List of Continuing NRM Projects (2010/11 to 2011/12)

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List of Continuing NRM Projects (2010/11 to 2011/12) State NRM Program: List of continuing NRM Projects (2010/11 to 2011/12) NRM region(s) Project title Project partners Project description 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Total where project is Expenditure Funding Funding Funding delivered Adelaide and Implementing priority − Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges This project seeks to improve environmental and amenity $481,600 $490,300 $498,080 $1,469,980 Mount Lofty Torrens Taskforce NRM Board (project proponent) values of the River Torrens through implementing high Ranges actions − City of Adelaide priority Torrens Taskforce actions in: − University of SA • the urban catchment: − City of Campbelltown − improved biofiltration and gross pollutant collection − City of Norwood − carp control − City of Payneham − amenity flows − City of St Peters • the rural catchment: − City of Burnside − riparian restoration and water quality protection − City of Walkerville − improved land management. − City of Port Adelaide Enfield − City of Tea Tree Gully − Department for Water − South Australian Research and Development Institute − Sixth Creek Catchment Group − Mid Torrens Catchment Group − Upper Torrens Land Management Project − SA Water − Forestry SA − Department of Environment and Natural Resources Adelaide and Protecting and managing − Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges This project will adopt a landscape approach to protect and $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $1,500,000 Mount Lofty priority ecosystems in NRM Board (project proponent) manage the priority ecosystems in the Adelaide and Mount Ranges the Adelaide and Mount − Department of Environment and Lofty Ranges through landholder engagement, ecosystem Lofty Ranges Natural Resources management and protection. − Trees for Life Alinytjara Bringing back Warru: − Alinytjara Wilurara NRM Board In this project, the Warru (Black-flanked Rock Wallaby) $205,000 $150,000 $193,000 $548,000 Wilurara long-term conservation (project proponent) Recovery Team seeks to supplement the two remaining through building a Warru − Traditional Owners and Warru Rangers critically endangered South Australian populations with now- "Pintji" from the APY Lands available captive-bred young adult Warru from Monarto Zoo. − Zoo SA A predator-proof 100 hectare Pintji (enclosure) will be built in − APY Land Management the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands for − Department of Environment and hardening-off Warru prior to release and will be maintained Natural Resources and managed primarily by Anangu. − University of Adelaide 1 NRM region(s) Project title Project partners Project description 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Total where project is Expenditure Funding Funding Funding delivered − Ecological Horizons Pty Ltd. Eyre Peninsula Towards 2050: Eyre − Eyre Peninsula NRM Board (project This is a strategic project aimed at ensuring the Eyre Peninsula $400,000 $200,000 – $600,000 Peninsula Climate proponent) Sector Agreement obligations can be met by providing Change Program − Department of Premier and Cabinet support to the Sector Agreement Steering Committee and − Department of Primary Industries and related communities. Integrated adaptive option assessments Resources SA will be undertaken, leading to the State’s first regional − Dept Local Government and Planning adaptation plan. The assessments will provide a template for − Eyre Peninsula NRM Board use in other NRM regions. Broad-scale community education − Regional Development Australia - and behavioural change programs will be undertaken Whyalla and Port Lincoln focussing on indigenous communities. A portfolio of specific − Eyre Peninsula Local Government projects to implement the climate change plan will be Association developed, including the costs of specific initiatives. Parties to − Zone Emergency Management the Sector Agreement will also work to identify and leverage Committee other funding opportunities. Eyre Peninsula Implementation of high − Eyre Peninsula NRM Board (project This project will implement high priority conservation $207,000 $214,000 $270,000 $691,000 priority WildEyre proponent) strategies developed through collaborative conservation Conservation − The Wilderness Society action planning in the WildEyre project area on the Eyre − Greening Australia Peninsula. The project aims to achieve positive on-ground − Department of Environment and outcomes for two highly threatened conservation assets: Natural Resources • sheoak grassy woodland systems; and − Nature Conservation Society of South • the sensitive coastal zone. Australia Eyre Peninsula Implementing landscape − Eyre Peninsula NRM Board (project This project aims to deliver an integrated approach to pest $108,000 $132,500 $174,000 $414,500 scale biodiversity proponent) management at the landscape scale by implementing a three management to protect − Department of Environment and year on-ground works plan incorporating pest plant and the Coffin Bay coastal Natural Resources animal control, revegetation and erosion control. The project wetland system, Eyre − District Council of Lower Eyre will focus on the high biodiversity value coastal and near Peninsula Peninsula coastal environments adjacent to the Coffin Bay coastal − Lower Eyre Peninsula Coastcare wetland system on the Eyre Peninsula. Association Kangaroo Island A regional approach to − Kangaroo Island NRM Board (project Funding will support the integrated management of bridal $80,000 $60,000 – $140,000 Integrated Weed proponent) creeper, bridal veil, gorse and blackberry on Kangaroo Island Management on − Department of Environment and using existing management plans developed by the former Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Department for Environment and Heritage, Kangaroo Island − Kangaroo Island Weeds Group Natural Resource Management Board and the Kangaroo Island Weeds Group. This project builds on the extensive management, monitoring, control and investigation activities previously conducted within the region for landscape scale Weeds of National Significance management. 2 NRM region(s) Project title Project partners Project description 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Total where project is Expenditure Funding Funding Funding delivered Kangaroo Island Engaging Kangaroo − Kangaroo Island NRM Board (project This project will: $64,000 $78,000 $121,000 $263,000 Island landholders to proponent) • provide technical and practical assistance to landholders, manage biodiversity and − Department of Environment and community groups and agencies undertaking restore habitat Natural Resources management works and habitat restoration for − Friends of Western Kangaroo Island biodiversity benefit; Parks • carry out control works for target environmental weeds; − Volunteers and • engage school students, landholders and volunteers in monitoring and restoring habitat for nationally threatened species. Kangaroo Island Implementing the Glossy − Kangaroo Island NRM Board (project Funding supports the continuation of the South Australian $69,700 $79,900 $136,400 $286,000 Black-Cockatoo recovery proponent) Glossy Black-Cockatoo Recovery Program including: and threat abatement − Department of Environment and • protection of nesting habitat; plan Natural Resources • restoration and protection of feeding habitat; − Volunteers • management of artificial and natural nest hollows; and • engagement of community to conduct the annual population census, help identify active nests and assess yearly breeding success. Kangaroo Island Reinstating threatened − Kangaroo Island NRM Board (project This project will re-instate 60 hectares of diverse habitat for $95,400 $69,000 $44,650 $209,050 plant species and proponent) threatened plant species and communities. It continues a communities in eastern − Department of Environment and broader long term strategy, developed and implemented over Kangaroo Island Natural Resources the last seven years by the Kangaroo Island Nationally − Cygnet Park Sanctuary, University of Threatened Plant Project , to address the root cause of Adelaide biodiversity and landscape decline in eastern Kangaroo Island. − Unilife(Student association of the University of South Australia) − BioR Kangaroo Island Restoration of the − Kangaroo Island NRM Board (project This project will assess the remediation required following $83,600 $44,000 $82,220 $209,820 Harriet River riparian proponent) flood damage caused by the breaching of a 30 GL farm dam in zone − Department of Environment and the headwaters of the Harriet River. It will then commence Natural Resources the initial stages of reparation to: − Department for Water • manage erosion risk; − Rural Solutions SA • manage, protect and restore riparian habitats and communities; and • improve landholder capacity to implement best practice natural resources management. Kangaroo Island Towards eradication: − Kangaroo Island NRM Board (project The Kangaroo Island NRM Board will work with the Kangaroo $49,100 $48,500 – $97,600 Developing effective proponent) Island community to trial feral cat control, with the potential community feral cat − Kangaroo Island Council to eradicate feral cats on the Dudley Peninsula. The efficiency control on Kangaroo − Invasive Animals CRC and effectiveness of recently developed tunnel devices will be 3 NRM region(s) Project title Project partners Project description 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Total where project is Expenditure Funding Funding Funding delivered Island − Conovations NZ investigated to plan for effective feral cat eradication across − Kangaroo Island Cat Control the Dudley Peninsula. Committee − Ecological Horizons − Canberra University −
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