SIDELINES Wildcats Rout Alumni Cagers, 74 To 32 By Edward K. Sachs A--- Center Star Sports Editor Trojan NEW HANOVER FIVE a cnip Off the Old Back

tains. If we don’t do some- On Saturday we usually give SHOWS BEST the board of trustees FORM Sports bu1 thing, Tfre and omit Sidelines Trail a rest you not renew my contract By WHITNEY MARTIN this morning we would like to com- might ol and then I would have to go to ment on the most inane story OF YEAR IN work for a living.” WIN BY WHITNEY MARTIN the virtually tell year. reason we can themTTT^0 the — About only — each other 3 UP csrried NEW YORK, Dec. 21. (ff) you’re toUch It? was dispstch for athletics is that they give JUst concerning see Fennel Stooping to foul play, we note that trouble. ^vitin. by the afternoon paper, men a chance to obtain Toddy Scores 24 Bruce Drake, young 93 free throws were awarded in a of one Taking that rootin' .. the proposal poise and skills that will help them To Oklahoma University, to change of Points Lead Brogden game between two Illi- school game in of adjust themself to the art Illinois ^ rules so that the seven- nois high school teams. No mention 3!n’ basketball a seven foot ample, yu don’t need who have making living. Boys Men In mil le*’ foot, six-nine youngsters should also Winning is made of the officials but it is ination to fre- tall and five foot tall appreciate the been bobbing up with great assumed the performance was a constant shrill 0f ,aiai»3! have that opportunity. EDWARD K. the of late would be handicap- By SACHS blow to them and must quency we all better hang big they Ninety-three free basketball If they don’t, throws in their pursuit of the Star Sports Editor have left the court with means fouls ped up our hats and go back to kewpie- were called “u °r goals. bookies. And that includes Mr. Fastbreaking to a 22 to eight first doll cheeks and whistling breath. times. if basketball coach That Mr. Drake is Drake. period lead, the New High The number of fouls called in would be just the University. Hanc^pr be»i„„' at the Oklahoma E. C. Baker, 405 South Third Wildcats last night routea a team that game was of though. The rules lng- em- exceptional, are fill?d Not far from his place of is a mem- of former of the situations street of Wilmington graduates school course, but it does bear out a calling for ilr Vf‘a is the little town of Point (N. Y.) the machine total of 74 tones of the ployment ber of the Kings by adding sprouting idea that the game is whistle and ,uCet where two institu- would 8 Stillwater, United States Merchant Marine to 32. whistled to a A seem to be in being stop. whistle whistlin- en„ of note reside. One are informed a tions academy we by It was a sad in- stop game, you might say. without single foul other a homecoming being “21 Oklahoma A. & M., the Poulus, the sta- There are Ensign George deed for the Alumni, many who We have noted this violations of the seven-foot hunk of cage placer coach. Baker tendency second and tion’s swimming have just been discharged from in the Madison 10-second rule named Bob Kurland. Square garden is a Cadet Midshipman. service. They never had a chance mg, out-of-bounds, held Kurland games, where much of the continu- As well know, the Over 40 candidates reported as the Wildcats forwards broken ’’ you pint-sized ity and thrilling action has been dribble, and the five been life rather rug- for the team, Poulous reports, scored and scored and of the has making scored on ruined almost vantage unlimited Drake. Drake, of 15 by constant shrill- substh ged of late for the before a varsity squad repeated fast breaks. tion rule is another time bas. ing, shrieking whistles. It sounds killer in a great spirit of improving was selected. in Rules Biggest tnorn the alumni side like a tryout for traffic interpret?';ion in diff« ketball, and at the same time try Mrs. Baker told us over the cops p.r,, tbe was Toddy Fennel who put to- than a rid of wants afternoon that rather sports contest. „»„««« ing to get Kurland, phone yesterday an total confusion and, in who gether evening’s of 24 New York to the finger on all men her son, E. C., will be in Wil- We don’t think the officials pri- least, a team put points on ten baskets and four free from the west the six-foot six for the Christmas are to blame. are uhv have grown past mington W. A. marily They the games throws. Brown, small enough seems to remain a mark. This bit of legislation, vacation from the school. there to enforce the rules, and an lib to go through several of the Grads more rugged runs into a character like for- is an trouble'-! when pushed by Friends of Ken Kavanaugh, did infraction infraction and screen it legs everything but that as plays considered perfect makes some of us sick to mer L. S. U., star and ace flank- Walt McCormick, 215 pounds there’s no drawing a line between Drake, he led the New Hanover passing legitimate are ruled stomachs. man for Bears for worth of lineman will face Ala- violations and violations. blocking it our the Chicago little big (here is the slightest when Drake had several have received bama’s All-American man, trace of w-' For several seasons, pivot attajj^ What seems to be the matter is contact. men IW Kelly, regular on the m m s m■ giants on the Oklahoma basketball Christmas cards from the grid- Vaughn Mancha when the two Point five was the Frank Thomas shows son and how he that the game is over-ruled, and The way the fans turn and was Oklahoma A meet in the Alabama Southern Che^7 only spittin’ image, Hugh, 13, out for feam beating der. that a You old boy to show any of wants to see him develop into star, and in not the officials* are bunch basketball nowadays, & M., with ease, he was not all Ken made several friends in this California Rose Bowl game. signs 1F,i passing perhaps play though Wou'j aft-pr thp nlav hari mnvpH nn onH of out there seem to bas- so we won’t Rose Bowl, where for third time old Notre Oame blow-hards toot-timing indicate they like worried about the plight of area when he played with PDC mow the date repeat Pasadena quarter- the fa down the floor twice. A floor back leads Southern Jan: 1. *> the boys. When you get 10 big kids quent interruptions in the ketball being taken over by the Comets of the Prsonel Distribution t again. good Alabama, tackling California, phv man and an excellent running helter-skelter in a space Either that or just oversized boys. command, AAF, last fall while he rebounder, they can’t re! he scored 18 in what was a 50 by 94 feet or thereabouts and sist the sound of a whistle In short what Mr. Drake is say- was stationed' at Camp Davis. points this: doomed fight. ing goes something like Ken served with the Eighth Air- SOLD The alumni scored first on a two “Look fellows, the alumni of Force and flew a number of mis- BOWL TICKETS handed shot Holmes a pot by Kelly. It wap Oklahoma are getting little sions as a pilot of a B-24 Libera- Boston’s Tommy to Dec. 21. the only time in the that Give disturbed about our losing tor. When he was discharged he PASADENA, Calif., game Bookies Long Odds also they led and it was the time Oklahoma A & M. They had reached the rank of captain. some of only (iPj Football faithful, the the — during evening that they were dislike all the publicity that Another bit of cheer for the whom had stood in line for 2e National within walking distance of the vie Top ‘Slugger’ is New Hanover Stillwater school getting High school cage a hard rain, Gaels In hours and braved tors. * Against Bowl while most people still think team, Rocky Mount opened its the today quickly bought up Fennel scored seven By MILTON RICHMAN Oklahoma U. is a stock com- 1945 season with an impressive the points last 11 7,500 available tickets to assorted United Press Editor By KRIS KREEGER January, returned this sea- of the hit. Now 47 6 win over Tarboro. "hat through mediums before BOB KELLY ASKED Sports pany Broadway to Alabama Southern California Walter Deal hit on a shot to NEW YORK, Dec. 21—(U.R)— NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 21.—(A5)— son—and if Coach Jim we can’t stop Kurland on the is right, 47 to 6. Leslie Etuhi- pivot Lookabaugh New Year’s football game. make the score to left-handed Bos- bookmakers believe the Okla- basketball floor but if we son and Alton Denson did the seven four. After FOR RESIGNATION Tommy Holmes, The had handpicked them he would teams ton the rules the kid can for Black- There were some minor dis- the two traded baskets a Brave outfielder, who lost the homa A. and M. Cowboys will beat change most damage the have chosen aimost the same 11. but for the most Wildcat boomed score FROM NAVY SCHOOL National League’s title in the go back to his old job as birds scoring eight and ten turbances, flurry the batting by the Gaels of St. Mary’s a narrow Six returning service men-four for the Moun- it was an orderly throng to 22 to 8 at the end of the first margin, experienced lit- Bowl here two touch- o| stand-in Rocky points each. part Sugar by them that gathered outside the muni- quarter. ANNAPOLIS, Md., Dec. 21. tle difficulty in winning the cir- downs—a bigger margin than has first-stringers—also have bol- The second was more cuit’s with stered the squad. cipal auditorium where half of the same (A5)—Former Notre Dame grid slugging championship actually decided any game played the public’s allotted tickets as the Cats showed a fast break star Bob Kelly who played with a mark of .577, league statistics in the bowl. St. Mary’s on the other hand were and at the Mem- that caught the Alumni football team this sea- revealed today. starts nine freshmen and two Resumes on sale, napping Navy’s Local were offer- jun- time after time. bet-takers today orial coliseum in Los Angeles, Brown, Rogers, son, has asked to resign from The 27-year-old iors, and uses only about 15 men stocky Brooklyn ing 12 points against St. Mary’s where the rest were made McCoy, Fennel and Collie all had a the Naval a Navy native showed a in its tougher games. Academy, 65-point margin and asking 14 against the Aggies. hand in lifting the score to 33 to over St. Louis’ available. spokesman disclosed today. George (Whitey) But a twc-touchdown victory Duke Duties 8. who Most of the bookies were hazy Coaching Kelly is a patient at the Na- Kurowski, qualified for sec- would violate an old Sugar Bowl Church hit on a pot shot to edge ond in about the reason for the odds, for val hospital, recovering from place the race for batting tradition. The biP0est in the Dec. tient, Duke trimmed Alabama 1 the Alumni into can tell the maternal edge DURHAM, 21.—(A5)—Wallace by the double-figure received the honors based on total bases with although they !9-26. injuries during 11 games to date was Texas Christ- coach at J MA’SBOWLTEAM brackets. a .511 great-grandsire of every bangtail who as football football season. average. Catcher Bill Sal- ian’s 15 to 7 of Wade, Then the continued. at the Fair few of them drubbing Carnegie Under terms of the slaughter the res- keld of the Pirates owned a mark Grounds, and Duke Universities University The The spokesman said Tech on Jan. 1, 1939. Alabama announcement same crew boosted the Wild- of .547 he know a lateral pass from a left foot- today, Wannamaker ignation was being forwarded but only played in 95 into Rose Bowl cats’ to 42 to 12 at half- came the led five teams said the arrangement” FACES HEAVY LINE margin games. tackle. “The odds down effected time. to the Secretary of the Navy. return to coach- with line,” was the only available ex- ball classics, will the full approval and coop- If action is not delayed, the Phil Cavarretta of Chicago, who | The score leaped to 52 to 14 as Duke. aration of the two men won the plantation. WHITEPHANTOffi at crown duties next season long inti- Fennel on a spokesman added, Kelly may league’s batting ing ( SPEEDY USC BACKS put one-man show of However, were following in nately associated in the direction be out of the Navy Christ- hitting .355—three points more than they On leave since early 1942, pitching aided by Brown and Mc- by rule of af athletics at Holmes—was thrid in the gamblers’ old riding will Duke was viewed Coy, Brown from the floor and mas. slugging in naval service, Wade 1 with .500. Mel with a winner. The Aggies have BEAT M while with satisfaction au- on Earlier Rep. Edward A. Kel- Manager Ott of the USC, by university Mammoth McCoy rebounds. beaten their last 18 duties as head coach rrojans Tackles, said Giants with .499 and team-mate collegiate op- reassume his ;horities.” The Alumni showed signs of life ly (D.-Ul.), Bob’s father, Ernie Lombardi with ponents; the Gaels were upset by football team January Guards Give South- at this point and Morrison his son wTOuld resign if he were .486, rounded CHAPEL HILL, Dee. 21. -ff- of the Duke May Kelly out the top five. UCLA in their most recent start. and Mason put on a released and return to Notre workhorse center, 1. pseudo rally to Moreover, the Cowboys have Bob Paxton, ern Team Trouble bring the third period margin to 58' Dame, but Bob said today that Although Holme's"' punch-per Eddie Cameron, his successor, great advantages in weight, ma- sank 21 points here tonight to lead BLOCKING TROPHY to 20. he may not return there but centage was highest, he was sec the period in which navy BECKER ond to Fred (Dixie) turity, exyperience and reserve White Phantoms of the Univer- during By BILL A moral victory was gained by may try to enter Cornell. Walker of the the drew Wade away from Dodgers in strength. duties AP Newsfeatures the Alumni as scored first runs-batted-in. of North Carolina to a lop-sid- as director Kelly sity will continue IVON BY Dixie led the with Of the 44 Aggies who helped beat Duke, TENNESSEE during the last period. He added loop 124 and Uni- and athletics LOS ANGELES.—Don’t let their Holmes Texas Christian in the Cotton Bowl ed 56 to 32 victory over the of physical educatioa four baskets in all during the last showed 117. Andy Patko coach of the n-and-out record fool you—those of the and of South Carolina’s Game- and also as backfield period but it was just too much mvm imNutu Cubs Luis Olmo of versity team. BACK Southern California Trojans are each football BILL school as Brooklyn, drove in 110 runs most double Devils BEVIS: High the reserves con into the in l- Blue to be grounded cocks —__ ] ough, and they figure ready tinued and Bob of the Wei- of to the field of to drop any shot with a Elliott Pirates had plays, 23, and Billy (Whitey) Return Wade or Alabama’s Crimson Tide in the 108. game, athetics was an- great regularity. BY FEDERATION’S telmann of the Braves hit into the intercollegiate Jacobs Award lose Bowl Jan. 1. Box Brooklyn’s Eddie Paxton, a demon on de- William H. Wann- To Be* score: Stanky. broke least twin-killings among those usually nounced by Dean a « and It will be the Trojans’ ninth time Wildcats FG FT TP 34-year-old National who in 100 or fense because of his height of . League players appeared amaker Given Vol Star At record by 148 field and s n Pasadena. They’ve won all eight Tuttle, f 0 3 3 PRESIDENT, PAGE drawing base on more games, by being doubled speed, included six goals former All-American balls and Holmes in his Wade, Charlotte i irevious Rose Bowl games. West, f_...._10 2 hit for the most only once. nine straight free throws Brown university, first total bases, 367. the guard at which roared Collie, f _4 0 8 Ott, Nap Reyes The New York Giants led in club total. He rang up 16 of them in Alabama, through of the Giants won coaching fame a he Univer- McCoy, c 5 1 Head Of and Pafko got in the with .379 aV CHARLOTTE, Dec. 1 n unaefeated season, nas been 11 Organization Says slugging percentage second half. his enure 21—(IP)—Wil. way of most Theii Alabama. — g .5 pitches, nicked 40. siy of During liam Bevis of < stablished and rightly—as the Rogers, 2 12 being had the most hit batsmen, con- the University of State eight times each The Tar Heels, defending he carried hree Crimson Tide Fennel, g--10 4 24 College Knew and the New York rivals across the river, the Brook- here, rennessee is the winner of the i avorite over the Trojans, who ference champions, jumped to an Bowl a Pasadena, Towles, g .1 0 2 Skipper, by drawing 71 bases-on- batted in the mos' earns o he Rose Jacobs 1 yon seven and lost But be- lyn Dodgers, 16 at blocking trophy in the three. Brown, About His Work balls, increased his early lead and led by 24 to Calif. His 1926 earn defeaed Wash- Southeastern g- 5 2 12 league record runs, 720, and thanks chiefly to conference for the 1 ore you give too /nany points on to 1,700. the half. In the second period, the Tid eeven Thomas, g 0 0 0 By drawing in 79 runs, receive: the most passes, ington, 20-19; his 1927 oast season. i JSC take a closer look at the Tro- 21.— Stanky, GREENSBORO, Dec. (JP)— Ott brought his lifetime total to 629. Gamecocks came to life and pulled a 7-7 tie with Stanford. Dr. William P. ans: Frank L. but gained Jacobs, founder i 31 Colonel Page, president 1,856, which also is an all-time most to within three points of a tie, and 12 74 grounded into Alabama team in the donor of the writh a line of the North Carolina Wildlife Asso- National minutes His last trophy, announced They’re big, averag- Alumni FGFG FT TP league mark. double plays, 122, and Cincinnati, fell victim in the closing that Bevis, who won Rose Bowl defeated Washington the award i ng about 205 pounds and a back- H. f -0 ciation, was more than surprised Vince Di Maggio, the shooting. last Kelly, 0 0 free-tswing by having four players hit by to Paxton’s accurate The same year, had again been voted when he read in this ing in 1931. year, by 1 ield 177. They could f _ morning’s Philadelphia PI lllie State, 24-0, averaging Church, 113 outfielder, pitched balls on July 15. tied the 11 of the Game- coaches and officials of the that held on to Warren Foote got he assumed head coaching duties con- 1 ield a line averaging 230 and Maynard, f _0 0 papers Col. J. N. Harrelson, the league’s strike-out national record for most ference as the 0 league and was best defen- most outstanding 1 lacks around 200. In when Mason, chancellor of N. C. State title which he has cock points at Duke. fact, f_..._3 17 College, monopolized for hit batsmen in one game. Charley ? blocker in the circuit and his F. the last four for his team. Close guard his that | ackle John Pehar, 290, is in the Kelly, c 8 2 18 had threatened Ross Stevens, state seasons, fanning 91 (Chuck) Schanz of the Phillies, sively At the Durham university, work for the ace ■ Volunteers this year ] line shoots to on leave to serve times. limited the Tar Heels’ Bowl made ineup, the average Bowen, g 0 0 0 college professor helped the Reds to tie the record .team won Rose recognition him for a ■ Babe to three eligible repeat 12. Deal, £ 1 as executive of the fed- Dahlgren of ward, Jim Jordon, pomta — 0 2 secretary Pittsburgh. by hitting the four batters. on two accosions including the award. Willetts, g .0 0 eration. classic was played Naturally, as the record attests, 0 MS'MS'twsMiai'iuS'ii,*' t'Jws'ita'itiS'nas'iKS'irs only time the The award to as Bevis, well as to all of are Morrison, g _1 0 2 The announcement, too, came _-r™— +v«Q Stadium. winners of lot these b^Jremoths Jacobs trophies in the while Prof. Stevens is on vacation team went to Southern vorld-beaters; but many of them In 1939, the Duke conference and South 14 ire real comers. like end 4 32 in Michigan. a heart-break- will Some California to lose Carolina, be made at a “Could not understand Col. Har- Club Rotary j iarry Adelman, 190; tackle Jack ing, last-minute 7-3 decision to luncheon here, January 15. : dusick and John Aguirre, both 200; relson’s statement,” the federation Southern California. In 1942, less Jacobs, president of s for the Ameri- 1 when he Gifts! ind John have defi- president began, empha- Pearl Har- can Cotton guard Rea, 210, IShop i than a month after the Causey manufacturers associa- BARNHILL GETS JOB sised that Ross Stevens was given tion, litely arrived. f bor outbreak of World War II, began his blocking trophy his leave of absence from the State idea in 1928 to The Trojans have two good cen- Oregon State journeyed eastward honor the unsung LITTLE to be a — Dec. College faculty biologist | heroes in ers Walt McCormick and Joe ROCK, 21.—(A5) to Durham and a 20-16 decision football who clear the ] —John D. for the North Carolina Wildlife | for — Barnhill, athletic di- 3: Devils. ETA way the ball carriers. He Bradford, both 215 to throw over Wade’s Blue plans rector and head coach at federation. You to endow the : the celebrated the 1 Your Car For For «! awards and igainst Vaughn the Home t over Wade’s Blue Dukes. plac° of Tennessee Stevens was never employed as a them on a national scale. Wancha. University since * was biologist. He knew, we knew and I * Wade left his Duke coaching du- Previous 1941, employed as head Southeastern confer- The USC attack features the hard Sfate in March, 1942, to enter naval coach at the University of Ark- everybody else, including ties ence winners include: ■unning Ted Tannehill, 185-pound Spot Lights MOTOROLA Electric Heaters his Cam- 1935, Riley ansas today to succeed Glen College, knew that we had one pur- service. During absence, Smith ill-coast and the | Alabama; 1936, William right half, pass- in mind for Prof. Stevens. j head football Rose. pose eron was appointed May, LSU; -out * 1937, Leroy Monsky, ng of quarterback outfi t;the The That was to organize new clubs for RADIOS , coach and director of athletics. Alabama; Sam university board of | 1938, Bartholomew md Jerry Bowman. Left half Bob- federation the trustees said he had agreed to the throughout $ Car Jacks Kitchen Stools the four-year period, Tennessee; 1940, Lloyd ay Morris and fullback Roy Cole, J During Cheatham,’ terms at $10,000 a year for oiatc. went into Auburn; 1941, Jack Van- 30th five I Cameron-coached teams Jenkins, 175-pounders, supply added Stevens never Preferred 5 derbilt; 1942, years. He will take over Jan “Prof. has done one “bowl” the Sugar Bowl Jenkins, Vander- speed and trickery to Coach Jeff game, 1943, John 1. anything undignified or against s 5 New Orleans last Steber, Georgia Jravath’s T-formation offense. Customer Radio Batteries encounter at bilt^ the best interests of State College.’’ | Extension Lights ‘1 New Year’s Day. In that engage- Tannehill, one of the fastest-stari- Certificate * ng backs in Trojan history, scored ENOCHARDEN TYPE I Granted Three Games On YMCA seven touchdowns to lead Pacific Emory Money This plan gives you a pri- Clothes Hampers j • Balls PROBLEM SUIT « Golf Joast Conference scorers. coin- FILED Seat Covers By For Polio Research ority on the first radios Cage Card :idence, his first replacement is IN | 5 • Tackle Saturday CLEVELAND COURT which we will in Fishing rerry Ragan, who scored 12 touch- have AVAILABLE AT ATLANTA, Dec. 21—(AP)— Emory i Boat Lights j Three games will highlight the iowns at Redlands U to lead all stock, assuring you that SHELBY, Dec. 21.—(A5)—A suit university has been given a grant Radio YMCA’s Senior Basketball western scorers before Navy-trans- | Aerials you will be one of the league seeking to solve another of the of $167,100 by the National Foun- % PH'KARD’S ferring to USC. Enoch 209 Market St. Dial 2-3224 play Saturday night. Arden problems growing dation for Infantile Paralysis to first to get a radio when Electric Lanterns « Actually, USC wasn’t really an out of the was on a of | At seven p. m., the Tabernacle \^ar file in set up department physical § they are available. We in-and-out outfit; the team just Cleveland county superior court medicine. Baptists play the I are sure will be j Carolina Beach suffered a bad midseason slump, today. Research work on neuro-mus- Flashlights this not _ FOB Tires Methodists. The First Presbyter- rhe Trojans won their first three, Mrs. Oveline Lansford filed the cular diseases, particularly polie- i very much longer. We Good Year j then lost three of their next four, suit is CORRECT TIME ians take on the Temple Baptists at yesterday asking annulment myelitis, provided for, together will be glad to explain and wound up the season with of her marriage to O. B. Square, with training for directors in phys- Grill eight. In the nightcap at the I Covers this plan to & Tubes J CALL 2-3575 nine, ;hree convincing wins. Jr., and setting forth the follow^ ical medicine and technicians in you! Trinity Methodists will meet Facilities will — — the ing chain of also FOB event|c physio-therapy. i ___ _Ip Sunset Park Methodists. DEACONS DRILL She and Coy Dover Lansford, be provided for treatment of in- ft • CORRECT JEWELRY both of Cleveland fantile victims and oth- WAKE FOREST, Dec. 21. — W— county, were paralysis married in S. er diseases. JL VISIT CAGE SCORES With Nick Sacrinty, ace backfield Gaffney, C., in 1940. * ★ Her husband became a soldier ROX Sfcawnee Mission star showing fine form as a pass- J THE JEWEL 33, Resedale and on May 7, 1942, the War de- In the War | er and runner, Wake Forest col- August, 1944, depart- Wilmington's Largest 29. partment notified her that notified her that Lansford ! Deacons wound their he was ment § Drive Avoid Credit Jewelers lege’s up in 3 87, 54. missing action. had been found in a German « Temple Lehign neavy work todty for their game About a year later, she receiv- of war and liberat- 109 Norlh Froni St. RPI 46, US Coast Guard 39. with South Carolina’s Gamecocks in prisoner camp 3 ed official notice that he was listed ed. I Carefully Accidents the Jacksonville (Fla.) ’Gator Bowl as dead. to ask 12th and Market BUY VICTORY Her decision nullification Sts. Dial 9668 U. S. BONDS New Year’s day. She then § 1 married Square. af her marriage to Square resulted. 1 r f % r