Vol. 2 No. 6 December 2003 2003 Annual --e*I*11- (Vol. 2 No. 6) December 2003, is published and © 2003 by Earl Kemp. All rights reserved. It is produced and distributed at least quarterly through http://efanzines.com by Bill Burns in an e-edition only. THIS ISSUE OF eI is dedicated to Frances Hamling and Richard Yerxa. It is also for Ajay Budrys, Harlan Ellison, and Frank Robinson and it is in memory of Bruce Elliott, Larry Shaw, and Edward Yerxa. Dear friends one and all, tested, tried, and found true. Thanks for that extra mile. In the exclusive science fiction cosmos, this issue of eI is in memory of KIM Campbell, Lloyd Arthur Eshbach, Beryl Mercer, and Harry Clement Stubbs. # My article "Dirty Old Men" is incorporated herein by reference, and appears in Marty Cantor's No Award 14, that is also available at eFanzines.com . As always, everything in this issue of eI beneath my byline is part of my in-progress rough-draft memoirs. As such, I would appreciate any corrections, revisions, extensions, anecdotes, photographs, jpegs, or what have you sent to me at
[email protected] and thank you in advance for all your help. Bill Burns continues to be The Man around here. If it wasn't for him, nothing would get done. He inspires activity. He deserves some really great rewards. It is a privilege and a pleasure to have him working with me to make eI whatever it is. And also, Dave Locke continues as eI Grand Quote Master. You will find his assembled words of wisdom separating the articles throughout this issue of eI.