River Wye SSSI Restoration Technical Report Finaldraftforconsultation
River Wye SSSI Restoration Technical Report –Draft for Comment Issued for comment January 2015 River Wye SSSI Restoration Technical Report_FinalDraftForConsultation Executive summary Jacobs was commissioned by the Environment Agency to produce separate Technical Reports for the restoration of the Lower Wye and River Lugg. In addition, Management Reports to complement each Technical Report were also produced by Jacobs. This is a Technical Report on the geomorphological assessment of the Lower Wye. The Lower River Wye and is a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The river is designated due to the presence of grayling, freshwater pearl mussel, white-clawed crayfish, shad, otter, salmon, bullhead, lamprey, various invertebrate assemblages and water-crowfoot communities. The Upper and Middle Wye are also designated, however those reaches lie within Wales and were not investigated for this Technical Report. Reports for the Upper and Middle Wye will be produced separately by Natural Resources Wales (NRW). A combination of all reports will provide a catchment wide restoration strategy for all the SACs and SSSIs in the River Wye catchment. The Lower Wye mainly flows through England; however there is a section around Monmouth that is entirely within Wales. Here the right bank of the river is generally regulated by NRW, whilst the left bank is regulated by Natural England and the Environment Agency. Natural England has subdivided the Lower Wye SSSI into seven management units, six of which are assessed to be in ‘unfavourable condition’. This report is required to assess the current geomorphological condition and pressures on the Lower Wye to inform a Management Report that will provide suggestions to help achieve favourable condition in each of the management units.
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