Matrix Issue 114

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Matrix Issue 114 The newsletter of the British Science Fiction Association matrix Issue 114 £1.25 April - May 1995 matrix 114 • aprl may 1995 ~~~~~----------------------- matrix 114· apr / may 1995 Editor: Chl'is Ternn 9 BeechwO<Xl Court Back BeechwO<Xl Grove LeWs, UK LS42HS Tel:0113Z782388 matrix Email: [email protected] Cover Art:.Dave Mooring the news magazine of the (Who also provided last,,;su,,'s cov"r_ many thanks!) Proofreading: Bart)' Tr.lish Technical Assistance: Tom Satterthwaite, Jim Trash Design / Production: Chris Tenan Transport: A huge to Tara Dowling-Hussey The deadline for the June/July issue is 9th June ]995. News - the happening world BSFA News British Science Fiction Association People in sf Recent and forthcoming books Mailbox Play: The Blue Bal/ Editorial Reviewed by Paul Kincafd Obituaries Anothercrowded issue, and again your editor has had to Norman Hunter, Philip E. Cleator, lan Bal/amine blue-pencil himself ... I will soon nave enough spare editorials .to fill the magazine all by myself. Apologies to those H~ri~~n~t~g;~~"::t whose arllcles were cut or held over. I know now It feels! 10 on music, sfand the Hugos 11 Film: Star Trek: Generations This Matrix sees a concentration on conventions, with two Reviewed by Joseph Nicho/as re~rts on Confabulation .(this year's Eastercon in London's Forthcoming Anrac1tons Doddands), a rt'~rt on Pl<:ocon (a small one-day con at Films to look out for :~~=i~.I~':~~'~h:;~~e~ge~et~~es~:X~~dre:;nthsare 12 Confabulation 1 Jim Trash reveals dastardly doings in Docklands fallow limes ~orconv~tions,especially this ye~r with the Worl~con being held In Glasgow. Cons are an Important part 14 SF and Fantasy on Video of sf life, but many of you are unable - or unwilling - to GeoffCowie allend them, and Matrix must cater for all. 15 Confabulation 2 John Ollls offers an alternative view This is my third issu~, and while I [cell'm sellling in to the 16 Planet Weird ~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~7::F~~~~~~~I~~~=f~l,of Nige/ E, Rlchardson reviews a billion zines course, some feedback is prctly essential! If you have any 18 TV: Goodnight Sweetheart ~~~~~~t~:~~t;:'';fr::~~~~~~do;th:::t;t~ Reviewed by Jenny G/over 19 Interzone 94: An Editor Speaks (~~arl~h%P~~bj~~~t:~:~~~~i~~~B~r;{~~~t:~~~ch Charles p,-n tells all 20 Picocon report ~:~e'~~1~~~,e~~:U°aietl~:/~Sa::f:t:fu~~:\~::~~rll Conrep by Pat McMurray still be considered for the next one. So don't hesitate to write! 21 The Fan Club at the End of the Universe Slmo Slmpson on the Hitch-Hiker fan club Anerralum 10 my erratum of last time isdue.lnMJ2trix1120n The Word ~t~~t~r:h~~dahaa:~t:~~~~~t~n;.~~'~:ll~~~. Colln Ha"ls deconstructs the literary side of Intersection And 22 Events Diary in MJ2trix 113 I apologised for this, but got it wrong again, miso-editin~it that time to John Dallman. Fulsome and 23 Star's End Andy Sawyer on Arthur Clarke's degree ceremony ra:.l;t~~o~pv~:~~ ~~~h~~~il~~~make toast with my Members' Noticeboard 24 Competition Corner -ChrisTemm Roger Roblnson and John English Awards: Nkholas Mahoney, 275 Lonsdale Avenue, Inlake. Doncasler, ~~sF~t~~~~:~~:EKresidents, £9 for unwaged. Please enquire for DN26HG overM'asrates Foreign Liaison: Bridgel Wilkinson, 17 Mimosa, 29 Avenue Rood, Renewals and new mem~nI: Alison Cook. 52 Woodhill Drive, Grove, LondonNI5 Wantage, Oxon., OX120DS USA Enquiries: CyChauvin, 141A8 Wilfrt'd Street, Detroit, MI 48213, Publications U.S.A. Mtltrlr. Chris Temm, 9 Bft'cilwood Court, Back Beechwnod Grove, teros, West Yorkshire, L54 2HS Officials Tel: 0113 2:78 2388 Email: [email protected] Administrator. Maun.-en Kincaid Speller, 60 Bournemouth Road, Folkestone, Kent, Cf19 5AZ Vector: Catie Cary, 224 Southway, Park Barn, Guildford, SUfft"y, GU2 'ON Lr:~~;~;I~~~~~:~1~8er, 82 Kelvin Rood, New Cubbington, Focus: Carol Ann Green, 5 Raglan Avenue, Raglan Street, Hull, HU5 2JB Orbiters: Carol Ann Green, 5 Raglan Avenue, Raglan Street, Hull, HU52JB Julie Venner, 42 Walgrave Street, Newland Avenue, Hull, HU5 2LT British Science Fidion Association Ltd. Company No. 921500. Registered Address: 60 Boumemooth Rood. Folkestone, Kent, Cfl9 5AZ. Registered in England. Limited by Guarantee. Printed by PDC Copyprint, 11 Jeffries PaWlge, Guildford, GUI 4AP. Copyright Cl BSFA 1995. Individual copyrights are the property of the autoors a.nd editor. ISSN 0307 3335. Designed and produced by Chris Terra.n on an Acorn A5000. 2 --~~----------~~~~~~~~~~---~~---- --------------------------- mal.I)(114. apr/maV1995 BSFA A\lVEU"ds The annual BSFA Awards ceremony was held at Confabulation on Easier Sunday. The awards, presented by David Harlwell and Bob Shaw, were: Novel: lain M. Ba.nks Feersum Elld]i"" Short Story: Paul de Fillipo "Double ~~I:;g:';=;~~Cover for lfltC7.0tlt 79 :...?~~r awards given at Confabulation Doc Weir Award: Ikmie Ev.llns (Presented for outstanding contributions H 10 fandom over the years; voled for by lhe NEWSMany thanks to IH allendees of Easlerron.) o David y. Barrett,. Elizabeth Billinger, Brum SF Group, Michael A. o ~::~rZ:H=:r:O;ave Huwood U J3k~~I~~~~~d~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~h~~~S U or best tannish artwork.) N ~ PIatt, Mark Plu'!'mer,. Terry Prat.chett. DcMd Pringle, Julie Rigby, N ngralulalions 10 all! D Andy Sawyer, Slmo Slmpson, Bnan Stableford, Jim Trash, Jessica D Cla..-ke Avva,..d S Vales S l'he 1995 ArthurC. Clarkf Award was wo;li~rl.:;n~~~~l~.novelFads, ~~~~~i:h~rk~:~hey ::;~;~~~~~t~ ~=~ :eren't t1ecled from forty.five submitted books,. the-other titles on theshortlisl for the 'instanl book'. Ringpull was5~uently bu.dgelary conslraints. ~UI people Iilcc ninth Oarke Award were as follows (in Bnan Blessed and Janc Lapotaire re~ lIy ~t~~mt;~~~~~~~d7; carry it along." ~~~~~:,:~s:~ appeared and a few copies have been ie~~~~~r:O:~~I~~:~:i~,:, (MiUennium) ~I~:r'~;~r;:~~~~but the S,orie>. And inJuneBBC Radio 4 will ~a7Jr::;/::f:~e;t~:;~~d).~ancZ) uncerlain at press-time. broadcast an adaptation by Claire Grove (Gollancz) of Wyrd Sislm. Tlptree Avvard VVinners • In-store promotional material for lhe ~~~~h;.~«t:~~~~J~r:';:~ The fourth James nptree Jr. Memorial paperback edition of Soul Music, due in Award was presented at a special May! shows Prarc~tt on a Harley J~j~~~m~arfor the 'very dose banquet dunng Podatch 4, a convention DaVidson motorbike and Wielding a dcasion' were ehris Amies and David held in Oakland, California on 12th mean guitar (sorT)',.Q..xt). Both bike and February. The two winners for 1994 are guitar an' compehllon prizes. ~!~~~E'lliD~~i~~~~~~ark Ursula LeGuin for the short slory "The Fiction Foundatkm), and Or John Gribbin Matlt>rof~"~ublished in Crank, Endangered Aboriginal and Ma~e McDonatd (International ~~;j~:1 ~dthtaw~gS~~~~~kslr The American magazine Aboriginal SF hao> Science POlilb:undation). The award - f~;~~!:t~~~~~~o~ ~~i:~~o~~C~~~: n,~:~ed b~~:th~: C.~~k: ~r Digital SF Ryan. Launched in 1986, Aborigt711ll was presented by astronomer and TV ~~RO~:d~~~r:~~I~~:.into ~~'.~~~ a~d~~ l\~j~=;~~dUi~ taresenter Heather Couper at the a Michael Moorcock has signed a deal with controversial 'exchange' Issue with on ~h~toZ.ip~: e~~;rt~:inLondon. Origcn (part of Electronic Arts) for the ~:::;~J~~~~Wt~~rU;C:~~i;~R~nnce Greenlandwas the Master of Ceremonies, fh:a~~sf~~ [;) and the event was attended by Oarke's as SimmoRS is working WIth Microsoft on ~t~~~e~a:Jb:~~:~~,.r~;~~ntsfor ~~~t;:d~~:~1~~~~01 ~PseGreat ~~ddG~e~~t~n:s~~~i~:C!r!R'b~. subscribers, though, are not Known. and Good. In her presentation speech Couper edition of the SF Encycloptdia (with Birth 01' Beyond admitted to not reading sf, but did fa~~~~~:,~ndillustrations added) Better news in the UK, as two new sf ~=}~~~:~~~~:J~~i:~fimov :=~%:e;-Oa:;~l~~~n~·~:~;nrst astronomy as a carc<'r. To remedy her Dlscvvorld: The Series issue in Mardi with extensive distribution in Menzics and Smiths; it ft>atured stories :~=~:tli~~f:~tfe'=;:~asv.;:~ ~;'::~~~:;:"1~N:~;~~~~~!:TV from Stephen Laws, Ra~ Campbell best introduction possible'. g=~rl~:;7~':~~nt~~~~ted :~~c:~blat~~r~~~':an~~:;i:nd • David V. Barrett retires as the Oarkc Award administrator this year, and is third 'Guards' book. Andy Harries, Brooke. ~71d, ed.ited by David Riley Granada's Head of Comedy and Drama. :~~~~~tf::~~I~v~o~~~~i ~~a:~~~~~i~~t person to win has prepared scripts fora series of the Clarke Award twice: she previously :::~.~~nFo~':.,t::~~k:I:I:e:~e~ restrictive ... The only criteria that ~:~;:.rT~i~hl~~~J~f:;,n~ramm::, ~T':v:~~ ~::ihenllirkeAward was =7'~:e~~~.i~:~:m':~l:too worried columns on wmics and films as w~ ~~Yw~Wca~~~lo~t~~~a. ;e~~~~~~~:~~~~~J~~ans book reviews, an article on the small- The author is not British (though a ul! ~~es;h~C~::g~~~o~:r~d:~~e~~rs author is not ~uired), the booK was not Given that the GlUlnis! Guards! radio adaptation Ion BBC Radio 5 in 19931 was with lhe boss of Troma studios. :,~~e:t.:~~:~~~~~p:~~n;di~ enhanced by Welsh and Irish accents, I don't Q.l/.tOmAtiaally think this is a bad ~::f.~~~tJ~ffN~~~~~was k'tc~~:'alth:~~=~~s;e~~ ~i~t:~~nd~la~~(;t:Z~ • Concerning the LWT production of t~nyp:1~~~~1t~'95" Alngpull Recycled ~r ~~~r~~'N~~t::~~t~ of I'd like it 10 be. Anyone who has ~~iil=~~~~~":v~this :'v~~~2~~~d:\~~~~=~new much satisfaction is! --------------------------------...;:3 mat.ix 114 • ap.1 may 1995 -----;:::=======:;:======::;:======== .. , NEWS continrud ,, StarTIp out sf! Becol'Tle A Milllonnaire The Universitat Politemica de Catalunya in Barcelona runs an annual contest foran original, unpublished novella in the sf genre.
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