Heidi Mays, House Archivist August 14, 2006
PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BIPARTISAN MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ORAL HISTORY PROJECT INTERVIEW WITH: The Honorable Lawrence Roberts (D) 51st District Fayette County 1993-2006 INTERVIEW CONDUCTED BY: Heidi Mays, House Archivist August 14, 2006 Transcribed by: Paul Scott © Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Office of the Chief Clerk Heidi Mays (HM): Good afternoon. I‘m here today with Lawrence Roberts, who goes by Larry Roberts, I think? The Honorable Lawrence Roberts (LR): Yes, yes. HM: Who represented the 51st Legislative District from Fayette County [and] who served between the years 1993 and 2006. Thank you for being here with me today. LR: Oh, it‘s nice to be here, Heidi. I‘m glad to be doing this. HM: Thank you. I wanted to begin by asking you about your childhood and your early family life. LR: Oh, wow. Yeah, I was born on November 18, 1941, and was born in a little coal mining town called Fairbank, Pennsylvania, and at that time, my family lived in a, what they called, a company house. You probably heard of company houses. It was two families, one on each side and I think, as I remember, the people that lived on the other side were named Voloski. But, I was then baptized in the Catholic Church on Pearl Harbor Day1, December 7, 1941. Then shortly after that, we moved. My family moved to a little place called New Borough, and that‘s really the only home I really remember. I was a baby when my father bought that house and we moved there, but it was a nice little community.
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