The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works
HNGU!N � CLASSICS THE CLOUD OF UNKNOWING AND OTHER WORKS ADVISORY EDITOR: BETTY RADICE The identity of the author of The Cloud of Unknowing is unknown, but he was undoubtedly an English priest who lived during the latter half of the fourteenth century. Six other works are commonly attributed to the same pen; and their words, style, and language suggest those of a country parson from the East Midlands. CLIFTON WoLTERS was born in London, and trained for the priesthood at Durham University and the London College of Divinity. He was Vicar of Wimbledon Park, Rector of Sanderstead, and later Provost of Newcastle. After retirement, he served as Chaplain to St Margaret's Convent, East Grinstead. He has also translated Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love and Richard Rolle's Fire of Love for the Penguin Classics. Clifton Wolters died in I99!. THE CLOUD OF UNKNOWING AND OTHER WORKS TRANS LA TBD INTO MODERN ENGLISH WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY CLIFTON WOLTERS PENGUIN BOOKS PENGUIN BOOKS Published by the PenguinGroup PenguinBooks Ltd, 27 WrigbllLaoc, London W8 STZ, England Penguin BooksUSA Inc., 37S Hudaon St:Ret,New York, New York 10014,USA Penguin BooksAus lrBiiaLtd, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia Penguin Books Canada Lid, 10 AlcornAvenue, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaM4V 3B2 Penguin Boolr.s(NZ) Ltd, 182-190Wairau Road, 10, NewZealand Penguin BooksLtd, Rcgilt=d Offil:es:Harmondsworth,Middi CIICX, England This translation of TheClowl of Unknowingfirst published 1961 Reprintedwith TheEpl.ltl� of Priory C01111.Jel, Dlonyslu.r'My:�ticd Teaehblg and TheEpi.Jtle of Prayer 1978 IS 17 19 20 18 16 Copyright©Clifton Wolters, 1961, 1978 All righll rcscrvcd Printedin England by Clays Ltd, St Ivespic Setin Monotypc Bcmbo Except in the United Statesof America, thisis boolr.
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