Parish news Stone, Dinton, Hartwell & Bishopstone with Part of Wychert Vale Benefice June 2017 ● 60p (£6.00pa)

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 Wychert Vale Benefice contacts The Revd Margot Hodson Rector, Wychert Vale Benefice Revd Canon Dr. Phil Groves (Associate Rector) Benefice Office, St. Mary's Centre Station Road Haddenham , Bucks, HP17 8AJ Tel: 01844 291108 [email protected] [email protected]

Revd. Margot Hodson Revd Canon Dr Phil Groves Rector of Wychert Vale Benefice Associate Rector

For Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please contact: The Parish Administrator Benefice Office [email protected] [email protected]

Parish contacts

Associate Phil and Anne Groves 7, Badgers Rise, Stone, HP17 8RR Rector Tel: 01296 748 390 Church Eryl Morgan, 101 Baker Street , HP18 0LQ Wardens: Tel: 01296 655692 [email protected] Andrew Wild, Stonemead, High Street, Dinton Tel: 01296 748679 Raymond Medhurst 10 Grenville Road Aylesbury HP21 8EY Tel:07793 541456 Email: [email protected] Rosemary Jackson, Innisfree, New Road, Dinton, HP17 8UT Tel: 01296 748655 Email: [email protected] Secretary to Sue Birrell, 7 Jakeman Way, Aylesbury. HP21 8FT the P.C.C: Tel: 01296 338163 Hon. Alan Weston, Dimora, Greenend, Dinton HP17 8UR Treasurer: Tel: 01296 748287 Email: [email protected] Aston Contact: Sandford Treasurer Marilynne Morgan [email protected]

Front Cover: Aston Sandford Church taken by David Peck as are the pictures on pages 16/17

Parish News 2 May 2017 Parish news

Election I did not expect to be writing about a general election again so soon. Whether it is unnecessary or needed is not for me to say. We are told that the public are fed up with elections although I expect it is it the media frenzy and politicking that people dislike. John Buchan said that all sensible people have the same politics and no sensible person talks about their politics. Which I think is right to the extent that political allegiance, voting intentions are personal private matters. I dislike the way the media try to trip up politicians about their private lives and views. What are really fairly standard Christian views are now seen a troubling or extreme. Politicians are asked about religion and church leaders asked about politics. I suppose if we are asked about our religious views or allegiance we have the same embarrassment. Religion is seen as personal and private but Christianity is essentially about being a community, and being part of community life. There is no secret ballot in church!

News team Editor: David Pickup 01296 748170 [email protected] Editorial: Carole Fryer 01296 748538 [email protected] Advertising: Tom Claridge 01296 748322 [email protected] IT Producers: Mike Thompson 01296 748561 [email protected] Heather Harris 07766 086280 [email protected] Parish Council contacts: Stone, Bishopstone & Hartwell Parish Clerk [email protected] Dinton Ford & Upton Parish Clerk Keith Gray 01296 422800 [email protected]

Parish News is a community magazine for the residents of Stone, Dinton, Ford, Upton, Bishopstone, Hartwell and Aston Sandford. We welcome news, announcements by societies and clubs, and articles on local and other issues. We do not charge for charities or personal notices such as weddings, baptisms or acknowledgments and welcome advertising by local businesses.

Parish News 3 May 2017 Parish Services and Calendar

St John St Peter & Stone Other June the Baptist Paul Methodist Benefice Stone Dinton Chapel Services

10.00am 4 6.00 pm 11.00am All Age Holy Pentecost Evensong Worship Communion

11 8.30 am Trinity Book of Common Prayer Holy 11.00am Communion Holy Communion 10.00am Family Service

11.00am 18 10.00 Communion Trinity 1 Café Matins Service. Church At Aston 11.00am Sandford

10.00 am 25 Holy 11.00am Trinity 2 Communion Worship

Joint Patronal Festival

Wanted: Trustee for Haddenham Community Library. The library is looking for a volunteer to join the Board of Trustees, to help provide and promote the work of the Community Library. If you have an interest in helping the library and a willingness to attend 6 Trustee meetings a year the library would love to hear from you. A full job description is available. Expressions of interest to the Chairman, Stephen Sharp, on 01844290597 [email protected] Parish News 4 May 2017 Dinton Wines

Dinton Wines started in 2013, when retired Laurie Kimber wondered what to do with the field he’d bought down the road. Learning as he went, but with a lifetime’s knowledge of growing all manners of fruit and vegetables, he set about planting hundreds of vines on his 15 acres of land overlooking the stunning .

This area of outstanding natural beauty is the perfect location for Dinton Wines. With it’s south facing slope, chalky soil and temperate climate, Laurie saw the harvest triple from 2 tonnes in the first year, to 6 tonnes the second year. When it’s time to harvest, the vineyard is truly a family business and Laurie’s children, grandchildren and even his great-grandchildren, as well as neighbours from the local villages of Dinton and Upton, all come out in force to pick the grapes.

Laurie grows the three classic grape varieties to achieve the subtle taste of his flagship quality English sparkling wine – Dinton Folly. Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier combine to produce a dry, elegant and complex taste. The first harvest was ready to drink in June 2016 and has been positively received. See Laurie’s advert on page 27


Aylesbury Talking Newspaper Association is a registered charity which produces weekly recordings of the Bucks Herald to keep visually impaired people in touch with local events, activities and news. A group of volunteers read the newspaper on Wednesdays, the publication day, and record it onto a USB stick which is posted out to the listeners. There is also an optional monthly general interest magazine available.

If you know any blind or sight impaired person who might benefit from this service please contact either Alan on 07563 628247 or Tony on 01296 421780. Alternatively please email: [email protected]

Parish News 5 May 2017 The Seven Stars, Dinton Bienvenue to a beautiful 16th century traditional British Pub Restaurant with a flair of Francais, tucked away, in the picturesque village of Dinton. Enjoy a homemade, freshly cooked meal made with only the finest local produce in the restaurant, bar, snug or large beer garden. Free Wi-Fi and private parties also catered for. Stars Lane, Dinton, HP17 8UL Telephone: 01296 749000 E-mail: [email protected] The Seven Stars accommodates for wheelchairs, providing both disabled parking and wheelchair access to the bar and restaurant

The Crown, Cuddington 17th Century thatched pub in an award winning village. Open fire, pie & pudding Wednesday, fish & chip Friday, dogs welcome in bar, fine guest ales, featured in CAMRA, Michelin Guide and Good Food Guide. Spurt Street, Cuddington, HP18 0BB Telephone: 01844 292222 Bar opening hours: Monday-Saturday 12pm-3pm and 6pm-11pm, Sunday 12pm-10.30pm Food served Monday-Saturday 12-2.15 pm 6.30-9.15, Sunday 12pm-3pm Email: [email protected]

Phone number 01296 337228

Elegant and fun dining in Aylesbury Old Town. Temple Street is a stylish cocktail bar, eating house and wine bar. Come and check us out, ideal for pre theatre dining

Parish News 6 May 2017 STONE LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Tuesday June 20 7.30 pm Stone Village Hall


Curator at Old Goal Museum, Dr Fern will tell us about the discovery in December 2014 of the third largest hoard of coins ever found in Britain: “row upon row of neatly stacked Anglo Saxon coins in two containers, totalling over 5,248 silver pennies and two half pennies”. 985 coins are from the reign of Aethelred, in the 990s AD, the remainder from Cnut’s reign 10-15 years later. At this time every borough had a mint and Buckingham produced silver coins for nearly 100 years. Some were in the hoard.

Ring Joan on 748530 or Carole on 748538 for further information.

Visitors welcome

Parish News 7 May 2017 Dinton Churchyard Tidy Up

Please can you help to maintain our churchyard, we are always in need of more helpers.

The next Dinton Churchyard Tidy will be on Saturday 10th June, 10.30 to 12.00.

The work consists of light gardening tasks, weeding, mowing, strimming and general tidying up. Some tools are provided but it would be useful if you could bring your own. Light refreshments are provided. For further details of how you can help please contact Andrew Wild on 01296 748679


Meeting on the 27th June at 2.30 p.m.


Summer suns will be glowing (hopefully!) as we welcome Chris Beattie as our Speaker

We all look forward to an afternoon with Chris – it’s always a wonderful surprise: Perhaps stories of some of her journeys, perhaps songs to sing or maybe wonderful music to listen to – always a joyful afternoon. As ever, sandwiches, tea and cake to enjoy along with Bring & Buy and Book Stalls as usual

EVERYONE WELCOME This is a unisex, multi age fellowship ! Parish News 8 May 2017 Sir Gilbert Scott and Introduction In earlier articles I traced the lives of the Reverend Thomas Scott and his family, ending with the most famous of his immediate family, (1811 – 1878), one of the most influential architects of the nineteenth century. He was knighted in 1872 and styled as Sir Gilbert Scott. In this article I look at Gilbert Scott’s Buckinghamshire connections.

Early life and training Gilbert Scott was the second son of Thomas and Euphemia Scott, born when his father was perpetual curate at . Unlike his brothers who went to Cambridge and took holy orders he was not well educated and appears to have had a rather solitary childhood. What he did seem to like doing was sketching and wandering around old churches, including . His father, who himself designed the present Gawcott church, Holy Trinity, in 1827, suspected at about that time that architecture might be a good career for his son. Accordingly Gilbert Scott was sent to the Rev Samuel King to learn mathematics and something of architecture. Samuel had been Rector of Latimer since 1821 and also of Flaunden (just over the border in Herts), and I believe was married to Elizabeth, only daughter of the first Thomas Scott and so Gilbert’s Scott’s Aunt. Samuel and Elizabeth’s daughter is probably the child buried with Thomas in Aston Sandford Church). In 1827 Gilbert Scott was sent to to be articled to James Edmeston, an architect who was also a prolific hymn writer: In 1821 he had written Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us, O'er the world's tempestuous sea. Scott qualified in 1831 though he did not seem to have enjoyed his time with Edmeston much.

Early career From 1832 to 1834 Scott worked as an assistant to Henry Roberts (and helped with his design of Fishmongers Hall) and Sampson Kempthorne who, following the Great Reform Act 1832, specialised in the design of workhouses, the field in which Scott was to begin his independent career. Gilbert Scott’s father, the second Thomas Scott, died in 1835 and it seems that about that time, perhaps as a consequence of his father’s death, Gilbert Scott set up a practice of his own, later with William Moffat, in London, also specialising in the design of workhouses. Over the years they designed something like 40 workhouses, all over ; in Buckinghamshire these included the workhouses in Winslow and Buckingham, both in 1836, and in in 1838. None of these buildings looked like conventional workhouses. The entrance to the Winslow one is now a private house but the Buckingham one was demolished and houses were built on the site. The brick and flint one at Amersham became Amersham Hospital and what remains of the handsome brick and flint building is now known as Gilbert Scott Court. Among his other public buildings at the time were extensions to what is now known as the Old Gaol in Buckingham (1838). At this time Scott also designed domestic buildings, one of his first being 16 High Street in 1834, a red brick Georgian style house. More importantly to Parish News 9 May 2017 us he designed the Vicarage at Dinton, now known as the Glebe House, in 1836. It is described in Pevsner as being of local witchert and being ‘like a large cottage orné with many gables, faintly Tudor windows and overhanging eaves.’ This was the first of many church houses which he designed in his career, including Scott House, the former rectory at in 1838 and, much later, the Old Vicarage at Hillesden in 1870 -1, in brick with half-timbered gables. Scott’s first church anywhere is thought to have been another brick and flint building in 1838, St Mary Magdalene at Flaunden where his uncle the Rev Samuel King was rector – and it was said to have been built largely at Samuel’s own expense.

Scott’s family In 1838 Gilbert Scott married Caroline Oldrid, a cousin whose sister had already married his eldest brother the third Thomas Scott (indeed one of his sisters married one of Caroline’s brothers who then became perpetual curate at Gawcott), and in 1839 their first child, George Gilbert Scott junior, was born. They went on to have three more sons – John Oldrid, Albert Henry and Dukinfield Henry. Of those, George and John were to become architects (Albert became a photographer and died aged 21 and Dukinfield became a well-known botanist). And subsequently George Gilbert Scott junior’s son Giles(1880 – 1960) also became an architect, and is well known for his Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool, Waterloo Bridge, Battersea Power Station, and the red telephone box. Giles’ son Richard Gilbert Scott was an architect too, as were other members of the by now wide Gilbert Scott family - the best known may be Elisabeth (1898 – 1972) who designed the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in Stratford. Peter Gilbert Scott is still in practice in Gloucestershire. Later work Sir Gilbert Scott is of course most well-known for his part in the nineteenth century Gothic Revival, best seen in St Pancras Station, or rather its Midland Grand Hotel, and the Albert Memorial – and in a different style for what is now known as the Foreign Office. His first design in the Gothic style was the Martyrs Memorial in Oxford in 1841. He did not design any buildings like that in Bucks. While he did indeed design a number of churches all over England and abroad, and one cathedral in Edinburgh, a large part of his practice was church restoration; indeed it is often that aspect of his work with which he is most associated. There are four important churches in Buckinghamshire which he restored. St Mary’s Aylesbury is largely a 13th and 14th century church but Scott oversaw two major restorations which, as Pevsner puts it, left the church with ‘overall, a very strong Victorian stamp’. In the 1840s the church was apparently in a terrible state, such that he had to start his restoration in 1849 with major structural repairs. From 1849 – 55 he oversaw the removal of galleries, reconstruction of the nave and aisle roofs, and the replacement of the pulpit. During a second period of restoration from 1866 – 69 he concentrated on the exterior, replacing the east window, rebuilding the spire, installing what was probably a copy of the previous 17th century clock stage, and renewing much of the stonework. The 14th century Lady Chapel was later restored by his son John in 1897. Parish News 10 May 2017 St Peter and St Paul, the parish church of Buckingham, stands above Buckingham on the site of the old castle. It was built in the late 18th century, following the collapse of the old church below. Very little of the 18th century church remains as it was largely rebuilt by Scott in the 1860s. The chancel was entirely built by him, and all the windows in the church and all the massive buttressing (there was a fear of subsidence) were his work. Much of the appearance of the nave is Scott’s work, though the work was later completed by his son John. , to the west of Buckingham, is described by Pevsner as ‘a good estate village, improved in the mid-19th century by the Fitzgeralds of Shalstone House.’ That included the church, St Edward the Confessor, which according to Pevsner is ‘almost entirely’ by Scott in 1861 – 2; ‘only the north aisle was left in its previous state’. In my view it is well worth a visit, in particular to see Scott’s wonderful designs for carvings on the stonework – e.g. palm fronds, roses, lilies, ivy. All Saints Hillesden, the so called Cathedral in the Fields, is one of the gems among Buckinghamshire churches: it dates from the 15th century when it had connections with Notley Abbey. Hillesden (where Scott had designed the vicarage) is a tiny village not far from Gawcott, and its remarkable church, described by Pevsner as ‘uncommonly lavish’, is therefore even more unexpected. It was ‘thoroughly restored’ by Scott in 1873 – 5. This was the church Scott had sketched as a boy and, because of his fondness for it, gave his services free. In addition he paid for four pinnacles and the fan vaulting of the porch. His restoration was again completed by his son John in 1893. There was a fifth church restoration in Buckinghamshire in which Scott took an interest – needless to say, Aston Sandford. But that will be the subject of a future article. Marilynne A Morgan Hon Treasurer Aston Sandford Church

Left: Gawcott, Top right: Buckingham, Bottom right: Shalstone (Photos by David J Peck)

Parish News 11 May 2017 June Gardening June is the month when roses are at their best but keep a lookout for green fly and other pests. Last year was very odd, in that I cannot remember a year when there were so few aphids, at least in my garden. May well be different this time. This year lots and lots of fruit blossom so later this month or early July be prepared for more thinning out if too many berries left on the trees or bushes. Aubrietia, alyssum etc. which have finished flowering can get very straggly and untidy. The best way to deal with them is to trim with shears. All the tender vegetable can be safely planted out. When planting tomatoes make sure that they are securely staked as there is nothing worse than a heavy plant falling over. Tomatoes do need plenty of water and it is a good idea to sink a flower pot in the soil beside the plant. Fill the pots with water often and the roots will benefit directly. Continue to sow seeds for a succession especially, salad crops. It is not too late to sow a few runner bean seeds. Carrots and beetroot can be left in the soil until needed. Keep the hoe on the go, not only does this keep weeds down, but produces a soil mulch, which does help good growing conditions. Following a very dry April and also the first three dry months of the year let us hope for ‘a dripping June which brings all things in tune’. PS



Follow the yellow signs – parking available opposite Saturday June 17th – Sunday June 25th 2.00 – 6.00 pm

HORIZONS TEXTILES Colourful and inspiring works in thread, fabric and fibres

DIANA HARTLEY and JOSIE BRANDON Local artists exhibiting recent paintings

Cards and gifts for sale and cream teas in the garden Ring 748538 or 748565 for more information or for a full Open Studios brochure

Parish News 12 May 2017

When Jesus ascended to heaven he did not leave his disciples alone, he sent the Holy Spirit to them, and to us.

We will be celebrating Pentecost with Family Communion on

Sunday 4th June at 10.00am in Stone.

Come and celebrate the birthday of the Christian Church with us!


Our Family service this month is in DINTON on Sunday 11th JUNE at 10.00am Everyone is welcome

Parish News 13 May 2017 Simply Walk in Stone & Haddenham

Come suited & booted for whatever the weather For a 90 minute walk in the countryside On alternate Wednesdays – throughout the year from:

Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road –STONE June 7th– 21st- - - - Village Hall car park, Churchway – HADDENHAM June 14th– 28th

We meet in the morning for 10.30 It’s friendly, fun and free And if we get back feeling a bit thirsty There’s a nice cup of coffee of tea.

Walking for Health with Simply Walk Contact Fiona Broadbent on 01494 475367 Or visit

In this General Election month, the following may be of interest:

In advance of an impending General Election in 1774, John Wesley entered the following in his Journal:

“I met those of our society [i.e. Methodist Christians] who had votes in the ensuing election, and advised them:

[1] to vote without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy. [2] To speak no evil of the person they voted against. [3] To take care their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side.”

Of course, in Wesley’s day there was no universal suffrage as we know it today but his advice is sound, nevertheless

Parish News 14 May 2017 Parish News 15 May 2017

Aston Sandford Church

Parish News 16 May 2017

Aston Sandford Church

Parish News 17 May 2017 Buckingham Constituency

Our constituency has a long history since 1542. It returned two MPs until 1868. In the Twentieth Century the constituency was held by the Conservative Party for most of the time but a Labour Party MP served Buckingham from 1945 until 1951 and from 1964 until 1970 its Labour MP was the controversial publisher Robert Maxwell. The constituency included until 1983. Some previous members: Henry Carey, 1st Baron Hunsdon KG

An English nobleman and courtier. He was the patron of the Lord Chamberlain's Men, William Shakespeare's playing company. The son of Mary Boleyn, he was a cousin of Elizabeth I.

Sir politician, soldier and favourite of King Charles I. At the outbreak of the English Civil War he supported the Royalist cause and was killed at the Battle of Edgehill. From 1620 he made his family home at Claydon House, , Buckinghamshire. Upon the outbreak of the English Civil War, Verney remained true to King Charles, while his eldest son Ralph joined the Parliamentary forces. Verney was killed at the Battle of Edgehill. According to the tradition of his family, his body was never identified, except for his severed hand, found still grasping the banner. Francis Ingoldsby was an English politician who sat in the House of Commons between 1654 and 1659. Ingoldsby was linked to the Cromwell family through his wife. In 1654 he was elected Member of Parliament for Buckingham, re-elected in 1656 for the Second Protectorate Parliament and again in 1659 for the Third Protectorate Parliament. Ingoldsby died in 1681. Ingoldsby was the brother of Richard Ingoldsby who was one of the few regicides to be pardoned and is buried at Hartwell church.

Parish News 18 May 2017


In aid of Choral Society

Bishopstone Farmhouse, Moreton Lane, Bishopstone, Aylesbury HP17 8SQ

Sunday 18th June 2017 2:00 to 5.00 Home made teas and plant stall Music from the Gilly-Billies during the afternoon Entry – Adults £3.50.

Accompanied children free. No dogs please.

For more information please contact [email protected] Registered Charity No. 1107449

Parish News 19 May 2017 NEWS FROM CHAPEL HILL Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road, Stone, HP17 8PH Minister - Revd. Keith Edwards Tel: 01296 423363 [email protected] Village contact: Mrs. Sue Spinks, Clowesbourne, Upton, HP17 8UA Tel: 01296 748369 During this month’s services the following will be remembered in prayer: 4th – Haggar Street; 11th – Jefferies Road; 18th – Lee Crescent and 25th – Long Furlong

Your prayer requests are welcome – anonymous if you wish – please leave them in the Chapel post box

SPECIAL THIS MONTH: SUNDAY 18th June - CAFE CHURCH Come along at 11 a.m. to enjoy coffee and cake followed by a short service with hymns, prayers, Bible Reading and a ‘Thought for the Day’

On behalf of the Chapel members CHIRPY CHARLIE says: Thank you for your support for the FIRST SUNDAY CAFE We hope you enjoy lunching as much as we enjoy your company! We plan to use the money raised to refurbish/renew the Chapel kitchen and equipment

The CAFE will be open again on 4th June 12.30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Serving PLOUGHMANS’ LUNCH / TEA / COFFEE / CAKE

Parish News 20 May 2017

Parish News 21 May 2017

Many thanks to all those who supported CHRISTIAN AID WEEK in so many ways. Whatever you did to help, please come along to the METHODIST CHAPEL (Eythrope Road, Stone) THURSDAY 15th June @ 7 p.m. for THE FINAL COUNT UP and to enjoy tea/coffee and cake

STONE THURSDAY CLUB [for the over-60s – especially those who live alone or find it difficult to get about] Subs are just £2.00 per meeting

The June meeting is on Thursday 8th And this month – something completely different: we are all invited to a


at Bartlett’s Residential Home from 2 p.m.

For transport please contact Dee James 01296 747671

Parish News 22 May 2017 Parish News 23 May 2017 News-Direct Newspapers & magazines delivered to your door every morning All newspapers accounts can be settled by switch/cards using our

Freephone No.

0800 917 3076 Monday – Friday 6 am – 7 pm

Saturdays & Sundays 6am – 2pm

Parish News 24 May 2017


Proprietor: Dennis Cook


9am-6pm Tel: 07850 635 844

All other times 01296 624221 Full Public Liability Insurance


Parish News 25 May 2017



The Chapel Hall is available for hire at very reasonable rates Electric cooker/kettles/cutlery/ crockery all on site. Please contact Sue Spinks on 01296 748369 [email protected]


Father’s Day th Sunday 18 June

Rare Plant Fair Free entry for Dads to the ornamental gardens and a Sunday 25th June special Father’s Day menu in the The chance to browse stalls Teashop. manned by experts specialising in both rare and traditional Cosi Fan Tutte th plants, all in the beautiful setting Saturday 24 June of Waterperry Gardens. Mozart’s comic opera performed Garden entrance fee applies. by London Young Sinfonia in our outdoor theatre. Waterperry Gardens, Nr Wheatley, Oxford, For more information or a OX33 1JZ sponsorship form call Jenny Braithwaite on 01844 339226 01844 208073.

Parish News 26 May 2017

Dinton Wines

We are hoping to see you again at the launch of the second vintage of our English Sparkling wine ‘DINTON FOLLY’ At Upton Road Vineyard Dinton On Sunday 4th June 11.00-1.00 o/c Join us to taste this gorgeous wine

Parish News 27 May 2017

Under New Management The Bugle Horn WINDMILL SERVICES Tel 01296 747594 Anna and her team would like to welcome you to the Bugle Horn to enjoy a Great British Pub, we are PROPERTY MAINTENANCE proud to serve great food from around AND the world in a distinctly British manner General Building Work all day, every day. Try our extensive range of wines from around the world or Telephone 01844 279519

one of our traditional cask ales Just pop in even if it is FREEPHONE 0800 7837194

just for coffee Email: [email protected] Oxford Rd, Hartwell, Aylesbury, Website: Bucks HP17 8QP

Parish News 28 May 2017 Ltd Computer Services PC and Laptop Repairs Computer Running Slow? Computer will not start? Virus or popups? Strange messages or Toolbars? Still located in Email Hacked? Bishopstone! Replacement or Upgrade advice?

Telephone 01296 749133 We are a local company with 25 years’ experience. We can service/repair your PC or Laptop without affecting your Manufacturer’s Warranty. Ltd are proud of the area and actively support local events.

Hearts Interiors & Flowers Bishopstone

Flowers delivered daily All Occasions – no job too small Tel No: 01296 709017 Mobile: 07932 606536

Email: [email protected]

Call Debbie or Order On-line

When responding to an advertisement please mention the Parish Magazine

Parish News 29 May 2017 Bartlett's Residential Home A beautiful Victorian country house set in over 18 acres of tranquil park and gardens Individuals and couples, those wishing to make a home here and those wanting a shorter stay are all welcome. Highly qualified and caring staff to look after your every need.

Excellent facilities for recreational activities, therapies and companionship. Award winning chef who uses local produce. Intimate and welcoming offering you a little bit extra. Part of the Peverel Court group of care homes. Tel: Mibell Hernandez on 01296 747000 Email: [email protected] Peverel Court, Portway Road, Stone, Bucks, HP17 8RP

When responding to an advertisement please mention the Parish Magazine

Parish News 30 May 2017

T & B Ric Lee Private Car Hire “Handyman”

General House Maintenance 01844 261116 Painting and Decorating Mob: 07831882694 Small Tiling Jobs Flat Pack Furniture Assembly Air Conditioned Cars/MPVs for Airport Transfers Special Events, Theatres Touring, Sight Seeing, Tel: 01296 749044 Weddings or any other special occasion Mob: 07831 658909 Jaguar Wedding Cars also available

When responding to an advertisement please mention the Parish Magazine

Parish News 31 May 2017

Hartwell House and Spa

Spa Café Summer Dining

The Spa Café is the ideal place to meet friends and colleagues for a leisurely informal dining experience, and enjoy the Café Terrace and Balcony during the Summer months

Open daily from 9.00am to 7.00pm

Lunch served from 12.15pm to 3.00pm Monday to Friday 12.15pm to 4.00pm Saturday and Sunday

After lunch service the Lighter Options menu is available until 6.30pm daily

For reservations, please call 01296 746526 To view sample menus please visit our website

Vale of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP17 8NR The hotel with Royal History [email protected]