New Revelations Over 435 'Tricks' SWATF Chief 'Lied'
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* TODAY: SWAPO BOOKS SEIZED AT WALVIS * SUPER ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORT NEWS * Bringing Africa South Vol.2 No.365 50c (GST Inc.) Friday July 12 .. / ··1·I······.I ·· e\JlJ<·( 3 , , ' k:. ... ... ..... .:' ... ........ i nniine<::· til~§t I IIM !!' Anti-Swapo drive ·OvambO OSWALD SHIVUTE * New revelations over 435 'tricks' at Oshakati THREE people were killed late yesterday afternoon * SWATF chief 'lied' to Commission and another three injured, one very seriously, when a truck detonated a land mine FURTHER evidence of SA interference in Na GWEN LlSTER on the bush road at mibia's 435-election process has come to light show Oshikwiyu Village's Os ing that the SADF and former SWATF DID pro After the SWA TF was offi hana sha Ndjengo, 15km vide army vehicles to many of those involved in the cially disbanded underthe not north of Oshakati, on the anti-Swapo drive before and during the 435-elec so-watchful eye of Untag, the main road to tion process, in a covert operation which has come CO MOPS centre was moved Omungwelume. to the Voortrekkerterreinnear The hole is about 1,5 metres to the attention of this newspaper. Goreangab, where regular deep and pieces of the truck The Nanribian can now also traffic testing grounds, where monthly meetings took place. were scattered·more than 100 reveal that several witnesses, a certain traffic officer, on Over a period of two nights, metres away from the point of including the then Officer payment of RIO and a further military vehicles stored at impact. Commanding the SWATF, R5 would fill in a roadworthy Luiperdsvallei, were sneaked When a reporter from The General Willie Meyer, 'lied' certificate without testing the out of the depot, and taken to a Namibian rushed to the scene under oath before the 0 'Linn vehicle. plot outside Windhoek where yesterday evening, people from Com..1lJission of Inquiry into Two Windhoek motor deal they were hidden in the bushes OshikwiJ'U had surrounded the Malpractices, when qucstioned ers, Spes Bona and Danlou, and camouflaged. carnage. about such practices at the time. co-operated in the scheme There were, according to a Two bodies lay near the The Namibian is in posses (apparently for no personal source, about 70 vehicles, remains of the truck. The shat sion of comprehensive lists of benefit). The dealers had been. mostly 4 x 45. Army insignia tered body of one, apparently SWA TF and SADF vehicles given GST books by a highly were later removed 'from the the driver of the vehicle, had which show that these were placed source in the office of vehicles which were then been covered by villagers. The issued with civilian number the Receiver of Revenue (which painted and appropriately dis other one was also totally plates and given to persons were not officially is~"Ued) and .guised as civilian cars. Tons of mutilated and covered with a and orgqnisations either in the would write out cash invoices . foodstuffs were similarly stored blanket. employ of the military or in the name of the agent who to be later used for bribery The truck was not known in sympathetic to the anti-Swapo was to receive the vehicle. The . (koppesmokkel). the vicinity and neither were drive in the 1989 election GST books were later destroyed, The car scheme, which had the occupants. campaign. according to a source. started while the SWA TF was The bodies were taken to the The scheme, masterminded The dealers then completed officially still in existence, ~ . mortuary and the ffiJured to by Military Intelligence just all the paperwork to register continued in this manner after Oshakati State Hospital by the before the election process and the vehicle and the costs of its disbanding. u village people. set into motion shortly before registration, licence and new Key SWA TF personnel, One of the injured, Magnu·s the disbanding of the SWATF, numberplates were paid out of sinrilarl y, continued operating Erastus, 20, a student with a was a complicated procedure the COMOPS 'secret fund '. after the disbanding of the army. head wound which had already involving collaboration between The recipients of the vehicles COMOPS moved out of the been treated, told The Namib the military, a person or per were then informed that they Bastion and into the of j,m that there were six occu sons in the office of the Re could collect their vehicles. individual members. pants in the bakkie of his uncle, ceiver of Revenue, Traffic According to a source, the Captain H Kellennan report Desiderius Paulus, from TH~ Director-General of the National Planning Com Department and certain car process was a slow one, as they edly had a computer with a . Oshuudhi near Oneeya in mission Dr Zed Ngavirue displays the new census dealers. could · not move too many modem at his home and was in Uukwambi district. With them promotion T-shirts listing the developmental needs Key people in the military in vehicles at anyone same time, contact with Pretoria on a daily basis. Others who worked from continued on page 2 of Namibians. See stories, pp3 and 7. this regard were Colonel As for fear of discovery. The Kleynbans (COMOPS) and vehicles, well over 100, mostly their homes included Colonel Commandant Theo Naude 4 x 4s, were issued over a As Kleynhans, his right-hand (Counter 11telligence). period of months, the source man, Commandant Sarel The car scheme worked added. Karstens (who managed the SA seizes Swapo and briefly as follows: if a request The source added that the army's 'secret fund' from his was made for a vehicle by, for lists in possession of The home), Major Fanie Krige, instance, Etango, or other army Namibian were not complete, Commandant Zorro Kariko, agents, a member of the as other branches of the army Sergeant de Klerk. Henk Nam history books SWA 1F' s transport pool would (such as Operations) apparently Rheeder. Lieutenant G Botes, take a military vehicle to the had similar schemes on the go. continued on page 2 NAMIBIAN history books, studies and they wait for action from a planned publications Swapo publications arriving through board. Walvis Bay are being seized by South Delays at the hands of South African officials African customs officials who cause are frustrating and add hundreds of rands for unnecessary delays and cost. In some people trying to import political books to Namib i~ which has long been cut off from information cases, Namibian political books are on about its past and South African occupation. - IN SCHOOLS South Africa's banned publications list According to Pretoria's Commissioner for which is still legaUy in force in Namibia Customs and Excise, Daan Colesky, under IN HOSPITALS until a new list comes out. Customs' Union rules South African officials at - FOR ALL PEOPLE In one incident, books arrived at Walvis Bay Walvis Ba,y do the customs clearance for goo~ls in a container on April 30 and still have not been coming into Namibia through the port, particu released to their destination - 10 weeks later. larly containers. They check all pUblications When the "banned" Swapo and other books do against a list put out by Pretoria publisher FIRECHEM arrive in Windhoek they will probably be re Jacobsen detailing all banned books and seize - THRU IN-SERVICE TRAINING leased immediately as customs here are taking NAMIBIA a more liberal approach to political books while continued on page 2 2 Friday July 121991 THE NAMIBIAN R I MNO . REG NO. FABR IKA AT MOOE L EIEHAAR ENJINHOMMER OHDERSTELHO . TARRA BRUTO SI L INH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_. CI/3 Lt Lisa Auret, Commandant emment. Martin Krige, Commandant The lists of vehicles given -BGH043ii~-------- --- --Hi~~~~-E20 --19B8-- ---------- ------ - -----LI8H251705G---------[02765-14oa--23531770-, RE!~e r we Pretorius, Colonel Jacobs, out in this ma=er show that BB J5 3iM*SW 138352 ISUIU KB21 1984 ' Ntelalo C. M. 928227 291964 1260 2238 1584 Spes Bona Motors Sek 70 Commandant Calla Theron, they went to key COMOPS BDT635H Hissan 720 2X4 1987 Etango Kultuurbew . LI8S251884M 021820 1!40 2326 1770 · Oanlou Motors Se k 10 Major Buks Niewenhuys, Major persorinel as well as groups 8D T671M SW 3094 6 Hissan 720 2X4 1986 Vors ter A.l . ll85251362H 02181 2 1140 2326 1770 Spe s Bona Motors Media CeIia d'Assonville and Com and individuals sympathetic to mandant d' Assonville. the anti-Swapo cause . 8FP 811H -sw 138049 Hissan 720 2X4 1986 Fotodiens te L18S247801" 01317 1 11 40 2326 1770) Spes pona Motors Sek 60 'The 'destroy process', added Etango, with which the anny BGF074H SW 5669 Toyota Stout 1986 HusselMan E. 4YOl59819 0001855 1420 3400 2237 Da nlou Motors Media 8GF076H 'SW 138060 Toyota Stou t 1986 Wahl W.F. 4YOl5950 1 0001807 1420 3260 2237 the source, started months long denied any co-operation, Da nlou Motor s Sek 30 BGH052M *SW 138098 Isuzu 4X4 1987 Sikongo A. 43376 9 408089 1324 2350 225 4 before the arrival of Untag. received many 4 x 4 vehicles SGH053 M Isuzu 4X4 1987 SHart J.C. 432069 402356 1315 2350 2254 Oanlou Mo tors Sek 20 Important military doeumen in this manner. So too did the Dan lou Motor s Sek 10 tation was placed in trunks and Ombili Foundation and other ~GH05 4 H SW 5662 Isuzu 4X4 1987 8rauer G. 433759 40 8088 1320 2350 1987 8GH057H *SW 138059 Toyota Hi-lux 0 1988 Badenho rst C.J. 4Y0112957 001545 6 1420 24 802237 Spe s Bona Motors Media sent to military archives in key 'agents' such as Aloys M00 38 Mazda 81800 1982 099969 8UL0100005836 1130 2320 1769 Danlou Motors Sex 30 Pretoria, and other infonna Gende of Kavango (now the M0058 *SW 137795 Mazda 81 800 1982 Etango Kultuurbew .