Journalism Is Given Class a Rating Here

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Journalism Is Given Class a Rating Here ' . Eums Begin Jan.. ry lO m r. ling-tum Blodc· ' D ' Drawn BY T HE STUDENTS, FOR THE UNIVERSITY VOLUME XXXIV WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1931 NUMBER 25 ~~==~~~~~==~~~~~--~--------~~--~~~~. ==~=---~~~~~~~------~----~~ Calxy Proofs to STUDF.NT FEES DlJI<: Journalism at W. & L. Rated Arrive Within the Ayars Resig~: All Student Fees and Dor­ Jimmy DeH art to Return to · Coming Few Days mitory rent must be vald M as Oass A; New Currictdum As Official In the Registrar's office on or Washington and l.£e as New . h Ce •£• . Ad d, Proofs of the tuc.Uvtdual pic- before Saturday. January 10 WIt rtl tcate IS opte tun•s taken for the Calyx between Convenient hours we from 10 Thanksgiving and Chtl11tmas were Student~y to 12 a. m. and from 2 unlll Football Head; Replaces Oberst maile.;d from New York Saturday i p .m. The 1·egulatlon of the facul­ National As!lociatitm Places D epartment's Work on Par \\'i1h and nte expected to be here at any P resent SecteUry_ and Treas­ F ~ u· ut l' l (;ltlt'ral t'na< lt l<<·tnnh \iter Ht·ing i\h ~ (· ttt itJr Six Years time. Notices will be llOsted an- ty regarding lhls I:; ns followll : That of Leading Schoo l s~Ncw Plan of Study Now in l ~ITct'l noun<:lng when and where they urer to Lave Duties "No ~>Lud,.nl fi hall l>r nllowed - \\ Jll li nn~ \\ llh lli111 the Warner S_r.,tun to l< cplacc to - Tim't' Majors <1iven. will be distributed. All the pic- ~e to enter on nny term examina­ 1'n t 111 H,cJut• • ' t It· ni f'l,ly. turcs tor the annual ha\f' now I tion until he ho.s paid OJ' hns e~n Luken and will soon be In tbe - madf' satisfaclon nn angc­ Students a t Waahin&ton and U. Journalism at Washington and hands or tbe engra.vf.>rs. HAS BEENACTIVE mcnls rot the payment of nil Jmun ~ Dt fl nrl \\ ho lt> nuinnlt:d his coaching career nt Duke Uni­ may now win a certlftcate in Jour- Lee received national rec()IJnition VCl'Sll.l lh ..;; wll h nt> SJ[:ned n. two year contract to coach the Generals 'Any student wtshlng to use the IN CAMPUS WORK his dues to the Uruverslly." nallsm In add!tlon to the A.B. de- durinl the Chrilltmas holidays same picture that he had In last l · I slnHlng SeptemiJt·r I. 1931. Only a formal endorsement of the con­ gree. Provision tor t~ certift- when membership In the Amerl­ year's Calyx mny do so by get- _,. • trod by the tru• te<;s ot the Unh•crslty whlch meets here, January 19, Is required lo ma.kc It offlclo.l. eate was made at the last faculty can A.uoclatlon or Schools and t1pg in touch with John Devine, Monogram WJMer in I ~thle- Gandht Tells Announ~m f.> nt was also made al Lhls time that Cy Young, present meetinf of 1i30, and a new Jour- Departments of Journalism gave business manager, or his assistant PromiDent nallam curriculum leading to the Claal A rating to the work at the tics· in Social freshman coach, wlll serve as as­ , Wllllnm Mlnniece In the next few ' • . award was npproved by tbe tacu- Lexington Institution. I •f St I :-------------'":' slstant varsity backfield coach lty. The Journall8m Association 18 days. ~-o- I Una ,J e ory tt J t ''JOR Dl'ES under DeHart and a new !resh- Heretofore, students maJ~ made uP of twenty-three unlver­ Jun i OJ ~! Lets pay up those man and line coach will be pick­ flues. Don't walt for a mem- ln Journalism worked tor the lliU. llving up to rlald require­ ber of the flnunce committee ed within several weeks. bachelor of arts derree but re- menta for the teaching Jour­ Tallyn Makes an~~~~er~r~!a~~::;~~ Library Book or resigned his position at the regu- ---- to come around to sec you. You DeHart was head conch of the celved no special recocnltlon for nauam. Scbooll In the Aasocia­ know who Bill Mulligan's as- Generals for rou1• years dw·lng the work in their major. By tenu tlon bave been rtven Class A rat­ ProgreSS lar meettnr of the execut!Ye com- J Several New Volumes by Cur· In mlttee tonlrht. Ayars , hl8 sislant's are. Checks may be years of 1922- 1925, at which time of the new they IDQ inc. IIDd comprise only about one­ ~ement , reasons for res~ tb4t'h e.. was I re n t Authors Added to po.:.t-datecl Have some pride the Blue and White had some of win both the degree and the certl· tblrd of American lnaUtutlons flcate in Journallam on c:omple- Jnat.ructlon 1n preparation Dan Ce PI anS planning to leave tbf! University Library tlnd make your dance a finnn- the best teams In the northern II._ at the end ttrat aeme&ter. succe-;s. section of the Southern Confer- tlon of the newly-&rran~ed cum- far nenpiaper and magazine of·""" ence. DeHart-coached teams In culum. These has· been for ~n- wan. Costumers to be Here to Take I -· During the holidays, the llbrnry the south ern conference have eral years an honor certUk:ate In " ~n and Lee ill o'* of hBB added Sf' Veral new bookS tO Alabama s WOn 21 games while losing only Journallsm but it hal ne9er been two loutbem illltltutlons holding Meouremenca Within Its shelves, all of which seem to ._ .. wm• six. a record bested only by awarded. lllembenblp in the American As- 'Week be very good. They lnclude many MaJor Newland of Tennessee and Three mtJors ln Journalllm aoctMiaa. the otber belnl the Un­ books by leading authors. Rose Bowl lies that or Wallace Wade of Ala- wtll be liven under tbe new ar- lvem~ of Louialana at Baton In Measurements for costumes tor Mahatma Gandhi, lhe leader of 1 bama who replaces DeHart at rancement. wblch Ia now ln dect. ~ requ~ta for mem­ the Silver Anniversary Fancy the IndJan movement ngamst 1 - -- Duke University n Plrl fall. Students · may maJor In daUJ ..__.. , Jo~. critical Joumal1an, or -~111UP in the Alloeiatlon are:­ Dress Ball January 30 will be Great Bntaln. has told the stor~· Washington State Defeated DeHart came to wasnmrton at ._. two full-UJne professors taken within the next week, ac- j OS bis life In "Mahalma Gandtu. and Lee in 1922. brlnglng with buslnesa Joumauam. with bacqrounct of newspaper cording to WUllam H . Tallyn, HJs o wn Story.'' In this work, By Aen al Attack of Cnm- him the famous Warner system The new currtclum Ia baled on wort; Junior standtnl u prere­ president of the dance. he brings out the thoughts thnt I son Tidr learned from Pop Warner whom rlgtd requirements of the AIDerl· qullite for profnstonal courses In During the boUda.ys Tallyn cor- have lntluem:ed his life and made DeHart played under at the Uni- can Asloelation of 8cboola and JournaUsm; a cun1culum cone­ responded wiLh the van Hom him the leadel' lhat he has be- Vt'l'SJty of Pittsburgh, where he 11 Departments of J~tam. of Iatini protMUoD&J Journallam costumers, Philadelphl&, and they J come in I ndio.. As he Is u. very The Crlm. '"' Tlcte of Alabama. gained all-American prominence which Wuhlnlton and Lee II QOW COUI'III wlUl bacqround wort in stated that their representative unique and almost unknown per- .:outhern conference champions, playing quarterback tor t he Pan- a member. It c:a1Ja !or a eorrela- llterature, economtca, poUtlcal wUI be 1n Lex.lnrton to tate cos- son, this book should prove to be and the rept cseutat!ve !Or the thers on the famous former Pitt tlon of a llmlted amount of teet\· ICtence. rovernment, aclence and Very mterestln"'· East. crushPd Wash ington State's teams coached by Warner who •· tume measurements, either the , .. powe1 t u J e1 e\·en 2·..' t o o Ne w now head coach at LeLand Stan-... nlcal Journallam with a rreat deal Jancuale: and adequate llbrary of this week of the bellnnlnl!' ··aeven Duys• DaJ·k:ueliS," by Yea.r·s D<•Y In the sixteenth play- rord University. of background wort in Utera$qre, and laboratory facWtlee. of next weet. Tallyn saya: Gunnarson, 1s ti- story of Iceland lng of the onnual Tournament of Under the tutllege of DeHart economics, polltical ICleqce, Ma- Wuhlnlton &Qd Lee was act- 11 With the Ball less" than a during the Influenza epidemic or Ro.•rs gumc. The game was play- Lhe Oenerals won four games and tory, and IOVei'IUileQt. mUted to membership 1n the Aa- month away It 1s urgent that all 1918. Durlni the worst week of cu m n. d1'1:'.11lng 1 atn before 70,- lost four games and tied the J)OW· Commentlnr oq the be1J currt- IOCiatloll at U. annual meetinl men ret meaaured !or their cos- Ilea .Ann the epidemic. a. volcano erupted 000 spectaton;. The Tide scored erful west Vlrgmla eleven the culum, Prof. L. Mapel, beJel In Bolton lut three days 1 WUI1aJD tumea as soon aa the represent&- and covered the sky with a dark tl rle touchdown ~- ln the second first year or the new system. Dur- director of Journ&Uam, laid t.qdu: of 1130. Profeuon WllJiam L. tlve comes. Van Hom and Son " I am rem.n"W 1111 poaltlon as .>lanket or smoke and ashes.
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