

A , JAM A KV b. li'iMi

ir m i ..n,.n n.,..., r.i i : m Mr. J. L. an a H.Caipenter. architect for carried arm of roses and ferns. ivashville-- new i, spert After receiving congratulations of rela- with frif-rd-s Sunday CcJumt'ia lelativfs. Mi. tives and they went immediately h in JNasbville fre- to the hnuirt of th groom's parents, quently nhiie the new is here a . luildicg in teainiful s'tpper awaited them. piogr-s- Tbe youn c:iple wr the recipients of MAURY DRY GOODS CO. I Mr. W. U. Htitrou hs rharg of the more than a hundred piettvand useful ?v ? W0l!t ot ,De Tob-cc- o presents. Reduced VVorks. r'ttm Prices Tcis firm move will about Tomoirow Begins OUr Usual 0 1 . . '0 mi tihiv .1 n , . . - . . Mr. W. W. Evans and Miss Annie January Clearance Sale , i iucii new Of me most ruining f vans enteitained theii triends among Short Lengths, ODDS And Ends in "u,lu " uo " convenient tha Dry Goods,Dress and complete tobacco factories m ihe your.ger married set pleasantly ar.d Goods, Men's and south. beautifully Wednedsav afteinoon, with Boys' Clothing Hats, Mis. Col. T. Chadwkk Minge ard Mrs. W. B ANU r UKNISHINGS. T. Wright, who was an im Vo ten honoi tiut,5 portant in the quests. The liirge hgore Crlumua lifteen i parlors were darkened, then ers. twenty vears ago. was here ligtteJ Slipp wo.k this witu red canolrs Graceful vites and IfO shakirg nanJs vith hs old palms comileted the ctlor of rea Men's $10.00 Suits, blacks'and S7.!tf friends. was v. I plan colors, It Colo vVrignt and green. Soon the arrivnl of 1(0 Men's $12.50, $15.00 and who suggest d and attei $17.50 Suits, in blacks and Scotch organized ine the guests a dainty luncheon whs colors. S!Ui5 E insn CDngress. met first suved, when the amusement ot in Coliixbia. was the 120 Youths $7.50 to $10 CI ) fie hIso on of tne a me Suits, vjlues sizes to 30, at Men's $2.50 Faust or evening, g of bridge whist. began. $5.95. styleSed "souizeiB tne Sonth Side Paik Mrs Cl adwick Minse won the honois 12 room lined Association, nrd one of the first to anu 15 Youth's Slippers,kid to toe, SI.50 ana the handsoxe pnze. Long Pant Suits, $5 and $! quality, J.95. suggest set on foot the movement 52.LO Knee ui tne Arsenal. New Year's was the of Boys Pant Suits. $1.95. day birthday $3.50 and $4 Knee pairs Mens $1.50 and $1 75 Bed room Ben Latta. who Jeft Columbia to JUrs 1. h,. Lipsconih, awi the occasion Hoys Pant Suits, $2.05. a was - $4.50 and $5 Knee 63 and accept position with the Beiknap ctlebmed with a double sigmfj- Boys Pant Suits, $3.05. slippers, baust, Opera Hardware Co. at Louisville, has Chnce with a tamtlv dining Seated styles at . . :98c changed bis arrangements ana has ac at the foot of the table wns the genial MENS SHIRTS AND cepted a position with the t umherland nead ot the iamily, Kegistei Lipscomb, UNDERSHIRTS Co. an 1 at lelepbone in the accountina; de- - the head his excellent wife Men's 75c and S1.C0 Ladies bi Sixteen adaitioral coveis laid quality, soft and stiff bosom shirts, 49c pairs 1.50 Fur trimmed nucui ire iasnvnie offices. weie Men's 50c 30 felt bed room and each plate was filled by a son or quality, blue ribbed (fleeced) shirts and draw- slippers, at 98c daughter, a son-in-la- or daaghter-in- - ers, 2oc a garment. law or a grand child. It goes without Men's ulster the menu all Long Overcoats, made of good quality, ail Ladies and saying thit compmei wool Kersey, sizes i!6 to 0 50 pairs $1 $1.25 felt trimmed rIN (SOCIETY. the nod things of the seasion. and all 44, 1 s 58 bed room slippers, colors red prepared in tost pood old soutbem .ivien r ast colored sox in black, blue and tan. 3 pair black manner in which the hostess is past for 25c. and 79c 4 nuiber of young people gathered m is tress. at the Institute Thursday night and Misses ojjcumeverai nours Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCloskev an Ladies, and Childrens Cloaks. pleasantly dancing. nounce of the engagement their daugh $1.95. "." which met with such ter. Hugbetta Virginia, to Mr. Fred Ladies $3 and $3.50 Jackets. success on its last presentation, will be erick W.itkins Evans, tbe wedding to $3.95. Ladies, $5, $7.50 and $10 Jackets. uiesoniea at tne Ulendale school house. take place on Jan. 24, at the home ot Ore Children's Short Jackets. fe t naay evening, January 5tn. tbe bride a parents. No cards will be $2.95. Misses issued. N. O. Tinifs Democrat. and Children's $3.50 and $5 Jackets, and Harlar) The New Year t?ermn at h Tnti- - cloaks. Ims announcement comes as a sur ivarjs. tute Monday was a night quits pleasant prise to many of Mr. Evans' friends $12 aid $10 Ladies newest uvecc. auuui uiieen quality, style long Cloaks, the couples engaged here who rejoice with him in this. $7 95. in dancms. which was iri h evidence of tbe success which lis Parker, ana fhr amtber $15.00 Ladies Cloak-- Jr., Amos Warbeld. Fortune showers upon him. Tne young Errpire $0.95. un Mis. W. W. Evans and Miss Annia lady is reputed to tie possesesed of Evans will tn usual attractions and has chosen in WOOL DRESS GOODS entertain rjiria' i;iti Evans a ot Club Wednesday atternoon lu honor of Mi. worthy representative one and most 5M - mis, cnadwuit anu Mra. W. of Maniy county's oldest 50, i.25 and $1.00 Dress PERSONALS. Mai Hughes are visiting Miss Malinda Minge aristocratic families. quality Goods,- blacks and Timmona in Nashville. B. Wodteu. colors, 50 and 75c a yard. Ken- - Drake Clopton has returned to Mr. most 50c Dress Alf Thompson and sister, Miss Rev. and Mrs. Cochrane Predion en One of the perfect and delight quality Goods, in blacks and colors, 39c. tucky. Clara, were called to Clarksville Mon- tertained ful of the Cnristmas entertainments 50c quality dress silks. 29c a vd. Helm 1 friends the young ladies ot then fancy style Miss Annie visiting day by the illness ot their aunt. chnicb wart the bridge whist party given Fri- in Birminghm. Messrs. W. W. and C. E. Klaer veiy pleasantly tiiday evening. day sfter.ioou by Mis Thomas Nelson BLANKETS, BLANKETS Dyer Aoout twelve were 10-- 4 in Nash- couples present and in tne Betbell to the all wool, best Henry Ware spont Sunday returned Wednelay from a business engaged in Re- Jines parlors quality blankets, $4.25. interesting games. Miss 11-- 4 ville, visiting friends. trip to Terre Haute, Ind. freshments were served close Girls' Card Club, when Mary BianKets, best all wool, in and at the of of was quality, plaid grey Will Dale and John Oant bave re- Dr. and Mis J. R Martin and' the evening. Eusell Gardner Union ana wnite $4.05. honor Tbe color was in blankets, turned from Arkansas. little daughter, Nina Mai, are guest. plan size 1 visiting season's colors, led and ureen. and Large cotton blankets, .50. K. uui mends. Mr. and Mis. Georsa Winsrield Mar the 8. Hopkins is attending the poul- spring was carried out the ar Large size wool mixed blankets in and $1.95 show at Nashville. Miss Roberta L. Biowne returned to tin, of , Colo., fiave issue J by graceful grey white, try invitations to the of rangement of vines and mistletoe and per pair. Claud Estes has returned tiom a bus- Middlesborough. Ky., Monday, to re marriage of red carnations. The sume school their daughter, Harrietta, to Lieut. clusters NEW SPRING STYLES IN GINGHAMS. to Nashville. her teaching. ega-no- g PENANGS, iness trip L. Woithington Moseley, U. S. A. were served with npon arrival. CHEVIOTS Miss Bes Mr. J. M. Towler and daughter, Tne came was Dlaved at seven tables AND THE NEW 1006 EMBROIDERIES AND Mia? Ethel Butts is visiting The bride's grandparents formerly LACES WILL BE ON sie Oman, in Hpring Hill. Katherine, have returned from a visit lived at Mt. Pleasant. and the score and place cards were in SALE TOMORROW. to relatives at Clarksville. with the artistic conception of SAVE YOUR COUPONS and GET THE BIG $100 in Dr and Mis. Garnett Merrill have keeping - GOL de-- 1 ne- wi?s has re Misses and Nannie Hull the entire jmiss i returned from Nashville. nnoy juae tietKOfits Mary entertainment, emmatittMjT. .y,.. wmmmnmimimtKQmiMnmii i amy in.ui. i n turned to after a visit to entertained a few friends I becca won first honois in the .mj;: 11 Mr. W. D Cook returned from a JSashvllle, rightfully Caipenter has Mrs. Joe Kitt. to game and tne nrst a nanusorae Visit t0 "UUives at Decatur. Haturday evenicg, complimentary priz Mr. and Mrs. W H. Bell have Mrs. McKee will be at their new home Mrs. H. II Thomson, which united tfc Mrs. Porter has returned to - Roy moved from Pulaski to uolumhia near Carter's after lives of hotar-s- on after a here. Creek, January Miss Jimraie Elizabeth visit and will make this tneir home. 15th. and Mr. R. Clifford Buoch. To 4Ir. W. T. Jolly, of Bell Buckle, is Ellis B. Wood and little have parlors of tne home werfeeo-t- cf1 daughter d. country i relatives in the county. 111 Simpson-Spee- .isiting returned to Metropolis, . after a visit YOU fully decorated in ereen and watte. WE THANK A Marvin Gray has returned from Mis to Mr. F. E. Wood and family. quiet wedding, but one beautiful Tbe bride wore a beauciful dress of sil- sissippi, and is with T. N. Figuers. For your liberal patronage th past year We intend to make it not only in its simplicity was that of Miss ver grey crepe de chine, made over (La Mrs. Robert Piliow and Miss Mary in 190G. Mis Elliott, of Franklin, is witnessed a pleasure, but toy our own interest to give us a larger share Myrtle Speed and Mr. Thos. Simpson, eamn shade of taffeta, and carried Mary Carpenter "Ihe Sheppard All we of thosn that not been our 'is to give us a which took Bible. Belore the guest of Mrs. J. B. Billington. rung, ' at the vendome ask hve customers, place Thuisday night at white the brid and Monday. 8: B0 o'clock at the residence of the groom ' Do I Love Mrs. G.N. Pickard, of near Mt. Pleas- Mrs. anu little Trial Order and Watch Results. entered, Thee," m Eugene Long daugh bride's on street. Miss Sarah Mai Eis-t- er ie the parents, Embargo sung by Thomson. ant, visiting relatives in city. tei have come out from Nashville and Kev. W. T. officiated and of the The bride and will A.3l9siAc MARTIN, OriigrgistH, Ussery only bride, groom Mr. James DeGlopper, of Nashville, speno the winter at the Webster tbe immediate witnessed tbe entered the to tin? home in West End. Phones. family parlor together atraioa is viniting relatives in the jiry. Both ceremony. ine rjride, who is the of Mendelssohn's wociding marcb,paTl Miss Alcoin has returned Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shelton. of eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno by Mrs. H. Z. Walters, sister of th Marguerite Mt. band-rainte- d china The second from a visit to relatives at Olney, 111. Cairo, 111., are spending a few days their guest, Miss Eva Hackney, of plate. Speed, possesses a bright mind and her bride. Rev. Mr. Baker, of Spring Hill, with Mrs. S uelton's mother. Mis. W Fleasant. "Lost Heir" was played prize, a beautiful picture, was won sweet and roMe have en officiated. The bride is an amiable Mis Eva Hackney, of Mt. Pleasant, ov Williamnon. After the disposition young C. fcbeppard. until a late hour, after whicn a de Miss Annie deared her t a large cir le ot friends, may, ana nas mends here, is tbe guest of Misses Mary and Nannie was a delicious hot lunch was served mDy iu Miss Mary Frierson lett Wednesday licious ice and fruit course served. game who regret t iat tbe marriage removes also in West Tennessee Mr. Bunch n Hull. a Mrg for Pembroke, Ky., to resume her Miss was hostess a her to another state. young business man of Spring HilL J. A. Sloan and son, George, Mary Rainey at Immediate interest should centei ci-e- le after the holidays clock Mi. and Mrs. Simpson left Friday with a wide of friends. After the have returned from a visit to touching spending beautiful six o dinner Friday. upon tbe enlendid musical occasiou Mr. with her parents. A of rive eoarses morning for their future home in Cull ceremony and Mrs. Bunch received delightful menu which is to ba presented to Columbia Mr. was the of man, Ala., where Simpson holds congratulations, after which tbe bridal Mr. H. M. Brown, Jr., of North Miss Lucy Haley has returned from served, following guests being bv the Home Wonteis' Society tbe a with South- amidst a shower Misses Cairie Uant, Annie First M. E. in their iesponsiola position the party left, of rice and Carolina, is the guest of Miss Rebecca a visit to ner sister, Mrs. D. B. Heath, present: Chuich, South, ern Bell Company. old shoes, for the home cf the and Mattie Williamson new Sunday-schoo- l room on Telephone groom'a Erwui. at Charlotte, N. C. Aisy Fleming Friday parent?, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bunco, Mis ant) Messrs. Clint Whitthorne, Hugh evening of this week. These active -- where a N. E. Woodside has returned Mr. and Mrs. Joe Newman, Misses Ma Webster. Robt. Clark and Frank in Cooper Cooper. reception awaited shem. Tfcey from a to at workeis have lately assisted the Mr. W. Del son of D. B were of visit her son, Harry,, rie Speigel and Leah Garber went to Jr. of a ana offer a Cooper, C1. recipients many valuable pres- Lander, purchase piani they of Xtehvilie, and Miss Marion ents, of china and silver. Memphis. Nashville today to witness the "dhep treat in tbe way of a charming recital Cooper, principally Mr. , Mr, and Mrs. Bunch will Miss Iona Colquit is visiting her herd King" at the Vendome. The following partcok of a bountiful favorite aiii&ts. Home talent Cooper, dai' thner 0' Adison Cooper, be at home ia by three of were married Hill after 9. sister. Mis. Jake Hebblen, at Daven .Arch left 2po Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. will he well by Mrs, C. A. Nashvili, Thursday Spring January Craig January s reptesfn'ei at the home of Mr. poit, . for Marcella Falls, where be has ae Geo. Mahon, at their home on Carter Forgey as vocalist, and Miss Mary Dale afternoon, Cooper Mr. and Mrs. C 8. Niohols Mr. Frierson, neir Zion. The wedding was Miss has re- a U. S. Creea: it I OVfcR Addie Sims Bonnet cented position with tne S.ave Figuers, violinist. In sedition ir. rha narnra A anrririuA thnntrh t.hA THE COUNTY. Co. and Mrs. Mi.'tou Walters, Mrs. Chris one of rf turned from a visit to her sister in and Lumoer . will he a great privilege to hear tiana Jordan, Mrs. Charlie Miti-n- Mre. young people had been sweethearts for 2o Nashville. Meade now with the Bell Nashvilla'8 most accomplished singer Miss been Photos, each, at YOUNG 'a tf Vaughsn, J. M. Walieis, Mieea Louhp. Beatrice Mr. Coss. Washburn. several years. U"opor bad Mr. Marvin Bond, of Pulaski, will Telephone Cj. , in Ala oa in a, is spend the of Mrs. W. P for the "Mrs. A. L. Blocker and children and uid Eugene McKnight, Luiian and This musical can but be a biilliant: guest Ridley Miss Emma arrive this week to visit Mi. and Mrs. ing a tew days with Columbia rela and Luciie Irvine. past two weens, and confided her inten- Fitzgerald are visiting; Frank Latta tives. Grace Oailey, success. Columbia music lovers ie relatives at Sawdust. to h9r Mrs. 's tions to her hostess, Wednesday night. Mr. B. W. always pleased Forgey Mr. arrived from Nash FOR SALE: The and Mrs. H. Adams have Mrs. D. Hastings and Mrs. Alice Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Alexander enter voios. so full of and usei with Thursday Cooper only available 1 feeling vi drove with his from the business lot in returned from a visit to Williamson L Davis ana Carlisle Davis witnessed tained with an elaborate dining Bnnday and Miss lie, and bride the midst of tha egg beautiful effect, Figuen' the home Mr. business 20 county. tee Shepherd King at the Vendome at their home on Siuth Garden bireet. are keen to Kidley home to cf Frier district; 20)4 by feat. many admirers hear what was of . Mr. Kobt. Lentz, of Evansville, Jnd., Monday. Covers were laid for twelve. Guests season ot to son, where tne ceremony periormra Cheap. Enquire GROSS. another study has brought in of the Rev. S P. 4 is here the with his Mrs. G. N. Pickaid returned to her from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. A. am A the presence family, 6tWU spending holidays this talente", bin jus girl sclen Mrs. has parents. home Tuesday, after a visit to her H. Fanlknr, little 8am iJraotl-- y and did tutuie is before her a Hawes, officiating. Ccoper Miss Annie Bratton, of Shady Grove. spreading been a visitor to I and , 13 Mr. B. sisters. Mrs. Belle Siinrns and Mis. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Alexander and eon, success which cannot be frequent olumbia, visiting Columbia relatives. and Mrs. J. Scott are visit or brightness and nas a larze circle or menus nere. one K. W. James, and Mis Lucille K'drord. for violinis- Mr. Lum McKee and of Car-ha- ve ing their son, W. n. Scott, in tne Hight. predicted every young t- is a woman noble cnaractar. family, v Nashville, and Mr. Lee Alexeoder, of 11 a bn-ish- young o' ter'a Tew- - country. Misses Bica Boyd of Lynn Hie, and she ripidly developing into and admirable traits of Creek, moved to West of this will be Godwin. and who nas puiiSHSses many neseee. Mr. and Mis. Jno. T. Kagan and Haliie Fry, city, goests deliguttm artist, mind and heart, and would make any of Mrs. Joe Brawnlow for a week or eo the best of this FOR House lttle son, ot Nashville, are visiting A merry party or markers met Thurs joyed advantages man a worthy helpmeet. KENT and barn and relatives here. more. of Mr. 1. country. about six acres of land, on Ntshviii day night at toe home ti. Mr. vVashiurn a voirre Mis Walker Miss Annie Mai William", who has ano his splendid MUSICALE pike, near toll gate. II. A. BROWN. Carolyn has returned to iseely at UiOgyvill" spenr ev anu re- 28- been relatives in and rear the mciemen be is a singer of artistic tasto -5 < Wilimmsport after a visit to Columbia visiting eial happy couis. Ihe 11 Lynn-viil- a, finement and Mrs. F It in will lend friends. city, returned to her home near weather kept clown tbe attendance but Fifth Chas. Docson. colored, has filed afcfll were much pleasure to tbe patrons of the Friday Evening, January for divorce in Saturday morning. Hll who nraved the weutner well pie-tsm- , the Circuit Court Mr. O. E. Baxter has returnd aft.r programme witu her sympa- against spending a week with his near Miss Emma Lake McAdama baa re- repniJ. Ihe features of the evening at the Methodist Church, his wife, Mattie Dodson. parent?, Tenn . thetic piino Hccsmpmiments. ucwihure. turned to her school at Jasper, were the unique maracters leprefcenttd A Una audience snauld this WANTED.-- To buy milk cow, frwrfe. Mr. and Mrs. some music gr?et at o'clock. in Mrs. has returned to after a visit to her parents, !V the masaeis splendid trio. Tiukets are now on sile at Wol-- ' Eight milk, with second or thod calf; mast Mary Dinning W. G. Mo.idams. followed delicious retresh nents. be and Jlencon after a visit to her son, Mr. J. by dridge h. 1. Piano and Violin Sonata Op. 21 gentle good butter ow. Bell 11. Mrs. and Mrs. A. B. Faulkner and 'Phone 102, W. R. 4 3t&m Uinr ing. A dining was Gade Mrs. Fu ton, Miss Figuers. Craig. Mr. Mrs. Tom Alex- delightful tamily Minor-Hardin- g. W. Conn-fwsnia- o little son, and ssd - 2. Vocal a The Nightingale Hath a Mr. L. Sowell, of Obion Padgett left Tuesday of visit- given veuues :ay evening at me Aiue- county, lor w n trims ton. Mrs. l'adsett mav ander and little eon, Nashville, O uiin ana Mr. Ned Jaiatd Minor and Miss Lyre of Go,d.. b. Were I a Prince has totutned h me iron a visit to old ed Columbia relatives Sunday, mtuui tiy Capt. i. jut. o. Love Is a Bubble ft lends in sin him 1'iter. , G. S'nii. Arouna me toaru were Fariie Maud Harding arrivea Wednes- Egyptian, Maury, Mrs. E. A. and little Mr. Washburn. Mr. W. Stockell, of Vanderblt Uni-trsit- limmons iir. aid il.8 frank H. binitQ and day from and were mariied J. Terrell. Ji., of BenUh. Ilenty have W. 3. Violin Concerto No 9 de Beriot is si a few with daugntei, Blanche Ernestine, aaagntox, Miss JHi68e .mmti Wednesday nigot hy Esq Ueorgb Miss., is visiting relatives at Cart era ending ;aays umie, - Dale returned from a visit to relatives at Wuottii. Bown and Jean Doo- Hayes. Tne Miss Mary Figuers. Creek. fiends in Columbia. Mary joung pejple attempted 4 Vocal Franklin. bins. A delicious tiicuu was ser..u to married in several states en Maridigal. Harris. Mrs Miss-- Mrytle Timnions and Ijilhe get Mrs. Sallie Nicholson and Mr. F.liah Misses Leona Hardison and Janie several were made but on account of the biide Forgey. Unios-vill- e, and hours ve,y route, - Barker are visiting relatives at e 5. Hark, Hark the Lark Schubert- McKay, of tne Nasnville Bible .School, pleasaoc with ins. ruinental ana vj..i reing under twenty-on- years ot age Marshall county. sntnr with Mrs. II L. music. were unable to secure a license. Litzt Miss Mary Ashton. Thursday G. Vocal Indian Love Ljric9 Finden White. McKee-Oakle- Misses Leiia and Frierto i. y. Mr. Washburn. H ot Bottle Mrs. Alic Lee Davis and son. Car- Pjrter TO OUR FRIENDS ANO CUSTOMERS. Water of .vlr. and Mrs. coium .ua Tliurs3ay afternoon, Dacemher 21st. PART lisle, have returned to Huntsville, aughters II. Mrs W. D Frierson, of Cross biidifcs, rnuirtaiuj at tne b joie of Mr S. D OiKhy. the a I otermezzo .We wish to utter a visit to Mr. and ! i. Mascagni tbnnk our many friends numher 01 ineuda Tnursu.i hriue's f ithHr, near Carter's Creek, At Year Feet Hustings. youim b. Ctczonetta d Ambrosia and customers for making 11)05 Um were i venmg. rne young miss Linn uamy hou mi. josepn n. Miss Dale most in the of Mis. Littlelioi.1, Misses EJna Cura L. lcKee. two ot toe o s most - Mary Figuers. prosperous jear history eisted la receinug Oy Mioses mnty pop- S, Vocal from the Turkish our want fo count and Smith aid Jer.nie Yeatman went to u ar were united in Songs busineps.wd you Cold Feet are more the rule acobs. Elizabein Cpnrtou. F.i"ti youn people, Hills Clutsani frieud4 am og oar customs, dar Na hville to see Miss Ada wUo.-- j 1 jour .Saturday . 'riersoo, and Louise Wacmn". tie home was than the nowa- Vendo-ne- marriage prettily Mr. Wa" ours truiv. exception in at the 1 i and ing ijjtj. l tiaiiiey Triliy late was served by Misses Eiiz .beth decorated holly and mis ltoe, 9. . 11 fe W We ha ve v-at- On. Dry Those Tears ...delRigo EE 3 ATKINS. days. a hot Mr. Garnett went to Nash Biown Friersoo i iie ceremony was by Kev. Rainey Annie upuu arriv,.i performed Forgey, with violin obligate , bottle is bis Miss f U-- tw- - A of num-ne- r that niad'i of extra villa Friday to see da'iahter, Lr At a lale a ii Gray, in tne presence a 10. Violin a. .. . 1 . . Ij- - : guesia. Jocelyn Godard A Ul w-t- n ids of 1 nmn lUUUei Ada Rainey, in "iue t.tS' at the course luncheon was set red. of trie the young b. Herenade . Drain1 m Vendoiu;. people. The bride, who is a most lov-aol- e lik'h holds heat for several took Decern c. Humoreske. CHILD SERIOUSLY BURNED. Mrs. H. L. is her A pre'ty wedding place mid attractive young wcnmi, was Miss Marv Dale Fieuera. hours-ju- st the these Hendley visiting ber at 4 at the home of thing sister in Nasnville and will see "The 2i'tb, o'clock, attired in a blu3 ti'br male s.nt snd 11. Absent Metcalf cold Mr. and Mrs. Will Water h nt nights. Toast your feet the Vendome. Biughaui, oer earned touquet nnues iosps Trie Mrs. - old of Mr. Sheppard King" at hIIav. whHn ilieir Kila Mai. Forgey. The four year child and with it tonight. It will feci Her little Tom McLean, ac-- 1 daughter. gr.nui i tin of the county's most 12. Vocal a. of ! Mrs W. A. who live on Nintfc nephew, was united in marriage to Mr. Fed I. farmers. Kumerous Songs Destiny (MSS) Cathey, good. companied her. young b. Ever a Song Somewhere (f rom and Embargo atrets, was seriously. Adkii"n The ceremony was said popa-larit- y N' by banusouie presents attested tbe Ashford i burned this John M Lee lft Thursday for Kev. Mr. Blackwood, attendants con- Words) pethaps fatally raornivf. ihe of tne young coopls. After now on sale at j absence of the GET IT AT Louis, where he will prcbaMy )ic vl Acre Miss Lula aod Mr. Jess Tickets Woldridge's. During the mother. a whole u Biognam gratulations tbe nrical party repaired tne child got coo close to tbe a position with ljige m Mis Virgie Picirard aud Mr. -- grata. s daiason, to the tome of the groom's Mre S hmse. C.lumnia tiieu-.- parents. Bunch Thomson when its clothing caugot and UiQL-DRlDGfc'- 000s ,exiv Fred Lindsey. Tbe bride was attired in Mr. and Mrs J. P. McKte, wbere an vii ! Dut. feel sure nu . .ii A heau'iful wedding was that at the almost burned from its before his departnrj, blue silk, with toucbea of white, and elaborte wns seived. Mr. bojy ao well svoerever be is. , supper andj home of tbe bride's parents, Mr. aud neip ariivdj. i