Transport for investment programme report Quarter 4 2017/18 About (TfL) Contents Part of the Authority We are moving ahead with many of family led by Mayor of London Sadiq London’s most significant infrastructure Khan, we are the integrated transport projects, using transport to unlock growth. authority responsible for delivering the We are working with partners on major Mayor’s aims for transport. projects like 2 and the that will deliver the new 4 Introduction 42 We have a key role in shaping what homes and jobs London and the UK need. 42 Stations life is like in London, helping to realise We are in the final phases of completing 47 Accessibility the Mayor’s vision for a ‘City for All the Elizabeth line which, when it opens, will 8 Mayor’s Transport Strategy 48 Track renewals Londoners’. We are committed to add 10 per cent to London’s rail capacity. themes in this report 50 Infrastructure renewals creating a fairer, greener, healthier 52 Rolling stock renewals and more prosperous city. The Mayor’s Supporting the delivery of high-density, 54 Signalling and control Transport Strategy sets a target for mixed-use developments that are 11 Safety 80 per cent of all journeys to be made planned around active and sustainable on foot, by cycle or using public travel will ensure that London’s growth 57 Surface transport by 2041. To make this a reality, is good growth. We also use our own 14 Business at a glance 57 Healthy Streets we prioritise health and the quality of land to provide thousands of new 64 Air quality and environment people’s experience in everything we do. affordable homes and our own supply 66 Public transport chain creates tens of thousands of jobs 16 Key achievements 72 Asset investment We manage the city’s red route strategic and apprenticeships across the country. roads and, through collaboration with the London boroughs, can help shape We are committed to being an employer 19 2017/18 Budget milestone 75 Other the character of all London’s streets. that is fully representative of the performance summary 75 Technology and data These are the places where Londoners community we serve, where everyone 80 Growth Fund travel, work, shop and socialise. can realise their potential. Our aim is to 83 Elizabeth line Making them places for people to walk, be a fully inclusive employer, valuing and 20 Major projects cycle and spend time will reduce car celebrating the diversity of our workforce 21 Line upgrades dependency and improve air quality, to improve services for all Londoners. 27 Deep Tube upgrade programme 86 Appendix A: 2017/18 Budget revitalise town centres, boost businesses 29 Network extensions milestone performance and connect communities. We are constantly working to improve the 33 Major stations city for everyone. This means freezing TfL 41 Future projects We run most of London’s public fares so everyone can afford to use public transport services, including the London transport, using data and technology to Underground (LU), , the make services intuitive and easy to use, DLR, (LO), TfL Rail, and doing all we can to make streets and , transport services accessible to all. We (LRS), London Dial-a-Ride, Victoria Coach reinvest every penny of our income to Station (VCS), and continually improve transport networks the Emirates Air Line (EAL). The quality for the people who use them every day. and accessibility of these services is fundamental to Londoners’ quality None of this would be possible without of life. By improving and expanding the support of boroughs, communities public transport, we can make people’s and other partners who we work with lives easier and increase the appeal of to improve our services. We all need sustainable travel over private car use. to pull together to deliver the Mayor’s Transport Strategy; by doing so we can create a better city as London grows.

Investment programme report 3 Introduction This Investment Programme quarterly performance report provides an update on a range of projects that will deliver world-class transport services to London.

This report provides a progress update Where authority is significantly lower We also include cumulative EFC Each sub-programme or project also has to the Programmes and Investment than EFC in this report, authority has movements for savings and efficiencies an overall RAG milestone status, which Committee on the major projects and been given for the current stage of works that have been embedded since our 2017 represents the average forecast date sub-programmes that seek authority and further authority will be sought Business Plan, while protecting safety, variance against plan for 2017/18 budget each year (unless extraordinary when appropriate. services and reliability. Numbers in milestones in line with the following key: approvals are needed). brackets represent an EFC increase and The EFC of each sub-programme or numbers without brackets represent an On time or early: For each major project or sub- project may display a red, amber or EFC decrease. Commentary is provided programme, the financial and milestone green (RAG) status, which represents the for cumulative movements greater data represents the position as at level of change in EFC from the previous than £2m. quarter end. We include commentary quarter in line with the following key: 1-89 days late: for key achievements and progress in This report does not contain the quarter; the report also contains, EFC increase of two per cent or more: commercially sensitive information and as far as possible, updates on any therefore some EFCs and authorities notable progress post quarter end ▲ are marked with an asterisk until the 90 or more days late: prior to publication. main contract has been awarded. On EFC increase of five per cent or more: schemes where there is commercial For a sub-programme and project with confidentiality, the EFC, authority and a defined start and end, we include ▲ spend to date may also be withheld. N/A (without 2017/18 budget milestones) the forecast completion year, which are marked: is when it is planned to be substantially EFC decrease of two per cent or more: All financial figures are gross and may complete and in customer use. Works not appear to align with costs detailed such as road resurfacing or track renewal ▼ in the TfL Budget, which are net of any that are delivered in a prioritised third-party funding. In addition to the 2017/18 budget milestones – the key sequence are denoted as ‘annual’ EFC decrease of five per cent or more: committed projects and programmes milestones listed in the TfL Budget as they are controlled and measured included in this report, we will be document – are detailed in Appendix A within each financial year. ▼▼ seeking to obtain capital spend authority (page 86). in future for schemes such as the Financial records of spend to date, Where no symbol is used, the EFC Bakerloo line extension and . authority and estimated final cost increase or decrease (if any) is less than (EFC) are whole-life. This represents two per cent. the entire duration of each separate project or programme, except for annual portfolios where spend to date, authority and EFC figures represent the current financial year.

4 Introduction Investment programme report 5 Our Investment Programme is delivered •• Surface comprises the following by the following areas of the business: sub-programmes: Healthy Streets; Major Projects, London Underground, Air quality and environment; Public Surface and Other, and the structure transport; and Asset investment, of this report reflects this. which are covered in pages 56–73

•• Major Projects is responsible for our •• Other comprises the following largest and most complex projects. sub-programmes: Technology and It comprises the following areas: Data; TfL Growth Fund; and the Line upgrades; Deep Tube upgrade; Elizabeth line (including Crossrail), Network extensions; and Major which are covered in pages 74–85 stations, which are covered in pages 20–41 of this report. The Tottenham Court Road project is complete, has been handed over to operations and is therefore no longer reported. Schemes to be delivered by Major Projects in future (see page 41) will be reported in detail following authority approval

•• London Underground comprises the following sub-programmes: Stations; Accessibility; Track renewals; Infrastructure renewals; Rolling stock renewals; and Signalling and control, which are covered in pages 42–55

The Investment Programme includes a significant portfolio of work to deliver Healthy Streets

6 Introduction Investment programme report 7 Mayor’s Transport Strategy themes in this report

The Mayor’s Transport Strategy sets out We are making local streets healthy, a bold vision for a growing, welcoming pleasant and productive places to stop London, one where 80 per cent of at, travel through and live. Listening to, journeys will be made by walking, cycling and acting on, the suggestions of our or public transport by 2041. customers will allow us to make walking, cycling and public transport the first We are providing more trains on our choice for the vast majority of trips, busiest services, and opening the and the everyday operational excellence Elizabeth line to connect our city. will unlock the new jobs and homes that our city needs.

The Mayor’s Transport Strategy themes that we are delivering through our diverse Investment Programme are indicated in this report as follows:

Healthy Streets and healthy people

A good public transport experience

New homes and jobs

The Mayor’s Transport Strategy aims to reduce Londoners’ dependency on cars in favour of walking, cycling and public transport

8 Mayor's Transport Strategy themes in this report Investment programme report 9 Safety

The safety of our customers, employees and contractors is our core value. To keep London moving, working and growing, we work with a wide range of suppliers from across the UK and elsewhere to ensure they have the necessary culture and competence to safely deliver our capital investment and upgrade programmes. We are developing a tool to assess supplier performance and to identify and share good practices and areas for improvement.

Workforce safety Workforce accidental physical injuries Workforce RIDDOR incidents

100 0.30 Crossrail 0.25 80 90 TfL Major Projects

0.20 LU Renewals and Enhancements 60 61 0.15 40 52 52 51 0.10

20 0.05

0 0.00 Q4 2016/17 Q1 2017/18 Q2 2017/18 Q3 2017/18 Q4 2017/18 Q4 2016/17 Q1 2017/18 Q2 2017/18 Q3 2017/18 Q4 2017/18

■ Major projects directorate (MPD) ■ LU renewals and enhancements ■ Cumulative trendline ■ Crossrail ■ Major projects

There were a total of 51 accidental injuries to The RIDDOR* accident frequency rate (AFR) workers across our capital investment and of Major Projects, London Underground and upgrade programmes in Quarter 4, 2017/18. This Crossrail fell sharply during the quarter. is a 43 per cent decrease when compared to the same quarter in 2016/17. The Four Lines Modernisation (4LM) programme has broken its own safety record by achieving more than four million hours without a RIDDOR reportable injury.

* Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.

Operating our services to the highest safety standards is our top priority

10 Safety Investment programme report 11 We are changing our safety culture risk assessments and implementing new Transport for Greater , Incident at Victoria station by ensuring that our leadership controls, or increasing safety messages South Yorkshire Passenger Transport In February 2017, a member of the public teams are visible and by having safety to our customers and workforce. Executive, and Edinburgh Trams. This suffered life-changing injuries when conversations with the frontline teams. is part of our continuing work with they were struck by a failed architectural Our ‘Making HSE personal’ campaign has We have developed the world’s first the wider tram industry to learn every panel during high winds at Victoria been promoted through senior manager Direct Vision Standard to objectively lesson, implement the RAIB’s report station. A formal investigation report safety tours – an opportunity to show measure the volume of space around recommendations, and introduce further has been completed and lessons have that they care about the health, safety the cab directly visible to the driver measures that could improve tram been shared across our organisation, and wellbeing of their teams by visiting of a heavy goods vehicle (HGV). This safety across the UK. including Crossrail. This has resulted in sites and engaging with employees. So measurement is converted to a simple new assurance regimes, particularly for far, we have seen a 43 per cent reduction star rating from zero (poor) to five We have also been appointed as a hidden fixings, and changes in our design in the number of injuries that led to (excellent). We will implement a scheme representative on the new UK tram processes. The ORR also carried out an employees taking more than seven days that restricts or bans zero star-rated industry body, which has been set up investigation and concluded that it is off work compared with last year but, HGVs from entering London from 2020 under the guidance of the Office of satisfied with the actions we have taken crucially, this approach has made safety and vehicles below three stars from Rail and Road (ORR) to develop common to prevent this happening again. As a an important topic of conversation 2024. We have released the star rating standards and to address risk review and consequence, the ORR has advised that throughout the workforce. Our internal definitions to vehicle manufacturers identification. We are working to apply it will take no further action. communications have also been used and, in parallel, we are developing an the lessons of Sandilands across the to further promote engagement and operating model for the scheme. organisation and will address and report encourage safety conversations. on fatigue as a pan-TfL issue at future Sandilands – tram overturning meetings of the Safety, Sustainability An important part of our Health Safety We are continuing to address and meet and Human Resources Panel. & Environment (HSE) management the recommendations made in the Rail strategy is learning from incidents that Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) and Recent progress includes assessing cause, or could cause, injury or harm. SNC-Lavalin reports into the overturning options for track modifications, Where any incident occurs on our at Sandilands. tunnel lighting and strengthening tram infrastructure, the party accountable windows. The design of the iTram for the activity conducts an investigation. Our thoughts remain with everyone performance monitoring system is Incidents are reported to the relevant affected. The Sarah Hope Line continues nearly complete and bid evaluation authorities where appropriate, as well to provide help with counselling and is under way for tram emergency as our own investigation. These actions other support. lighting, with tender documentation identify the causes and contributory being compiled for a system to factors, as well as what needs to be We hosted a Trams Summit on physically prevent speeding. done to prevent reoccurrence. This 31 January and 1 February, which was may include reinforcing safe behaviours attended by other UK tram operators through briefings to workers, revising and transport authorities, including

12 Safety Investment programme report 13 Business at a glance Keeping London moving, working and growing to make life in our city better

How the Investment Programme is managed Investment Programme benefits

Major projects Trains run an hour on the Victoria line – Underground 3,000 36 a train every Hybrid buses in the entire fleet by 100 seconds the end 2017/18 (from 2,330 in 2016/17)

Surface TfL Board and the Programmes and 580km Investment 10,000m operated highways Committee of track renewals completed in Other 2017/18 680km operated Rail and Underground routes

Finances at a glance* Construction of the Tunnelling between Use of borrowing and cash Other Passenger Grants reserves income income 4.5km Battersea and £2.3bn £2.3bn £1.0bn £4.6bn Barking Riverside extension is set to start in completed as part of the summer 2018 Northern Line Extension, which is planned to open in 2020 Sources of funds £10.2bn 29% spent renewing and improving the network through one of the largest capital investment programmes 71% in Europe spent on running the network every day

*Based on full year 2017/18

14 Business at a glance Investment programme report 15 Key achievements

Line upgrades We submitted our updated air quality At Bank station, we have finished pouring Street and Greville Street, with more We completed the biggest test so far assessment for the Silvertown Tunnel the concrete to cap the piling for the than 8,000 pedestrians per hour on the new Four Lines Modernisation Development Consent Order (DCO) new basement and we have completed expected to use the upgraded crossing signalling system in February. A further application to the Department for the tunnel works for the new Northern at peak times. weekend of testing at the end of March Transport at the end of January. line platform. We have installed new allowed us to gather information to transformers and switchgear, and We published the public consultation ensure the system is ready for safe and This air quality assessment confirms completed large cable pulls over two reports for Cycle Superhighway 9 reliable passenger service later this year. that the Silvertown Tunnel would consecutive weekend platform closures. (Kensington Olympia to Brentford) and not significantly affect air quality and Cycle Superhighway 4 (Tower Bridge The new, state-of-the-art control centre would in fact result in a net reduction in LU track and civils to Greenwich) in February and March at Hammersmith went live on 6 May, exposure to air pollution for residents To make journeys smoother and more respectively, and we are now reviewing bringing all aspects of service control for near the affected road network. reliable, we have renewed more than the feedback. the four lines under one roof. This helps 10km of track this financial year. to provide a smooth, integrated service The DCO was granted on 10 May. The first public consultation for the and more accurate and up-to-date LU stations Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf river information for customers. On the Barking Riverside extension, In March, -by-Bow became the crossing project closed in January. work to relocate the ramp and two 73rd step-free station on the network It generated more than 6,000 public In January, we extended the evening overhead line structures, and demolish with the introduction of two new responses, 93 per cent of which peak service on the Northern line by the redundant Ripple Lane diesel lifts and manual boarding ramps. The supported the creation of a new crossing one hour to improve the daily journey depot building was completed during station, which serves nearly four million linking existing and planned cycle routes of hundreds of thousands of passengers. possessions over Easter 2018. We issued customers every year, now has step- on both sides of the river. We appointed the invitation to tender for the main free access on both the eastbound and a new scheme designer in March. Network extensions works on 13 April. westbound platforms of the District and At the new Battersea Power Station site Hammersmith & City lines, making travel We have identified an option to adapt on the Northern Line Extension project, Stations and infrastructure easier for disabled customers, buggy our proposals for Fiveways junction we have completed excavation to the On the Victoria station upgrade, we users, older people and those with in . This could save time and station base slab level and we are now opened a new entrance and an enlarged mobility impairments. money by using the existing A23 road- constructing the internal structure south ticket hall in January as part of a over-rail bridge with an additional new of the station. At the new Nine Elms project to double the size of the third Healthy Streets adjacent bridge structure, minimising station, excavation to the base slab busiest Tube station when it is finally We continue to construct Cycle land-take requirements. level is complete and work is under way completed this year. The new entrance Superhighway 6 North-South Phase 2, to pour the station base slab and to at Wilton Road allows easier access to carrying out works during the Easter Following confirmation from the Mayor install pre-cast station platforms. We the south ticket hall and means that weekend to reduce the number of in support of the Vauxhall Cross bus have completed the signalling contract Tube customers no longer have to enter disruptive work days from 30 to four. station planning application, we received negotiations for the extension with via the busy Victoria mainline station. We have also significantly extended the the final decision notice granting Thales and detailed design has started. The ticket hall, which is approximately pedestrian crossing width at Cowcross planning permission in February. twice as large as before, helps give customers a less congested and more pleasant journey through the station.

16 Key achievements Investment programme report 17 2017/18 Budget milestone performance summary

Air quality and environment Elizabeth line The overall performance for all TfL 2017/18 Budget milestones is summarised as follows: To support the growing number of Overall, Crossrail is nearly 93 per cent Zero Emission Capable taxis and the complete and Elizabeth line services increased use of electric vehicles, we remain on schedule to begin on the have now installed the hundredth rapid central section in December 2018. In 17% charging point, as part of a new network February, another major milestone Late – up across London. was achieved when the sub-station to 89 days at Pudding Mill Lane was successfully Public transport portfolio switched on. This has allowed the testing We completed two tramway track of the new trains and systems in the renewals during a planned Easter tram tunnel section between Abbey Wood closure, which included replacing and Stepney Green to begin. A significant the rails, highway and associated achievement took place on 13 April when components. testing started under full signalling 22% control, with subsequent testing being Late – 90 or We delivered seven Cycle Hire extension undertaken in full automatic control and more days sites (200 docking points) in at speeds of more than 60mph. 61% in February. On time/early

Surface asset investment portfolio The bridge replacement at Highbury Corner is now substantially complete.

We have completed the refurbishment The late milestone scores of 22 per cent (90 or more days late) and 17 per cent of Greenwich Pier, and reopened it to (up to 89 days late) are explained in Appendix A. the public ahead of schedule at Easter.

18 Key achievements Investment programme report 19 Major projects Line upgrades

Four Lines Modernisation (4LM)

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 2023 4,279 5,412 5,244 14

2017/18 budget milestone RAG1, 2 The EFC has reduced by £17m from £5,261m at Quarter 3 as We have introduced 192 new S-Stock trains on the a result of a number of scope Circle, Metropolitan, District and Hammersmith & reductions including the removal City lines, together with associated depot, station, of redundant assets based on siding and signal modifications to accommodate a revised strategy and saving them. We have also been adapting three depots opportunities on accommodation to support maintenance of the new trains. decommissioning costs at the test track. Following The new automatic train control (ATC) signalling a £3m increase against the system will control train movements, allowing Business Plan in Quarter 3, the more frequent and reliable services. In addition EFC has now decreased by £14m. to designing and installing the system, we are delivering related infrastructure works, and fitting S-Stock trains and engineering vehicles with the signalling equipment. The new signalling provides around 75 per cent of the programme’s benefits and the new trains the remaining 25 per cent.

We continue upgrade works at depot, where we have built a new wheel lathe shed and have successfully undertaken integration testing. This will allow the new, longer trains to have all wheels maintained on the lathe where previously the depot could only maintain the wheels on part of the train before reversing it to work on the wheels of the remaining carriages. 1 The milestone RAG relates to in-year (2017/18) budget milestones, We have completed demolition work at Ealing which are listed in Appendix A. Common depot. We have also awarded the contract 2 The 4LM programme milestones (detailed in Appendix A) were set to rebuild the depot’s gable end wall to improve at the earliest possible delivery structural integrity; this work is due for completion date and are significantly ahead of in July this year. The need for the work has further those published at the authority affected the 2017/18 milestone for the de-icing stage (thus the amber RAG status). The is one of four lines to benefit from new S-Stock trains The programme is ahead of facilities, which will now be completed early in 2019 schedule and below budget against the original authority targets.

20 Divisional review | Major projects Investment programme report 21 and, in part, drives the amber milestone of testing will involve the longer, eight- Training for operations and maintenance Assurance RAG status. An additional cost of £2.5m car trains, and we will staff on the Communication-Based Train Project Assurance completed an for the gable end wall is included in the do further testing and validation in the Control railway signalling system has Integrated Assurance Review (IAR) on EFC and the Business Plan. We have coming weeks and months. been completed. This is in preparation the 4LM programme submission to the installed interim de-icing arrangements for the ‘go-live’ of the first migration Programmes and Investment Committee to mitigate the delay and there is no extra We have completed the testing of all new area this summer. meeting in October 2017. Fifteen IAR cost for this as the works are integral to S-Stock trains at the Rail Innovation & recommendations were made and operating the depot. Development Centre in Melton. Together Overall, the programme is ahead accepted, including 10 by the Independent with Bombardier and Thales, we have of schedule and below budget and Investment Programme Advisory Group Of the 76 planned platform modifications used this facility over the last 10 years authority, and we are mitigating issues (IIPAG). A quarterly update was provided to reduce the gap between the train to fit-out and test our new rolling stock. to prevent an impact on targets. The in- to the Committee on 21 February. and the platform, 70 are complete. With this important milestone now year amber milestone RAG (which relates All recommendations are now closed. These modifications have reduced the achieved, we have started to demobilise to the milestones detailed in Appendix Project Assurance tracks progress number of incidents that can happen our equipment. A) also represents a reprioritisation of against the recommendations made, when customers get on or off trains. activities on the first migration areas including by IIPAG, as part of its We are currently working at Victoria, We have fitted the ATC system to 82 that has delayed some of the later areas. continuous assurance. Whitechapel and South Kensington S-Stock trains, meeting the requirement When the plan dates for the milestones stations, with Sloane Square and East for 53 trains to be ready to use once we were set, we used a stretch target that Putney remaining. start to commission the infrastructure in sought to deliver timetable uplifts the first migration area. We have installed much earlier than planned when the Following the success of the new ATC equipment on six engineering trains, programme was authorised, and to help signalling system controlling S-Stock work on the seventh has begun and we minimise expenditure. We expect to trains running automatic train operation plan to complete all 50 by the end of 2019. deliver all the timetable improvements between Hammersmith and Edgware between six months to a year earlier Road in December, we extended We have provided 16 Signal Equipment than the dates committed to when the testing to Euston Square in March. Rooms (SERs) across the network to programme was authorised. The section between Hammersmith Thales, to enable them to fit-out their and Latimer Road will be the first to new signalling system equipment. A be commissioned this summer, and further 25 are under way and we plan to will provide better, more accurate complete all 46 SERs by September 2019. real-time customer information and Thales’ work has started on site at Acton improve reliability. The testing of Town and Barking, and those at Moorgate, seven-car trains was led from the new North Harrow, Gloucester Road, High Hammersmith service control centre, Street Kensington and Earl’s Court have which opened on 6 May. The next stage been made available to Thales.

22 Divisional review | Major projects Investment programme report 23 World class capacity

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement Assurance completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) Project Assurance completed an 3 Integrated Assurance Review (IAR) on 2024 96 245 232 (28) the World class capacity submission to the Programmes and Investment 2017/18 budget milestone RAG4 Since the 2017 Business Plan, Committee meeting in June 2017. the EFC has increased by A quarterly update was provided to Capacity work increased the Victoria line peak £28m to allow additional the Committee on 21 February on the service from 34 to 36 trains per hour (tph) in May Service Optimisation packages nine IAR recommendations that were 2017. In January 2018, we extended the evening for both the Jubilee and made and accepted, including five by peak service on the Northern line by one hour. Northern lines. This will IIPAG. All recommendations are now enable targeted improvements closed. Project Assurance tracks progress We have completed infrastructure works to in service capacity to be against the recommendations made, support the implementation of a new timetable made in the future. including by IIPAG, as part of its on the that went live in May 2018. The continuous assurance. new timetable extends a 30tph service in both peaks from the existing 60-90 minutes to at least 120 minutes (between West Hampstead and North Greenwich). These works include the timetabled use of the West Hampstead track reversing facility, train driver accommodation refurbishment at North Greenwich and essential upgrades to power supplies and cooling systems.

These works are helping improve the daily journey of hundreds of thousands of passengers. We are also continuing to invest in improving the infrastructure and train availability on the Jubilee and Northern lines. This will allow targeted improvements in service capacity to be made 3 This has been revised to reflect in the future. the deferral in our Budget document of the completion of some Northern line power enhancements works to 2023/2024. 4 The 2017/18 World class capacity (WCC) budget milestones (detailed in Appendix A) are no longer relevant, however we will deliver committed works to introduce new timetables. Revised milestone dates will be agreed once the full impact of the WCC residual works is confirmed.

24 Divisional review | Major projects Investment programme report 25 Deep Tube upgrade programme

Deep Tube upgrade programme – design phase

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 2018 83 154 113 1

2017/18 budget milestone RAG

The Deep Tube upgrade programme will provide more capacity on the Piccadilly, Bakerloo, Central and Waterloo & City lines. There will be new signalling systems and a fleet of newly designed, high-capacity, walk-through, air-cooled trains to replace some of the oldest on our network.

We completed the commercial upgrades and enabling works to support evaluation for the new trains on the introduction of the new trains, to 27 March. A bid panel review meeting be delivered between 2023 and 2026, was held on 29 March to formally agree also form part of this submission. This the completion of the evaluation phase. first stage of the Piccadilly line upgrade will increase peak capability from 24 We have now awarded the contract to to 27 trains per hour. This submission Siemens Mobility Limited to design and was approved by the Programmes and build 94 new-generation Tube trains, Investment Committee post quarter end which will transform the experience of on 16 May. millions of Piccadilly line customers. On 27 April, the ‘invitation to negotiate’ In parallel, we have prepared a was issued to three shortlisted bidders submission to the Programmes and for the signalling and train control Investment Committee to seek authority phase. This is expected to result in an to procure the first tranche of new trains authority submission in late 2019 to allow for the Piccadilly line. Infrastructure resignalling of the Piccadilly line.

An artist’s impression of the new state-of-the-art trains to be brought in as part of the Deep Tube upgrade programme

26 Divisional review | Major projects Investment programme report 27 Network extensions

Northern Line Extension

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 5 5 5 5 2020 * * * *

2017/18 budget milestone RAG

This project provides a twin-tunnelled extension from Kennington to a new terminus at Battersea Power Station via a new station at Nine Elms. This transport infrastructure is a catalyst for the regeneration of the Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea Opportunity Area.

We have cast the concrete inverts on stairs and other services, has been cast which the track in the two new running on top of the base slab. It is now nearing tunnels will be laid, and some initial the station roof, which is the height of an sections of track have been installed. eight-storey building. At the western end We have built three cross passages, of the Battersea station site, we have each approximately 20-30 metres long, built two 20-metre overrun tunnels. between the two running tunnels as a means of evacuation in an emergency. At the new Nine Elms station box, work is under way to pour the station base We have removed the large, temporary slab and to install the pre-cast station enclosure over the Kennington Green platforms. Across all levels in the station shaft, which protected nearby residents box, the secondary concrete lining walls from noise, dust and light pollution are being cast and we are encasing the from the tunnelling works. The new columns in reinforced concrete. headhouse and subway construction can now begin. We have poured the Bank branch trains have not been Kennington Green shaft base slab and stopping at Kennington since 26 May to have begun to cast its internal secondary enable vital Northern Line Extension concrete wall lining. works. This will continue until mid- September. We engaged with customers At the Battersea Power Station site, we before the closure, which has proven to have cast the station base slab and work be very successful, with almost a third is under way to cast internal columns of customers using alternative routes. and install cross beams and the pre-cast We will continue to monitor this over concrete platforms. The western core, the coming weeks. which will house the lifts, emergency The Northern Line Extension, from Kennington to Battersea Power Station, will help to regenerate the Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea Opportunity Area

5 This information is withheld for reasons of commercial sensitivity.

28 Divisional review | Major projects Investment programme report 29 Silvertown Tunnel Barking Riverside extension

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 6 6 6 7 7 7 2023 38 * * * 2021 20 * * *

2017/18 budget milestone RAG 2017/18 budget milestone RAG

We are providing a 1.4km twin-bore road tunnel under the Thames that connects We are delivering a new rail link to serve the 10,800 new homes that are planned for Silvertown and the Greenwich Peninsula and which will relieve congestion at the the Barking Riverside development area. We will build a spur from the Tilbury Loop Blackwall Tunnel. line east of Barking to allow our service to extend to Barking Riverside. Train services are planned to start in 2021. Following the decision by the Secretary The procurement process continues of State in November to defer the as planned but, in February, one In August 2017, the Secretary of State for Using authority delegated by Network Development Consent Order (DCO) of the bidding consortia decided to Transport granted powers to deliver the Rail, we have reviewed all detailed design decision to May 2018, the Department withdraw. We remain fully engaged Barking Riverside 4.5km extension and submissions and we issued the invitation for Transport (DfT) requested a new with the remaining two bidders and, we plan to start the main construction to tender for the main works on 13 April. air quality assessment based on the as at the end of Quarter 4, we are works in the summer. latest available emissions evidence and finalising the contract documentation The red 2017/18 budget milestone relates modelling tools. We completed this in line with the outcomes of the In February, Network Rail approved the to a delay to the issue of the main at the end of January, and the report negotiations with the bidders. Asset Protection Agreement that allowed works tender due, primarily, to some confirms that the Silvertown Tunnel the early works, initial demolition and design complexities. However, we have scheme will not lead to a significant We have started the additional site preparation work to start in the reviewed the programme and identified impact on air quality. The DfT then geotechnical land and river surveys quarter. We successfully demolished opportunities to mitigate this delay, and consulted on the findings and there was requested by the bidders to inform their a disused access ramp to Ripple Lane the overall project completion date is no substantive new evidence presented designs and help reduce the uncertainty yard and relocated two overhead not at risk. in the feedback. The Secretary of State of the ground conditions. We expect line structures during possessions of granted the DCO post quarter end on the physical surveying works to be Network Rail infrastructure in March and 10 May 2018. completed in summer 2018. at Easter. We completed the demolition works on schedule at the end of April. The land and works agreements are nearly complete.

6 This information is withheld until the main contract has been awarded. 7 This information is withheld until the main contract has been awarded.

30 Divisional review | Major projects Investment programme report 31 Major stations

Victoria station upgrade and finishes

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 2018 560 660 584 1

2017/18 budget milestone RAG

We have built a new north ticket hall and 300 metres of subways, and have increased the size of the south ticket hall by 50 per cent. Step-free access to all platforms will meet the needs of the 83 million customers who use the station each year.

After being closed for five years, the milestone relates to the completion of Victory Arch in the Network Rail station step-free access by lifts to the District re-opened to customers on 25 January, and Circle line platforms and Network together with a new entrance on Wilton Rail station, which was delayed by Road and an enlarged south ticket hall. contractor lift resource issues. We continue to work with the contractor, We continue to rebuild the Duke of York who is managing this with its lift public house, which was demolished to supplier to ensure adequate resources allow jet grouting works for the tunnels. and appropriate management focus to The steel frame and floor slabs from deliver the remaining step-free access. basement to roof are complete and we are now rebuilding and restoring the new We are opening the new station in and existing facades. stages and we expect to open all new customer facilities this year, with overall We have completed the north ticket hall completion planned for December 2018. and provided step-free access to the Victoria line. The amber 2017/18 budget

A new entrance has been built on Wilton Road as part of the Victoria station upgrade

32 Divisional review | Major projects Investment programme report 33 Bond Street station upgrade and water ingress Bank Bloomberg Place

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 2017 308 308 312 0 2018 51 58 58 0

2017/18 budget milestone RAG 2017/18 budget milestone RAG The EFC remains under pressure and we continue to seek a We have increased capacity in preparation for the resolution on the final account Alongside the Bloomberg Place site redevelopment next to Walbrook, we are opening of the Elizabeth line. This includes new with the main contractor. building a new entrance for the Waterloo & City line with connections to the lifts for step-free access, more escalators and a existing concourse. The station box was constructed by Bloomberg on our behalf. new entrance to the north side of Oxford Street. We have completed most of the There have been a number of issues with The enlarged station, with a new entrance and protected wall panel installation in both the manufacture and installation of the ticket hall, and step-free access from street to lift shafts and have started to install it fire doors, which have resulted in delays. platform, was opened to customers in November. on the public stairs and escalators. The delivery of the integrated systems All assets have now been handed over. that monitor and control the new station We continue to install the stainless assets has also been delayed. We are steel decking and anti-fall measures working with the contractor to ensure to the four escalators before testing the station will open on time. and commissioning will start. The new gateline within the new entrance has been installed, and fit-out and information management systems installation continue.

The entrance is now programmed to open in late 2018, which is reflected in the red 2017/18 budget milestone status.

34 Divisional review | Major projects Investment programme report 35 Bank station capacity and systems integration upgrade

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 2022 372 640 655▲ (13)

2017/18 budget milestone RAG The increase in EFC of £13m is for the Systems Integration We are increasing the capacity at Bank station, project. This is due to providing a quicker interchange for customers, a prolongation of the project, new Northern line southbound tunnel and a new which has resulted in increased entrance on Cannon Street. main contractor costs, internal labour and third party/PFI We have completed the platform tunnel costs. The final account for the enlargement, and the running tunnel to the north main contractor for Systems has passed below both St Mary Abchurch (designed Integration is settled. by Christopher Wren) and the Grade I-listed The EFC for the Capacity Mansion House without incident. We have started Upgrade works remains under works on the new cross passages and we continue pressure as a result of risks tunnelling on the new Northern line running and on the project materialising. platform tunnels. We continue to undertake a comprehensive EFC review that We have completed the new basement floor slab includes an independent review and we continue pile capping works for the new to determine the full extent of station box. We have installed two additional the cost challenge, including cement silos on the whole block site to serve the any potential opportunities and tunnel spray concrete lining operation. value engineering options.

Works to relocate the Central line high-voltage transformers also continue, with the new transformers delivered. We are installing the main high-voltage cables during two weekend closures. Significant cable diversion works are under way in the Northern and Central line platform areas in preparation for building the new connecting cross passages and concourse.

Tunnel primary lining work being completed for one of the new Northern line cross passages at Bank station

36 Divisional review | Major projects Investment programme report 37 Bakerloo line link (funded by Crossrail) Holborn station capacity

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 2018 63 67 67 n/a 2028 4 5 410 0

2017/18 budget milestone RAG

We are providing a new pedestrian walkway at Paddington to link the Bakerloo The proposed station upgrade will provide a new line platforms with the new Elizabeth line station, which is planned to open in second entrance at the southern end of Procter December 2018. Street, eight new escalators and three new lifts. This will make the station fully accessible and We have completed the asset The amber 2017/18 budget milestone RAG give customers more space to change between installation for the start of system relates to a delay to systems testing that Central and Piccadilly lines. integration and the final elements for was caused by technical issues with the the electrical and mechanical works. pump station works. The milestone was Following the positive feedback received from We continue to install the cladding achieved post quarter end on 30 April the public consultation that closed in November panels, however there are issues with and there is no impact on the overall EFC on our proposals to improve capacity at Holborn the supplier’s progress which are and programme. station, we have developed the procurement being managed by the main contractor strategy with our main contractors. We have to ensure contract dates are met. drafted the strategy to take the project from concept design through to the Transport and Through Crossrail, we are working Works Act Order application. with Sellar Property Group to agree the preparatory works it will undertake with the intention of demolishing the Royal Mail Group building. This building is used as the site offices for the Bakerloo line link.

38 Divisional review | Major projects Investment programme report 39 Future projects

Camden Town station capacity upgrade We continue to develop major projects – currently at an early stage – that will deliver the new transport capacity, homes and jobs that London and the UK need. Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) Following the Government’s commitment homes in the Old Kent Road Opportunity to Crossrail 2 in the autumn 2017 Budget Area. Following our initial consultation 2026 9 14 200 0 and the announcement of a review of response in mid-February, we are the scheme’s costs, an Independent developing the route-wide concept Affordability Review began in early design and plan to publish a further The station upgrade will provide a new fully accessible station entrance to the north February. Mike Gerrard, the former response in summer 2018. of the existing station, connected by tunnels to the existing platforms, scheduled managing director of Thames Tideway for completion in 2026. Tunnel, was appointed to chair the The DLR rolling stock programme will review, which we jointly commissioned replace rolling stock that is nearing We have completed the over-site Assurance with the Department for Transport. With the end of its design life and deliver development design ready for the Project Assurance completed an the support of a panel of independent 10 additional trains, providing capacity planning application submission, which is Integrated Assurance Review (IAR) on the advisors, bringing expertise and to meet the projected growth in the supported by the London Borough Major stations programme submission experience from across the transport, Docklands area. An extension to the of Camden. to the Programmes and Investment property, economic and business sectors, depot at Beckton is required for the Committee meeting on 21 February the integrated affordability review new trains, with further sidings, a new To secure all the land required to 2018. Fifteen recommendations were will examine ways of improving the maintenance facility, and an extended build the project, we have purchased a made and accepted, including nine by affordability of the scheme by looking automatic train operation (ATO) test property on Kentish Town Road and we IIPAG. Seven are now closed and good at cost and risk, funding and finance. An track. Works to update the Thales ATO continue negotiations on the purchase of progress is being made to close the interim report will be submitted this signalling system and strengthen the Hawley Infants School. remaining eight. Project Assurance tracks summer that will provide the Mayor traction power system are also required. progress against the recommendations and Secretary of State with options to We issued the invitation to negotiate for We have drafted the procurement made, including by IIPAG, as part of its improve the scheme’s affordability. the replacement rolling stock to four pre- strategy to take the project from continuous assurance. Following the review outcome and qualified bidders on 17 November 2017 and concept design through to the Transport subject to a positive decision by the we expect to receive bids in June 2018. and Works Act Order application. Government on an updated business We have completed the depot concept case, we will move the project forward to design. The project transferred to the the next stage and proceed with further Major Projects Directorate in April 2018. formal public consultation. The aim of the Rotherhithe to Canary The Bakerloo line extension from Wharf river crossing is to provide a Elephant & Castle to Lewisham will connection for pedestrians and cyclists in increase the capacity and resilience of east London, improve sustainable travel the transport network, reduce journey choices and support economic growth. times and support at least 20,000 new Refer to page 59 for further information.

40 Divisional review | Major projects Investment programme report 41 London Underground Stations

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement Station capacity Collaborative enhancements completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) Having completed the feasibility study and third-party projects for short-term improvements to In March, Bromley-by-Bow became the 2021/22 1,857 3,116 2,334▼▼ (3) address capacity issues at Stratford 73rd step-free station on the network, station, we are undertaking three new with the introduction of two new lifts 2017/18 budget milestone RAG The EFC, which covers all feasibility studies: and manual boarding ramps. projects within the Stations The targeted renewal of existing assets will programme that are planned •• Introduce an additional northern At the Elephant & Castle, on the also improve safety, reliability and ambience, until 2021/22, including existing ticket hall entrance during events Northern line station capacity and and maintain resilience. Station enhancements projects and closed projects, at the London Stadium in the accessibility upgrade, the developer will reduce congestion and improve customer has decreased from £2,604m Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park has submitted a planning application journey times. at Quarter 3. This is mainly for new housing and retail space. As as a result of the Holborn •• Relocate the western ticket part of the development, a station Integrated stations programme station capacity and Camden hall lift to improve customer box in the basement of the structure We are making improvements to a number of Town station capacity upgrade journeys through the station would be built, and used to enlarge the stations, including five that will interchange with projects and the Accessibility existing station. We are developing the the Elizabeth line. programme transferring out •• Construct a new entrance on documents needed to engage with the of the Stations programme to Jupp Road to provide better developer once the London Borough of Work continues at Liverpool Street and Moorgate become a separate programme. access from the west Southwark has made a decision. to ensure a consistent station environment The EFC has increased by across the Elizabeth line when it opens between £3m since the Business Plan We are currently reviewing tender At Paddington, we are planning to build Paddington and Abbey Wood in December. mainly due to a reduction in returns for the studies. a new entrance, increase the size of the the budget for future capacity ticket hall, improve access and provide At Sloane Square, we continue improvements, projects, which is offset Civils (bridges, structures and step-free access to the Bakerloo line such as floor and wall tiling, and we upgraded against increases primarily deep Tube tunnels) platforms. We will do this in partnership external elevations in time for the Chelsea Flower in the South Kensington We have completed staircase with Great Western Developments Show in May. station development and the replacement at Piccadilly Circus and as part of its redevelopment of an Paddington capacity project. Barons Court. adjacent building, which has been At Charing Cross, improvements to the station granted planning approval. It has started operations room are complete. Earth structure works are close to demolition works and we are preparing completion between Chigwell and to begin concept design for the new We have completed the replacement of the Roding Valley and we have started station entrance. canopy roof at Ealing Broadway. vegetation clearing between Grange Hill and Chigwell.

42 Divisional review | London Underground Investment programme report 43 The South Kensington station capacity At Finsbury Park, as part of an upgrade upgrade listed building consent was to add capacity and provide step- granted by the Royal Borough of free access, the southbound staircase Kensington and Chelsea in January 2018. has reopened to customers. This We have completed civils feasibility work follows a period of closure during and have started the concept design. which the stairs were demolished We are also collating tender information and a new staircase installed. for the design and build contract for the entire project. Assurance Project Assurance completed an At Knightsbridge, we will provide step- Integrated Assurance Review (IAR) free access and build two new entrances on the Stations programme submission in partnership with a developer who to the Programmes and Investment will enable and part-fund the works. Committee meeting in June 2017. Following preparation of the Sloane A quarterly update was provided to Street entrance, we have handed it over the Committee on 21 February on to the developer to demolish it. Two the 13 IAR recommendations that new entrances will be constructed on were made and accepted, including Knightsbridge and Hooper’s Court. six by IIPAG. Six recommendations are closed and good progress is being We continue to work on the made to close the remaining seven. redevelopment and upgrade at Project Assurance tracks progress Tottenham Hale station. Works to non- against the recommendations public areas are under way following made, including by IIPAG, as part the relocation of staff facilities into of its continuous assurance. temporary accommodation, and are due for completion in October 2018.

Artist’s impression of Paddington station following the improvements programme

44 Divisional review | London Underground Investment programme report 45 Accessibility

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 2023 11 146 197 0

2017/18 budget milestone RAG

We are improving customer accessibility by significantly increasing the number of stations that provide step-free access. We will make 40 per cent of stations accessible by providing step-free access at a further 30 stations (38 in total with other programmes) by 2022/23.

We have announced the 23 stations The first phase – to provide step-free that will be step-free by 2022/23 and access to all platforms and to the plan to announce a further seven later College Road side of the station – will be this year. All of these stations are now completed in early 2020. being designed. Works continue on site at Newbury Park, Buckhurst Hill became the 74th where the lift tower steelwork is almost step-free station and the first to be complete and cladding installation has completed under the programme in begun. We have encountered some May 2018. Work will start at South difficulties with the design, but the Woodford later in the year. station is still scheduled to become step-free in October 2018. To improve The scheme at Harrow-on-the-Hill the safety of our stations, we have has received planning permission and installed ridged paving at the top and demolition work continues on the bottom of all staircases at a further platforms to prepare for the new lifts. 30 stations.

Customer accessibility is being improved, with a significant increase to be made in the number of stations providing step-free access by 2022/23

46 Divisional review | London Underground Investment programme report 47 Track renewals

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement To improve track drainage, increase completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) track life and reduce maintenance on the Metropolitan line, we Annual 154 139 154▲ 6 continued slab track installation in the northbound tunnel from 2017/18 budget milestone RAG The EFC at year end is £6m more Baker Street to Finchley Road. than stated in the Business We are replacing our ballasted and deep Tube Plan, mainly due to a business Assurance track, points and crossings, and track drainage decision to accelerate drainage Project Assurance completed an infrastructure to improve reliability, reduce and reconstruction works. The Integrated Assurance Review (IAR) maintenance costs and allow capacity increases. EFC is £15m higher than the on the Track renewals submission 2017/18 budget (authority) as to the Programmes and Investment To make journeys smoother and more reliable, a result of the above and the Committee meeting on 21 February we replaced 1.2km of ballasted track, 0.8km of unrecovered cost of Transplant 2018. Seven recommendations were drainage, one set of points and more than 1km of engineering trains, where the made and accepted, none by IIPAG. deep Tube track in Quarter 4. This brings the total fleet has been used less than Good progress is being made to of track renewed in the 2017/18 financial year to expected because of a reduced close the recommendations. Project more than 10km. workload in the year. Assurance tracks progress against the recommendations made as part of its We completed complex engineering work on the continuous assurance. Piccadilly and Metropolitan lines. This included replacing more than 0.2km of track at Uxbridge, and replacing one and removing four key junctions as part of the track layout for the 4LM programme. We also replaced 0.2km of ballasted track between Gloucester Road and Earl’s Court.

We replaced 0.14km of ballasted track and the level crossing on the Network Rail Link to the west of Ruislip depot. The height of the new level crossing now matches that of the surrounding road, providing a smoother journey for the road vehicles that use it. Within Ruislip depot, we installed new points and 0.16km of ballasted track using a tilt trailer for the first time. The tilt trailer will now be our preferred delivery method as it can transport complete track panels to site for greater installation speed and quality.

48 Divisional review | London Underground Investment programme report 49 Infrastructure renewals

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement We continue major tunnel ventilation completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) system upgrade works at Park Square 8 8 8 8 Gardens and Hay’s Mews to reduce 2021/22 391 762 562▼▼ 38 temperatures in tunnels on the Jubilee line between Baker Street and Green 2017/18 budget milestone RAG The EFC has reduced by £38m Park. We plan to complete these works from £600m at Quarter 2 in mid-2018. Our renewals programme for lifts, escalators, across the Business Plan period, power and ventilation assets aims to improve however the EFC of £928m for Assurance safety, reliability, customer accessibility, the whole programme until 2035 Project Assurance completed an journey times and the environment, while is unchanged. The reduction Integrated Assurance Review (IAR) on reducing maintenance costs. We are also relates to the considered the Infrastructure renewals programme increasing the generation and use of low and postponement of unapproved submission to the Programmes and zero carbon energy. works into future (post Business Investment Committee meeting in June Plan) years and the considered 2017. A quarterly update was provided Lifts and escalators postponement of escalator and to the Committee on 21 February on the We have completed escalator refurbishments at lift replacement works at Bank 12 IAR recommendations that were made Holborn, Westminster, Canada Water and North and Liverpool Street following and accepted, including six by IIPAG. Greenwich, lift replacements at Chalk Farm, and an asset condition review. Eleven recommendations are closed and Wembley Park train crew accommodation on time good progress is being made to close the and within budget. remaining one. Project Assurance tracks progress against the recommendations Works have started at Brixton to replace the made, including by IIPAG, as part of its two station lifts and to refurbish escalators continuous assurance. at Charing Cross.

Power and energy As part of the Mayor’s pledge to make London a zero carbon city by 2050, we have completed the pump house steelwork on Islington’s Bunhill scheme, where waste heat from the Northern line will be piped into homes. We are also implementing energy conservation measures, such as the installation of solar panels across suitable TfL buildings.

We have completed the pre-commissioning of the last transformer at Canada Water to support the introduction of a new timetable 8 The figures represent the lift and escalator renewals (until 2021/22) to the Jubilee line. and power and energy projects (until 2018/19).

50 Divisional review | London Underground Investment programme report 51 Rolling stock renewals

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement Life extension work is complete on all completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 29 battery locos. Additionally, all locos 9 9 have had diode modification to prevent 2029 165 612 956 (1) motors failing when working close to the new S-Stock trains in regenerative 2017/18 budget milestone RAG braking mode.

We are modifying our passenger rolling stock to improve safety, accessibility, Site works continue on the new train reliability and customer satisfaction, and reduce maintenance costs. We are also modification facility at Acton, which modifying or replacing some of our existing engineering vehicles that support will be used for overhaul and heavy track maintenance and infrastructure renewals. maintenance activities of rolling stock and engineering vehicles. We are carrying out a series of We have completed negotiations with improvements to ensure continued two bidders for the saloon carriage Assurance reliability of the Bakerloo line fleet CCTV contract, the standstill period Project Assurance completed an until its replacement by the Deep Tube completed without any challenges and Integrated Assurance Review (IAR) on upgrade programme. We have completed we will award the contract shortly. The the Rolling stock renewals submission work involving structural (weld) repairs passenger information system contract to the Programmes and Investment to carriages on 20 out of 36 trains and for the Central line fleet is with the Committee meeting on 21 February we expect to complete the full fleet supplier for signing. We have developed 2018. Eight recommendations were by mid-2019. The red milestone RAG the requirements for the prototype made and accepted, none by IIPAG. status relates to a delay to this project train, and the first train has been Good progress is being made to as a result of IR35, with the milestone withdrawn from service for enabling close the recommendations. Project being achieved post quarter on 18 April. and benchmarking work before Assurance tracks progress against the We have introduced a more intensive prototyping starts. recommendations made, as part of its work programme, with the necessary continuous assurance. resource levels to deliver the project to We continue to consider delivery options the revised plan. We are carrying out a to maximise efficiency, mitigate risks and detailed cost review to ensure that any deliver installation works by March 2023. revised delivery improvement options can be verified and delivered. The project The twentieth refurbished Jubilee is on schedule to be completed by line train out of 63 is back in service. August 2019. The refurbishments include an RVAR- compliant wheelchair area, new flooring, On the Central line improvement refreshed interior (including grab-poles programme, the new traction package and handles), plus sealing to the roof and contracts are progressing on plan. windows to address water ingress issues.

9 The spend authority is lower than the EFC as authority is sought in stages. £199m additional authority was granted by the Programmes and Investment Committee on 21 February, taking the total to £612m.

52 Divisional review | London Underground Investment programme report 53 Signalling and control

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 2021/22 n/a 142 10 181 0

2017/18 budget milestone RAG

We are extending the life of our track-based signalling and control assets until they are replaced with train-based systems by either the 4LM or the Deep Tube upgrade programmes. This ensures that they can continue to support a safe, reliable and maintainable service until then.

On our signalling and control life management of the service, continues extension works to the Central line, we to operate successfully between have finalised the technical requirements Cockfosters and Earl’s Court. The last specification and Project Assurance of the installation work on the Uxbridge Plan and we are negotiating the NEC branch is under way at South Harrow. framework terms with Siemens. Works will be delivered in two phases, aimed at Phased commissioning at the new promoting cost certainty and delivery risk control centre in West London has begun reduction. The first phase will deliver pilot and will be completed in early 2019. scheme sites and a fully costed concept design, which will be implemented across We have finished construction works the rest of the line in phase two. at the new control centre and the operations team are undergoing We have awarded the contract for the familiarisation and moving in. supply and installation of hardware for the Bakerloo line to replace obsolete We have completed the pre- equipment and re-code the software tender documentation for the new into modern, supportable code that is signalling and control system for the compatible with the new hardware. Northumberland Park depot, and works information for the agreed procurement The new Piccadilly line signalling control strategy is almost complete. system, which improves reliability and allows better monitoring and

The new Piccadilly line signalling control system is in 10 A total programme authority of £142m was approved by the Programmes and Investment Committee successful operation between Cockfosters and Earl’s Court on 16 May. Spend to date will be reported from Quarter 1 2018/19, as there was no spend allocated this financial year against the authority granted. Further authority will be requested in future.

54 Divisional review | London Underground Investment programme report 55 Surface Healthy Streets

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 2021/22 11 209 11 439 11 1,821 11 (7)

2017/18 budget milestone RAG The EFC has increased from £1,814m at Quarter 3, mainly as The Healthy Streets Approach prioritises health a result of additional borough and wellbeing, with the overall objective of funding for 2018/19 as announced delivering a transport system where more by the Mayor in Quarter 4. people can travel safely by walking, cycling or public transport.

Cycle Superhighways We have completed the main works of the East-West Cycle Superhighway (CS3), and the final section opened in December. Minor finishing works will continue until summer 2018. The design work for North Carriage Drive within Hyde Park, which is not part of the main alignment of the route, is planned to start in the autumn, subject to approvals. Planning is also under way for the remaining resurfacing and anti-skid works at key locations, including Lancaster Gate, Buckingham Gate and Parliament Square. Works at Trinity Square (the section of CS3 de-scoped from the original construction build programme) are progressing well and we have agreed an accelerated programme with the key stakeholders in the area, aiming to reduce the overall construction programme by four weeks. Phase 1 of the works in this location, which include asset relocations and additional works to cut back the southern footway, was completed on 18 April. Phase 2, which incorporates works to the crossings at Trinity Square and Byward Street, began on 23 April following the London Marathon.

11 The forecast completion year and Investment in Cycle Superhighways is an integral part of the Healthy Streets Approach financials relate to the Business Plan period until 2021/22 and do not include any historic spend.

56 Divisional review | Surface Investment programme report 57 Delivery is progressing well on the Preparatory works started for Cycle As part of the future Grid programme, crossing which would link existing and North-South Cycle Superhighway (CS6) Superhighway 11 (Swiss Cottage to we are prioritising an additional 65km planned cycle routes on both sides of Phase 2. We have completed more than the West End) in early May, following Grid routes for delivery, and we plan the river. We appointed a new scheme 50 per cent of the construction for the local elections, with the main to take 39km through the initial design designer, Atkins, in March following a both the Transport for London Road construction planned to start in July at phase in 2018/19. competitive procurement process from Network (TLRN) and borough sections. Swiss Cottage. our services framework. Atkins will help We launched new traffic signals at Cycling Quietways us to develop a single option for further Charterhouse Junction, introducing a Mini-Hollands Construction is complete or under consultation later this year, before a new pedestrian crossing at this busy Twenty-six of the 103 Mini-Hollands way on 110km from a potential 250km consents application in 2019. junction. In collaboration with Crossrail, schemes (98 infrastructure and five network of routes. Wayfinding has we extended the crossing width at supporting measures) are complete. been implemented across 17km of this Transformational programme Cowcross Street and Greville Street Six schemes started on site this quarter, network. To date, we have launched A planning application has been to 10 metres, with more than 8,000 including four Quieter Neighbourhood Quietway1 (Waterloo to Greenwich submitted for Westminster Bridge South pedestrians per hour expected to use schemes in Enfield and two schemes and Greenwich to Bexleyheath), Q3 to alter the landscaped area around the the upgraded crossing at peak times. We providing connections across Kingston (Kilburn to Gladstone Park) and Q5 (Oval Park Plaza Hotel to allow a pedestrian also carried out works during the Easter town centre. In total, 25 schemes are to Clapham Old Town). Construction link along . weekend in collaboration with the City under way, including the Kingston Station is now under way on the following This will enable the conclusion of of London and 10 utility companies, scheme, the Lea Bridge Road scheme routes; a Quietway linking Barking the scheme, which was substantially which allowed us to reduce the amount in Waltham Forest and the A1010 South Town Centre to Cycle Superhighway completed in December 2017. of disruptive work days from 30 to four. scheme in Enfield. The Walking and 3, Q14 along the Thames Path, Q22 Cycling Commissioner joined the London along Newham Greenway, Q2 Notting We have completed consultation to We published the public consultation Borough of Enfield to launch the A105 Hill to East Acton, Q23 Ealing to remove roundabouts at Lambeth Bridge reports for Cycle Superhighway 9 Green Lanes scheme in March. Greenford, and the Greenwich to North and South, with a design that (Kensington Olympia to Brentford) and Kent House Quietway. Wayfinding replaces the roundabouts with full Cycle Superhighway 4 (Tower Bridge to Central London Cycling Grid signage is planned to be implemented signal-controlled crossings, including Greenwich) on 27 February and 23 March, We continue construction of the 85km on a further 45km during 2018. a safer junction for pedestrians and respectively. We are now reviewing network, with 50km complete or under cyclists. Additional surveys have the feedback and plan to publish our way. Wayfinding has been introduced Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf identified where some service diversions response to issues raised for both routes on 37km of this network across the river crossing can be avoided through the design focus, later this year. City of London, the Royal Borough This project aims to relieve existing saving time and money. The consultation of Kensington and Chelsea, and the transport links, encourage more active has raised several issues regarding We completed the concept design boroughs of Hackney, Islington, Lambeth travel and support growth in the Canada banned turns on the north side junction for the western section of Cycle and Southwark, and also in Hyde Park Water and the Isle of Dogs Opportunity and we are working with stakeholders to Superhighway 10 (Kathleen Avenue/ and St James’s Park. In March, we Areas by providing a cross-river find a solution. Western Avenue to Lancaster Gate) in launched Quietway 15 in partnership connection for pedestrians and cyclists. late January following completion of with the Royal Borough of Kensington The first public consultation closed We announced in March that we will buildability reviews, and detailed design and Chelsea, which runs from Belgravia on 8 January. It generated more than proceed with proposals to change the is now under way. Concept design for to Earls Court. 6,000 public responses, 93 per cent of existing gyratory system at Highbury the eastern section has also started. which supported the creation of a new Corner into a peninsular by closing the

58 Divisional review | Surface Investment programme report 59 western arm. Works are planned to start Morgan Sindall, our main works shortly and will take about one year to contractor, is finalising the concept complete. The highway concept designs designs for the individual construction are due for completion this summer. work packages for Old Street. The mechanical and electrical works will be We continue to negotiate with the last work package to be completed landowners to secure the land required by the end of June. Main works are to deliver the Wandsworth gyratory planned to start in early 2019. proposals. We decided to postpone the submission to Board for the Bus priority reliability and growth principle of making a Compulsory programme Purchase Order (CPO) to late 2018, We delivered 51 bus priority schemes which drives the amber 2017/18 budget this quarter across London, bringing milestone RAG. This will allow time the 2017/18 financial year total to 188 to finalise the land negotiations and schemes. This delivers a cumulative bus carry out highway survey investigations journey time saving of approximately 26 to increase cost certainty. hours every day in the morning peak.

We have identified an option to adapt Safer Junctions our proposals for Fiveways Croydon. Design continues for improvements This would avoid the need to buy some at key TLRN junctions and corridors, property and would use the existing A23 including the / road-over-rail bridge (previously expected Road and Camden Street/Camden Road to be demolished), together with a new junctions. We have delivered further adjacent bridge structure, saving time and improvement schemes, including on the money. Significantly improved cycling A202 Camberwell New Road, at Flodden measures are also included on the A23 Road, and introduced cycle advanced as part of the revised option. A CPO to stop lines at Chelsea Embankment. Site acquire the land essential to deliver the investigations and preliminary design projects is expected to be submitted to work have started on the next phase Board in autumn 2019. of junction design at nine locations.

On 29 January, we received confirmation We continue to develop the detailed from the Mayor of support on the design for Charlie Brown’s roundabout Vauxhall Cross bus station planning in South Woodford. Construction is application. We received the final planned to start during the school decision notice granting planning summer holidays in 2018. permission from the London Borough An artist’s impression of Highbury Corner following the improvements, of Lambeth on 9 February. which will change it from a gyratory system into a peninsular

60 Divisional review | Surface Investment programme report 61 Technology programme Liveable Neighbourhoods programme In Mitcham, bus priority has been We have selected a partner through a This new programme is a key part of the improved through the town centre competitive procurement to deliver Mayor’s Transport Strategy. It aims to near Fair Green, and safer streets the new Real Time Optimiser system deliver locally led, attractive, healthy and enhancements for pedestrians and to manage London’s road space more safe neighbourhoods that encourage a cyclists have been made. efficiently and effectively as demand reduction in car journeys and an increase increases. The contract details are being in walking, cycling and public transport Assurance finalised. We are reviewing market trips. We are working with the London Project Assurance completed an responses for the Common Operational boroughs of Ealing, Greenwich, Hackney, Integrated Assurance Review (IAR) View and Incident Management System, Haringey, Havering, Lewisham and on the Healthy Streets submission and work continues on pilots to inform Waltham Forest to take forward their to the Programmes and Investment the development of the data roadmap. proposals and assess the feasibility of Committee meeting in March 2017. potential schemes. We are also meeting A quarterly update was provided to the Crossrail complementary measures with London boroughs and partner Committee on 21 February on the nine We are working with boroughs, organisations to discuss potential bids IAR recommendations that were made Crossrail Limited and Network Rail to for the 2019/20 funding round, prior to and accepted, including three by IIPAG. develop and deliver a programme of submission of bids. All recommendations are now closed. improvements to 17 stations in outer Project Assurance tracks progress London that will form part of the Local Implementation Plan programme against the recommendations made, Elizabeth line when the full service Construction of the final phase of the including by IIPAG, as part of its starts operating in December 2019. Baker Street Two-Way scheme is due continuous assurance. to start in May, while consultation also Four stations (Romford, Chadwell continues at Stratford, Bond Street Heath, Goodmayes and Manor Park) are and Tottenham Court Road. Work to complete and construction continues improve pedestrian access between on the remaining 13 stations, which are Kingston’s riverside, station and town at various stages of delivery. centre is substantially complete at the site where the former Royal Rowbarge, Gloriana, will be permanently moored. Gloriana was built to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty, The Queen in 2012. It now helps young and underprivileged people enjoy the river and the sport of rowing.

62 Divisional review | Surface Investment programme report 63 Air quality and environment

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement The red in-year 2017/18 budget milestone Ultra Low Emission Vehicles completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) RAG relates to the Mayor’s November (Rapid Charge Infrastructure) 12 12 2017 announcement of an earlier To support the growing number of Zero 2021/22 44 202 434▲ (13) introduction of the central London Emission Capable taxis and the increased ULEZ from September 2020 to April use of electric vehicles, we are building 2017/18 budget milestone RAG The EFC has increased by £13m 2019, which now requires all Euro V New a network of Rapid Charging Points from £421m at Quarter 3. The Routemaster buses to comply with the (RCPs) across London. The Air Quality and Environment Programme Hydrogen Bus EFC has now Euro VI emissions standard. When the reduces the impact of transport on air quality been broken down to reflect ‘75 per cent of the buses operating in the We completed the 100th RCP on 16 March, and climate change through a programme of capital costs, third-party funding ULEZ will be compliant’ milestone was two weeks ahead of schedule. The RCPs measures targeted at vehicles in TfL’s contracted and operational savings post set, all 306 Euro V New Routemasters have been installed mainly on the TfL and regulated fleets, and at all vehicles driving delivery, previously reported as were specifically considered to be ULEZ highway and land across 27 boroughs, with in London. a net figure, which has increased compliant. We are striving to achieve approximately half dedicated for taxi use. its EFC. The ULEZ EFC has also compliance with the Euro VI standard. The Mayor launched the Southwark Street increased slightly following site on 19 March alongside the Deputy From April 2019, the central London Ultra Low commercial negotiations with We continue to install NOx abatement Mayor for Environment and Energy and Emission Zone (ULEZ) will replace the T-Charge the contractor. equipment on buses. The A12 Eastern the Deputy Mayor for Transport. and operate in the same area, alongside the Avenue and A21 Lewisham to Catford Congestion Charge. Unlike the T-Charge and Low Emission Bus Zones are progressing, We continue to prepare sites for Congestion Charge, which are only in place on with 284 compliant vehicles now installation, and the number of live weekdays, it will operate 24 hours a day, seven contributing significantly lower NOx sites will increase to 150 by the end of days a week, 365 days a year. In addition to the emissions on these corridors. The December 2018 and to 175 by March 2019. Congestion Charge, there will be two ULEZ charge Haringey Green Lanes corridor is 73 per levels: £12.50 a day for cars, vans and motorbikes cent complete and the A3 Wandsworth Assurance and £100 a day for lorries, buses and coaches. St John’s Hill corridor is 39 per cent Project Assurance completed an Integrated complete. We are also retrofitting NOx Assurance Review (IAR) on the Air Quality We have finalised the high level and functional abatement equipment on buses on the and Environment programme submission designs for the ULEZ, and the detailed design A5 Edgware Road, Stratford, Uxbridge and to the Programmes and Investment is almost complete. Edmonton Seven Sisters Road corridors, Committee meeting in October 2017. in addition to vehicles operating in the Eleven IAR recommendations were Our fleet compliance ULEZ. More than 1,070 buses have been made and accepted, including three by We have now awarded 16 double-deck routes with converted to date and these are directly IIPAG. A quarterly update was provided Euro VI hybrid ULEZ-compliant buses, which will delivering benefits for the Mayor’s to the Programmes and Investment deliver more than 300 buses into service during programme to improve air quality. Committee meeting on 21 February 2018. We have also awarded three single-deck routes and progress is being made to close 12 Programme authority of £202m with zero emission electric buses, which will deliver was approved by the Programmes the 11 recommendations. Project more than 50 buses into service between 2018 and and Investment Committee in Assurance tracks progress against the 2019 when the new route contracts start. Currently, October to reduce emissions recommendations made, including by there are approximately 2,000 ULEZ-compliant from vehicles in London. It IIPAG, as part of its continuous assurance. covers financial years 2017/18 to buses, both single and double deck, in service. 2021/22. Further authority will be requested in future.

64 Divisional review | Surface Investment programme report 65 Public transport

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement We have installed the train protection We have completed low-voltage renewal completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) warning system on the sections of works in the new equipment room at 13 the Euston to Watford line that are Poplar and we have started works at 2018/19 104 268 456 0 shared by London Underground and Royal Albert and Pontoon Dock. London Overground services. We will 2017/18 budget milestone RAG Value engineering reductions install the system on the Richmond We have appointed contractors for have been incorporated in the to Gunnersbury branch to complete drainage, bridge bearing, structural We maintain the safety, reliability and 2017 Business Plan, and we are these works and allow us to interchange corrosion, noise barriers and station performance of London Buses, London finalising the embedment of the the fleet between lines and improve canopy drainage. Bridge repair works Overground, (DLR), reductions. The EFC covers the reliability across the network. were completed at Abbey Road and London Trams, Emirates Air Line, Santander five-year Business Plan period fencing works continue, with one site Cycles and London River Services through from 2017/18 to 2021/22. We continue to discuss a potential at Canning Town remaining. We have prioritised renewals and enhancements that scheme at Hackney Central with the finalised the technical specifications support growth, housing and jobs, and improve London Borough of Hackney, from to provide systems that will allow the travel choices. whom confirmation of a land transfer maintainer to work at height. is required. London Overground Radio resilience and public address Access For All (AFA) schemes are under way at Other live projects include lift system designs were submitted for West Hampstead and White Hart Lane stations. maintenance at Wapping station, acceptance and 50 per cent of the We are also acting as delivery partner to Crossrail retaining wall renewal works on the ticket-vending machines have been to design and construct AFA schemes at seven East London line, new security for the commissioned with new software. stations across the eastern and western sections. Thames tunnel and a new hot train wash facility at New Cross Gate depot. At Limehouse station, the canopy, glazing In preparation for the introduction of the new and escalators have been installed and London Overground rolling stock: DLR full testing of the escalators completed. We have appointed a contractor to Commissioning works remain before •• We have completed platform extension refurbish the CT30 shunter locomotive; operational use can be granted. works on the Gospel Oak to Barking line the works started in April 2018 and are progressing well. We continue repairs At Custom House station, the roof •• We have installed ‘correct side door’ equipment to the kingpin/bogie mechanism on the and mezzanine beam installation is on the Gospel Oak to Barking line, all West B2007 vehicle fleet and are on schedule 85 per cent complete, and the paving Anglia lines and the Romford to Upminster line to complete these in July 2018. is 95 per cent complete, with only the section between Crossrail and the DLR •• Works are under way at Willesden We continue upgrade works to the remaining. The mechanical, electrical depot following award of the 13 Budgeted programme and Vehicle Control Centre to simplify the and communications design approval project authority of £268m contract to electrify the sidings was approved during Quarter signalling borders around the central is almost complete and we have started 3 by the Programmes and section of the railway. This removes to install the cable management system. Investment Committee on 12 conflicts that can occur when trains December to manage renewals move from one section to another. and enhancements on Surface Transport’s frontline customer services in 2017/18 and 2018/19.

66 Divisional review | Surface Investment programme report 67 We have started works on the London As part of our commitment to make the City Airport Visitor Centre and the tram network safer following the tragedy structural designs have been submitted. at Sandilands in 2016, we are continuing We expect the works to be completed in to address the recommendations late autumn 2018. from the RAIB. We have completed a number of initiatives and are now London Trams currently assessing options for track This renewals programme consists of modifications, tunnel lighting and 17 projects across seven asset groups. strengthening tram windows. The design of the iTram performance monitoring We installed new points controllers at system is nearly complete, we are New Addington, Arena and two at East evaluating bids for tram emergency Croydon in February. lighting and we have started the tender process for a system to physically We have completed the overhaul of prevent speeding. 23 Bombardier CR4000 trailer bogies and we continue to overhaul the vehicle Work is under way to improve the hydraulic power units and brake callipers design of the readers on this fleet. across the network to make it easier for customers to see and use them. Working We completed two tramway track in partnership with the tram operator, renewals during the planned Easter designs have been drawn up to provide tram closure, which included replacing additional validators and/or adjust or the rails, highway and associated relocate the existing validators at a components. We began preparations number of tram stops. Delivery of these to replace the parafil catenary improvements will be phased, starting support wires, which hold up the early in the next financial year. overhead power lines, during this closure. We also repaved three tram Following changes to funding for the stops in Croydon town centre. We Dingwall Road loop extension, we are rebalancing the power outage to continue to review the preferred option evenly distribute the power supply to ensure affordability. in the depot, which we plan to complete in August 2018.

Seventeen projects are taking place on London Trams as part of the renewals programme

68 Divisional review | Surface Investment programme report 69 Network Rail completed the majority expires in November 2018. We have The six bus operators who were of its high-voltage cable diversion works identified the desired replacement allocated funding from the TfL Operator in March during a weekend closure solution and have started the detailed Safety Innovation Fund have all begun of the tram facilities at Wimbledon. design for the keypad and payment working on their safety trials, with the A revised programme for completing software. We delivered seven extension results expected in the autumn. The the outstanding works is awaited from sites (200 docking points) in Brixton trials include fatigue detection devices Network Rail. in February. and new methods of training drivers in safety. We have completed the outline design We completed cable renewals works to for a package of improvements at the Emirates Air Line during a planned We have also begun discussions station to add a second maintenance closure in March. with operators on understanding and tram platform and double-tracking. addressing driver fatigue and are in the This will improve journey times, Buses process of commissioning independent reliability and resilience across the The delivery of the new Routemaster research into this issue. tram network and the interchange with fleet has been completed and all 1,000 Network Rail services. We are preparing are now in service, with 694 using the Assurance for procurement of a design and build ultra low emission Euro VI and the Project Assurance completed an contract. Issues with land acquisition remainder Euro V. Integrated Assurance Review (IAR) are currently delaying the project. on the Public transport submission The project was granted full funding Testing is under way on the potential to the Programmes and Investment in January. components of the Bus Safety Standard, Committee meeting in December 2017. including emergency automatic braking Eight recommendations were made We have completed the outline design and measures to make bus interiors and accepted, none by IIPAG. Three for the replacement of two Victorian more forgiving if passengers slip or are now closed and good progress is bridges at Blackhorse Lane. We awarded fall. The outcome will be a safety being made to close the remaining five. the delivery contract to Morgan specification that will be incorporated Project Assurance tracks progress Sindall in February and detailed design/ into contracts from January 2019 to against the recommendations made, acquisition of utility diversion estimates ensure compliance among new buses including by IIPAG, as part of its is in progress. The works are planned to entering the fleet. Initial road trials for continuous assurance. be completed in early 2019. autonomous emergency braking were held in March and we are engaging Sponsored services with external stakeholders on the The Cycle Hire renewals programme development of the remaining safety includes work streams such as payment measures. We are planning a peer software, on-street equipment, bike review of the safety measures, with replacement, docking station relocation vehicle industry experts chosen from and map updates. The support contract an international pool.

70 Divisional review | Surface Investment programme report 71 Asset investment

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement We have completed the refurbishment River schemes completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) of Greenwich Pier ahead of schedule Construction of two replacement 14 14 and reopened it to the public for the vessels for the Woolwich Ferry is 2021/22 169 352 631 3 Easter holidays. progressing well. Construction of the new berths and mooring infrastructure 2017/18 budget milestone RAG 2018/19 is the first year without Structures and tunnels will begin in the summer and we remain any Government operating investment programme on schedule for the new vessels to enter We maintain our Surface assets in a safe grant. As a result, the On the three road-over-rail bridge service later this year. condition through prioritised and planned programme of proactive capital replacements that are under way from works to replace, refurbish or partially renewals on the road network our programme of major works to Coaches reconstruct them. This programme maintains has been stopped in the short address high-priority risks, we: We continue to develop proposals and lengthens the useful life of a wide range of to medium term, although the and feasibility works for new coach assets including carriageway, footway, lighting, safety of the network will be •• Completed the final phase of facilities, and work proceeds to replace drainage, bridges and tunnels, traffic signals, bus maintained. The EFC decrease demolition of the existing Power Road the roof glazing at stations and river assets. of £3m in Quarter 4 reflects a Bridge during a railway possession as part of our maintenance of the reduction of works in 2017/18 (but maintaining traffic flow on the existing station. Asset renewals programme in advance of this cessation. A406) over the Easter weekend. We We resurfaced more than 77,000 square metres In the medium to long term, will build the road approaches to the Assurance of road at locations including the A2 Shooters Hill new and sustainable funding new section of the bridge and plan Project Assurance completed an and A406 (Brent Cross rail sources for London’s roads to open all four lanes later in 2018 Integrated Assurance Review (IAR) bridge to Golders Green Road), taking the total this will need to be identified. on the Asset investment programme financial year to more than 400,000 square metres. •• Remain on schedule to finish the final submission to the Programmes and We also replaced almost 3,000 square metres of works at Highbury Corner, which are Investment Committee meeting in June pavement including A3 Kingston Bypass, A1 Upper now substantially complete following 2017. A quarterly update was provided to Street, A205 Christchurch Road and A503 Camden the successful possession and works the Committee on 21 February on the 10 Road. All key milestones on our Capital Renewal over Christmas and the New Year IAR recommendations that were made Programme were achieved on time, with the and accepted, including five by IIPAG. exception of Vehicle Restraint Barriers. •• Are focusing works on the demolition Eight recommendations are closed and of the second section of bridge at good progress is being made to close the We replaced 22 signalled junctions in the quarter, Ardleigh Green during road and rail remaining two. Project Assurance tracks including upgrades to two junctions that interface possessions in May and June 2018 progress against the recommendations with Croydon Tramlink. We installed new bus driver made (including by IIPAG) as part of its facilities at Molesworth Street and Camden Road, continuous assurance. and we refurbished mess rooms at Hackney Wick and Hatton Cross bus stations.

Other works included street lighting renewals at the A20 Sidcup Bypass and Victoria Embankment, structural works at Great Chertsey Road and 14 The forecast completion year and lighting works in Eltham Tunnel. EFC relate to the Business Plan period until 2021/22.

72 Divisional review | Surface Investment programme report 73 Other Technology and data

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 2019/20 n/a 15 168 168 0

2017/18 budget milestone RAG

The Technology and data programme provides the core infrastructure, services and technologies that allow us to deliver our strategic priorities.

Payments We have finalised arrangements for In January, we successfully launched Oyster pay as you go to be accepted the extended Hopper fare, which allows on the Heathrow Connect service now passengers to make unlimited bus and that TfL Rail has taken over responsibility tram journeys within an hour. to support Elizabeth line services from 20 May. We continue to support With more than 800,000 purchases to to accept pay as you date, the Oyster and contactless app go on its services later this year. has made ticketing more convenient for Oyster customers, while reducing fare Seventy-five new ticket vending revenue collection costs. We extended machines have been formally the app to contactless customers on accepted into service. These machines 15 June 2018. We are also testing the integrate full and Oyster revenue allocation systems to support functionality, meaning customers will weekly capping for adult Oyster users only have to use one machine. and we remain on schedule to launch this later in 2018.

The Oyster and contactless app not only provides a convenient method of ticketing for customers, but also lowers the cost of fare revenue collection 15 Total programme authority of £168m was approved by the Programmes and Investment Committee on 16 May. Spend to date will be reported from Quarter 1 2018/19 as there was no spend allocated this financial year against the authority granted.

74 Divisional review | Other Investment programme report 75 Enterprise resource programme •• Phased migration of all users Work is under way to build internal Hosting – data centre rationalisation We plan to move away from expensive to Office 365 desktop suite capability to reduce our dependence and cloud migration investment programmes every five to will follow throughout 2019 on expensive third-party services and Hosting is how we organise, process, eight years towards the upgrading of deliver new business requirements. store and distribute large amounts of our desktop hardware/software with a •• A migration of mobile device data. Work is under way to reduce the more ‘evergreen’ (continual enterprise management software to Microsoft Asset and network cost of hosting by reducing the size of resource programme refresh/update) Intune has started, with completion management products our primary data centre by two thirds. model. This will lower our overall due by November 2018 to realise Work is under way to upgrade the track total cost of ownership and reduce the savings in the Business Plan access control system, a booking system We continue to develop a hybrid operational risks associated with for workers who carry out LU track hosting operating model, in which we technology obsolescence. It will also •• Multi Factor Authentication software maintenance at night. We will refresh have extended our data centre core support our Smart Working initiative and is now in production, replacing the code and renew the infrastructure capabilities into the public cloud (AWS enable employees to work more flexibly. the RAS token fobs for remote and hardware. and Azure). Further expansion of these Key achievements in the quarter are: connectivity to the TfL network. capabilities is under way to deliver User migration is planned to be Bus operating and monitoring systems stronger governance, operational •• Desktop modernisation – current completed by the end of the calendar The Surface narrow band radio contract controls and cost transparency to state review carried out to year, delivering cost savings and was signed on 23 March to replace the yield additional efficiencies. determine priority areas of focus user satisfaction improvements life-expired bus radio system. We have to ensure the future desktop started to install infrastructure at a pilot With the successful pilot migration meets the needs of the business •• A User Adoption workstream has testing location. of four applications from On-premise been created, and through this to the Public Cloud and the build out •• A directional mix of ‘thin client’ we are developing an approach We have completed outcome definition of the enterprise service hub for the versus laptops agreed to ensure for future updates to be delivered work to replace our bus tracking, management of these services, we that we support bona fide mobility more frequently, and to be clearly performance management and real- have implemented the foundations of needs as well as leveraging the coordinated and communicated time bus passenger information system a centralised Hybrid Hosting operating existing ‘thin client’ connectivity (eg via early adopters/champions) on the next generation of iBus. We model. Future expansion of these for the majority of office users. in each business area have completed consultation with bus capabilities is under way, which will A detailed plan of which devices operators and wider stakeholders, and deliver stronger governance, operational need to be replaced is now starting Asset management products feasibility studies are under way. controls and cost transparency to bring We are continuing to reduce the about further efficiencies. •• Office 365 productivity total cost of ownership of our asset We are working with the preferred software – programme team management systems by reducing the supplier to reach an agreed contract established, with prerequisite complexity of our technology through to replace life-expired current bus technology implementation consolidating similar products. route and schedule systems. to be complete by June 2018

76 Divisional review | Other Investment programme report 77 Cyber security Data and analytics Contact Centre operation Assurance The UK is implementing the European The General Data Protection Regulation We have begun the process of re- Project Assurance completed an Union (EU) directive on the security (GDPR), a regulation in EU law on data tendering the two contracts for Contact Integrated Assurance Review (IAR) on of Networks and Information Systems protection and privacy for all individuals Centre telephony services that meet the Technology and data submission (known as the NIS Directive). In response within the EU, came into effect on TfL’s customer self-serve and helpline to the Programmes and Investment to this, we have set up a working group 25 May. The enhanced requirements requirements, the latter expiring in Committee meeting on 21 February 2018. with the Department for Transport and set out how organisations treat the mid-2019. We are engaging the market Eleven recommendations were made and the National Cyber Security Centre. customer and employee data that to understand potential industry accepted, including seven by IIPAG. One they hold. We are working with developments and investigate if savings is now closed and good progress is being Technical refresh and Technical representatives across our business could be made by combining these into made to close the remaining 10. Project Service Operation to update processes and systems. a single contract. Assurance tracks progress against the Technical Service Operation (TSO) recommendations made, including by provides suitable information technology We have gathered requirements On 14 November 2017, we awarded IIPAG, as part of its continuous assurance. services and applications, some of which for self-service reporting capability the contract to Novacroft to provide are vital for our day-to-day operations, and we are preparing to launch the Oyster concessions service from and investment to refresh our data a procurement exercise to select January 2019 for a minimum of five centre servers. a suitable enterprise tool. years. Novacroft will provide a full Contact Centre and card production We have completed a detailed review Networks service at a reduced rate in comparison to understand business critical services In December 2017, we signed a new to the previous contract and also at and prioritise the expected level of contract with Capita to consolidate a significantly lower cost than if we resilience. Our next step is to identify our above-ground network spend and managed the service. the gap between the current level and deliver a standardised, simplified and the expected level. more affordable network infrastructure. Preparation is under way to ensure a Work is under way to replace, through low-risk transition from the incumbent a competitive tender, two major provider to Capita in early August, outsourced contracts that will end after which the transformation work by June 2019. We have finalised the will start. procurement strategy and business case, and defined the requirements. We are also working to deliver WiFi The contractual documents are being services on the Elizabeth line train finalised and we plan to go to market fleet in time for the planned opening next quarter. in December 2018.

78 Divisional review | Other Investment programme report 79 Growth Fund

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement Shortlisted schemes We are working with the GLA to select completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) We made recommendations to the the next set of projects to receive 16 16 Programmes & Investment Committee Growth Fund support and to seek 2021/22 n/a 200 200 0 in December to make a contribution funding for some schemes through the to support four schemes that met our Government’s Housing Infrastructure 2017/18 budget milestone RAG agreed criteria. These schemes are: Fund and Business Rates Retention Pilot scheme. The programme allocates funding to support the delivery of transport schemes that •• An upgrade at help to unlock housing and commercial developments and support regeneration to provide double tracking, and a Assurance opportunities in some of London’s key growth areas. second platform to support growth Project Assurance completed an along the Tramlink network Integrated Assurance Review (IAR) Existing Growth Fund schemes Sutton Tram extension on the Growth Fund submission The Growth Fund contributes to 15 A detailed option selection process •• A new southern entrance at to the Programmes and Investment existing schemes that will support the is under way and we have identified a Ilford station to address capacity Committee meeting in June 2017. delivery of more than 55,000 new homes shortlist of potential options. We will issues resulting from growth A quarterly update was provided to and 30,000 new jobs. Recently completed assess these in detail ahead of a public in the area and to benefit bus the Committee on 21 February on the schemes include the transformation of consultation planned to start in the passengers arriving at the station 11 IAR recommendations that were made the northern roundabout at Elephant autumn, which will inform a preferred and accepted, including four by IIPAG. and Castle. option. Subject to confirming a full •• An upgrade at Colindale station in Six recommendations are closed and funding package, we plan to submit the first phase of a development progress is being made to close the Significant progress has been made a Transport and Works Act Order programme to bring 10,000 new remaining five. Project Assurance tracks in upgrading and developing stations application by early 2020. homes to the Colindale area progress against the recommendations such as Woolwich (on the Elizabeth made, including by IIPAG, as part of its line), Tottenham Hale, White Hart Lane Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf Crossing •• An upgrade at Walthamstow Central continuous assurance. and West Ham, which all support new Following the positive results from the station, with improved entrances and housing developments. Our investment consultation that closed in January, we step-free access, to provide additional in the transport infrastructure has been are developing a more detailed design for capacity to support new homes and supported by financial contributions from further consultation later this year, prior jobs in Walthamstow town centre developers and other sources including to a consents application in 2019. More the Greater London Authority (GLA). detail on this project is on Page 59.

16 Programme authority of £200m was approved by the Programmes and Investment Committee on 28 June. There has been no spend to date (up to Quarter 4 2017/18) against this authority. Funds are allocated from Quarter 1 2018/19 onwards and will be reported from then.

80 Divisional review | Other Investment programme report 81 Elizabeth line

On-network stations improvement programme

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 2019 41 94 94 0

2017/18 budget milestone RAG

This programme focuses on 22 existing stations, ensuring improved customer experience and step-free access, and a consistent stations environment across the entire Elizabeth line.

On the Great Eastern section step- MTR is continuing its station free schemes (Maryland, Manor Park refurbishment programme. Works to and Seven Kings), we have installed repair and decorate platform canopies all the main steelwork and started at Chadwell Heath, Goodmayes and the fit-out stage. Lift installation is Ilford are substantially complete and under way at Maryland and Manor focus is now on the roll-out of new Park. Completion of all three sites platform shelters and seating. Work will is expected in summer 2018. also begin in the summer to refurbish the station buildings on the Great On the Great Western section lift Western section that are not being schemes (Hanwell, Iver, Langley and upgraded by the Crossrail project. Taplow), design works are progressing. Construction will start in summer 2018, with all four schemes due to complete in time for the full opening of the Elizabeth line in December 2019.

Elizabeth line trains are in operation, with the line to be opened fully in December 2019

82 Divisional review | Other Investment programme report 83 Rolling stock Crossrail

Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement Forecast Spend to Spend Estimated final EFC movement completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) completion year date (£m) authority (£m) cost (EFC) (£m) post plan (£m) 17 2019 735 1,149 1,017▼▼ 120 2019 * 14.8 * *

2017/18 budget milestone RAG 2017/18 budget milestone RAG The spend authority increase from £1,137m at Quarter 3 relates We are introducing the new Elizabeth line train to an additional train required to The Crossrail project will deliver a new railway from Reading and Heathrow in fleet in phases by December 2019 and building extend the Elizabeth line service the west to Shenfield and Abbey Wood in the east. Crossrail Limited is managing a depot to provide train maintenance facilities. from Maidenhead to Reading. construction, and when TfL-run services open through central London in December This train is fully funded by 2018 it will be known as the Elizabeth line. A number of new Class 345 trains are now Crossrail Limited. The EFC has operating on the service between Liverpool Street reduced by £120m this quarter, Progress is being made across all areas Station fit-out is continuing, including and Shenfield, as well as between Paddington and mainly because of a plan to sell of the programme, and the successful installation of lifts and escalators, Hayes & Harlington. The introduction has been and lease back the new rolling introduction of Elizabeth line services in architectural finishes and signage. later than planned and is represented by the red stock fleet. the central section remains on schedule All platform screen doors have been 2017/18 milestone RAG. The delay was mainly due for December 2018. There remain some installed and the installation of systems to train signalling issues. We have therefore cost and schedule pressures, which that are vital for operation of the railway delayed the withdrawal of the old train fleet continue to be actively managed by is under way. to continue to provide a full passenger service. Crossrail Limited and ourselves. Network Rail continues to upgrade the The main train maintenance building at Old A major milestone was achieved on existing rail network for the introduction Oak Common depot and the connection to the 1 February 2018 when the sub-station of Elizabeth line services. Work has also rail network were energised in January 2018 to at Pudding Mill Lane was successfully continued at stations on the Shenfield complete testing. The depot was brought into switched on. This has allowed the line and tendering is under way for the operation on 1 March 2018, providing capacity testing of the new trains and systems i rebuilding of the stations on the Great for nine trains. The first six of 33 additional sidings n the tunnel section between Abbey Western main line section between in the depot yard were energised and opened on Wood and Stepney Green to begin. Acton Main Line and Hayes & Harlington. 11 April 2018. Class 345 trains are now operating The trains are being tested progressively daily from the depot for driver training in at increasing speeds, levels of automatic Crossrail’s extensive programme of preparation for the second stage of service control and number of trains in the stakeholder and public engagement introduction in May 2018. tunnels. A significant achievement continues in support of the 2018 Year took place on 13 April 2018, when testing of Engineering. Events are being held for Dynamic testing of the Class 345 European Train started under full signalling control, the public to see the work completed at Control System, needed for operation to Heathrow with subsequent testing being the stations, and a new exhibition, ‘The Airport, started in the Heathrow rail tunnel in undertaken in full automatic control Secret Life of a Megaproject’, has opened January 2018. Dynamic testing of a Class 345 train and at speeds of more than 60mph. at the . and the new automatic train control system in the new Elizabeth line tunnels began in February 2018. 17 Crossrail is opening in five stages from mid-2017 until December 2019. The Elizabeth line (Stage 3) launches in December 2018.

84 Divisional review | Other Investment programme report 85 Appendix A 2017/18 Budget milestone performance

The TfL 2017/18 Budget milestones for the projects or programmes covered in this report are listed below. The red, amber and green (RAG) status indicates delivery forecast against the current plan date in line with the following key: Actual/ Milestone description Plan date forecast date Status Ruislip depot commission area ready for passenger On time or early 1-89 days late 90 or more days late 21-Aug-17 19-Dec-17 Complete vehicle testing Final design and structure of track layout for Farringdon 16-Jan-18 12-Jan-18 Complete Commentary is provided on milestones that are forecast to be delivered significantly Sidings approved (more than 90 days) late. These milestones also indicate the history of forecast date Upminster depot de-icing facility operational 12-Feb-18 22-Jan-18 Complete movements by showing the RAG status and variance (the number of days difference) between the plan date and the forecast date at each quarter end. Programme impact CBTC fleet maintenance training starts 05-Oct-17 12-Feb-18 Complete Hammersmith Service Control Centre information and and mitigations are also detailed. 25-Oct-17 07-Mar-18 Complete communication system site acceptance testing completed Post-installation check and testing on installed equipment between Hammersmith and Paddington to ensure correct 12-Sep-17 23-Mar-18 Complete working completed All wayside signalling installation for the Edgware Road/ Actual/ 26-Jul-17 26-Apr-18 Milestone description Plan date forecast date Status Finchley Road to Euston Square migration area complete ▀

Line upgrades Q1: 70 days late ▀ Q2: 65 days late ▀ Q3: 120 days late ▀ Q3: 120 days late ▀ Four Lines Modernisation 18 The cable installation at Finchley Road took longer than planned because the work site was shared ▀ with another project (Baker Street to Finchley Road). We are discussing mitigation measures with our Design for fitment to battery loco type A engineering contractor to ensure there is no impact on critical schedule dates. Additionally, it was necessary to 30-Jun-17 26-Feb-17 Complete vehicle completed revise the location of some signalling equipment, which caused some design rework and associated procurement delays. Communications-based train control (CBTC) Service 13-Jun-17 18-Apr-17 Complete Control Centre operations training starts There is no impact on the overall schedule as there was sufficient float in the construction schedule on this non-critical activity. Customer information system enabling works (phase 3) CBTC 30 Metropolitan line trains (half the line’s fleet) between Cannon Street, Paddington, Barons Court and 13-Jun-17 13-Jun-17 Complete 05-Dec-17 01-Apr-18 Fulham Broadway completed fitment completed ▀ Tower Hill track alignment works to support service 07-Aug-17 02-Jul-17 Complete Q1: 25 days early Q2: 25 days early Q3: 144 days late Q4: 117 days late uplift completed ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ Bombardier Trains had experienced a number of technical issues during early train fitment, resulting in CBTC testing of system along areas that do not interface the planned production rate of two trains per week not being achieved. 28-Dec-17 25-Jul-17 Complete with mainline rail CBTC signalling system ready for commissioning between 31-Mar-18 27-May-18 CBTC signalling operators – training starts 05-Nov-17 09-Oct-17 Complete Hammersmith and Latimer Road ▀ Transformer rectifier unit modification works complete to CBTC signalling system performance monitoring for 23-Feb-18 17-Oct-17 Complete 05-Feb-18 27-May-18 enable operation of 750 volt regeneration Hammersmith to Paddington – completed ▀ Track work completed to enable performance at the Q1: 88 days late Q2: 52 days late Q3: 52 days late Q4: 111 days late 26-Sep-17 10-Nov-17 Complete ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ maximum safe speed as specified in the Thales contract To maximise the reliability of the system, we introduced a new strategy for the performance monitoring CBTC Circle and Hammersmith & City lines train operators operation which assumes that instead of finishing the performance monitoring prior to commissioning, 24-Oct-17 27-Nov-17 Complete – training starts it will now continue up to the point of the signalling migration area going live. Despite the fact that any movement of the commissioning date will result in further delaying the completion of this operation, nonetheless this strategy will result in using all the time available to ensure a reliable system is in place, without any impact on the commissioning of the first migration area. 18 Thales has rebaselined its programme, which was based on stretch targets, to align with the committed dates in our 2017 Business Plan. We will rebaseline the programme’s milestones to reflect the current approach to early timetable delivery.

86 Appendix A Investment programme report 87 Actual/ Actual/ Milestone description Plan date forecast date Status Milestone description Plan date forecast date Status

Thales site software readiness review for release 19-Oct-17 07-Aug-18 ▀ World class capacity ▀ Victoria line upgrade 2 ready for extending to 36 trains per Q1: 193 days late Q2: 223 days late Q3: 292 days late Q4: 292 days late 21-May-17 12-May-17 Complete ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ hour service Software development has been delayed to allow for the system design to progress and mature further, Jubilee line upgrade 2 ready for extending to 30 trains per therefore de-risking the process. 24-Aug-17 05-Dec-17 Complete hour service This has been mitigated through the use of float within the schedule for this project and the delay does Jubilee and Northern line additional trains contract award 19-Oct-17 n/a19 n/a19 not impact the planned commissioning date for the Finchley Road to Preston Road migration area. Northern line upgrade 2 detailed design for the Morden 06-Dec-17 n/a19 n/a19 Wayside infrastructure (signal equipment rooms, power track, civils, earth and structures completed and cable management system) for District line east 27-Mar-18 29-Aug-18 ▀ Northern line upgrade 2 Morden civil earth structure site completed 05-Feb-18 n/a19 n/a19 works begin Q1: 37 days late Q2: 78 days late Q3: 156 days late Q4: 155 days late ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ Network extensions Although earlier signalling migration areas are being prioritised, there are issues with design, installation and Network Rail approvals that have caused some delays in the area. Northern Line Extension ▀ Tunnelling between Battersea and Nine Elms Potential impacts on the commissioning dates are managed through an early access arrangement for 01-Aug-17 04-Aug-17 Complete the contractor. station completed Wayside infrastructure (signal equipment rooms, power Kennington Loop enabling works completed 15-Sep-17 18-Aug-17 Complete 29-Nov-17 11-Sep-18 and cable management system) for Circle line completed ▀ Kennington Green shaft – second tunnel-boring 20-Oct-17 08-Nov-17 Complete machine arrives Q1: 16 days late ▀ Q2: 78 days late ▀ Q3: 184 days late ▀ Q4: 286 days late ▀ The detailed design of the cable management system (CMS) has identified that more hangers, cable Kennington Loop – 10-day closure for works 23-Dec-17 23-Dec-17 Complete routes and cable lengths are required than had been identified in the concept design. Additionally, a Nine Elms station – all basement level 2 top-down slabs 31-Mar-18 24-Jan-18 Complete reprioritisation on critical assets and locations has resulted in non-critical assets being postponed, poured as part of the top-down construction method causing a delay to this milestone. Nine Elms station – break through into the existing 16-Mar-18 19-Jan-18 Complete Although the CMS issue has increased material and installation costs, we have identified a number of Northern line tunnels options to reduce the impact. Silvertown Tunnel ▀ Property cost estimate, as at June 2017, of land required for There is no impact to the commissioning dates of the respective signalling migration areas, as an 14-Jul-17 16-Jun-17 Complete arrangement of early access for the contractor exists. construction at Silvertown Tunnel de-icing facility operational 23-Jan-18 11-Jan-19 ▀ Invitation to negotiate issued 20-Jun-17 20-Jun-17 Complete Q1: 175 days late ▀ Q2: 248 days late ▀ Q3: 311 days late ▀ Q4: 353 days late ▀ Major stations Following the start of work to repair structural faults in the Ealing Common EC3 shed, we identified Victoria station upgrade ▀ major structural issues with the gable end wall, which will need to be demolished and replaced. Additional assessments of the existing gable end wall and roof trusses and associated prolonged design Basement areas handed back to Network Rail 26-Jun-17 23-May-17 Complete in Ealing Common shed 3 has further impacted the related de-icing facility in Quarter 4.

This has been mitigated by a temporary de-icing facility and there is no specific additional cost for these works as they are integral to operating the depot. We are currently reviewing options to mitigate the further delay.

19 These milestones are no longer relevant as a result of the pause of the programme.

88 Appendix A Investment programme report 89 Actual/ Actual/ Milestone description Plan date forecast date Status Milestone description Plan date forecast date Status North ticket hall completed, including step-free access to 31-Dec-17 18-Jun-18 Deep Tube renewals – 2,500 metres completed 31-Mar-18 05-Jan-18 Complete all platforms via lifts ▀ Ballasted track renewal and re-ballast – 31-Mar-18 06-Apr-18 Complete Q1: 22 days late ▀ Q2: 75 days late ▀ Q3: 155 days late ▀ Q4: 169 days late ▀ 7,000 metres completed The completion of step-free access to all platforms via lifts from the north ticket hall has been delayed LU infrastructure renewals by contractor lift resource issues. Although the lift contractor continues to deliver against its revised ▀ programme, some defects with manufactured items have caused a small further delay in the quarter. Lifts and escalators Lancaster Gate lifts 1 and 2 replacement – new lifts 28-Aug-17 26-Jun-17 Complete We continue to work with the contractor and lift supplier to provide an increased level of resource and fully operational appropriate management focus to deliver the remaining step-free access by June 2018. Euston escalator 5 refurbishment – escalator 24-Jul-17 29-Jun-17 Complete Bond Street station upgrade ▀ fully operational Station back into full service 27-Aug-17 17-Nov-17 Complete Final escalator at Holborn station (Piccadilly line) – 20-Oct-17 30-Aug-17 Complete operational Station upgrade complete, including a new station entrance 31-Dec-17 17-Nov-17 Complete and step-free access to all platforms Power upgrades Bank Bloomberg Place Power asset renewals Park Royal Group high voltage – start ▀ 17-May-17 03-Apr-17 Complete on first site Waterloo & City line entrance opens to customers 18-Jan-18 14-Jun-18 ▀ Central line resilience works Bow and South Woodford – 08-May-17 07-Apr-17 Complete Q1: 28 days early ▀ Q2: 46 days late ▀ Q3: 112 days late ▀ Q4: 147 days late ▀ contract award recommendation Dual power – Queensbury transformer room Following a previous delay caused by complexity in the design, manufacture and installation of the fire 31-Aug-17 15-Aug-17 Complete doors on the connections to the existing station, the design and build contractor has not progressed the fit-out completed station systems integration and upgrade work. The contractor has advised that it was not within scope, despite actions showing there were plans to do the work. The late notification of this has significantly LU rolling stock renewals ▀ impacted the programme. Bakerloo line rolling stock life extension weld repairs – 20 of 36 trains complete (target for full completion – 13-Dec-17 18-Apr-18 Complete We have instructed the main contractor to appoint specialist subcontractors to progress this work, November 2018) however there is a risk that the agreement of terms and conditions may take longer than expected. We are working closely with all parties to try to prevent any further delay. Healthy Streets ▀ Oxford Street west transformation – first public Bank station capacity 21-Jun-17 24-Apr-17 Complete ▀ consultation Tunnelling begins 31-May-17 10-May-17 Complete Archway gyratory construction (excluding Despard Road 09-Jun-17 24-May-17 Complete Excavation works begin 16-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 Complete loading bay) complete 50km (about 60 per cent) of borough Central London Bakerloo line link 30-Sep-17 30-Sep-17 Complete ▀ Cycling Grid network either in progress or completed All systems (such as link switch rooms, lifts, chiller room 4km of segregated Enfield Mini-Hollands cycle 31-Mar-18 05-Oct-17 Complete and link tunnel) installed and ready for start of integration 29-Mar-18 21-May-18 Complete route completed and testing Cycle Superhighways route 11 – Swiss Cottage detailed 15-Dec-17 01-Dec-17 Complete LU track renewals ▀ design work completed Completed renewal of 15 points and crossings units 31-Mar-18 05-Jan-18 Complete Surface Intelligence Technology implementation – notification of Urban Traffic Control contract award to 22-Feb-18 22-Dec-17 Complete Completed renewal of 2,500 metres of track drainage 31-Mar-18 05-Jan-18 Complete selected supplier

90 Appendix A Investment programme report 91 Actual/ Actual/ Milestone description Plan date forecast date Status Milestone description Plan date forecast date Status 100km of Cycling Quietways construction either complete 31-Jan-18 31-Jan-18 Complete Public transport or in progress ▀ London Overground track protection warning system Crossrail complementary measures – implementation 15-May-17 14-Apr-17 Complete 30-Mar-18 30-Mar-18 Complete detailed design approved by Network Rail completed on four schemes Trams assets gearbox overhauls started 02-Oct-17 05-Jun-17 Complete Bus priority improvements of 64 minutes to bus journey times on borough roads through schemes aiming 31-Mar-18 N/A London Overground West Anglia stations programme main ▀ 28-Jun-17 23-Jul-17 Complete to reduce delays20 works completed Wandsworth gyratory removal – Board approval of the Cycle Hire new operating model with new back office 15-Dec-17 30-Nov-18 principle of making a Compulsory Purchase Order ▀ systems and different distribution, call centre and cleaning 30-Aug-17 01-Aug-17 Complete contracts – transitioned into service Q1: 17 days early Q2: 103 days early Q3: 350 days late Q4: 350 days late ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ London Overground Willesden driving motor unit We have deferred the submission to Board for the principle of making a Compulsory Purchase Order electrification option selection design approved by 28-Jun-17 22-Aug-17 Complete until November 2018 to allow time to finalise the land negotiations and do further investigations that will Network Rail result in greater cost certainty. This deferral, which also results in a delay in purchasing land, is in line with the most recent budget setting. West Hampstead station over-track footbridge completed 27-Oct-17 14-Dec-17 Complete Trams assets mid-life refurbishment completed 04-Mar-18 04-Feb-18 Complete There is no impact on the Healthy Streets objective or on other projects within the portfolio. London Overground train crew accommodation – main Air quality and environment 25-Feb-18 n/a ▀ works at Chingford completed ▀ Emissions Surcharge (T-Charge) launch 23-Oct-17 23-Oct-17 Complete These works are to transfer to for delivery to maximise market efficiencies, and 75 per cent of the buses operating in the ULEZ will be discussions are under way about how transfer of funds will occur. 30-Mar-18 30-Sep-18 compliant ▀ DLR rolling stock replacement concept design for Beckton 25-Feb-18 12-Apr-18 depot completed ▀ Q1: 28 days early ▀ Q2: 28 days early ▀ Q3: 184 days late ▀ Q4: 184 days late ▀ Assets All 306 Euro V New Routemasters were specifically considered to be ULEZ compliant when this ▀ milestone was set. Within the Mayor’s November announcement of an earlier introduction of the central Upper Holloway railway bridge replacement 24-Jun-17 24-Jun-17 Complete London ULEZ (starting in April 2019), a requirement was made that all Euro V New Routemaster buses will construction completed need to comply with Euro VI emissions as part of ULEZ standards. Other ▀ All Euro V New Routemasters will be retrofitted to meet Euro VI emissions. The cost of the retrofits Technology and data will be funded through the existing NOx Abatement Programme. Retrofitting is the most cost-effective ▀ method to reduce emissions from these buses. We remain on track to meet all air quality targets, Contactless extended to the Oyster app 30-Mar-18 15-Jun-18 including implementing 12 Low Emission Bus Zones, the central London ULEZ and a Euro VI (or better) ▀ emissions bus fleet by 2020. IM ▀ New multi-modal command and control 31-Aug-17 26-Apr-17 Complete system operational

20 Twenty-five minutes (39 per cent of the in-year target) was achieved for the full year. The Bus Priority programme identified and delivered the ‘quick win’ borough schemes, however the remaining schemes were more complicated to deliver than anticipated when the target was set and the programme experienced significant delays.

92 Appendix A Investment programme report 93 Actual/ Milestone description Plan date forecast date Status

Commercial development ▀ Installation programme agreed for Digital Portrait 04-Sep-17 27-Sep-17 Complete advertising screens Five small development sites brought to market for 30-Mar-18 12-Feb-18 Complete property development through a pilot programme Six major sites brought to the property development market through a variety of routes, including our Property 30-Mar-18 28-Mar-18 Complete Partnerships Framework and wider market engagement Completion of the sale and lease back deal for the 55 Broadway building, which will deliver a significant capital 30-Mar-18 n/a ▀ receipt while retaining it as relatively low-cost office space The sale of 55 Broadway has been put on hold following a change in our accommodation strategy since the milestone was set. Elizabeth line integration

Rolling stock ▀ The first new Class 345 trains on the Great Eastern section from Liverpool Street to Shenfield introduced into TfL Rail 31-May-17 22-Jun-17 Complete passenger service Full fleet of new class 345 trains in passenger service on the Great Eastern section from Liverpool 17-Oct-17 11-Apr-18 Complete Street to Shenfield

94 Appendix A Investment programme report 95 © Transport for London June 2018 PUB18_034 IPR Q4