automatic i O.M.Cap., of St. Mary's Monastery, CHARTIERS K. C. WILL I ìod^. Sc six hundred men w( to exercise the utmost economy to since that time. Gatherings were lav man. Ie laid VbllU I! feeders for them. I Herman. Interment was made in St. provide things that are necessary held every month. Entertainments ' help Overseeing the farm, furnishing John's cemetery, fa their very existence. These are the HOLD PARTY ON DEC. 28 s?;:;. Z the Vatican daily with nulk. butter I A'- on Monday morning, were given and several noted speak- , II • •!> .Name ln.-t Piment al ; in«l vocal music pewly-made poor- the poor who are Harry I.ngsden, anri a one act plav and produce and keeping everything Father Boslet sang a High Mas« of ers addressed the men. About five I ihi offer in under the ilirecli« ,n .if Prof, J. \ ii I- paused to poverty, who never let. spotlessly clean aga nst the day th' Requiem in St. John's for the repose hundred men now receive communion I I let he elaborately planned ions. I Holv Name ( l'Ili en. h. ad of the ib pa 1 tl 1. nl of dreamed of such a plight for them- Richard O'Malley was re-elected on the second Sunday of every i holidt tainment of Ohartiers pi. (Ige v a •red bv the Ke\ I music at Carney• e Tech, wll be Pope will cme to tol-e possi en is °f the soul of the deceased pastor. selves and their families, and who month. incil, Knights of Columbus, to be! president of the si ietv. Martin Man Un!; Innocents' ;i mannger ' • ••> the Pope's ow n Bo. n In Ireland Olivi I', i lay af'.ei no«in. D. Bow fight off from their minds the During the coming year the of- Id Wednesday evening, December "'"P- Jr- waR -besen as vice presi ', Mario ( asa F.i'hrr IK allaghan was born in Mack shadows of despair. If you are (lpnt rhomas A ficers intend to increase that num- w¿ i (,«• completed at the council ' P'-irke as secretary ..'•e: v. and the I i f;,.,; ,• 'ii, la' Slaveen, .Macroom. County 4Mt of that unhappy company, thank her. Plans are being marie to provide I .f December P , and fol and Peter Glackin was again olectf the singing of (Sod for the sufficiency which you treasure^. 5216 Penn a " ie for meetings which will be both in- lowing the bus ness ^ an the an We e Thv Name." i ing sponsored bv NO ADMISSION CHARGE rsLT^SirS,S Wjoy, and say a prayer for your less 1 K V members of the structive and entertaining. Michael nual turkev cani party will he held I , '. «'»•»"'/ " ""'"eli ivvn d < anon. fortunate brethren, reaching out a 1 niva rsily ( 'atlioli e club, and will Coyne has been appointed chairman with Lc turer John L. McAvov ,n| spiritual director of the society, wa well re pre: th« feature a .-«lies o f instrumental and TO CHRISTMAS PAGEANT i;s,',!;r:l SJS^T^Si helping hand where you ran. 1,1 of the activities committee. His as-j charge. Gran.l Knight F. A. R.'.ney I rharge of the meeting and at th; men froni ' er town hemg ac- ' "If you will not or cannot help us vocal selections iri keeping with the vain, Relgium. where he was or- sistants are John Devlin, John Con- • expeets to announce a busv sched- r'.nclus.on off ather Delaney «ad | companief0 d her Islocin. pastor spirit of the Chri:stma s season. The Missionary Confraternity of darned on July 2?, IK?."., by the Rt. gt the orphan asylum, what shall ,,rPSS nors, Albert Galbraith, Patrick Sal- ule for Januarv and Februarv. ^e administered the Holy , ()f i.l Father Pukulik, program w ,11 he an %e do with the children who are the Namp n aI thp m, n ,rPSPI,t Included 'n the Christian Doctrine will hold a Christ R«-v. Bishop Jacobus Cattoni. Father mon, James Cavanaugh, Joseph St. Philip's ' schooi building and \ , ; l - : ppa; - mas i ngciant i wards of the diocese? Many poor The meeting closed with the singing instrumental pre-entation of liacii's the auditorium of, O'Callaghan had studied for five Goodrich. Robert Hell. Gus Mil'er.l the Knight s of Columbus building at io, and also ;i mini St. Mary of M people who always gave generously of "Holy God, We Praise Thy Nam « h risi ma - Orator \ church at Third years at the Holy Ghiwt College of William Redman, James L. McGuire, Crafton w ill both be used in the De- avenue and F. r When they had the means will fail ber of brief des« ri ptiye notes by M, street, Pittsburgh, ¡he University of I.<>uvnin previous Patrick Leonard and John Nealon. cember 2X event, which is to include FRENCH JEW, CONVERT. on Sunday ev. U this year through no fault of Josephine M,Orai ntr. Ilecember 1S, lo his ordination. a floor show, dancing, cards, bowling, >ind on Tuesday evening, D theirs. You who have means at all 1 Will p 1*0v lde the VIoc a 1 * nt ei t ainment Soon after his ordination Father ping pen amu .-e 1 20. Must take up the burden they were ng, bingo and ot hie r ST. PETER'S SODALITY MAKES STORY PUBLIC Tea vv:ll be ser veil following com I (i'( 'allaghan came to the I liocesc of ment.-, Fifty lad jes, wi vi of the plet ion of the pi .gr m. Mrs. Man The pageanl ill portray scenes Pittsburgh and his first appointment Compelled to let fall. Take it up as OFFICERS ELECTED relative to th. • thanks offering to Almighty God council members. y en •V .P T. H oran and Mr Frank .1 1 ana irth of the Infant was as a professor in old St. Mich- , j GETS NEW MEMBERS p >•• Savior, such a for your blessings, and make up to rolled im commi ttees an a- pa I'he Annunciation," ael's Diocesan Seminary, Glenwood. "The Nut i vi tv the children for the blameless failure BY DRAMATIC CLUB troncs -« - of th«- cani p a rt¡y , and M II« The following air e member- of the ••|'he Adoiotion of With the closing of the seminary, On Thursday evening at 7 ,'<0. the the Shepherds $f these others. twenty- five younp: ladies. da ughters in rge: M - - 'The Adoration of Father O'Callaghan tilled parish Feast of the Immaculate t''p- of mem be rs. are aides on th .' dance Pempsev, chairman; Mi - Clara the Mail." and many others. charges in Hollidaysburg, Sugar "Last year we were compelled to At a meeting held Friday night, t.ion, 38 camlidates we re reeeiv«*«! I niu-ical arrangement, under Creek and Cameron's Bottom, and collimiti a 1 finir „Ith ! w.-ntv-five g1 P.ii hioann. M .-v Josephine McGrail. December the Marian Dramatic into the St. Agnes Sodality at St. Is •ct ii.i of Frederick Dildine is was then made pastor of St Philip's ¡korrow money for actual necessities he h: Í th«' su Mi - Ma reel I a Comes. Mi « Manran 1 Wt the orphan asylum. This year it club of St. Peter's church, South 1Vt church, Sout ide. The . arranged that it bien« s in beau- churc ft on. in March, 1879, in g I" ¡de being high school | friend make pi He. lv, T. Murray Qlionnell and Dr. Side, held their annual election of uli dates listened t< each scene. 'I he singing h«' w as pointed pastor of St, Itta been impossible to borrow, ami The i incil during the past splendid , P A Mr \leer. fully with Many bills have had to be held over officers. The new officers are Rev. sermon preached bv the Rev. Fred- ill be furn shed bv the « hoir of St. Marti n's ii ch. New I terry, where year ha - 1 verv successilii l in get- 1 that fir t in Aides to the committee in charge ¡faiting the returns from the Francis H. Rieke, president; An- erick J. Se i be I ,,f St. Joseph's l ay's chur h, assisted b y members he s erv < ting the v ..uni - folks of the < "h artiers include Mis Ruth O'Honnell, ¡Miss Jjrfstmas collection. 1 bee, there- thony Werner, vice president: M i ss church. North Side. Then, having f the ( onfr aternity. The e will also or ut til Vallev to nm.k e the beaut i f ully ap i îïj'l. In !, he Madeline C,mt . M - - Vnn John-ton,' in, of priests and people that they Cleo G ut hoe ri, secretary; George pledged their loyalty to the Bless«»d e violin sel ections bv tin Kahr sis- was c on o to establish the pointed club house their own for d I Fat Mi-s ( i escenl a Da • hbach. Mi - fly to the support of the orphan- Adain.-, stage manager; (reorge Mother, they were received into the from si eraden. The 1 ghting ar- Holy- Nt monthly socia 1- and « Alice I ang, M ss Flla Mae Mi X'.-er j, and that their generosity on Klein, sergeant-at-arms, and Charle. Sodality. After the reception the inurements will be ha ndl. il by How- serve i Sixty mem hers of the < "hartiers and Mi-- Mildred McAteer. Blumberg, chairman of advisory al ('at he ard John;.>n of Sheraden. years, and in March, 18',)7, received is Feast of the Tlirth of Our I.ord Council I'.owl ers' league, c aptained ! board. French a his appointment as pastor of St. be worthy of Mini in some meas- le, have' at Solemr Re •diet: The Dramatic club will .ire.-ent bv I'n ident Howard P." I • church, C ville, where ha bv heing adequate to the needs bv Fathers than :'••) years ' the children at Idlewood. the pia* "U i the red Fl .wet , • . NOVELIST AWARDED Franci- hospital next \V,,C, , Christmas Music Thursday. *"Al in former years, the eollcc- ( | llUCP ¿P Of to be taken un at all the Masses evening for the entertainment of MEDAL BY GERMANY I in IV tv r than 1 ather Christmas Day «ill he for the I he Pittsburgh ( atliijlic >i ill - I.IOI HI point hans. The Reverend Pastors »ill be to publish ( hristnias ( »'Calli e.-thood. The pleased to read this notice at the CHRISTMAS NOVENA music programs to be ^i\en \ .1. Dud in Rvau, A' F., ..asses on Sunday, December 11, ENSEMBLE TO PRODUCE iii t he idniglit and ol her Ut. K' M g' Mb. ri M Brlguf's church. Pitts- d Sunday, December 18, recom- School Notice AT ST. ANN'S CHURCH Masses on the treat I east ¡in lie- 11. ,1. Devlin, nding the cause of the orphans CHRISTMAS ORATORIO Day. but choir director* a nd ; Jame- I. it. Stephen's church, their congregations as an oppor- The parish schools of the pastors should keep in i i nd hur .1, Me- i-ere ordained together Ity to exercise the highest form diocese « ill reopen following that t hese program- niu-l first id es V. Wilt. i ;, about -ix weeks be- Christian duty, with the greatest the Christ mas vacation on b. submitted to the ( hurch 0'( 'allaghan re«'etved urn in gift-giving pleasure. l uesday, January '., instead ol Mu-'c ( ohiniission; ( ham-erv F i 1 A in I'!.,' | 10 11. vutim - will he ,. I every Sacred Orders in Belgium M -gr. "The amount contributed for the on Monday, Januarv a- an- li. building, 125 North ( raig i • host to the evening at 7:.'.0, followed by Ben< Ryan and Father Devlin will, "hans, with the names of person« nounced in the Official School p street, for approval before l)to children «i of Holy Family diction of the Blessed Sacrament, volente, observe the diamond anni- trihuting one dollar or more, will Calendar recently printed in The -oloists ar-' I.vda Smith Fleti- instance of Rar« von Ha they can be published in this ( irphana Km irth, on Wednes- | There w ill tie a Mass every morn- niversaries of their ordination to the to Rev. H. J. Gilbert, treas- The Pittsburgh ( atbolic. ner, soprano; Mrs. !.. Wallace Ohl, Mezaeii, it was p. urn -paper. day evening. I ember 2S, with ing at S o'ebn'k. priesthood next June, and had Crafton Station, Pittsburgh, The change in the reopening I cori« rallo; Matthew Ka mer, tenor.l honor was ex'em This k in accordance with date was made this week by Thomas J. Myrn acting as chair- This devotion is one of the mo-t Father O'Callaghan lived until next land K. Clair A iderson, bass. Ly- j (,f her dr-ttngi i the ruling of the Most Rev. man of coirmi 'ti All members in- beautiful ceremonies in the M i- July, he too, would have celebrated 'Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Paul K. Campbell, di i man Al my Perkins will conduct and j vivin. great Bishfip. and no exceptions csn terested will be elcome to attend ronite Church. The noyeiia will the' completion of his sixtieth y«a* ocesan superintend ent of the o.-, om pa ni in« nt - will be played "tory w sich ¿i. ef be made bv this paper. «+ HUGH C. BOYLE, the general entertainmen arting j conducted by the Rev. Father K in tits priesthood. schools. bv Mrs j. R. McGregor, pianist, prejent sge "Bishop of Pittsburgh." at 7:30. J Basil, past«». I and Dr Caspar koch, organist. i TWO IfcltaMtshed ' ' < < THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Thon» Court MSt THI'RSn.AY. DECEMBER II, INf

PASSING REMARKS I Church Music Commission I ibos. Kr* < . A Sander Iw r k. Hi 1 HF EDITOR S mmmmm !•« N Dithririg* Street KUklanrf Station) Pitturargli. Pa t'KNN AVENUE at SEVENTH SI (Pitt Tbtatrt) PITTIBUftOR Whin priests and others who ( he received notice from R have a proper regard for the pro- .struction Finance fori imh\ ini \i i H \s i > I Catholics at Guadalajara Arp prieties cried out in protest last j Cleveland head<|iiartei - n| I HI M \ss Put in Jail for Attending •unvmer against the shocking inde note had lice" assisrne the HFC White Transfer & Storage Co cency ot the st;les of bathing suit« by the Pittsburgh bai k. and thai I he I ifl erlorj t.. th. Höh (ih. Worihip in Public worn at public resorts, the «ophis the RFC expected the bruisci , 1er t hi- Creilo, the pr • MOVING, STORING AND SHIPPING ticatM aneere. No le.»s a j and finance» and wondoi . whete P t h» Papal Fncycli" al "Acecha body than the American Associa-1 der t'ne sun he i going to get :U><< 1 le \ a A ni ni i ' One of (he»- is the Passion tion at Pools and Beaches, in annual j $1,000 to pa\ otT that not« a' m ll..1 h he •s* i linn h at faiuiiaja. The rh,,n*-a 474-47S Convention at New York last week, turity, recall.* that (Jen. Chart«-» four an .« Mexi.-o (1 it\ . (¡u.vlalupe raised ite voice in protest against Dawes recently got a loan of . of 1 ' r e i'.p "' j unite, 1 w I he - a nt I us Swiran, president of the Kenny- his 11,000 note If Uncle Sam ran II the w hol e Amer group to rinsed and has !„.-" i- ali ,,»r, ; upon e altar > , hoi j , i s the I orii (¡oil ALLEGHENY VALLEY WOM Park Amusement Company, afford to loan such a sum a« $KJ. t u rned orei to the -e,r, tary of t h e i time- th pray w a S ; tir Ire heavens anri the earth •mi the reaolution was unanimously i Otto ooo to one Chicago hank, u t, I - a \ e treasury for any purpose for which ces ne\ e i j the t" ipproi II of Thy glory. Hosanna in THF FRIENDLY BANK adopted by the delegate*. Kenny- | can't he i>e just a little hit lenient » v. : t 1, he ma\ see fit to use it tf h speed ¡ the al » U » * I iu Sanctus, toge'he- wood Park and it» enormous swim- ; with the small-time business man M deci; has alti Wl Mas h. I'r. 'a... forms one hymn Prior to this three ehurehes had ming pool constitute the playground ; who, through no fault of his own. Br - ab ment mil ; Pli,.,,i I .i i" tin conclusion, or responsi beer closed by decree of President Armstrong County Trust Co* for thousands upon thousands of suddenly finds him elf owing I'nclc • pay ari d honor . ' > ' w n lili- I 11.or makes to the , hant Rodriguez: San Juamea at Tacuba, PMtaburghers every summer, and Sam the comparatively insignificant KITT.ANNING. PENNSYLV A NI A rem n:iint . TI M a-s n f Hnlv Sa priest The are taken San Andres Acahualtorgo at At rea the Costumes seen at the pool there «um of approximately il.OOii" lio chant Ht the OflVrt the hfth chapter of the poialco and the Church of the In Largest in the County—3% ON SAVINGS—%% last summer occasionallv were so iry. 'ri n a utiPiit tini't s ', Ile fait] iful I'r t I aias, where he desenlie- a carnate W< rl ¡v Mexico City. Our Motto--Courtesy and Service "daring" and indecent that the at- people of Ireland \ numi»' of Catholi, « in (iuadala Kf, to >mr nuivi« at»' o nlu-day I y vision of l he angels sur tendants refuse.l to permit the I "n exacting an unholy jara have been imprisoned on Ilie am ,u t t he H • « i y young women wearing them to re i ' " of glee oui of the predica charge of attending "public wot nt ln wh,rh cm i tlìi ìr y «- Sa'-, tus main in the pool until thev had | J"* , England now find» -hip," because many bad to .:« d sehi ut «»'ntimpnt« ; they otf. S'ir" '¡i- is the hymn of pno-r UNIONTOWN, PA. donned more conventional garb. .herself as a result of hei war debts It y • ri the steps *• ! in the streets to angel ( hoirs before the throne Brady McSwigan. son of the late Cmted States. Enirland and . mt. iid front of th< churches during Mass ,1 Mil I j pi" ' I I il -¡Hiring it W)we intuid: "Andy MeSwigan, prominent Pitts- I sy mpathizer yoU know, have and fervor when they were to find room burgh Knight of Columbus and | r'CMJtl> b"'n *' using the Irish of the out, that rit I i np U', ( )ffiT{<» angels in si n,| recitine within the churches. X« only one CARTER ICE CREAM bueineae man, has been manager of al1 things UP t0 ami including high non ai h i Id i en ) I In tv we -h. to prepare on priest for every 25,000 inhabitant? A FOOD — NUI A FAD' the park since his father's death I «reason the Irish i.eople are i a \ pa > UNIONTOWN, fk he united with tl is allowed by law il th.- State "f over nine years ago, and after not- ** unfeeling ais to withholwith'w d pa\ the I dren I I'res. Kali th.- life to comi Jalisco, and these can officiate only ing the extremes in bathing suit ! ments of th. lauri annuities to Iii in tl pu I wh>> .pirn lia I We will r,c j corpi angels- tto a>.ia>.i... t in «he churches for which they are atylaa as exhibited at the pool in | '"•niflish government mu-l Uhu find piare s woithily registered, it is impossible to have j go into the question of the land ai ,1 Ut a 11 nn t. Thus Saneti hie is»»ll park, deluded that it was enough Masses on Sunday to enable beet to «trike at the root of the evil, j here but suffice it to -a - exp i-jirlv in NEW BUENOS AIRES ti ve is for tin- nut h or ,i with the all those who w ish to attend to be Ha therefore led the fight in the th"< lnsh rla,m t,,r> ,lon ' s »'.( i,IM It i n f 1 a V te.u i Ma 1 |,r " I'he accommodated w ithin the edifice. T he lh undays. In this prayer, 11k« Ho ua in ARCHBISHOP NAMED •Convention at New York to make it I *">' ' annuities to Eng k' ep tlie, parish srho, Amen" and P"'ice ordered all those stai dug out lan,i -e sp«-ak for inanimate natun won I -II, I k e known to the manufacturers of I - '-"gland is claiming al! in :uid pa move oil. S. mon<, daring that it is the work of C.- "Alleluia leb row w o rd and is an ide t he chut, he nu Buenos Aires, Dec. 5.—The Moat bathing auita that the proprietors of I >' »"d neither side will "give lochial, in Mai ¡toba aine a 1 refused to n 1 England, moreover, refu»e» to piai im: and thanking 11 im for tl io v ful greeting, a- ' • I, but others Rev. Santiago Luis Copeilo, D.D, awimming pools and bathing beaches il the Cinteli Slate h s pay 1 COLLEGE EDITORS , I submit the annuities rjuestion to a lpnal entr\ of the th p rommai w. imprisoned ; lit ilar Bishop ,,f Anion and Aui- do not care for such indecencirs as their share of the pu t schooli I benefit we derive •herefrom. Tl neutral «iriiitration commission, as I l'riest, while offering the bread ai in .1er m ; may also will have t" p: a lì il e in additici lliary Bishop ,,f this diraese, haa the modem bathing suits bring. His . ... r> , burden I w i ne, to which lif has added son ' Sa ve u-, w pray!'' The New York Newspaper Declares been named Archbishop of Buenoa resolution stated that the current ! «"Kiresteri b> the Pe \alera ir<«'r of t a v a h' and -uppoit- water, ex presses the same idea; I II- . ail'I th.- Hen. 'dietlis are both Aires. tendefwv iti bathing suits has al-| Schools, thus Brown Incident Indicts But it hnrl nf ... knowledges Cod to be the Cr. rito ', the 117th p «aim, which re Monsignor Nicolas Fasolino, pas- ready gone too fai and, if eontin- I " * * " »n<'»ner color • a - u r \ of tin- foi Irresponsibility w,t1,hh I Preserver and Ruler of all thintr thf Messias, ind m the Cos OBITUARIES tor of the Church of Our Lady at aed,eed,~ will provoke wide»preawidespread pro-pro- ! * the EnglisEnglishh wwar-debt» s to the sk of olir children, t'-i ¡and he prays God to n - ri be the triumphal Balvanera, has been designated tMt from the average patron „f| Crated State*. In thi« instance, e system in us par pel which , j lakers of His Divinity, u a? He ent of .If Jerusalem on - I', -hop of Santa Fe, and Monsijrner •wimming poole an little pleasure, and his opinion is porta nee, likewise, because it has seventh year, was born in [,»• niade •wnniuiil www I . , . .* , taxation , and t hi- A re hhishop has descend upon the altar n reference lo the individual feasts, l'i ttsburgh anil received his educa Batehineon Mild the fad for aeanty J, "vcellent Irish been for red to ta ke 1 he tlrast ic step » form of bread and wine. r. •gret all his hi hi- arti hatfcmg euita followed the appear- I Dublin, organ of the I>. suggesting the sentiments with tit •n in the parochial and public that lu- armoni leed tills week. The I I t remember the en- pi rompt ed th.• presi.den t of the u LITTLE SISTERS AIDED anee a? the Olympic girl contestants! government and edited by 1 i which to celebrate each one. It. • elioolsl . He was a vet'era n of the i, - r.- : • yt o a t re - II11 wil l be v v a I ele 1 d ivith inte• I e ^ ' 11 ance Je-us into Jerusalem on "Ofí . Plttshurghers. A leading edt- j chants." Ar -my ot Occupation in ( le, many fol It is not 1 'he mista BY CHINESE MERCHANT large r•ou i m u r is da nge ro usly comment sment of the week of His Ktampleti of the Olfeilot) a post-war period Mr. kee f.- had u ,11 pe rmane ntly d ark. n tin- you near makni|¡ the ni OA e that wa • Passion, ^nd, considering His sutTer- be. • p per-s Com Hangkong, No . 2v A wealthy ealled that two of the most famous . lislio The third Mass of Ohristmas day: en employed by the k' ill an - selt-es• tee'in. it will ha Th made b\ Archi P Si iinot. inlis alni ileath, * e • h.iiilii welcome Chinese merchant, Mr. Aw Boon- Of the American mrl contestants in I _ ' E"tiah government arid the "Thine a ri the heavens, and Th tie pan.v since T.' 1 7 served every re, rpo Br t i h 1 1 her, can lu ' lio disi uission i e a • ¡ni in a i incerity ari l truth; 12 I «le finals at Ix* An*eles-Eleanor ' ' , »"fc '« to understand Besides his father he is -urvi • ii abides in his nu law. ha- just donated $40,000 to the tive t" Mie jut of t he < 'at 101 1 ic i* the earth: the world, and the full- represent to olirseli es the I.asl Holm and Helene Madison— ap-1 * |'ul* bft*r toda> lrish art: by one brother, Thomas It hi >-i. if ing reminder of 1 ttle Sisters of the Poor here ta citizens iti (leni audi hat an e <|UI- ! nés» thereof hast Thou founded: Judgment and the entrance of the peered for ene of their eventa in jtuHe on, lh' P»> ment of the annui-i n k' 1 I.os Angeles, Calif, and five sisterss.. I off half-cockedhalf-cocked.. His courage enable them to erect another build- table e of the Iinibi i >ne\ j justice and judgment are the prep- I.ord into the heavenly .lent-aleni, aueh abbreviated costumes that even c tax in. Miss Eleanor Keefe of Baltimore, avowal of error would seem to ing which will hold 125 aged poor. an altogether unexpected suddenness 11 be t! ferred to the Cathi aration of Thy throne." where the choirs of the bles-ed will A« manager! of the Olympic games Mrs. (' J. Smith and Mrs. O. G. | diente that he possesses too nui Their present buildings have oc- j they have been put Ine choice of m I in more tha M ass for the Dead: "O I.ord Jesu- welcome I Ilm with the Benedi ls would not countenance them and - Hornhofen of Chicago, and Mrs. T. moral stamina to allow himself commo.jatior.s for 100 old persona, in A inerir comnúinitv at tin Christ, king of glory, deliver the ,st.c. Cvril a i d I- pbrt'iii teach u forced the two girls to return to I P*> K ^fjr debts, honoring their S. O'Connor and Mrs. A. K. Blu me remain unduly cast down, b it are quite unequal to the de- Itrop a j tat >f al the a I u! doparteli lo he continuel i I their dressing rooms and don more i sol,'mn obligations and thereby. >n souls of Pittsburgh. The episode will serve another u: mand- on th. ir -pace. M . Aw, I they themselves say, crippling Biit toward H i ver. a> m ! from the pains of hell and fro m the eonsrentional garh. The funeral wa- held on H'ednes- fui purpose if it helps bring 1 though not a Catholic, ts well known ain economically or boldly default a.- wp r ¡ve any public tax money j deep pit. deliver them front the jaw- day morning from the residence of to collegiate editors what th. for his kindness to the homes for the Death last week claimed the Rev. j ing The \ery same newspapers [ for the support of of the lion, 'est they fall into dark- Th, organist named below has not hi « sister. Mrs. Blume, 111.'! Dor- editor brethren in profess a fen all over the Far East. Father Frederick W. I/Onginus, aged which for months past ha\e been will immediately inter a series ress, and the black gulf swallow ¡ complied with the regulations and mont «venue, with Requiem High journalism leal 8ti years, who would have been or- : shrieking for our complete starving of annoyances, ;f obstacles, :n them up. Hut let Thy standard instructions given by the Pioeesan Mas following m St. Bernard's This is th t r. N t.MKI) CORRESPONDENT dained fil years next Friday and out because we were not paying ¡the conduct of ,,III pat schools hear. r. blessed Michael, bring them Music Commission The name will chun M i Lebanon Burial took speech pre> who had served as pastor of St. j what the Rritish claimed wi I : that will bt •aia nt. sa\ into holy light: which ot old I hou in this column for one month what is spo it,oiieil U , iiiiigton, Dec. !». Dr. Max !ace 111 ( aivar - John the Baptist church, Pottsville, | now eal' on the British government the lea-t didst promise unto Abraham and his and then the individual named will , P > remeterv. upon liabili >r mis- .lordati, one of Germany's most dis- for B5 years. Until these fact« were I itself to follow Ireland's lead and (In the t he double ' seed. We offer unto I'hee. O i.ord, be "disqualified" unie.s the Bishop Use. inguisheil journalists and the author revealed at the time of the Heath of. refuse to pay - with this difference system i a X a r le most hur- this Sacrifice of praver and praise: ¡ or the Music Commission has been i Mrs. Ellen J. Courtne> ( oil. ciati i*-'.mc> of numerous writings for prominent Father Longinus, it was thought in ¡that what we were railed on to pay densome and unfair tlie ( alholic In Thou receive it on behalf of til' ni r» y a written statement ba t Mrs. Ellen Josephine Courtney, betraved into lnthscrei ulteiai American publications, has just been th» niant ie> have been •or age 7!t years, died at her home, through desire to d the Diocese of Pittsburgh that t'»» j ¡» not due and no agreement signed people, I« :n a M'!I-P > of the verv .ouïs of those whose memory we thi •-1 nt. i named correspondent of the N. C. W. 1, to Hev. Father D. J. Devlin, who s '•a and ratified on the part of t'"e -tate backbones <»f our pa ,1 S Y - lav recall; make them, O 1. '••ted. j Churchill, Dunbar, Pa., Tuesday lectual independence, t i uphold an C, News Service for Germany. years of age and who will be or make« it due, whereas in their case Mrs. John F. Meyer. St. Boniface morning. December 6, at 7 o'clock ideal of free speech w lem. upport our s i'hoöls and pa .s from death unto life: that life lich may h. . . •— dained 60 years next June, held the they admit the justice of the Ameri 11 ut children a rei gioii« edu .vhich of old Thou didst promise to church, Penn Sta n. Pa. ,,f complications. She is survived by stimeyvhai \agiielv outlineinedi in reeord for length of service as pa« can request, anil there is » signed • i the following children: Agnes B. of. minds. No editor worthy of t n m lift siiti',-!. ne ni u-' Abraham and hi" seed." tor in one parish. Father Devlin ha« »''d ratified agreement binding | Charleroi, Pa ; Mrs. Patrick Bain, name will ever be content to remain ificoi and must be; The Prefare been pastor of St. Stephen'« church, ¡them In a ccordance with the runng Duquesne; Patrick A., Springdale; • muzzled when be honestly feels h. ti 'list ir• ft of t Dominus vobisruin. : Hsseiwood, nince July 9, 1879. or a! "The main argument Britain is \ the M-,st Re- erend Bishop Martin G., Van Meter; Joseph B., ought to speak out. But feeling When a re caillf i j u K- . u m Spirit!, tue. total of more than 53 years, hut using is that the debt installments in hi-- letteer o|f March 3, 1932. the. nunhar; J. F„ Mar G. and Sara is not enough; sentiment must be sacrifie : i u ^ . S i rsu m i orda Fnther Uonginus eclipsed even that cannot be met because of the ec„ Organist and the ( hoi r direct or - „, j , she was'a devout mem supported by sound information and a re m ile h ni Habt mus ad Dom nu m r lf IT)P remarkable record of constancy and : nomic situation. 'Anothe? payment named below are "disqualified for of St Alovsius church for over .sound sense. One who rails, for in- take i gii 111 r t n Grat v aramil» Domino D e o longevity by serving the Pottsville (of £2!>,000,0001 would,' says \e-ter- the ill of Pittsburgh. -0 voars Hlir| 'hei- funeral was held stance, at professionalism in 1 to api reciate it all i parish for bb years as its pastor. day's Condon Observer, 'he a grim Miss Margaret Arheson organist, on .s:ttiirtluv morning at 10 o'clock athletics should be prepared, in the Start the New Year .me o:a y h a \ I > .• ordeal.' The British Chancellor of and Rudolf Eisert, choir-director at Wlth Solemn High Mas* celebrated I tirst place, to substantiate the ex- >n pub c tax muiiPi The I bt w11 h Right Hie Eminence, the Cardinal Arch-¡the Exchequer, speaking on Kridav Immaculate Conception c h u r c h, bv the Rev. P. J. Brennan of Char- I istence of that professionalism; in h thy Spi bishop of Boston, has sounded a j of the effects of payment, -aid S we will pi \ ' Washington, Pa. ^ ^ I assisted by Rev. John as the second he should know what he ¡ti th«* w ; II,' By taking out a policy in the warning against the activities of a upon I et Ii« lift 'I' * * ! deacon; Rev. f. J. Mcl'herr.on as "ill be able to sav if eome athlete them up the l ord, Catholic Knights of St. George. certain group who are circulating | " 'That would be a position id otti politi. We do 11 f 1 Pastors of the following churches b-deacon, and Rev Denis Murphy .-'arte tossing stones toward his own the Lord su A real Catholic Fraternity and attempting to sell a medallion which alike from the point of e ni f. IIS. II •'•'iVPft I el u- a e thank - :.,.' fully responsible for the abuses ,. ,,f ,e ,.monies. Interment glass house If he regards his work as m:i>! r r w hich cultivates works of Chris- bearing a photograph of the Rev. view of justice and from the ir seh' • .f th at day >iir (."d. with regard to liturgical choirs and as preparation for professional jour- was in church cemetery. tian Charity and promotes Patrick E. Power and containing point of view of the possibility and i the m'eanti m It is meet and just liturgical music, which are committed he should be advised that in Catholic Action. Has always particles of earth alleged to be from of maintaining the prosperity of it forji ill OU!i daily the ! Prefa. iff th. Most in their churches. professional journalism irresponsi- Mrs. Louis S. WI met obligations during the fifty- the original grave of Father Power our industry' would he absolute- -, cht • our fr'H,,\ . ri • in ty: "1; is tr uly meet at St. Michael's church. Brad dock,, .. ,, . ., , bility is regarded as one of the two years of its existence. In Holy Cross cemetery, Maiden, ly insufferable." up. H ind salutai y , that we i Pa. (Engaging new organist not ex- Mrs. Mane O I.eary Will, wife of deadliest of deadly sins. Mass. The medallion, together with ' "'If it were possible,' said the im.'- and ir I a mined bv Music Commissioni. Louis S. Will of Carrick, died on I lette It provides Sick Benefits, pre- • warranty, sells for $2.75. London Daily Mail of Saturday, BT is ; tit Eat \l Im maculate Concept ion church, Tuesday mottling. December <•, at ST. \\ \LBI KGA'S, EAST END tection for your loved one- after i Cardinal O'Connell, in whose dio- 'to transmit those enormou this t .ffice t nui'hty, Kverla-t ft ishington, l'a. o'clock at St. Francis hospital. Mrs. death and a home in your old Rrider-ville 1 Will became the mother of a son on fcese the Holy Cross cemetery at sums to the United State« the Would a rg< instit'i- get her wi ft ,So- Barbara church ' Sunday at S a. m., parochial Mass age. S 11 ThursdayTI.....^».. , Decembe— r Ii Complica- Maiden is located, says that the burden on the Rritish taxpayer liege- in 1 h edio , se give th.- Höh- (. Pa. and Communion for the school chil- tions followed, and hen t rt • medallion and warranty have no would he terrific. . . . The peo rurk I have out ,f Lord; not M u re church, Exp. l'a dren; at 10:30 High, Mass and ser Investigate our latest and up-to- save her life failed. She was born ecclesiastical approval and should pie of this country . . . cannot -. I h person, but m<»n. date policies. pay because the physical means l, I ha in Bellefor.te, Pa., and was tie Iteceive no recognition. Residents of i dopet lents. 1 am Thursday earning at 7:30, Holy- the Diocese of 1'ittsbureh who may of payment do not exist y int u it h a f .api il \ with little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel For particulars, write to O 1 eary. i Mrs. 0'I.eary wa•• former- Hour, Bent diction and veneration of be approached on this subject are Irl reu aii d ver; work. 1 can "We could go on quoting siat( company in thi world. He L- tl ly Anne I yneh of Hollitlayshurg. I the relic of St. Walburga. hereby warned to he on their guard anv kit to of work ¡an d give the head o f the Farmers' Nation. P. JOS. HESS •gainst this latest scheme to mulct ments in the same vein from almo? d consider When she was two years old her A Great Leader ( 1 ra n i'ompatH an organizatir Tl differ, k. milting Supreme Secretary our Catholic people of their money. every British paper of importance. great dis parents moved to Pittsburgh and "Let. us now eonsidei a ft-v.- fact: t hat ha.- -uecessfully squeezed ovt settled in Wil' :«o:,. t- school, from The 1 | panic came on in Oct,'.her, H»2i(, the ! taxation (i.e., our rela ed. tlv- wa- a the latter in the cla.- «"^finder. t'unti the deb' owed the govern- of 1924, R league has been having more or less j wealthy is ni y "ne -ivt y-si xth o - t,, do so. ( lar" 'sixteen-year iwritnl K trouble wheedling contributions The sum of £29~¡000,000 whirl and address | She was mat ned to Mr Will in ni er H uff hat, at the end i Miough to make both ends meet, but ! h)>r Chancellor and her pi-es« declar ir>20. to be ruinous to her prosperity rep Rev. VA' 1 he govern nie n t fe the saddest blow of all fell recently iT. LEO's \( >K I II -IDI' 1 Besides her husband and parents, 1 ( 'ainpbeilite pre a chi •r and conducted get dowi > on - ts knee and say a ' when what funds the league hmi at resents a sum of £439,000 pani ,.f whom she was the only daughter, u t he - pi ritual fut in « of a -mall enn- few pray 'ers of RTatit u de ) f it ever I ita diaposal went up the spout in a " But Britain is 'II , Rev. (i u-«-! U-i, -. past,li- tiie deceased is survived by a little FUNERAL DIRECTORS us, not £439,000, but more than ten ; irrelati,.n. Whetho r it wa- lack nf the money hï ick. daughter, Eileen, and her infant ! downtown hank failure. This was of St I/-o's , 1 •r: 1 lunif power or a weak collection M anv . \ mericain ¡K-o|,l e have raved I Mtt about enough to dampen the ar- times that sum, namely, £fi,250,1)00. son. Roger. She is also survived by- th cl- basket, tie- church failed. So Rev- o\ er• the o-reat H ili v |#»r and enthusia-m of even the " * payment to the United States trom an attack c wtippt índay who eight brothers. Joseph, John, Daniel. of ; eremi Huff started a countiy -tore. ' nijflit.l v 2' ä ve t h e dl e vil a few twists ¿ most earnest supporter of the ; £29,000,000 would end British threatened h m pneume Cierald, Clarence, Thomas, Edward The patronali, of n r« ha. e Hhiw, and the latter has announced j prosperity and crush the British Fatlw-r I/i.- hi- new venture i ' his spiked ta il. (It h. li- n,,i very groa this fol-, been d-eyout d iseip Ic- of Ainiee JOHN A. FREYVOGEL i- that it is now existing solely be- I taxpayer with an insufferable ' X i wîial day .wed the church ti' Not con-1 Senipîe McPher ton wh. t e The funeral took place on Friday- _ _ of the "personal beneficences" «ould a payment of o\ 1 Mr*. William Thaw, Jr.. Mrs. J. I £800,000,000 do to Britain '.' V M i- - . foil Miti- -"it. he -..,-!!' 'it t he banking j i i ed of ten but not w•i-elv . Still morning, December 0, from her late busine- -, a'!iiougn ms eìeighbor s ot hers 111 o w of' Moody „ 0. Pontefraet a nil a few others. is the equivalent of i"100,0(l0,00o night II were fi- er- residence. 102 Agnew street. Car- that she demands from us and for claimetl thal he did ne> t know and Sanl l .Iones, wlv . h<•I d forth in Funeral Director Rig _ mon; ( High Ma at l" The recent downtown bank fail- the non-payment of which -he ¡« whether a ^ight ilraft was: the re-.the Sotithland . Rut a n of theve lowed at St. Basil's church. Her S o Vio, k ilonin H eli Ma - PITTSBURGH, PA. ' «res in Pittsburgh have made more visiting us with what is frankly a -tilt ,,f a ti opened wmtlo w, or a ; rolled in '.o i ' n e anno t CIi ñipa re with eight brothers acted as pallbearers. followed ||han one Pittsburgh business man blockade. If her prosperity is ed i el i o 11 at |0:!0 polite invitat.ion to joih tii. - Expe- I he ¡Un -1 riuus Huff w ho has be- Ambulance service to any point in Allegheny County, day or night ;%raader about the generosity of doomed should she pay £2!',000,000 o'clock. tlitionary Foie-.-. Ami -o creditors conn- t he chi.- f farm leader of Modern Funeral Home No charge for use of gueat rooms ~Bele Bam when disaster hits the to the United States, what of qui I'he Mars w 11 receive took over the t.ank l'Ile- ri With a live figured :; QUARTERLY MEETING ial district. One local busi- prosperity? How could Britain ex- Ho'v t'larene.- 1:1 ìmer went itilo the former Campbell ¡te nun 3406 FIFTH AVENUE man managed to secure a loan | pert us to pay ten time- the burden Ma - vator business, and t he most •¡or, ex-elevator .per- IS SET FOR SUNDAY • downtown bank about a year which she now tells America -he M:, he eould rai-c wa,. d.-lits at'.l il -to re keeper ha- MAyflower 166S Residence HAmI Mlt ^ and by judicious use of the cannot hear herself without ero Ft itla II N u gagf - \ liti Ibi-, ton. e ti te reti il!. Today, he i Mn I The regular quarterly meeting nf then received has managed to ! nomic death? H the limbo of the foreottenten. of the figure« in the t be Pittsburgh Diocesan 1 mon Holy the doors of his place of busi- j "Yet, Shy lock-like, she derm' • I, Persi-tency, ti .-..»m-"tuee peop'peopler , i - story, IS g cry from \ Society will be held next Sun- Open during the black days of j the last farthine from u-. America am0 III MAN \(.E VA TH AN R \ILH their crea tesi a And Reverenti the day en he got thirty cents afternoon. December IS. at 3 Directo* raeent past. Then his hank asks from her nothing like the same tlav Hu tV took up it m leadership, in the tion basket on Sunday i „vioek ¡„ Synod Hall, Craig street. er rnT right in his face, sweeping payments as she tries to extort from j Vatican City, Dec. 10 H i- Holi- Si noe bf wa- : failure Catholic I mon and ^ -pi,,, business to be transacted in- Joseph A. Crowley 2510 Center A •very dime he had in this us. Nevertheless the anger against j ness, Pope Pius XI, is examining j farmer's souls, he decided that he Times, Buffalo, N. V. cludes nomination of ofTiccrs who ^ Ha wondered what was go- America in Britain today is rising into the proposal submitted by the'would he a success at saving the, will be elected at the March meeting. • happen to his note which that to white heat. What does Britain Italian government for the adminis- i farmer's surplus. So he became a Wd, and if he eould transfer expect our feeling towards her tojtration of the Vatican railway, I great farm leader. About the only fellow we know Many a stock investor's money eolvent institution. He be? Does she expect any gentleness which the Italian government is to Now this i< no fairy story. To- about with anything left in his sock has vanished in bubbles but the new M. A. HANLON, Funeral Dir: ng in wondering, however. from the United States when the | manage for the Vatican at the lat i day Rev. Claretu-. Elmer Hum.-Jxmisulle Times. 6350 FRANK5TOWN AVE. ™2± fe PfeüMDAY, DECEMBER IS. IMS Established IMI THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Phon« COnrt MSI THRU Potter YAROSZ KING FIGHT PLUCKY ST. JOHN'S A Mortgage Certificates SPORT . Timely HEADS ARENA CARD T FM Kappan and I i Raymond, T LEAGUE IS STARTED Comment prompter and matchr iker, re? pec - 'ax Free In Pennsylvania GOSSIP tivèly, at t he Nor' H Side Arena, I have augmented a dr R \iHMM|Mttu* Mi'«» j St. Joseph's Five, Champions of pre-hoi i :ay 3% Mortgage Cer- "Strip" Grade School Cridrlers • ports ason with ti j rematrh^ng V0fM'mf** are free of the Last Year. Launch Defense Eat Big Turkey Dinner as of Teddv Va rosz of M ç a a and E of Laurels With Win IT S UP ro PIN Jack » Kin* of Litt! Kock, Ark. Pennsylvania State four 'Jack' MrCabe's Guests King is a member the stable » F TIN TR their eecond which includes Jack i Field*, the I Mortgage Certificates to i The South Sid« Catholic T/mgue F to hp n tam The r 'I he St. Joh: million, and is n<«t fTv I P » ™ yield ^5.40 per annum for I fr m p M ..ampio-: a-s far as •K wi the Ha i O which the Company every ¿100 ;nvestcd. Ms battling for I : ned ili» i* being 1 ] •ague this year i j Amt"'-« 'on the place of Fields for holders who are is of St. John's! Potter Mortgage Certificates Pitt hei-f oi W< i •r lose his crown- l rom 11 •ii U hide II. ent* of this state. nearly two i il 11 (i at a ! u r Y a r King met m the are secured by a group of St We and J,». • ni' about a month Dame's 12, • y John .1. M. Mt. 01 A |oa«resident holders, first mortgages on homes to 0 It u a irdent stipi •Wan champ s <>f la^t of Notre l'a h In addii d evening The Mon- »rations and tax-free and small income properties If' ( Oit-.--. 'A '1'e w grout) I, a fev i a split .r !lo»l hmlle Sfi »CMI ihe lri,|*n« le Rcv. cle ! liai th.' verdict Pittsburgh Trust Company. isk^îfror 11. Si Joh Raj mills in addition to a lui Jock Sut her land'* Panthers will noi ohi) ¿ut- I lu* loca la a pn i»-r way and • - S 1 » J v • * 1 'T*ill1 hturt, lit\. 1. . M.rc'1 r Hfdr coupon interest. They are further protected swell cha nee to annex t in nal ional f oot hail 11 tie, hut it will in 'I lie fight • ho bid fair to make addition give them an op pori unit j lo make amends for l»n r "d'il ed h'y I il a be 1- I idai ; definitely decide in being the direct obliga- ugh for an> trami thai Ml arid- previous defeat» in Rpsë Ilo w 1 contesi s. ' >n Januar) 1, i 928, speak was F; (,e ori * ¡H g»'t a cHance at all religious, educa, leir wav. - M tion of the Potter Title and Stanford no*-ed out I he Panthers by a score of 7 lo 6, and on T. Sul! il, of St. I a'h« he whips the Ar- fraternal, social and This year is the sevei January 1, I'1 10, Southern < ali foni ia bombarded (he ail with ^. who it>e ! wili in line for Mortgage Guarantee Co. Inanimation f or tile M rfBMT non-profit institutions, forward pao»« •> and ran "p 'hi- record total of <7 point«. : of r "Mira- et i : e wi Iterwoig-ht untler Ihr capable ¡fad»' ai:ainM only II for Ihr I'lttvbiir uher». 1 he latter »ill be Ho ever, Y»ro»t in- A pd all Pennsylvania cor. Issued in coupon form in I>r L, Ii liciiiimut-r, slight I.> in ore than anxious I o squari accounts for thai un- •irr« w ra ÍI of the National locai íjHwtsman and pi;. merciful drubbing. lioxi i ."ti lo-t week when I L •orations paying a state tax amounts of #100, #200, • .'•••.-(• sfvtn -.-ear* ti r»-: :.%.•>! to »11 ow him Quit i: nal vi ralb.. Pittkòu rgh f an? t.hink 1 ! 6 Pani er« are capai y etk their capital stock, may #500 and to run (or 'f play hai reached a hi« a Imut with Paul #1,000, of w aippo: étroit, '»ì auít of a , E invest their funds in Poner 3 or for 5 years. maki I I*- of the He,t organized in the Pilts- li ti on was pronounced y the N". B A. phy- C Writ» or Call for Booh I* t No. 1' The ph's Vince.ntians, j n Fonts still claimed C last year's champí, opened the:: s ill, Y aro: z was sus- \ Potter Title and Mortgage Guarantee Co, home -.ça - O TI on Saturday evening now a si in ail Ti hva. boy nmst fulfill' A by defeating St. John the Baptist, | Fourth Are. and Grant St, Pittsburgh. Pa. for a particula i lie stated that his contract to meet Waiker ami Make Your Reserva- 39 to 22. thus enabling them to WH AL IS « HI I N(, HOW m he had pur- -o regain N. B A recognition be- S • KMH MRJ MM your Book I*t So. 17. during the pa- continue t.heir I erri lie pa«> in win-' or two games fore he can mer;! a chance to meet tions Now for the I "mg 2o consecutive league gam»»*., npHK .f Not re liam.. folli to the wrong •.«• the ledger Field, for the welterweight title. Willi a bewildering passing attack j which he was he. could have Christmtu Holiday O they pellet rat ni the «trip boys' de- ri'f»- LEO I KES \ I ST. VINCENT f»'Hi.-, took the íe-ad and were never happ. Parties N ' h., i 1 , •a r headed. In their play both llipi Fat ih N. of St. Cyril s I at robe, l'a., Dec. 12.—Dr. C. C. § Kapfer am! I,up Bernardini.' worked N sani that !he\ Baldwin of Greensburg spent all Pacific ti» advantage m making »» ft I almi dance oí lake their foot Friday afternoon with the class of 'riously at St pa--i. io i heir team mates, who coast experts Cyril's, believing that its ei physiology at St. Vincent College. I ai con veneti them into -corès. Kgler Notre Dam»* P and charai er building pnwi Dr. liildw.n lectured on the eye and •e-¡M»< an When You "Bring Home the Bakin and li x-ggman hot i, played a fine least, the N I > unsurpassed. No otheolh r sport, he de its various diseases, a matter with Dress Suit Rental defensive game, breaking innum»»r- ! opponents. H it :!.<.. didn't p.a> like it. eia reo, teaches bo v.* So well quick which he is most conversant since i R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R able passes and holding their op- j V'roni all accounl* the Irish repealed all their mistake* of thinking, co-ordinated effort, and the well known as a specialist in 408 Pgh. Life BUf. piment • dow n to a few points. the I'itt game, with a fi» more Ihrown in for good mea«ure. value of discipline. He expressed the the ophthalmic field. Nick Jin olis, sho wed a remarkable lor instance, with fourth down and nine yards lo go in the hope that enough Catholic gradi 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 hooting eye t,y inakiniì baskets second quarter, I he Irojans pulled a »er> obvious forward pa^* schools coniti be interested next sea son to ."tart a conference. Large Enough from ;tll of the fliH>r, run- play which found a Sou I hern • alifornia halfback down in Ihe Help to Build li 1 ! g 11 p a total i«f 21 points for end rone all h> h'm«elf to take Ihe ball for a touchdown. Father Cyril \ "gel of St. Bede's, to Serve You— he even Hi; Bi s Mei artv broke- W here wa* the Notre Dame secondary on that p!a> ? Or didn't II ii me wood, threatened th.- proposed Your Small Enough 11 to the lineup after an absence they think the Trojans would pas» under surh firrumslancesT cot fere nee with plenty of fireworks HILL TOP SAVINGS & TRUST CO. to Know You >I a y< a • and sV owed tliat he can if his 212-pound, seventh-grade full- Again, in the third quarter they trot i arele»« and allowed * Trojan "THE HILL TOP BANK" Community :>e de pen i a.1- a regular in hack grows as much as expected by 7 ded upo to run back a punt for nearly 50 yarils, after which" the Howard Jones next fall. Father James Davin team rushed the hali over for a touchdown oh five or six runnlng ptavs. For John'' , Dawson played a tant at St •John's, and Father Arlington and Warrington Aventi«« BAKER BROTHERS The vaunted def»nse wasn't there under fire I wic» a I te r that Notre hi > round game, while his. Wigley, pastor, completed the list of Dame took the ball down inside Southern Cat's 10-yard line for first THE ORIGINAL WONDER BAKERS Luminal , R. K' ni, put up a whale priest speakers, the only other ad- downs, but each time their "sc.nring plays" were of such a negligible defensive game. dress being produced under pressure character that Southern Cal got the bail without any great difficulty. Ol Friday, Dec. St. Joseph' by "Jack" MeCabe. In other words, the old punch for which Notre Dame teams were once Colts made their debute in the Letters for the season's work were noted quite apparently isn't there any more. It's a tough spot, sure RUHL'S BAKERY WEYANDT DRUG CO. league by coming out on the short i awarded to Captain Raymond Sulli- enough, for Hunk Anderson. Everything that goes wrong is now Specialty Prescriptions end of a 31 to 22 score with the van, .lames Re th. Joseph Lamper- c. H ni'HL. Prw*. Warned on him, and about all you hear now days is how Rockne would Bell Phones—Trafford 9481-9492-9471 strong St. Wendelin five at the' ski, Thomas Garvey, John Gal ie TASTE THE DIFFERENCE have handled the bovs under similar situations. John Larkin. John Illaudzis, Robert P COTtTT AVENUE TRAFFOKD, PA. latter'« ¡1oor in Carrick. *'« * m * 0 m • \ eteran Guard (>ut Guttendorf. Peter Slroyer, James Special Orders Given Prompt Attention WILL THEY MAKE A CHANGET The Go its, without the services Sullivan, Francis Flavin, Fmmett 2700 Main St., Penbrook. Pa. Bell PHOM SSM of their veteran guard, Paul! rT",HE country's football fans are naturally wondering »hat the Flavin, Martin Scanlon, Francis Seheetz, who is injured, gave their i authorities at Notre Dame think of the football situation there, Anderson, Francis McManus, Joseph older and more experienced rivals now that the school's team.- don't prosper nearly so much without Vurkiewiez, Vincent Tuite. and Rich- j St. Lawrence Dux ard Stokes The first nine < f these a close battle for three quarters the immortal Rockne guiding their destinies. The fan's are wondering — . 1. ALL INIUDANCK - of the game; in the final one, Dun- if Notre Dame is willing to go along losing most of its biggest games boys will be graduated in June, while the others v be available hA The Hillcrest and Jordan teams becker of St. U'endelin's got loose every year, or if those in charge of the school don't think it advisable FÄ 7/ KRIS-LAWRENCE COi for a trio of baskets that gave \\ ,/FUUN // SU„. ALL «URCTICI are tied for first place in the Young to git back in the driver's seal again, if po-« hie, by looking forward 3// 1303B them an increased lead which they Th •t d - ninaPKOPLCS« Titus - SAV/NOS- _ . .Cr Mw. TRUSTj ' «VV BLOO.. at Tw>f TT>tWa>d#* Peoples' league by virtue of the to a change in gi Hi con administrat on. ciinccTona THE ULTIMATI OF H9TICTMN held until the closing gun. For "»•PU 5*-' Z . L **a«MCC AHO StRVICt roo tvlltv CWKIIAII Jordan team winning one game out Noire Dame'* record under Coach Anderson is certainly the Colts "Greek" Soinmers played unimpressive. In the two football seasons since Rock lie's death !• Club Wins in Overtime of three, while the Hillcrest team a splendid all-around game and his the Irish have taken part in eight major game* —against lost three more. That makes six teammate, "Cy" Bernarding, played I Irom Cathedral, as Other Northwestern, Pitt, Army and Southern California last year straight games that Hillcrest has* a remarkable defensive game in and this—and have won thiee of them, tied one and lost the Teams See Action holding his opponents at the pivot gave Mike K' >» to N lost. There will be plenty of fire- oilier four. Of course, practically all the other Notre Dame position scoreless during the whole I Both St. John de 'itS ft! works when these two teams meet opponents were pointed for the Irish, hut the four team- men- game. *' Peg" Nied<-rberger led the | Meond week of play in the on Monday evening. Only four games tioned are fixtures on Notre Dame's schedule and always take Shady Side Transfer itr. •lie Lyceum Basket hall League separate the first and eighth place ! Colt •nsive drii a total rank as the team's most imi>ortant opponents. rht into action all teams of the teams. of !' points For St. Wendelin's, Notre Dame's followers could "take it" easily if they tl T. that & Storage Co. j Carli on am Dunbecker led the ST. VINCENT'S PREPS Another new high team score for 1 Notre Dame was losing because of inferior ma't :' a' imt in the activities continue* scor: «•it}-n 12 and 11 points, re Benjamin D. Schwarta one game was rolled lant week and no seen t that the n rial cut there la.'', jear and t Ml iust r. Judging by the large num- vely, with R« gan playing a HONORED AT BANQUET, this time by the Atlantics when they about he best that has ever graced that school's pra Coach r#f apeetators at each game, and I fine efensive game. 1 Moving, Local and Long smacked the pins for a score of 70S. Ali- >n himself i- authority for this statement, lie ai enthusiastic receptions accorded In their second league game the i. Why, I >• Frank Heilman and Gus Miller are and he sa'd it ara n this year—until after the Pitt : i », Distance General Hauling [team« in their home games. ! Colt - came thr nigh with a thri v still sharing, honors for high st ore then, with such g!i-t""a .•* material, does Notre I' up sucil i teams are evenly matched, on Monday evening when they qil for one game with 102 sticks. Mary miserable exhibitions in her "big" games? Pcrhap thi .. .' .••• ties Piano Moving and Hoisting , from the display of fine hasket- St. Henry's on their own floor Re' Costello is still high among the girls | ^ in at Notre llame would 1 ke to know the answer to that question; just I talent, aa the season progresses, or Pre with 140. 81 tme that demanded two extra as would the rest of us. C) S H I >n't Tahe Anybody'§ •469 Monitor Street nal competition should become >ds to dt r High team score for one game fori icie the winner. The •hiffly keen. game finally Itev. O S I! . I Word for III the evening was rolled by the At- j wound up at 30 to WHO WOULD SUCCEED ANDERSON? Fr. Hazel 2200 Pittsburgh, Pa. week the Chapale Cluh from I .'Ifi in favor t dire.- Rev. Fr. Dominic, I lantics with 70S; high score for one of the Colts. Both I oofc With Your Own Roaary parish, playing their u aj1 plaved o.s n , t . cretarv; game was rolled by Ed Hoffmann ' a brand of hall that UPPOSING, for the sake of aurument, that the officials of Notre Eye» for Tin. Ti . 1 game, met the strong Canevin 6X0'.:ie,0 | 'j„ Brinke -, O.S P the with 186; high score for one gaine every department. Dame have decided on a change of c aches. What man or men do A'i 1 ii' ? from St. Paul's Cathedra!. Th«i F' v. .1 Hi among the girls was rolled iiy Mary ' n tlier side conceiting the smallest S t hey have in mind ? Who is the coach who, in their opinion, is best i consistent playing: of the boys O .- R •nior Prefect, Roy with 116. advantage to their opponents. The qualified to lead the Irish warr'ors bacback to ththe gridiron freights v.''ere "lomewood won for them a de- I ram? was close throughout, with tne immortal Knute Rockne had implanted then: t before ¡vii t agic I,'. U" ban •"'"! Han P. Ludebuehl & SOB i victory. This irame was played .Standing of Teams | the lead alternating between the death of March .'il, Hi'M i ' a mad ed a vocal s Penn and Frankatown Its. The final score was W. L. IYt two teams conrinousiy, never more No-re Dame authorities 1decid e io scrap the Rockne , pianist, Kobe Mc- It Means Qualitv Club 28. Canevin Club 26. Hillcrest 17 10 MO than thre^ points apnrt. Tliere were a man woo tencties t' e Wa ner sy*ti*m, fo" instanci Or Daniels tain.-d with a few se- j SHOES and HOSIERY •eon at the regulation time J. Roil, captain of the Jordan 17 10 .630 : individual stars, every man emp'ov a man who received his training under Rockne ai.d who, « We'»« Fitted Feet Ovei 6t Year» i WM 23-23. Both teams turned Kvaline 1<> 11 .593 ' playing his i>osition n expert iv, hut sequeivllj, Uaeiies that sy.-tem? Seniors gave the two coaches, i i creditable performance. It was and his assistant, | Dearborn 11 13 .519 the final fi^hi goal of Lids Kapf -r Ihere have been rumor« from time to I'nie to the effect Mr. M NI' fought battle with little to Mr. Do'nack, a present from th> i Friendship .... 14 13 .519 ! in the second extra period put the that the Noire Dame authorities have had their e»e on Dr. Jock between teams until the clos- team. Numerous other speeches I Kincaid 14 13 .."> 1 II :gam e on ice for the Colts. Sutherland of l'ill; on Dick Hanley of Northwestern and How- [jniautes of play. wre given by men on the team' CHAS. D. GILLESPIE Lawrence 14 13 .519 On Saturday evening, December ard Jones of Southern California. Jone« has ju«t signed another DUNLtVYTftAN^lIN CO Emerson Club team from i ad those who he'.ped the team Atlantic 1 :i 14 • 4SI j 17. the league champs, St. Joseph five-year contract with the Trojans, »0 it is highly improbahle PtTTSeiURfjM Attorney at Law Heart parish displayed a along. j Coral 12 15 .411 Vincent ians, will stack up against that he eould be secured even if an attempt were made to get t «M «34 Pawtk A»»»— Improved game on December Hroad 11 If, .407 ! i '!.t rivals when St. John'.« him to change. It is likewise no secret that Dr. Sutherland is Letters were awarded to Boll,! Telephon» XS0S Court Ifh losing their second league Graham 11 1« .40" ! invades tiie Ormsby avenue court not entirely pleamd with Ihe way things are itoinn at Pitt. captain, Boyle, Dillon, Lenihan, 1 to St. Philomena'*. The final Millvale 9 IS .333 for the r first appearance on the Jock, of course, isn't dissatisfied with his players, but the con- Gladis, C:mino, Kaiman, Horvath, I was 33 to 20. The Squirrel : hilltop, St. John's boasts of a large flict comes in the business office, where schedule« are made, Tomsic, Härtung. Houk, Parsons, I team will bear close watching in Once l sed- Always I'sed ami capable squad a reports are for instance, without consulting the coach. Dick Hanley'« Ri'illy, Benewano, Jasper, I'er- McKees Rocks Tnut Co. J forthcoming games and already natozzi, Shinar, Niznik, Richter, out that Hunk McG •r and Mc- availability for Ihe Notre Dame joh is unknown here at this 4 Per Teal •» *»Tl»g» l showing championship form. On St. Raphael's Dux Zerr, and the two student man- Dougal, ar f Chick Davies' Du- time. CIUHTIKKK tVKXl'R iber 9, St. Andrew's I.yceum agers, Hugo and Corrigan. SSZ quesne ' liversity champions, have HI.I). :vSTY ! egation suffered a surprise set- If a former N, Dame player is chosen for the job, Pittsburghers j The student's choir delivered the High individual honors for nnc welded t' r'M her a team that ¡, set at the hands of St. Gabriel's will vote early and often fur Elmer Layden, wh0 has worked wonders i final vocal number and the director, game go1 to Father Davin with 226; to take rs frolli the cup when the former found them- with the Duquesne University material in the rix years he has been I Rev. Fr. Kdmurid I'IIM-O. O.S.I!., HQ^oaPI WESTERN SAVINGS and for th rei games, honors go to Tom o rí year. The game will defeated on their own floor. in charge of things oil the Bluff. Nobel K zt r, a teammate of Elmer's thankeii those who made the ban- Martin with 540; high teaifi score, negit at y p in. and preparations ! DEPOSIT BANK | Splendid playing of Mishka for on the famous Four Horsemen eleven of 102-1, and who hai's done re- quet possible "BARS. CHIPS, POWDKRS one gante, Duquesne 781 ; high team art; icing madeï to hand!handl'e a large i IN l»iHk*eM »ml ^Oahriel 'a featured the game, markably we!! as head coach at Purdue, is another former Irish star AND TOILK1 SOAPS" Oliver Nations PIIHtarft, Ps. for St. Andrew'*, one of the score, three game-, Duquesne 2150, crow 1 eager to • t hese n;i lira! i who undoubtedly would draw consideration ¡f Anderson leaves. Jimmy Manufactured I".' ling players in the Wgup, Notre Dame has high team score for riva! . in action, he lineups: Crowley is another, and so i.- Slip M adi gan. Aftei all said and done, ST. FRANCIS, HOMESTEAD i deceptive dribbling and accu- one game, 775; Army is holding the Joseph's C F I' however, maybe Anderson will soon i>e tendered a 10-yeai contract to F. L. FALCK & COMPANY JEWELER O (TO* ETUI ST lead in total pins for the season with Jacob,«, f. A public novena to the Holy <"hild hooting netted four field goals work out ii's own sa'vation with the Irish gridders. OI.I» HOXKvrY ST. R. J. HENNE 23,721 for 36 games or an average I^auterbach, f. 1 for Christmas »ill begin this Fri Andrew's. The excited gath- >nrlh Hite rill«hnrBl., P». Gin» for All Omriwi Bernarding, c. day after Mass and continue daily , »lost of them St. Gabriel's fol- i of 658 pins per game, THE BIG SWAP From Knrlnr; to ton. I K SHOO-l-S WIS ( ester AT». IMI titilli Boggsman. g. . till Christmas. were brought to their feet Standing of the Clubs ter time because of the tense- Kurier, c. .. HE acquisition of Freddy Linditrom, the hardy. 21 15 defeated the minims from Pitt Total 7 39' next season. Freddy is a right-handed hitter of the driving, clean- The men's choir will render spe- Army 21 ibriel's by the score of 34 to 28. 15 St. Jo tin's <; F p up variety and lie should fit perfectly into the Pirate outfield with the BROWN'S DRUG STORE I'enn State 20 Hi Flauer, f 0 0 4 Poison Twin.«, the Waner boys. Mt. St. Mary's 1G 20 Daw-son, f 3 2 s The Pirates had to give up Glen Spencer, pitcher, and Gus Dugas, Featuring Our Own Homemade Ice Cream 1« 20 St. Vincent Larking, c 1 •> 4 outfielder, in addition to a huge bundle of cash to get Lindstrom, but ANNE GIRLS FORM 20 SI N. Mam Street GREENSBURG. PA. Marquette 16 Clowry, g .. 0 1 1 if the latter plavs up to his usval standard aft»r he dons a R-ie uniform, Fordham 15 21 Kern, g 0 0 0' the players will not be missed and the cash will return with interest FLOOR TEAM AGAIN Holv Cross 8 28 1 : • Keams, t...... 1 0 2 at the box office. BOOKBINDING — Clark, g 1 1 • 3 Service to Churches and Societies CONNELLSVILLE, PA. girls' basketball team of St. | Paul parish in East Liberty to initi- 1 BOB « \DDKIL LEA\ES at Special Prices ra parish. Castle Shannon, after j ate an intensive program of practice I Total 16 6 22 •ly successful season last year. 1 sessions. Referee, Green. OB WADDELL, who has been on the Carnegie Tech football coach- i ANDREW G. WIRTH 1 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHl'RCH SECOND NATIONAL BANK [aln returned activities for the Followers of the team—and there ing staff since 1920, with the exception of one year, and who has I EST. W YEARS .982-1933. The team, composed Is quite a number—»-ill watch with The Oldest Bank in B actually been head man at Tech for the pa^t several years, resigned I 302 Sandusky St.. N. S. FA 4508 and commercial school stu- great interest the progress of the Scottdale, Pa., Dec. 12.—The Altar his duties this week in order to devote all his future time to his insur- j has practically the .«ame line- team this year and give it their en- Society will receive Holy Commun- a nee business. Bob was a first rate director who aided m'ghtilv in t==^======CONNELLSVILLE, PA. last year with the necessary thusiastic support. At the present ion next Sunday. A Christmas en- bringing Tech up to the top of the college football heap, and his going tftt fwr\w~ «Bents caused by graduation. moment an effort is being made to tertainment will be held in the school leaves a distinct void in the local coaching ranks. His successor has SOUTH SIDE ||PMthful aggregation, which is collect funds to purchase suits and auditorium December 20. not been named, but Howard Harpster, present Geneva coach and for- ' priMd to make a name for it- the sponsors of the team are hope- At midnight of Christmas, a High mer all-American ijuarterback at Tech, is said to have the inside track Washington, Pa« ia the basketball world, is ful that the necessary money will Mass will he sung. The remaining on the job. if handicapped due to the lack be forthcoming. Rival schools in the Masses on Christmas will be at 7:30 Waddell, during his regime a? Tech, scored two sensational victories Fourteenth Street Bank U ill whtch to practice. Un- Pittsburgh district who have en- ! and Ö; at 10:30 a Solemn High Mass in a row over the late Knute Rockne't, Notre Dame teams. He helped " by this drawback, this am- gaged in girls' basketball competi- j with a special musical program, fol- prepare the Tech boys for the stunning 19-0 victory in 1926, and he was GENERAL BANKING N. RATMOND BEBOUT MB will resort to the same tion and wishing to secure a book- lowed by Benediction, again at the helm in 1928 when Notre Dame was crushed by 27 to 7. l«ei CARSO» ST.. PITTSBl RGB that was used lsst year ing with St. Anne's team will be s Rev. Thomas J. Quigley preached I No game was played in 1927. Judge Wally Ptcffei: had the title of Funeral Director ka a weekly trip to the accommodated by simply calling the 1 the sermon on the Feast of the Im- head coach then, but it was Bob who actually did the work of getting j • eailoek OMO-DMI Phone 964-J WASHINGTON. PA- court of Sts. Peter and j rectory, phone Lehigh 51)64. i maculate Conception. J the boys "up" for both games. j FOUR t * h D » h »-H THF PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Phon» COn rt Wl THI RSIHY. T>F.«T-MBF.R 15. ItSI

1 a m e ti M : de fëfed i i • K 1 V H< >1 t s 11K \ c 11 p > \ The Pittsburgh Catholican d al Letters to the Editor llfflclal L>luc*(»an Or|tn ii a ill Oil oi The Irish Situation Days Long Gone ESTABLISHED IN 1««4 Iter, mk, i BY RT REV MICHAKI. OVONNOK. Dp. FIRST 1 s c, rrenahur IÎ Oui I ad< of K jnd V\ nrds Hmtorjr from Fllea of HIHHc IP c>F riTTSHI K'iH .¡M'/U in 11 h on PlibI «hfd Every Thursday In |iriv a ,.,. \ ; i c.rare For th» 1» The Catholic IR 1 litijU^-rie. Holy Nam, THE CATHOLIC PUBLISHING COMPANY I>iij It a ? \|> e t v isiiih 1 7 I eeriihiir g \ ssii m p 11 on HI BrtiKlum-Tr»»» HiiU<1 Inb in A; -S: Pi 1 s 1 ' 111 siiti r gh. SI. Martin •Sereniv fi* "I tars \gu Court «663 FOl'RTH A VENtE .Ii 1 '< Ilriet Hill SI Flecig» i t JAMES M COSTIN EI.I7.AHK.T1I DA ED Th he Kev. \ I (.ri* I he Karls l ru R< .1 ('. Byrne, who WM ap- I' 1 I'll Homotrad st Mnr< Max Editor Kill Jam«' All hid 11 i t a med f,,r A i ("red I •v.! rn.vhuU.r Hi-hop of Pitt». * A. K KI EUER JOHN JOSEPH OOK H ELI Halen irgli -A th the • «ht of -uccessioil, Ï Annodata Editor Met hi AdvertminK Man is»( 'I' i-inl of îl \ i, landr m Se J a m es Mi WI / a rol and t TERMS IN ADVANi 1. 2 Pittsburgh, Se Stani-lan» Rochesi,-•>. On» copy by mill, per jr»r n and 27 Si. Prudent la I ill v I rar« Ago Sitivi* copy 11 Fil»ood I i i. Pu r i ficai ion M hai I onal it lite* C, real new».' Hi id y "f St Mary'* pariah, 9 On* copy by matt. for *ik month* Forsten subscriptions, by mall rp«bu>g. a diocesan seminarian Canada Subscription* THE ORPHANS' APPFAI Ihr Sri ie Pittsburgh Catholic College, a Entered a* Second-' lass Msttsr December 1* UK?, th* Post Office at nttsburgh. Pa., unii-r the Act \ I .f of I h e ' ha r io The Layman's f r it ir h\ March .1. 1ST:». Itisi II lind F ort} \ ear.* Ago le fit rif 'I'll M, Bishop Window • „»„- I».;;« of St Adalbert'» $ PITTSBURGH, PA., DKCEMBHK 1. o I. ., F ••!». of which the Rev. m If ri n at ¡st. Paul's R. "f F.RRKR IC. M kiewr SÄ pastor, are Orphan AsyI I at Bishop Boyle Commend.1« ' P a sa n ! picture 1. the Bishop rf "The Pittsburgh Catholic" inditi ns oxis ting at Ri Julius Kuenzer, aged 57, J the asylum : he p lits out in ap- 'St Tensa' church, Perry* Bishop's House „•uss.-d the pealinp to tl •OSI t v li the I liocese, 1 fi" (rra«| Pittsburgh, Pa , Jul; 8, 1921. of» of \"avier Ilio children li a I ! v faced w Ith the nd th. es.' ["hi .ini îeiii forth I'hirtj ^ ears Ago Editor, The Pittsburgh Catholic. threat of Lei 1 i v\ it linnt SO [lie the Negro, •et the mi; K' .1. F R. gi Canevin, rec- Pittsburgh, Pa. Illing tl m clangi •roii-,i v to bo- reat educa t Pau ' i aihedral, is ap- ] Dear Sir:—I do only scant justice to Catholic Jour in ye n yi of existenee, jir-i' ole a •oadjutm Bishop of Pitta- | nalism in th s Diocese, when, following the example of Th pic to train the right of succession, my predecessors in the See of Pittsburgh, I appoint mes ai Wild w,,od w hot!) ley ma: g., Chris A l-i A I \ irhodil is appoint THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC an official diocesan link n llis arni- and bless d. for arris of the of tin- Nativity of the organ, and commend it to priests and to the people as of su Kingdom of 11 eaveii -need I Virgin Mary church, Union- a reliable journal of Catholic thought and opinion. I the ^enerou help of this vr*'al, a a mi - trust that by their encouragement and »uppers it will edito r- in influence, and become, increasingly, a power hearted dm, •e. It will noi be I e n i e d grow st< th. l: 1»ent) ^ ears \go For justice, for righteousness, and for the advancem.-'.t them, In th care of the-e TUO orphans ei! known one .i - liudviird hip 'Iii 'ina-' churcii, Braddock, of the Kingdom of God in this world. the dioe •e \ ii'. Reverend M I a t hi r. I .-Id Brvee. Sir II- •,.-•. se is doing a valiant work against cele.lirat. - its golden juhilee. Sincerely yours in Christ, I re x e1, their founder M. . H H I ring. Fden l'i.e |real ml Is in these davs of gloomy depres- lid the I os lowing clerical appoint- j| + HUGH C. BOYLE, Bishop of Pittsburgh sion. It .•gitn her vv.irk for the »nidation t her The Il I, VV.'il-, and . V\ W ìs now extremely diffidili even to f thf Sister- of the Rie •d Sacra mer;is a pre announced: The R.-\ Jam. , prvor to St. John » properly feed and cl nient here in our own .-itv of Pitts to di feed and clothe the children, c>k, the Bapti.-t church; the Rev. P. J. * hence the urgent nature of the Imrgh with the Sifters of Mercy. ishop's Quiiter to St. Aloysius chureh, Wil- H Two hun.irerl and eight \ -e-rn I ires e '.ime I, I. I ':. .•, rti I«. V; Christmas appeal. inerding; the Re- . M R. c'avanaujh fl FATHER O'CALLAGHAN -Indents are riow matriculating at iene .1 .Im Uri I - water. .!• Ir In the past the generosity of the good to the I hurch of the —- H rriHK Rev. Jeremiah O'Callatfhan, the Xavier CtiO'ersitv in th»' foll"«ing III .John M i -rfi.-M. I ii". nperiai r "piphany. people of the has been the asy- colleges: 1 literal \rl-, pre Medical, I ra.-l Zangwil! Her Pit'tsburgh. Kiilarnei llei'iinirft Irish I risii ar I venerable pastor of St. John's lum's main hope and by mcarts of it its l'harma. \ and Teachers' c'..liege W C > , :,• said t! . ie Knglif V San Kran.'i.-eo mill'onair, . W len Year* Ago church, Co.vlesville, whose death oc- doors were kept Open. I nder Cod, we hope The late t addition to the "Nov Xavier'.' was a College Hudding liani 11 lion rn. ha.- just present. fit Tht Re Valerian Janda, aged iP, * curred on the Feast of the Immaculate that this past generosity will even be out- 1 (1. CM if I V proper, a Science Ila ! and Faculty ine h hv \ rchliishop ment ni! lit rough Ti, and when •e go ,-l m priesthood next Summer, together with Shaw, of New ( Irlearis, in the près •n |. re pa red a spe er a United lor ^>ara Ago enee of Hi? Kminence Menni- Cardi ro-id -, ft,.r Iii. lim The P Lsburgh Cat h- two other priests of the diocese—the Fit. Bourn pu re h Sister M Agatha Fritsch, for 53 na: Hougherty. of Philadelphia and p!*M- u re t Rev. Msjir. Martin Ryan, pastor of St. CHRISTMAS CARDS 1 on! \ r,111 h 1 ears a member of the Sisters of * The great est need in thf to !>er| no «mail Britfid's. and the Rev. I>. J. Devlin, pastor II.FSS many people do prefer making a g it. Francis, dies. • his da ighter Maude, wl of St. Stephen's. Ms^r. Ryan and Father th secular cards, because they have trained leadership and the greatest In the l.ihrar> r I eland may ricd !" X't! no interest in religion, not even in contribution yet made to th. ad Devlin are classmates of the old St. Mich- D of the Freep State Sena I'he Carnegie l.ihiarv of l'i ael's Seminary. Glenwood. while Father the Chnst-Storv. Many others buy the \ ancement o f t he colored people has the ferver,, Another Bonus he on made h y Mother Drexe] and 1 ris h Tohacci di.-a'bletl due O'Callatfhan was ordained in Belgium cards offered because they are newer and her Sisters of the Hlessed Sa-ra Th.- Re\ an. n.S P. . different. But thoughtful Christian people Dom Sweet m ini mense iticr about six weeks after the other two were j ment. has be•e n coniiui t il ig e i peri books borrow s characteristic of the time*-, ordained in Pittsburgh. should insi hat Christmas has a meaning • in toii i.i, ,- o ra i si ng al 1 ìnrev' persi u ,vho refere nee that thinjf' that should t* jjood aw hern — a meaning which the foni 1 " untj I. Ir. la m 1. reported j bad. It is a long span to account for—almost precious ti W : thi'.r S -1,1. are not ook f of a recent lociure he tnnot afford t" ignore. They a rev leu o their th. depression. 1 1 sixty years of the responsibility of a priest's world itself I P Harr;, Some ma . think the veteran's JM • rk bonus I life, with all that it implies for himself and should makt 11 plain that 1 here is a de- \ - W a fri"ir\ Conn. ad, hut no one can dany Z hori- at Cornell Heights. ither bonus Is vicious. others. Sixty years of life spent within niand for g e uine Christmas cards by a-k had l'enns\ Kama, and is known as St. I or c *hrist ni as •> hopper* Tl - other bonus ha o do espe- i«À the sanctuary, as a mediator, as a spiritual ing for t hem and that earl\ in the season. Flizuheth'-. These Sister.- have a la v f,ir ,r Sir H,. I Ol 1 r>,r»..d" ' ". ' the moment, with mort- ? and Ilia n il Ifac t urer.s may know their founder and leader a noble and • gages. • father, a guide and kindly mentor to those that dealers a I ,e pious soul. Mother Katherine Hrexel, How ha Ai that tiler are yet ( hristians of discern- "pr'.j ^ mortgage has long been reeotf- J entrusted to his pastoral care, must, neces- \ u h o i a- d.-ilii at ed her wealth and tl I nize.i as a legitimate instrument. In * .sarily, have imposed upon Father O'Cal- nient and oil a> n the land. I if,. to the cause of the Negroet and g has bee n tot all > u-l manv" e»*«"' It is a necessary inatru- ft laghan much anxiety, grave solicitude and Indian* They conduct sec.»inlary, | rowing ten acres'ai Kn1 •a r and have al read two a. nt f r s r OUR YOUNG PFOPI.F ign ar, normal n t h * I akf- n i- a pax dutv has T " P™ P* 'ty. for it is a means JJ unceasing care. >r over six ht pou of maintaining momentary solvency Sunt:, lastly, -oil tr I m influence of f'J.Ofin i ' and security. It has often'iieen hon- « During all these years his parishioners NLKSS \vI t hey h:i \mg fo •e that He explained that .Olili Irish Ireland: on goods made in I ? estly and honorably executed for ® one generation upon another has brought about the erection of 'he advantage of many people. To- had come to recognize his worth and zeal, Ü irmers are now rai X. must admit th.-.thatt the young people : Xavier Cmversitv. Besides these day, however, when times are dire H his ceaseless anxiety for the spiritual well- ime iiuant it \ and burg-h, Pa. .works of education, thev do settle I the human vultures that being of souls—in a word, his priestly vir- of these days a re no better or worse than aboi it n of th#> tax on the rn»m r f la v and the immedi;It e past. Daniel wait upon ment w ork nn a ( 'o { the necessities of men have fone in I they should be. If older people see any- f f grow n nr i>t1uct it w.-uM !if i ou •ker;. and \odh de Blaram. for I It i- a matter o ond regret that 1 A Big Chief tues. He had been a model pastor, tender j most v;tin ;a Mr crop. ! -it i! th* p re vx a triple, are r.-pr.-s for the honu- mortgage racket in a S thing wrong, they should look to them- j the .-alls to the religious life to dedi 1 F ( Ti » ago a big wav. I and paternal with waywardness, zealous | govern 11> .» •! »T "i 1 K *, .,• ,T I 1,1, ,C, f -,» n- /1hi< - !» 1 :no « t1 N\ ' N 'IR i A T 5" Works; so 1 - ray. _ ! rate one's self to the cause of the P F re Ilari prie selves first and examine the causes. It is effort - rp reived rio official en, Peaidri r O'llonn.-ll. Suppose a man needs *fi,000 to | for spiritual advancement, exercising a N, gro and hi- welfare have not been iar u med bv admitted that homo influence is w an ing, agemei -.i fact the head of • Mp 'jow tide him over his lean hour.-. He ft sleepless vigilance to keep the flock within as-numerou- a- they should but, in So m e Singular c lin ishions or, in other words, has been on the wane former- ^ministration had A-.ien knows he has a good security. He M the fold of Christ; and. above all. careful j spite of this fart. Mother Katherine] it ;m•-' man t to it..w I t is strange. InoA ever, that the ,|H of 11 lend- goes to his bank. The bank recog- Q for some time. This means that the par- r\ y of the little ones, so that no ravenous wolf j j and h e r co work'-rs have labored and tri bar.-. i 1 rr]cinti " p. the Church and school. If so, they make attention of farm . h roil éhOl' shelves His I eage may lie goo<). the man honotk* K the narrow gate which is the portal of Life i Catholic faith and we find that once | a mistake, because, without the co-opera- count r\ . pru ' ! We and the hank's judgment safe, • Eternal. May his soul rest in peace! the Negro accepts the, he prac j -lied ; ral 1 h Shoe on Cither ^ *w»t ' " Indians to church nevertheless, times being what they tion of the home, both Church and school t ices a genuine ¡net >. I '.i I n, and w ere inuri. d'at.-i', a. Die Knglish new .papers, which for ind t,, work. He not only enriched | are, an investor must be cautious. are severely handicapped. Neither the one Mother Katherine and her Sisters ( claimed as literature of the highest m a n y y ear.- have seen their wi idest itf'it However, if a $fi.000 nmrtgaife is nor the other are intended to be substitutes have made a lasting contribution to work handt-, really necessary why wouldn't it be Christianity and the cCatholic Church I misstatement - about Ireland prq'mpt for the parental word and example. Where ture," the London 'I imes called them. , to rat sheep a good move to take a $7,200 one, PUBLIC SALE by means of their labors amongst ' echoed in the American press, aie gì a and fruits. •aving a $1,200 margin as a bonus home influence is bad, e\en the redoubled the Negroes and Indians t ntil with , now- complaining that a "systematic speech, ^ have been ^collected and i th.- Indian customs and f tn make the offer attractive? Right- P (Catholic t'nlon and Times, Buffalo) >11 »n efforts of Church and school avail but little. in the last quarter of a century, it : mi r^viv fsi nat ; v<* -|»irts aJi»i games. ! , f. - being carried on he S^LE of the Anti-Saloon League, and 1 seems that the black mil ' las been England i: No f* H- to good 'cheer , he eelel,rate d thei -w Is e reti - i They claim tha! the stories publish ed stern necessity. The law cannot 6 all appurtenances thereof, will take - forgot e1n bv many o for Irish independence noi otherwise W" î h :nc !>ar:x-»" ics when hi- pe»ip!e HALF-HEARTED CATHOLICS V\ thi1 n the ! untry about the "huttdre r cover the case without greater am- Kplace in Washington, D. ('., on or - giously ine!line d < atholiICS . in thi- co attainable won prizes at the agrit •ultural cad. ' there ha« hef m a great : march" on 1 .oniion. for ¡fistance, w• O\\ and then one wonders how cer- I last de I he Irish I'reti* I about the seventh day of December, in the awaker 'ing among«! out Catholic ; greatlv ex agg. rated: the New V,. rk [ain Catholics (bv courtesy) get W i'11 1 the pa.-. -mg years Fat her for such a transaction and its vila year nineteen hundred and thirty-two. The i people and they ar. n ow lie•ginnin g , Mirror, th.¡» v sa went so far a * t O r'heie is available m the periodical the ideas of the religion which they 1 l.a I'm I OOK like, an ; perpetrator. It is just loo bad thes« N ili - e to the fact th: there 1» J publish a picture taken in 1 I of following articles will be offered at auc- Indian a rn I thin, lus effete flays have lost some of tha profess half-heartedly. These apologists ; a grea t mi ssionary wo rk 1, 0 be done ! crowds *!urrounditi g P-uckingli?i m liu Irish Pr.-s- ( a da:l\i. through hantle by fatigue anil virile directness of the days that ara ì tion : 'here in the I'nited Sta t e s a- weil a - palace for a sight of the king a mi which munii,' interested in 1 risi in the ranks of the Fait Ii are particularly heart remained gone. \ow we know this is no new Several blackjacks, badly worn. For- in the fore ign mission fl »' 1d s la lie! it "H unger Rioter- Storm Pi a lia n - can ke. p in close feiuch with susceptible to heretical environment. They current events t here. A It hough it •ml. r and father!\ venture in business hut we are merly used to convince Senators and < on- Mostly on foot he came and went.! agreed that there should be a public are asked Qu;Ss.tions from time to time by \nother picture supposed to repre was founded io Mr. de Val era and gressmen of the necessity of voting for pro- wintei. sirk or weil, opinion wholesome enough to cen- their separated brethren, and they imme- If our Catholics, priest; and laity, sent "Unemployed Man Being K. of course supports the present gov and d tlw trail-, lor two j and punish such vicious trans- hibition legislation. were aware that the Negro popula pulsed b\ K ; ng" t h e \ rlaim wa ac M)ro diately flounder and apologi/.e for their ig- e -, ear l h. Father of the In actions. The Fvangelist, Albany tion of the I'nited States is greater tually taken al the I'e's I'e.'n and but a genuine newspaper, never lies! Files filled with statistics to prove that norance. It is a self-evident fact that non- ,.-.. n •. I are they since he \> York. ¡than the entire population of diowed a gy p? y running beside l hi- taring to publishing a,", new. that w prohibition has been a complete success. m last month for tile re• | Catholics pay more attention to hoary fab- ¡Canada. Australia and Argentina; king'.- car lb*-1 an also much " » ani By the substitution of the name of another rications of Catholic history, and try that it i- three times that of the en censed at a ston that appeared in ;t • a k r - hi.- honest, laborious life, In unknown corner of the i worthy cause, these statistics may be em- harder to get weak-kneed Catholics to ad- tire population of Ireland, of Scot- the Chicago Triiiune headed "I.on It- editorial - aie Ili gli in tone, land or of Switzerland and almost well written, and staunchlv national ; found health and happiness A NEGRO JUDGE ployed at a future date. mit gratuitously to be a fact, historical as- don Mobs Riot At Palace," and at four times that of Dejimark. They another story ,-ent but by the X •-.» ¡t has several "features" that are de ig the lowly. If Father La A number of first-class alibis, that, while sertions which could easily be disproved. •ou 1,1 speak now he would have failed to realize that there are ciated Press to the effect that cidedly inIf resting and main of them \ question that caused much agl- ask pravi India and used on many occasions, are still in A1 con- Unfortunately, there are many of these in the neighborhood of twelve mil . "mounted and foot police -a-..d the are of high literary merit ; its pic- tat on Negroes ', 1 A. M iv he rest ' Angeles county legal dition. pliable so-called Catholics who are more lion souls amongst the N'egroes o ¡king's palace and official residence' tu res are un usual H good, and a 1 t ob i the I'nited States. It i^ reliably esti- na- m peace , circles the la.-t few weeks had to do One copy of the Wickersham report, au- interested in Major lloople than in sitting from attack.'' with the proposed appointment by mated that there are 3,114,750 col- While it is nothing new to find our il,.,! ••„, e of the fine: spapi J W. M tographed and valued at one-half of one down to a course of instructive Catholic ored children bet ween the ages of l ai rope.' Pittsburg! Pa. Governor Rolph ,.f a Negro to the American papers accused of furni- municipal court bench. per cent. reading. five and seventeen in the sixteen stales south of the Mason and Dixon Though the governor has an- Th. a gêner. One Volstead law in battered condition. line, of whirh more than two million the building up of their nivn school? nounced that he will not appoint a ha r One Jones law with free wheeling and are enrolled in elementary and ser w here thev may t rain their own lead NOT GENEROUS Negro to the position now vacant oM UNPRECEDENTED BURDENS ano,it c at ondary school, tinder the guidance ers to go forth and labor among-' the municipal bench, this <|uestit>h wizard control. Can be geared up to ten IF Holy Father's supreme remedy for .Is cri of l.Vfififi teachers. their fellow-men. Most importa ni of will arise again, as it has done in Ì ->t h> I heard an of- y0ars for small violation. the ills of the world today is the ef- all, our efforts m list extend outside ing tor help lodai i- trie m the past. Ca th.- I/Os Xng»-!»- 'A dozen hideous examples of drinkers ficacy of prayer. These ills concern of the walls of institutions of learn work amongst the Negro F A a matter of right there is no T' here in th.- I nit ed Stales tl I >r Y e, NOW in its rea -on why a Negro should not be EI thfat have been reformed. Must be watched What has »he ing not only temporal matters; they cannot be >,•;« person gave i allied to the bench, providing he ta done for the Negro in the South'. An influence must be exerted that carefully or they are likely to turn their hou and .!• i>-. he said. Some touched without affecting in one way or ; The mo-t of the work ha- been done b' has the proper legal and judicial w 1! go l'Ito the • at it was -urei-, hymn books to "Sweet Adeline." another the sanctification and sal vat ion of to, tlie Benedictines, Passionist- and colored man, that w 11 traii !nm t" remarked qualifications. L Smiling At Failure a n in these times. Thousands of copies of the Republican | the Jo-ephite Fathers. The Sisters I make of hi - home a fit and respect But, -aii to >ay, we iloubt very souls. The solution of these questions is • e. nothing," tli»- of the Blessed .Sacrament have led j able place in which to live and rear "tiene* rous portiion t much if a Negro judge would be able straddle plank, (¡ood political timber but either going to bring men nearer to (!od, "llicial replied. "Vou would somewhat charred. | in the works of Catholic education his family. The Negro must be so to retain his office at the next elec- V or take them further away from Him. and social service. The foreign mis- | trained that he will create an atmos- I i think that ¡t wa; géiMrous, or even tion, following his appointment by a 1 One experiment noble in purpose. decent, il you knew that the in- Think for a moment of the burden which i stons are al! ver\ good iti thpniselves , phere in his home life that will be California governor. One Doctor Scott McBride and one Clar- I and are to lie supported but. lest we . uplifting and that shall breathe the I f you rari gì : tip ewry tini» you coine of that particular person This because of the unjust race is resting upon statesmen at the present amounted to three hundred thou- ence True Wilson. Both long on persua- j forget, the Negro has a soul to save 'true Christian spirit. The Negro floes are knock. ,| down, wjth more fighi di.-i'riiViinaUon, greater even aad time, as they face the condition of unrest I and is deserving of education and , not want a religion based on emo in you than \vben \ <»u wvnt down, sand dollars a year, and that from more unjust than religious discrim- sion, but short on facts. one piece of property alone. There and depression in their respective nations, ¡mora! uplift and the greatest thinp tionalism but rather one ba-ed on ' he re is no f. ar a •••»ut )'"ur future; ination, that prevails in Los Angeles Several second-hand copies of "Make litit i f you wi!l vvIli n down you meet is more pro^terly ¡«»sides. Twenty- our:ty, as it does in every hanUet, and endeavor to find some remedy for the 1 that can happen forth»- Negro today | fundamentals that will prrn e favor- Them Like It Whether They Want It Or is for the clergy and the laitv of the ! able both to the natural and -uper- reiiutTs; faiiures dish»arten you; five thou.-and dollars a month par-i town and city of this "Land of the manifold evils that perplex and afflict. if you Set go of your determination Not." I I'nited State- to make a concen ¡natural welfare. ti a! income and the poor of I.o- Free."—The Tidings, Los Angela*. There never has been anything like it in ! t rated and wholesome effort to bring I ' * * to win; if you den't tight har.ier A lige I es get two thou -and for the Several dozen sawed-off shotguns, pis- than evoi »• vei \ time vou strike a this modern day of our vaunted civilization ! the Catholic faith to tile Negro. The I The attitude of the Catholic who!*- year." i tols and governmental permits to shoot in- Negro needs the Catholic Church to- j Church toward the N. gro is pr.-n-e Mi.-ur, you are noi macie of success I looked at in t!ie fight of such an and smug profession of Christianity. They In the Prisons nocent bystanders during prohibition raids. i flay as badly as does the Chinese i ]y the same as to all other races anil material. income two thousand dollars is can only go step by step, feeling their way nothing. If the average peri-on One ream of proofs showing that hard | and the Japanese. Why should we peoples. Her divine commission i The grit to fa'! and start al! as they go, preparing often to make mis- j make such a herculean effort to con- one and the same to all, it matters over a gai n: ili e grit to lose ali ami w h'i-f income ranged from a hun- St. Vincent ile Paul, to tSe com- liquor is not being sold in the United Hot ¡o-o fnitli: the grit to lose otic's takes. That is one aspect of the question. I vert pagans in far-off lands when ) not the color of their skin or tlio dred, to a hundred and fifty dollars mander: States. i we have a great field, white for the j place of existence. '! lie N'.-cro can frien. s" it to endure when a month were to g;\e in like pro- "Ah, sir. coruider these poor It is. enough to overburden and crush any One dozen catalogues picturing poses of j harvest, at our own door-step? ami is being trained to be fit citizens • r- to,,d. crii ici /.e.! and , the c'ommunity C' liest would | creatures who are under your «- statesman, however strong. fy its ex ry-ct authority. As you are their j gaintliness while preaching to the breth- * of this world as well a- the world by those nearest and 111' able (o just Catholics should hearken to the wish of Ilie Negro is deserving of help | to come. The Catholic c 'hun-b under ,t»ar#--i to m, that is the gr.t s The Tidings, I^i Angeles, I master on earth, no will you «heJ ren. that moves ,!if. | held responsible for them before] the Holy Father, realize their obligation for he has mad»- wondrous strides takes to educate in things spiritual .- world. If you have Prohibition agents, snoopers, breath- in the last half century. True, some | as well as things temporal, that sort of ri i : if i fiu keep your G.>d I do not deny that they have! to offer up supplication that statesmen re- smellers and a variety of reformers thrown of them leave ver\ much to be fie temper and im', no matter what Th.> Kingdom of (,o.| i- within merited punishment, but human] w in you, not in your surroundings, and charity ami your own integrity in as lagniappe. ceive Divine guidance, so that they may si red in many respects. It is our If Catholicity had exert ed a.- much happen.- to u. vou will win. build up a renew al of the world that shall Christian duty to do all that we can effort in the Negro missions a- have so long a- your heart is irrevocably marx) that they should not be leftj One wardrobe similar in design to that beai • ¡urn - gneu to jour Spouse, and albeit the in their present abandoned state,! be pleasing in the sight of the Supreme to aid them in every possible depart- i the Protestant sect-, there would be wop* by Annas and Caiphas. meet of life. Wo should make use of! more churches of the Cat hoi ic faith ,-ight of oblation must hi constantly re j helpless, hopeless. Have pity B|Wl| )ne expurgated edition of the New Tes- Ruler of the e-cry natural means to aid them in I below- the Mason and Dixon line.. •le«us c hi. j newed, then all well w ith you. I them."' Nf« wscembkr IS. F.«tahli»hed IM« THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC PVvne. POurt MUH FIVE ZCttf*L5%f*Lf*f*«ft r 7 1 V V V \ VK T~ £ j Missionary Aid Society i Make Tfrheyd«n'a Your h V KK T RF.V. r I OA NN RR, Oireriar À YOU CAN HELP TO SHIELD ft 1 IK North Crii* Rti•et . Pittaharfh. Pa K Gift Headquarters « Here you'll find an unending variety nf t'hitiir* to rhoo^e from—a range nf prices to please every purse—and H. I 700 Orphans ft M.f> M I' I , the ^'ipalest vulut-giving in Pitta- \ M W , R- • I! M -. v r •« aro rai burgh. ft H < V\ . NN Gift» at Pi : I ,«ht rgi «"• impr-s.-ed i,v the ¡fum H . U HI! ... M. , ,1 •»•;' j -i-.!,«, 'irr*- nv tH/» He i From The Tragedies Of The Depression Rut V r, M .! V\ . Brad. nf I 'har" y Whll' $1 IS, 1 » k -e. I- ! M - , , . • ' e wsrriors «m !*, w< Prerl Reeit Rnv«, Re. \ T , W rw financial nu rden n I le. l tip* ft t. « o rhc flit»re « it' W I 'eay Hook Mark I BY SPECIAL GENEROSITY It AntHi.n. « i o |ihw na ^ metti*-* DIAMOND BROOCHES AlWrmeroiif S»» M-« rn .',». were a it r u« ** Gif!» At s* • includtnjf the on«• illu*trat«illustrât««4 X IV« r».'ini>er 17 A earioa.t nf Whit., ifold, platinum \gai I- ' wo hu ''dm! donar- If si"t with full cut 12- imot'd . a rejular ft li o' po' a toe and me. $2 1 e.. In The Christmas Day Collection il |*mi! d.« of flour ai» con value . . specially priced $15 • he » en every da \ W il Irla Bfe ft I IVfsknU«'« minfft (o\ e 1 ' I misi he a r| ' I e ri meat, coffee, fimi «Ione WATCHES REDUCED X latines , heans Nintwith Hrmrtfli ... k hut a w .nderful aalae- ''• ' g rear pu ertv, In i h n I ti « t'..r- r« rtli >ee frnin her« and fathers who have Kounlnln > »I* _>', * t' flit Wristlet Watches K in s, ivioi Kereë f.„r>e ws'h 1 estiimr le s* r-1 r v j reduced to. $15 potai s rxiiinds of Mrurrlrl n Contribute in Church, or send Offering to i-.n to $75 Wi Watches- ft h s mal ! quantity of yr-ee* $35 ft amp ai »hj«' 'hey can n Gift» at wot!.)- care of their children •r ST. PAUL'S ORPHAN ASYLUM, Crafton Station, Pittsburgh, Pa hca I I ' a- we II a- Pa' her I », ft I are Höing- si' ir mil Merlin« Il •Il II il • I* 1*' • Terheyden Co. and interesit are no' l'orkrlltoot cn'ira(fe But hu' 1 ntM'% III»« a • 530 SMITHFIELD STREET p rogress marie i n passing fron i 11 « must «upp'ied hy rrnilnnl« (77 Y#*Hr«» in Surnf feorntion) Farrins • old style to the new style of Jap Comedian Quits Play anese art In xil the «'»ik< >r!«l i« :n need of a:,,' V^V^Wlfl propagation of Faith Society movement of oompositror and th« Because oi Smut i '-a. ! wd» turn for heip e\ expression nf the figures are noi^ friernl« wh Its North Craig Street Pittsburgh. Pa. wort hy. \e» ^ oik. Dec. 13. With una ole to p.eai'i f " n thv- paist , but ha vi |fT, X. C. Kim he. Dioeeaan Director In the exhibition of architeclur< I he raucous skirl of the ha k- a Pf»1 a! to you r gèli' support W a projected chapel m Japatïës, st . - pi p»t of his friend. Villus « ; ! « » r#»rtew ttiat h»i| E, was represented. •an We pra recent Hi rt h ; for «eceral v ea' - I ra.ser, resoiinding on Pier li.'l, with sincere pra ve Christian "Reven ge- Beside.* many display.- of |iai si the fool of West lllh «Ireet. '"\'«' ma', he . oui I not *ufTer fr< im vour sa.'r ntly after hi* visit to Chang- Japanese arti- t-S hav e sought to ie x ' irigs, tiiere were -ampie.« ot s, • toil I 1 flc. Scotch sine and in if and v.m New at (rod ! • M mere Ssechwan Province, where he press Christiani ideas in their »or k s. ! ire in colored woods, stained u comedian, hoarded the si cam ha pi vi ne ss }-pît urn -v« • ut gift whe OF SI SING MEN NOT INCONFLICT rural schooU, killed two l'he productif» ns of Catholic .1 tip- j und pa i ru i n gs 'linder g ass and a ship Prahsy I variia and sailed .Sincerely ami VOU f--ai- »1 niMin I.i-I Sal nriI:i\ for sis 11 i:s ' il ose Matt .nglev. os r and to destroy the little' Fr. McCaffrey Finds Most Are Abbe Le Maitra Declare» That place in t lie i: rea t art expo it :o IIS, j vvor k Si ol land A nil !hr Captain Yu. a rapacious r but about thrip e vei us ai " al! t he The arists • if 1 he iiliie ifr•upo . I'jffe said on »ailini; thai hi Catholics, But Blames the j Each in Its Own Field Can of Siechwan, sent 70 of j 10 in ai, ma\ Christian ari i sis ' illVitle d to unnt, ' tie -vìi sati.stì-d « had ended his conl racl with Ml Dear H-netacir «tidier*. wounded in an en 1 !'f co llfiibt) rating a 1 Fid willing to act and sing unless j t^M«nao'< Father Flahuter.' New York. Dec !l Catholic Pasadena, Cal., Dec. 10.—It creating a na t.ional Christian sirt . : < 'alumnte* Hring (Vmversion in keeping with n moral tempo lieat took them in and nur««d ANNAPOLIS TO HAVE pri Sing Sir g outnumber^ ten thousand million years ago thai The pleasing re suit c of t hi - c \n old Chine«.« man has just d he had set for himseir. rin* for their wants in the i-d the honor of sendin •r '.us'i and < yet laboratintr hav e beo tight about the ' in this crtv who was ,-oiiverted ten "Thcv wanted me to sing the single lone atom in existence Whicti the raptam had yrei'ting- an.i ••«• lih,lied Protestant First Fxpositi'm of Japanese Chi-i' - t be words and develop ideas thai MIDSHIPMEN'S GUILD burst, Abbe George» Le Maitrm, to dee troy, years ago at 1er innuiring irto Chri tn'io i» d a 'ion of that prison tian Art which1 the !i t t le group pre- many calumn ie i he had heard fti ine were risque, and I wouldn t do "- John P McCaf Belgium scientist visiting here said the pretext of combating, c June ft-12 it. ' he said. "I here is enoti^h \ tinapolis. Mi . Dec. in l.'nder sented to the publi, in ' against the Catholic Church Hi tinuinjr n. ir.\ the of the chaplain of the j 11 ej, I at ilain at Sing Sing today. Then the millions of island r^JMae, Ca.ptain Yu ha- !>een ,th e buildings nf thie Catholic I m ' work In he done in the world, Jig the district of Yuntinyn. i was not at all persuaded of t Nevertheless the ir. • j -hipmen of the I 'nited Fa! t MiCaffr makes public thf universes hegan to take shape fee versity of Tok yo truth oif the varioui: things he \• c i even in I his depression, for a 1 re- iit of canvas- b> faith the race through space. course orf hi« operations he j 1 ' • ' s a i a I A i am.eti v, plarii a re be f a prif One cannot j et p»*nk nf a n i ' w hearing and he wi shed to find out man no! to star*e in dealh by of sorrow. We wi1 in an art " The Church and I This expanding theory of th« Uni- L tried to make several Catholic \ holding lo a high standard I ' made for the fi.rmafor; of a school of art ii 1 t he true and pro;pe r i f..r himself how true thev w *» rp \ e a r with Christ lai I cctiire (imld amonj; the Crime'' in elli • ''r 11 issue of! verse, with these component island aposte&iie, reducing to • hegi ex • like humor bettci than .an) 1 sense, but thf linings are Making l e crime preva actions ef Father Flahutez of !hi' splendid spirit of the plosive speed of more than 16,0M played that ti re st rie ti v rei i giHIi S ; astounde<| at the order reign youn« men in ironment, fail another example in which; midshipmen and their lively miles a second does not mean the but typically J a pan-se. One m pa - among the faithful w ors hi pp paring foi lhe ure ot ttie enuren am other factors eventual end to all things, he ex- Mm*, been returned for evil, a fa r» -1 in thin»'- Catholic. (in ticular is the pa in t in g by the there H w as not thus i n 300 BRIDAL COUPLES ni"-1 of them a Thriiikssrjy intr ,!av, this historic city and asserts: plained to a group of students at the 51» which at first puz7.1e* the : mon.- K ikomr k ' sisting liaily at Mass and freque Tit - \ atican Citv. Dec. !" As - • l. w.i- celebrant of the "The religious cen • f a prison either nv religion or science," M TO HOLD C0MPETITI0N Any otfen ng. t... 11iimi• diat-e!y after the Ma - follows the pop:,! . f the area not with both combined. HOME FOR INVALIDS AND AGED PATIENTS I last Sui small, w . irra'.e ne pris, goes on. . "fine common mistake is to at- vpj'p t h» ipnieri '.yere enrolled as •n demi at home-like surroundings in high class residential district, I Valii'a ii City, Dee. IO The Ppi The Holy Katlier. l'i n embers of the Holv Name So. ict \ ted for dif- ; tempt scientific problems hy religion |H anoderate rates. Nursing under experienced supervision. I tifica! Academy of ÌU-iences ha- just \ Pal Ik autoirraph. has im pa M..ii- snor Ireton. They then mt and religious problems by science* loi ir Benediction to Kach must be solved in the field in MRS. E. F. HARRISON j auntiunced the competition for ìhr ki-opinif with a pi promise, gave | Hi-' - ii ' trvel hail, »hire breakfast l'iu- XI juize of 10,000 lire. t.. the brida ! • nun ivho, hoping to ; nf in v Missioi W.r which it arises." IUI §718 CALLOWHILL STRKF.T Fast Liberty { Hi Holiness, 'c t.. the l'.ter- ! 1 shall Abbe I if Maitre sees in the theory rhc suhject of t he cotiipetition s Mie of the expanding universe s solution a system of solution? of rlifTérn tiai r-vmoons: I he m ' - an I I H Kl M.IK,HKS Ì , ( . P. V. hrt d as for the differences of opinion eon- equations. Competitore must illus i erning the origin of the cosmic my Irate and amplify 'he theor\ of peri Mr .-rv fir-t Th X! the i.u-iie-s meeting Tuesilay Religions ol Reformatory fîroup and total h f 300 Holy Mass as well as to what is happening in od ir solution*, or anuther system of • • .'li 'ivr. Ill . e m iw r '.. the foliowniK I ii nei al Po pli lai ion the mysterious changes going en JNT VINCENT COLLEGE Solutions, or apply the sa me to prac t ni Étei . wi re appointed to >n if Reformatory C al Mav Ci««! !i!' among the star- and the nebulae. LATROBE, PA. tua! problemi. The competition S VI I KI) A ì I \ Kl I P MM ^ i ppi n, the -.oar 1 ;••">:>. Ml- Mare He similingly suggested that there internai, and the work must \\ : I)., vie m charge of the Dramatic Prete is a middle course between the ex- A9K FOR CATALOGUE OF COLLEGE subnitted in unedited Latin, or n . arni Mrs. Margaret Clanev in Cat,he 4 The la.-t Saturday <. -I 1 rei treme thoughts of two groups study- PREPARATORY COURSES I tal iati, Knglish, French, Gè rman oi party for I '" !" hell! at : ii.-iijfe of tickets, M-is s Catherine Jewis ing observed phenomena, one ad Spatiish. Three typewritten copieg fiali iti cha e of the pu h lie it Council House of the Pittsbui K \. ' ;.- t Ik v which concludes it means annihile- must he sent to the Pontifica! Acari t he Court. Mrs. Mary Neely, -Tl Lion of matter and slow death of the ( I w. I> it niar Hi-hop o f my of Sciences hy Octoher ,1!, l'i't't. ' iir: Aik'trheny's First ij-and it universe, and the other the creation The author can hi- own nam<; 111 oO l;.'K-i". - cha r'ady of th- Hostess jUESNE UNIVERSITY, Pittsburgh, Pa. he in charire of Miss Jose.phir I ollipop S m ill Hip of matter and new birth. fifty-fourth Y>»r—1SJ1. Colleua of Arts. ICS; School. IMi: or a pen name to the work. Ordinar; I /i! • • milli . . assi ted by the p ilice is tblv The «blie s theory is that the lone members of the acatlenij a re e.x Nixon Mi-.- Nixon will have a- have just retired : Mis. Mabel I of Drama. 1»1J, Srhool of Accounts. 1*13: Gradu»!« School. 1 du- primordial atom «»< a thing of ne cludcd ftoni the competition. •,'.',.. Mr .lames Smi'li. Mrs. .la Mi I tei mot , Mi- Mildred Ritzel, e«s dimensions, as space now is meas- mt BeteBc«. 1»1S; School of Pharmacy. 1 *«?5.; Schncl of Muslc,, 1 IIS The competition will he judged hj Koni \ Mrs .I.'hn R. Roi . y Mary Hahn, Mi-- M.l.lre<| 1 «( Education. tJS7. Preparatory: Academic. Commercia:. scer'iflc Mr-. M A Br.tner. Coritract lan i ured by scientists, hut was massiva a special conimi.- -ion, ami the pri7( Kobe, Mr-. Ann j ' W intérim*. Fat his enough to contain all the energy for •ad «if a'uiteata rerelvad. Very Be». .1. J. Callahaa. r.«.Sp„ Pre» will lie cor ferrei! hy Hi? Hol m - M Mai tra ret F,njrlish and Mi - of the countless billions of suns that Pope Plus XI, al the opening meet »•h w I! h" n'n \ ed and ten set An P.r-M an. have been rushing apart since the ine "f the acedemic year, in Decem Mi- 1.11 za belli Crady, M- ( at ho! ici m'i.S expansion of the universe began. her, 1038. I nil... H:, y - . Mrs Sylvia Brigg-, Proti -i:, , !In the radiant energy of thai "Men of Sr. Paul's" M - Mai' Sun|,»y, Miss Clara Im Jew s 177 theoretical bursting start of the e*- ETON HILL COLLEGE !*T. MH'HAEL'S. SOI TH SIDK m r' aid Miss Inlette 1J binge r will Chri.stia 20 pandi tig u n i v e r s e, 10,000,000,00a address t he cards f or the year, Bwldhis years ago, he believes there were. Women from 7 Foreign Countries and N'ex.1 Sundav "ili l«e Convin'iniofi » • thi Home Committee con- Mohan!- 2 coupled elements vastly more active 24 American States Sunday for the Men'« (Vmferencc • of Mrs. Stella Sc anion, chan No relit. v than the white substance of glowing at the 7 o'rliK-k Mass. Mrs Alice Herg«'nroeder, energy which man today classes a> GREENSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA Mt M,-.", Battle and Miss Clara "One the most precious of known elements On ed ne sda v of t h i s week lvl solemn opening of the Foiny Hours Paul ïagm^ttH Srtrrat ï e mit I i'*." Mis- Nellie rhornton ' radium. devotions with Solemn Hitrh • » a- the tie legate lo i no up th' y- Klt'il ' ' ' 1 and Processi on at the ^ or '»ck Mi IN V STI- I ; \ v V 1 S I K H "ine Finding ommittee ,,- well Ma «. it s 111 k irr'tsi;' neu i'\ • Grand R«g--it, Miss Kli/a \ L'- Iti g £TON HILL ACADEMY beth O'Ne i on- On Chn-tma- Lve. Midmght Mi- H. re .v I . iiU r,f ret reaU at St. Paul's Ketteat H wilì ìh> celeh rat ed in th s clmrch. Vrm Bopp will have cb-tige Jfate Certified High School for Girls. College Preparatory, Academic. Procession to the crii) as usua! al swimming and Mrs Helen Commercial and Home Economics ( Music and Art. ill . out Jew who ll:i;. o'clock ; Solemn High Ma s 1. .... , and Miss Nellie J. Breri Kith. The indict- GREENSBURG, PfcNNSY LVAN1A start- at 1 li o'clock. muli.^ìi! n'ar 11-< servitig on the W -r ale 'Pfiose who wi.-h ma\ re,o:\,- Ilo! , M- 111! >1 Ml Kee.p i i t tee Mrs Madeline Falkcn- ü Ii against the ( 'omm union t' -I'd Mr.~ Katberyn Schüler are list the men who • . M• P. i. H ..•rying on th.- Sick Committee for - oil' from the in- • i moiit h of D-e-miier No Olle shoulH trust him-elf too -s there tre some OUNT MERCY COLLEGE much, even though he may >•.«• i l'ui-.-day evei ng, L>eçeniber 2<», atta! ! to urea- union with G-d. •»'imi,«. mother s nia ni ami ^Catholic Institution for the Higher Education of Women and he far removed from ali '' party w'ì' take (ila.'' in CANDIES creaiures, for Ihert i? no plarr so H- ' 11 1 charge of t n, trustées of I lie Court, CONDUCTED BY SISTERS OL MERCY I.' lush •'! \| , t at! ,-,,„, Mona lia n, Mrs \n:n dersloriil. Some people aie addirteli llatla seat en appllratlon to the HecUtrar. aa:i:i Kftl tin»», remote, so snlitude. to retired lhai Plttabarah, Pa. Telephnae MA IJT'I I.K SISTKRS ple are Catholics, not, Returnlnf Sunday leaning, thev -well the ranks i •f our popula- Year make it po«M- Boarding School for Boys December II I . Cut! d'. Diiuirhters of Xinei ble for every organ« VIER HALL Between the Ages of fi and 14 i. , i „ n» Pittsburgh i'.' !. will hold l that a Cath "i. he, ause of 'LINCOLN HIGHWAY . - LATROBE, PA. $4. CINCINNATI i '! -ii.cAet for the benefit of the olic ha- ization to purchase tv. Pittehurgh 11.20 pm I •• , S '." of the Poor, on Mon the stri lat bis church SZ.75 ZANF.SVIl.LE • * a December !!>, in the holds Ii ..ul ecinlly in our Pltrahurgh 2.00 pm com pliç il structure where Reymer C and tea for $2.71 NEWARK y tu 11 ot Women's Clubs Mrs »1 00 COI l'MBUS nu is i hail man anil w ill be as his eco mlitions throw him thi« Christmas treat. UT. GALLITZIN ACADEMY I.«. Pltteburgh • 6 IS pm -•id nv those members whose into cor the laws protecting propert or REDUCTION n unes in uin with I'. C, and .1. I he Boarding School For Boys 331/3 1) in Round Trip F'eree • dor a teil lo Miss Marv M Rhu, OVKR I Cram I Regent of the C. D A i \ I HOI.Ii Mi IHN I NIT BADEN, PA. v. : il. tri,, II away at the shower. :ne Rochester 102 Address Directress Christmas anb I y, i ,- -.-— for the January so Manila, De, 5, The first Cat!... 1-Ib. and Vi-Ib. , ,, i i. ; i t„- t li ose me m he rs wh oslie. V, tinti unit lias ! established iîtlu !?ear Jjolibaps ,..., h, gtn v. it h D, 1 and I Miss in the Province of Ratinili Arch Mil g a ri' t I issili ill w ill be the chan ii .;,„„ M . hue! U'Dohei t \ of Ma- Sa. Boxes in Attractive 'The Mountain" who we. t to Urani for the tir,-a meet- uline Academy i ni,,! PiUsbuigh I't- planned ing of the ¿roup, di lïvered an ad Holiday Dress QAQ Mo uni M %f»r>'» IQOO 'iglafclddle A*p.. arar Prua» ] he-e are on!y two •treat- in this 1 -• thai of t.hl D • ' i, . i e' ents for the holiday season dress io ili. young women who com JuO i ollfgr and 1 U%J pose the unit, He .> 11lined the work RD1NG AND DAY SCHfKI! Krclralmitlriil ^rmlniiry «y Reduction In Rcgul ind t h a t of tht- I ,a w versI t ieen thouifht best to reserve these i ;,i,il invited all old and new mem RMMIT ^HI H(a. Mil. JQ Round Trip Ferae ssions Any man may make a • e\ • f in-rs to come to the affairs. of Catholic \ction and suggested Tdaeted by Lranllar >un« 45 M eek I rid l't methods by which the new organiza j ( iiikIim ini h» Serular < Itriimtn a ¡ta a y o ne of the othi whether he he of the particular ci.< and Accredited by the Rifinì hi I,us prnfrafiorfi not and whether he belong or not to t If we were each more concerned t ¡.in may further this work in the Call nt F or bas nad Pride ( ' 1 re I >r»lahle to« ASH 1 NT-TON. BALTI- if employment desig-natf parish of Ora ni. Board of Edueatmn and Medical Hl Rh School Separa'. MOKi:, I'HILADELI'HIA an .ULAN 111 particular sociel\ <|e i^nateii 1 e members of these group will vla- I'.oiit reach ng to God's standard for tad «IUI Duqueana L'niver- <111. II or ev en to our own standard for Streets or nt nay one «I :*f Pittsburgh. Hepa rtmentp for bove be I ween the welcome any man. sgea pf 12 and 14 years For cat» PennsyIvanla Railroad The customary ..rter-ne a retreat is $11» But no «•• e need ourselves, we should have less time Another innovation needed to our atorea AM« Sarvlaa 'ok address n. -tudy how far »hört, other people make a sale.- ta.\ successful is sales, Rt. Iter. Mtgr. ». J. needier. I.I..1» "inbai - ed--arrangements can ea-ily be made vvilh Father Lucian, l —Milwaukee Leader. I Tarma, apply ta the Directrrae Pre.Ideal Retreat Director, or with the Captain oi anj group. i fall. SIX FstsM-shed 1M4 THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Ph. ( Muri 0162 THI RS D A Y. DE( EMBER IS, fat

ÌBSESZSM 5.TESE5H5ÌESESES Missionary Confraternity We Recommend the Following Firms of Christian Doctrine r nl- I HK IIHK KSk HI I"I I I SHI KI.H and Business Men In Your Community *. . • »V REV I) A. LAWLESS. Director *t Mm iif Merry ( hurrh. 2IU Kerr* Street. I'lIt*»hurgh. I'» 12.1. Ill ( athillic ( hildrrn I ndi r Infttrurlinn fifi" I I'Hrhi'ra. 108 S11 ruin\ Schonl. nLbP' J5? S?S?Í?5?ri?S?525Z5H5EKSESÍ5¡2aïc They Support A Worthy Cause Hi'»* iif (he pi '.< of the Corifrag di th hund red s n i t y attended a regular monthly of thousands of ,i, meeting of the Homes tend Qeiiter on for the occasion, in BUSINESS FIRMS AND MERCHANTS LISTED the first Wednesday in December of presents for \ o Inf.- 1 id this interesting meeting was why not BELOW ARE SELECTED FROM YOUR NEIGHBOR. thoroughly enjoyed by the visiting Christ's little one HOOD AS BEING REPRESENTATIVE IN THEIR priest. I' is a pleasuie to 1 :^tcn to ways and byways Diocesan Union of Sodalities the monthly reports of the »iifTerent diocese. The Mi, LINE AND RECOMMENDED FOR QUALITY, Rev Charles Monaminn. Dioce*an Director of Sodalities missions, but what pleased the priest nit y of I christian I SERVICE AND PRICE. most was the fact of the wonderful ing 17.000 childri St Francis Charch. 815 MK.'lore Street, Homestead. I'a. attendance of the teaching force. In diocese. Our exper ay s go- our travels throughout the di e.-e j ing on. Our incor how. FOREMOST IN FASHION- .0 attend the meetings of the iif- I the decrease. Yet the nust go Many New Members Enter surnificar.ce. It is intended a* s AM BRIDGE, PA. f rent districts nothing please = the on. There is no doubt Sodallt lea season of preparation for Christ- UTMOST IN VALUE directors more than the fact that the the work is necessary a t ea ! treat fi ' mas in the same sense that Lent t~achers will come to the monthly work. A real hone •d Bles.-e- is a preparai ion for Easter. Its The name Sitlerley ha* for many yearn represented a the rings and take mutual interest Catholi I ion. A present \ ire; laration -er-ar the form of strict i-i hearing of the reports of the. work 1 the finest in both fashion and value. this work Wi! not b* very ex Immaculate Con- j 'ast and abst * e for 40 days or iTcomplished in the different mis- You will sa\ 'How can 1 dr it ?" If •pc on Is still incoili- weeks, as ind in the Council of tVi»» d'strict during the pust AGENTS FOR it is onlv p sitile all you will be we are ao.e announce that Macon. mth. The Homestead ( enter in- Knax, Mallory, Stetson, Bori>-l33. a 1 ] wi n cr oTii ers we re elect' M McGREGOR SPORTS WEAR . president; Mi r Wir LAUGHNER OIL AND GAS CO. : , Krane, y -, IMPORTED NECKWEAR •r ,1 I »"Donnell, \ ice o e - dent , a rah Miller, secretary; Mi s Hell FIRESTONE TIRES— Batteriei and Accessories LEATHER GOODS AND NOVELTIES O'Donnell, treasurer, the abo lifers are well qualifie»! for Ut 3000 DUSS AVE. AMBRIDGE, PA. spectiv e offices so with the usi Sitterley Company operation of the teachers < I Center the outlook for the surr Jenkins Arcade Fifth and Liberty j the Homestead Center in 1! \erv encouraging. ich pra;. 1' d Mor Fai* nf ni .•,«;..( «{.»i-i-» at month v h;ng he I'honr 1026 Lawson Service The Christmas Scaison 1- rapid!y 1 K'lflg M a !>• al and .«eej approach in sr. The downtown store, I year lf>33: Mr. Harold 1. pu j pave the way to many other spirit- to piease her infin sly ho Station will be tilled with patrons eagerly dent; Mr. James P. Lar Founder. The plan St. Joh TAFTS GARAGE ual benefits, and will augment zeal Tenth and Merchant Street* Will You Please looked around to buy some Christ- ident. The secretary . I and fervor to an eager participation the beloved disciple t hat tl Met.; H. F. TAIT. Prof. /M mas presents for those who are near ¡ration is Miss Marie I in the many good work- sponsored Son of Cod was im w rid and Help Their Dream is It» and close to us. The buying will not sistant secretary. Mi by the rules of 1 he Sndalit} . the world knew Hii H. General Auto be as extensive as 111 former years,, Diski.n. had come uni0 Hi >wi and H - Storage Te Come True? >«HÌaln»l».' Sind\ »f own recei ved Him not. l alholics Repairing Interesting who do not reflect and meditate Auto Accessorieê during Advent, but Battery Jk Electric %i >'m Not only Sodalists, but many run parties aneese, ha\e who make no Merchant Street 14-HOUR SERVICE The Salvation Army i* Advent And Christmas Minstrels special preparation for Chrisitma.«, i taken a srreat interest in the study AMBRIDGE. PA. seeking to aid the needy. j of tV' Church's attitude towards the are likely to deserve the same Phone A •bridge 14M This Christmas promises i holv sea.-iin nr Advent, as earned kind of condemnation from Christ. to be a lean one for the Of Oar Lady And The Infant in these columns in the past three The Church's mission in Advent is the same as that of St. John the poor; cheer will have to • weeks. Besides the letters of com- : mediation for upholding the lit- Baptist—to prepare for the recep- j Among the many attractive Ad- 1 ing about every street, and in the ho supplied on a larger , urgical and penitential observance tion Chri-t the millions who AUQUIPPA, PA. vent and Christmas customs of Cath- I churches, gazing in wonder at their seal«. Will you please of Advent, some complaints have have not yet beep converted to j olic Italy no other has perhaps i magnificenre." •and a small gift to pro- ! reached us about the laxity and Him, to preach pe;>entance and pen- attracted quite so much attention as The most singular, however, were, 1 so this American author believes, I complete disregard of the Church's ance to people, who, though they vide a Christmas dinner the one practiced by shepherds who For Health the "Calabrian minstrels," adopting ! spirit by some Sodalities, societies profess to be His disciples, are lead- or family parcel to for centuries past have annually re- I Lady Morgan terminology, the 1'if j and parishes. ing wicked and sinful live-. AID TO ATHLETES paired to Rome to do honor to the ferari. "Their dress is wild and But such instances simply do not "The world, and Cathobe* in- Drink More Col. C. B. Campbell Christ Child and his Blessed Mother. striking," he writes, "consisting of I alter the ease in the least They cluded. needs to be reminded that ; The custom is, as it were, a drama- I a loose sheepskin coat, decked with only go to prove to the world that an exterior observance of Christ- j Augustinian Fathers Announce tical representation of the event re- mas without a preparation f»f the the wool left on it, and a h'gh peaked ! many Catholics take their religion Athletic Scholarships 4*\ corded in the Gospel, the visit of the cap, decked with gay ribbons and I too lightly, out of ignorance rather heart in Advent, is a mockery to i The Salvation shepherds who were attracted hy sprigs of heather, while the huge I than from malice, i.l are us much Him, whose birthday it is." Have Been Abolished 'Drinkmore" the star to the lowly abode shelter- zampogna of goatskin is formed 'to he pit.ed as ti be Warned, Are there Sodalists and other; Army ing the God-Man a' Bethlehem. like the bagpipes of Scotland, and readers who are still skeptical I Hi.-ho:» Noll. - we!! known in Villanova, Pa., Dec. 13.—In re- MILK Reminiscent of his sojourn in resembles them too in its shrill is apostolic zeal. about the proper observance of Ad- gard to the recent abolishment of 428 Boulevard of the Rome about the year 1840, a German music. These interesting characters vent? If so, they do not wai.t to! be convinced. There can be no athletic scholarship« at Villanova, traveler write?: arrive during the last days oi Ad- .Ad-. H words Allies, Pittsburgh, Pa b:* -:rg on the few dollars they; both the Rev. Edward V. Stanford, "I am deeply moved whenever 1 vent, and consider thcmsches the Phone Aliquippa 462 gam at the expeuse of others who O. S. A , president of the college, recall the Tifferari in Rome, remem- representatives of the shepherds of who keep Advent ss they IV Minimum Gift will do obey the Church in keeping Advent. and the Rev. John H. Crawford. bering how they came, clad in brown- .hides, who were the first to an- nd wi 11 keep them from the Msximon Good What a pity that there are Cath-: O.S.A., director of athletics, have ish-red mantles, reaching to the nounce the news of the Xat iv ity. •in mdalized at the poor be- olICS who are so inconsistent! issued statements clearly defining knee, their feet »hod with sandals, Their usual gathering-place is on imt a few f el ! w Catholics. their present attitude toward the Aliquippa'n Leading having covered great distances from the steps of the Piazza di Spagna, >n en to what the Bis Novena for Christmas matter. Prescription Store their homes in the Calabrian moun- where they lounge and sleep in the iv 1 s never t he warm sun. Every little while a party tains, singing and playing their Catholic ("iiurch t Every year many Sodalists pre- The viewpoint of Fr. Stanford is Wc UM only th« best aad shawm«, flutes and bagpipes. Often sets out on a tour through the city, 1.1 pare for the holy feast of Christ- of penance should expressed as follows: charge only a conscientious they »re an aired grandfather, with blowing awa\ with the most df 'i-*' repentance and penance are I mas by making a nine-days' devo- "As far as I can #ee, the decision price. snow-white hair, making this devo- perate energy \t the next corner pre re< tes foi the forgiveness of. tion to the Holy Infant This de- of the Commission on Institutions tional journey for the last time, and if the -hrine- of tl Madonna, sin -and sin certainly has not de- votion is to begin this Friday, De- of Higher Education recently issued his grandson, just hlossominft into and this is their fust stopping-place, parted from the lives of people.' cember 16, and can be made pri- in upholding and reiterating their LETZKUS vately in whatever way possible to life and possibly setting foot in the to salute the Mother and Child. Catholics today seem to have the | ruling of December 11, 1931, leaves Woodlawn Holy City for the first time. At each the individual. I/et us hope that SECOND FLOOR—JENKINS ARCADE I.adv Morgan says, it is done "under notion that the sea.-on of Advent: no alternative to the college other image or shrine of the Mother of all Sodalists will make it and tell the traditional notion of charming has only a symbolic meaning. But; than to conform. There is no doubt God, out in the silent solitude of the others about it. Drug Co. (!) her labor-pains on the approach- Advent has a much more practical in my mind that this ruling falls CHRISTMAS CRIBS, FIGURES AND STABLES open plain and in the city, mid the ing Christmas." They turn down the heaviest upon the smaller colleges. 246 FRANKLIN AVENUB v loud tumult of the market-place, at ALL PRICES Via Frattina, and a short distance As for the abuses which the com- evening and during the dark of night further come to a carpenter's shop, (New Location) [devoted to my note on disarma- mission fears and is desirous of they stop before the images and play which must also be favored with a Have the moat beautiful »election of Christmas gifts ; ment." eliminating, all that I can say is and sing the old chants, transmitted tune—"per politezza al messer San appropriate for your Catholic friends Premier Herriot did not hestitatc that they do not exist at Villanova. from father to son; small round caps Giuseppe"—"out of compliment to ¡to make allusions to 1!)24. "At that Every athlete at Villanova is con- on their heads, they hold their St. Joseph." The owner hands them time," he said, "I found myself in forming to the same scholastic and peaked hats under an arm in token out a bajoccho, and they continue ROSARIES — PICTURES — PRAYER BOOKS — a very different situation. The disciplinary standards that are in PENNZOIL of reverence. They have come during their march until the circuit is com- 1 electoral formations, the govern- force for all of the students. The STATUES — RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS CARDS, Advent to greet the newborn Savior, pleted." ' mental gang, the state of affairs in indirect financial aid they receive lying as a little child in the manger." The word "charming" is, of course, Alsace, all contributed to multiply- SUPER-SERVICE etc., at moderate prices. enables them to receive an educa- The custom has appealed no less very much out of place; William Former Biased Statesman Now 1 ing equi vocations and misunder- tion, which I am convinced, after also to travelers from other coun- Hone evidently thought so, because standings. Renders Due Homage to investigation, would be otherwise STATION Make a visit to this store of tries, even though they were Protes- quoting Lady Morgan indirectly he "However, I have never ceased the Papal Nuncio impossible for them. Most of them Beautiful Religious Articles » tants. William Hone, the first^ vol- speaks of her as having observed the to wish for harmony and peace at Wm. H. Biahtos A Sons ume of whose "Everyday Bonk" was custom of "saluting in every st'eet i home and abroad. This year, in the find it very difficult to meet the published in 18"J4, in spite nf pre ín- the shrines of the \":rgin Mother I ", Dec. 9.—Premier Herriot I heat of the electoral campaign, 1 fees which are required of them. dice prevalent in England at the with their wild music, under the tra- I has made an important declaration j refesed to make use of even the Since there are wry few oppor- 301 Station Street time, printed a wood-cut showing ditional notion of soothing her until | in which he sets forth his attitude ! word tolerance. A man of gov- tunities for part-time work at Villa- i ft. WENDELIN, CAR KICK on Chri-tmas mornintr as an offer- ••Calabrian shepherds playing in the birth-time of her infant at the townrds Catholics, and explains his ernment shonld respect all the spirit- nova, we are going to find it very ALIQUIPPA, PA. ing to the Infant Savior. For this Rome at Christmas," ami explains approaching Christmas." The noted change of position. ual forces even more than the ma- difficult to enable poor and deserv- ' 91» feast of Christmas will he reason confessions will be heard the picture in a sympathetic man- German theologian, Monsignor Het- Eight y< ar- ago. following a vic- terial forces of the country." ing boys to obtain a college educa- Bell Phon« 9418 I ebaerved with the usual pomp and • as follows: Friday, December 23, ner: tinger, who was frequently in Rome torious electoral campaign, M. Her- And the Premier added: "The tion. Some of our most creditable splendor at St. Wendelin church, [th e school children, Friday evening: "In Mr. Rurford's excellent pano- ovfra stretch of time, did not, more- rmt advocated certain mea.-ures I spiritual forces first! 1 am an ideal- graduates in the past have been 5? Coster avenue, Carrick. The beau-; after devotions the Children of rama of the ruins of Pompeii, ex- over. consider the music wild nor so that aroused great indignation ist. One must have an ideal and men who during their college days tiful church decoratiotns, the crib' Mary and all adults who desire to shrill as do the English and Ameri- I among Catholics, particularly his ! respect it when one is presiding received student aid because of ath- Bl'NDLE DAY PARTY hibited in the Strand, groups of 1 J* of the Infant Savior, the festive • come; on Saturday confessions will these peasantry are celebrating the can observers. Nor does lie stress proposal to suppress the embassy iover the destinies of a great country. letic abilities. AND BAKE SAL! h Chants of the choir, and the solemn be heard in the morning after the festival of the patron saint of the the presence of the zampogna, the i at the Vatican. The active opposi- To serve the best interests of the Future Is I'ncertain «tiemonial of the Church will all 6:30 Mass and continue until all master of a vineyard. The printed bagpipe; he speaks of two other in- i t ion of Catholics defeated his pur- I country, that is my sole pre-occupa- "If the letter and spirit of this On Tuesday, December 20, 2:30 t* W tend to instill the members of the have been heard; Saturday after- description . of the panorama say_s struments used by the shepherds, the pose. I tion. At my age a statesman can ruling is universally observed, it i 5 P. M., a combination bundle dsy parish with the spiritual fervor of noon confessions begin at 2 o'clock, these mountaineers are called Pif- flute and the shawm, adding: "Even 1 This year, resuming his position I have no other ambitions." will undoubtedly be a benefit in the I card party and bake sale will M fes Christmas season. The music at in the evening at 7:30. ferari, and "play a pipe very similar now 1 seem to hear their melodies, as head of the Government, M. long run, both to the colleges and j held at the Council House with Mffc Herriot—who has learned from cx- Dm various Masses will be ren-| The schedule of services for in form and sound to the bagpipes as simple as the contents of the ST. CAN ICE, KNOW ILLE to athletics at the college. If it is I B. J. Hannegan as general chairmsK perience — uttered not a word that 4md by the St. Wendelin choirs Christmas Day is as follows: 12 of the Highlanders." It is added, as songs themselves, which, devout and not universally observed, I fear On the hake sale committee will bs I could even be suspected as capable ¿infer the direction of Prof. Peter o'clock midnight, Solemn Mass; Lady Morgan observed, that "just pious as the prayer of children, The Novena to Our Lady of Per- that it will lead to far worse con- j Mrs. James A. Carey, Mrs. Florenct : of disturbing his religious calm. IJ. Gitsen. 5 a. m.. High Mass; fi, 7, 8:15 a. m., before Christmas they descend from echoed through the streets." He went petual Help ended on Thursday, De- ditions than exist at present. As j Dickson, Miss Anne Carroll, Mrs. J. I Far from condemning the presence Low Masses; 9:30, Solemn Mass; the mountains to Naples and Rome, even so far, in his book on "The | rember H, the feast of the lmmacu- far as Villanova is concerned, the : J. Stuileny, Mrs. Frank Hughes, Mrs. It is the wish of the priest, of of a nunciature in France, as he - parish that every member of IX a. m., Low Mass; 3 p. m., Sol- in order to plav before the pictures World and the Church," to publish | late Conception, after a most suc- die is cast." I John Carey, Mrs. K. J. Fillinger and the Pifferari's chant and tune, hav- | did eight years ago, a few weeks Mrs. John Ryan. This will be SB ¿perish receive Holy Communion j emn Vespers and Benediction. of the Virgin and Child, which are i cessful response by the parishioners. Just what policy is going to be ing had the voice part and score ! ago he made public a note in which | excellent opportunity to get hMSS placed in various parts of every ; The climax of the Novena was the followed in the near future concern- written out by a German composer. ] he rendered homage to the person baked cakes, etc., at moderate priesfc Italian town." "In a picture of the i procession in which the picture of ing the men affected by the new- || CLASSIFIED HOLIDAY PARTY CHAIRMKN I <>f Monsignor Maglione. Nativity by Raffael," Hone concludes The rich heritage of popular I Our Lady of Perpetual Help was ruling is not generally known, as is Mrs. John H. Roney, Mrs. William his information, "he has introduced | J. Smith, Mrs. John Cronin, Mrs. Readers of the Pittsburgh General Chairman K. Lee Blade) Christian custom is everywhere ( hinges His Attitude j borne through the church. The Rev. shown in the following statement a shepherd at the door playing on • Harry Russell and Mrs. Rose Braua has selected the following members gradually being dissipated; the new This change of attitude is even issued by Rev. John H. Crawford, ktholic who present this no- the bagpipes." Matthey II. Meighan, C.SS.R., of St. will receive the bundles as the pries to head the various romniittees for customs taking the place of those more noticeable in an interview O.S.A., director of athletics: at the Singer Penn & Gift 1 which he gave to Francisque Gay ; Philomena's church, who conducted of admission, and are asking fflf the most elaborate holiday party ! In a book first published in lS4o, of former days, imbued with a ( hris- "Just what effect our decision i.- ! f,,r publication in the Catholic daily, ! the Novena, was delighted with the | women's dresses, coats, shoes, StC,» in Jenkins Arcade be- ever planned by the Chartiers Coun- j but reprinted as late as 1SS7, an tian spirit, do not, unfortunately, going to have on the future of ath- i: \ ii". (M. Gay is also editor ofI faith and zeal of the congregation. ' and men's suits, underwear, sltQMt Dec. 16 can secure a high cil Knights of Columbus: Episcopalian divine, William In gra- offer, as did so many of tho-e of a letics at Villanova 1 cannot say. | I,, 1 I 1, Catholiqm Q Herriot statedI It was estimated that over ten thou- i etc. Mrs. T. I^-on Plante, Mrs. A. J. Dudley, chairman of the i ham Kip, ultimately Bishop of Cali- traditional nature, a satisfying re- Frankly, I do not know. We cer- |de fountain pen or pencil i that a government official should re- | sand people received Holy Com- ; Frank Kane, Mr-. John Sullivsn Mi tickets committee; Albert Schn, ] fornia, tell- of the impression this sponse to the yearnings of the hu- ¡«pert all spiritual forces even more j munion during the Novena. tainly do not intend to cut out ath- Mrs. Frank Collins will have chaMt •half its labeled price, a chairman of the rard.i committep; i custom made on him during his pro- man soul.—C. V. Service ¡scrupulously than the material forces j The St. Canice congregation is letics for the students, nor do we of the cards, and Miss Anna Prem- le of ink free with pur- Laurence OToole, chairman of the , tracted visit to Rome ninety years of his country. fortunate in possessing a copy of the intend to drop any of the sports. ize!, Mrs. Rose Blochinger, Mrs. dance committee; James J. Shaugh- ago. In fart, in a volume bearing PLAN CHRISTMAS PARTY HM** .and 20% saving on a I \t the beginning of the inter- I original picture of Our Lady of "Almost 300 of our students were , George E. Creamer and Mrs. Dsrie ne.-sy, chairman of Bingo and games | the title "The Christmas Holvdays pea repair bill. Open 8:15 view. M (iav expressed to the Pre- Perpetual Help. TV- picture has jilaVing football this year. Five of committee; Charles V. Wilt, chair- j in Rome." an account of the Pi Ta ran The annual Christmas par! for Edgar will serve the refreshment^ mier 1 he pleasure experienced by ¡In- teams, played intra-mural gaiiies ||l in. to 9 p. m. until Christ- man of the refreshments committee; I could hardly be overlooked. Having the children of the needy families of Catholics 11 pou rra.lng the Minis th I 1 of the teams engaged in Hpii for Card and Gift Shop- Arthur G. McFarlin, chairman of the stated that, when these holy days trr's communique occasioned by the ;istic competition. Only or THE LITTLE FLOWER CLU»*~ decorations committee; Francis A. are at hand, the varied population the East End district «ill 1»' spon- campaign against the Nuncio The members Of I he 111 d Vir- tv and freshman teams Roney, chairman of the I"• •«• r show j of the city receives a new accession | sored by the Emerson club 011 Fri- „ Sodali! \ will attend llol\ Hour receiving scholar- The annual Christmas party committee; Paul G. Volk, chairman 1 from the people of the suriounding i day evening, December '_••'!, a' the )W, 39 years of age, j I gridav : evening, December Hi. w, t'i nd great interest dinner will be held Monday eveniMCi of the howling committer. Howard i country. Rev. Mr. Kip goes on to Fnman • . ' I Guild Hall. :.:i'J0 Center avenue, uif0fences will ill held after HoU the stuii it- in the junior December 1!», in the club parlsfM ^ desires position as house- A. Lai I has been appointee! general tell: "I did only my duty," Herriot 'wherein a huge Chri.tmas tree v-ill our on the Fridav evening pro, ed- il il 1.0- mini teams. Some An old-fashioned turkey dinner wi® kefper; good home rather | vice-chairman, and John F. Suchr,! irpl id "Wr know with what tact, "The peasants who live in the de- .od play wei i all the ' trimmins" will lie served St general secretary. | be beautifully illuminated and de- high salary preferred : I serted tombs on the Gampagna: the vhat nb.-olutf corrrctnr-s, M.on- U , pre 6:110 I'. M„ followed by an enttrt«i»r The party ¡.« beinsr held ¡11 both natives of the Alban mountains, rated and a round which v. ill be • iht Maglione fulfilled his d. iicaU •f references furnished. HOMEUOOD < MiD PAR I Ï ' ment in charge of the dramaticdMS. St. Philip school auditorium and the fieivc, banditti-looking fellows who j function-, lie is a-i excellent diplo- ! placed io> s to be .|i ti dialed bj routagcd to t mt \ telegram has been received bytiP Klress Box 345. care of The K. of C. home in order to take care I gather their cloaks about them with mat, aid. what i- more, a per- Santa Claus to the children. We intend immediately to encOur- hostesses. Miss Margaret BrinMKN pburgh Catholic. of the large crowd which is expected. a scowling air which would not be Friday; D-. • m ber 11;. the regular age wide participation in basketball I Mo Hie Cost el lo and Maris OMQ at all pleasant to encounter among After a program of gaim s and ! we know that under all circum- weekly card party will be held at Already a schedule of intra-mural | from Santa Claus that he wUgpl • RENT—Room in pri- WILL BUILD HOSPITAL their own hills; and the Trasteverini, other entertainment and the distri- ' stances he has always been a man Holy ìlosnry ll ill, 71I I Kelly street. The hostesses are Mi s A UHM II-ff. games i> Iwing worked out. We ! present. mte home with family re- in their picturesque costumes, boast- bution of toys and refreshments, the jof duty. I thought it was my duly lilabl. ron, M is - I at lie i ine Golden, Mis. have thie indoor The Little Flower Club and CWW Geneva, Dec. 5.—A chapter of the ing themselves to be the only tiue children will be dismissed. The club I to render him public homage. 1 in St. Bernard's Parish, u,,y Get/, and Mi . M. E. Gardner !.>r the Us of th ' studellt- I are planning to hold a card party yf great St. Bernard order, whose mem- descendants of the ancient Romans, members will then distribute baskets "Furthermore, we can only cun- earlv part of January. Misa MM* pt, near 38 and 42 car This is the las! card party before bers are famed for gallant rescues and as proud and haughty in their of food and articles of clothing to 1 irratulate ourselves on the attitude Fichter and Mrs. Sadie Hobst a*S t»S Christina . The next oiu will be held Vdd simile : As public spirited as for single person or! bearings if they had also inher- the distressed families and upon re- ! nf the Vaticaife I have read with of travelers lost amid Swi.^s snows,' a iiiçh-'al.iried director of a chanty j genera! chairmen, assisted by eas couple. Write Box K, j ited the heroic virtue- of their an- turning to the Guild Hall will be i 1 hi greatest satisfaction the article .11 nuai ? <;. There will be man; beau- has decided to build a small hospice i tiful prizes. dnvt.—St. Louis Fost-Dupstch. j bsrs oi ths club and guild» of Pittsburgh Catholic. | OB tha border of Tibet. 1 eestor«—these are to b« mat roam- lerved a midnight lunch- that L afo»« Romano recently