IN I H15 ISSUE IN THIS ISSUE iii i )'( alla Hi-hop *KHin make* *r- ghan. nu ed ears, pastel ii.nt appeal in hehalf af of St. Jiihr fi^iTTSBURi.n atholic the T0<> children a» 81. dr-'il- he T C Paul's Orphan \»>liiin. h o und e ci in ¡844 by Rt. Rev. Michael O'C onnor, hirtt Hishop of Pittsburgh f)ioce*e EIGHTY I.lGÏI I I! YEAR PITTSBURGH, PA , THURSDAY, DF.t EMBER 15, 1932 No. 80 Serious Situation ! Holy Name Man Instantly Killed t. O'Callaghan, , Soon After Going To Confession DESTROYED BY FIRE F Confronts Orphans,Siste r M. Cain ie. McCartney, Blessed Sacrament Is Carri Priest For 59 Years, a Native of Pittsburgh, to Safety as Flames Rum Dies in Oklahoma 1 Regma Coeli Cintiteli Ho the regu .<• H ime (. ri B1 Dead At Age Of 83 Diocese Is Warned •Sister Mar j Gabriel McCartney, A» Mr. I.d K all I i.saline min for more than A. the Rev. A1 oys A' «,. pa-Tor, » a 1- .¡stan w i twenty years, died Friday afternoon, tire the night L»s in« Fa th e i: Angel, Mi 1 he K a toell chi December U, a! St. John's hospital in Bishop's Letter To Priests and as he reached ie street i ar tracks Jurn vorth ¡side's Coyleiville Paitor For SS Tulsa, Okla . where she had been te the wheels of in onncomine g interurbar Itali a :. e a í i y moved from Hartlesville that morn- T Years, Ht W«» Third And People, Urging Ut- jured. The scene of the », i ident l- . We,I ing:, suffering arthritis. Sister Ga- ay morning The loas was Lranre to the St, Anr lurch property most Generosity At briel, who had been teaching in ace : at $ ¡20,0011 i>. Deput > K ire Oldest Priest In The Bartlesville since last September, Father Angel was soon at the injured le a : h ef Frank J >nea Christmas Time To Di- had been sick only a week. When her nointed him, but life was extinct. Mr P.. g • a me r.he cause of the fire is so far un- E Diocese — Founded Hdj condition be« ame worse Friday morn- of St. Anne parish for 4-S years and ha i ah* •termined, but fire officials believe ing, she was taken to the hospital in »11 parish affairs was caused by an expl ision if g-as Name Parish In Duqnesso ocesan Wards, Says ChiI-|SignsPortendEuropeanConf|ict Work at Castel Gandolfo Will Till a where she died at 3:10 o'clock M' Pang'» d*ath is the ftfth fatal acc.de? St Anne hic h had accumulated in the heat- Says • .' i ii -n, wit hout rrga.n ng parish in the ¡mm three mont is. g ystem in the basement. Be Inspected Late This —Bishop Presides At dren May Actually Want by 1937, John Correli \\ i.en the fire broke out at about at St. Month or Next For Bare Necessities Soon. Fidelis, Herman in s m , I athei Fani a aio., has Solemn Funeral Mas* On Herman, Pa. Dec; 12 Tilt st mat: Monday. No one who n Mr it Rev dent and faculty of St. I idei is Sen- * ( 'aste! 1 Her to th na rv en ¡o veil a rea! ! rent ia-t Thür FR. DOMINIOS ASKS WINNIPEG TO CLOSE eren«l I: !• Ho The Rc ererpiah O'Callaghan, pastors and |»#• .->j years th'rd oldest priest in 1 John .1. Correli, ti <1 ,„ --f of Pitt.sburgh in age and announcing 'be ( man and conver FOR SPECI HELP .u «pent in tii" priesthood, for the orphans editor of The Pit n the afternoon of the Feast of fail to r, t >.M the institution is Mr. Gorrell chose Immaculate ( onception in the Wants to Give Carnegie Children Spi IM 3W Confronts facing a ver\ s«iious "-ituation. experiences and y of St. John's parish, Coyle»- Hi . Ie. to Care rtiitier county, which he had What the orphans «hall pat ami Extra Christmas T>eat in inspiring pictur. of the I- n harist >« 1 as pastor for the part 36 • Pupils wear, and use in the way of actual ('ongress at Dublin, D« land, \ftet Addition to Food foi Mr necessities «lurmsr the nex' «tx the cong-re - Mr. (iorrell tin vrledj >n on Ai I'evpue his age. Father O'Cal- over the Continent, studying social i and (ireeley, st aia t m ; i... laghan has been able to carry on his months, will depend entirely upon Fa ther Dominic•is , p astor c.f Hoi -, Winn i j if y , Ma The wr and economic conditions. Kan. and Part IH k Wf'.ÍH«'-••i«'! y ni "Í ' i ^ iter rençive d today the fi rs parish duties without assistance un- what their friends provide through 1 Soul.«< church, ( arne gie. and di 1¡ V\ nn i- g hod a ioIll| The speaker gave his opinion of Th .antv of Sister o whichi has been aci orile til about six years ago, when he recto r of the F r.-.' 1Í .ti neh for ali ! tional p liiipe it 'll its lap til- "'"'' a to inspeel1 the P,.pe' s model the collection on Christmas Day. All the situation in Ktirope as he saw j Gahr •i'was a by the throngs anvûU alai ni farm i met with an accident which in- i th»" needy of hat «¡istrici, ask- day wliiei l \rebbi \ A S in no! ''"'"1'a.iie, ¡ t lie s paci their funds have been exhausted, and it. Italy, he called the best governed I ends wl passed her bier in Ukrht 1 ). ous; lov el y g ron ml s of th capacitated him. The Capuchin i everybody to re alize that Christ : notified otf is tais t he nini i'atho- -"Unu-.l, • Villa Pa nation in Europe today a tribute to i the com i III , hapel, I'aola. Her rare I 1 hid .111 'a •U-. He 5 •i e t h re Fathers from S< Mary Monastery, money is so scarce in other quarters i ma- is coming . r ni y for them an the ability of Mussolini. Italy is personality, combined with a deep ed a thit papal vili Herman, then assisted him in his that a loan to tide them over is im- seive hut al- for the p....i c of 00( prosperous. There are no beggars, I spiritual nature, fitted her most 1 . , g i A thon;-an d wo parish duties unt I two years ago peop le of the ( a rne g i e commun it v, C : i î hi ne.êdVhat un A:' 'J '"'' ' possible. and no one ever heard of the vet eminently for t he difficult task of fe the Kr." inds of the -e villa when the Rev. John Boslet was as- iallv the i Id rei, It i- at !h'is i- t he\ cannot >pi • ' " 1 e -pe. r the direct i oil Ot i 1' : <Ine of th « in is t.li e famous « dd pap; •igned as the regular parish as- In the "hardest year of the long erans bonus. teacher, which she mi faithfully ful- .. e \ : èputv ! time of the ye•a r tha! people seem ! M (Tot il 1 -r -p ; ' palace iri the ci IP t nWI sistant drawn out depression," efforts are Germany seems hopeless. Nazism,) filled The crowded sanctuary at the pillili 1 to forjre t all thi e m loerv that is ! porting 11 InVItut I '»••* » n ; I i,,,. 1 I which is well km iwn arid wi II be 111 said Mr. Gorrell, is the bane of the I rsuline \c;idemy, where the fli- to pa vi ; axrs f.<r th'- W St fII th» *\ r «'five Father O'Callaghan had been in being made everywhere to save chil- ! aboii t them, th «•> are inclined to be ' add il ion ng i tie charig i d exc. •pt for the aililitic. nation. Germany never will have ne rnl riles were held Tuesday morn ; in*n were « failing health for several months, dren from the suffering that is found a lit tie bit se ¡fish at id think ,-nly ma nt «-n ¡hi it" hf>«> 1 s, it of a pow unity until Hitler and his supporters I ing, December ii, was replete with lort-wav«' r and his death at 11. o'clock last •II every hand, and to secure for ' of thlemselves . fi. rget * ing that there i wa- '-ai. are crushed. They speak of Com- former pupils, many of whom drove Ti.« Hll obsi'lrvatory . Tine sec 111 1 hursday afternoon did not come as ! is a Free 1 un« h serving n them at least those things that will munism being the menace; hut the from a distance to attend the serv- a surpri e to his friend- and parish- j hundreds of needy people eve prevent physical and mental break- real danger is from the Nazis. It is He is » m ixed by one sister I Father Doniinicis down in the future. While the German militarism and the iron heel j •' Ijfiiuip • d and several nieces and special Christmas ' . D gtrictest economy is br.ing practiced of despotism on the ram page auam.i Ma - nepliews. for P Following his r at the orphanage, those in charge " Aust ria and Hungars are i Mos ie-, Bishl tii, Father OTal- pitiful condition," said Mr.
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