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AVL/Splay Trees AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees AVL/Splay Trees Splay Trees References S. Thiel1 1Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering Concordia University July 17, 2019 1/43 Outline AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Self-Organizing Lists Splay Trees References Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees References 2/43 Self-Organizing Lists [1, p.307] AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees References I We have looked at organizing list by value I That's not the only option I If we want to find something quickly, are there faster options? 3/43 Organizing by Frequency 1 [1, p.307] AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists If we just want a fast access to what we're looking for Balanced Trees I AVL Trees Splay Trees I We can organize by frequency, as this is often cheap References I This applies when we know about the frequency: I e.g.: for ki elements where each value has probability pi I When sorting linearly, assuming the above frequencies were ordered for convenience: I Total comparisons to find each value once is: Cn = 1p0 + 2p1 + ::: + npn−1 2 I In general, Cn is a function of n , and thus each find is Θ(n) in the average case 1 1being the case where the probabilities are followed 4/43 Organizing by Frequency 2 [1, p.307-308] AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees I What if pn are geometric series? References 1 I What if pi = 2i+1 ? I Cn = 1p0 + 2p1 + ::: + npn−1 I which is just: n−1 X i n + 1 = 2 − 2i 2n−1 i=1 I and as n approaches 1 it is 2 5/43 Access Patterns [1, p.309] AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees References I 80/20 rule for data access. I It turns out this is common. I When 80/20 applies, sorting by frequency generally yields good results 6/43 How Else To Self-Organize? 1/2 [1, p.310-311] AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists I Store access counts, move to front of list if count Balanced Trees exceeds count of preceeding value AVL Trees Splay Trees I must store counts References I doesn't deal well with changing frequency of access I Move-to-front: If something is accessed, move it to the front I Does not work well in arrays I responds well to localized frequency adjustment for short periods of time I responds poorly when things are accessed sequentially, or repeatedly sequentially I bounded: when searching for n values, the worst case is twice as long as searching for those n values if it were ordered conveniently. (doesn't make it much worse) 7/43 How Else To Self-Organize? 2/2 [1, p.311] AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees I Transpose: swap records found with the record beforehand References I good with both arrays and lists I frequently used records tend towards the front. I records that stop being accessed frequently will move to the back. I pathological cases can lead to all long accesses for bad sequences without repeats, but rare. I A common variation swaps with something a few steps ahead. 8/43 Self-Organizing List Performance [1, p.312] AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees References I They don't beat Θ (log n) performance in general I They do well in certain cases, so should not be overlooked I It can often behave like Θ (1) because of access patterns 9/43 Self-Organizing List Example [1, p.312] AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Message passing example: I Self-Organizing Lists I Sender and Receiver, sending text messages Balanced Trees I For each word, AVL Trees Splay Trees I it has never been seen, put it on the front of the list References and send it I if it has been seen before, send the index, move it to the front of the list I In this way, both sender and receiver keep matching lists and can decode properly I The order things are sent in matters (out of order sends would break this) I The car on the left hit the car I left. I The car on 3 left hit 3 5 I 5. I In general, while the above seems trivial, variants on this are common file/text encoding strategies where duplication is expected. 10/43 More Reliable Performance AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees I Self-Organizing lists are useful in special cases, but have References problem areas I BSTs have problem areas too, namely when they become unbalanced I Can we apply self-organizing approaches? I First let's consider what the implications of balancing are. 11/43 Balanced Trees AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees References I BSTs can become unbalanced I makes search expensive I adjust access, improve performance I ensuring complete binary tree too expensive I relax requirement, good enough (can we cheaply mostly fix it?) 12/43 AVL Tree vs. Splay Tree AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees References I AVL constrains difference between depth of sub{trees I SPLAY improves balance on each access I both have advantages 13/43 AVL Tree AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees I named for its inventors Adelson-Velskii and Landis) References I left and right sub{trees differ in depth by at most 1 I max depth is O (logn) I search is therefore O (logn) I updates can be done in time proportional to search I must be cautious with duplicate values, as rotations may break the BST property [1, p.454 E13.8] 14/43 AVL Tree Balance AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees References I Each node knows its level of unbalance I −1, 0 or 1 I tree starts balanced according to this I changes propagate up to root I when can we stop early? I propagation stops logically 15/43 AVL Tree Insertion [1, p.435] AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees References Figure: 24=-2, 7=-2: Unbalanced AVL with an insertion [1, p.435]. 16/43 AVL Tree Rotations AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees I what are these changes? Splay Trees References I we call them rotations I AVL needs a single rotation or double rotation I rotation about node with bad balance I if sign of imbalance is the same, single I if sign of imbalance differs, double I double rotation starts by making sign of imbalance the same I rotate on node with awkward balance 17/43 Single Rotation Example [1, p.436] AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees References Figure: X = -1, S = -2: Single Rotation Fix [1, p.436]. 18/43 Double Rotation Example [1, p.436] AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees References Figure: X = +2, S = -2: Double Rotation Fix [1, p.436]. 19/43 Single Rotation 1 AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees -1 AVL Trees 37 Splay Trees References -2 1 24 42 -2 0 0 1 7 32 40 43 -1 0 2 120 0 1 20/43 Single Rotation 2 AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees 0 Splay Trees 37 References -1 1 24 42 0 0 0 1 2 32 40 43 0 0 0 1 7 120 21/43 Double Rotation 1 AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees -1 AVL Trees 37 Splay Trees References -2 1 24 42 -2 0 0 1 7 32 40 43 1 0 2 120 0 5 22/43 Double Rotation 2 AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees 0 Splay Trees 37 References -1 1 24 42 0 0 0 1 5 32 40 43 0 0 0 2 7 120 23/43 But Shafer's Example has a Duplicate node? AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees References I Duplicate nodes are problematic I Rotation can break BST ≥ rule 24/43 Duplicate Doom 1 AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists -1 Balanced Trees 37 AVL Trees Splay Trees References -2 1 24 42 2 0 0 1 5 32 40 43 1 0 5 120 0 5 Is this a BST? 25/43 Duplicate Doom 2 AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees -1 37 Splay Trees References -1 1 24 42 0 0 0 1 5 32 40 43 0 0 0 5 5 120 Is this a BST? 26/43 AVL Tree Deletion AVL/Splay Trees S. Thiel Self-Organizing Lists Balanced Trees AVL Trees Splay Trees I addition looks easy. it is! References I deletion is only slightly trickier I can we optimize? I if balance is 1 grab smallest in right subtree? I if balance is −1 grab biggest in left subtree? I at least it cannot hurt I work up from secondary deletion 27/43 AVL Deletion 1 try 1 AVL/Splay Trees S.
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