fournalof the InternationalPalm Society Vol.48(2) June 2004 THE INTERNATIONATPALM SOCIETY,INC. The International Palm Society Palms (formerlyPRINCIPES) Journalof I he InterndtionalPalm Sociely Founder: Dent Smith An illustrated,peer-reviewed quarterly devoted to The InternationalPalm Society is a nonprofitcorporation informationabout palms and publishedin March, engagedin the studyof palms.The society is inter- June, Septemberand Decemberby The InternationalPalm nationalin scopewith worldwidemembership, and the Society,8.l0 East1Oth St., P.O. Box 189/, Lawrerrce, formationof regionalor localchapters affiliated with the Kansas66044-889/, USA. internationalsocie[y is encouraged. Please address all inquiriesregarding membership or inlormalionabouL Editors: Dransfield,Herbarium, Royal Botanic the societyto The InternationalPalm Society Inc., P.O. John Cardens,Kew, Rrchmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE,United Box 1897,Lawrence, Kansas 66044-8897, USA. e-mail Kingdom,e-mail j.dransfield@rbgl<, tel. 44-20-
[email protected],Iax 7 85-84 3-1 27 4. 8332-5225,Fax 44-20-8132-527B. OFFICER5: ScottZona, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Carden , 11935 Old CutlerRoad, Coral Cables, Miami, Florida 33156, President: PaulCratt, I6745 Westlpson Drive, USA,e-mail
[email protected], tel. 1 -305 -667 - Loxahatchee,Florida 33470 USA, e-mail 165.1 ext. 3419, Fax.l-305-665-8032.
[email protected],tel. 1 -561-514-1837. Associate Editor: NatalieUhl, 228 PlantScience, Vice-Presidents:Bo-Coran Lundkvist, PO Box 2071, CornellUniversity, lthaca, New Yorl<14853. USA, e-mail Pahoa,Hawaii 96778 ]JSA,e-mail nwul,tel. 1-607 -257 -0885.
[email protected],tel. 1-808-965-0081. LelandLai, 21480 Colina Drive, Topanga, California Supplement Editor: JimCain, 124'l8 Stafford Springs.