Bringing Africa South Vol.2 No.365 50c (GST Inc.) Friday July 12

.. / ··1·I······.I ·· e\JlJ<·( 3 , , ' k:...... :' ...... i nniine<::· til~§t I IIM !!' Anti-Swapo drive ·OvambO OSWALD SHIVUTE * New revelations over 435 'tricks' at Oshakati

THREE people were killed late yesterday afternoon * SWATF chief 'lied' to Commission and another three injured, one very seriously, when a truck detonated a land mine FURTHER evidence of SA interference in Na­ GWEN LlSTER on the bush road at mibia's 435-election process has come to light show­ Oshikwiyu Village's Os­ ing that the SADF and former SWATF DID pro­ After the SWA TF was offi­ hana sha Ndjengo, 15km vide army vehicles to many of those involved in the cially disbanded underthe not­ north of Oshakati, on the anti-Swapo drive before and during the 435-elec­ so-watchful eye of Untag, the main road to tion process, in a covert operation which has come CO MOPS centre was moved Omungwelume. to the Voortrekkerterreinnear The hole is about 1,5 metres to the attention of this newspaper. Goreangab, where regular deep and pieces of the truck The Nanribian can now also traffic testing grounds, where monthly meetings took place. were scattered·more than 100 reveal that several witnesses, a certain traffic officer, on Over a period of two nights, metres away from the point of including the then Officer payment of RIO and a further military vehicles stored at impact. Commanding the SWATF, R5 would fill in a roadworthy Luiperdsvallei, were sneaked When a reporter from The General Willie Meyer, 'lied' certificate without testing the out of the depot, and taken to a Namibian rushed to the scene under oath before the 0 'Linn vehicle. plot outside where yesterday evening, people from Com..1lJission of Inquiry into Two Windhoek motor deal­ they were hidden in the bushes OshikwiJ'U had surrounded the Malpractices, when qucstioned ers, Spes Bona and Danlou, and camouflaged. carnage. about such practices at the time. co-operated in the scheme There were, according to a Two bodies lay near the The Namibian is in posses­ (apparently for no personal source, about 70 vehicles, remains of the truck. The shat­ sion of comprehensive lists of benefit). The dealers had been. mostly 4 x 45. Army insignia tered body of one, apparently SWA TF and SADF vehicles given GST books by a highly­ were later removed 'from the the driver of the vehicle, had which show that these were placed source in the office of vehicles which were then been covered by villagers. The issued with civilian number­ the Receiver of Revenue (which painted and appropriately dis­ other one was also totally plates and given to persons were not officially is~"Ued) and .guised as civilian cars. Tons of mutilated and covered with a and orgqnisations either in the would write out cash invoices . foodstuffs were similarly stored blanket. employ of the military or in the name of the agent who to be later used for bribery The truck was not known in sympathetic to the anti-Swapo was to receive the vehicle. The . (koppesmokkel). the vicinity and neither were drive in the 1989 election GST books were later destroyed, The car scheme, which had the occupants. campaign. according to a source. started while the SWA TF was The bodies were taken to the The scheme, masterminded The dealers then completed officially still in existence, ~ . . mortuary and the ffiJured to by Military Intelligence just all the paperwork to register continued in this manner after Oshakati State Hospital by the before the election process and the vehicle and the costs of its disbanding. u village people. set into motion shortly before registration, licence and new Key SWA TF personnel, One of the injured, Magnu·s the disbanding of the SWATF, numberplates were paid out of sinrilarl y, continued operating Erastus, 20, a student with a was a complicated procedure the COMOPS 'secret fund '. after the disbanding of the army. head wound which had already involving collaboration between The recipients of the vehicles COMOPS moved out of the been treated, told The Namib­ the military, a person or per­ were then informed that they Bastion and into the horl.es of j,m that there were six occu­ sons in the office of the Re­ could collect their vehicles. individual members. pants in the bakkie of his uncle, ceiver of Revenue, Traffic According to a source, the Captain H Kellennan report­ Desiderius Paulus, from TH~ Director-General of the National Planning Com­ Department and certain car process was a slow one, as they edly had a computer with a . Oshuudhi near Oneeya in mission Dr Zed Ngavirue displays the new census dealers. could · not move too many modem at his home and was in Uukwambi district. With them promotion T-shirts listing the developmental needs Key people in the military in vehicles at anyone same time, contact with Pretoria on a daily basis. Others who worked from continued on page 2 of Namibians. See stories, pp3 and 7. this regard were Colonel As for fear of discovery. The Kleynbans (COMOPS) and vehicles, well over 100, mostly their homes included Colonel Commandant Theo Naude 4 x 4s, were issued over a As Kleynhans, his right-hand (Counter 11telligence). period of months, the source man, Commandant Sarel The car scheme worked added. Karstens (who managed the SA seizes Swapo and briefly as follows: if a request The source added that the army's 'secret fund' from his was made for a vehicle by, for lists in possession of The home), Major Fanie Krige, instance, Etango, or other army Namibian were not complete, Commandant Zorro Kariko, agents, a member of the as other branches of the army Sergeant de Klerk. Henk Nam history books SWA 1F' s transport pool would (such as Operations) apparently Rheeder. Lieutenant G Botes, take a military vehicle to the had similar schemes on the go. continued on page 2 NAMIBIAN history books, studies and they wait for action from a planned publications Swapo publications arriving through board. are being seized by South Delays at the hands of South African officials African customs officials who cause are frustrating and add hundreds of rands for unnecessary delays and cost. In some people trying to import political books to Namib i~ which has long been cut off from information cases, Namibian political books are on about its past and South African occupation. - IN SCHOOLS 's banned publications list According to Pretoria's Commissioner for which is still legaUy in force in Customs and Excise, Daan Colesky, under IN HOSPITALS until a new list comes out. Customs' Union rules South African officials at - FOR ALL PEOPLE In one incident, books arrived at Walvis Bay Walvis Ba,y do the customs clearance for goo~ls in a container on April 30 and still have not been coming into Namibia through the port, particu­ released to their destination - 10 weeks later. larly containers. They check all pUblications When the "banned" Swapo and other books do against a list put out by Pretoria publisher FIRECHEM arrive in Windhoek they will probably be re­ Jacobsen detailing all banned books and seize - THRU IN-SERVICE TRAINING leased immediately as customs here are taking NAMIBIA a more liberal approach to political books while continued on page 2 2 Friday July 121991 THE NAMIBIAN

R I MNO . REG NO. FABR IKA AT MOOE L EIEHAAR ENJINHOMMER OHDERSTELHO . TARRA BRUTO SI L INH ------_. CI/3 Lt Lisa Auret, Commandant emment. Martin Krige, Commandant The lists of vehicles given -BGH043ii~------Hi~~~~-E20 --19B8------LI8H251705G------[02765-14oa--23531770-, RE!~e r we Pretorius, Colonel Jacobs, out in this ma=er show that BB J5 3iM*SW 138352 ISUIU KB21 1984 ' Ntelalo C. M. 928227 291964 1260 2238 1584 Spes Bona Motors Sek 70 Commandant Calla Theron, they went to key COMOPS BDT635H Hissan 720 2X4 1987 Etango Kultuurbew . LI8S251884M 021820 1!40 2326 1770 · Oanlou Motors Se k 10 Major Buks Niewenhuys, Major persorinel as well as groups 8D T671M SW 3094 6 Hissan 720 2X4 1986 Vors ter A.l . ll85251362H 02181 2 1140 2326 1770 Spe s Bona Motors Media CeIia d'Assonville and Com­ and individuals sympathetic to mandant d' Assonville. the anti-Swapo cause . 8FP 811H -sw 138049 Hissan 720 2X4 1986 Fotodiens te L18S247801" 01317 1 11 40 2326 1770) Spes pona Motors Sek 60 'The 'destroy process', added Etango, with which the anny BGF074H SW 5669 Toyota Stout 1986 HusselMan E. 4YOl59819 0001855 1420 3400 2237 Da nlou Motors Media 8GF076H 'SW 138060 Toyota Stou t 1986 Wahl W.F. 4YOl5950 1 0001807 1420 3260 2237 the source, started months long denied any co-operation, Da nlou Motor s Sek 30 BGH052M *SW 138098 Isuzu 4X4 1987 Sikongo A. 43376 9 408089 1324 2350 225 4 before the arrival of Untag. received many 4 x 4 vehicles SGH053 M Isuzu 4X4 1987 SHart J.C. 432069 402356 1315 2350 2254 Oanlou Mo tors Sek 20 Important military doeumen­ in this manner. So too did the Dan lou Motor s Sek 10 tation was placed in trunks and Ombili Foundation and other ~GH05 4 H SW 5662 Isuzu 4X4 1987 8rauer G. 433759 40 8088 1320 2350 1987 8GH057H *SW 138059 Toyota Hi-lux 0 1988 Badenho rst C.J. 4Y0112957 001545 6 1420 24 802237 Spe s Bona Motors Media sent to military archives in key 'agents' such as Aloys M00 38 Mazda 81800 1982 099969 8UL0100005836 1130 2320 1769 Danlou Motors Sex 30 Pretoria, and other infonna­ Gende of Kavango (now the M0058 *SW 137795 Mazda 81 800 1982 Etango Kultuurbew . W998 9 BUL01 6348 1130 2320 1769 V!S tion was shredded and burned DTA's parliamentary spokes­ in SWA WEC boilers. person on defence). M006 6 ISW 13814 1 Toyota Hi Lux 4 1985 Haikera B. 18R204886 3 34033 1540 2470 1968 D ~n lou Motors Sek 10 When SWA WEC refused to In the case of B Likando vs M006 9 Toyota Hi- Lux 2 1985 Media Vir Christus lY190710 YN 035166 1152 2326 1812 Danlou Motor s Se k 20 allow·this process to continue SADF/SWATF (case no K19/ M0234 *SW 138 236 Ford Cortina 1983 Hwambw a H.C. LC2252M VM2727 3 1147 214 7 1598 Spes 80na Motors HK af.ter 435 was set in motion, the 89 before the 0 'Linn Com­ H 024 3 Ford Cortina 1983 Etango Kultuurbe w. LC22 72 M D~19573 1147 2147 1598 Spes 80na Moto rs Sek 70 material was taken to the dwnps, mission), a complaint was M0254 ISW 1382 33 Toyota Hi Lu x 4 1985 Maf Hila C.M. 18R2 153236 8917 99 13 38 2470 196B Oanlou Motorg Sek 10 petrol was poured on it and it lodged that the SADF and M0 255 ISH 137791 Toyola Hi-Lu x 4 1983 Etango Kultuurbew. 18RI97147 7 891789 1338 2470 1968 Bona was burned. SWA TF continued to work for .M0261 ' SW137794 Toyot a Hi-Lu x 4 198 5 Etango Kul tuurbew . 3Y0 143611 YN655001585 1350 2480 1985 Spe s Hotors Sek 70 Oanlou Mo tors Sek 10 After the elections, the source the DTA and other parties af­ H 0264 ' SW 138142 Toyota Hi Lux 4 198 5 Ntusie E.S. 3YOl45580 500 1580 1350 2480 1998 said, the vehicles handed out ter April 1. Motor s M0289 ISH L38 155 Toyota Hi-Lu x 2 1985 Jordaan J.D . lY 9003980 YH50002911 1120 2480 181 2 Oanlou Sek ' 10 in the above manner were The Commission was un­ H 0292 *SH 1380di Teyota Hi-Lux 2 1985 Esterhuizen J.J . IY90 03966 5000 291 08 1152 2326 1812 Oa nlo u Motors Sek 20 supposed to be returned to the able to substantiate this claim, M0293 *SW 137920 Toy ota Hi-Lu x 2 198 5 Schulz H.K .G . 1Y9003927 YN50290016 1120 2480 1812 Danl ou Motors Sek 30 Military, but many were nor, and the allegations had been M0295 ISW 13779 7 Ford Cor ti na 1983 Etango Kultuurbew . . 83ic6015R3 4 EY882651147 2147 1598 Oanlou Motor s Sek 40 and there was little the army denied under oath by, among M0296 ISW 137800 ford Cortina 1983 Eta ngo Kultuurbew . L818282M EY88265 1147 2147 1598 Oanlou Moto rs Sek 40 could do to get them back. others, C Ntelamo, B Map­ M 0301 ISH 13835 1 Ford Cortina 198 3 Munichinga A.L. LBI8274 M 49 9804 114 7 21 47 1598 Da nlou Motors Sek 10 Most of the vehicles in posses­ enzi, C Mafwila, R ·M 0309 ISW 138228 Hissan Tr acker 198 6 Katega r. I22352792 (6511 9B 133 7 2202 2188 Oanlou Motors Se k,IO sion of army officers were Mukwendwa, N Mwambwa. · M 03io Ni ssan Tracker 1986 1337 2202 2188 SpeS Bo na Motor s Sek 70 ienimed and later taken back All of the abovementioned to South Africa. witnesses lied, as the list show ·M 0311 *SW 138238 TOyuta Hi-Lu x 2 1984 Du Plessis P.J . lY 900457 1 YH 50/29592 1120 2470 1968 D3n10u Motors Se k?O ~H-0323 tSW 1377 93 Toyota Hi-Lu x 4 1985 [tango Kultuurbew. 3Y025157 1 500276 2 1350 2480 1998 The vehicles were mainly they were all in possession of · M0 344 SW 918 0 VW Jetta 1985 Kl eynhans A.S.J. 0402 74 16F068856 1 98 5 1598 the property of the SWATF, vehicles given to them by the Danlou Motors Sek 40 M0347 ISH 138230 Toyota Hi -Lux 2 1984 NaMbaru .H.F. 3Y9005010 YH51003750 1 1160 2480 1968 although some .of them were SADF/SWATF. The O'Linn · H 0350 *SH 138348 Toy ota Hi Lux 2 1984 Mushambe A. 3Y900537 4 0038287 1160 2480 1998 Danlou Motors Sek 10 SADF vehicles. Commission said of the above: In this way, the Military also "They claimed to have bought · M 03 54 S"u 63 40 T'oyota HI-Lu x 2 1984 Enge 15 F.L.C. 3Y9005390 YH57 / 0038273 1160 2480 1968 Spes Bona Moto rs HK took many vehicles out of the their vehicles and this was M035 9 Toy ota Hi-Lu x D 198 5 Pretoriu5 L.V.I. 3Y0377725 YH65 00 17935 1350 2480 2237 Danlou Motor~ Sek 20 country which should have been confinned on inquiry by the A SEC TION of the army's vehicle lists, indicating the original owner (BGH vehiclt!~' being SADF property and handed over to the new Gov- motor dealers in question"! M vehicles being SWATF property); the new 'civilian' numberplates; the make arid model of vehicle; engine number; car dealer; and final destination. The lists also show that a few of those witnesses before the O'Linn Co mmission, who at the time of a hearing, denied having received army vehicles, did in fact make use of them. were Antonius Theofelus, edly serious. Paulus Nakashirnba Teofelus, Chief Inspector of Police, a student, Erick David, a for­ Josef Ekandjo, who was also mer Plan member, and one Josef on the spot, said it was unac­ Nepela. ceptable that Namibian citi· The driver was a worker at zens had to lose their lives in Rassing and the owner of the such incidents at this stage of bakkie and he, together with peace in ~ country. Antonius Teofelus, died on the People from the nearby vil­ spot; while the others, Josef lage were similarly shocked. Nepela and Erik David, who 'They said the incident reminded were also sitting in front, were them of the colonial war and seriously injured. they asked the Government to Josef Nepela died later in do something about prevent­ the Oshakati Hospital, while ing such inCidents happening David's condition is ~eport -

tho se still on the list. bring them. They decided Peter Muller, an experienced immediately that only a few teacher who returned to serve were banned, and told the ship­ his homeland after independ­ .per they could take the rest. ence, brought his household The shipper should deliver belongings and family with him. those of the books which are In the Same container, he "banned" under seal to Wind­ brought some 2 500 books which hoek customs. were in Swapo's London of­ Mr Kotze, Controller of fice from pre-independence Customs at Windhoek, said he campaigns. still has to operate on the South These included copies of African list as no new lists Swapo's constitution; history have been published by a books such as "Let Us Die Namibian board of censors. Fighting" by Horst Drechsler, When South African customs "Namibia: from the Water­ send him the books he releases berg to Ongulumbashe" by political books and seizes por­ Babing and Bauer; books on nography. .the struggle such as ' 'The The Ministry of Infonnation struggle for trade union rights and Broadcasting said recently in Namibia" by Swapo; and its planned board would not economic and other studies censor on political grounds. including conference papers on Namibia has a severe short­ "Namibia 1884-1984" by the age of-books about itself and Namibia Support Committee. its past. In this case, more than Pemaps the officials saw "Cd a to= e ofbooks was seized. In at a 1984 study: "W~vis Bay, addition to delays, even mov­ Namibia's Port" by Richard ing !}le books from the depot to Moorsom and published by customs office will add con­ CIlR. siderably to the cost, let alone According to Colesky, the taking them to Windhoek sepa­ Customs Officials were able rate from the container, which to check all the other contents had been released and brought of the container at a depot. in early May. However, the 25 boxes of Swapo itself is reported to Swapo and other books they be finding similar problems said had to be checked at their bringing material from its of­ office and the shipper must fices overseas. THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 12 1991 ~

Action plan on way Chopper ace's 'Women's rights swoop saves to 'brush up' over bodies lost hiker HIKER Joh3n Coetzee thought he would never be ignored in past' found after more than three discipline in NDF days lost near the Fish River Canyon last weekend. A HARD-HITTING speech from the Department His food had run out and he AN ACTION plan 'containing proposals for improve­ may have been committed by of Women's Affairs (DWA) gave a workshop on wlls walking northwards into the ments in the discipline of the Namibia Defence Force is individual members of the population and development plenty to think about desert when an ace helicopter expected to be presented to Minister of Defence Peter Namibia Defence Force," the yesterday with claims that Namibia "with its pre­ pilot found him' late at night on Mueshihange by the end of the month. ministry stated. dominantly Christian population, is turning a blind what was a last search before The promise was also made eye to the realities of the nation". giving up. The Ministry of Defence newspaper which suggested that that the people of Namibia could Nashilongo Blago of the DWA pointed out that " the Coetzee, 30, told rescuers he announced this yesterday fol­ Army Commander General rest assured that the Ministry church will prohibit the dispensation of birth control agents had tried everything to fmd his lowing several recent shooting Jesus Hawala is not in control of Defence would co-operate way back but by Monday eve­ to unmarried women while young secondary school age incidents involving members of the army, and that he should fully with the civil authorities ning was emotionally ready to girls become experts at backstreet abortions" . of the the Defence Force. in their investigation of the give up. be replaced by a more compe­ Speaking at a UNFP A workshop timed to coincide with According to a Defence tent commander. "The Minis­ incidents. Pilot Trevor Troup of Con- World Population Day, she complained that young couples Ministry statement, the minis­ try of Defence has every confi­ The ministry would in fu­ . solidated Diamond Mines, who were pressurized to start a family soon after marriage even ter directed Chief of Defence dence in the ability of the Anny ture also do everything within saved him with a highly-skilful ifboth were unemployed In addition, past 'family planning Force Dimo Hamaambo to malre Commander and has no doubts its power to prevent illegal acts night landing at 21h30 among advice' had turned women into "guinea pigs and test ani­ recommendations for improv­ about his competence," the by members of the Defense rocks in pitch blackness. said he mals". was " vP.ry, very lucky". ing discipline in the Defence statement said. Force. She warned the assembled representatives of United Coetzee lost his hiking part­ Force several days before the Furthermore, the , Army " ' The statement further made Nations agencies that ' 'many of us Namibians, having little ners and was last seen at II hOO shooting incidents. Commander had in no way been it clear that, since Rehoboth is exposure and understanding of the UN and their program­ on Friday. a week ago today. He The ministry added that directly responsible for the an integral part of the territory mes, will identify you with what we have come to know as never made it back to base. responsible members of the recent incidents involving of Namibia, the government family planning (and) we have very bad memories ... His 10 friend s, all from Defem:~ Staff were currently members of the Defence Force. will decide whether the pres­ because it was aimed at our bodies, it ignored our rights of Transnet in Bloemfontein South considering this issue. The ministry explainedthat ence of members of the De­ existence not to mention our rights over our precious Africa, spent Saturday looking In the meantime the Chief of the soldiers involved were not fence Force in Rehoboth is bodies. We have been used as gnu,ea pigs to test new drugs for him. the Defence Force would visit under the command of army necessary or not. for population control. ' , By Sunday, with time running units of the force together with headquarters, but that their units " No individual should ex­ Women were afraid of being violilted by new technolo­ out, they called in the Keetman­ Deputy Minister of Defence had been directly under the pect to dictate to the Ministry gies of birth control, she said. They were wary of new ideas shoop police, with Chief Inspec­ Philemon Malima to look into control of the Ministry of of Defence the withdrawal of tor Dekker Smit of the CID at the " becau se we have not the facilities nor the critical mass of the circumstances surrounding Defence. our fo rces or bases from any head of the operation. scientists to keep track of the advances in sciences and the shootings. " The Ministry of Defence part of Namibia. This includes He soon realised th at search­ technolo gy that are imported into our country" . The ministry further criti­ reiterates its condeffination of Rehoboth, " the statement ing on foot and in vehicles Blago said there were virtually no family counselling cised .an article in a local any unauthorised acts which concluded. would be difficult in the hard centres in Namibia other than those provided by churches. terrain and asked that CDM's Sex was a taboo subject and most youths, discovered the helicopter, an Aerospatiale 'realities' of sex from talking to their peers. Twin Squirrel, be brought in to "Boys will measure their manhood by the number of girls help. The helicopter spent many they can make pregnant over a period of time," while the fruitless hours during the day on responsibility of child-rearing rested firmly with the mother. Monday. Given this situation, how could women be expected to Troup, experienced in these contribute properly to the business of development, Blago rescues, said many hikers take a aske<\. Society must adjust itself to the idea of women wrong turn in the last bend be­ cabinet ministers, women engineers, women executives - fore Ai-Ais from the north and and that most of these women would be able-bodied of enter another river. They miss child-bearing age. the camp about 12 kilometres to "Namibian employers must adjust to the realities of the the west. time. Both government and industry must consider the During the day the two pilots reproductive role of women as a contribution to the socio­ unsuccessfully searched to­ wards Spielberg mountain. economic development of this country when drawing up They landed several times to policies of employment benefits. " try and fi nd spoor but the wind Affirmative action had to be properly implemented and was blowing and covering tracks monitored so that women became more involved in deci­ quickly while making low flyin g sion-making and development and felt more able to demand in the hills and mountains diffi­ that social ihstitutions reconsidered their 'counselling cult. methods'. . 'The desert is the de sert, bu t FIVE-YEAR PLAN. The Namibian Government and Unicef have a greed on a five- "We will have to get out priorities right in terms of what those hi.lls all look the same," .year plan to help women and children. Pictured at a press briefmg yesterday to an­ were the taboos in the past, and what are the realities of .. said Troup. They decided Coet­ noubce the details were, from left, Unicef director of programmes from New York Dr today and how we can adapt, " she said. zer's only chance would be f'Or Nyi Nyi; regional director for east and southern Africa Mary Racelis; and country ... See also, pnge 7 them to look at night as they knew he had a torch and got representative Shahida Azfar. permission for night flying. After a second trip found nothing they decided to go for a third which they agreed would Five-year plan for women have to be the last. The night was moonless and very dark, with only the outlines of hilltops vis- ible. . On the point of giving up , they and children·agreed on made a run up the Kongkiep THE Nau-Aib municipal of­ river. At about 8 kilometres di s­ fice at Okahandja will get a tance and 5 000 feet up they saw TALKS between the Gov­ , and reflected the willingness Namibian flag by the end of Coetzer's small torch flashing. It KA TE BURLlNG was 21h30. ernment of Namibia and of both Government and people next week, after not having The next problem, according Unicef on a programme of to embrace progressive devel­ had one since independence and basic education, household Africa, said Namibia was opment projects. to Troup. was bringing the heli­ co-operation to span the food security, family life "catching up very rapidly" more than a year ago. 'copter down on instruments and next five years reached a He menti oned the success of Town clerk Piet Marais empowerment, area-based and making "enormous the national immunization a searchlight in the dark ~mong told Nampa that Regional hills and with a gusting wind successful conclusion this projects and the strengthening moves" with its efforts on campaign which, against Commissioner Saul Kahuika , blowing up and down draughts week after a fuH-day meet­ of planning capacity for child behalf of women and children. measles alone, had increased had told him that township over the rocks. ing between high-ranking survival and development. Namibia had been willing to protection from 14 per cent to residents were asking why He has 6 000 hours of flying Government and UN per­ The six programmes aim to learn the lessons of othercoun­ 44 per cent within one year. reduce infant and child mor­ tries, but was also keen to plough the natiooai flag was not being time including 500 hours at sonnel. , Latest information on the hoisted at the municipal of­ night and 500 hours on instru­ tality, improve the nutritional an independent road to suc­ campaign's progress indicated Director-General of the fices. ments only. He said many less status of women and children, cessful development, she said. that coverage against measles, , National Planning Commission reduce illiteracy and to em­ In doing so, it had to contend " When this problem was experienced pilots would not one of Namibia's chief - though have tried it. ' Or Zed Ngavirue chaired the power families and communi­ with problems not experienced brought to my attention, I entirely preventable - child As Smit and Staden reached meeting which focused on ties to participate more in the by many other African coun­ bou ght two flags in August, killers, would soon reach lev­ him Coetzer burst into tears and development plans for women developmental process. tries. but due to the' lack of poles els of 66 per cent. hugged them . apparently on the and children in Namibia 0ver we could not hoist them," Both Or Nyi Nyi and Unicefs Countries which had not been The draft programme of co­ point of breakdown. the next half decade. regional director for east and subjected to the process of Marais said. operation will now be final­ He alleged that the for­ Once down. they had even According to Unicef's di­ southern Africa, Mary Racelis, . had escaped much of. ·ised for presentation to the more trouble getting away. rector of pIDgrammes from New were impressed by the speed'. the legacy of "institutional­ mer town clerk had not been Unicef executive board in 1992. in favour of the new Namib­ Troup told how as they rose they York Or Nyi Nyi, at a press with which Namibia had set ised poverty" which Namibia realised they would not clear a It is expected to be funded to ian flag and for this reason brieflllg in Windhoek yester­ about tackling these difficult had now to try and unravel, she the tune ofUS$30 million over mountain ahead bu t he managed day , the meeting considered had never attempted to get issues. observed. the next five years. a 180 degree turn to fly back the six developmental areas: Pri­ Racelis, who deals with more Progress so far in Nanubia one hoisted at the Nau-Aib way they had come which he mary Health Care , non-formal than 20 countries throughout was .encouraging, said Nyi Nyi, municipal offices. knew was clear. ~ . 4'Pf.iday Jwly 12'j'99 1

... Fine and warm. It will be cold er in the south spreading to the T 6 D1\.¥ (s '; central part today .... Coast: partly cloudy and cold with overnight WEAtg)iR ';. r~!:i:~~:~~;~:~~~:e~~!r~;~i;&:;~;~:u~i!:::~; :E!; the southern and central parts becoming easterly later.



TYPING COUR,SES :{; r~;~·NG~o~it:; ~G ,I arc now offered for bcginners by m~ n rts of practicul comp2t-ew.:y "INDEPENDENCE and freedom -as a country and as a people, are the greatest gain based training. Em:'o! 1l0W for: for the Namibian people." This is the opinion of Raffaella Chiodo, a member of the Mrican Desk of the ltaliaQ Democratic Party of the Left (right), who is visiting *I'illYBOAlU) 1'RArNrNa * BAHIC TypING SKILW Namibia at the invitation of Swapo. On the left is her associate Dina Forti. They used their visit to see what developmental aid should be given to Namibia, particularly of as far as schools, hospitals and similar projects are concerned, Chiodo told The L-~~~_~ ___._a _in~iJ_~,lg~f_O_r_N_'~ibi.llBbY N~nli~:~_~__ ~~~·.~·~1 Namibian. Photograph: Joseph Motinga

NAMIBIAN BROADCASTING NTU presses for CORPORATION union independence I------TENDER NO ..7/91------1 Supply and Delivery of Magnetic Audio Tapes in Windhoek, opposes State interference Namibia THE Namibian Trade Union has called for the inde­ unions to gain access to Tenders are being invited for the above as more fully ~ . pendence of unions from state and employer interfer­ workplaces to organise work­ ence saying that official unions are nothing but organs ers to join trade unions 'and detailed in the tender documents. of the state apparutus for controlling the working class. gain recognition and draw up its own Constitution without Tender documents are obtainable from the NBC, Head Office, Cullinan . N1U leader Alpha Kangueebi. the state apparatus for control­ state interference. Street, Windhoek as from friday 12 July 1991 upon payment of a non-. issued a press release this week ling the working class." The NTU also wants •'th e in which the union expressed According to the NTU, right of workers and their un­ refundable deposit of R20-00 per set of documents. opposition to the "economic "experience shows that in order ions to be fully consulted and Tenders must return documents in sealed envelopes by registered mail crisis of capitalism" being to revive trade unions there informed by employers on all offloaded onto the s!J.oulders must be a return to a truly decisions relating to working to the Controller: Administration, P.O.Box 321, Windhoek, 9000 or of the working class. working-class trade unionism, conditions. job prospects'.' stra­ place them in the Tender Box, NBC Head Office, Cullinan Street, Wind­ He said trade union mem­ completely iDdependent of the tegic investments. mergers and hoek to reach him not later than 12:00 on Friday, 26 July 1991. bers should find a: new direc­ employers and their state. ' , take-over". tion for dealing with this situ­ The N1U also demanded that In addition, it demanded the The sealed envelopes must bear the tender number. ation. those employed in the police right "to take political action :J' "The NUNW leadership and army should have the right and collect a political levy". The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted nor will any claims that the unions must to belong to trade unions, as Finally. the NTU demanded now become partners of the well as the right to strike for all that the .Government enforce reason be furnished for the rejection of a tender. state and government, on the unions including secondary or "affirmative action quotas to basis of their ' supposed com­ solidarity action. without fear achieve preferentialb:i.rirlg1md Enquiries: Mr. de Villiers - Tel. 061 - 291911 mon inter~st' , , , Kangueehi of dismissal. fines or seques- . upgrading of workers .•• -It goes added. "We say no to the socal­ tration of union assets. on to say that under capitalism Documents: Mrs. O. Thompson - 061- 215811 led official unions, because they Further. the union demanded voluntary affirmative action is remain nothing but organs of legally enforceable rights for a contradiction in terms.


The ROssing Foundation requires the services of a person to help in establish­ ing small vegetable projects in Okombahe. He will report directly to the Fann Manager, Brakwater.

Requirements for the post are:

- Matriculation - English speaking and be conversal in one of the local languages - 2 years practical horticultural exp(!rience . - Be able to motivate, communicate and train people at mommunity level - In possession of code 08 drivers licence.

The ROssing Foundation offers a competitive remuneration package which includes pension, medical aid, free housing and bonus.

Applications should be addressed to: THE German Embassy in Namibia yesterday donated more than R20 000 to the The Assistant Director Shalom Community Project for the Disabled for the comp etion of a house they are Finance & Administration building at Rehoboth. Above: Project Manager Andrew Ver~otine (Jeft}receives the P.O. Box 20746 WINDHOEK cheque which i.s t,':',ng handed over by Riidiger Liideking, Charge de Affairs of the German Embassy. or t

Mr. . ! Telephone: N. Louis (061) 211721 or Mr. M. Goagoseb (061) "64366

CLOSING DATE: 26 JULY 1991 The Rossing Foundation - THE .NAMfBIAN Friday JIJly 12. 1991 5 SA firlU \Vants a cotton ginnery at Grootfontein , MINISTER of Agriculture, Water and purposes. Rural Development Gert Hanekom yes­ Tongaat cotton experts would be ,notified in terday said preliminary investigation were due course so that they could come and identify underway to look into the possibility of the most suitable part of the facilities at Groot­ using part of the Grootfontein military fontein for the cotton ginnery. Possibilities for establishing such facilities at base's facilities as a cotton ginnery. Katima Mulilo were also being investigated. Adressing cotton farmers at Hoba farm in Hanekom pointed out that the government Grootfontein, Hanekom said that he had been has attached a high priority to the production of requested by the South African company, .Ton­ cotton, but said it should be produced as an gaat Cotton, to find a suitable place and facili­ additional crop. ties for a ginnery. The function was also attended by cotton He said he had approached the Minister of expelts from South Africa who spoke on the Defence, Peter Mueshihange, who agreed to need for growing cotton and its economic poten­ offer part of the facilities at the base for such tial. - Nampa AN image of the Namibian environment. And the World gathers in city 'STINK' gQe~C)n! to discuss environment

THE Mariental Town Council is drag,ging its feet on replac­ A THREE-DAY interna­ work done in this field and. stability and social justice. ing the hated bucket toilet tional conference on envi­ to plan for the future of Johnson said that dur­ system in the Aimablaagte ronmental education environmental education ing the conference, the township and has opted to started in Windhoek on iD. the sub-Saharan region. various environmental construct pavements in the Em­ Wednesday and will be The deputy director of networks from countries pelheim township for Coloureds closed today by the dep­ the Boputhatswana Na­ in the region would set up instead, Francis Kock, Project uty minister of Nature tional Parks Board, Steve a joint network for co-or­ Co-ordinator of the Mariental Action Group, said yesterday. Conservation, Ben U1enga. Johnson, who also took part dinating environmental Kock said the Action Group Explaining the aim of the in the conference, said that programmes. met the Town Council last year conference, the principal the most successful envi­ It wJls also important to and discussed the problem They of Centaurus High School ronmental programmes so involvt! 'women in the proc­ were promised that the matter where the meeting has been far had been those where ess of fostering environ­ would be considered after the held, Peter Tyldesley, said communities were in­ mental awareness, he con­ TWO of the participants at the environmental educa­ annual budget had been fmal­ the conference aimed to volved. cluded. tion conference put their heads together on the issue. On ised. use aD available expertise As an example, Johnson The conference brought the left is Steve Johnson, deputy director of the Boputhat­ " It seems they have forgot- . to draw up a broad strat­ mentioned the Zimbabwe together experts from a swana National Parks Board with Peter Tyldesley, prin­ ten about the burning issues of egy for education on envi­ Camp Fire Programme. number of countries, in­ the bucket toilet system as well cipal ofCentaurus High School and co-ordinator of the as the electrification of the ronmental awareness. He added that environ­ cluding East Africa, Zim­ conference. township and are concentrat­ To this end the confer­ mental awareness should babwe and Switzerland. ing on pavements in the ence had set out to analyse go together with economic Coloured township," she said. The Town Clerk for Marien­ tal, Thys Cronje, said the re­ placement of the bucket toilet system was not the sole re­ sponsibility of the Mariental r'Ministry of Finance " J'o~ ~ouncil but also of the Applicants must be Namibian citizens :"p ,,'!overnmynt. or must be In possession of a' valid ',- -The upgrading of the sewer­ A TOP JOB FOR A TOP PERSON permanent residence permit. age system at Aimablaagte started in 1984 and more than Personal assistant to the Applicants must submit a 100 houses were provided with Minister of Finance comprehensive curriculum vitae and sewerage systems. The final 1 post: Windhoek certified copies of educational phase o~ the project was held qualifications together with their up by lack of funds, he added. Salary: Negotiable within the limits of the application. The fmal stage involved another 100 houses and de­ applicable salary scale , depending on pended on the outcome of a experie nce and competence. meeting scheduled with the Applications (on form Z83 or Ministry of Local Government The successful candidate will be an ZO/1229(1) obtainable at all and Housing at the end of this experienced, capable and confident young Government Offices) must be sent to: month. person who will handle all adminstrative and T~e Permanent Secretary: Finance, Cronje added that the Gov­ logistic matters for the Minister, e.g . Private Bag 13295, Windhoek, 9000. emment had budgeted R6 with regard to appOintments; million for all municipalities ceremonial , executive and representative An attractive range of · benefits for developement. How this obligations; liaison within the Ministry and with incl udes a 13th cheque, a money would be allocated the other Ministries, persons, etc.; would depend on the outcome housing subsidy subject to correspondence, cabinet memoranda and of the scheduled meeting with certain conditions, rental the Ministry. other documents; keeping minutes of allowance, assistance with •'The construction of pave­ meetings; co-ordination, supervision and r e moval expenses, pension fund ments for Empelheim was given control of the office; etc. (7% contribution for men, Sro the green light by the Town co ntribution for women), Council because the Empei­ Fluency in written and spoken English is heim Consultative Committee essential. medical aid providing 95 % requested it and not because a cover on virtually all A post scholastic qualification will serve as a certain area enjoys preference eventualities and ample vacation recommendation. above another," he said. and sick leave. A great oppurtunity for a demanding but rewarding career. Closing date: 09 August 1991 Rape charge Enquiries: Or J Jones, tel: (061) 34284 CHRISTOF Myame (29) appeared in the Windhoek Magistrates Court Your partner on the road to prosperity yesterday on a charge of rape. The State alle ged that on Janu ­ ary 6, Myame intentionally had sexual intercourse with a 22-year­ old female without her consent and against her will. According to Myame, he never attempted to rape the woman . The case was post­ LlNTAS: NAMIBIA 91/1743 B poned to September 9 for trial. 6 Friday July 12 1991 TH.E NAMIBIAN


'WE cannot say P{~LITICALby Gwen Lister these pfiople should leave the country. PERSPECTIVE We are building the new Namibia. We IT WOULD be a pity if the successful integration of for­ need people who mer Plan and SWA TF figh t­ have money in ers in the Namibia Defence Force were to be jeopardised order to build this by the violent actions of a few country.' - Usiel of its members over the past few weeks. Something must Kariere, who fea­ be done and the Ministry of tures in one of the Defence have already indi­ cated they view these inci­ videos specially dents in a serious light and made for the recent are working on a plan of ac­ tion. There are those, how­ Land Conference. ever, who are trying to make political capital out of what would appear to be purely criminal acts. MOST people were amazed at the apparent ease with '. which former Plan and SWA TF members were integrated The significance of when the Namibia Defence Force was formed. Although th ere were undou btedly problems within the new structure itself, these were not necessarily outwardly visible. It would be a pity if the image of the Defence Force, markedly better than that of its colonial predecessor, were' the Land Conference to be tarnished because of apparently criminal acts on the part of some of its members. It is therefore a good thing that the Ministry of Defence CHANGING sentiments and resolutions of promptly decided to send a delegation consisting of the THE REALITY the Land Conference. Deputy Defence Minister, Philemon Mwalima, and the Should there be differences Chief of the Defence Force, Dimo Hamaambo, on a tour of . THE important background of substantive nature, what then bases. Hopefully the visit will be followed up with a set of to the Land Conference is that and which would have.~ mOJe. ,.-' recommendations both to improve discipline and set in of racial domination, economic persuasive force - !Pt; , C;~I}l: , il motion a grievance procedure for the soldiers. exploitation and dispossession missions or the National Con­ While the violent incidents involving soldiers will be the in Namibia. The conference is ference 7 In all faimel!~, o~e subject of court hearings, it is safe to assume that some of another demonstration of how would submit that whatever. was agreed upon by way of , them involve the abuse of alcohol. This in itself is a problem difficult' it will be to change is a big and ongoing challenge central government and local coruensus under the auspi£es which will have to be dealt with, but is perhaps indicative this reality. for the government, and the, structures which is by no means proof will come overtime and unique to Namibia. In point of of the government itself is (ar of a generally low state of morale among the soldiers Statistics show that less than 10 per cent of the p.opulation when the black majority go fact, many of the land claims more binding than the vie~s _ themselves. hungry and become frustrated. made during the conference expressed by isolated groyp,s The Namibian has for some time now received a literal owns more than 44 per cent of One of the main challenges for and even of the resolutions taken to ~qwn qu~~tiqn~~~. _SinY.,~0!11 deluge of 'letters from soldiers at bases 'throughout the the land and economic life­ lines of the country. This is the government is whether it at the end, amount to a glorifi­ larly, one wonde~s :whetlter it:0(' country. The letters complained that they had'no official grossly unjust, more so be­ will actually succeed in not cation of the •tribal' and ethnic would not have been better to channels ,through which to raise their grievances which cause the imbalance is based being too closely identified ~th boundaries now existing in the have this national conference concerned primarily their low salaries (an average of R460 on race. It is neither possible the landowners in such a way name of traditional communi­ before the operations of both. a month) and the fact that many of them could not be near nor practical to end black suf­ that government officials will ties. the First Delimitation Com­ their families. These adverse conditions in themselves1would fering without ending white not become landowners them­ When the logic of many mission on the land question, lead to a certain amount of dissatisfaction in NDF ranks, privilege - two sides of one selves at the expense of the claims is stretched, that would imd the Traditional Authori­ which would most certainly be exacerbated by an abuse of reality. - people who put them in power. mean that the borders of the ties Commission'on the. ques-'·.':. alcohol, for instance. There can be no change in country should be retained as tion of traditivnal authQri~',"':' So the military cannot only look at increased disciplinary suffering while maintaining MASTERS OF they are. Article 16 of the In this case, the iirterview~s procedures without examining the grievances of the sol­ privileges acquired unjustly on OWN AFFAIRS Constitution speaks very clearly would have spoken with more diers themselves. the basis of race. on the matter of land and prop­ confidence and a clearer per­ Namibia is not at war, but at peace. Many of the soldiers The conference demonstrated At another level, there was erty rights, and · unless the spective of the new realities in • have also complained thatthey have very little to do in their how blacks want what whites an anxiety during the confer­ constitution is amended, it is the country, and with less nerv­ b:rl;es, and some have suggested that they be trained, with have. and do not want to give ence that is related to the rela­ practically impossible for the ousness. Furthermore, it is not unfair the help of consultants, in building their own bases, so that up. The whites will defend their tionship ¥tween the central government to meet the de­ to say that the government, in while they are in the Defence Force they are also able to . position, in the nam'e of living government, on the one hand, sires expressed by the major­ its genuine attempts to recon­ pick up some other skills. The Defence Force will have to standards, productivity, edu­ and local governments and ity on the land question. Re­ taining the borders of commu­ cile the people, is pemaps ttying keep them busy to make them productive, or consider cation and the like. The bot­ community authorities on the nal areas in their present form, too hard to satisfy everybody completely disbanding the Military if there is no work for tomline is that they are not other. In other words, the re­ convinced that the blacks (who peated cry for the retention of or even expanding them (con­ and is thus not providing strong them to do apart from isolated bouts of training, in between are not in power) are equal to traditional authorities has not ference resolution 12) would leadership, particularly with periods of being left to their own devices. them. One of the expectations so much to do with the desire be in conflict with the respect to the whites who con­ A clear distinction must be made between off-duty and on­ that people left the conference to keep traditional chiefs' power constitution and could be tinue to enjoy old privileges duty soldiers, and the former must on no account be with is that the government . as such, but the fear that local counter-productive. while the majority is still in , allowed to carry their weapons with them. There are bound has finally heard the voice of people will be tendered pow­ In the face of economic re­ poverty. to be incidents if soldiers are not disarmed before going off­ the majority, and that some­ erless by the big government, alities, both domestic and in­ Finally, a word of caution to duty, whether fOF a weekend or a night. It is also unneces­ thing rather drastic will have and the quest for local commu­ ternational, redistributive jus­ all of us not to be too excited sary for soldiers, unless they are performing a specific to be done to stop the gross nities to remain masters of their tice with respect to land (by about the land conference. The function (like they did when they were called onto the imbalances between the haves own affairs. This has to do way of expropriation with discussion was just a begin­ streets ofWindhoek and Katutura to help stem the rising and the have nots in this coun­ with the history that local au­ adequate compensation) will ning. The realities in front of tide of crime) to be armed outside their bases. try. thorities were always·trampled be very difficult to dish out. us are still too ugly. We were But it is obvious that the Defence Ministry sees the recent Regrettably and frighten­ on by the central colonial too excited about the spate of violent incidents in a serious light, and plans to take ingly, there are already indica­ administrations in the name of MORE PERSUASIVE constitution and now we are action. But any action they take will not be successful unless tions that the top poI,iticallead­ protection and development, realising that the <;onstitution the grievances of soldiers concerning their paypacketsand ership is quickly moving into and that there is still a residue FORCE is in fact the one that has tied the governmynt's hands, and their families, are addressed. I hope that the Deputy Min­ economic positions formerly of fear of foreign rule among like most constitutions, is in ister and the Chief of the Defence Force spoke to the rank­ occupied by whites, and is rather the local people. In this sense, the debate on in a too comfortable relation­ The challenge for the gov­ land has just begun, and the the way of economic and so­ and-fIle when they undertook their tour of the bases. cial justice. There are those usual instances who are trying to place the ship with-the wealthy whites, ernment here is to let loCal legal system will certainly be and tends to turn to the whites communities have relative inundated with many claims There is 130 dou bt that a very blame Oll the shoulders of the army commander, and in so in good beginhing has been made. doing, are trying to make political capital out of the matter. for counsel and advice more autonomy so far as their on the future. Once again, the than it does to the blacks who affairs are concerned, while importance of the conference Now is nof the time to cele­ The issue, as I have tried to explain, is not as simple as tlla.t, brought them to power. executing national progranunes at the time that it took place brate our victories, but to go to and neither would . the situation be resolved simplY by It is often questionable geared to stamping out all the cannot be over-emphasised. At work and move onto the nitty replacing him. I cannot, in any case, recall those same whether the very ,people who remnants of apartheid by way the same time, and given the gritty of the' goals we have set · instances demanding the withdrawal of Hans Dreyer be­ stood against change, independ­ of homelands in one form or positive tone of the whole for ourselves. The government cause of the atrocities of Koevoet! In any event, it is to be ence, black majority rule, and another. conference, one hopes that the deserves and should get all the hoped that the Defence Ministry will give urgent attentido basic human rights for all could The fact of the matter is that recommendations of the First support needed to move for­ to all the abovementioned, and speedily resolve what could have repented overnight and local authorities in their old Delimitation and Traditional ward now. be come an out-or-control situation unless immediate steps could advise the governrrient shape are neither desirable nor Authorities Commissions which There is aneed for anational are taken to boost the morale of the troops whileat the same on what is good for blacks in economically productive. There are about to submit their re­ law to be enacted that will time imposing a strong disciplinary code. the cities and on the land. This is bound to be tension between ports, will not contradict the continued on next page '" 4, ", ~ \ . .. _. THE NAMIBIAN

IN THE NEWS Population growth - A somewhat everybody's baby premature move

· ,'M NOT lNTER.ES1"EJ) WE agree with the African National Congress (ANC) KA TE BURLlNG when it s~ys that the US decision to lift the five-year-old IN AN~\Nq 'T\-iE"SE. economic sanctions against South Africa is somewhat QO~6\ION~."J:" DO POI?ULA TION growth is an issue which affects us all - premature. even those of us who take comfort in the fact that Na­ t..LoT \JJA~T rY\\.I US President George Bush announced this week that his mibia has a relatively small population and plenty of ~e-\GH£O(jR.5 TO Government had lifted the sanctions because there had space. I<.~C~ M'l 'P£Q..ScNAl been what he termed a "profound transformation" ~Ot>\N~! towards dismantling apartheid in that cOlmtry. Director-General of the there were a number of spe­ The ANC's Secretary General Cyril Ramaphosa re­ National Planning Commission cific problems relating to acted by saying that the move was premature as vio­ Dr Zed Ngavirue set this con­ Narrubia's population which tention against alarming fig­ were not reflected by the mere lence continued unabated and many political prisoners ures of global population growth statement of its gegraphical size. remained in jail. rates yesterday at the opening "We have the problem of NamibianForeign Affai rs Minister, Theo-Ben Gurirab, of a World Population Day the population that is living correctly pointed out that the onus still rested on South workshop in Windhoek. below the poverty line, the many Africa to bring about p"ofound and irreversible change . 'We are living in a worl d of without adecpate food ~,upplies . in that country. In the view of President Bush, he added, 5,4 billioq.people. By the year We have the many without such conditions had been met. ,~ 2001, another billion will be adequate drinking water, the However, we are of the opinion that the lifting of added. A little over 30 years many without adequate educa­ economic sanctions is premature. Apart from the vio­ from today, 8,5 bilion people tion ... the list is long and lence which continues unabated in that country and the will be living on planet earth, " possibly depressing. " he said. The hard facts were that the many political prisoners who remain in jail, there are Ngavirue quoted UN esti­ world was becoming smaller i se COON,eD - YOU HAUf' THE: also continuing political trials and thousands of exiled mates that population growth and overcrowded with the South Africans who are still unable to return. will not level off until it reaches advent of technology, said I RlGHT fO A eerr€R rOTOR£{ And while the move is not likely to result in immediate about 12 billion, more than Ngavime. What was happen­ overnight investment in that country, particularly in twicei.ts present size. "Ninety­ ing now in other countries wOuld born here in the Katutura hos­ d,-~elopment and the resource view of continuing violence, it is still an act of political five"p'er cerlt of this growth is soon concern Namibia. pital/Medicity or somewhere b~lSe of the countries being and symbolic significance. It is also bound to have an in developing countries. Un­ in the Epukiro Reserve or in compared, was "misleading and impact in South Africa itself as well as on other Western baseless" . fortunately it is also in the OUR RESPONSIBILITY Katima Mulilo". countries. Though accurate population "Rampant in the develop­ poorest countries - those least One is also inclined to wonder whether its not a case of equipped to sustain increasing World Population Day was figures could not be stated until ing world today are the vicious demands for food, clean wa­ introduced onto the UN calen­ the completion of Namibia's trinity of poverty, disease and the US up to its old tricks again. Namibia, as was pointed ter, health care, housing, edu­ dar in 1987 to mark the birth of first full-scale census, due to ignorance to which man him­ out by our Foreign Affairs Minister, implemented cation and other necessities. " the world's five billionth baby, be held in September, its esti­ self has contributed, among Resolution 435 and yet sanctions remained in place Aild Namibia was among and as Permanent Secretary of mated size in 1990 was around others, in the form of wanton throughout. Similarly, in Poland and Eastern Europe those countries, Ngavirue Information and Broadcasting 1,5 million, Kandetu said. degradation of the environment, generally, the US waited until the old regimes had pointed out. Although Namibia Bob Kandetu, also addressing 1he population was expected loss of faith in societal institu­ totally collapsed before effecting any change to their had a relatively small popula­ the conference, pointed out, to rise at an annual rate of 3,3 tions, the spread of uncontrolled policies. tion, it was growing fast and that baby "could have been per cent, twice the average urban development, insecurity But in the case of South Africa, the mere whiff ofchange global growth rate . . of employment, alienation of is enough for the US to drop sanctions. There may have That, in itself, "should COll­ youth and the lack of reflec­ stitute cause for alarm", said tion of traditional values. " been progress towards dismantling the apartheid sys­ Kandetu. Delivering the key­ Consideration of population tem, but it certainly hasn't gone altogether. There are note address at the workshop within an overall development those critics in the US, like the NAACP, who went as far UNFPA regional director Amde and planning framework, be­ as to call Bush "criminally irresponsible", and we're Wolle pointed out that Nanubia ginning with a recognition of - inclined to agree. had gaps in almost every sec­ population concerns and a re­ The lifting of sanctions might well slow the pace of tor as far as reliable data and lated development of human progress in South Africa, instead of speeding it up. research were concerned. 1bis resources, was essential, W olle inevitably limited any mean­ concluded. ingful comprehensive or sec­ toral planning. LACK OF BALANCE Major census publicity " The migration of men from the rural areas to the mining centres of the country has in­ creased the burden for-rural campaign is launched women to combine both child rearing and agricultural pro­ duction," he said. In addition, WORLD Population Day heading the census publicity Kandetu continued that "We there existed a "high degree of was the perfect opportu­ campaign. need to attempt to establish a skewness" in income distri­ nity for the launch of the The publicity comminee was link between census data, bution, where the top five per Government's pUbliCity out in force, all sporting their communication, education and cent of the population were and information campaign new t-shirts. Kandetu donned development...... --Information estimated to control 71 per cent his on top of a suit before speak­ about the size, structure and of the gross domestic product. for Namibia's forthcom­ ing on the role of his ministry distribution of a country's Wolle stressed that a com­ ing census. in population and development population is bound to be a UNFPA regional director Amde WoUe, who delivered parison of population size with While most countries in the issues. necessary component of any the keynote address at yesterday'S Population and De­ geographical size, without due world can reel off the size of He said it was important to development planning project. " velopment workshop. considerations of the level of their populations in a split grasp the "inner meaning" of 1be information gathered by second, estimates of the num- development in order to make the 1991 Population and Hous­ taken and with whose money, who have bene fitted from the ber of people in Namibia vary maximum use of the infomla­ ing Census would be used by Land conference or how quickly this should be old injustices, have to give up between 1,5 and two million. tion gathered. the Government in the devel­ from previous page done. The question is about something in order for the Until the results of the Sep- Development must be "a opment of social services; by human rights, namely who has disadvantaged to gain from the tember census are known, multi-dimensional process private companies and organ­ deracialise the practices through been denied rights and how same and meagre resources development efforts in Namibia involving major changes in isations in planning their eco­ which the people of Namibia these rights should be restored needed for national and eco- must continue to work in a social structures, popular atti­ nomic activities; and would . will acquire or lose land. as speedily and as amicably as nomic reconstruction of our vacuum of unreliable data and tudes and national institutions, shed some light on the size of In the final analysis, the land possible. land. out-of-date guesswork. as well as the acceleration of the workforce and the state of question is not simply con- The quest for land is a quest Political reconciliation about The importance of nation- economic growth and the re­ the labour market with regard fined to the land, but is;, mat- for justice, parity, equality, which we are excited, will wide participation in the coun- duction of absolute poverty". to prospects and problems. (er that goes to the heart of the peace and dignity of those who become an empty fountain try's first full-scale headcount It must "represent the whole Lastly. the data would be hi story of our relationships in have been dehumanised ,and unless it translates into ecp- was driven home by several gamut of change by which an useful for international organ­ thi s country. The fundamental denied basic rights as persoflS. nomic and social reconciliation, speakers al yesterday's work- entire social system, tuned to isations, foreign governments question is not how the land In this equation, however un- peaceful co-existence, and shop - none more so than by the diverse basic needs and and multinational companies should be lakenaway from the comfOltable some people might mutual dependability for the Permanent Secretary of Infor- desires of individuals and so­ in planning economic and tech­ whites, how much the wh.i tes be with the truth, there is no sake of one Namibia, one na- mation and Broadcasting Bob ci al groups is transformed", nical assistance to Namibia, should be paid fo r the land getting around the fuct that those lion. Kandetu, responsible for spear- he said. said Kandetu. ------~~------~------~------~------8 Friday July 12 1991 THE NAMIBIAN British director producing NTN play

Clrris Harris, a renowned State Circus School and is an Th e NTN has expressed Its father. Fleeing from his home, British director Is currently accomplised clown and hu­ appreciation of the generos­ he bet'omes a hero in his new working with actors of the mourist. ity of the British Coullcilln village by boasting of his ex~ National Theatre of Namibia The British Council has offering the services of so dIn­ ploits. Finally his father ar­ on an adaption of the Irish sponsored his services to en­ stinguished a director to work rives and the whole charade classic, The Playboy of the able the actors of the Na­ with the cast over an extended is exposed. Western World, called Play­ tional Theatre to gain valu­ period of time. The play will be presented The acclaimed Capab pro­ duction but technicians and boy of West Africa. able exposure to international "Playboy of West Africa" at the Windhoek Theatre on duction of Cosi fan Tutti, stage management will be Harris has worked with the directors and acting tech­ tells the story of a young boy July 25, 26 and 27 at 2Oh30 straight from its appear­ specially brought in by the Royal Shakespeare Company, niques. who thinks he has killed his and tickets will cost R8,00. ance at the Grahamstown producer. toured and mounted produc­ Arts Festival will be pre­ NJN thanked Magnum Tools tions in Hong Kong, the for its courage, initiative and Middle and Far East, Tur­ sented at the National willingness to support the key and the Phillipines as well Piano ~oncert by Liezel Lochner Theatre of Namibia for performing arts and said that as having his own BBC radio three performances on July such generosity helped the show. He has also had the The Windhoek Conservatoire the winner of the Conserva­ variety of composers ranging 18, 19, and 20, 1991. National1heatre to support the '\honour of performing his one will present,. a concert by the toire prize for clarinet and piano from Bach and Mozart through For the first time in the his­ less fortunate sectors of the man show for Her Majesty pianist Liezel Lochner on Fri­ and the next year she won the Schumann to Bartock and tory of opera in Windhoek, a cultural spectrum. Queen Elizabeth n. day night July 19, 1991 at 20h30 Interlochen prize for piano, Arnold van Wyk. local business, Magnum Tools Bookings for the perfomances He trained at the Jacques in the Conservatoire Hall. thereby representing Namibia is sponsoring the production. can be made through Magnum Lecoq Mime and Theatre Lochner studied piano at the at the InterlochenMusic Camp Tickets at RIO for adults Directed by Michael Williams Tools at 42510 or 42519. School in Paris, Ladlslav Windhoek Conservatoire with in Michigan from June to August and RS for children are avail­ (after Janice Honeyman's origi­ Fialkas Pantomime Company Johann van der Merwe from 1990. able at the door on the night nal work) and conducted by In Prague and the Moscow 1987 to 1989. In 1988 she was She will play works by a of the performance. David Grant, the opera received great critical acclainl when it appeared irt Grahamstown. Raeford Daniel of the Weekly Mail described the production as havirtg "a superbly effi­ cient cast" in an English trans­ lation that " works admirably". The National Theatre of Namibia is hosting the pro-



Cinema Kine 300 Ban kin gG ' 0 ' r p. 0 rat ion Eros Shopping centre Edward Scissothands starring Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder 18hOO, 20hOO,(22hOO on Fri,lSat) Class Action, starring Gene Hackman 14hOO, 16hOO Drive-In 19hOO Robin Hood starring Patrick Bergin American Express has the pleasure to plus The Best of Martial Arts Atlanta Theatre announce to their service establishments that Swakopmund Ducktales, a Walt Disney film- Mon/Fri 20hOO, Sat: 14hOO, 22hOO, Sun: 20hOO they have for their convenience appointed: Thurs & Sat: 20hOO Memphis Belle Fri: 22hOO . . ..1 .:'J j ; ,j1lJ

Arts Association l' 2r: I ' Namibian Banking Corporation Ltd Leutwein/Iohn Meinert Streets Hours: Mon-Fri 09hOO-I2h30 and 15hOO-I8hOO. Saturday O9hOO- 12hOO. (previously Nedbank) The Standard Bank Namibia Biennale 1991 exhibition runs till July 14, 1991. Independence Avenue Kunstkabinett 16 Lazarett Street An exhibition of oil paintings by Beeuwen Gerryts will open on PO Box 370 Saturday, July 13, 1991 at 10h30. Heynitz Castle Art Centre Windhoek 9000 Heynitz Road. Klein Windhoek An exhibition entitled " People are like this " a personal journey in photographs and paintings by Kerstin Geier runs till July 25, Namibia 1991.. L oft Gallery TeI: (061) 225946 Buro Odendaal Bahnhoff Street An exhibition of gouache and oil paintings by JM Bustirffwill be Fax: (061) 223741 opened by the Italian Ambassador HE Piero di Gasi on Tuesday, July 16, at 19h30. National Theatre of Namibia Leutweirt Street The Capab production of " Cosi fan Tutti ", directed by Michael Williams and conducted by David Grant will be presented at the AS THEIR NEW PAYMENT REPRESENTATIVE Windhoek theatre on July 18,19 and 20 1991 at 20h20. Bookings can be made through Magnum Tools who are sponsoring the FOR CREDIT CARD REMITTANCES IN NAMIBIA production, at telephone 42510 or 42519. The Warehouse, A1te Brauerai, Gartenffal Steets , The fabulous Natalie Gamsu will sing the blues and some jazz THIS NEW IS EFFECTIVE with her band consisting of Spiro Paxinos (bass), Rob Watson \....-./- . (drums) and Surendran Reddy (piano) from July 15 - 20, 1991. IMMEDIATELY AT YOUR NEAREST BRANCH OF The shows starts at 21hOO and tickets are available at the door. Windhoek C onservatoire NAMIB IAN BANKING CORPORATION LTD Peter Muller Street A conceIt by pianist Liczel Lochner who will perfonn works by Bach, Mozart, Schumann, Bartok and Amold van Wyk takes place Oil Friday, July 19, 1991 at 20h30 at the Conservatoire Hall. Tickets at R 10 for adu I s and R5 for children will be available at THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 12 1991 9 '

, 264 pilgrims INTERNATIONAL WRAP-UP killed in plane crash Slovenian post surrounded UUBLJANA, Yugoslavia: Yugoslav anny troops backed up by JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia: Ajet­ armoured vehicles yesterday surrounded a border post set up by the Slovenian authorities,on the border with Croatia, while an EC liner carrying as many as 264 people crashed in flames ceasefire monitoring team travelled to the Slovenian capital. moments after take off yester­ day as it carried Nigerian Gls injured as dump explodes Scrap irrelevant Muslim pilgrims home, sources said. All aboard were killed. KUWAIT CITY: Twenty Ame'rican soldiers were injured when The flight was bound for explosions a.nd fire at an ammunition dump rocked the last US Sokoto, Nigeria, when the pi­ military base in Kuwait, military officials said yesterday. Offi­ lot radioed the tower saying cials gave no cause for the blast involving munitions, small anns laws says Zim MP that he was returning because and rounds of tank artillery at Doha, just west of Kuwait City. a he had " lost control of the base for some 3 700 US troops. landing gear and that there was HARARE: A Zimbabwean Act, which he maintained was which require donations to a fire aboard,' , the Saudi state­ MP yesterday called on the responsible for increases in charitable organisations and ment said. No cash hand-outs for Gorby country's government to divorces and insubordination. essential medicines to hospi­ . The jetliner had left Jiddah, scrap pieces of legislation Some of the laws made dur" tals to be charged customS' duty on Saudi Arabia's west coast, LONDON: Soviet President MikhaiI Gorbachev can expect help but no big cash hand· outs from the G 7 summit of the seven major which were irrelevant or ing the Unilateral Declaration should definitely be reviewed. .. only six minutes before, it said. of Independen:e (VD!) era prior The MP further maintained There were conflicting re­ industrialised countries here July 15-17, British Prime Minister could be abused. tq i.ndependence were meant that the country's defence forces ports on the number of people John Major said yesterday. Reflecting similar comments made by Gokwe East MP Titus Ma­ to protect the interests of the were not being given a chance aboard and the ownership of G7 partners in the run-up to the summit here, Maj"r said, "We rongwe was speaking in Par­ privileged minority, and they to participate in the country's the plane. ' will not consider any large scale fu-..ancial assistance," to the liament in Harare in the debate should be scrapped to give the development. , An agent at Nareen Travel Soviet Union. on President Robert Mugabe' s majority access to the national : 'The army should be given in Jiddah, whoarrangedforthe speech, ~ ana national news wealth, Marongwe continued. the opportunity to get involved charter, said the plane carried agency reported. . "Government at independ­ in production. I do not think 264 people - including 248 US-Soviet arms treaty Some of the laws enacted ence should have examined all that enough room is being given Nigerian passengers and a crew WASHINGTON: Soviet Foreign Minister Alexander &knertnykh, after Zimbabwe's independence the laws and changed those to the army to contribute to­ of 15 Canadians and roe French after a IS-minute meeting with US President George Bush in 1980 needed to be reviewed, which did not conform with wards the country's develop­ citizen. ' The plane had been yesterday, said he hoped to wrap up a US-Soviet treaty on he argued, and mentioned spe­ the new system," he said. ment." leased from the Montreal-based redllc,ng strategic arms this week in Washington. Conclusion of cifically the Age of Majority "For example, such laws Sapa. carrier Nationair by Holtrade, the treaty, which is to slash the superpowers' arsenals of long­ a Nigerian-based company, range nuclear weapons, would remove the final hurdle to the according to the agent and holding of a Bush-Gorbachev summit meeting at the end of the Nationair officials. month. Call for inquiry N ationair officials said their " ".. plane was carrying 250 pas­ sengers and a crew of 14 at the China acts as peace broker time of the accident. None of Ch irito ANC camps the airline officials or travel BAMGKOK: China, in another sign of thaw in Cambodia's long agents identified themselves. - war, has invited pro-Vietnamese Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sapa-AP. Sen for talks later this month, according to radio Phnom Penh : African National Congress dissi· monitored here. dents have voiced their anger at the apparent failure of China has supplied massive military and diplomatic assistance the organisation to formally denounce during its con· to the KhmerRouge, the Phnom Penli government's arch enemy" ference in Durban alleged atrocities comitted in its in Cambodia's 12-year war. But analysts believe Beijing has been,. training camps. backing efforts over the past few weeks towards peace by deposed SAN FRANCISCO: It's official: a man has finally bitten a Cambodian monarch Prince Norodom Sihanouk. In a hard-hitting statement whom we accuse of brutalities dog. And in retaliation for this turning of the tables, the dog yesterday, the' Returned Exile to capital punishment. What promtly bit back, a Sapa correspondent reported. Co-ordinating Committee said: we expected was that the gen­ According to a report on Wednesday from USA Today, PLO surrenders arms " The ANC 48th conference eral membership should de­ the dog involved was one Argus, who belonged to the has come and gone, while the nounce and disassociate itself sheriff's department in the town of Napa, In northern TYRE, Lebanon: Palestinians in the ~outhem Tyre regio~' s seven'· question of the killings and from these crimes. Those re­ California. refugee camps began to surrender their heavy and medium arms brutalities committed in its jails, sponsible should not have been . Argus, an Alsatian, was being used to flush out James to the Lebanese army, sources s-aid. In the Rashidiyeh camp,. like the Quatro and other places, allowed to hold any position in McCurdy, 33, who was wanted on several charges. which has 17000 inhabitants, army and PLO officials supervised was treated as if it never hap­ theNEC." The dog found his quarry ~dlng under a caravan. the loading of trucks with mortars, recoilless guns, heavy ma- pened." It said as a result of this, it The sheriff's office said McCurdy, having managed to chine-guns and anti-tank rockets. ', ' " The way the conference was doubtless all the evils that overpower Argus, shouted "I'll bite the dog's head off" behaved through its delegates were done to the victims had but got onIy as far as an ear before he was arrested. ' left us - victims of such actions' allegedly been endorsed by the Argus retaliated by nipping McCurdy in the bottom. - Total solar eclipse by the ANC - with a deep sense ANC followers. It added its Sapa. SAN JOSE DEL CABO, Mexico: A total solar eclipse blackened of anger and despair, the com­ previous position that it be­ mittse adqed. lieved those crimes were the a swath through Hawaii across the Pacific to Mexico yesterday to " The only conclusion that deeds of some of the leader­ the delight and awe of astronomers and shutterbugs. astrophysi­ The priest and the drug dealer cists and stargazers. It was the longest eclipse since one over we now have reached is that ship only, fell out of place. this organisation, together with The committee called for BRESCIA, Italy: A repentant drug dealer relied on the secrecy of Africa's Sahara Desert in 1973, and the longest for the next 141 years. It could be the most widely viewed eclipse in history, its followers right through the more support for the setting up the confessional to get rid of his burden of illicit substances, and sweeping from Hawaii across Mexico through Central America countlY, h ave less regard for of a public inquiry into the got away with it. A priest in the village of Gav ardo, near Brescia, life, justice and fundament;!1 camps " so that the truth can be handed in a bag containing 12kgs of hashish and refused to and Colombia before fading over Brazil. human rights in general. known to our people together divulge the name of the man who had given it to him, police said. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun " We did not expect the with the international commu­ The churchman said his vow as a Catholic priest forbade him to and Earth, cutting off the sun's light. conference to sentence those nity". - Sapa. betray the secrecy of the confessiorial. The total eclipse covers a path 256km wide and 14 996lon long from the western Pacific to near Sao Paulo, Brazil in three 1!ours, 29 minutes and will cover 0.69 percent of Earth,'s surface. Zam opposition back in parliament Air controllers on strike HARARE: A strike over pay by air traffic controllers at Hararc LUSAKA: The Supreme ..crossing the floor" and pub­ Kaunda declared a one-party opposition group . International Airport disrupted air traffic yesterday. licly declaring their allegiance state in 1973, only ruling party The MMD has refused to Court yesterday over· Jonathan Machwawrara, deputy director of Zimbabwe's De­ to the Movement for Multi-' lawmakers have held seats in discuss the Constitutional Bill turned a ruling party order partment of Civil Aviation, told Sapa yesterday afternoon that the party Democay. parliament. Last December, proposing a draft multiparty expelling 12 defectors from strike was" almost resolved" and that limited services had been Attorney Levy Mwanawasa, Kaunda bowed to domestic and constitution intended to clear parliament. resumed. who is also vice president of international pressure and le­ the way for elections. Machwawrara refused to comment on reports that striking air The judgement by a panel of the main opposition organiza­ galized opposition parties. The democrats say it was traffic controllers had been sacked. five Supreme Court judges tion, said the Supreme Court Opposition politicians were drawn up by Kaunda's appoint­ effectively gave Zambia its first ruling opened the way for a not admitted to parliament, ees. They argue the changes parliamentary opposition for democratic parliamentary sys­ however. Instead, Kaunda leave too much power in the Plane crashes into house nearly two decades. tem in this impoverished south­ promised to hold full presi­ hands of Kaupda and his party By retaining their seats in ern African nations. dential and parliamentary elec­ stalwarts. BIRMINGHAM, Alabama: A commuter plane crasJied into' a the 135-seat legislature, the 12 "We hope members of par­ tions before the end of Octo­ They say the defectors were house and burned during a heavy thun~erstorm on Wednesday, parliameruarians hoped to create !iamenl who remain in the ruling ber. expelled from parliament to killing 13 people on the plane and injuring four on the ground, more defections from Presi­ party ""ill be bold and coura­ Yesterday'S Supreme Court prevent them contributing to authorities said. dent Kenneth Kaunda's United geous and join MMD. They judgement came a day before debate on the constitution. The pilot and one passenger survived, hospital officials said . . National Independence Party, will no longer fear losing their parliament in Lusaka begins "Now, with our members ,There were conflicting reports about the dea.th toll. The Federal their attorneys said. seats, .. he told The Associated debate on constitutional changes intact in the house, we look Aviation Administration initially said 14 people on the L 'Express The defectors were expelled Press. that,have stalled talks between forward to a lively debate," airline plane and four on the ground were killed. But the agency from the ruling party after Since President Kenneth the government and the main Mwanawasa said. - Sapa-AP. later said 13 died on the plane and that it couldn't confirm any deaths on the ground. ~ * Rc.ports fromAgenceFrance-Pres.~e, Sapa and Associated Press 10 Friday July 12 1991 THE NAMIBIAN Aids could threaten SA

Today's quotations for l!nlt trusts: economy and stability General Equity Funds: Allegro 109,1 4101,89 5,29 BOEGrowth 133,54 127,77 4,68 JOHANNESBURG: Aids could seriously skew theecon· says Hamilton. Shortages of ices in South Africa had tested Fedgro 115,56 107,89 11,34 omy and, therefore, also threaten political stability in skills will then lead to dra­ . positive for mv, and in No­ Guardbank Growth 2228,40 2086,27 5,70 214,11 South Africa, according to the SA Institute of Race matic wage rises. vember 1990, some 10 000 Momentum 229,12 5.89 Metfund 175,09 163,18 4,81 Relations (SAIRR). As early as 1995, Old Mu­ residents of Johannesburg were tual anticipates a decline in believed to be mv positive. NBS Hallmark 888,06 829,41 6,88 In the latest issue of the of Natal, Alan Whiteside, as business confidence and a In' addition, Dr Coen Slab­ NorwichNBS 339,77 317,33 7,86 institute's "Social and Eco­ estimating that between 1,3 and massive diversion of resources ber, Director-General of Na­ Old Mutual Investors 2606,72 2431,10 4,95 nomic Update - a special issue 7 million people will die of to medical care and other wel­ tional Health and Population Safegro 123,94 115,98 6,83 on Aids", researcher Robin Aids by the year 2000. fare spending because of Aids. Development, is quoted as Sage 2254,35 2105,19 4,70 Hamilton says it seems appar­ According to Whiteside, the He notes that the World Bank saying in January 1991 that Sanlarn 1593,33 1488,49 5,29 ent that Aids will affect every first to die will be the urban has indicated that as the direct 315000 South Africans would Sanlan1 Index 1251,31 1168,88 4,99 sector of the economy, "and if elite, leading to a loss of man­ cost of Aids is only 20 per cent be HN positive by the end of Senbank General 115,06 107,91 n/a it proves to be a constraint on power. of the true cost, the cost to the 1991. He said many more were Southern Equity 172,81 161,69 4,90 economic growth, it may in TIUs could be exacerbated economy could be between R32 at risk in Africa than in Eu­ Standard 1051,25 987,73 7,87 turn retard or reverse efforts to by the emigration of profes­ and R78 billion in the year rope, as predominantly infants Syfrets Growth 239,20 224,02 5,88 redress the socio-economic sionals seeking to escape the 2000. and sexually active adults be­ UAL 1874,58 1156,72 6.20 inequalities in South Africa". Aids epidemic, as well as by Two local studies reveal that tween 15 and 49 years of age Volkskas 127,71 119,48 n/a Hamilton cites a senior re- ' the drying up of inunigration by April 1990, 87 701 dona­ would be affected by the dis­ Specialist equity Funds: search fellow at the University , to South Africa from Europe, tions to blood transfusion serv- ease. - Sapa. Guardbank Resources 153,37 143,5~ 6,14 Sage Resources 122, i2 114,24 7,18 Sanlarn Industrial 893,45 834,45 4,59 Sanlam Mining 326,76 304,98 5,51 Middle East spends most on lllilitary Sanlarn Dividend 427,66 398,92 5,54 Senbank Industrial 113,83 106,96 n/a Southern Mining 148,10 138,50 5.74 WASHINGTON: Middle East­ out of every four of the country's military," the report said . arms exports. Some poor coun­ Standard Gold 207,14 194,19 6,78 ern nations lead the world in total earnings on defense. The IMF first disclosed its tries spend more on their mili­ UAL Mining and military spending and some poor The World Bank the fund's ' findings without ranking indi­ tary than on health and edl'ca­ Resources 386,01 361,63 5,51 countries spend more on their sister organization, put Israel's vidual countries in the official tion combined. the report said. UAL Selected military than on health and edu­ total income for 1989 at 46 bil­ "IMF Survey" on June 24. For the period 1972 through Opportunities 1629,54 1522,75 4,60 cation, according to a study by lion dollars. Later the fund made available a 1988 Hewitt found the Soviets Old Mutual Mining 273,37 254,63 5,73 the International Monetary Israel was followed on the list copy of the working paper with spent 11,7 percent of their total Old Mutual Industrial 324,90 302,68 4,02 Fund. Of the top 10 countries by Angola. Next in descending the rankings. This week, the income - about one ruble out of Old Mutual Gold Fund 139,09 129,60 5,20 ranked according to the percent­ order came Oman, South United States, the Soviet Union, every nine - and the United Income/Gilt Funds: age of income spent on the mili­ Yemen, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Britain, France and China en-, States 5,9 percent - one dollar tary, nine are in the Middle East, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and dorsed the creation of a nuclear­ out of 17 on the military. Corbank 100,52 99,47 17,54 the study said. North Yemen. The two Yemens free zone in the Middle East, The lowest military spenders Guardbank Income 109,96 107,70 17,66 Israe I tops the list. Between have since united. urged eventual eliminati9n of were the island republics of Old Mutual Income 106,08 103,86 17,09 1972 and 1988, the period cov­ "All the top I 0 nations allo­ the region's ground-to-ground Mauritius and Fiji. Japan and Standard Income 91,00 90,01 15,92 ered inthe study, the fund said cated 15 percent or more of their missiles, and pledged to seek Mexico were also in the bottom - Syfrets Income 104,93 103,93 15,41 Israel spent more than one dollar gross domestic product to the tighter guidelines for their own Sapa-AP. UALGilt 1112,70 1101,58 4,60 , Closing exchange rates against the rand I, (l)Marley Uazemburuka Kauraisa a minor child residing at 145 REPUBLIC Wanahenda intend applying-to the Ministry of Home Affairs for curr sdi T.T.Burm8 A.M.Buying s.M.Buying authority under section 9 of Aliens act , 1937, to assume the OF NAMIBIA surname TJITJO for the reasons that (2) I intend applying for an US dollar 2,9040 2,8840 2,8665 2,8520 LD. and passport under the 'said surname ofTJITI0, I had used in Sterling 4,7280 4,6690 4,6300 4,5975 school whereas on my birth-Certificate it is indicated diferent. All Austrian MINISTRY OF FINANCE ' my School-Certificates' and Reports had been issued under the shilling 4,3755 4,4305 4,4630 4,4905 TENDER BOARD surname: TJITJO. I previously bore the name(s) (3) KAURAISA. Australian $ 0,4470 0,4530 0,4575 0,4610 I am being assisted in this application by my legal Guardian (4) Belgian franc 12,7500 12,9500 13.1000 13,1500 TENDER NO. F117-4/91 · IMMANUEL UARIUA. Any person who objects to my assuump­ Pula 0.7125 0,7220 0,7280 0,0000 Description: RENT AND MAINTENANCE tion of the said surname of TJITJO should as soon may be lodge Canadian $ 0,3940 0,3995 0,4025 0,4045 his objections in writing with statement of his reasons therefor. OF TWO (2) FAX MACl;IINES .. Swiss franc 0,5400 0,5470 0,5510 0,5540 with the Magistrate of Windhoek. Deutsche Closing Date:ll:OO on Tuesday: Date: -06-91 mark 0,6220 0,6300 0,6345 0,6385 Danish krone 2,4070 2.4370 2,4600 2,4795 30 July 1991 REPUBLIC Pesetas 39,0000 39,5500 40,0000 40,3500 TENDER NO. F1/18/1-6/91 Finish mark 1,4950 1,5145 1,5410 1,5640 Of. NAMIBIA French franc 2,1115 2,1380 2,1535 2,1665 Description: Supply of7 Trucks water Tinker. • ~ Greek drachma 67,9000 68,6500 69,6000 70,4000 Closing Date: 11:00 Tuesday: 23 July 1991 MINISTRY OF FINANCE Hong Kong $ 2,6665 2,7000 2,7205 2,7380 Irish punt - 4,3010 4,2480 4,2090 4,1765 TENDER BOARD, Italian lire 462,0500 468,0500 472,0500 475,450 TENDER NO. F1/18/1 - 7/91 TENDER NO. F1/10/2-7/91 Japanese yen 47,5500 48,2000 48,5000 48,7500 Description: Supply and erection of two Kenyan Houses at Khowareb - Damaraland shilling 9,9205 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 Description: Installation, Supply and commis­ Mauritian Closing Date: 11:00 Tuesday: 30 July 1991 sioning of an Instrument Landing System for Wind­ rupee 5,7710 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 hoek Airport Namibia: Malawi Documents are available at the Offices of: ., kwacha 1,0090 1,0225 1,0320 0,0000 Closing Date: 11 :00 on Tuesday: Dutch gilder 0,7010 0,7095 0,7150 0,7195 The Secretary: Ttmder Board Norwegian 5 November 1991 clo Voigt and Kelvin Str. krone 2,4285 2,4580 2,4870 2,5115 Wlndhoek Documents are available at the Offices of: New Zealand $0,6110 0,6190 0,6260 0,6315 Pakistani To Obtain Documents R5-00 is Payable: The Secretary: Tender Board rupee 8,2815 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 clo Volgt and Kelvin Str. Escudos 53,8500 54,5000 55.1000 55,6000 Tenders must be forwarded to: Wlndhoek Seychelle rupee 1,8730 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 The Secretary To Obtain Documents R5-00 is Payable: Tender Board Swedish krone 2,2510 2,2790 2,2980 2,3140 Singapore $ 0,6030 0,6150 0,6180 P.O. Box 3328 Tenders must be forwarded to: 0.6120 Zambia Wlndhoek The Secretary kwacha 22,1105 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 9000 Tender Board Zimbabwe $ 1,1205 1,1395 1,1495 0,0000 or Deposited in: P.O. Box 3328 . These rates prevailed at 15h30 and are subjecUo alteration. The Tender Box Wlndhoek The Tender Board 9000 clo Volgt and Kelvin Str. or Deposited in: Wlndhoek ' The Tender Box TELEX: 50908 - 875 The Tender Board clo Voigt and Kelvin Str. FAX: 221004 Windhoek Telex: 50908 - 875 Fax: 221004 THE NAMIBIAN Friday Ju!y 12 1991 11

NAM/B/AN ECONOMY The economy and the budget - two views

VIEW ONE "secondary sector" which is in 1989 and 10 per cent in community and other services processing and manufacturing, 1990. The value of buildings (19 per cent). In 1988 there THE budget is inflationary and including construction, elec­ fmished was over a quarter were 55 000 Government the Government could,end up tricity and water supply, has less than the year before but a workers while manufacturing by overloading the economy kept pace with the rest of the large number of offices and only employs 9 500. There are with its own costs in its bid to country. The "tertiary sector" shopping centres finished in only very limited possibilities try and help the country out of of services has grown faster Windhoek was good, to create new jobs in the large the recession, warns top econo­ than the rest largely because of Government service, in com­ mist Rainer Ritter of the Insti­ major increases" in Govern­ TOURISM mercial farming, tourism and tute of Management and Lead­ ment spending and selling both mining, so new areas will have ership Training. wholesale and in shops. The This employs only 6 000 to be developed including Writing in th.:: June issue of Government now makes up 18 people and is described as " in manufacturing for export linked the Chamber of Commerce and per cent of the economy, com­ its infancy". The bank says it to agriculture. Industries report, Ritter says pared to 10 per cent in 1980. has • 'potential" to create jobs that although the budget was The primary sector had a and earn foreign currency. INFLA nON AND welcomed by business and that very bad 10 years, but in 1990 PRICES boosting spending on new there was modest growth of WORKERS projects is important, the total 2,7 per cent. This is nearly all Consumer price:; inflation is spending is actually up by more due to the fisheries sub-sector The International Labour only measured on Windhoek than 21 per cent, ahead of in­ which was "spectacular" with Organisation estimates there prices. It has officially been flation. 300 per cent growth as since are 550 000 workers in Na­ set at around 12 to 13 per cent Government income from independence all catches in the mibia, of which 43 per cent but in 1990 was only 12 per taxes and duties has fallen dUling 200-mile exclusion zone have work in paid jobs and the rest cent and 10 per cent by De­ been included in Namibia's ac­ the Clicrrent world recession, are peasant farmers. The Gov­ cember, Food pri~ rise quicker and in the budget is 3,5 per counts. Walvis Bay fish proc­ ennnent is 1he biggest employer than other prices and in 1989 cent lower than before. essing has also been added. (21 per cent), followed by fan:n­ were up nearly 18 per cent and "This shows that fiscal pol­ Mining dropped 10 per cent :J1g (nearly 20 per cent) and this continued in 1990. icy is not prudent," warns Ritter, and diamonds even more at 18 " and if the Government in­ per cent. tend.s to spend the budgeted Namibian democracy' fragile' amount, this could lead to a FARMING PERMANENT Secretary for Foreign Affairs Andreas Guibeb downswing in the economy." According to Ritter, spend­ Seven out of 10 Namibians has called on the international community to provide Namibia depend on farming, nearly all with development assistance and foreign investment. ow.~ ;is set . ~o bp R697 million QlllOI;e than im:ome in the budget. on small peasant farms - aver- RAINER Ritter of the IMLT: 'Namibia needs a small Speaking on the closing day of the Conference on Civilian After other payments, money age three hectares a family - but efficient Government service.' Aspects of Peace-Keeping Operations held in Ottawa, Canada, which only just grow enough this week, Guibeb said although it was fine to pay tribute to the I still has to be found or bor­ rowed for R314m or nearly six to survive on. Only five per MINI NG CONSTRUCTION achievements of the Nami!'ian people and the admirable leader- per cent of gross domestic cent of farmers are incommer- . ship provided by the Namibian Government,little was being done ", preduct. Riner says the .. inter- cial farming, employing 36000 This dominates the economy This sector had a very bad to assist w~th the enormous challenges facing the country. . nationally acceptable people, and with an average and makes it rise and fall as the 10 years, dropping at four per He warned the international community that although the farm size of more than 5 000 tal' Id cent a year on average mainly Namibian constitution was being help 'up as a model to be ,:;!lJ'guid1eline" is ' that budget me pnces move on wor · . . . d -;""l""',~) c,I~c}.ts · sfi?,1l1d not be more hecflUe,s. ~ _ :-" ~ - 'If!~iets:Its a'tc'c:~;ffiibution ',' beCjlUJ~ '.~Ues~ . q~ldin~ by • ,-JoU

REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA TRADE AND INDUSTRY LIQUOR ~O~PU'lANCE, 1969. NOTICE OF APPLICATAION FOR CONDITIONAL AUTHORITY* TO BE MADE TO THE BOARD FOR C0NSIDERATION AT ITS MEETING/SPECIALMEETING* TO BE HELD ON THE 14 TH DAY OF AUGUST 1991. '., 1 2 3 4 5 Di strict in which licence Full names anddresses of applicant and Class of licence applied Premises in respect of whieh is required his principals (it. any) .for the licence is required. Privileges applied for CAROLINE KARUAlliE ' RES. ERF 3654 KATlITURA CLUB LIQUOR ERF 3481 ALL PRIVILEDGES CONTEMPLATED BUS. ERF 3481 KATUTURA IN SEC. 69 (i}'(b) WINDHOEK LICENCE KATUTURA I .. . , ~ , . f " 12 Friday July 12 1991 , " >- 'THENAMIBIAN . "


I------TENDER NO.7/91------11

Supply and Delivery of Frofessional Television Equipment for a TV Centre Windhoek, Namibia Tenders are' being invited for the supply and delivery of the above as more fully detailed in the tender documents. Tender documents are obtainable from the NBC, Head Office, Cullinan S~reet, Windhoek as from friday 12 July 1991 upon payment of a non- I refundable deposit of R20-00 per set of documents. Tenders must return documents in sealed envelopes by regist.ered mail to the Controller: Administration, P.O.Box 321, Windhoek, 9000 or THE visiting Secretary of the Communist Party of France, Maxime Gremetz (centre) plal:e them in the Tender Box, NBC Head Office, Cullinan Street, Wind­ . pictured with the deputy chief co-ordinator of Swapo, Festus Naholo. His is accom­ hoek to reach him riot later than 12:00 on Friday, 26 July 1991. panied by his assistant, Guillou. Report and photograph: Joseph Motinga The sealed envelopes Diust bear the tender number. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted nor will any Great developll1ent potential reason be furnished for the rejection ~f a tender. A FRENCH Communist Party ideas, he stated. adding that people be told the truth about delegation, which arrived in the' 'presence of varying ideas these realities and that the .,Enquiries: Mr. M.A. Venter Windhoek on Monday at the even within Swapo is a good cruntry amassed all its resources invitation of Swapo, believes thing". in order to bring about devel­ Tel. 061 - 215811 • 2289 that independence has given Gremetz added that the opment. he stated. For example. Documents: Mrs. O. Thompson Namibia as a rich country th~ struggle between political it was necessary to involve chance to fulfil its potential for parties should go hand in hand whites, who had the knowl­ 061- 215811 economic development. with respect for the Crostitution. edge and skills, more .In the A member of the Politburo, TIle European Parliamentar­ process of "bringing up the .' Secretary of the Communist ian said that a: further improve­ country", Gremetz said. Party and delegate to the Euro­ ment in living standards de­ On the situation in Angola, pe~ Parliament, Maxime pended on the widest possible Gremetz said peace would G~metz, told The Namibian participation of the people in enable the people of that coun­ that "dignity and freedom from the democratic process. try to concentrate on economic" 'racism" were the greatest gains However,"Gremetz said, the development. of Namibian independence. debts Namibia had inherited, Two delegates from the In­ Gremetz said there were also the fact that prices for exports ternational Department of the improvements in living condi­ were detennined abroad, and Italian Democratic Party of the tions . dependence on SA made it Left are also visiting Namibia .With regard to multiparty difficult for the country to after attedning the ANC con­ . ~~ democracy, each person had develop and effect more im­ ference in South Africa. They the right to choose their own provements in living condi­ are Dina Forti and Raffaella ;S '-lO \ way of expressing differing tions. It was important that Chiodo. ~ . N\G€· . ~ NTN presents , s~~ J . the dynamic blues singer ~~ Natalie Gamsu with SPATZI'S Spiro Paxinos 'Tsumeb Clutch and '. Brake Rob Watson Surendran Reddy OFFERS Warehouse Theatre 15 - 20 July FRIENDLY, .QUALITY SERVICE' Bar opens: 20:00 * Rebonding Brake Shoes * Wheel Alignment Show starts: 21:00 Tickets - R18 at the door * Skim Brake Drums * General Spares * Workshop for all Clutch * Shock Absorbers and and Brake Repairs Silencers fitter labour-free PO. Box 1436 Tel 2761, 2028 Fax : 3880 Windhoek United Congregational Church

Closind date: Date Drawn: 2 November 1991 26 October 1991 CHURCH BUILDING FUND 24 hour Service for Fuel and Oil Mercedes Benz 200 Automatic FOR R2? Cafe for Refr~shments (Airconditioner and radio/tape player) Parts available Or IMPOSSIBLE! R75 000 cash BUT TRUE! Credit Cards Accepted Sponsored by M&Z Motors. WHK MDC Cards Accepted Question: Who is the archbishop of Cape Town?

Pro! Heyns 0 Or Boesak 0 Or Tutu 0 ,MOBIL Name: (Mr/Mrs/Ms) ...... Address: ...... : ...... , ...... Code ...... Telephone: (w) ...... (h) ...... Cheque/Postal Order...... For ...... Tickets-----Cash ...... :.

With us you are number one. Private Bag 19003 Windhoek 9000 THE NAMIBIAN ., t. ( Friday July 12 1991 13

REGISTER YOUR NAKED SISTER FOR THE ANGOLAN ELECTIONS AND VOTE CIA WHAT in the name of God thin, and when the theory to have at least one binge allowed black men to piss millions of litres oflaven­ has happened to the Cu­ of evolution finally col­ on psychedelic drugs with in the same public toilet as der toilet mist to quell the bans? lapses I will tell the truth the option to rape and white men, regardless of stench of burning bodies First they pull out of An- _ to the whining hack from murder without fear of the fact that in entire prov­ and rotting flesh. The gola, leaving the way clear Time magazine when he prosecution. And one day inces the black man, should average sensitive Ameri­ for an election victory by calls me at home asking if perhaps even the men will he try it, will leave the can investor (last seen a mysterious "third party" I had anything to do with get a shot at the fun. urinal wearing his baU~ as wearing a blue anorak in known as the Cause for the shocking global mani- - But right now I have to see a bow-tie. downtown Los Angeles) the Independence of An­ festation of Aristotle's George Bush. I made this Pretoria gave Windhoek can't stand unpleasant gola - with everyone north theory that the passions of request to the American back to the people because odours, and he is most of the Mississippi swear­ rage and lust stimulate Embassy yesterday, and at in these hard times nobody certainly not prepared to ing blind that the initials insanity. I will comment 4.30pm a man with shiny can afford to keep a col­ do a deal if the aircondi­ have nothing to do with on the grounds that the ­ black shoes and a soul ony anymore. And Wash­ tioning on the 40th floor is the other CIA. condition is a privilege that darker than Lord Byron ington gave Pretoria back !..pewing out the stink of Then the embassy refuses only tb..e. very rich and the on opium arrived at my to the world for pretty decomposing corpses. And to answer my calls in a very -poor can afford to office. He delivered a much the same reasons. if the lavender mist don't blatant attempt to avoid experience, and then put signed photograph of Bush, Step forward the Penta­ work, Minister van der .\,- violent confrontation over myself out on tender to a and said: "Now you can gon, for the First Prize of Fokjou from the Ministry administration that they the matter of a fresh bottle coke-producing collective see him as much as you a G-6 artillery gun plas­ of Truth will issue a direc­ are in fact free. of Havana Club which I in the foothills of the Para­ want." Before he left, he tered with Kruger Rands. tive ordering that all for­ Next week we will analyse politely requested three guay mountains. For the asked in was interested in Stick it on your wall, eign deals are to be negoti­ the consequences of the weeks ago. The time for moment, I am proud to registering for the Ango­ Stormin' Psycho. ated only when the west Randfontein javelin hero politeness is clearly past. name the IMF and the lan elections, so I asked if Brain-dead chopper pilots wind is blowing. This will sharing a room with a Either Fidel has been World Bank as my men­ he was interested in some who still can't tell the dif­ also serve to dull the bisexual Jamaican weight­ smoking something a lot tors. dirty pictures of his sister. ference between Saigon screams of political pris­ lifter in the Jewish quar­ stronger than cigars, or I have no shame in hold­ It amazes me to still find and New York will now be oners who remain under ter of the Olympic Village Attila the Wife has already ing up the Kennedys as people who believe that hired by Cde General the impression that they in 1994. got to my supplier. The today's ideal role model America lifted sanctions Madness Malan to spray are being detained with­ Assuming the Cuban con­ links in the chain of mu­ for the nuclear family. against South Africa be­ the townships - this time out trial despite all assur­ nection comes through, of tual survival are wearing Every home-owner needs cause Cde de Klerk has not with napalm, but with ances by the American cOurse.

Ministry of Finance A prestigious and lucrative position for' the really good private secretary on his/her way to the top. --- ROOM AT THE TOP FOR AN Enquiries: Or J Jones, tel: (061) 34284 AMBITIOUS PERSON Applicants must be Namibian citizens Private Secretary to the _or must be in possession of a valid permanent residence permit. Minister of Finance Applicants must submit a 1 post: Windhoek comprehensive curriculum vitae and certified copies of educational Salary: Negotiable, depending on experience qualifications together with their application. and competence. Minimum Requirements: A Senior ( or Applications (on form Z83 or equ ivalent) Certificate with typing as fully ZO/1229(1) obtainable at all passed subject on Senior Certificate (or Government Offices) must be sent to: equivalent) level plus one year typing and/ or The Permanent Secretary: Finance, appropriate experience OR a National Private Bag 13295, Windhoek, 9000. Certificate for Private Secretaries ( or equivalent An attractive range of benefits qualification) . includes a 13th cheque, a housing subsidy subject to certain conditions, rental This position calls for a high degree of allowance, assistance with competence in the typing of manuscripts, the removal expenses, pension fund screening and channeling of telephone calls (7% contribution for men, 5% and visitors, the filing and safe-keeping of contribution for women), confidential documents and all the other administrative duties normally associated with medical aid providing 95 % the efficient ru nning of a very busy office. cover on virtually all Fluency in written and spoken English is eventualities and ample vacation imperative_ and sick leave. Closing date: 09 August 1991 Your partner on the road to prosperity ~Iar

.~:;;;;;~====~~-LlNTAS: NAMIBIA 91/1743 A .. ~ ~ - I 14 Friday JUly 12 1991

I, (I )EDW ARD EROL VISAGIE a minor c.hild residing at ERF 7165 SHANDUMBALA intend applying to the Ministry of Basson laullches Ci vk Affairs for authority under section 9 of Aliens act, 1937, to assullle the surname SAKARlA forthe reasons that ('2) I HAVE NO CONT ACf WITH MY BIOLOGICAL MOTIIER SINCE 1974. I HAVE GROWN UP WITH MY FATIlER, MATHEUS 'watchdog' group SAKARIAS. I previously bore the name(s) (3) EDW ARD EROL VISAGIE. I am being assisted in this application by my Father (4) MA THEUS SAKARlAS. An y person who objects tomy assuump­ for disillusioned lion of the said surname of SAKARlAS should as soon Illay be lodgl' his objections in writing with statement of his reasons there r"o r, with the Magistrate of Windhoek, soldiers in SA Date: 09-07-9 I FORMER SADF propagandist In their place it would strive Nico Basson launched an or­ for a "just and freedom-lov­ I. (I) Reinhard Kanyati residing at D2/1 3, Katutura, Tjakati Street, P.O.Box ganisation known as· Soldiers ing society and systems of self­ 60176, Katutura employed as (2) Security at Windhoek Municipality, of Peace in Johannesburg yes­ governance that honour the rule intend applying to the MinislTy of Civic Affairs for authority under section terday, of law", 9 of Aliens act. 1937, to assume the surname RUKOKO names: Aloys Nushumpuko for the reason. that (3) During tbe colonial time we have In a press release, it was said Soldiers of Peace would worked with service conlTact and if the conlTacct expired then we were that Soldiers of Peace would initially focus on four main forced to go back to the north. I have decided to go back and therefore I be a 'watchdog organisation' areas: misuse of state resources have cbanged my name & surname to stay in Windhoek. I previously bore to expose the South African by the present NP Government the name(s) (4) Reinhard Kanyati. I intend also applying for the authority Government's misuse of state to run covert operations with to change the surname of my wife Justine Kanyati to Justine Rukoko and resources for secret .political the aim of establishing a cer­ minor child(ren) (5) Frans Kanyati to Frans Rukoko, Michael Kanyati to acti vities, tain political agenda; hidden Mich" el Rukoko. Any person who objects to my assuumption of the said Basson added that a grow­ agendas and unrelated inter­ surname ofRukoko should sa soon may be lOdge his ohjections in writing ing number of soldiers shared with statement of his reasons therefor, with the Magistrate of Windboek. ests against the majority of Date: 20/06/91 his opinion and this had led to people; the real role ofSADF, the formation of Soldiers of SAP, National Intelligence and Peace, Foreign Affairs as destabilis­ WE MANUFACTURE Referring to the Govern­ ers on the continent; the build­ AND INSTALL ment's clandestine operations ing of a peace process for all • in different southern African Southern Africans, states, and adding that the The organisation would focus Namibian operation was a on exposing irregularities and "dress rehearsal" for what was hidden agendas in different state ~verDrope currently happening in South departments; get key individu­ Africa, Basson said "it is spe­ als engaged in such activities cifically the use of ethnic vio­ to distance themselves; and, to VERTICAL BLINDS lence to build the Inkatha Free­ act as reconciliators between dom Party and to discredit the the SADF and MK. ANC/pAC groupings that is A 'peace line' has been es­ threatening to establish a per­ tablished and all disillusioned .Propr, Lowis C. Slipp manent political imbalance in military peI'SOIU)eJ cW~ (011) I P. 0 , Box 20670 southern Africa' " 4426826~Q I.~~ 1i,.o#iden­ . ~ Dallon Sir, S/lnJ. The organisation intended to tially to members . o~th~~rgan- ' WIN DHOI;K SOOO build a positive peace by stead­ isation. . . ily exposing and eradicating Members of the publid were "the roots of war, violence, also welcome to coilta~t the injustice, hostility and ecologi­ organisation with eviciehce of cal damage", forces behind' violence:'

is now operating under new ownership as PORTUGUES'E 'BOTTLE STORE


AnOER50n TRRnSPORT ' .' ," 'r' TRADING HOURS: CALL NELSON . OOK TE WELUNGTON. JOHANNESBURG EN PORT ELIZABI:'TIf MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS TODAY OKAH1\NDJA 8:30 - 13:00 TEL: 2878 14 :~0 - 19:00 TEL. (06221) 2144 BOX 612 SATURDAYS TSUMEB 9000 8:30 - 13:00 40/20/ 3 THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 12 1991 15

Okuryangava rol voort

'n PAAR-UUR LANGE toer van die selfhelpskema in OkurJWUlgava en 'n ondersoek van die omstandighede in die woonbuurt laat 'n mens met vertroue en hoop oor die toekoms en aan die ander kant ook met vrese oor wat moontlik kan gebeur. Een van die eerste indrukke wat die besoeker aan Okuryangava 0pval is die hardwerkendheid van die persone wat tot 'n paar maande gelede net in"die pype onder die paaie rondgeslaap het. Dit laat ook 'n mens nadink of die menswaardigheid van 'n persoon Die Die werkers in die Okuryangava-skama is die ene bedrywigheid. Die Franse-hulpskema voorsien die materiaal aan afhang van die omstandighede waaronder hulle hulself die inwoners en hulle is verantwoordelik vir die oprigting van hul eie huise. in die lewe bevind Die. Wat tot anderhalf jaar gelede 'n verontwaardiging en 'n skande vir dievorige regering was blyk op die oomblik. 'n groep te wees wat weer 'n sin vir die lewe begin ontwikkeI. Hierdie sin vir die lewe is sekerlik. een Huurmotors vergader van die eienskappe wat deur die "huidige regering· aangemoedig moet word. Die terugbring van hierdie persone, wat moontlik. byna . DAAR was 'n groot aantal maak vir die huurmotorbestuur- Soweto, Grysblok en al die verlore vir die samelewing was, is een van die suksesse verwikkelinge in huurmo­ ander woon uurte moettekens waarvoor die Minister van Plaaslike Regering en torkringe waaroor baie ~~~\lijF Wi~@i~~" ii'J: ~- 'e bestuurders ors makliker Behuising, Libertine Amathila, die volle eer behoort te bestuurders en eienaars nog Die duidelikheid het ;;f,> . die oomblik geniet. m e. Persone, wat tot 'n jaar en 'n half gelede as boemelaars Die en 'n vergadering is Die verga.dering is gereel met bestempel was, toon nou die eienskappe wat van baie vir Sondag, 14 Julie om die doel omhierdie en nog veel persone in die lewe 'n sukses gemaak het. ;r 14bOO, op die oop veld naby woonbuurte S008 Hakahana, ander sake te bespreek. Sommige van hierdie "brugslapers" - om die skeldwoord die enkelkwartiere in te gebruik - is nou ontluikende besigheidsmanne, kon­ Katutura bele. Die besluit h'akteurs, voormanne en nog vele ander en dieselfde is gister deur Joel Waters - .- strukture wat in die gewone ekonomiese wereld geld is bekend gemaak. besig om onder hierdie gemeenskap te ontwikkel. Dit Die vergadering salhoofsaak­ lik inligting oor die jongste sou 'n groot bonus vir hierdie land wees indien hierdie verwikkelinge aan die huur- van die staanpleklce voor die gees van ondernemendheid Die net met die voltooiing motorbestuurders en -eienaars Wemhil-sentrum sal gebruik van die woonhuise sou sterfnie maar ook verder uitge­ oordra en sal ook 'n geleen- maak. brei kan word. theid skep vir hulle om voor- Hierdie staanpleklce is on- 'n Besoek aan die selfhelpskema in Okuryangava is 'n stelle aan die bestuur te doen. populer onder die bestuurders l'ustige geleentheid. 'n Gesoute waarnemer aan die Waters het ook gister die en die gemeenskap oor die groot skema sal moontlik van 'n sterk kriminele ondergrond gebeure wat aanleiding tot die afstande wat inkopers moet loop bewus raak maar dit is op hierdie oomblik Die van so 'n jongste staking gegee het ver- voor hulle by die huunnotors aard dat dit die waarnemer beangs sallaat Die. Die hoop duidelik. kan uitkom. Onder huunno- wat uitgespreek kan word is dat dit so sal bly in die In die verlede het die huur- torbestuunlers is die staanplek toekoms. motorassosiasie met die stad- ongewild oor die min ruimte singenieur ondemandel oor wat daar vir hulle beskikbaar Onderlinge verhoudinge is normaal en die inwoners staanpleklce in Biilow-straat en is. van die woonbuurt meng vryelik. 'n ooreenkoms is oor die Met die voltooiing van die Een van die opmerkings wat ook gemaak is, is die groot aangeleentheid bereik. pad het die huunnotors weer aantal persone wat nou vanaf Katutura uitwyk en vir Daaris bepaal dat die parl

f. f.__ ~ :L.A Die in hierdie land manifesteer Die. Enersyds omdat · r·' hierdie tiep van skemas nog nie in hierdie land gesien is _~ • .t!"...... " ,...... \.,G ..;~ ~ 't~_ ~ j.- ~~,iI!L.A .,+... nie en andersyds omdat hierdie skema nog Die tot sy Incredible business opportunities in your own area. Minimum potential volle ontplQoiing gekom het om hierdie simptome te toon nie. ' package R6000 pia. Minimum of 5 years business experience. No selling Een van die grootste vrese 001' hierdie skema is dat som­ mige gewetenlose inwoners van Katutura tot hierdie of products involved. Only s-ophisticated people need apply. VERVOLG OP BLADSY 16 Unique and copyrighted. Phone BNU (061) 224887 Mr. M. Dentlinger 16 Friday July 12 1991 THE NAMIBIAN

~ BRIEWE ... BRIEWE ... BRIEWE ... BRIEWE ... BRIEWE Belasting wil sal dieselfde minder- betaal as ymdhede" reggestel te kry. Die goedgesind. 'wat die man meer sal betaa!. regering behoort belastingbetal­ ons die nie-blankes word Iller saamwonery In my lruisgesin se geval gaan ers apart te betas op elke inkom­ baie onderdruk. As ek miskien my vrou ongeveer 15 % vanR4 stebron anders as sy/haar bona­ nie die waatheid'praat nie, daag aanmoedig 00 minder betaal. Dit is maar fide bron van inkomste sonder ek u uit om self na die Dis­ R600 per jaar. toegewings hoegenaanld dat trikskommisaris se kantore te Na aanleiding van Steve Titus Die gesin betaal dus in my verliese uit een bron afgeskryf kom. Komkykofumiskien 'n van Windhoek se brief " On geval RI 080 meer aan be­ word teen inkomste en/of winste swart oftlruin polisieman sien. Income Tax" wat in die Na­ lasting per jaar. Hierdie som uit 'n ander bron. Almal is wit, van A tot Z. mibian van Maandag, 3 Junie moet elke gesin vir hulself gaan Dit beteken dat as 'n salaris­ Sommigc blankes word uit verskyrr het, wil ek my &raag maaken dan wil ek die ver­ trekker met 'n boerdery begin die mag geskors en dan word by hom aansluit en teri volle moede uitspreek dat daar dalk en dalk ook 'n besigheid moet hulle weer na 'n maand in diens met horn saamstem. nie eens 1 % van Namibie se hierdie salaristrekker drie afson­ geneem.. Die rede wat aangevoer Verder wil ek die stelling huishoudings gaan wees wat derlik belastingaanslae ontvang. word is dat hulle 1camma tyde­ maak dat, indien die regering minder sal betaal nie, inteen­ As dit. die dag realiseer sal lik geskors was. (vir wie ek hoe agting het) deel ek glo die ontnugtering die regering dalk ondervind dat " Ek weet van name, veral van volgende jaar weer aanpassings sal wees dat almal meer sal die landsbegroting kan 'k!op een sersant wat oor aanranding maak wat soortgelyk is aandie betaa!. sonder lenings en dat belaslt­ geskors en weer aangestel is. van vanjaar, hulle dan al die Deur hierdie tipe toegewings ingtariewe dalk selfs verlaag Swart polisiemanne soos doel sal bereik om die soge- ' moet die regering oppas dat kan word. konstabel Mafunga en Puturi naamde "Haves" en die hulle nie die huwelik afbreek Dr Libertine, jou eerste se skorsings was finaal, en dit "Have-nots" gelyk te bring, en buite-egtelike saamwonery monument word in Keetman­ is moeilik om te verstaan. want dan sal almal " Have aanmoedig nie want dit gaan shoop opgerig as jy hierdie Dinge sal nie kan regkom in Nots" wees. 'dalk die enigste manier wees probleem ook vir die yolk Gobabis alvorens daar nie Hierdie stelling word ges­ waarop 'n hoer korting werklik regste!. veranderinge kom nie. taaf deur die volgende feite verkry kan word. ' Die distrikskommisaris en Iohan Pretorius wat nie genoem en/of raakge­ * Almal kan hulself indink die sta siebevelv~rder is albei sien word in die 1991/92 Be­ Keetmanshoop hoe belasting op byvoordele blankes en die griewe van ons Een van die werkers in die Okuryangava-skema is hard groting nie. soos gesubsidieerde huis- en swartmense loop net dood by besig om die finale afronding aan een van die voltooide '"* Aan getroude egpare wat voertuiglenings hulle gaan Verander hulle sonder dat ons enige albei werk is geen verdere uitroei indien die regering S<,JU terugvoering kry. huise te doen. 'n Paar van die huise is alreeds voltooi en korting en/of voordeel toeges­ besluit om die Staatsrentekoers asseblief Hierdie plek se distrikskom- baie van die eienaars kontrakteer self vir. die bou van taan nie. wat tans 12% is te vemoog. Gobabis-polisle , misaris mopet verander word. hul huise. Die kamstige verhoging van Belastingbetalers moet hier in Ek versoek dat Hoofinspekteur die korting met R2 000 vanaf gedagte hou dat gerugte van so Ek skryf hierdie brief namens James Tjivikua, asseblief in [ VERVOLG VAN BLADSY 15 R6000 tot B,8 ()()() is bewerk­ 'n moontlike verhoging in die sommige van die polisie van Gobabis moet oomeem as stellig deur die RI 000 korting Staatsrentekoers reeds die Gobabis. Distrikskommisaris. skema kan toetree. vir 'n eie huis en q,ie RI 000 afgelope drie jaar die rondte Hier in die ooste hoor 'ons Laat die hoofkantocir in Dit kan gebeur, en die sentiment is deur een van die in­ wat voorheen van die getroude doen. net dat Namibie vry is. Die Windhoek vir oulaas goed woners geuiter, dat hierdie huise verkoop kan word aan vrou se inkomste afgetrek kon * S onder om afbreek te doen blanke polisiemanne hier, weet besluit en aan oris eise voldoen. ander inwoners van Katutura wat beter kan bekospg. . word albei weg te neem. aan bona-fiae boere wil ek nog nie wat onafbanklikheid Daar is ook persone in hier die skema opgemerj{ I W;a~ '\ My sommetjie die ad­ se beweer dat hierdie praktyk die beteken rue. Die Hoofinspekteur Bekdrhmerde polisieman baie beter kan bekostig. 'r:,:p disionele verligting vir werk­ oorsaak is daarvan dut baie Labuschagne is net die blankes Gobabis 'n Ander probleem met hierdie tiep van skema is al­ ende getroudes is in hierdie salaristrekkers met 'n boerdery reeds in 'n paar Afrika-Iande opgemerk. geval Nul. begin want hierdie tipe boer­ Dit is die kriminele element wat in baie gevalle daar oor­ * Ten einde die getroude derye werk feitlik deurgaans vrou dieselfde belasting as die op so 'n verlies dat belasting geneem het en in sekere lande, die name kan uit hof­ man te laat betaal word hierdie op salarisse weer terugbetaal tikheid nie genoem word nie, kan dit vandag nie eers korting van R8 ()()() vir get­ word. So ook ten opsigte van wag om hul polisiemagte daar in te stuur om oortred­ roudes nou gelykop verdeel besighede W;;tt as 'n "sideline" ings te ondersoek of stop te sit me. tussen die man en die vrou. begin word. Die ander faktor is dat dit baie keer stremmend op ,die Waar die man in die hoe Die h (;lle Namibiese yolk normale groei van die stad inwerk. . : :;:. inkomstegroep bo R60 000 behoort Dr Libertine Amathila Die regering het iets ~egin wat op die einde tot' die . p.j.(soos almal in top, uitvoer­ geluk te wens deurdat sy dit voordeel van die hele land kan strek. Iodien dit egter ende- en bestuursposte) val reggekry het om die getroude vergeet sal word en aan sy eie oorgelaat word sal die beteken dit dat die man 42% vrou se ~om stebel as ting te , regering moontlik met 'n probleem sit wat hulle me kan van R4 000 meer aan be1asting laat verminder maar ek wilbok gaan betaal d.w.s. RI 680 p.j. vra dat hulle vir haar dwarsdeur . hanteer nie. " ;'i terwyl dit in baie gevalle gaan die land monumente moet oprig Die regering behoort aangemoedig wor«l bm deUJ!entyd beteken dat die vrou nou min- die dag wanneer sy dit regkry aktief betrokke te wees en enige neigings wat negatief ' der sal betaal, rtUar biiter min om bogeneomde " onger- begin raak onmiddellik in die kiem te smoor.

GROUND FLOOI1 ::;WIIMED BUILDING G p :n ~?~~41 WINDI-l()Ev' ~ (OGI) 334~) o. 33·175 GREYS PERSONNel F ,\X (00 I) 33398

1 Bank Personnel with at least 5 years Experience ~ Typist 3 Bookkeeping clerk Lotus 123 , Multimate NOW OPEN TSUMEB! Experience Main Street next to UP Service Station 4! Secretary English and Afrikaans WE OFFER: 5 Secretary English, Afrikaans C()mplete Grapnel exhaust systems · and Gennan. (free Installation, 12-nlonths Guarantee) Must · work with\Vord Perfect • Shock abs'orbers . . and hay·e. Bookke~p:ing ' back­ • Trailer hitches (Towbars) ground. ' lel:' 3540/1/2 :.• Tyres (all sizes, popular brands) Box:' 379 • Foreguards (bush breaker~) Phone Elize at: Tsurneb • Rollbars 061 - 33423 or 33476 9000 "if we haven't got it, we'll make it!" THE NAMIBIAN Friday .July 12 1991 17 Eimbeck ta ya mukula nokulombwela"


Omupo~isi omukuluntukwatakanithikumwe Komufala Siggi Eimbeck ngoka a Ii a talelapo oshitopolwa sha­ Wambo mEtitano Iya ziko nokwa li a ningi oshigongi nOkomitiye yekwatakanithokumwe Iyoshigwana nOpo­ lisi, okwa li a yamukula omapulo ngoka a li a pulwa nokuninga wo omalombwelo mpeyaka nampeyaka. ' Egandjomayele limwe molutu. ndjoka a li a ninga okwa li a Epulo limwe olya li lya ti indile opo ngeno mOshigongi kutya, omolwashike Aapolisi shOkomitiye ndjika mu kale yamwe haya longele kumwe aawiliki yopamuthigulul­ nOombotsotso? Epulo ndika wakalQ. olya li Iya halukitha omusa­ Om~pulo ngoka a li a pulwa mane Eimbeck nokwa ningi ongashi; eindilo kutya, ngu wa mona "Omuntu nenge aantu nge Omup[ olisi ta longele kumwe oya mona oshipollga nande nOombotsotso shi lipota nziya omekandomo lyohauto, aak­ kaakuluntu moshitopolwa washigwana oye na tuu . nenge ko Windhoek llenge ko uuthemba wo ku ya kutha po Ombudsman, nange osha noku ya fala koshipangelo monika mo kutya osho, otashi manga Opolisi inayi ya po vulika Omupolisi a tya ngaaka poshiponga7 a tidhwe mo miilonga nenge a' Eyamukulo kepulo ndika, kuthwe ko koshitopolwa shika. Eimbeck o!cwa ti kutya, ngele Omusanlane Eimbeck okwa tsu omuntu okwa mona oshiponga, omuthindo mpoka kutya, ka­ lldi tye omekandomo llande shi shi oshiwanawa okuli lyohauto, inaku Oll­ okutengeneka (ooanuwa) sho gaoilgWa nande kwaanlboka mu nani kashi shi shoshili. Nak­ li po mmu na iiyenditho, faleni upopi we iinirna mbyoka yoshili oOllakweehamekwa kO­ noyi wetike. Osho Komufala a shipangelo. Mpoka a li a lala indile. ngele Opolisi inayi ya natango, Kepulo kutya nge omuntu ninga po edhidhiliko ngele ope owa za kokule nohauto yoye Kepulo kutya ngele iilyo li a tsu wo omuthindo mpoka kutya, oshigongi shika osha li Namibia nokuli kwathela na ethimbo nompito. mwene opo u ye u lipote sha yOkomitiye otayi vulu okupewa kutya ngeno kehe Omupolisi shi na omwenyo shi vulithe mekondjo lya lyo mokuyam­ Epulo lldikaolya li lya pulwa kOpolisi, ngaashi pamwe Uukalata mboka tawu ulike na kale a zala okatenda hoka iigongi ayihe a kala mo bula po oshilongo noshigwana. 'f ' oshoka konale osha kala omuka­ Ombotsotso ta teya nenge a kutya yo iilyo yOkomitiye, ku na edhina lye nenge okakalata yOokomitiye dhika. Oshinima "Opolisi nayi wapalekwe, londjigilile, kutya omuntu nenge yona sha, ou na tuu uuthemba Eimbeck okwa ti otashi ka ke kiilonga. shimwe she mu fuula osho shoka opo naanona mba taya ka valwa aantu ya ehanla koshiponga wokupula omahooli goye ga longekidhwa, ihe ngele 'owa Okwa ti nge omuntu oto kutya Aakalimo yomOshito­ ya kale ye na ohokwe yokuya shontumba oha ethiwa owala futwe kOpolisi? Eimbeck okwa gandjwa, iilyo mbika inayi ka kwatwa kOpolisi ndele inayi polwa shika otaya longele mUupolisi, oshoka omb­ la zi ombinzi, anuwa okwa ti, otashi vulika ihe okonima 10ngitha oonkondo dhawo ku ulikila okakalata kayo, yi kumwe nawa nOpolisi na okwa wanawa. Nge hasho itaya kaya tegelewa Opolisi sigo omuntu ngele pwa ningwaekonaakono papuko . • pula kutya oke li peni. indila elongelokumwe nd.ik:lli· mo". Eimbeck ta koleke. ota si sho ombinzi ya pumo nawa kutya osho shili. Omusamane Eimbeck okwa Ngaka ogo ga li gamwe kale po aluhe. Kehulilo lela Eimbeck okwa gomomapulo ngokka ga li ga Okwa ti Okomitiyenayi longe indila kutya, miigongi tayi pulwa omukuluntukuluntu opo uufuthi nuudhudhu auhe 1andula omaIutu gOpolisi agehe gwOpolisi omUSanlalle Eim­ wu kelelwe, inaku ikum­ naga kale ga kalelwa po. beck kOkomitiye. ' biwathanwa nande. Kehe "Nangaye ngele omwa hala Komufala Eimbeck kehulilo gumwe na looge iilooga mbyoka ndje moshigongi tashi ya eti Oiholekwa imwe okwa li a gandja olupandu lwe tayi eta po iiyimati yasha. Okwa 09.08.1991, ithaniindje otandi keyakulo metalelopo lye kO­ indila kutya oshigwana shi akle ya. Eimbeckta tinoshipala sha ye uya pouyelele shitopolwa shika nokwa li a ti shi hole Epangelo lyasho Jya ruka omukumo. "",,l''; OSHIFO eshi osha mona omauyelele mahapu kombinga yeengudu dimwe dopa­ polotika odo da kala nokukwafelwa ketanga leameno laSouth Africa pefimbo le­ hoololo moNamibia 010 la li mepashukilo IOiwanahangano. MomakwafwelD aa omwa polotika). Eengalashe edi ohadi vati oye omudiinini weJiko la kwatelwa uneneoil1lkutuku kwafa nee moikwambapila holekwa meumbo laye, Sisande yetfulga lieameno oyo ya yandja aishe ya pumbiwa notuwa otai De Klerk, Henk Rheeder, Le- omaanD keengudu dimwe opo shangelwa medina lamwene '00 itenanda G Botes, Leitenanda Osha fa tashi u1ike kutya ope na oilyo Opolifi onghela oya kundaneka kutya i kwafele mokukondjifa Swapo mu pe. Lisa Auret, Oomajora Fanie * pefimbo lehoololo. Oihauto ihapu yomwaayo oya Krige na Zorro Kariko navak- imwe yetanga lopolifi oshoyo etanga oshilyo shimwe shetanga lopolifi sho­ o shi fo eshi oshi na omaum­ li oyoyo hai nane akushe (4X4). wao vahapu. leameno oyo inai hala nande okulihum­ moshitayi osho hashi ifanwa Ovanam­ bangi e lixwapo mwaashi, mwa Konima eshi etanga loSWIF Konima yehoololo eembap- bata nawa notai henuka oshlnakuwani­ belewa vEameno, osha holokele kwatelwa omisholondD'do la hanaunwa po, oilonga yor..aJ1- ila ado di na sha noininla ei fwa shayo shokuamena ovakalimo. Pon­ momhangu poKatima Mulilo shi na sr1a tlDilialltD oyo kwa li nale hai gu du koCOMOPS oya lundu- oda xwikwa po. Omatllwa aa hele yokuamena, oilyo imwe otai dipaa nefyo lomukwashiwana wedina Charles lDngifwa koSW A1F noya pewa lukila meholeko koVoortrekker okwa li ngeno e na okualulwa nokulemaneka ovakwashiwana ve he na Mbakeng, 00 a yashelwe momafiku 3 eengudu dDmhilameno pefunbo Terrein popepi nondama yaG- ashike mahapu inaa aluka. Oshe ondjo. Juli. lehooiolD. oreangab muKatutura oko kwa uya yo pouyelele kutya oma- MexuliJoshivike la dja ko omwa lopotwa Pahokololo lopolifi, Omunambelewa ou Oskema ei Dya longekidwa kala haku ningilwa oyoongalele tuwa opakwaita 00 kwa li ngeno oiningwanima itatu yomayasho ovanhu, wEameno, okwe uya poukefe vonhumba kokangudu koupongoloJindaadi yomonanguwi omwedi keshe. e na okuyandjwa ketanga lipe ovo va yashwa kovakwaita vetanga a homata ondjebo yaye yoilonga -yoludi (COMOPS) meJongelokumwe Oihaulo yoArmy oyo ya li laNamibia. novakwaita, Omutambu li koLuiperdsvallei oya lun- Amweomomatuwaaaokwa leameno. Ovanhu vavali ova fIla nokuli R-S. Okwa hovela okulitwaalela neeu­ wOyueeyemo,Oshikondo shoy­ dululwa ko oufiku nokutwala yandj wakovanhunokeengudu moikolokosha oyo, omanga vahamano daka novanhu vavali poukefe opo. Okwa eendifo (oospitikopa) oshoyo moixwa ya ufikwa eefaila odo ladi kondjifa Swapo ngaashi lwaapo va ehamekwa. umba ava aveshe vavali nova lemaneka, Dvalandifi vamwe vomahauto dopakwaita. Konima oya ka dinlwe domudo odedi: Etango, * Omukwaita umwe okwa holokele Mbakeng, okwa ka fya mefiku la lan­ (eengalashe ). paindullllwa nee opo i kale ya ola pewaoihauto iliapu lelahai nokuli nale Metivali momhangu yaW­ dula. Oihauto ei yovakwaita ohai fa oiliauto yovakwashiwana. nane akushe. Ombili Founda- indhoek shi na sha noshiningwanima Konima yokuyasha ovanhu, 0 u­ lwalwa nee kODspitikopa, taku Oikulya ihapu tion nayo oya pewa oihauto ' shimwe shomaumbafano mepandaanda lumenhu ou okwa tokola okufiyapo on­ futwa ashike eeranda 15 sho yoSWA 1Fnayo oya li ya on- koSWA TF. Oshilyo" shoDI'A laOlympia moWindhoek. hele oyo. Okwa li a kendabaIa okupopya oshiliauto tashi pewa ombap­ gelwa meholeko opo i longifwe mOshoongalele shOpashiwana, * Moshiningwanima shimwe koReho­ nohonda yaye oyo ya.li opo, ashike oyaa ila youfemba wokopate nonande keengudu dimwe dopolotika. Aloys Gendenavamwe tavaka both omukwaita umwe okwa yasha nya okupopya naye. inashi konakonwa. Eengalashe Konima oilonga yoCOMOPS tongwa komesho ovamwe mbali da Windhoek, Spes Bona oya lundululilwa momaumbo. vomwaavo va pewa oihauto omukwashiwana okufya nokulemaneka Okwa yasha natango ohonda yaye no. Danlou, oda kalanokukwa­ Kapitiya H Kellerman, ota pamukalo 00. ( - vavali. momhadi yokolulyo nokuya. . fela moshinima eshi (nonande hokololwa kutya okwa kala Nonande eengudu'dihapu tiyo * Natango tuu mexuiiloshivike twa dja, Lwanirita okwa ka tulwa moipandekc kashiimba inadi mDna po Duwa noComputer yopashinanena opapa otadi likale 'kutya inadi omulumenhu umwe okwa li a yashwa nokwa holoka nale momhangu melopo­ washa). mewnbo laye nOkwa kala efiku . ~ kala hadi kwafelwa kuSouth okufya poGobabis omanga vakwao vane telo ledipao oshoyo nomalopoto avs.': Ovakomesho veyandjo 10- keshe eli mekwatafano noPre- Africa mehoololo, ope na va ehamekwa. onghendabala yedipao. matuwa aa vamwe ongaashi tDria. 'omaumbangia wana lCutya Kolonel As Kleynhans na Mwaavo natango va kala hava dihapu domudo oda mona Komandanda Theo Naude, longo okudja komaumbo avo ~kwafelo 010, notashi dulika woshikondo shoundaadi. omolwouwa waSouth Africa fiyo opapa hadi mono Ohauto shama ya piti kotutsa neengudu dimwe ovo nee: ekwafopamukalo wonhwnba ile ohai yandja nee komunhu umwe Kolonela Klcynhans, Koman- wongadi. e Ji li (oilyo yeengudu cl opa- danda Sarel Karsten, 00 nokuli 18 Friday July 12' 199'1

f------NAMIBIA------­ WHkly ~30 R60 Dally RI25 R250 1-'------e-OUTH AFRICA------Weekly RJJ R~6 . Daily R 140 IU80 BOTSWAN A, LESPTHO, MALAWI, ZIMBABWE Weekly R72 Rl 44 Daily R3S0 · . R700 ZAMBI A, ZAIRE -----~ Weekl y R I02 R17! Daily RJ9S R790 FRA NCE, GERMANY, EUROPE, BRITAIN Weekl y RlOO R200 ~ ~ R~ Rm - ---- NORTH AMERICA - - ---__ Weel-Jy' RI28 R255 Dai ly R625 RI 250 AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAN D ----- Weekly R 148 R295 Christiana Ndemufayo Munyika (kolumosho) okwa li va yapulilwa ohombo yavo na Helvi Hamukoto mOngenga • ~~ R~ Rm momafiku 7 Juli. Kolulyo lavo otaku monika Kleopas Mandume Munyika nomufuko waye, Justina Mofuka, ovo va yapulililwe ohombo yavo meongalo JaMundaungilo momafiku 5 Juli. Ndemufayo na Mandume ova dalwa eehamba nohango yavo okwa Ji ya Iila mumwe mOsoondaha pOmaalala. Efano: Oswald Shivute. POST TO: The Namlblan PO Box 20783 Wlndhoek 9000 Namibia diva. Nakwatumba ota ~kolol a Name ______kutya moshivike tuu eshi 'Oumbudi pokapale kaNdangwa mokapale omwakwatwa ovanhu Address ...... vatatu ovo kwa li tava kendabala Po~tat-~\.ode ...... t ...... Omukulunhu wetanga lomapen­ oyo . Meenghundafana dulu naana oku di mona. Okwa okunyekula mo oinima imwe dulepo moshitopolwa noNampa. Nakwatumba' okwa wedako yo kutya, molwaashi . I enclose' '',cheque/postal order to th'e amount ngaashi omivelo. Ovanhu vavali shOwambo, Theophilus Nak­ ti . 'ovakwaita vahapu ovo hava ovakwaita ava va li mokapale ova holokele nale -0\ '"' g u I of ...... to~ ...... \..... weekssubscrlp~ion to the watumba, okwa indila opo keiele Okapale otava nyenyeta kaNdangwa otava lundululilwa sha landula opo esm va ·... J1a po I ~amlblan (ple"l~e ensure the exact amount In mokapale kaNdangwa mu tulwe kutya vo itava dulu okulonga keekamba dimwe. oku na outile odalate yokamba oyo. Oumbudi 00 kutya otashi dulika oinima ihapu Rands or equivat.~t currency) omalamba haa minikile nawa oinakuwanifwa yavo nawa. sh­ ou owa lopotelwa nale Komufala opo ku kelelwe oumbudi u aashi otava longo momilema. i ka vakwe mo monhele omo woshitukulwa, opolifi oshoyo p···_·········.···········.P_·_······················kenyeneka monhele onghee eembudi dimwe ihava ngeenge itamu tulwa omalamba Oshikondo shOilonga. •J . ; Signwrifing : Screenwriting : : MIDNIGHT EXPRES~ , ,~~, } i • I • • & ·.1 • . Boards Walls ect I T-Shirt, • • • ·• A lso both 'number ,. plates II Stickers,' ect. ..•• CLUB THRILLER .•

•~------~ ~~ ------::•••••••• __ •• PRESENTS •• __ ... ~ ~ .•.. .,.1. : : : THE ACE BAND : - • I I TOGETHER WITH DISCO •

• • I FIRDAY 12TH JULY 1991 / SATURDAY 13TH JULY 1991 • I I I I I • • I • I • • • • •I • : Quality work and prompt service :: : • • •I • : Guaranteed! :: : • • • • : Contact Hannes· or Jan : : : • • • • : now! : : : : Tel. 21 -1474 or Fax 21- 1802 : : STARTINGTIME: 20HOO : • • • ADMISSION: RS.OO • I. Wlendho' ek •• I. DON'T MISS THIS EXCITING SHOW. •• : :.1 NB! CLUB THRILLER HAVE THEIR OWN MOBILE DISCO + DJ •• FOR YOUR FUNCTIONS OR CATERINGS, PLEASE CONTACT I • I LESLEY AT TEL: 291064 / 216603 OR JASON AT 216661 • ~- -.--- ••••••• •••• --•••••• ~ L_ •••••• _ ••••••••••••••••• ~ THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 12 1991 19 TEL: 36970 CLASSIFIED ADS FAX: 33980

. ... -, . . , SPECIAL ·:'· AUTO .CENTRE , lRolhng lafl)crls BUSH MASTER ~ DRIES LUBBE BAKK IE CENTRE IPTYI l TO , .' .. SERVICES"" ~ ~ ~ 2161('1 121('7(,(, '. , LIGHT ~."JC. 1981 Nissan ~ _;~~':~:I: I ~O UR S ENGINEERING­ ' 1}~~ MANUFACTURERS Patrol sw/pis, alc, P,O. BO X 284". WINOHOEI( 9000 LET US SELL YOUR TEL IOft H 228281 OF: r/t, wide tyres, ...... AFTER HOURS 222 178 ············ ~ij~i~ . ~%~ ••••••• ········· CAR FOR YOU & GET .Bush Bars, Tow and rebuilt engine, THE BEST VALUE. Rollbar many extras, ex· WE RECOVER OUR Contact me. now for • Aluminium Chack Shop 19 Old Mutual. PIII ti: COMMISSION FROM p ,O . Box 23658 WmdhCMtk 9000 cellent condition, selected Motorcars plates, stone guards Te lephon£ 226705 THE SELLER and Bakkies ·Burglar Bars R45000.00 o.n.o. Phone: Dries Lubbe TheENTERT~N T Indira has grown in Tel: 226261 "'Diesel & Water Tank Tel. 42155 Tel: 216761/216766 COMPLEX size and style• •. (a/h) 212659 Trailers that does not stop! We now stock stylish Cars fully guaranteed ·Dropside Bodies and Fo~ more information outfits ' while on our premises!!! Trallies call 216884 1981 VW Micro­ for the elegant lady bus2L aircooled, "'General Steel We also stock trendy new engine Constructions clothing for the "'we do m any more student. ProWhite rims YOU NAME IT WE Remember all students with RV 180 DOlT! 10% discount! tyres, new paint, Contact: Tel 21560 (h) CLUB MOBY JACK TYRE BARGAINS ... LA DIFFERENCE excellent condi· (AIh) or visit us at Just·arrlved from SHOP NO. 16 J.J.J. tion. R16500 overseas (secondhand The hottest ENOKOLD WE BUY, SELL PAWN o.n.o. Tel 42155 and In good condition) entertainment +1- R75 each (excl. GST) COMPOUND complex in town AND SWOP SECOND­ HAND FURNITURE, Are still available at MOSSIE Wednesday ELECTRICAL Woodway Car Sales, 10 Friday APPLIANCES AND Tal street (next to Apollo Saturday BUILDING MATERIAL Restuarant. We have not ONLY THE BEST Fore more information FOR CASH moved come and see us . Tel: 644 Oshakati (pAY OVER 3MONTHS) IS GOOD ·WERNHIL PARK now for the best prices ENOUGH!! DISCOUNT ON C LUB GUEST BRIDGE NEW FURNITURE BIGGER QUANTITIES! HOUSE 228556 Fandifa Yomatalyel a OH! WHAT BIG FUN! .CORNER DAIMLER Opo A DI KomBada ;; f.~,~ ~ !?ur enjoy,ment AND DIESEL STR. " yomafuta CHROMA ,,; e W~d, Fri & Sat (NEW AND SECOND­ (dmakulu, Ashlke-Okull ELECTRONICS HAND FURNITURE) Free on Wednesdays Monghalo IWa) keshe Poor TV reception? 221531/1 Umwe R75 lawwpo Special entertainment ·OPIPIWANGA TYRE BARGAINS TYRE BARGAINS TV Antenna TOP DJ BEN SHOPPING CENTRE. TRADING AS DUCAN OUR PRICES 'START InstallatioJ)Plione : For more information D-1822 KATUTURA (PT¥) LTD FROM R5Q,00AND 225749 call 61838 ••• Come and have a.Jook OUR UNIQUE MONEY UP and save yourself a lot BACK WRHAVEALL . ALARMS FOR HOME ciLUB PUT MORE FIRE e· - GUARANTEE WE of mogey' on our 10 Tal Street (next to SIZES . - AND MOTOR CARS '" THE HOTTEST ,,' - - WILL PAY YOU fantastic, high quality Appolo restaurant) WITH IMMOBILISERS f'ENTERT AINMENT THE DIFFERENCE IF OUR SECOND. second-hand tyres with Tel: 33196/7 HAND TYRES PHONE SECURITY COMPLEX IN YOU CAN FIND 80% tread! Brakwater 64516 SYSTEMS NAMIBIA ONGWEDIVA ANY ITEM CHEAPER!! HAVE 80% TREAD Our new stock ha,s just TEL: 225749 NON-STOP!! YOU'LL FIND US BE­ OpeJ1! Wednesday, CREDIT CARDS arrived from IllND TRANSWORD ~ WELCOME rr ~ Germany. Friday and Saturday CARGO, NO 5 VON ALARMS!!ALARMS!! We have also the large Mat1nee: 14:00 - 16:00 BRAUNSTREET for the BEST and on Saturday beautiful size I ..,~ ' , most EFFECTIVE ~ l: 10320shakati "FANIE 3lx10.50R15 - SUPERMARKET 10.50R15 otTroad tyres AND CHEAPEST KATUTURA for your 4x4. ·Panelbeaters in Town TEL: 215453 The best second-hand ·Spray painting GENERAL DEALER tyres on the market ·Chassis Straightening Contact Tomrity at SALON 'BLACK HAIR with the best prices on all your groceries at ·Breakdown Service HOME & OFFICE 212478 from 7:30 - fj>r Quick Curl and the market. a lower price ·Free Quatations CLEANERS 5pm for your home Perfection products We are in the following Open from 08:00 - 19:00 37460 alarm now!! KENYA CRAFT areas: 6-2947/8 BERHARD STREET NB we also do the Windhoek: Ducan GROOTFONTEIN WHY SPOIL installations FOR SALE (Pty) Ltd (opp. Wecke & Volgts) YOUR CARPETS We do perming, relaxing, SISAL BAGS· R50,00 Oshakati: Tyre Bar· AFRICAN DRESSES gain, frQnt of Omartala braiding & men's halr Why pay for wrong cutting FOR LADIES AND . Market VARIOUS methods of cleaning­ For an appointment GENTS (CHETENGE) Grootfontein: G + E never let any carpet Tel. 3474 R120,00 Garage, (mr Gunther) cleaner wash or steam Visit: clo Uhland Street Keetmanshoop: Speedy clean your carpet and Independence Ave. GonzaIes Motors MARK ll before it was NOTICE Tel: 225312/224197 Walvis Bay: Tyre Bar­ (No 20 Krupp Street) vacuumed - we KENAM gain, opening soon!! , Good secondhand specialise in cleaning Ple~e contact us at the tyres, imported carpets, upholstery & THE DEADLINE FOR ··························· .. ··· ······ ·········· ························· ················· ·1 following numbers: ELEOmONIOS >····p< excellent condition matresses - and THE (061) 228024 or 228040 I. i ~~~f , For all Cars removing soil. ADVERTISEMENTS Von Braun Street 5, IN THE PAPER, AS THE MATRIX Windhoek and Bakkies FROM THE Business Computers Contact: 221637 For peace of mind BEGINING OF JULY, Educational 31257(after h ours) call 37460 any time 1991, WILL BE TWO Computers DAYS PRIOR TO Personal Computers The latest THE ADVERrS Computers & Printers PUBLICATION. Sole Agents for EPSON TYRE BARGAIN Computers 31994 . anything special, In the POPEPl beauty line Gustav Voigts Centre NOMATALO to advertise contact our advertising Independence Avenue ' department no" for very PO Box 6364 OSHAKATI • 692 :speclal rates: Tel: 36970 Windhoek ·20 Friday JuLy 12 1991 THE NAMIBIAN

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QUICK HUISE TE HUUR KHOMASDAL STAl\1PS PRYS ONDERHANDELBAAF C B W ELDING PO BOX; 20281 PRESTIGE REAL ESTATE ENGINEERING 181 INDEPENDENCE TEL: 224656 CITY OFFICE - KOMBUIS MET INGE- *For all steel AVENUE 212640 KHOMASDAL BOUDE STOOF + OOND - HOODSLAAPKAMER MET TYRE BARGAINS construction work HOCHLAND PRIVATE BADKAMER *Building of sheds FOR ALL YOUR - VOLVLOER MATTE PARK na u tale nde to xupifa *Cattle trailer .RUBBER STAMPS . - GERIEFLlKE SITKAMER bodies oimaliwa ihapu PROP: Hli OTrO 2 Bedrooms, B.LC., mokulilandela oma­ *TreUis work Large Lounge, To Let KONTAK MICHAEL BY TEL: taiyela makulu xwepo. *Gates 229954 ( ~ 213208 (H) Omatayile aa opaife *Trailers and •.. TEL;'22252(i Large Diningroom, okwa konda okudja general welding work Kitchen fully fitted FOR SALE OR koNdowisi. YOU NAME IT WE OPPORTUNITY Immediate Otu na yo natango . MAKE IT!!! OFFERED RENT Occupation omaiyela 00 to dulu Tel:: 62543 Interested in working We have the mowing okulogifa mefululu on oil rigs overseas? houses to let with WINDHOEK - WEST (momufitu) eetuwa odo ONE 20 FOOT STEEL Please send a R5,00 R 137 ,445.00 immediate occupation 3 BEDROOM WITH hadi nane akushe B.I.C., 1.5 BATHROOM, CONTAINER 33 postal order to Mr D (Negotiable) TAUBENGLEN (4x4)eenomola ngaashi SQUARE METRES Feris, PO Box 10289, Fully furnished 3 GARAGE & OUTSIDE 3lx10.50 R15 oshoyo MAXIMUM CARRYING Khomasdal for Contact: Bedroom house for P.OOM. ESTABLISHED 10.50 R15. Odo eeno­ CAPACITY address and format to Harold Schmidt R2500.00 . GARDEN. BURGLAR mola domataiyel a, apply TEL: 224656 43,800 LBS OR LUDV{IGSDORF GUARDS, WALLED IN. I ndele kadi fi ondado 20,320 KG. R6,000.OO -- Very large 5 Bedroomed PRICE R168,O OO .00 yao. o.n.o. NAMIBIA COURIERS house, 3 Bathrooms, RENT R2500.00 PIM Omataiyela makulu TEL: 36388 TEL: 33893 NAMPROP_ large Lounge - entertain­ AVAILABLE 1/8/91 wepo melandifo, kon­ Do you have any PLOT FOR SALE ment area - R4000.00 (NEGOTIABLE) dado oyo todulu PRIVAAT TE KOOP moving to do? KHOMASDAL CONTACT: okulidiinikila. Call us anyday for yo 26HA JUST RI06,OOO.OO 3 Bedrooms, 2 ZOLA 271255 Oto duIu okueli­ 1984 V.W. MICRO­ in-town moving, OWN YOUR BREATH­ bathrooms, kitchen, ALL HOURS monena peenhele edi: BUS 1400 km , SLEEP whether it be office to TAKING VIEW with stove, Lounge, Windhoek: TANG EN RIB OWN YOUR OWN PIECE office or home to home diningroom, study - FLAT TO LET Oshakati, R 22,500.00 OF PARADISE!! RI400.00 per month Tyre Bargain, popepi A fully furnished SKAKEL (061) 227909 Listen to the call of the Houses available from nomatala aShakati. wild and enjoy the famous end of month flat nearby Acad­ Grootfontein: G + E African sunsets. emy (Univer sity) Garage komushamane Here relaxation is a way of KHOMASDAL life and tranquility uilfa­ 4 Bedrooms, 2 available Gunter. vourable, characteresed by bathrooms, Lounge, immediately. Keetmanshoop: glossy starlings, Kudu + diningroom, TV -room, Speedy Gonzales Warthogs. . Beautiful Tel. 223055 Camelthorn trees in area 2 bedroom flat Motors bordering river. Existing de­ R2000.00 plm Walvisbay: Tyre velopments include. 2 TAXI Bargain otai ka tuIuka Fences, Borehole with solar OLYMPIA LISENSIES ·Pet·s 4 bedrooms, 2 mefimbo lixupi pumpBacholar flat fully contained shed and setvants bathrooms, lounge, TE HUUR Oto duIu yo Pawn Shop quarters diningroom plus 1 KONTAK· LEA BY okumonafana nafye bedroom flat Come and see us now for HURRY ! ! TIDS PLOT H22/3, KATUTURA keengodi tadi landula: R2700.00 plm very good PRICES! IS TOO GOOD TO MISS Imported TV's, Tyres, AND JUST WAITING FOR HOCHLAND PARK (061) 228024 ile , .•......

was disallowed. play their next home match in CONRAD ANGULA That was not our fault as it front of an empty stadium. was a mistake by the referee. I . The DC found that the per­ llS Tigers assisstant-coach Pele Kahatjipara yesterday promise that people will see a sons who had disrupted the told the Namibian Sport in a telephone interview that new Tigers from now on, " he match were Pepsi supporters his club was very sorry about the incident on Sunday said. and ruled that the home team when one of his players young Teenage Iyambo punched Meanwhile the Tigers offi­ was responsible for the safety Eric Quest of Nashua Black Africa after an NFA Cup cial said that his club would of the officials. match at the Independence Stadium. appeal against the suspension. A Stars player Gottlieb "We do not support the (Snewe) was instructed to SOCCER NEEDS An offence that has subse­ be restored and that tough ac­ player's action but he is too appear at the next DC meeting quently led to the NFA DC tion would be taken by his fine player to lose for that length on July 17, 1991 at 17h30. imposing a one-year suspen­ committee against any player of time," Kahatjipara con­ And finally Young Ones were TOUGH LEADERSHIP sion on the talented youngster. guilty of the same offense. cluded. also fined R500 after one of Said Kahatjipara: ~ 'We "It is really sad that this has Tigers were also fined R500 their supporters attacked the Impartiality and honesty wholeheartedly regret Teen­ happened at a time when the and the Confederation of Afri­ linesman during a league match age's action and will take strong team is striving for a new image. can Football will be infonned against Stars. must prevail ... measures to prevent similar We want to prove that we about the incident. The DC requested that the behaviour from our side. are not the "bad boys" ofNa­ The DC has also finally given NFA should take legal action I presume that the continual violen~e on and off the It was very unprofessional mibian football by turning over a verdict on another outstand­ against the culprit. soccer fields and the rotten standard of refereeing and the fact that it was carried a new leaf this weekend, " the ing case involving Pepsi Afri­ The offender, who hit the during league and cup matches are encouraged by some out on a Black Africa player is fonner Life Fighters targetman can Stars and Liverpool. linesman, was barred from NF A officials who are shielding the cuplrits from pun­ really regrettable." said. Liverpool were awarded the attending all soccer matches ishment. The Tigers coach said he "We accept our lossagainst points against Stars and the under the jurisdiction of the From past history it is clear that most officials from the hoped that good relations be­ BA as sportsmen and we are latter team was fined R 1 000. NFA for a period of one year. soccer controlling body are linked directly or indirectly tween his club and BA would sorry for the second goal that In addition the Pipsi Boys will to a particular team in the league. There is also a recent tendency among the league offiCials to treat certain teams "with care because of their big following." I have overheared league officials on many occasions New Zealand and England saying that certain teams should reach the final to draw a big crowd "as it would mean a big financial boost to the league." in netball semi-finals It is also an open secret today that teams from the city are given "VIP ~ ' treatment by the authorities as can be seen in some of the most recent DC cases. SYDNEY: Julie Carter scored 36 goals on Wednesday Guinea topped Vanuatu 82-44 New Zealand (X-I) 8 80016 For example, the match between Eleven Arrows (a team. t:.: as New Zealand cruised to an 86-26 victory over Ireland and Fiji beat Western Samoa Cook Islands (x-S) 87 1 0 14 from Walvis Bay) and SKW FC (Windhoek), won by the to extend its unbeaten record in the world netball cham­ 57-53. Jamaica (x-4) 8 7 10 14 former team, is to be replayed because the Windhoek­ pionships. The· final round is slated Canada (Jt-9) 8 5 3 0 10 for Saturday. - Sapa-.AP. Ireland (x-12) 9540 10 based team lodged a complaint about the match ()fficial. New Zealand improved to Australia will face either Naniibia (x-16) 8 242 6 The NFA DC, consisting of Emst Kubirsky (chairper­ 8-0, ensuring the Kiwis will Jamaica or the Cook Islands in Results Northern son ofSKW), Steve Stephanus (ex-Orlando Pirates) and finish at the top of of Pool A in the semifinals. The Cook Is­ Pool A: Ireland (x-8) 82515 Arnold Schmidt (former referee and reported to have a the 20-nation championships. lands had a bye Wednesday Ireland 52 bt Papua New PapuaNew soft spot for SKW) decided that the referee was not New Zealand is expected to after scoring a world-record Guinea (played Tuesday) Guinea (x-l3) 8 25 1 5 competent. face England in the semifinals 120-38 victory over Vanuatu New Zealand 86 bt Ireland Hong Kong (x-20)7 0 7 0 0 Chief Santos (Tsumeb) and Blue Waters (Walvis Bay) today. on Tuesday. 26 Vanuatu (x-17) 80800 recently appealed about matches they played against England downed Wales 47- Patricia McDonald led Ja­ Jamaica 67 bt Canada 39 Pool H 35 on Wednesday behind 25 maica to a 67-39 triumph over Windhoek-based clubs but their complaints were over­ Papua New Guinea 82 bt Australia (x-2) 880016 looked. goals from Joan Bryan. Canada. McDonald hit for 48 Vanuatu 44 England (x-3) 7 61012 Five-time champion Austra­ goals, while Marina Leig­ Pool B: Wales (x-l0) 752010 I agree that the incompetence of some referees has lia clinched top spot in Pool B ertwood led Canada with 22. Scotland 50 bt Malaysia 30 Fiji (x-6) 853010 became a menace to our soccer and this was backed by with a 76-27 victory over In other action on Wednes­ (played Tuesday) Westtrn executive members of the NF A during a meeting with Malaysi a that improved its day, Sri Lanka beat Singapore Si~gapore 53 bt Sri Lanka 46 Samoa (x-19) 85 3010 the various officials of the Premier League sides. record to 8-0. Vicki Wilson 53-46, Northern Ireland beat Australia 76 bt Malaysia 27 Scotlnnd (x-7) 84408 The NF A has promised to look into the refereeing issue scored 48 goals for the Aussies. Hong Kong 57-33, PapuaNew FiJI 57 bt Western Samoa 53 Cayruan but nothing concrete has been done about the problem Standlngs: (x denotes seed­ Islands (~-18) 82604 yet. I believe that our soccer would improve if soccer ings) Singapore (x-IS) 82604 bosses became much tougher and straight forward. Played won lost drawn pts Malaysia (x-14) 81702 Offenders are let off the hook too lightly in some cases HemIY Parts C'enD'e':ll Pool A Sri Lanka (x-H) 81702 o and this encourages the continual violence and brazen behaviour of the hooligans. Tel. (061) 227239 - Fax 223146 - PO Box 23047 SACOS CHIEF UP IN ARMS Referees and linesmen (and even players from opposing 1 Diesel Street - Windhoek 9000 THE South African Congress of Sport's objedlons to fullintematlonal teams) are intimidat.ed. Some have even admitted that recognition of the National Olympic Committee of South Africa was a.n they were not prepared to officiate in matches involving Issue for Sacos and not Nosca, South Africa's Olympic chief, Sam certain clubs. These clubs have a reputation that has ~ SPECIAL OFFER ~ Ramsamy, said 10 Lausanne on Tuesday oight. He was respond1og to became damaging tt) soccer. I think strong action should reports oftbreatened legal and other action by Sacos against the Inter­ national Olympics Committee's decision to fully reinstate South Africa be taken against the culprits in order to restore the R_E':_S_S_T_E_E_L_J to the Olympic forld. Ramsamy said he did not understand why re.:og­ reputation of our sport. 1 1 ,--·._C_A--:S:--cH=-:_E_~_~_;_~--:~_y_N oitlon of Nosca should upset Sacos. "We have been flght10g for Don· I call on the Disciplinery Committee, the Premier League racialism and uoity. " Sacos Is not an Issue for us now... that Is an issue and the NFA executive.to be impartial and much more for Sacos." With Its new muscle and authority from the IOC, Nocsa STEEL RADIAL TYRES would however not be acting arrogantly. On the contrary, It would be honest when handling future DC cases. bending over backwards to accommodate all sides of the sports debate • Remember -The mark of a leader is the ability to pick 0 145 X 10. . R90 10 South Africa 10 the 10terest of unity. a winner. 0 1 55x12. .R115 0 155x13. . R126 0 175170 HR 13 . . R155 Zola will be welcomed back 0 175x 14 ...... R150 0 185170 HR 14. .R175 LONDON: British athletics "Once the International Pieterse may be invited to tion, believes South Africa will 0 195170 HR 14. .R240 officials are looking forward Amateur Athletic Federation compete in the end-of-season make a major impact when 205170 HR 14. to se;:eing Zola Pieterse back in have made the right signs and Mc Vitie' s Challenge spectacu­ they return to international sport. 0 .R250 action in the UK - even though providing she has their approval lar in Sheffield later this year­ , 'As soon as their motif 0 185 SR 14 .. . .R1()O she will be running as a South to run, clearly Zola will be if the international decks are begins to make its mark in African. welcome back to run in Great cleared in time. international sport, you will COMMERCIAL STEEL RADIALS Pieterse turned her back on Britain," said Tony Ward, Ward said he would like to soon see that they are going to an international career in Brit­ spokesman for the Brilish see Pieterse running· against be very formidable in many o 155x128Ply. .R140 ish colours in 1988 because of Amateur Athletic Board. Scotland's European 3 000 Olympic and non-Olympic pressures from anti-apartheid Pieterse, who ran for Brilain metres champion Yvonne sports, .. he said. o 185 X 14 8 Ply . . R205 campaigners. But now that the in the 1984 Los Angeles Olym­ Murray. "Many of our run­ "White South Africa was o 1 95 X 1 4 8 Ply. . R240 International Olympic Com­ pics, is seen as a major crowd­ ners found Zola an inspiration very strong in some sports mittee has re-admitted South puller - and British athletics to compete against, and Yvonne before it was banished and now o 205 X 14 8 Ply . . R260' Africa, the door is once again could do with somebody like was (lne who benefitted from that the untapped potential of ajar for Pieterse to return to the her at the moment. Major ath­ racing against her in the mid- the black population can be NEW INDUSTRIAL world stage. letics meetings this season have 1980s," he said. ,/ harnessed, the possibilities are FORKLIFT TYRES AVAILABLE British officials do not hold failed to draw the crowds. Dick Palmer, secretary of endless and very exciting for any grudges against Pieterse. There is speculation that the British Olympic As.socia- world sport." - Sapa. THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 12.1991 23

FIXTURES... FIXTURES Needle Davis"Cup . Namibia Football Association meeting between R6SSING PREMIER LEAGUE SATURDAY: America/Germany NAMPOL - Nampol FC v. BS Tigers (1 4hOO) . INDEPENDENCE - Nashua Black Africa v. Blue Wa­ KANSAS CITY: Americans Jim Courier and Andre ters (1 6hOO). Agassi dominated the French Open this year. Michael RAMBLERS - Sorento Bucs v. Eleven Arrows (1 4hOO), Stich and Boris Becker of Germany mastered Wimble­ Ramblers v. Pepsi African Stars (16hOO). don. KA TUfURA - Sarusas Orlando Pirates v. Toyota Young Ones (16hOO). When all four players meet But they have indicated that KHORIXAS - Robber Chanties v. SKW FC (16hOO). in September 20-22 in Kansas Stich and Becker wilf compete OUTJO - Golden Bees v. Civics (16hOO). City in the Davis Cup semifi­ in Kansas City, said Bd Fabri­ nals, a home court of red clay cius, public relations director SUNDAY: could give an advantage to the . for the United States Tennis RAMBLERS - Sorento Bucs v. Blue Waters (09hOO). Americans, US team captain Association. INDEPENDENCE - Nashua Black Africa v. Eleven Tom Gorman said.on Thesday. Courier defeated Agassi on Arrows (l1hOO). "Jim and Agassi feel more clay in the French Open finals. SKW - Toyota Young Ones 'v. Chief Santos (l1hOO). comfortable on red clay against Stich took Becker in straight the Germans, " Gorman said. sets on Sunday for the Wim­ KATUTURA - BS Tigers v. Ramblers (1 4hOO). "I don't know how we could bledon title on the faster grass NAMPOL - Nampol FC v. Liverpool (16hOO). get a better match," Gorman courts of the All England Club. KHORIXAS - Robber Chanties v. Civics (09hOO). said. "This should be the fi­ As host, the United States OUTJO - Golden Bees v. SKW FC (l1hOO). nals as far as I'm concemed. has the right to choose the We've got the finalists of the playing surface. Gorman said French Open against the final- Agassi and Courier are count­ Far Northern sub-Federation . ists of Wimbledon. " ing on clay to slow down their France and Yugoslavia meet hard-serving German rivals. REGIONAL SOCCER TOURNEY on the same weekend in France "This is not going to be a in the other semifinal. fun little day in the park," SATURDAY: The Germans have yet to Gorman said. "We are going . announce their team officially. to do everything we can to beat NOMSTOUB STADIUM: OVER-RULED. Controversial referee Isobeth a ... aUUJI U A) Young Aces v. Chelsea - A Field, (14hOO). those guys. Obviously, we want (facing camera) whose evidence against Gerros Witbeen to slow the court down. We've B) Dynamos v. Monaco - B Field, (1 4hOO). was over-ruled by the NFA DC. C) Poison Arrows v. Highland Bucks - A Field, (15h30). Fifa not got two of the best-serving volleyers in the world in the former log leaders when they D) Benfica v. Super Boys - B Field, (15h30). ready to GetJnans." engage the Lively Lions who E) Tiger Running v. N.F.P. Rangers - A Field (17hOO). Gorman said he wants the .·: t~ll . i .~ i:. 'I!~I~~ •• •• will be highly motivated by F) Touch & Go v. Kalahari Rangers - B Field (17hOO). re-admit SA Kemper Arena surface in · FR()Me~qEg4 : .•••• ·.• •••·• • their WindhoekLager NFA Cup SUNDAY: . Kans'iis City to play like the red tomorrow and will be enter­ win over Tigers last Sunday. clay at the Davis Cup finals in tained by champions Nashua Black Africa played like real G) Leopards v. Exeters - A Field, (08hOO). WRICH: South Africa's re­ St. Petersburg, Florida, where Black Africa on Sunday in what champions and beating Arrows admission to international H) Kombat gets a free bye. the United States won the could tum out to be the best could be a chance to prove 'soccer remains at least a year I) Winners A v. Winners B - B Field, (08hOO). championship in 1990. match of the weekend. they are aiming for the heights away, an official of the sport's J)" Cv." D - A Field, (09h30). "We aren't going to slow it Sorento, also known as the­ this season. governing body said on Wed­ K)" E v." F - B Field, (l1hOO). down so much that it's mush 'Giant Killers' played with Chief Santos, 3-1 winners nesday. because our players want some newly-found determination over African Stars in a NFA SEMI-FINALS: FIFA spokesman Guido action. too, " he said at a news during their most recent 2-0 :Cup match last weekend, will Tognoni said South Africa's M) Winners I v. Winners J - B Field, (Hh4S). conference at Kemper Arena. victory against Black Africa a have a chance to improve their readmission to tj.le International N) " K v. " L - A Field, (13h15). The German team has de­ fortnight ago and could still log standings when they visit Olympic Committee on Thes­ feated the United States in their produce the necessary' flre Young Ones on Sunday. FINALS: day will not expedite FIFA's past three Davis Cup meet­ power. 1be Nomtsoub side will face 0 ) Winners M v. Winners N - A Field, (16hOO). timetable for a decision on ings, including their Jatebt match In Sunday's outing Arrows the 'Kings At Night' without lifting its 15-year-old ban. in Munich in 1989. will have their first round de- . the valuable services of their "FIFA's stance remains The doubles team of Rick feat by Black Africa at their pivotGerros Witbeen who will . National Soccer League unchanged, " he said from the Leach and Jim Pugh. 7-0 in Kuisebmond homeground still serve a two match suspension organization '.s Zurich headquar­ Davis Cup, play, will com­ fresh in their minds. after a successful appeal against ters. But, he added, "The read­ JPS KNOCKOUT - 3rd-ROUND: plete the US team. - Sapa-AP. More trouble could await the his season-long suspension. mission by the International SATURDAY: Olympic Cdmmittee is a fur­ ELLIS PARK - Moroka Swallows v. Sharp Blackpool ther sign of positive develop­ (15hOO). ments in South Africa. ' , Delegates from soccer's SUNDAY: African governing body are GOLD FIELDS NAMIBIA MILPARK - Wits University v. Dynamos (15hOO). expected to visit South Africa HM PUJE - Double Action Sundowns v. Hellenic (15hOO). this month to investigate the FOR SALE -CARAVAN sport's degree of racial inte­ gratation in the country. The NSL Castle League group will make recommen­ Gold fields Namibia invites tenders for the following caravan: dations on lifting the ban on OUTSTANDING FIXTURES: South Africa, imposed in a 1976 SATURDAY: vote by FIPA member associa­ 1972 JURGENS 580B CARAV AN KWA-MHLANGA - Witbank Aces v. African Wander­ tions. FIFA's Executive Com­ ers (14hOO) . mittee will hear the group's All sales will be "voetstoots" and the Company will not be SUPER - Pretoria City v. Iwisa Kaizer Chiefs (15hOO). report at a December 7 meet­ ing and may decide to send its responsible for any defects. The purchasers will be responsible SUNDAY: own.mission, Tognoni said. for any repair costs which may be necessary to obtain a Road­ KA-NYAMAZANE - Dangerous Darkies v. Orlando If it recommends readmis­ worthy Certificate. Pirates (1 5hOO). sion, that could only be ap­ JAN SMUTS - Real Taj v. Amazulu (15hOO). proved by FIFA's next con­ gress on July 3, 1992. Terms are strictly cash or Bank-guaranteed cheques against FIFA's timetable appears to rule out South African partici­ the delivery of the vehicles. SA soccer 1st to return pation in soccer at the 1992 Olympics, for which qualify­ Tenders must but addressed to: Vehicle Tender, Director, SOUTH Africa's top sports officials says soccer players should ing play already has begun. be the first to retum to intemational competition now that the However, it may be allowed to Administration, P.O. Box 3718, WINDHOEK, 9000, to reach country has been welcomed back into the Olympics fold. try to qualify for the 1994 World this address by 19 July 1991. " We would like soccer to be the first sport because it is totally Cup finals in the United States. non-racial and is played by the oveIWhelming majority of sports~ The 1992· congress is only men in South Africa," said Sam Ramsay, head of the newly­ three weeks before the Sum­ Purchasers are reminded that they will be required to pay recognized National Olympic Committee of South Africa. mer Olympics start, by which sales tax on registration of the vehicles . . There has beena speculation that about a possible soccer match time the entries for the soccer , against Cameroon, but Ramsamy said no specific competitio r tournament will be determined. dale has yet been chosen. South Africa also won't be The highest, or any, tender will not necessarily be accepted. -J The issue will be discussed when a delegation of the African able to enter the December 8 Football Confederation (Cat) visits South Africa on July 17, he preliminary round draw for the said. 1994 World Cup, Tognoni said. ' Ramsamy said South Africa is considering applying for· , 'We can't predict at all right membership in Fifa, the international soccer federation. now whether a late registra­ Aftcr decades as an intemational outcast, Sou th Africa was tion will be possible," he said. reinstated on Tuesd ay by the International Olympic Committee. - Sapa-AP. 'f ., 24 Friday July 12 1991 THE NAMIBIAN '

As Ramble·rs face Stars & Tigers ...

"WE stand a good chance of winning the Rossing Pre­ mier League and we won't allow outsiders to spoil our chances," with these words Ramblers PRO Carlos 'Molatedi' Kambaekwa re-emphasised his team's chances against Pepsi African Stars and BS Tigers at the week­ end. Ramblers, who are heading Independence Stadium home­ the log table with 28 points ground. from 20 matches, are a much •• Stars are no match for us. better team than they were a If we could beat them 3-1 at few months ago. home I cannot see any reason At the moment any team why we could not make it 6-2 taking on Ranmues should rnalre at our home ground tomorrow. sure that they have done their We have a far more balanced homework properly and this squad then theirs," the fonner includes the Pepsi Boys and rnidfielder said. . • the Ingweinyama and even Kambaekwa said it was a Orlando Pirates. pity that Stars should face them Last weekend Ramblers faced at a time whenhis players were Pirates as the underdogs but enjoying a really good run. surprised friend and foe when The NBe radio disc jockey they ousted their more fancied however was very cautious opponent from the prestigious about the match against BS FLASHBACK. BS Tigers ball-juggler Teenage IYkmbo in control against Ramblers. The gifted midfielder was Windhoek Lager NFA Cup. Tigers whom he regards as one given a one year suspension after hitting an opponent on Sunday. Tigers vowed to appeal against the NFA DC's 1bis weekend Stars and of the finest tearns in the league rulting. Tigers, two of the country's at the moment. most respected sides, could Said Kan1baekwa: "Tigers The Ramblers Pro stated he talented rnidfield youngster and he was looking forward to the league championships, will follow in the Buccaneers foot­ are a differnt story. They have would instruct their defenders Oscar Hiskia who is always a collecting maximum points. visit Windhoek with Arrows steps if they underestimate the fantastic ball-players and their to give away as little as pos~ problem when in top fonn. We On the other hand, Eleven playing two matches to one of fonner ASA League champi­ style is similar to ours. They sible. r ' will have to appoint a shadow Arrows and Chief Santos, Santos. ons. can easily switch into any pat­ "Tigers have one of the best to mark him during of the Ramblers closest rivals, will Eleven Arrows will take on Kambaekwa added that they tern during the run of play and free-kick specialists ~ Bricks match, " Kambaekwa said. also face tough opponents away the unpredictable Sorento had little to fear from Stars they have a very good coach in Hangula and we will try to Nevertheless, Kambaekwa from home this weekend. Arrows at the Ramblers field whom they had already beaten Phineas Walamba who is an keep him away from our goal. said he had few real worries Both teams, who are breath­ 3-1 in the first round at their excellent game reader. " Another thorn in our side is the about the weekend's outings ing down Ramblers neck for continued on page 23

-:,' ' ~ ··(L';"\ ~- - NAMIBIA POSBUS 2933 - WINDHOEK TEL. 36022/31314 - FAX 35644 Ons beskik oar 'n groat D Gedore D Mitco verskeidenheid D Eclipse handgereedskap D Will teen D Lasher mededingende D Wera pryse

Vir die aankoop van al u motoronderdele en bybehore besoek ons vergrote en verbeterde vertoonlokaal te REPUBLIEKWEG 144 KOM VERGEWIS USELF! Friday July 12 1991 25

by ex-gunfigbter US Ava Gardner, David Niven marshall Jack Craddock and 22h15: Birdmen and play-it-by-the-book Cana­ Birdsongs (final) TELEVISION dian mountie Clive Bennet. A tribute to Charlie Parker 'The two men reluctantly join featuring some of America's forces to bring justice to finest living jazz players and PROGRAMME this small town. singers, including saxophon­ Starring: Richard Cromar, ist Phil Woods who inher­ John Brennan, Sophie Barjac ited the master's saxopbone 12 -18JULY and has been the leading programme SUNDAY • light in th0 be-bop tradition FRIDAY • 17h05: The Champions ever since. Recorded in 11hOO - 13hoo: A date on January 1990 in Palais des Episode 13: Richard Bar­ Sunday Festivals, Canoes.. . 16h56: Opening rett is abducted. Who are 15hoo: Rugby -Lion Cup 17hOO : Religious his captors and who is the final pr ogramme beautiful girl involved? 16hoo: Educational , MO~DAY III 17h05: Teenage Mutant 17h54: Casper and programmes Hero Turtles Friends Sesame Street 16h56: Opeo.ing 17h29: Mach 1 18h13: New Attitude An educational series for 17hoo: Religious ' . 17h59: Neighbours Vicky and YvonneStJames pre-schoolers programme 18h24: Sport are two sisters who are part­ 17hoo: Storybook 17h05: J oeyand 18h54: Only in ners in a Los Angeles beauty International Redhawk Above: SUSAN Dey who portrays attorney Grace van Hollywood . shop where the conversa­ Stories from around the 17h32: Educational Owen on the hit TV series 'LA Law'. A unique look at the inhabi­ tion is often hotter than the world Programme 17hoo: Religious technology documentary tants whose lifestyles and blow dryers. Vicky is me­ Arti-facts 17h25: Namibian talent programme 21h31: Moonlighting trendsetting tastes make this ticulous, conscientious and 17h47: Butterfly Island Cultural music - Zambian 17h05: Batman the city the world loves to efficient. Yvoooe is off-beat 18h12: Namibia Inter Episode 11: "Knowing night 17h26: Educational her" watch. and implusive, quick with A concert of traditional Sport . programme David's married ex-girl­ 19h08: Baywatch an opinion and eager to take music by the Zambian Cul­ 18h42: Neighbours Solve it, Ratio, Proportion, friend seeks help in locat­ Starring David Hasselhoff, charge in all situations. 19h07: MacGyver tural Ensemble, better know Percent ing some missing jewell­ Parker Sfevenson . Starring: Sheryl Lee Ralpb, as Amayenge under the Episode 14: "Eye of 17h51:. The Roxy ery, but a series of mishaps 19h55: Filler Phyllis Yvonne Stickley leadership of Chris Chali. Osiris" Hosted by Britain's top DJ leads David and Maddie to 20hoo: New:s 18h37: Local Band Stand 17h53: Dive to Adventure MacGyver travels to Tur­ David Jensen and newcomer believe that her estranged 20h45: Feature Film 19h07: Resuce 911 Exciting documentary films key in search of Alexander Kevin Sharkey, the show mate may be trying to kill "A girl of the Limberlost" 19h55: Filler on underwater life filmed the Great 's tomb and the pulsates with top line ac­ her. Based on Gene Stratton­ 20hoo: News all over the world. legendary Eye of Osiris. tion on stage, up-to-the­ Starring: Cybill Shepherd Porter's classic novel about 20h45: Feature film: 18h16: Full House Starring: Richard Dean minute chart news and ex­ a 15-year-old girl growing "Every which way but Anderson, Dana Elear apd Bruce Willis Comedy series about three clusive hot videos. 22h21: Cheers up in rural Indiana in 1908. loose" grown men experiencing the 19h55: }'iller 18h13: Window on the Cheers is a bar in Boston Elnora Comstock dreams of An action packed comedy " joys ofmotberhood". . 20hOO: News run by owner and chief studying the violin like her about a beer-guzzling truck 20h45: lndia's Rajiv Worl.d 18h41: Women of the Namibia's own international bartender Sam Malone, an late father but her anlbition driver who picks up spare A documentary programme World magazine programme. ex-baseball player who has conflicts with the needs of casb as a bar-room brawler 19h04'. Rock UK on Rajiv Gandhi 18h43:Fresh Prince of ' hired his out-to-Iunch for­ her widowed mother. and his pet orangutan 19h24: To Diana with 21h40: The Bourne Bel-Air mer coach to help him. Starring: Heather Fairfield, "Clyde" as they head for Identity love 19h07: Life goes On Starring: Ted · Danson, Annette O'Toole, Joanoa Colarado pursued by a A personal portrait of HRH Based on the best-selling (final) Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman Cassidy motorcycle gang and a cop The Princess of Wales, spe­ novel of the same name about 22h52: Sophiscated who all want revenge. a man who struggles to regain 19h55: Filler cially made to coincide with 20hOO: News Gents Starring: Clint Eastwood, his lostmemary and a beau­ THURSDAY her thirtieth birthday. For 21h40: St Elsewhere 11 This series explores the Sondra Locke- tiful women who unwittingly the first time on television Episode 8: "Watch the changes over twenty-five 22h15: Spenser for Hire assists and later befriends 16h56: Opening an exclusive personal pic­ skies" years in the lives of nine Episode 12: "The big ture of Diana, fashion prin­ the handsome stranger. 17h00: Religious Starring: Richard Chamber­ Or Craig's dream comes true men who were members of fight" .~ cess, independent woman programme when his baby granddaugh­ a teenage athletic and so­ When Spenser comes to the lain, Jaclyn Smith 17h05: Russian Circus about town, loving wife and ter is returned to him while cial club. While they pre­ aid of his former boxing 22h22: Slap Maxwell A leading Finnish film caring mother is presented. Rosenthal may regret strik- pare for a reunion, each coach who can't pay bis Comedy series about a company has produced a 19h55: Filler . ing a rival nurse. man's life is seen in the gambling debts, he discov­ colourful sportswriter with comprehensive series of 2Ohoo: News 21h32: First Among Equals light of youthful dreams that ers his friend has set him up a nose for more than just . films presenting the best of 20h45: Feature Film In the 1960s four ambitious have or have not been real­ for murder. news, beset by a ' fading Russia's circuses and fea­ '.'55 Days at Peking" new members ofparliament izedin terms of work, mar­ Starring: Robert Uricb and career. He takes irreverance turing scores of internation­ In 1900, the small garrison take their seats in the House riage and relationships with A very Brooks. to the limits in the " beat­ ally acclaimed artists protecting the legations of of Commons in Westmin­ ·one smother. . 23h03: Bordertown world powers in Peking is em-up" column he writes 17h40: ' Educational for The Ledger, a second ster. One of them will be­ Starring: Bernie Casey, On . the untamed US and suddenly attacked by Chi­ Programme come Prime Minister. This Rosie Grier, Robert Hook, Canadian border lies 1880 nese fanatics joined by the rate newspaper. Mexico draffiatisation of Jeffrey Ron O'Neal. frontier town Bordertown, armies of the Manchu em­ Starring: Dabney Coleman, 18hoo: Agriculture for Archer's best-selling novel 23h05: Variete Variete wbere right and wrong are Megan Gallagher, Susan All press. The garrison with­ follows their public lives for often determined by the Anspach 18h30: Upstage stands 55 days of continual over 30 years as their paths quickness of a man's gun. A programme of music, art, bombardment and is saved cross in the battle for power. 11J"h'·tN~ Home to prospectors, gam­ TUESDAY drama and dance presented when the Allies get through 11 Starring: Tom Wilkinson, blers and renegades, two with reinforcements. by Lindsay Scott. James Faulkner, David Robb systems ofla:w are enforced. Starring: Charlton Hestori, . 16h56: Opening 19hoo: King Lear and Jeremy Child Laurence Olivier was 22h23: Sport awanied a Primetime Emmy for his portrayal of Shakespeare's tragic king I+Wf1·6R17 in this production which 16h56: Opening itself won an international 17hoo: Religious EmmyAward. programme 19h55: Filler 17h05: Kiddies Filler 20hoo: News 17h21: Educational 20h45: LA Law programme Courtroom drama series that Cedric the Crow deals with the 'personal and Insects professional lives of a group 17h50: Punky Brewster of specialist lawyers at a Children's series reputable Los Angeles law 18h16: Panorama firm. , A local programme about 21h29: The Strauss Namibia and its people family 18h45: Perfect Strangers Episode 7: "Lilli" Episode 7: Balki and Larry Johann soon finds another i decide to take up karate - girl to distract him much to o1{ with unusual results. the disapproval of his fam­ 19h10: Sport ily. IM; 19h55: Filler 22h17: Sport , j 20hoo: News ... This schedule is subject THE modern dance group fro m Gobabis who will be taking part ~n the new local music S~lOw, The Local Bandstand, 20h45: Beyond 2000 to change without prior on Saturday evening at 18h35. The programme features estabhshed and up-and-cooung stars. See also, p32 An entertaining science and notice. ~~ Friday July 12 1991 THE NAMIBIAN

Vakwetu okugwanithwa po kAalong­ isikola nokAawiliki yElongo eebotsotsO! moshitopolwa. . Oshifo shika osha kundana Ohatu ehela kopolifi yaWind­ wo kutya, otashi vulika Om.in­ hoek opo i lU lewafele kom­ iste!: yElongo nOmithigulul­ binga yecbotsotso. Fye olU udite wakalo yi tsikile nEtalelopo oudjuu kombinga yeebotsotso twa pewa kepangelo. R15 000 (omayovi omulongo­ oheyali yokoongulasha. lokombunda ndjoka ha li lyayo mOshitopolwa shUum­ odo di Ii moSingle Quarters, Ngecnge OtanlU ti i.hatu longo naatano) komwedi keshe, ohadi Itatu mono we oomposi longithwa kAataleli nokaalong­ bangalantu oku za Etitatu sho tad.i l:1ntlifa omapangwe, tadi a sha, ohatu indile epangelo opo longo unene shike mOOla . nandenande, onkee onawa isikola moshitopolwa shika, ta talelepo Oombelewa dhE­ nu no tadi te eemheko, da oAnny i hanaukepo meende­ moshiwana? opolisiyaNamibiayikonakone otashi dhigupaleke ompito longo mOndangwa, ye mEtinc homata eembistoli neembele. lelo. Fye lU tale nee kutya opolifi Valewaita voshiwana, map- . oshinima shika. yeilongo Iyaanona. Omusamane tayi uuninginino wOwambo. Fye otu udite oudjuu kombinga oyo tamu tange otai ka kale­ enda ava mwa lwila oshilongo Ondi na epulo Angula olewa _ti kutya, ngele yoshiruna eshi vakwelU. lapo oshilongo eshi fiyo onaini. moshili, tu fikameni nokulwila kutya,omolwashike aaniilonga ngaa Aanashimpwiyu yElongo Oshigongi Hano Clilonga yopolifi Nomakakunya aa lewa li haa oufemba welU, omolwashike yokomatala ya pewa ongamba, moshilongo ye shi pondola oyashike? Opolifi nai fikame longifwa keembulu olewa li ha.'\ hano ovanhu vamwe va hala ano ethimbo lyokukutuka ihe mokugwanithitha po iilonga tnuMweshipan­ utale i kufe ko eenghaku ndee futwa shi dule poifilinga ine oku tu manga komilungu? aantu mbano yi i dhikila omatala yelongo, nena Oministry otayi tai longo oilonga yayo! Ngaashi (R413.18) oyo hatu mono. Ava inam1!. hala ovalewaita ohaya lala owala taa kudhile vulu okutula po omakankameno deka pefimbo leembulu, eemheko Didilikeni kutya ka ku na voshiwana va wedelwe, taleni uusiku auhe noongalamafona gElongo taga kalelele mokati o1.-wa li hadi kelelwa, ndele omulewaita ha hakulwa oshali kutya omu li mepuko. Fye katu dhawo? koshigwana. Oshigongi oshinene shokomuvo paife oto mono ashike ovanhu mepangelo eli li li ko paife. na oyeendifo, oi li ashike Onawa aantu mbaka ya pewe Oministeli olewa li wo a shaalongi ayehe moshikandjop ve li eenduba tava te eemheko, Oihauto oya pewa ovanam­ kovananlbelewa vo ovo natango ethimbo Iya ngambelewa, un­ lombwele Aataleli kutya, oshitihamana otashi ka kala ko va manguluka,shaashi ovapo­ belewa vo ovo ve na eendjabi tava tyapula omauwa aeshe, ene lUu mokati koshiwike ando omalipoto oga adha nale eti IS sigo 16 Juli tashi ti Iifi vahapu navo eebotsotso. da nyina. ndele inatu pula eendjabi di li ya kale ngaa hayahuJilenando ombelewa ye taga ti kutya, opu Omaandaha nEtiyali tali ya Onaini hano omauta/ Kombinga yoikumbu ei tamu nawa, omolwashike hano? opo-12 guusiku opo tu mone na aalongisikola yamwe mboka notashi ka ningilwa mOsala eendjebo odo di he It paveta popi i yadi meekamba, oikurnbu Inamu tu fininika shaashi efudhepo. Moshitopolwa shelU haya thigi po oolUndi noku yomOseko yopombanda ya tadi hadwa mo mu KalUlUra. meekamba ihapu oi li mo ya tanlU xupu nawa, oikulya ei .(mossingela) omu na aapolisi kalonga nenge oku kagwani­ Mweshipandeka mOngwediva. Fye otwa loloka omitopelo kutwa lewaavo vopeembelewa hatu li oahi kufwa keendjabi oyendji nondiinekela otaye ke thitha po oompumbwe dhawo Omutaleli goshikandjo shoka deendjebo oufiku nomutenya ovo ve na oinlaliwa mapu opo delU. tu lewatha moshinima shika dhopaumwene nenge ya kale tate Moses HamulUmwa olewa muKatutura. i kale hai va koshele, okukan­ Epangelo novawiliki valo mbala. yaa li ko kootundi omasiku ga ti kutya, okwa tegelelwa oshig­ Hano omwa hala okushekifa gula oshoyo okuyala eembete nava kale ve shishii kutya onalU Mokulala noongelema tadhi adha koogaali noogatalU ga ongi shika shi ka kale sha epangelo letu? Omukuluwon­ davo. ka loloke okulididimikila kudhiJe, omo wo miiponga tayi lambathana. gongalwa nawa lela. ale olewa tile, Kakala iha ton­ Ihapu yomuyo ohai tu yolo onghalo ei yoluhepo. indjipala, oshoka iiponga ohayi Pompito oyo tuu ndjoka, Olewa ti, oshigongi otashi ka doka ina dengwa. nokuli eshi ya mona kutya fye Ou u na epulo, shangela ku: holoka owala konima yo-12 omupehakalelipo gwomapulUd­ egululwa pambelewa ku ava tu he fi ovanambelewa mboli guusi1."U oshoka ndika olyo hilo paHangano lya Rossing Komufala gwOshitopolwa sha Weni katu na oimaliwa. Taati Nangolo ethim bo lyoombotsotso pOkashana, omusamane Len Shakati Tate Silvanus ValUva Simon H lohannes Fye ovak-waita voshilongo, Box 1093 lyokuyanga momilamba. Le Roux, olewa ti mOsem.ina nolewa tegelelwa shi ka Box 59 twe lilongekida efiku alishe Ondangua Oombotsotso sho dha tila moka otaya ka kembadhala opo popithwe wo ku Amushanga ta Wi.ndhoek okukala twa fya,ndele nye opolisi, ohadhi kala owala tadhi ya adhe etsokumwe momukalo kalelele mOministry yElongo ovakwashiwana didilikeni kutya I dhingoloka noondisiko, unene gwokupangela nokulela nOmithigululwakalo Omusa­ epiyaano ngeenge tab uya Uupyakadhi tuu miitopoiwa ngaashi Osiin­ mElongo, ngaashi sha nd­ mane Yitalis Ankama nenge Fy~ otwa hala moshilongo ihali pula efirnbo moSingela gela noMarura. jandjukununwa mo mOmu­ omupeha gwe. Otashi--vulika okunyamukulwa opo oshilongo shi nyonauke. dje yoondoolopa, na otaya landu gwElongo. wo shi ka popithwe kOminis­ Omupresidende woshilongo yaKatutura ka papala sho ye li monkalo Olewa ti kutya Oonakukala teli yOpevi yOmayelithilo kepangelo otaka mona nghee tash.i ka kala, onkwiilongo, taya lala moo­ mOsem.ina moka otaya ka nIikwakutumwamombepo , shaashi fye Jheekamba otu li Tse ongaakalimo yomoSingle siingela yo yamwe taya ningi ' kundathana unene kOQ.binga omusamane Dan Tjongarero, Onda hala ndi yelifile ovo tamu mo hatu fendele R5-00 keshe yaKatutura oIU uvite uudhigu nokuli oombotsotso. yomikalopongololo okuzilila oshowo kOmukalelipo ti kutya fye ovakwaita i.hatu komwedi, nonande ihalU mono koodisco ndhoka hadhi !ala tadhi Oministeli oya li wo ya tsu moombelewa dhawo mIito­ gwOkangundu klilonga longo sha, kutya fye meekamba oimaliowa ya wana. kudhile aantu noongelema tadhi omuthlndo mpoka nokushi polwa yawo shi na sha nElongo, yEpangelo nokaapopi yamwe otu li mo hatu wanifa po osho Eeministeli edi hadi futwa lewelengendja uusike auhe sigo popya a ukilila kutya, eningi- nokutala nkene dhi na yomOshitopolwa.




TRANSPORT WORKERS atcd customary laws. verance of their culture and WINDHOEK Politics created fear a,mong traditions - thi-s would not cost ignorant people who were the Government thousands of ' threatened with deportation to Rands. Tryirlg to control love Work permits Botswana. But the crux of the relations and beatirlg elders as ALLOW me to express my matter is that he ignored the well as unfair treat ment of any disappointment regarding the fact that the stay of the people nature, may ma.ke the Kalahari's issuing of work permits. I was more of a natural proccss earth Goddess Nakurukutsh­ wonder what the Director of in the Kalahari Desert. Dating wane and male god Motale come Immigration is doing. back to 1870 to the beginning back to life. Hundreds of qualified teach­ of the relationship between the The readiness of the Kalahari ers have applied for work per­ sub-groups in terms of trade to be an integral part of the Pilots issue ances about this matter? Does ing trucks and trains and work­ nUts but their applications are (bartering) there was no con­ Nan1ibian nation is a fact, and, he know what is going on in ing night shifts from 18hOO to turned down. Instead hundreds flicting interest as both land the isolation which was the Namib Air management? Does 061100. of witchdoctors are given work and game were in abundance . case under apartheid South WE would like to air our views the R 12 000 a month help one There are for instance, black permits perhaps because they And to a Kalahari, like the San, Africa, was a deliberate ma­ concerning the way in which to forget what is happening in security guards who have knew some people in exile. land was not a fixed property noeuvre. Namib Air is employing staff, other places? worked for Transnamib for . Namibia has a high illiter­ unless it h ad permanent sur­ especially pilots and mechan­ CONCERNED CITIZEN We are finding life very hard many years, but none of them acy rate and needs qualified . face water which was not the ics. It is absolutely in1possible walking the streets in search of have been promoted to SB or WINDHOEK teachers and not witchdoctors. case in the desert. for a pilot to be tested and after work. Many 0 f us are married SSB or inspector - only those Please correct this before it is The two sub-groups lived that, told that he cannot read. I people with families and chil­ whites who were in the De­ too late. independentl y of each other as Bad roads am not sure if this applies to dren to support. How can we fence Force ar~ promoted and traditional laws differ and there white pilots as well, or is it that THE ROAD between Kalkrand do so since we have been wait­ they do not have experience of SUPER A were chie fs responsible for the we blacks are being discrimi- and Mariental is very danger­ ing for two years for jobs and Transnamib work because they WINDHOEK day-to-day running of the nated against as usual? ' our qualifications have expired have not worked there for more groups. ous. There is a distance of about What about white foreign­ and we are fo rgetting what we than three years. Some key It is shocking that in an inde­ lOOkm which is without suffi­ ers who are being employed have learned. positions at Transnamib are Tswana struggle pendent Namibia, the cultural cient traffic control or signs. here on work pernuts? We are Unless the Government takes held by p~ople who were in the traditions of the Kalaharis are Because of the road surface, Namibian citizens and we are a stand on this issue, we doubt Defence.Force and they can­ I WOULD like to comment on suppressed in the name of the one is forced to drive about here to stay. Is it because the whether us blacks will get jobs not even write or-speak Eng­ the struggles within the Tswana Paramount Chief. And due to . 4Ok:rrvh to be sure of your safety. company is being managed by in Nanub Air. lish. community. fear of being denied all the A main road like that with foreigners? We cannot call this The whites in Transnamib Firstly, there are two main basic gainful rights both tribal 'gravel' on it is very danger­ company the national airline AVIATION PERSONNEL security all hold top positions suh-grrups, being the Batlhware loyalty and polity remain in ous for visitors from foreign of Namibia when Namibians WINDHOEK and the blacks security people and the Kalaharis. The latter his hands. countries who don't know the are denied the right to get . only get appointed to the level has always been under-repre­ As a minority sub-group it roads well. employment at a place where of section leader. sented at the expense of cer­ would be good if the Govern-. This is supposed to be a the chief pilot is an Austrian. Angry workers We call upon the ruling party tain experts who have now ment place these people under quality tarred road and a high­ We are seriously appealing and the opposition to visit abandoned the socalled Para­ chiefs like Munjuku of the way for huge road transport to the Government to look into WE are Transnamib employ­ Transnamib to visit here and mount Chief of the Tswanas to Mbanderus, or the Namas under purposes. this matter, especially the ees facing difficulties and we attend to our problems. We are fight alone for his stay in power. Witbooi for denying the I would like to call on the Ministry concerned. need help from both the ruling hurting because blacks are in The only weapon which was Batlhware's the right to say Ministry of Works to make a We have been trained abroad party. Swapo, and the Opposi­ the majority here arId the given and continues in Kalahari yes or no is pure interference. thorough investigation of the through our ruling party with tion parties. company cannot exist without circles is the stick to command Because of this controlling issue. The stones are not going the hope that we would get W e black workers at us. and to create loyalty as ahead­ stick it has led to Kalaharis to be thrown at the contractors work in an independent Na­ Transnamib are regarded as Some of those blacks in man for the authorising com­ identifying themselves as in question but against our young mibia I hope we were not trained fools by the whites, who think security who have been here mander being the chief. And Hereros and Narnas and they­ government. merely for propaganda. We have that only they went to school. for years include Titus Shike­ any further resistarlCe amounted are conversant in these lan­ MR DRESLEY been waiting patiently, hoping Few blacks are promoted at mini, S Haiyambo, A Kauri­ to nothing other than Kgosi­ guages. WINDHOEK that things would change for Transnanub, and only whites anga, S Mangudu, Gawachab, mang 's further entrenchment The Kalaharis do n ot need a the better after independence. and coloureds get position s Garigub and Karombe. These and stay in power in terms of Paramount Chief but simply Note: This letter has been Now the Government seem to there. We blacks are only in­ people have worked there for material as well as self-cre- guaranteed rights and perse- shortened.. Ed. have forgo tten that they have struments to keep their work six and more years. trained people as pilots and going. That is all. If promotion is according to , ...... ~ mechanics in Ethiopia and other We are not regarded as human experience, then ' the above places where they were issued • beings and have had no free­ people could be promoted. • with standard and recognised dom since other workers were Workers of Transnamib al'e • ICAO licences. expelled last year. Only whites also still requesting Natau to • 1 Why is the Minister con­ CLUB get houses, and we for instance, investigate these things as soon • • • cerned not even airing his griev- are working long hours, load- as possible. • • • • • • COLLEGE FOR OUT·OF ·SCHOOL TRAINING ~PAMODZI • • • ._Commer~ial ~d Hairdressing • • -. ..• WEDNESDAY 10th July 1991 • :~~:: <-tte~9istration • • .. : • LADIES Night: from 8:00 to 8:30 free for first Ladies • .' • • Admission: R6.00 Second Semester of 1991 • • ..• • Commercial registration for the second semester of 1991 will take place • THURSDAY· 11 July 1991. • on 15 and 16 July 1991 for the following courses. • • Nonnal Disco • National Certificate Commerce NI • • Admission: R6.00 N2 • N3 • • • The Elementary Commercial Certificate Course will not be offered for • 'H~~ H~ .. ~~ ...... ~.. ?H ~ ~) the second semester. • • FRIDAY 12 July 1991 Hairdressing registration for the second semester of 1991 will only take • place on 16 July 1991 for the following course: . Nonnal Disco .-• ------• National Certificate Hairdressing NI COME AND HAVE FUN WITH Top Dj's MR. MENO AND COLLIN ~ • Admission: RS.OO '.• Venue: Entrance hall of the Lecturers Office Block, • • • City Campus, University of Namibia. • SATURDAY 13.July 1991 • • • Time: 15 July 1992 from 10:00 until 17:00 • l\1IDNEE from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. • 16 July 1992 from 08:00 until 17:00 • •

Fonner students of the Academy must have their student numbers L ._ ____H_AL _ F__ PR_ IC_E~_A_T_T_'H_E_B_AR_. _____ i~ , available. • • • Admission Kids R2.S0 Adults RS .OO • Club Pamodzi PRESENTS STIMELA from 8:00 to too I,!-te • Contact person: Mr R Izaks at 307-2431. • • • Admission R20.00 • -..::.-=-.:------• ~ -- -. College for ONLY FIRST ONE _HC!!'DRED--.! ~'EO~P_LE_E~ __ENTER _ __ ~ · - • • SUNDAY 14 July 1991 • Out of School Training • • • Sunday Jazz Evening • Windhoek • • • FREE OF CHARGE • • from 4: 00 to 11:00 p.m. • 'HE BEST PEOPLE FOR THE JOB S I /JOiA 7.\ • • ~ ...... ~ 28 Friday July 12 1991 THE NAMIBIAN

Moslems following death of his grandfather. Today's Birthdays: . * 1960 - France agrees to independence of Dahomey, Niger, Upper Volta, Ivory Coast, Chad, Central Africa and fulius Caesar, Roman ruler (1 00 RC.-44 RC.); Elijah the Congo. Wedgewood, English pottery maker (1730-1795); Henry * 1967 - Chinese Communist mobs in Hong Kong wreck David Thoreau, US author-naturalist (1817-1862); Van Today is Friday, July 12, the 193rd day of 1991. There are government building and attack police in most violent of Cliburn, US pianist (1934--); Bill Cosby, US actor-come­ J72 days left in the year. four days of anti-British rioting. dian (1937--). Highlights in history on this date: * 1971 - Orangemen in Northern Ireland march in city * 1799 - Political associations are banned in Britain. streets to celebrate half century of Protestant rule. Thought For Today: * 1806 - Confederation of the Rhine is fonned under * 1973 - US pilots fly heavy air strikes against Cambodian Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so protection of France, uniting Bavaria, Wurttemburg, Mainz, insurgents as fighting is reported south and west ofPhnom -- John Stuart Mill, English philosopher-economist (1806- Baden and eight lesser principalities. Penh. ' 1873). * 1869 - Parliamentary system is adopted by Napoleon III * 1977 - US President Jimmy Carter goes on record as of France. favoring development of neutron bomb, saying it would * 1902 - Australia's Parliament, passes Immigration Re­ provide flexibility because of its less destructive effect. striction Act and gives women the vote. * 1987 - Lebanon's Justice Minister Nabih Berri calls for * 1041 - British-Soviet mutual aid pact of World War,11 is declaration of "economic state of emergency" to cope signed. with nation's worst financial crisis in 12 years of civil war. * 1957 - Prince Karim, 20-year-old student at Harvard Uni­ * 1990 - Boris Yeltsin resigns from the Communist Party versity, becomes Aga Khan and leader of 20 million lsmaili during the 28th meeting of the Party Congress. Fly the airline of the wide open spaces.

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Contraception too expensive Access to abortion in Africa .for those who need it most

WASHINGTON; An average doms a year, orone every three . among industrialized countries. available in about two-thirds I I woman in Chad would ha ve to to four days, the report reCom­ "Clearly, the high cost of of Latin American and Carib­ Senegal pay nearly three-fourths of a mends the cost of birth c ontrol contraception and the lower bean counl ries. year's income for a vaginal not be more than one percent availability of subsidized family . Most Bangladesh couples can birth-control device, and even of average per capita income. planning supplies and services .now buy a year's worth of condoms are priced out of reach In six countries, it exceeds 25 in the United States compared condoms for less than the Somalia for couples in 59 countries, percent. to Europe, contribute to the equivalent of one US dollar, or says a study released this week. Millions of couples in Af­ high US rates for unintended less than 0,7 percent of aver­ High-priced condoms, birth­ rica, Asia and Latin America pregnancy and abortion," said age annual income, the report o control pills, intrauterine de now want to keep their fami­ Camp. says. The government subsi­ TanzanI a vices and sterilization make lies small but cannot afford it, Less than half the popula­ dizes commercial sales of contraception a luxury item in the report said. tion in many countries has condoms aJ td birth control pills. much of the world, according "This study debunks the idea, access to affordable contracep­ In Thai!:md, average family to the report by the Population now current in US foreign aid tives, the. report says, while size has declined to about two Crisis Committee. circles, that the private for­ more than 90 percent of couples children per couple, thanks to IlTll11ffiiiTiTI 111' Illegal except I Il!.ill.l.!l..L to save lIfe ~tMaoagasca r Even in the United States, profit sector alone can provide in most developed countries a government programme ~, r---l Social and the high cost of birth control is contraception at affordable can afford birth control. whichhas distributed free pills L--.J_ medical grounds Zimbabwe contributing to unwanted preg­ prices to the hundreds of mil­ The study says that an intra­ since 1976, it says. Broad health nancies and abortions, accord­ lions of low-income families uterine device (IUD), includ­ 1be study notes evidence that groundS ing to t~e committee's direc­ who seek it," said Sharon Camp, ing medical charges for insert­ in some areas as many people ~ Noda ta tor. the group' s senior vice presi­ ing it, costs 114 dollars in Chad will use birth control they pay Souli'': A!rica S Intotnallonal Planned Meanwhile, the study, dent. The committee is a non­ where annual per capita in­ for as will those who receive ource : Parenthood Federation "Access to Affordable Contra­ profit group advocating steps come is about 165 dollars. free supplies and services. ception," says in the next ten that make family planning more Female sterilization could But it adds that the strong ABORTION is illegal or severely restricted in half of all years nearly 800 million couples widely available. cost 89 percent of average push to privatize family plan­ African countries. Namibia's eastern neighbour, will need access to birth con­ Most of the need for inex­ annual income in Kenya, it ning services could make trol to help stem population pensive. contraceptives is in estimates. The report sites birth modem contraception too Botswana, is amending its law to make abortion legal in growth and protect against developing countries, she said, control successes in some coun­ expensive for large numbers cases deemed threatening to the mother's life or health. AIDS. but the study also shows that tries, including Bangladesh and of very poor couples in Africa, Many in Botswana fear it will lead to moral decay and Estimating that the average the United States has some of Thailand. It says low-cost family Asia and Latin America - Sapa­ believe that traditional medicine men are still neces­ couple needs about 100 con- the highest contraceptive costs planning services are widely AP. sary. However, most people seem to favour change.

JAMBA, Angola: With An­ vember 1992, J amba said. government forum set up officers are rewarded with ment will win the elections Unita's director of mili­ gola's bloody 16-year civil The dusty town is some after the peace accord to expensiV(~ wat~hes and and to effect this Vnita has tary health, Dr Carlos war at an end and the coun­ 30 km north of the Namib­ oversee the peace process. leather jackets. plans to extend their radio Morgalo, is a white Ango­ try's peace process on ian border and takes up This was the first time The last big ground battle station and even establish lan of Portuguese descent track, tltis bush headquar­ some six sqtwre kilometres the Angolan government for Jamba was in May last a television station to com­ who believes that many ters of Jonas Savimbi's of t.he Angolan bush. was received in Jamba'with year when government sol­ pete with the state-run tele­ " white Angolans will re­ Unita rebels is set to van­ This weekend: Jamba praise singing rather than diers staged a 137 -day of­ vision network. turn to the country". ish from the map. celebrated the historic bullets • . fensive against the Vnita "Television is the only Morgalo joined Vnita For much of the con­ arrival of the first govern­ Vnita's former enemies headquarters but air at­ weapon they have with an when the MPLA govern­ flict, Jamba was the head­ ment delegation to visit the were taken around the tacks continued until advantage", V alentin said, ment seized power, backed quarters of Savimbi's rebel headquarters. . town which has a ISO-bed August last year. adding that Vnita's by Cuban troops, in Feb­ Vnita and the Luanda The delegation, headed hospital, complete with op­ . Jamba said "Not one "friends in the VS, Eu­ ruary 1976 after the col­ government's main target by former Angolan prime erating theatres and a radio single attack was success­ rope and even South Af­ lapse of the Portuguese dic­ since the town was estab­ minister and present ter­ station which broadcasts ful" , ad ding that the rica" will assist the move­ tatorship in 1974. lisloled in 1979. ritorial administration over most of Angola. Luanda government often ment in setting up the TV He warned that people I But a May peace accord minister Lopo de Nas­ The people of Jamba sw'­ announced they had station. returning to Angola were and ceasefu'e, brokered by ciemento, was accompa­ vives without money and bombed the Vnita radio The main problem Voita "going to find a destroyed Portugal, paved the way nied by VS, Soviet, Portu­ a whole generation of chil­ station but instead they has after the war came to country" with no roads for an end to the war which guese and VN officials. dren have grown up not bombed the Narnibian bor­ an end was' 'how to relax and no bridges and thou­ has left close to 300 000 On Saturday and Sun­ knowing what money is. der towns of Bagani and the people" , the informa­ sands of mines scattered people dead and made day, Savimbi met with Instead the Jamba resi­ Omega to the south. tion minister said, noting across the country. It would Angola the country with members of the joint po­ dents use barter trade to Voita's infonnation min­ that "people were fight­ take one or two years to the most amputees in the litical military commission get what they need, from ister Jorge Valentin is con­ ing for 16 years, day and rebuild the country, he world. (CCPM), ajointUnitaand clothes to pots, while Vnita fident that the rebel move- night". said. - Sapa-AFP. ".J amba is a historical capital, it will be one of the places of pilgrimage because from Jamba we resisted," Vnita's vice minister offoreign affairs, Jaka Jamba said this week­ end. Savimbi said he had been in touch with the Angolan For healthy water government and "TIle day STAR BINDERS & PRINTERS they tell me the house is with taste ' ready, I go back to Luanda". have moved to Most of the around 15 000 inhabitants of Jamba JOHN M EINERl (PlY) Ll D will probably move away aq",!~* c- as the country gears up .49 Stubelstr. WATER FILTER SYSTEM ....; .:::::::::::: .. for presidential elections in September 1992 and Easy to use. Important minerals and trace legislative elections in No- elements are fully retained. * available from * Th~Naffiibi~ri ~ .... l;rAR 81 Of S & P~~~'~ r~ ) ~lll&' DESERT COSMETICS 8& JEWELLERY Tel. 228553 Tel. 225411 Kiosk No. 3. Post Street Mall s·impiY••• tH~ •• ·· ~e . §t .··.·· Tel.: 222490 30 Friday July 12 1991 THE NAMIBIAN

PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Is Martina ready to retire?

LONDON: She apparently did more than just hear the against nothing so much as you get more nervous. It should whispered questions. She has begwl asking them herself. losing. get easier, but all the players " I hope that the gods are with me so I can come back Afterwards, she talked about say the same thing - it gets next year," Martina Navratilova said, suddenly feeling being "all over the . place more difficult." ~------NAMIB A------. emotionally," but still insisted This hardly qualifies as news, W~k1y ~.30 all of her 34 years at the Wimbledon tennis champion. R60 the brewing court fight that and it is something Navrati­ Dally RI25 R250 ships last week. " I'm not hanging it up. I still feel that I awaited her back in the States lova has known since she joined -"------~CUTH AFRICA------. have some really good tennis left in me." was not a fatal distraction. the circuit. In fact, one of the Weekly R.3.3 R~6 "I didn't see," she said great pleasures of watching her . Daily RI40 R280' "I just don't know," she Navratilova's name is writ defiantly . "any lawyers hit­ assemble that long and glori­ BOTSWANA. LESpl'HO, MALAWI. ZIMBABWE added. "how much of the heart larger in the Wimbledon rec­ ting the balls out there." Thank­ ous resume has been watching Weekly Rn Rl44 is left." ord books tlian any of the thou­ fully. none popped up during her undergo transformations to Daily R.350 . R700 Self-doubt follows a hurtful sands of others who competed the rest of the fortnight and her meet every challenger that has ------ZAMBIA, ZAIRE -----~. fall as surely as night follows on these lawns over 114 years own play improved considera­ threatened her domain. Weekly RI02 Rl71 day. And make no mistake, precisdy because of the depth bly - at least until she met She was chubby and slow Daily R.395 R790 what Navratilova did against of her desire. It was as power­ Capriati, that is. when she set out, indistinguish­ FRANCE, GERMANY, EUROPE, BRITAIN --i. Iennifer Capriati was tumble fullas[ year for No 9 as it was She and Capriati had com­ able from the pack of baselin­ Weekly . RlOO R200 in the most hurtful - and dis­ in 1978, when she won No 1. pleted one set and part of an­ ers who filled out Chris Evert's Daily R4S5 R970 heartening - sort of way. But this year, clearly, was other ~n rain intenupted play. dance cards at tournaments. She lost the crowd almost different. ------NORTH AMERICA -----__ She went home down one set. Butbefore long, she was svelte Weekly' Rl28 R255 from the outset. She squan­ Pursued by the publicity of a but up a service break in the and quick, a serve-and-volleyer Daily R625 RI 2.50 dered break points at the worst lawsuit filed on the eve of the second, ordered Chinese take­ who became Evert's equal in ,----AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND ---__ moments. She watched time tournament by former lover out and put her feet up to watch what would become an season and again as the ball was air­ Iudy Nelson, Navratilova be­ the match being replayed on of memorable encounters. Weekly Rl~ R295 Daily R485 R970 mailed back across the net with gan this Wimbledon more the television. As Evert cut back on her greater haste than she had used consumed with subpoenas than Navratilova did not say in schedule, Navratilova found to post it. She double-faulted serves. And dunng her first her post-match interview ways to cope with the ever­ POST IO: The Namlblan PO Box 20783 at match point. foray onto Centre Court, she whether she felt the image on younger cast of contenders who Wlndhoek 9000 Namibia And when she walked off was nearly lulled into extinc­ the screen looked older than subsequently came into the Name,'.' ______the court, the thundering ap­ tion by South African Elna she remembered herself, but game, whether Tracy Austin plause in her ears must have Reinach, the world No 49. her comments appeared to belie and Andrea Iaeger or Monica Address ...... ~ •.• been dinuned by the jangling To be sure, a slippery court that sentiment. Seles and Steffi Graf, whether of her own nerves. and the cool English mist lent Po~tat<:(,ode ...... , ...... When she was asked whether it required retooling parts of But if at this same time next a bewildering quality to Rein­ she was surprised that the 15- her game, her attitude or her I enclose ' a .cheque/postal order to the amount year, Navratilova takes stock ach's array of slicing forehands. year-old Capriati was so calm conditioning. of ...... (0\...... , .. , .. weeks subsc ri p~ion to the and finds too little heart to two-listed backhands and well­ and cool throughout the match, She was never afraid to sac­ ~amlbian (p'le.~e ensure the exact amount In contend again for a champion­ disguised overheads. But there Navratilova replied: " Experi­ rifice, never able to resist the ship she has already won nine wasno mistaking that Navrati­ ence helps to a point. But when desire to be the best. Now, it Rands or equivat.~t currency) times, then the Centre Court lova was the defending cham­ you've been there so many seems,. that desire may be crowd was witness to one of pion in name only, and her times, it means that much more waning and nobody; least of the most incredible shrinking plodding, tentative play was a and you 're more apt to get all herself, is sure why. - Sapa­ acts in history. clue that she was defending nervous . ... When you get older, AP. ENTERTAINMENT THE SPARKLE IN THE CITY NhMIBIA NITE ORGANISATION PRESENTS

( PRESENTS) WED. Mango Groove Live in Concert The sensational Loading Zone in concert & featuring .Iackson Cassidy. '~ Loading Zone Ladies free from 9.00 - 9.30. & Adm. RIO.OO Jackson Cassidy ~- ... & Roka Toka from 2 7 p.m. Sat. the 3rd August 1991 at the (OLD)AMPHITHEATER in KATUTURAj Independence Arena. Tickets Only Available at the THURS: Wernhill Park Centre. LET THE RYTHM MOVE YOU GATE FEE R30.00 FRI. & SAT BE THERE. LET THE GROOVE MOVE YOUR SHOES. They are back with a vengance. Get a Load of Loading Zone arzd J aco featuring Jackson Cassidy. Adm.R12.00


BILLY PRESTON - You Cara.'t Keep a Good Man Down (Tusk) THIS man certainly needs no introduction, but for the sake of those who might just confuse him with someone else, this man is the proud owner of the international hit ' With You I'M Born Again'. Preston also acted in the film, St Louis Blues, with Nat King Cole and also in the Bangladesh movie which featured other musical giants like Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, George Harrison and Leon Russel. With the release of 'You Can't Keep A Good Man Down', Billy 's star shines ever brighter over the musical world. The incorporates a strong contemporary sound, rhythm and blues together with soul. The title song will certainly be a firm favourite with radio stations, while the ballad' Love Me' brings out the soul in Billy. This one will be on the hot list ofNight-Tim e Radio. The production of the album is a superb blend of two musical greats, Billy Preston and Robert Palmer. As you will realise when listening to the album, Palmer's influence is significantly felt on 'Love Me' and 'Listen To The Music' which he co-wrote with Billy.

NOISE KHANYILE - New South Africa (Tusk) KHANYILE'snew album reflects in both music and lyrics the hope and faith that most everybody in the country has for the dawning of a new era of peace and harmony. INTERNATIONALLY-ACCLAIMED South African singer Miriam Makeba pictured during her recent emo­ Noise's music has such vitality that it is sure to awaken the tional homecoming in South Africa. Photograph: Trevor Samson, Agence France-Presse heartbeat of the people, and also isn't.it time that the people started to enjoy life a little bit more. Just put this record on your player and in no time it will have you up and jiving around. Mama Africa·comes home THE NEW PROMISE - Afrika Borwa (Tusk) THIS ethnic sensation can truly be described as a 'New Promise' for the lovers of traditional ethnic music. After performing fo all you could see were torches NEW YORK: South Afri­ The recording sessions in 1989. South African President some time, the group has decided to record this masterpiece by waving back and forth with the FW de Klerk has reopened the can singer Miriam Makeba Johannesburg brought Makeba public demand. This album promises to be that something special opens her newest album rhytlun. I guess I sing it with a together with several old friends doors to many exiles as he the public has been waiting fo r, so don't miss it. with an exile's lament - lot of feeling." - Simone as well as Masekela, attempts to abolish apartheid but says her decades of In Johannesburg, she worked Makeba's former husband, who and end his country's isola­ with musicians who " under­ plays flugelhorn on .. Vukan. " LIOn. Makeba was allowed to TECHNOTRONIC - Body To Body (Tusk) living abroad fmally are stood the music I was doing," And Dizzy Gillespie contrib­ return briefly last June, when nearing an end. TECHNOTRONIC is known as the biggest 'House' band in the she said. "I think there was utes a smooth vocal to a duet of she visited her mother' s grave. world and proved this with t4eir previous album 'Pump Up The Makeba, who for more than less explaining to do. They Paolo Come's romantic " Don', She began work on "Eyes Jam'. However, sadly, 'Body To Body' does not reach the same 30 years has championed the understand even the lyrics, Break My Heart." on Tomorrow " earlytlusyear. heights. It is complete rubbish! anti-apartheid cause from her which I sing in African lan­ Makeba and Gillespie are While in South Africa to make artist's platform, plans to re­ guages. preparing to tour with a show . the album, she gave two con­ TRIBE AFTER TRU3E - turn to live III South Afnca by I didn't have to translate for that begins in Europe and certs in Johanne&burg. December. rrus.~ them ... as I usually have to do reaches New York in Augus\ . 'It was like a reVlva. ' sh~ Tribe After Tribe think "I I have tried my best with my musicians." She still ~s with the sweet, said of the April performances. from outside to tell the world FIVE years ago J nbe After Tri be npped mm the outh Atncan She writes in her 1987 clear voice of the young woman .. M Ynru sic having been banned public's consciousness with theIr debut album' Power'. W mning that we have a problem," she memoirs that friends and rela­ who in the 1950s introduced for so long, that people still told The Associated Press. the Week} y Mail's 1987 Album Of The Year A ward and tremen­ tives who first encouraged her American and European audi­ felt the same way about me dous critica acclaim, the group nevertheless decided to look "And now that I can go home, to perform compat'M her voice ences to the "click sounds" of was too much for me. I just I can do concrete things - help further afield and left South Africa for Los Angeles. Combining to that of a nightingale. the Xhosa language. And at went home and I cried. " thought-provoking lyrical imagery with driving rock-rhythms, the children, help the elderly. The young nightingale went 59, she also has developed a Last year, de KJerk legal­ The fact that my country is in Tribe After Tribe succeeds in honing their unique South African onto become "Mama Africa" jazzy growl and an accom­ ized the main anti-apartheid rOCk into a razor-edged assault on the world market. a rotten state doesn't mean I and "The Empress of African plished actress's· grasp of group, the African National should stay away. " Song, " titles that recognize emotion. Congress, and freed its leader, KHATHISA CHABALAlA AND THE QUEENS The song "I Still Long for the emphasis she has placed on Makeba left South Africa to . But the gov­ You," by South African com­ traditional songs as well as the perform in Europe and the ernment and the ANC still have - Nwina Ma-Gaza (Tusk) poser Victor Masando, "ex­ work of contemporary African United States in 1959 after her not sat down for substantive ALTHOUGHT the music is descibed as Tsonga Traditional, it pJieSsed what I feel, having been composers. brief appearance - she sang negotiations on a new to so ntany countries - I could does not necessarily mean that everything about it is the same as The multilingual "Eyes on two songs - in the film' 'Come constitution that would give say George Maluleke or M J Hlumgwane or Ntlaveni Brothers. fill a wall with the mimes - and Tomorrow" includes Back, Africa" introduced her blacks a sa y in national affairs. missing home," Makeba said It is simply different music from the rest and bears the "Vukani" ("Wake Up"), a to a wider audience. "We still don't have the vote, exclusive hallmark of Khathisa Chabalala. in a recent telephone interview song in her native Xhosa writ­ Though she was not at first so I don't see what change from her current home in Brus­ ten by noted South African politically outspoken, her grow­ people are talking about," sels. trumpeter . ing prominence as an artist Makeba said. "No change has BAD COMPANY - Bad Company (Tusk) She said the song is one of "It's a plea to our people to seems to have raised suspicion been made in Soweto. Maybe WITH the release of their self-titled debut album back in '74, Bad her favorites on " Eyes on stop calling each other names, in Pretoria. In 1960, when she there has been change on pa­ Company walked off with every conceivable award. 'Can't Get Tomonow," an album she to stop killing each other, that tried to fly home for her mo!her's per, but the people have not Enou gh' was a smash No I hit. 'Ready For Love' , and ' Don't Let recorded in South Africa. It we must begin to hold hands to funeral, her passport was re­ felt any change." Me Down' followed suit. Paul Rodgers, Mick Ralphs, Boz was released June 11 on the build a nation," she said. voked. The government offered Makeba saye she will work Burrell and Simon Kirke became household names. Polydor label. She blends a traditional Xhosa no explanation for the action. with anti-apartheid groups in ''I've been singing that song song, " Thulasizwe" (' 'Nation, In 1963, she appeared be­ South Africa. But her reasons BAD COMPANY - Straight Shooter (Tusk) on stage for two years," she Stop Weeping") with Bob fore the U N Special Co.lllIllit­ for returning seem less politi­ said in a soft voice that none­ Dylan's "I Shall Be Released" tee on Apartheid to call for an cal than personal: ''I'm just THEN came 'Straight Shooter' which topped the unbelievable theless was as compelling as in a duet with American singer international boycott on South happy to go home, to be around success of tlIeir debut album. The group has established them­ her powerful singing. Nina Simone. Makeba said Africa. Pretoria responded by the places I've known as a selves as more than a one album wonder. Who does not remember "In Germany the first time I both songs speak of "breaking - banning her records. child. I've been cheated ofthat such killer cuts as 'Shooting Star', 'Good Lovin Gone Bad' and sang it at a big arena in Berlin, through." Since becoming president in for so long. " - Sapa-AP. 'Feel Like Making Love'.

...... : ...... -... .. -.- .. ~ .. . * PEOPLE will be flock­ Loading Zone, which is also Reggae and you nante it! something of a controversy eration of International ing to Namibia Nite for the backing group of These are the real boys, go recently, will be given to Societies for Authors and the next two months to see Brenda Fasie, Chicco and and watch them!! composers belonging to Composers, the African 111I1I'11! famous South African Sipho Hotstix Mabuse, will NIMRES. Copyright Society as well backing group Loading be in Namibia for at least * SOME of the estimated Stories were doing the as UCC • . Zone in action. two months. 300 Namibian composers rounds that composers Among the composers a~ !i _'B1ii Specializing in Jazz and The possibility exists that last week received the good were not being paid, but, who will receive royalty Disco music, the group is Brenda will visit Namibia news that their royalty as far as NlMRES is con­ fees is Jackson Kaujeua. out to give Windhoekers, while the group is still here. monies and bonusses would cerned, all royalty fees are More good news is that and especially the Nite People who thought and be paid out on the July 15. paid out only once a year, NIMRES will be giving hithe jollers, a good time. still maintain that Taxi was Chairperson and Legal Steyn said. scholarships to compos­ The group consists of, the greatest group to visit . Adviser of the Namibia NIMRES is one of the ers for studies Overseas highly experienced guys, Namibia Nite should visit Music and Copyright Namibian societies with a as from next year, and some of them former the night club and get in- Society (NIMRES), Neels very credible international for singers as from 1993. zo e emIJe S f\f S imela, :m Qxil;:ated on th rent vib {·~ S V

STANLEY KATZAO MANGOGROOVE,abig their music apart from other that they recently took to band in the tradition of pop music of the day. London. the great South African Mango Groove has been Leyden said the group will groups -of the fifties and around in various forms since perform combinations from sixties are coming to 1986, experimenting constantly both their with special and pushing the frontiers of reference to smash hits like Namibia. pop further into unexplored Special Star, Dance Some More Mango Groove is well-known territory. and Home Talk. for its uniQlle music, called The band "hit-off" when The group has decided not Marabi and Kwela (named after bassist John Leyden met Big to perform in South Africa the police "kwela kwe1a" vans Voice Jack. one of the three before touring Europe and Asia which drove around the town­ classic penny whistlers of the . soon, but to play in southern ships loading up those who'd 1950's. When 68-year------ part should contact producer E. PRESSLIN ITEL. ------­ Ted Scott at TV Centre, tel TEL. 212677 215811, or Terence Zeeman at I NTN, tel 37966.

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