Itt. Jn~N · Ilnrins
itt. Jn~n ·· ilnrins New Dominican Saint by John C. Rubba, O.P. LITANY OF SAINT JOHN MACIAS, O.P. (lor private" use only) Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of heaven Have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the wortd, Have mercy on us. God the Hofy Spirt, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us. Holy Mary, Mother of God Pray for us. St. John, humble servant of God, Pray for us. St. John, beloved of Jesus, Ptayforus. St. Jolvl, IoYer of the Holy Eucharisl, etc. St. Jolvl, honored son of St. Dominic, St. Jolvl, friend of St. Martin De Porres, St. John, friend of St. Rose St. Jolvl, honored son of Spain St. Jolvl, shining light of Urna, St. John, pride olthe Order of St. Dominic, St. Jolvl, humble lay Brother, St. Jolvl, model of obedience, St. Jolvl, model of seW-denial, St. Jolvl, model of patience, St. Jolvl, wortwr ot miracles, St. Jolvl, tender hepar of the sick, St. Jolvl, hepar ol the poor, St. Jolvl, hepar of the souls in purgatory, St. Jolvl, beloved of St. John the Evange~st . St. Jolvl, gifted with prophecy and miraculous healing, St. Jolvl, miracle of charity' St. Jolvl, IoYer olthe holy rosary, St. Jolvl, IoYer and protector of animals, St. Jolvl, visited by the Holy Souls, St. Jolvl, visited by St. Dominic on your death-bed. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins olthe wortd, Spare us, 0 Lord.
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