P1_13 Synthesis and Evaluation of new Polyfunctional Molecules for the Group Actinide Separation Cécile Marie, Manuel Miguirditchian, Denis Guillaneux, Didier Dubreuil, Virginie Blot, Muriel Pipelier Université de Nantes, CNRS, Laboratoire de Synthèse Organique, UMR 6513, Faculté des Sciences et des Techniques, 2 rue de la Houssinière, BP 92208 44322 Nantes Cedex 3, France CEA-Valrhô, DEN/DRCP/SCPS, B.P. 17171, 30207 Bagnols-sur-Cèze Cedex, France
[email protected] INTRODUCTION and +VI (U, Np, Pu). The idea (Figure 2) is to combine a hard site (the amide function) to The aim of this project is to synthesize new extract actinides from high acidity (U, Np et Pu) extracting molecules for the grouped actinide and a soft site (the polyaromatic unit) to separation. These extractants will have to satisfy discriminate lanthanides (III) from actinides specifications imposed by the GANEX process (III). (Group Actinide Extraction). This new concept is an option for the homogeneous reprocessing of Generation IV spent fuels. All actinides Pyridino-Pyridazine (uranium, neptunium, plutonium, americium and unit curium) will be extracted together using solvent extraction and separated from the fission An3+ Amide products in order to recycle them after nuclear function fuel re-fabrication (Figure 1). Fig. 2. Bifunctional molecules. Spent fuel Fuel Some ligands have already shown interesting Re-fabrication selectivities for the extraction of actinides but at DISSOLUTION GANEX PROCESS low acidity (HNO3 0,01 M) [1]. The introduction of amidoalkyl groups on these Uranium U SEPARATION structures improved their lipophily. Their εU +Pu+Np+Am+Cm extracting performances are actually tested on Actinides multi-elementary actinide solutions.