Notes on the Arabian Bustard Ardeotis Arabs in Saudi Arabia

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Notes on the Arabian Bustard Ardeotis Arabs in Saudi Arabia SI pl7 s:yooH IilO/SIH lV.lnlVN oalnqqns Aq pazJP!sqns uaaq S\!\j sal\!(d Jnol°:> Jo uoJsnl:>uJ a\U .s:jods IeuoH!ppe OM:j U! punoJ aJaM s'l:>eJ:jpue WeJWeJV !pe M U! pa:jl{~!s SeM pJ!q auo .(H,Olo£t N,Oto9r) uel{ea !peM pue (H,gZoOt N,OZoOV l{:j!1 IV uaaM:jaq uo~aJ l{ewel{!l al{:j U! pa:j!s!A aJaM sa:j!S OZ 'S'laaM OM:j Ja1\O /,861 Jaqwa1\oN-.1aqo:j:>O .SMOIIOJse sa:>eId IeJa1\as U! punoJ aJaM s'l:>eJ:j pue uaas aJaM SpJ!q aaJl{:j ~pa:j!S!1\aJaM sa:j!S og sJ.aAJnS IeH!U! a\{:j JO 'lJOM PIa!J ,sl..ep gt al{:j ~U!lna SSUH~!S pJe:jsn8 .asel{d puo:>as paI!e:jap aJow e U! pa!pn:js aq PIno:> pJ!q al{:j aJal{M SeaJe aIqe:j!ns a:je:>0I O:j pue spJe:jsng ue!qeJV JoJ l{:>Jeas O:j Su!e:junow :jeMeJes al{:j pue eas pa}I al{:j UaaM:jaq SII!l{:jooJ :jua:>e!pe pue l{ewe\{!l al{:j U! apew aJaM sl..aAJnSJnoJ ' al{:r JO asel{d :jsl!J al{:j uI S.L lnSH1I aNV SaOH.LHW AHA1InS (IUii.lnUJ U!lIlV) °\{J.lew '!:jnoq!!a '5qll.lll 5!IOilp.lV p.letSng Ue!qe.IV .1 ~eld .UMOU'fUn S1aJal[~ S~~S ~uasaJd s~1l[~nol[~ 'uawaA wal[~nos u1 ral[el ~e UOWWO;)f.IJ1eJ ~1 punoJ (986U f.JnqJaA I f.J~ua;) ~st!1 i.wWO;) .sJad Japod .d .}I 'sUHJew .d .}I ~l861 .'"la s'fOOJg) aJroas f.IqeuoSeaJ swaas UOH1sod S~1'aJal[~ PJ1q Ie;)°I pue a;)Je;)s e s1 ~1 l[~nol[~ 'pue 'uo~aJ ~eq~ o~ uOH!padxa 3WSO al[~ ~u1Jnp uawaA wal[pou Jo l[ewel[1l. al[~ uo sa~1s aaJ~ ~e papJo;)aJ aJaM sIenp1A1PU1 ~uaJaJJ1PII ~seaI ~e S861 uI iS861 dn1Jo~ pue Japod) uaas aJaM spJe~snq ou 'S861 V!qV.lV !pnvs U! p.lV1SnH uV.IqV.lV fl Jsno.lgpuvs M. Shobrak and A. Rahmani Sandgrouse 13 Table 1. Local names for the Arabian Bustard Ardeotis arabs in Arabia. See Figure 1 for location of places. Area Local names Northern Saudi Arabia Habrow AI LithtoAI Muzaylif Khirb AIMuzayliftoAIBirk Korab Ad DarbtoSabya Karab, Khirb, Suwad, Raw a Assaid SouthofAbu'Arish Korab, Khirb, Allawam, Neisf Ashshah, Gutah Southern Yemen AI Balawan Ad Oarb area there is a traditional children's song with the lyric Ya suwadarini raqs al-'azabah(Bustard, show me the dance of the beautiful woman), which is sung while the children mime the movements of the Arabian Bustard. Habitat Birds were found in most of the habitats represented on the Tihamah, and we differentiated five types. 1. Stony plateaus and small wadis covered with acacia trees and tufts of Pennisetum grass. In this type of habitat the bustards were more or less permanently present. Many tracks were found, and birds were flushed three times. 2. Undulating sandy areas dominated by Salvadorapersica and grasses. One bird was seen in this habitat only 1.5 km from the sea coast. 3. Cultivated areas. One bustard was flushed from a vehicle track between fields. Sorghum and millet fields seemed to be frequently used (see below), and this is the habitat which appears to be favoured also in adjacent northern Yemen (Brooks et al. 1987). 18 61 .v ple~sng 1l°)J al{~ ~Se!JeJe}0 S){Unl1 al{~ ~e pa){Jad ~! sawH aall{.L .s~Jasu! ~u!){e~ Alq!SSOd '(!J:J!Ulf:JJ1O.l1id!J!UJP!JldJ1 'sawH Ma} e 'pue lUnd.l!J:JO.lJldlUndo.llO!IJH) s~ueld ~e AI~Uanbal} pa){Jad osIe ~! pue ' Aj!~Uap! ~OU PlnoJ aM l{J!l{M S~JaSU!lal{~O pue sladdol{SSel~ la~}e Uel ~! Ua~}o .(£ al~!d) ~U!~elO}~uads SeM aW!~ S~!}0 %L9 'Slnol{ }Iel{ e pue ua~ lO} AISnonU!~UOJ ple~snq e pal{J~eM aM Ual{M '0661 f.Jenuef £l uo .(ela~dol{~lO) sladdol{SSel~ pue (ela~doaIOJ) saI~aaq }0 SU!eWal al{~ }0 IIn} alaM saldwes al{~ }0 ~SoW .eale Apn~s al{~ WOl} AIU!ew ' AaAlns l{~}!} al{~ ~u1lnp pa~JaIIOJ alaM saldwes IeJae} £8 S:J!q1!l{~u!paaJ pU1! pooii .seale ~Sa~oWal al{~ o~ UaAa la~eM ~lOdsuel~ o~ pue ~U!paa} f.Je~uawalddns plO}}e o~ 4!I!qe pUno}-MaU ,SlaUMO-){JO~SpaMOIIO} sel{ l{J!l{M ){JO~SaA!I}0 slaqwnu al{~ U! aSealJU! ~SeAal{~ o~ anp S! S!l{~ ~SaW!~~UaJal U! paZel~laAO AlalaAas aWOJaq aAel{ l{ewel{!.L al{~ }0 s~led a~leI 'laAaMOH .dweJ lno dn ~as aM alal{M 'qaapaueg q!qeH }0 a~eII!A al{~ WOl} W 00£ uel{~ ssaI uaas SeM Pl!q aUO pue 'Seale pa~!qel{U! o~ asoIJ f.JaA UaAa pUno} aq UeJ ~e~!qel{ alqe~!n$ (:VV,lqolfSPJUJUJvlfoW) :e!qel\f !pnes) l!ewel!!.L 'sqV,lVS!10JP,lV pletSng Ue!qel\f I..q patUanbalJ eale pateAmnJ 'E ateId .pUnoJ alaM Pl!q aUO JO SU!eWal a4:1 pue ala4 uaas alaM ple:lsn9 Ue!qel\f JO S){:>el.L.saal:J !IS!.ll{J-vu!ds snl{d!z!z aWOS 4:1!M ')[VSV.V pue 'VUV!g.lJqUJ.ll{J.V 'S!l!I.lOI V!JVJVJO ~UHS!SUO:>'seaje Apues U! puelpooM uado .s le:l!qe4 JO adA:I S!4:1U! uaas alaM SPl!q aal4.L .Ulnp!g.lnJ UlnJ!uVd pue 'S!ISO.lgvd!IS'vsou!ds V.lJjog!PUI 'XJldUl!s Ulnl1lil{dogliz 'JUlOJD 'UlnJ!qV.lV UlnJUl!1 'VJ!UVav! Va.lJV 'S!l!I.lOI V!JVJV sapnI:>u! UO!:Ie:la~aA .saI:>!4aA 0:1 alq!ssa:>:>eu! :Is0wle wa4:1 sa){ew S!peM asa4:1 JO Ja!Ial a4.L .4ewe4!.L a4:1 JO SII!4:100J a4:1 U! S!peM pa:l:>aSS!pIIews .v V! !pnvs U! p.lvlsng UV! rl JSno.lgpuvs 1"l .paA.Iasqo :jOU SEM AEIds!p d!l{s:jlnOJ :jnq 'Slal{:jEa} :jSalJ S:j! ~U!S!El pUE l{Jnod )[Jau S:j! ~U!:jEIJU! :j! MES aM sawH Ma} V .~U!:jSallO ~U!~ElO} lal{:j!a panU!:jUOJ pUE wlEIE ou paMOl{S :j! :jnq plE:jSnq al{:j O:j asoIJ aWEJ S:jEO~ ' AEp al{:j ~U!lna .S!l{:j uo suo!snIJuoJ AUE MElp o:j :jua!JH}ns AIPlEl{ S! 'laAaMol{ 'pJ!q aI~U!S E uo UO!:jEA.Iasqo S,AEP auo .uosEas ~U!paalq al{:j lO} :jE} aA.IaSal dn pnnq O:j (aIEw :jInpE UE) Pl!q al{:j }O paau al{:j o:j lO :jE:j!qEl{ al{:j }O A:j!IEnb lood al{:j O:j lal{:j!a anp uaaq aAEl{ :jl{~!W pUE l{~!l{ slEaddE ( %l9) ~U~ElO} :juads aw!:j }O uo!:jlodold al{.L 1! aas o:j )[lEP oo:j aWEJaq :j! I!:jun AIaAHJE AJaA ~U!~ElO} :j! pal{J:jEM aM pUE EalE uado alow E o:jU! :jno aWEJ :j! '~U!UaAa a:jEI al{:j uI .El{ t :jnoqE }O EalE nEWS E U! paU!EWal :j! 'po!lad S!l{:j nE ~U!lna .Sll{ 00.l1 IHun paA.Iasqo ual{:j alaM ~uHsal pUE '~uHEOI '~U!~ElO} }O spo!lad :jUa:j:j!Wla:jU! pUE ':jods ~U!:jsal :juala}}!p E o:j AIMOIS ~U!AOW sawHawos 'apEl{s al{:j U! pa:jsal :j! Sll{ O£.ZI I!:jufl .~U!}EOI uE~aq :j! l{J!l{M la:j}E 'sa:jnu!w OM:j lO} UMOp :jES pUE apEl{s awos o:j aWEJ :j! Sll{ to.01 :jE :jnq '~U!~ElO} :juads SEM aw!:j aIOl{M S:j! :jsowIE Sll{ 00.01 I!:jufl .(£ aln~!d) I..Ep al{:j :jnol{~nOll{:j :j! paMOnO} aM pUE pa:jEJoIal SEM :j! Sll{ £0.80 :jE :jnq , AEME MaIJ :j! ual{M Sll{ £1.l0 :jE plE:jsnq al{:j MES :jSl!} aM .pa~uoIold alow SEM '0661 f.J.EnuEf £"l UO all?w :jInpE UE }O 'UOHEA.Iasqo puoJas al{.L 1! a:jEJoI :jOU PInoJ aM l{JlEaS ,slnol{ lnO} }O a:j!ds U! :jnq ':jl{~!I AUE SEM alal{:j SE uoos SE Pl!q al{:j pu!} o:j ~U!AJ:j uE~aq pUE as!luns alO}aq lnol{ UE :jods al{:j pal{JEal aM ~U!UlOW :jxaN 1! 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