COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AID 492-CA-1707 Project No. 498-0265
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COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AID 492-CA-1707 Project No. 498-0265 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT September 1, 1984 Cooperative Agreement AID 492-CA-1707 Project No. 498-0265 Annual Progress Report September 1, 1984 Page No. Headquarters Activities 2 1. Staffing 2. Training 3 S. Design and Development 6 4. Industrial Extension Meeting 7 5. Other activities 8 Outreach Programs 9 1. Philippines 9 2. Indonesia 10 3. Thailand 10 4. India 11 5. Burma 11 6. Egypt 12 Budget and Expenditures 12 Appendices Appendix A - Three Week Agricultural Engineering Course Appendix B - Papers on Fertilizer Placement Appendix C - Testing of a Two Stage Axial Flow Pump Appendix D - Annual Report for the Philippines Appendix E - Transplanter Training Program Appendix F - Annual Report forlndonesia Appendix G - Draft Report, "Diffusion and Commercialization of Rice Pnst-harvest Equipment in West Sumatra" Appendix H - Annual Report for Thailand Appendix I - Annual Report for India Appendix J - Annual Report for Burma Appendix K - Expenditures and budget to date Cooperative Agreement. AID 492-CA-1707 Project Number 498-07265 Annual Progress Report September 1, 1984 Project Title: Extension o4: Small-Scale Agricultural Equipment The International kice Research institute Although the economies in the Southeast Asian countries had a serious impact uponf agriculture, the small manufacturers with whom we work: have continued to increase thei r producti on. Since currency devaluations have increased the cost o- imported equipment, farmers are turnirnc more to iocal I v produced machinerv. The table on pago 25 04 the HA-IRRI A~nnual Report (Phil i ppi nes) i 1lustrates now production hsc continuec to. be strong dur n l98-.. Notice was received in late 1993 that ±unding from the Asia Bureau will terminvte on September 3a-, 198o and that any continuation of the projects will be with support 4rom the local missions. As a result, evaluations of country programs were requested +or Indonesia anu the Philippines. ]ns eval uati on +or indonesia was schedul ed for February 1985: the :ne for the Philippines was completed in October, 1I8. Both evaluations recommended continuation Ut Vnre prcnrN-w. The speci fic recommenoations are included in separat. r ,Lrts. The nrc:ram in India maoe cc:cd progress in 1983-84 although the ooviser, Mr. Fred Nichols, oild not arrive until September 1, !9G4. We +eel that much progress will be seen in 1935. In general , the project continued to increase the number o! machines being introduced to farmers and enlisted more manuiacturers in the production ot machines for the smaK2armers. The reception by manufacturers eager to +ind good deslgns to produce inoicated that a need for such machines existed although the technical capabilitic. s had not been developed. The IRRI Industrial Extension Program is designed to meet that need and develop the capabilities of local manu-aczurers. Headquarters Activities 1. Staffing The staffing of the Agricultural Engineering Department as of I September, 1984 was as follows: Dr. C. W. Bockhop, Head of Department, and Project Leader of Industrial Extension. Dr. Amr lKhan, Agricultural Engineer, with major responsibility in Design and Development. Mr. Makoto Ariyoshi, Agricultural Engineer, with major responsibility in Test and Evaluation. Hr. Dart Duff, Agricultural Economist, with major responsibility with the Economics Section. Dr . Y o C Woon Jeon was a consultant, Agri cultural Engineering, with major responsibility in grain drying. He had been a Senior Research Fellow and was appointed a consultant pending approval of a project proposal submitted to the Internati onal Development Research Council (Canada). [he approval was received on November 15 and the project will continue for three years. Support staff included one assistant Agricultural Engineer, 22 Research Assistants, 6 secretaries and 32 shop personnel, oraftsmen, field aides, and laborers. Outreach Staff Dr. Robert E. Stickney, Agricultural Engineer, Adviser to the Industrial Extension Program in the Philippines stationed in Manila. Dr. Billy/ J. Cochran, Agricultural Engineer, Adviser to the Industrial Extension program in Indonesia stationed in Jakarta. Vr. Fred Nichols, Agricultural Engineer, Adviser to the Industrial Extension program in India stationed in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu state. Mr. Nichols' appointment began September 1, 1984. Although not a part of the program supported by this project, the following are assigned to IRRI Industrial Extension programs in other countries: Mr. S. Labro, Senior Research Assistant, the Agricultural Engineering Department, IRRI, was assigned to the Egypt Rice Project in October 1987. His appointment fol1owed Mr. Narvin F'arker who departed due to health reasons. This project is part of the University of California contract with USAID. Mr. Malcolm Hammond is assigned to Burma as Agricultural Engineer and Project Leader. The project is supported by CIDA of Canada. 2. Training The department had four post-doctoral fellows. Dr. Banshi D. Shukla had major responsibility in crop drying. His two year term was completed in August 1984 and he returned to India. He is now a research of+icer with the Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering in Bhopal. Dr. Yong Woon Jeon was a Senior Post Doctoral Fellow until July 1, 1984 when he was appointed a consultant pending approval of a project by IDRC. This approval was granted and he was appointed to the Senior Staff on November 15, 1984. His principal responsibility is Crop Processing and Drying. Dr. Thammanun Pongsri::ul , An ex-ante evaluation of small farm mechanization policies in Thailand. (Post Doctoral Fellow). Adviser, Fart Duf. Dr. Zenaida Toquero, Rice post production technology in the Fhilippines. (Post Doctoral Fellow). Adviser, Bart Duff. The departmental staff supervised the research programs of the following scholars: Mr. Zahid Mahmood, Pakistan, UPLB; thesis project -- Analysis of Augers for Metering Prilled Urea and Injecting it in Flooded Soils. Adviser. A. U. Khan. Graduated with a Master of Science Degree in October, 1984. Mr. Md. Muzzammil Haq, Bangladesh, UPLB. Thesis project -- Performance Study of Three Types of Animal -4- Drawn Plows. Adviser, C. W. Bockhop. Graduated with a Master of Science Degree in May, 1984. Mr. Mamerto Aban, Research Assistant, completed his studies leading to the Master of Science Degree and graduated from UPLB in October, 1984. Mr. Alejandro Caballes, Research Assistant, completed his studies leading to the Master of Science degree and graduated from UPLB in October, 1983. Mr. Luhong Zhang, China, began his studies in June 1984. Adviser, C. W. Dockhop. Mr. Thanya Kiatiwat, Thailand, began his studies in July, 198i. Adviser, C. W. Bockhop. Mr. Wenceslao Kilasara, Ianzania, started a research project, The PTO Driven Axial Flow Thresher, for a Master of Science program at University of Dar es Salaam. Adviser: C. W. Bockhop. Mr. Francis Mwombeki, Tanzania, research project, Deep Placement of Fertilizer, for a Master of Science program at the University of Dar es Salaaam. Adviser, A. U. Khan. Mr. Julius Ki gal u, Tanzania, research project, Assessing the effects of selected levels of mechanization on small-scale rice production systems: Central Luzorn, Philippines, a case study, for a Master of Science Degre- at the University of Dar es Salaam. Adviser, Dart Duff. Mr. Dermot Shields, Productivity and income effects of farm mechanization in Thailand and the Philippines (ODA fellow). Adviser, Bart Duff. Mr. Ajay Markanday, The impact of mechanization on labor use in the Philippines, West Java and South Sulawesi. (ODA Fellow). Adviser, Bart Duff. M .. Somporn Saitan, The effect of tractor use on the structLu-e of income and income distribution on small rice farms: a case study of Suphanburi Province. Thailand (Kasetsart University). Adviser, Bart Duff. -5- Mr. Inigo Camacho, Development of m.dified rice whitening techniques through an analysis of the rice huller efficiency in commercial sized rice mills. UF'LB Dept. of Agricultural Engineering. Adviser, &art Duff. Ms. Leonarda Ebron, Changes in harvesting-threshing labor arrangements in Nueva Eci ja. UPLB Dept. of Agwricultural Education, Rural Sociology. Adviser, Bart Du+i. + Ms. Fleurdeliz Juarez, Institutional and economic impact of mechanical rice threshing in Laguna and Iloilo, Philippines. UPLB Dept. of Rural Sociology. Adviser, Bart Duff. The Department conducted two courses, each of three weeks duration, ouring ]983--84. A copy of the course schedule -or the course May 8 to June 15, 1984 is attached as Appendi". A. Attendance +or the two courses is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Attendance at Agricultural Engineering Course Country Nov 28-Dec 16 '8: May 28-June 15 '84 BangladEsh Bhutan 1 1 Burma 3 China 2 Ghana 1 India 4 (a) 3 (a) Indonesia I (a) 1 (a) Philippines 3 (a) 5 (a) Sri Lanka 3 4 Thailand 2 (a) 2 (a) Vi etnam i 1 Total 22 18 --------------------------------------------------------- (a) Received support from Industrial Extension project. All others were supported by other projects. -6 3. Design and Development Priorities for Design and Development are established by a Project Review Committee that includes senior staff from the departments of Agricultural Economics, Agronomy Entomology, Soil Physics, Multiple Cropping, and Training and Technology Transfer. Inputs to this committee come from Senior Staff and junior staff of the Agricultural Engineering Department, other departments, and from the Industrial Extension staff of the Outreach Program. The work during 1983-e4, in order of priority, was as fol 1ows: a. Fertilizer Placement Extensive research by Agronomists and Scientists from the International Fertilizer Development Center have shown that up to 60% of the nitrogen, applied as urea in the traditional way of spreading on the surface of a flooded field, can be lost through volatilization. To prevent this loss urea needs to be placed beneath the surface of the mud and immediately covered to prevent the introduction of water which dissolves the nitrogen. The Agricutural Design Group has been investigating various designs of machines to place fertilizer under the surface and prevent the immediate dissolution of nitrogen.