• • • A CHINESE WEEKLY OF NEWS AND VIEWS Belli , No. 47 November 21-27, 198^ Chinese Premier Embari

Beijing'^r Moscow Urged to Abide by Geneva Accords ;VOL. 31, NO. 47 NOV. 21-27 CONTENTS • The Soviet decision to suspend troop withdrawal from Afghanistan has caused worry in the international community. NOTES FfiOM THE EDITORS 4 They urge Moscow to continue its troop pullout. to fully A Worrisome Soviet Decision honour its commitments to the Geneva agreements and stop looking for any pretexts to delay the withdrawal, (p. 4) Another EVENTS/TRENDS 5-9 article describes the serious Afghan refugee problem created by Li; Principles on the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (p. 19). Kampuchea & ASFAN Meeting Directs Writers. : Artists Premier Li Makes First Trip Abroad Yunnan Quake is Decade's Deadliest Reforms Deepen, CCP's Rui , • Chinese Premier Li Peng started his official visit to Says Thailand, Australia and New Zealand on November 10. In Cabbage Craze Stirs Beijing Bangkok Li explained 's stand on the Kampuchea Weekly Chronicle (November 7-1?) question and its four priniciples in regard to its relations with the ASEAN countries (p. 5). ilNTERNATIONAL 10-13 United States; Bush's Victoiy: Roses and Thorns New President Will Promote Sino-US Relations Zimbabwe; Mugabe Pt)Iicics Harvest Rewards • The presidential election of the United States has evoked Poland: Thatcher Extends repercussions in China. Mr. Rong Yiren and Professor Fei '"Preachy" Hand Xiaotong, both vice-chairmen of the Standing Committee of Lebanon; Disunity Stunts the National People's Congress, think that George Bush will New Leadership further promote Sino-US relations without a significant change of policies towards China (p. 14). Bush's Familiarity Stirs Sino-US Hopes 14 Questions and Answers on tiie A Retrospective View of the Lhasa Riots Lhasa Riots 15 iRefugee Camps: Neighbours' • Three riots occurred in Lhasa, capital of the Tibet i Burdens 19 Autonomous Region, in September and October 1987 and ^Random Notes From Tibet March 1988. Many readers have since written to us, asking why i University 20 they happened and how the Chinese authorities dealt with ,Korea Reconstructs and them. To answer these questions, Beijing Review interviewed Forges Ahead 22 officials from the Chinese Ministry of Public Security, the Facts & Figures (A Decade of Supreme People's Court and the Ministry of Foreisin Affairs (p. ! Reform IX): improved Living 15). i Standards for Farmers 25

FROM THE CHINESE PRESS 29-30 Meeting Directs Writers, Artists 'BUSINESS/TRADE 31 jCULTURE/SCIENCE 32-34 [COVER: Students of the Tibet • The five-day meeting of the CFLAC's national conference .'Agricultural and .Animal Husbandi\ starting on November 8 saw hot discussions on restructuring College go for a stroll ar'ound their organization and promoting literature and art that refiects New campus. Xue Chao China, (p. 5).

Published every Monday by General Editorial Office Tel: 8314318 Subscription rales(1 year): BEIJING REVIEW English Dept Tel: 831.5599 Ext. 546 Australia A.$29.00 USA . US$29.00 24 Baiwanzhuang Road, Distributed by China International Book New Zealand... NZ.$39.00 Canada. Can.$25.00 Beijing 100037 Trading Corporation (GUOJI SHUDIAN) UK £14.50 The People's Republic of China P.O. Box 399, Beijing, China NOTES FROM THE EDITORS

A Worrisome Soviet Decision by Liu Shui

n November 4, Soviet First sistence to the Soviet aggression, ODeputy Foreign Minister the mounting pressure of the Alexander Bessmertnykh told a international opinion on Moscow, press conference in Moscow that as well as the Kremlin's wise his country would suspend its decision. troop withdrawal from Afghanis• The various flashpoints in the tan because of increased guerrilla world are interrelated in one way attacks on civilians. He said the or another. A poHtical settlement withdrawal that began last May of one of them would promote was "due to the good will of the he Soviet, decision to political settlements of others. It Soviet government" and would postpone its troop pullout was precisely the signing of the occur only under "honourable from Afghanistan Geneva accords on the Afghan conditions." disappoints the world's question in April that led to The announcement came — as a people and raises doubts dialogues and negotiations on many other regional issues, jarring note, indeed — at a time about whether the Soviets are when many "hot spots" around contributing to the general trend the world are coohng down, and going to live up to the Geneva towards relaxadon in inter• the international community is accords. The Soviet Union national relations. On the other applauding the advent of a new should adhere to the Geneva hand, a setback in one hot spot period of detente. More worri• agreement and withdraw its would exert adverse influence on others. So, it is the hope of all the some, the Soviet decision on forces from Afghanistan as troop-pullout suspension fol• peace-loving people of the world lowed Soviet moves to beef up the scheduled. No excuse that Moscow should avoid doing Kabul regime's troops. Reports whatever will do. anything that might weaken or say Soviet SS-1 surface-to-surface even reverse the general trend missiles and sophisticated MiG-27 towards detente. warplanes have been deployed in Furthermore, the Soviet troop Afghanistan in recent weeks. According to the terms of the withdrawal is the key to a Although Bessmertnykh reaf• Geneva agreement, the Soviet comprehensive settlement of the firmed the Soviet commitment to Union must withdraw half of its Afghan problem. Only when the the Geneva accords, which require more than 100,000 troops from Soviet Union pulls out all its that Moscow complete its troop Afghanistan between May 15- troops, stops interfering in withdrawal by February 15 next August 15. It did that and thus Afghanistan's internal affairs and year, these recent Soviet moves won appreciation from the allows the Afghan people to have inevitably cast a shadow over international community. decide their own destiny can the prospect for an earlier political The world felt encouraged to national reconciliation in the settlement of the Afghan problem. hope that Moscow would cont• country have a sound premise. inue to withdraw the remaining In view of all this, the Soviet As is known to all, Afghanistan half of its military forces by Union, as a principal party to the is the world's first hot spot where, February 15, as was also provided Afghan conflict and a signatory to under the mediation of the United by the agreement. At this juncture, the Geneva accords, should Nations, hopes for a pohtical however, came the Soviet decision implement the agreement in settlement of the regional conflict to suspend the withdrawal, which earnest and withdraw all its rose this year. Last April saw the seriously disappointed the world's military forces from Afghanistan signing of the Geneva accords on people and raised doubts about as scheduled. It should not look the Afghan issue as a result of the whether the Soviets are going to for any pretexts to delay its troop Afghan people's resolute re- live up to the Geneva agreement. withdrawal. •


At a press conference on November 13, the day Li Li: Principles on Kampuchea & ASEAN concluded his visit, the Chinese premier said that it would be best if Viet Nam can withdraw its troops from Kampuchea before oth the Chinese and Thai opposes any single party to be next June. B prime ministers, Li Peng and excluded or to take power Principles On ASEAN: In a Chatichai Choonhavan, urged exclusively. China does not agree speech at a dinner hosted by Thai Viet Nam to withdraw its troops to the establishment of a dual or Prime Minister Chatichai Choon• from Kampuchea as soon as tripartite government. The es• havan on November 10, Li cited possible so as to effect a just and tablishment of a so-called coa• four principles under which China reasonable solution to the Kam• lition government based on the will energeticaly develop its puchea question. Heng Samrin regime cannot be relations with the ASEAN The two prime ministers accepted either. (Association of Southeast Asian expressed the hope during their Nafions) countries. talks in Bangkok on November Li said, after the establishment First, said Li, China stricty 11. of a provisional quadripartite adheres to the five principles of Bangkok is the first stop of Li's coalition government in Kamu- peaceful co-existence in state-to- official visit to Thailand, Australia chea, the troops of various parties state relations. "China and the and New Zealand. On November in Kampuchea should be frozen. ASEAN countries have different 10 Li took off on his first trip They should not take part in social systems, however, this abroad since he became premier of politics, nor should they intervene should not hinder the establish• the State Council last April. in the general election, thus ment and development of genuine "Viet Nam's policy has not enabling the Kampuchean people good-neighbourly relations be• changed," Li said. "It is still trying to conduct a free election without tween them." to find excuses for delaying its external interference and threat of Second, China upholds the troop withdrawal." force. In order to prevent a civil principle of opposing hegemonism Briefing the Thai prime minister war, the original armed forces of under any circumstances. China on China's position on the various parties should be dis• does not and will never practise Kampuhcea question, Li said solved or reduced in number. hegemonism, and at the same time China seeks no private interests on China stands for the proposition it opposes any attempt to seek the Kampuchea question. It is that each party retains an armed hegemony. completely for upholding justice force not exceeding 10,000. This is Third, China upholds the and opposing aggression, he said, a measure conducive to guarantee• principle of equality and mutual that China supports Kampuchea ing peace in Kampuchea. benefit and the attainment of in its struggle against Vietnamese Li added, effective international common prosperity in its invasion. China stands for a fair supervision should be exercised economic relations with other and reasonable political solufion over Viet Nam's troops with• countries. to the Kampuchea problem, he drawal, the maintenance of peace Fourth, China abides by the said. in Kampuchea and the conducting principle of independence, mutual Li said, it is not enough for Viet of a free election. The Chinese respect, close co-operation and Nam to merely make oral government supports the sugges• mutual support in international declaraUons. It should work out a tion that international troops for affairs. • short timetable for withdrawing maintaining peace and an intern• all its troops from Kampuchea. ational supervision committee be China supports the establish• stationed in Kampuchea. Meeting Directs ment of a provisional quadripart• If the various parties concerned ite coalition government under the can reach an agreement on a Writers, Artists leadership of Samdech Norodom political solution to the Kampu• Sihanouk, he said. The candidates chea question, China is willing to ore than 1,500 Chinese of each party participating in the join other countries in making an M writers and artists gathered provisional government should be international guarantee for at the Great Hall of the People in nominated by the party itself and Kampuchea's status of inde• Beijing on November 8 to discuss accepted by all other parties. pendence, neutrality and non- ways to promote the country's China stands for the quadripartite ahgnment, the Chinese premier literature and art, and restructure coalition in Kampuchea, and said. their own organization — the


Unions, All-China Federation of Women, the Communist Youth League, the People's Liberation Army, Ministry of Culture, and Ministry of Broadcasting, Film and Television. Most of the delegates are engaged in such fields as literature, drama, music and fine arts. More than half of them are aged between 40 and ^0. They are among the' most active in China's ideological field. Behind them are some 200,000 people professionally involved in artistic creation. To mark the opening of the conference. People's Daily carried an editorial on the same day

LI SHENGNAN entitled "Create a Good Environ• Zhao Ziyang, Deng Xiaoping and other Chinese top leaders meeting the writers and ment for the Prosperity of artists during the conference. Literature and Art." The national paper described the past decade as China Federation of Literary and the State Council. In the speech, "one of the best times" for the Art Circles (CFLAC). They are Hu, a Standing Committee steady development of literature the delegates to the CFLAC's fifth member of the Political Bureau of and art, despite some con• national conference, which held its the CPC Central Committee, troversies and problems that opening ceremony of the five-day extended hearty congratula• should not be ignored. meeting. tions to literary and art In front of the rostrum were two workers. He talked about It said that the prosperity of rows of potted red flowers and on the historical period China finds literature and art needs "a stable the backdrop, 10 red flags and a itself in today and the tasks of pohcy as well as an environment flower-shaped emblem formed by Chinese writers and artists. He and atmosphere marked by the Chinese characters wen and particularly explained how to democracy and harmony," and ren, meaning "literature" and strengthen and improve the CPC's urged Party and government "humanity." leadership of literature and art. leaders to truly implement the Zhou Yang, CFLAC chairman Hu said, "We need to criticize Party's policies on literature and and senior literary critic, was outmoded conventions and bad art and exchange views with unable to attend the opening customs, but we need all the more writers and artists frankly and ceremony because of illness. to eulogize the spirit of the times; sincerely. Zhou's contemporary, Xia Yan, a we need to expose things negative The assessment of literary and noted writer, delivered the open• and ugly, but we need all the more art works should be made by ing speech, which concluded with to praise heroic deeds; we need to readers, writers and artists the call, "Chinese writers and review and ponder profoundly themselves through normal, artists should be aware of their over our past, but we need all the democratic discussions. Personal solemn historical responsibilities taore to look into the future." views aired by leading cadres are and sacred artistic missions. They He said, though diverse in form the same as opinions from should broaden their vision, and colour, the social impact of ordinary readers. They are not improve their artistic accomplish• works of art and Hterature should Party and government decisions ments and create outstanding only be to heighten people's and can be accepted or rejected, it works worthy of our predecessors awareness of their responsibility said. and our times, with a strong sense to promote national revival and Whether works of a writer or an of participation and deep concern social progress and enhance their artist are be successful depends on for the future of mankind." sense of national pride and self- their own worth. The attempt to This was followed by a confidence. promote sales of a book, a congratulatory message delivered Also congratulating the confer• theatrical production or a painting by Hu QiU on behalf of the ence were representatives of the by the aid of a leading cadre's Communist Party of China and All-China Federation of Trade remarkes is always ill-fated. It said

6 BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 newspapers and magazines, parti• November 11. The after-shocks ate responses from government cularly those run by the Party, were occuring within a 100- officials. On November 7, Premier should not just pubUsh articles kilometre radius around Lancang Li Peng urged government whose views are identical with and Gengma counties, which have departments concerned to make their own, while rejecting articles a population of about three utmost efforts to help the Yunnan with different opinions. The press million, mainly minority ethnic proviancial government in its could promote healthy literary groups. earthquake relief work. That same and art criticism by presenting day. Fang and some experts were different opinions. The continuous tremors injured sent to the quake-stricken areas. On November 12, the CFLAC's more people and damaged more of He Zhiqiang, governor of Yunnan new committe elected Cao Yu, a the mainly wooden and bamboo Province, flew in to direct rescue renowned dramatist, as executive houses, worsening the chaotic operations in the disaster areas. chairman of the federation. The situation for survivors and rescue On November 9, the Chinese nine vice chairpersons include workers. Communist Party (CPC) Central composer Wu Zuqiang, writer Yong, deputy director of Committee and the State Council Feng Jicai, film director Xie Jin, the State Seismological Bureau, jointly sent a message to express Peking Opera singer Zhang said in Beijing on November 10 their condolences to the people Junqiu, painter Yin Zhoushi and that the death toll may exceed directly affected, and a delegation Tibetan singer Cedain Zhoima. • 1,000. headed by Song Jian, member of The earthquake drew immedi• the CPC Central Committee and

Yunnan Quake is Decade's Deadliest

n earthquake registering 7.6 on Athe Richter scale struck the CHINA Lancang and Menglian areas of southwestern Yunnan Province at 9:0315 pm on November 6, according to the provincial earthquake bureau. China's most deadly quake this decade caused heavy damages, killing hundreds of people, destroying houses and roads and cutting telephone lines. Deaths totalled 722 and 2,225 seriously injured had been re• covered by November 12, accord• ing to the People's Daily. More than 300,000 " houses were destroyed and some 510,000 damaged in the worst-hit areas. The epicenter of the quake was located 22.9 degrees north latitude and 100.1 degrees east longitude, about 400 kilometres southwest of Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province just inside the border with Burma. About 1,300 after-shocks rang• ing from 3 to 6.9 on the Richter scale have shaken the same area in the wake of the major quake, said Fang Zhangshun, head of the State Seismological Bureau, on

BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 7 • EVENTS/TRENDS Hi the State Council, was sent to News), a Budapest-based Hun• economic order is designed to assess rescue efforts in Yunnan. garian news-weekly, and journa- pave the way for a smooth To help alleviate the disaster's hst Kiss Peter of the newspaper, unfolding of reforms, and many impacts on the local population who were visiting China at the measures of the rectification and economy, on November 10 invitation of the Beijing Review. thems,elves are an important the ministries of civil affairs and content of the reform programme, finance allocated 2 million yuan in During the meeting, Rui briefed he continued. relief funds to earthquake-stricken the Hungarian guests on the Rui said that China needs to areas. Nine medical teams and process of China's reforms, which about 2,000 rescue workers in 39 check its overheated economy and were initiated at the end of 1978, curb capital construction in order teams have transported 27 tons of the problems facing the pro• food and 16 tons of drugs, medical to redress the situation, in which gramme and the task the country the general demand far exceeds supplies and construction is going to undertake. He also materials to the affected area. supplies, and harness the evident answered their questions. inflation. However, he stressed, The provincial government has Explaining why the misunder• those projects that have already also decided to allocate 15.7 been contracted to foreign coun• million yuan in relief funds. standing could rise, Rui said that in order to curb the inflation, tries will not be affected, while new Meanwhile, insurance companies projects will be selected carefully. have paid out 8.5 milhon yuan in China is setting rectification of the economic order and improvement For example, he said, hotels and advance to the victimized areas. restaurants have been over• Earthquakes occur very frequ• of the economic environment as its main tasks for now and the next developed in recent years and ently in Yunnan Province, and therefore should be restrained, but there has been a severe earthquake two years. This decision, conseq• uently, has slowed the pace of advanced productive projects, every ten years, according to such as the Shanghai-based Chen. State statistics show that 18 price reforms. Perhaps that is one of the reasons that have led to the Shanghai-Santana car-production earthquakes above magnitude 6 joint venture between China and on the Richter scale have taken misunderstanding, he said. Price reform is just one important part West Germany and the joint place since 1965, among which five production of McDonald- were above 7 on the Richter scale. of the reform programme, but not the whole, he added. China has Douglas airplanes between China Lancang area was hit by an and the United States, are still earthquake registering 7 on the made some adjustments in the concrete steps to be taken, but the quite welcome. China hopes that Richter scale in 1941 and another more co-operative projects hke registering 5 on October 15, 1988. general direction of reforms has not changed. these can be set up, he said. Chinese experts earlier this year by our correspondent said that China is entering a period The current rectification of the Dai Yannian of renewed seismic activities that is predicted to peak after 1990. •

Reforms Deepen, CCP's Rui Says

The speculation abroad that ' China's reforms have come to a halt is a misunderstanding, said Rui Xingwen, member of the Secretariat of the Central Com• mittee of the Chinese Communist Party. On the contrary, he said, they are deepening in full swing. Rui made the statement in his meeting on November 4 with. Lokos Zoltan, editor-in-chief of the Vasarnapi Hirek (Sunday

BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 Weekly Chronicle sole investment, Renmin Ribao (People's Daily) reports. Cabbage Craze (November 7-13) Stirs Beijing Since its inauguration nine POLITICAL years ago, the CITIC has become a comprehensive enterprise group with 21 subsidiary companies, ince the beginning of Novem• November 8 • The fourth meeting of the including one bank in Beijing and S ber, thousands of heavy- another in . laden trucks have been Seventh National People's Con• gress Standing Committee unani• carrying their cargoes of Chinese November 11 cabbage into Beijing at all hours. mously adopts a law on the protecdon of wildlife, which will • Zhao Ziyang, general secretary Chinese cabbage is indispe• go into effect March 1, 1989. of the Chinese Communist Party nsable for making delicious Protecfion will extend to Central Committee, meets with dumpling-like turnovers called animals and aquatic wildlife that Stanley Fischer, vice-president of Jiaozi and as garnish with are faced with extinction and those the World Bank and chief instantly boiled mutton, which of economic or scientific value. economist. During the meeting, Zhao and are the most popular foods in • Meeting with more than 30 Fischer conferred on the scope of Beijing. The cabbage can also be scientists from the Chinese China's macroeconomic manage• cooked with sliced pork and Academy of Sciences in Beijing, ment. In regard to the co• vermiticelli made from bean paste. Zhao Ziyang, the Party's general operation between China and the But the main reason for its secretary, says that the domestic bank, Zhao says that it is popularity is its low price. situation as a whole is good, but proceeding smoothly and the quite a number of problems are More than 300 million kilo• results have been good. grammes of cabbage are expected being dealt with. "We must see clearly that the to be on the market, 10 percent CULTURAL more than was available last year, only way to improve the economic environment and rectify the according to Chen Xingye, an November 7 economic order is to pursue official of the municipal Chinese • A new 800-odd metre section of reform," he says. cabbage headquarters. the Great Wall, located 140 km However, the municipal gov• from Beijing proper, will soon November 9 ernment bought the vegetable open to the public, Xinhua • In a joint congratulatory from farmers for 14 Chinese cents reports. message sent to George Bush on a kilogramme, double the 1987 The Simatai section, where the his being elected as the next purchase price, Chen said, but are scenery is quite different from United States' president, Yang selling it to the public at the price Badaling and Mutianyu, will be Shangkun, president of the of seven cents, the same amount the third one near the capital People's Republic of China and Li charged last year. This will cost the opened to tourists. Peng, Chinese premier of the State government an additional 30 Council, hope that during his term million yuan (about US$8 million) of office relations between China SOCIAL in subsidies, he said. and US will further develop in a But the biggest headache consistent, healtliy and stable November 8 associated with the city's "cab• manner on the basis of the • A sudden craze to work and bage fever" is the disposal of left• principles of the three Sino-US study abroad is sweeping over the over outer leaves that remain joint communiques. young workers and students in strewn around the streets when the Shanghai City in recent years, buying spree is over. Gongren Rihao (Workers Daily) An official of the city's ECONOMIC reports. sanitation department estimated According to recent statistics, that as much as 50,000 tons of November 9 the city saw 10,000 of its residents vegetable garbage has to be • By the end of October, the go abroad in 1986. The figure removed from the downtown area China International Trust and doubled in 1987 and jumped to in the Chinese cabbage season. Investment Corporation (CITIC) 23,000 during the first four "We have to work round-the- had launched 90 Sino-foreign joint months of this year. Most of them clock just to clean up the mess, he ventures, 149 Chinese-funded went to Japan, and all of them sighed. • joint ventues and 13 firms with its travelled at their own expense.


that the new task facing the president-elect is to convince the UNITED STATES nation's West European allies and Soviet rival that any reduction of Bush's Victory: Roses and Thorns US nuclear weapons does not signify mihtary impotence or a The intense race for the presidency between Republican reluctance to use arms. George Bush and Democrat Michael Dukakis has finally The stubborn trade deficit ended with a result that surprisedfew: Bush is going to be the already has sharpened frictions 41st US president. The spoils of victory include detente and between the United States and deficits. major Western industrial coun• tries. The value of the US dollar has been plummeting for a long he historic moment for George current economic momentum is time. Can the new president TBush, Republican nominee in both auspicious and ominous. The continue to co-ordinate economic the 1988 presidential election, Reaganomic legacy includes a policies with Japan, West Ger• came on November 8 when he large trade deficit, a serious many and other countries? Most claimed a landslide victory of 426- budget deficit (US$150 billion) noteworthy is that by 1992 a 112 in electoral votes over his and US$400-billion foreign debt. unified European market is to Democratic rival, Michael The Congress has demanded that emerge and, under the circum• Dukakis. the new president wipe out the stance, how is the new president Bush's election marked the first budget deficit during his presi• going to break the West European time since 1836 that an incumbent dency. Bush pledged neither to cut protectionist barrier? vice-president won the presidency. mihtary spending nor to increase Likewise, many social problems It also created the longest record taxes, so it remains to be seen how that served as ammunition for in more than half a century for a he will eliminate the deficit. attacks by both candidates are consecutive term in that office by In regard to diplomacy and now all transferred to the new the Repubhcan Party. defence. Bush is likely to president for resolution. With the Judging from the results of the encourage further detente between post-World War II generation election, the key factors respon• the United States and the Soviet becoming the mainstay of Amer• sible for Bush's victory are the Union, but many people believe ican society, drugs, medicare and persistent growth of the US economy for six successive years, An exultant Bush celebrates victory with his wife, Barbara. the widespread opportunities for employment and low inflation. The prestige of incumbent President Ronald Reagan, to a great extent, also contributed to Bush's election. For a while Bush lagged behind Dukakis for some 10 percentage points due to the former's lackluster, presidential- coattail image. But Bush soon reversed the trend by boasting his role in helping President Reagan bring about the two biggest achievements during his presi• dency: at home, the persistent economic prosperity and abroad, the relaxation of US-Soviet relations.

However, the president-elect will face a series of thorny issues when he moves into the White Office next January. First, the iO BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 education have become obstinate Many Chinese people seem to to add to their quota of foreign problems in the United States. have an intimate feeling about exchange and decrease the import Bush will have to make painsta• Bush because of his experience as tax on agricultural machinery. king efforts to live up to his head of the US liaison office in Furthermore, the government campaign promises. Beijing during 1974-1975. Partly allows the white commercial The co-operation of the new because of this, they wished Bush farmers to have their own Congress, once again under could win the election, serve well organizations such as the Associ• control of Democrats, will be a as the next US president and ation of Commercial Farmers. further challenge for Bush. contribute to developing friendly The government's concerned Above all, it will be a test of ties between the United States and ministers often talk with farmers Bush's ability whether he can lead China. and discuss problems in agricul• the United States successfully into ture, thus, giving full play to the the last decade of this century. by Jin Xianfa and She Duanzhi farm-owners' initative in production. Second, village-community ZIMBABWE peasants are supported. For the purpose of promoting enthusiasm for production, the Zimbabwe Mugabe Policies Harvest Rewards government adopted such mea• sures as hiking the purchasing The success of Zimbabwean agriculture in recent years has prices of farm produce, greatly increasing the agricultural credits been due to the wise policies of President Robert Gabriel and strengthening the technical Mugabe, this year's African Leader Prize winner. guidance towards agriculture. Currently, the grain output in village communal regions makes his past September, the Intern• wean population are connected up 40 percent of the national Tational Anti-starvation directly or indirectly, with agricul• output. Organization awarded this year's ture. In order to revitalize Third, economic diversification African Leader Prize to the Zimbabwe's economy, the govern• is encouraged. The government Zimbabwean President Mugabe ment has made a series of argues that just planting one or for his great contribution to successful plans to carry out land two kinds of crops will bring about developing his counrtry's allocation, organize rural co• dangers. So the government agriculture. operative groups and increase encourages peasants to plant Agriculture plays a very import• credits on agriculture. diversified crops. Tobacco is the ant role in the national economy chief economic crop in Zimbabwe of Zimbabwe. Since the country's Zimbabwe's agricultural plans with an annual output of more independence in 1980, the annual have developed in view of three than 100,000 tons. The gross growth rate of its agriculture rose governmental concerns: income from exporting tobacco to 4.5 percent. The overall growth First, the interests of white comprises 20 percent of the rate of the national economy this commercial farmers are safeguar• national income in foreign year is expected to be 5 percent. ded. Nowadays, there are 4;500 exchange. In recent years, the Zimbabwe's agricultural de• large-scale commercial farms output of cotton and oil crops has velopment is due to the belonging to whites, accounting increased greatly. government's appropriate for nearly 40 percent of the total However, developing Zibab- policies. In the past eight years, the cultivated areas. Due to their wean agriculture is not easy. As a Mugabe government has paid advanced equipment and favour• country exporting primary pro• much attention to learning from able locations, these farms' output ducts, Zimbabwe is often affected the experiences of other countries is high, and 90 percent is for by the international protectionist in developing agriculture and export. Their incomes are more trade practices and price falls of formulated economic policies than 70 percent of the country's farm products in the international according to Zimbabwe's actual total agricultural output value. markets. Also, the threat of conditions. The government safeguards natural disasters is one of the The government gives priority those farms' interests without obstacles to the development of to agricultural development. intervening in their methods of agriculture. Nevertheless, the About 70 percent of the Zimbab- management. Measures are taken Zimbabwe government persists in

BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 11 INTERNATIONAL its policy of prioritizing agricul• deserves the prize awarded by the largest trade partner in Eastern ture and thus continues the International Anti-starvation Europe. Britain's exports to honour of being a "granary" in Organization. Poland this year are expected to southern Africa. Mugabe fully Shi Luo maintain last year's level of 181 million- pounds (about US$320 million), while imports from POLAND Poland are expected to reach 340 million pounds (about US$600 Thatcher Extends "Preachy" Hand million) above last year's. How• ever, Poland owes a foreign debt of about US$40 billion, of which Early this month British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher US$2.3 biUion belongs to Britain. visited Poland, and the country's leader appraised their bilateral talks as a diplomatic coup. However, the "Iron At a press conference before her Lady" still had some reservations. departure, the British prime minister said that PoUsh-British relations will become closer, uring her stay in Warsaw, Mutual visits by economic and particularly in regard to cultural DBritish Prime Minister Mar• trade officials and business people exchanges, management training, garet Thatcher held talks and have also increased. and student and teacher ex• exchanged views with Polish Under such circumstances, changes. However, she said that leaders on bilateral relations and Thatcher made her recent trip to on financial matters there would international issues. This helped Poland, the first by an incumbent be no new Western credit until narrow the economic and cultural British prime minister. At the Poland reaches an accomodation gaps between Poland and Britain. banquet in honour of Thatcher on with the International Monetary But by the end of the talks, November 3, Pohsh leader Fund, expected early next year, on Thatcher still had some coercive Wojciech Jaruzelski said a solid a reform programme. political advice to offer her host. foundation for establishing peace• The main difference between The British prime minister's ful co-existence in Europe is to Poland and Britain is on the visit was originally scheduled for respect policy differences, re• outlawed Solidarity trade union. May this year, but was postponed nounce political preaching and The British prime minister on twice because of the US-Soviet practise non-interference in na• November 4 travelled to the Moscow summit and a change of tional sovereignty. He also northern city of Gdansk, where government in Warsaw a month complained that sanctions the she met with Solidarity leader ago. Informed sources said, West imposed on Poland in 1981 Walesa for nearly three hours. She however, that the main reason had caused tremendous losses to expressed strong support for behind the postponements was the country, and pointed out that Solidarity. that Thatcher insisted on meeting Poland's relations with the West At the banquet in her honour Lech Walesa, the leader of had not been fully normalized. Thatcher said, "It is so vital there Solidarity trade union, and the In their talks the two leaders be a real dialogue with representa• PoHsh authorities were unhappy advocated further constructive tives of all sections of society, about it. development in all aspects of the including Solidarity. "When that However, in recent years Anglo- conference on security and co• happens, when that great day Polish relations have improved operation in Europe. They comes, you will find your friends considerably. High-level political exchanged views on bilateral ready, not just to stand and cheer, exchanges have included visits to relations, disarmament and the but to help in practical ways," she each other's capitals by British possibiUties of promoting East- promised. Foreign Secretary Geoffrey Howe West relations. However, her view on Solidarity and Polish Foreign Minister Poland implemented an recently has been criticized by Marian Orzechowski, a visit to economic reform in 1982, that leader of the British Labour Party Poland last year by the Speaker of now has entered the second phase. Neil Kinnock, and the Polish the British House of Commons, Therefore, the country needs more authorities are still attempting to Bernard Weailierill, and Polish active economic co-operation and close the Lenin Shipyard in Deputy-Prime Minister Zdzislaw trade with Britain, including the Gdansk, where Solidarity was Sadowski's visit to Britain earlier establishment of joint ventures. born and its leader works. this year. Poland is now Britain's second- by Ren Yan

12 BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27. 1988 League to resolve the crisis. Only LEBANON three Arab states, Iraq, Egypt and Libya, have recognized Aoun's military government until now. Disunity Stunts New Leadership Most Arab and non-Arab coun• tries are maintaining a neutral attitude. A recent political crisis in Lebanon has aroused international attention, and calls for efforts to save the country from On October 28, Iranian Foreign Minister Ah Akbar Velayati partition have intensified. unexpectedly visited Syria and immediately held talks with Syrian President Hafez al-Assad to discuss ways to avoid Lebanon's nebanon, the war-ravaged The failure of presidential partition. Lcountry, recently has plunged elections and the appearance of Analysts see that the present into its worst pohtical crisis since it two governments made Lebanon's conditions in Lebanon are not gained independence in 1943. The political situation more unstable. conducive to a presidential Lebanese parliament failed to As a result, the annual election of a election. Now, it is difficult for the elect a new president and speaker, parliamentary speaker also came Arab world to reach unanimity on a peculiar situation — two govern• to a premature end. the problem in Lebanon, and the ments without a president — Syria backs the Hoss cabinet United States and Syria are not occurred, and the country is expected to take major measures facing the danger of partition. and charges that Aoun and his military supporters have per• to change the situation. Diplomats The Lebanese crisis began a petrated a "coup d'etat." Mos• in Beirut generally believe that month ago when its parliament lems opposed the Aoun govern• Lebanon's present division, two failed to muster a quorum to elect ment, but Aoun stressed his governments without a president, a successor to former President government is a legal one. is likely to continue a long time. Amin Gemayel. Syria first re• The Moslem leadership in by Zhu Jiefei commended former Lebanese Lebanon, however, objects to President Sulaiman Franjiya as "internationalizing" the Lebanese presidential candidate, but failed. problem, while Christian leaders Then, it nominated another pro- supporting the Aoun government Syrian parliament member, Mik• have appealed for international hail Daher, who was put forward and Arab help to avert the danger as a compromise candidate after of partition. US-Syrian talks. This was again Lebanon's pohtical crisis has opposed by Christians. Christian caused deep concern in the deputies, who form the majority in international community, especi• the parliament, have three times ally the Arab world. French boycotted parliament sessions Foreign Minister Roland Dumas since August 18 in order to block even suggested the United Nations the election of Syrian-designated Security Council send UN peace presidential candidates. troops to Beirut to be responsible Before Gemayel ended his six- for the security of a presidential year term on September 23, election. The United States said it government army commander would continue to comply with its Michel Aoun, a Christian Maro- agreement with Syria. It also co• nite, was appointed prime minister ordinated with France and the of a military caretaker govern• Vatican City to promote the ment. However, the Moslem holding of a presidential election cabinet headed by acting Sunni as early as possible. Prime Minister Salim Hoss So far, leaders of nine Arab continues to function as the countries, such as Egypt, Jordan government . So there are two and the United Arab Emirates, rival governments. Christian and have demanded the convening of Moslem, and without a president. an emergency meeting of the Arab


Bush's Familiarity Stirs Sino-US Hopes by Our Correspondents Liu Youyuan and Zhang Xiaodong

he result of the 1988 US mission in China, and afterward that the prospects for further Tpresidential election was an• has returned on visits, he has development are generally good, nounced on November 8,1988, via become familiar with many but not without problems. He a national electoral vote: Re• Chinese leaders. Compared with hopes for a positive resolution of publican George Bush, the current Michael Dukakis, Bush has a those problems. He particularly vice-president, won a landslide better understanding of China, expects a strengthening of Sino- victory as the 41st president of the and China also has a better US economic contacts and more United States of America. While knowledge about him. technological transfers from the the country's Republicans were United States. Bush's anti- jubilant and the Democrats protectionist trade position in dejected, countries all over the international economic contacts is world expressed their reactions. also a factor favourable to Although China and the United promoting Sino-US trade rel• States are separated by many ations, he said. miles, because of their growing When speaking of the relation• bilateral ties and China's familiar• ship between the China Intern• ity with Bush, China has paid a ational Trust and Investment great deal of attention to the Corporation, where he is chair• election. man of the board, and the United States, Rong said that his Why did the Americans, who company has some investments in are always on the lookout for the United States and at the same whatever is novel and like to time, the US industrial and periodically change the ruling commercial enterprises have inter• party, choose the Republican actions with the corporation. He Party, already eight years in expects to further develop these power, to continue governing the Rong said, "Although in• contacts on the basis of equality country? What is the prospect of tellectual circles of the United and mutual benefit. He places his Sino-US relations in the Bush States prefer Dukakis to Bush, the hopes on the coming Bush administration? How is the middle-class want stability. In the democracy of the US presidential eight years of the Reagan administration. election to be appreciated? With administration, the country's In view of global changes and these questions, we interviewed economy has developed steadily. current American thinking, Fei Rong Yiren, a well-known As vice-president, Bush has analysed the US presidential Chinese industrialist, and Profes• certainly made no small contri• election. He said, "Human history sor Fei Xiaotong, a famous bution during this time. There• has entered a new era and a brand- sociologist, and both vice- fore, he has won support from the new global setup will be formed in chairmen of the Standing Com• middle-class. Besides, Bush is the 21 St century. One main reason mittee of the National People's comparatively more experienced for tnis change is the rapid strides Congress (NPC). in diplomatic affairs and has m science and technology, manif• When mentioning this year's achieved some success in this ested in war weapons. Because of US presidential election, Rong respect, while Dukakis has not. In their increasing capacity to said that in his visit to the United regard to personality. Bush's destroy, nuclear weapons are States last September he had amiable appearance and capa- denying themselves utility. They predicted that neither a Re• bihties proven by successes in exist just as a deterrent force. In publican nor a Democratic victory many jobs have won him a the 80s, powers realized this would change the nation's overall favourable impression with many dangerous potential for atomic policies towards China. Rong people." annihilation and began a new, believes that because Bush once Looking forward to the future more intense competition — headed his country's diplomatic of Sino-US relations, Rong said economic war. In

14 BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 president comes to power, Fei said people's will, it at least offers a that during the presidential chance for the public to make a election, each party can propose as choice. To take part in the election many ideas as possible, but they is essential for democracy. More• are not substantive. In fact, over the literary rate of the concrete policies are influenced by American public is comparatively various interest groups, especially high, so that they are able to make big enterpises, and the current their own choice in the election. international situation. Therefore, As to Sino-US relations now the change of presidents is of no and in the future, Fei thinks that decisive significance. No matter present help from the US appears which party rises to power, little great, but is actually very little. change will happen to government According to the professor, the policies. United States should give China When asked his opinion about more technological transfers and the democracy of the US increase its investment in China. presidential election, Fei said that, in the past, we usually accused the He hopes that Bush will the late period of the Reagan US election of being a "dishonest appropriately understand the administration, the US-Soviet sham" and "bourgeois fraud," but significance of Sino-Soviet efforts relations have obviously been received nothing beneficial from to improve their relations towards relaxed. Hoping to maintain his that propagandist slogan review. world peace. As to China's peace momentum, the Americans "Without a serious study or unification issue, the professor called for a continuance of the analysis of the US election, how thinks that the United States only Reagan administration's policies. can we really learn anything upholds China's unification in Thus, Bush, an advocate of those useful?" Fei said. Presidential words, but not in deeds. He policies, was elected to play' the elections are a way for people to expressed his hope that the new role. This reflects the Americans' participate in poHtics — an president will offer some effective psychological desire for stability." exercising of the democratic spirit. activities to promote China's In regard to whether big Although the presidential election unification rather than commit changes will appear after the new alone does not reflect all the regretful ones. •

Questions and Answers on the Lhasa Riots In September and October 1987 and March 1988, three riots occurred in Lhasa, capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Many readers have since written to us, asking what these riots were all about and how the Chinese authorities dealt with them. To find answers to these and other questions concerning Tibet, "Beijing Review" recently interviewed officials from the Chinese Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme People's Court and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Following are extracts from the interviews — Ed.

Question: Some people have said March 1988 were by no means The rioters also committed a that the demonstrations which peaceful. These riots were dehbe- series of criminal activities. For occurred in Lhasa in 1987 and rately instigated by a handful of example, on September 27, 1987, 1988, despite being peaceful, separatists, who waved flags of the rioters wounded 24 policemen were forcibly suppressed, is this "Tibetan independence" and who had come to maintain order true? shouted slogans clearly aimed at and destroyed two vehicles. In the Answer: The demonstrations separating Tibet from China and October 1 riot, they destroyed and which occurred in Lhasa in threatening national unity and burnt 43 cars and motorcycles, set September and October 1987 and stability. fire to the police station in


Bajiaojie Street, and wounded 325 secuirty officials and policemen. On March 5, 1988, the rioters destroyed a TV vehicle which was parked in the Jokhang Monastery for the live broadcast of a summons ceremony, and overturned and burnt a car belonging to the Tibet Autonom• ous Regional Buddhist Associ• ation. They also killed one policeman and wounded 328 others. Article 4 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China rules that any acts which undermine the unity of the country's nationaHties or are aimed at instigating secession are prohibited. Article 92 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates: "Whoever plots to subvert the government or dismember the state" commits counter• revolutionary crimes. The handful of separatists who instigated the riots obviously violated both the Constitution and the criminal law. Q: What caused the riots, and did It have anything to do with the Dalai clique? A: A host of facts have revealed that the Lhasa riots were caused by a handful of separatists at the have disguised themselves as a broadcast or through other instigation of the Dalai clique. tourists on sightseeing trips or channels. In 1959, the Dalai clique tore up visits to their relatives. They have By taking advantage of the the Agreement on Measures for distributed fly-sheets advocating masses' religious sentiments and the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet national separation and calling on the mistakes and errors that the reached in 1951 between the the people to make trouble. Others authorities of the Tibet Autonom• Central People's Government and have been to Tibet to form ous Region had committed in their the Tibetan local government. separatist forces. work, some separatists at home They then launched an armed In September 1987, the Dalai conducted agitational activities. rebellion before fleeing to India. Lama, taking advantage of his Most of the excuses they used Since then, some members of the visit to the United States, tried to stemmed from events that occur• clique have never ceased in their turn the world opinion in favour red during the special historical attempts to split the motherland of the "independence of Tibet." conditions of the "cultural by advocating the "independence Some US politicians took the revolution." These misdoings of Tibet." The central government opportunity to interfere in the have either been corrected or are has adopted a policy of leniency internal affairs of our country. being corrected. The People's towards them, welcoming them to They allowed the Dalai Lama to Government of the Tibet Auto• return. However, as they regard announce his "five-point plan" for nomous Region has plenty of the leniency of the people's the solution of the Tibet problem evidence that the Lhasa riots were government as an expression of at a subcommittee of the House of closely connected with the separa• weakness, they have intensified Representatives, and then trans• tist activities of the Dalai clique. their separatist activities. Some mitted his speech to Tibet either as When interviewed by reporters

16 BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 I from a French newspaper on that they ran counter to the will of very busy. We hate these rioters October 18, 1987, the Dalai Lama the Tibetan people and were who have nothing to do other than himself even admitted that the unpopular, saying, "Their make trouble every day." Lhasa riots had something to do criminal attempt will never Q: Some people have said that in with his activities in the United succeed." putting down the riots in Lhasa, States. He called on all the Tibetan the police arrested and beat Q: How do religious leaders and people to contribute to maintain• people indiscriminately, killing tlie residents of Lhasa view these ing national unity and stability. quite a few. What is the truth? riots? Other religious leaders in Tibet A: In putting down the riots, the A: These riots in Lhasa were have also strongly denounced Lhasa police detained and ar• plotted by a handful of separatists these riots. Lama Luosang rested some of the principal who have close connections with Pingcuy, director of the Jokhang trouble-makers who took the lead the activities of the Dalai clique. Monastery's Committee for in smashing, sabotaging, looting Their aim was to undermine the Democratic Management, said: "I and burning. Some of them were unity of China and the stability of am sorry that a few lamas taken away from the spot and Tibet in close co-ordination with participated in the riots. By being subsequently released after educ• the Dalai Lama's overseas activ• involved in violence against ation. Others, who confessed after ities attempting to separate Tibet people and property, they have interrogation, were released from the motherland. not only violated Buddhist canons because their crimes were not These riots have been strongly but also the laws of the state." serious. Of course, it is true that a condemned and denounced by Cemolin Danzengchilie, vice- few wrongful arrests were made in people from all walks of life, president of the Buddhist Associ• the heat of the moment. These including workers, farmers, herds• ation of the Tibet Autonomous people were set free as soon as they men, intellectuals, monks and Region, said: "The instigation of were found to be not guilty. riots by a handful of separatists is nuns, and even the upper stratum During each of the riots, Tibet by no means a religious problem. of religious circles. Autonomous Regional leaders They do not represent the broad In repudiating the riots, Bain- ordered the police not to fire on masses of ecclesiastical people." qen Erdini Qoigyi Gyaincain, one the rioters. However, a few had to of the two principal leaders of Most residents of Lhasa use their guns or batons in self- Tibetan Buddhism, said they were strongly opposed the riots. One defence when they were in danger. instigated by a handful of said: "This handful of separatists A thorough investigation indi• separatists in Tibet who were at do not represent us. Their attempt cates that in the October 1, 1987 the beck and call of the separatist to split our country can never riot, six trouble-makers and clique residing abroad. He added succeed." Another said: "We are onlookers died: two by stones thrown by rioters, one falhngfrom a high building, one by a ricocheting bullet, one shot accidentally and one shot directly. In the March 5, 1988 riot, four rioters and onlookers died, two were killed by stones thrown by rioters, and two, who were wounded by bullets on the spot, died later despite emergency treatment. Q: Of all those arrested in the riots, how many have been set free and how many are still in prison? How well are they treated in prison? What will happen to them? How many rioters, if any, were executed? A: All these questions were clearly answered by Doje Cering, chair• man of the government of the Tibet Autonomous Region, on


August 9, 1988, when he met world. China welcomes foreigners implement the Party's policy on Winston Lord, US ambassador to to travel and cover news in Tibet. nationaUties and rehgion and China, in Lhasa. He said that in During the riots, the People's accelerate Tibet's economic and the riot of March 5, 1988, the Government of the Tibet Auto• cultural development. Lhasa Public Security Bureau nomous Region at one point The Ad Hoc Regulations of the detained more than 220 people for decided not to receive any foreign Lhasa Municipal People's Gov• interrogation.* Most of them have tourists or visitors except those ernment on Assembly and De• been released after a period of groups whose visits had been monstration adopted at the education because of the minor previously approved and con• second session of the Standing nature of their crimes and a full tracted. It made this decision Committee of the Fifth People's confession. There are over 20 still because of the then chaotic Congress of Lhasa on October 9, in custody. situation in Tibet and out of 1987, have been put into effect. All Most of those detained in the consideration for the personal assemblies and demonstrations 1987 riots were released before safety of foreign tourists. which conform to these regulatons January this year. According to the regulations of are permissible in Lhasa. All those still in custody have the Information Department of The major points of these been well treated. When their the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regulations are: crimes are clearly confirmed, the foreign reporters going to cover 1. Organizers of assemblies and judicial organs will put them on news in Tibet's open areas should demonstrations must hand in a trial. So far no rioters have been apply for a permit at the Foreign written application to < the executed. Affairs Office of the People's municipal public security bureau Q: Were any foreign tourists or Government of the Tibet Auto• five days in advance, specifying reporters at the scene of the nomous Region. They can go the purpose, number of partici• riots? If there were, were they when their application is appro• pants, time and place. The pubhc detained, warned or deported? ved. In fact, many foreign security bureau will supply its A: In both the riots of October 1, reporters have already gone to answer within three days from the 1987, and March 5, 1988, there cover news in Tibet since the day after it receives the applic• were foreigners on the spot. Some beginning of this year. ation. Assemblies and demonst• even participated in the riots. The rations not approved by the public Q: What procedures should security bureau are illegal. public security organs gave some foreigners go through if they of the foreigners who took part in 2. No assemblies and de• want to travel in Tibet? monstrations are allowed to be the riots either an oral warning or A: Foreign friends are welcome to a fine. On October 8 last year, the held in Bajiaojie Street, Beijing Tibet. Handicapped by limited Road and Yutuo Road. Foreign Affairs Office of the tourist facilities, Tibet can only People's Government of the Tibet 3. Participants of assemblies accept a limited number of and demonstrations must take Autonomous Region summoned tourists. These tourists can apply 15 foreign reporters who violated good care of public property and for, an entry visa at any overseas observe public order. No one is the news coverage regulatons of Chinese embassy or through any the Chinese government and allowed to engage in illegal tourist agency. Foreigners who are acfivities that will encourage ordered them to leave Tibet within already in China can contact local 48 hours. spHtting the country or undermin• tourist agencies, who will organize ing national unity. No one is Q: Why were foreigners not them into groups and then contact allowed to travel nor foreign allowed to disturb public order, and co-ordinate with the tourist block the traffic or interfere with reporters permitted to cover bureau in Tibet. news in Tibet during riots? production, teaching and study• A: First of all, it should be made Q: What counter-measures have ing, work and normal rehgious clear that Tibet is one of the areas the Tibetan authorities taken activities. No one is allowed to of China open to the outside since the riots? Are the masses carry weapons, stones, infla• allowed to hold parades and mmable materials or explosives. demonstrations? 4. During assembhes or A: Measures have principally been parades, anyone preventing gov• * The Bainqen Lama has recently said that taken in the following two areas: ernment personnel from fulfiUing most of the 300-odd lamas and nuns strengthening patriotic and na• their tasks according to the law by arrested during and after the March riots tional unity education among the threats of resorting to violence, have been released (See article "Bainqen Discloses Buddhist Group," Beijing cadres and masses and exposing engaging in other illegal activities Review, issued No. 41, p. 6). A subsequent and smashing the plots of or violating articles 2 and 3 check put the figure at around 220. separatists; and continuing to mentioned above will be held

18 BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27. 1988 criminally liable. those who engage in activities moted because of the riots? Q: What about the situation in aiming at splitting the country, Have more troops and police Lhasa after the riots? undermining national unity, inst• been dispatched to Tibet? A: Generally speaking, the situ• igating riots and impairing social A: The riots were instigated by a ation in Lhasa after the riots has stability. The riots occurred only handful of separatists and put been stable. This is because the in a small part of Lhasa. They were down very quickly. Now, all work vast majority of the Tibetan all instigated by a tiny handful of in Tibet is going smoothly and people, especially the Tibetan people — about 0.5 percent — and social order has long been brought farmers and herdsmen, who make were put down very quickly. All back to normal. No leader of the up more than 95 percent of the these are enough to say that the Tibet Autonomous Region has total Tibetan population, very riots were unpopular. been dismissed or promoted much treaure their hard-won Q: How many leaders, if any, of because of the riots. The state sees happiness and cherish stability the Tibet Autonomous Region no need to station more troops and unity. They are opposed to have been dismissed or pro• and police in Tibet. •

Refugee Camps: Neighbours' Burdens by Yang IVIu

he Vietnamese armed forces going to suffer? America, and Australia, or T overran Kampuchea on De• It was in early 1980. Vietnamese returned home. The total number cember 25, 1978, and one year troops advanced along the of refugees in the Thai border later, on December 27, 1979, the Kampuchean highways and forest areas now stands at 300,000. Soviet Union invaded Afghanis• paths, killing all and burning all. When I set foot in the North tan. This is not coincidence but They drove several hundred West Frontier Province of Pakis• fulfillment of the same expansio• thousand people into Thailand's tan, I was amazed at the number nist policy. People around these eastern and northeastern parts. of refugee camps, which totalled two warring "hot spots" fled to They had no shelters besides 251. Together with Baluchistan, neighbouring countries, placing a plastic-sheet tents put up on the the two provinces housed 3.2 heavy burden on Thailand and bare ground. When the rain came, milhon Afghan refugees, which is Pakistan who have won universal mothers with their emaciated 10 times more than those in praise for their proper arrange• children in their laps sat on a rock Thailand. At present, the Afghan ment for the refugees and to be protected only by a wash refugees need US$1 million of organization of international basin that they placed on their international aid each day, half of humanitarian aid. The refugee heads. Later, they were accepted which is offered by Pakistan. They camps along the Thai- into camps put up with the help of seldom move again, either to a Kampuchean and Pakistan- the United Nations and intern• third country or back home. Only Afghanistan borders have become ational humanitarian organiz• 80,000 of them have migrated to corridors exposing the wars of ations. In June 1982 the Coalition Europe and America. A Pakistan- aggression and unveiling intern• Government of Democratic Kam• based official from the Office of ational humanitarianism. puchea was founded, and the three the United Nations Higher anti-Vietnamese factions set up Between 1980 and 1986, I have Commissioner for Refugees said camps to receive refugees for a been to the Thai-Kampuchean that since the Soviet Union pulled settled Ufe. The UN and Thailand border more than 20 times as a out its 50,000 occupation forces were left to take charge of a few reporter and witnessed the from Afghanistan last August, large refugee camps. vicissitudes of the Kampuchean only some 200 refugees had refugees. Towards the end of last During the peak days, there returned home. However, people October and in early November, I were 1 million refugees (including kept coming into Pakistan seeking stayed in refugee camps on the those in the camps) scattering asylum. Pakistan-Afghanistan border. along the border. With the That is to say, the burden on The terrible plight of the refugees assistance of the Thai government Pakistan is heavy and long• aroused my greatest fury. How and the UN, around one-third of standing. Under such circum• long are these innocent people them have moved to Europe, stances, it has adopted a policy


that is different from that of other freely. They have a close working in Pakistan, totalling 1 Thailand. The latter places a strict relationship between them. Our million. This is a special feature of control over the refugees who are religion teaches us to help our Pakistan's refugee pohcy. not allowed to travel or be brothers who are in trouble with However, the open policy has employed inland. Job training all our might. How can we close brought about some social courses are permitted to run inside our door? The refugees are problems. Our friends told us that the camps, as are self-supporting allowed to open shops and fierce competition has unfolded workshops and small shops. But handicraft workshops in Pesh• between the local people and the the refugees are prohibited from awar and other cities and towns. refugees in transport and a engaging in stockraising of a They are even permitted to buy number of commercial depart• permanent nature. land and houses by using the ments. Scuffles often took place But it is very different in names of their relatives and between them in the street. Pakistan, whose government fol• friends in Pakistan.... You can see Consequently, even employed lows an open policy. The refugees while you are in Peshawar what we refugees were longing to return are issued an identification card so mean by an open policy." home. Only a few who were rich they may travel freely, be had chosen to stay. The Pakistan employed and settle down. Peshawar, capital of North people will be glad to see their West Frontier Province, was a Afghan brothers back home. On October 24 when we were in quiet town 10 years ago. However, The war of aggression lies at the Peshawar, we met Fabimullar its population shot up from root of the refugee problem. Khattack, chief commissioner for around 300,000 to over ! million, People hope that after withdraw• Afghan Refugees under the after the Soviet invasion of ing half of its occupation forces, in Government of Pakistan. During Afghanistan. The refugee popul• compliance with the Geneva the interview, I asked, "Do you ation is four times more than that agreement signed on April 14, the consider Afghan refugees a heavy of the local residents. It has Soviet Union will pull out all its burden on your country? What's become a veritable refugee city. troops in February 1989 as the purpose of your open pohcy?" When we took a walk along the scheduled. This will be the most He said with a smile, "The street, we saw here and there important prerequisite for the burden is heavy to be sure, but our groceries, carpet-weaving shops, refugees to return to their own people are happy about what they and fruit and vegetable stalls run country. are doing. The refugees are by the refugees. Many of the When looking at the Kampu- Moslems. Many of them are motor tricycles, horse carriages, chean problem, we see nothing of Pashtuns and speak Pashto. That and trucks also were owned by a an unconditional withdrawal of is to say, they share the same few of them. Among the the Vietnamese troops. The religious behef with the Pakistanis pedestrians, the refugees mixed Kampuchean refugee problem and belong to the same ethnic well with the locals in physical will come to an end when the group of our people in the North features, clothing and language. Vietnamese authorities call off West Frontier Province. It has The commissioner said that of their policy of aggression and pull been a tradition for people on both every family in the refugee camps, out all their troops from sides of the border to visit each there are one or two members Kampuchea. •

Random Notes From Tibet University by Yang Xin and Duo Fen

tanding beside the Lhasa River In early autumn when we visited president of the university, is a Sin the eastern suburbs of the the university, its 1,200 staff and descendant of a former Tibetan Tibetan capital are an orderly students were giving a warm send- noble family. Himself a graduate series of dormitory and teaching off to its first group of graduates. of the Beijing Teachers' Univers• buildings surrounded by flowers ity, he said that since Tibet's and trees. This is Tibet University, democratic reform, which was the autonomous region's first Establishment completed in 1961, several tens of comprehensive institution of thousands of university graduates higher learning founded in 1985. Ciwang Junmei, the 40-year-old had come to work in the region.

20 BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 Most of them had been trained in Beijing, Shanghai, Xian or elsewhere, and so although they formed a talented workforce for the construction of a new Tibet, they were not well versed in traditional Tibetan habits and customs. As a result, Bainqen Erdini Qoigyi Gyaincain, vice- chairman of the Standing Com• mittee of the National People's Congress, had suggested on I I ' several occasions that higher education in Tibet should be oriented to maintaining and developing Tibetan culture and, in particular, teaching should be conducted in Tibetan. He raised the idea of founding a compre• hensive Tibetan university in 1980, and on subsequent inspection

tours of the region he discussed the A view of the Tibet University campus. CHEN ZONGLIE idea with local government officials. Finally, they decided to upgrade the Tibet Teachers' College, and Tibet University was The university opened the Sang Dan, 48, is the deputy born. department of Tibetan language director of the Tibetan Medicine In 1984, the state earmarked a to meet the needs of people Department in charge of teaching. large amount of funds for 43 key already well versed in the He began to study medicine with construction projects in Tibet. language. Its director, Suo Ping, his elder brother at a hospital in One of these was Tibet University, said, "The Tibetan language has a Lhasa when he was young. As and by the end of the year, more history of more than 1,300 years, early as the 1950s, the two than 40,000 square metres of floor during which time it has been used , brothers' skills were renowned space had been completed. To to write a great many classic across Tibet. Now, Sang Dan's bring the college's Tibetan books. Now there is a place to elder brother is the Dalai Lama's medicine and science laboratories study Tibetan in its true private doctor, while he trains a up to the required academic environment, many students inter• new generation of Tibetan medical standards, teaching aids and ested in the language have applied workers. All his teaching materials experimental equipment were to the university from various were written by himself, and at the imported from various parts of parts of the country." time of writing he was busy editing China. A first-class audio-visual In the student dormitory, the volume on Tibetan medicine room was built and 130,000 books Caidan Zhuoduo, a female for the Encyclopaedia of Chinese were added to the library. The Tibetan student from Qinghai Medical Sciences. same year, the university enrolled Province, said, "Of the eight In the dormitories of the its first batch of students — the departments in the univer- Department of Tibetan Arts, we ones who have now just sity,those of Tibetan language, saw several tangka — traditional graduated. Tibetan medicine and Tibetan arts Tibetan scroll paintings — created are unique and the best. That is by students who had mastered Characteristics why I crossed the Tanggula drawing skills in monasteries of Mountains to study here." Lamaism's yellow Sect. To At present, the university has The university now has 17 develop their technique, these 778 students majoring in 17 professors and associate profes• students often visit the Potala courses. Of its eight departments, sors. Among them 14 are Palace and Lhasa's three major three concentrate solely on Tibetans, of whom six are monasteries to copy Buddliist Tibetan subjects — Tibetan lan• considered academic authorities frescoes. According to Dan Qu, guage, Tibetan medicine and in the Tibetan language and the deputy director of the Tibetan arts. Tibetan medicine. university's teaching department.


tangka paintings copied or created the university's priority is training to the university to study Tibetan by the students have been people to meet Tibet's develop• language and medicine. exhibited in Lhasa and Beijing, ment needs. However, our ulti• Every year, the university and some foreign tourists and mate goal is the establishment of invites,, foreign experts and Buddhists have offered high prices the centre of Tibetan culture in teachers to give lectures, and so for them. He added, "After China, geared towards training far, three groups of American and graduation, most of the students top-class research workers in British teachers have taught there. will go to work in cultural Tibetan culture around the Moreover, the university has sent departments to help preserve world." its first group of students to study religious arts in the region's in the United States. monasteries and to copy and Although it has only existed for Among the university's immedi• renovate their frescoes." three years, Tibet University has ate plans are the erection of a aroused much attention in intern• residential building for foreign ational academic circles. Already teachers and students and a series Geared to the World more than ten countries, including of short-term courses to train the United Stales, Japan, Aus• workers in the research of Tibetan When interviewed, Ciwang tralia and Switzerland, have culture to be run by the Tibetan Junmei proudly said, "At present, expressed a wish to send students Language Department. •

Korea Reconstructs and Forges Ahead

Inspired by the slogan of "Chollima" (winged steed), the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has made much headway in its economic construction. However, It keenly admires reunification with its soutliern counterpart.

by Our Correspondent Yao Jianguo

orea is a friendly neighbour of national characteristics with mod• K China's. At the end of ern architecture, such as the September, when the country had Korean Hotel, the People's just celebrated the 40th an• University and Pyongyang niversary of its founding, a group Children's Palace, dot the capital. of journaUsts from China's The city is still under heavy Bureau of Foreign Languages construction and new building Publishing and Distribution Ad• areas are everywhere. Most of the ministration visited the country. projects are residential areas with matching services and facihties, such as gymnasiums and cinemas. Pyongyang, the Capital Visitors can't help admiring the grandeur and scale of the During the Korean War (1950- construction drive. 53), Pyongyang was almost reduced to ruins by US bombers. After more than three decades of 'Chollima Speed' painstaking efforts of reconstruc•

tion, the city has reappeared as an YAO JIANGUO "Chollima (winged steed) eye-catching modern capital. "Chollima," the Winged-steed, symbol- Speed" is the slogan of a rapidly Clusters of buildings that combine . izes Korean progress. developing Korean economy.

22 BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 Early in the 1960s, Korea was world-renowned for its speed in economic development. Nowadays, the Chollima speed has been embodied at every front of Korea's economic reconstruction. The West Sea Water Gate in Nampo is a good example. The huge water gate was built on the Taedong River in 1981. The dam is 8 km long, which includes three water gates wide enough to accommodate a 50,000-ton ship, a 20,000-ton ship and a 2,000-ton ship at the same time. It also includes three water gates for fishes and 36 sluice gates. Its scale, capacity and efficiency are unique. The project, which cost four Modern buildings line Pyongyang's throughway to the future. JIANGUO biUion wons, has been finished in five years. Currently, the whole country of Korea is engaged in the second 200-day battle (September 26, Street Construction, told re• move into new homes by the end 1988-April 15, 1989) in order to porters that residential construc• of this year. accomplish the Third Seven-Year tion comprised half of more than All these houses built with state Plan (1987-93) before schedule. 260 projects in Kwangbok Street, investments provide labourers a We believe that during the 200-day which were built with a state place to live with very low rent. We battle the Korean people will investment of US$4.7 billion. A understood that since the victory achieve a better record of Chollima total of 25,000 flats will be erected. of the Fatherland Liberation War speed. Each family, according to its size, in 1953, Korea has built more than may be allotted a 80-to-I20- 3.5 million fiats. Residents in cities square-metre flat, which has a have generally moved into two-to- Residential Construction closet, kitchen, and sanitary three-room flats with sanitary facilities. facilities, and its per-capita living He said these dwellings will be space has outranked that of some Achievements in residential allotted to various units on the Asian countries. construction in Korea impressed basis of an organization system. Residential construction like• us. Not only government officials and wise occupies an important role in In Pyongyang, we visited with state cadres, but also ordinary the Third Seven-Year Plan. great interest the residential labourers will be allowed to live According to projections, the state construction site of Kwangbok there. Nurseries, kindergartens, will annually build 150,000- Street. Tower-cranes stood like a schools, commercial services and 200,000 flats. In order to realize forest along both sides of the 6 km- other necessary facilities also were the goal, nearly one million long and 100-metre-wide street, being built in the residential areas. builders are working now at where trucks, coming and going, Rural residential construction is various sites. As the plan is transported goods. Many 20-to- another on-going Korean project. completed, a quarter of the 40-storey residential buildings At the Zhaiyan Korea-China country's population of 20 million have begun to take shape. These Friendship Co-operative Farm will move into new residences, and tall, diverse buildings, shaped like more than 40 kilometres away per-capita living space will stairsteps, cylinders, and semicir• from Pyongyang, the farm's increase about 130 percent. cles, are streamlined and multi- chairman spoke about the 97 two- folding-style. They adapt them• to four-storeyed buildings that selves well to the hilly terrain. will be completed soon. All these Free Education Choi Tie Chun, the person in residences were built with state charge of the Department of funds, and more than 500 families, There are many countries in the External Work for Kwangbok among the farm's members, will world with compulsory education.

BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 23 because universal, free com• pulsory education is carried out, the parents are not worried about their children's education. Like• wise, students do not have to be concerned about the matters of tuition and other fees. The students who study in universities and colleges can receive grants-in- aid from the government. The state investment on education for a person from birth to graduation from the university is 15,800 wons. To train children to become socialist labourers, the govern• ment has done far more than providing the benefits of free education. In the countryside we noticed that the best buildings are those of the kindergartens and schools. In the cities, kindergar• but few countries have free gramme that includes one-year tens have the most interesting toys compulsory education. The pre-school education, four-year and sports goods. In Children's Democratic People's Republic of primary education and six-year Palaces there are not only wide Korea, which does not have great middle education. It has 1,700 and comfortable grounds for economic strength, has taken the students. Besides a small amount activities, but there are also lead in this aspect. paid by students for their studies, qualified teachers and outdoor In this country, education has other student fees in this school equipment. Schools also house been given an especially important are completely undertaken by the advanced teaching equipment and position. During the period of government. Even their seasonal experimental instruments. In this economic recovery after the war clothing is subsidized and pro• country, where children are "kings against US imperialism, this vided at a cheap price. Some and queens," it may be said that country declared compulsory students are even provided with the state gives the best things to primary education in 1956. In subsidies for residence and food. children. 1958 it added the compulsory The vice-principal said that The universal free compulsory middle education, and in 1959 the government adopted the policy of universal free education, including Korean children playing traditional instruments ensure a cultural heritage. YAO JIANGUO nurseries, kindergartens, primary and middle schools, as well as universities and adult education. Therefore, the state now allocates a large sum of money to education each year. In Pyongyang we visited the first high school on the bank of the Potong Gang. This school consists of a ten-story and a two-story building with an area of 30,000 square metres, making it the largest middle school in the country. Li Zeng Sam, vice-principal in charge of education, told us that this school is a part of an 11-year free compulsory education pro•



education and a good study parts in modern times. The it would cease military exercises environment have allowed the new division has continued to the and cut back by 100,000 troops. It Korean generation' to receive present time. also evacuated 150,000 troops .secondary education, the illiteracy In order to realize the unity of from the border and put them into in this country has been basically the country, the DPRK has put the socialist construction. Now wiped out, and the people's mental forward a total of 220 proposals, the officers and men of the attitude and moral standards have including the holding of consult• People's Army can be seen at every improved greatly. ations and dialogues between the construction site from Taechon two sides' Red Cross units, high- Hydroelectric Station to Sunchon level politicians and military Vinalon Complex and Kwangbok Thirst for the Unification leaders; ceasing military exercises Street in Pyongyang. and decreasing troops in phases; The unification of North and In Korea, the sentence "There is and establishing a Korean federal South Korea will not only meet only one Korea" can be heard and repubUc and a North-South joint the desires of people all over seen everywhere. Realizing the parliamentary conference. Korea, but will also bring the unification of the country and the But all these proposals were benefit of peace to Asia and the national reunion has become the rejected by South Korea. Never• world. Although there are still common long-sought goal of the theless, in order to ease the tension some obstacles on the road to the people all over Korea. on the Korean Peninsula and unification, Korean unification Korea is a single-nationality accomplish an early unification of will utimately be realized through country. According to history, the country, the DPRK still consultations between the two Korea was a united country until it continues its effort. In 1986, the sides without the intervention of was invaded and divided into two DPRK unilaterally declared that foreign forces. •

FACTS & FIGURES (A Decade of Reform IX) Improved Living Standards for Farmers

by the State Statistical Bureau

hinese farmers' income has times higher than in the previous And households defined as well- Cgreatly increased with the 29 years. With higher incomes, the off, with an average per-capita rapid development of the rural pattern of farmers' consumer annual income of over 1,000 yuan, economy during the last decade of spending has changed, mainly in represented 5.4 percent. These reforms. The per-capita net the following ten areas. findings indicate that since 1978, income of farmers in 1987 was Full beilies and warm baclis for about 74.3 percent of poor 462.6 yuan, an increase of 329 most farmers. The percentage of households have cast off poverty yuan over the per-capita income of poor households, defined as those and are now leading fairly 133.6 in 1978. This figure with an average per-capita annual comfortable lives. constitutes an average annual net income of less than 200 yuan, Raised consumption standards. increase of 14.8 percent, or a 12.3 decreased from 82.6 percent in In 1987, the average amount of percent increase after adjustment 1978 to 8.3 percent in 1987. per-capita living expenses, count• for price increases. In the 29 years Households assured of adequate ing both cash and commodities, between 1949 and 1978, however, food and clothing, with an average was 398.3 yuan, 3.4 times above the net income of farmers per-capita annual income of that of 1978 (282.2 yuan), with an increased only 90 yuan on the between 200 and 500 yuan, average annual growth rate of 14.7 average, or an annual increase of accounted for 56 percent. Those percent, for a growth rate of 12.3 3.1 yuan. Therefore, the net with an average per-capita annual percent after adjustment for price income of Chinese farmers in the income of between 500 and 1,000 increases. 10 years beginning 1979 was 2.7 yuan constituted 30.3 percent. In 1987, the amount of money


people in the countryside have paid particular attention to style, Breakdown of An Average Farmer's Spending colour and material, just as young people do in the big cities. 1987 (in yuan) Increase over 1978 (%) (4) Increasing purchases of Eating 219.7 160 durable consumer goods. Domes• Housing 57.8 1,470 tic electrical appliances have Daily necessities 47.2 520 entered the homes of farmers. In Clothing 34.2 130 1987, for every 100 farming Fuel 19.3 130 households, there were 98.52 Cultural items 13.6 330 bicycles a 220 percent increase Others 11.5 over 1978; 49.79 sewing machines, a 150 percent increase; 46.92 clocks, up 92.8 percent; and 161.22 spent by farmers for food, increase of 271 Kcal above 1978. housing, daily necessities, clo• Protein consumption increased by watches, up 490 percent. Also in thing, fuel, and cultural or 3 grams per day to 67 grams, and 1987, there were 24.38 television recreational activities doubled and fat consumption increased by 16 sets for every 100 households, up redoubled. grams to 41 grams per day. 14.5 times over 1982; cassette recorders were owned by 9.68 With their material lives (2) Basic improvements in families out of 100, up 14 times, improved, farmers began to turn housing conditions included and electric fans were owned by their attention to cultural life. expansion of living space and 19.76 of 100 families, up 8.2 times. Improving living conditions. improved quahty of construction. Some well-to-do households also (1) Improvements in the pat• By the end of 1987, the average purchased washing machines, tern of daily food consumption housing space per capita reached refrigerators and cameras. and food quality. No longer 16 square metres, 7.9 square • Changed consumption pat• satisfied with full stomachs alone, metres more than in 1978. The farmers are now paying more terns. With inadequate food and percentage of brick and reinforced clothing before 1978, the order of attention to nutrition. Grain, the concrete used in total housing rose priorities for farmers' spending primary food before 1978, has from 37 percent in 1978 to 56.9 included: eating (which accounted given way to various foodstuffs. In percent in 1987. Among newly for 69.6 percent of their budgets); 1978, the per capita expenditure constructed homes in 1987, 82.9 on staple food was 51.3 yuan, percent were made of brick and clothing (13.1 percent), fuel (6.7 accounting for 65.3 percent of reinforced concrete. In compara• percent), and housing (3.3 perc• total food spending. That amount tively developed parts of the ent). By 1983, however, the order grew to 87.5 yuan in 1987, for a country, two-storey and multi• of the priorities had changed, with growth rate of 70.6 percent. storey buildings constituted a eating and clothing still ranked However, money spent for non- large proportion of new housing. first and second, but followed by staples and dining away from housing as the third place priority, home grew faster, and even (3) A marked tendency to select with 11.4 percent of the budget surpassed the amount spent for ready-made and fashionable clo• allocated for it, while fuel fell back staple food consumed, which thing. In the past, farmers and to fifth priority. The order of accordingly dropped to 39.8 their families preferred durable priorities since 1984 has been percent of the total food and cheap clothing. Now their eating, housing, expenditure for expenditure. The consumption of clothes have become more colour• daily necessities, clothing and fuel. flour and rice as staples rose from ful and stylish. In 1987, twice as Clothing dropped back to the 49.4 percent in 1978 to 81.5 much ready-made clothing was fourth place, while housing and percent in 1987. At the same time, purchased by farming families as expenditures on daily necessities money spent on meat, edible oils, in 1983. Compared with 1983, the rose to second and third place poultry, eggs, fish and shrimps, per-capita purchase of cotton priorities. All these changes show sugar, alcohohc drinks and clothing in 1987 decreased 14.3 that when farmers had no problem cigarettes showed a considerable percent, while that of chemical meeting food and clothing needs, increase. Therefore, the overall fibre and nylon clothing respec• they turned their attention to nutritional level of farming tively increased 74.2 percent and improving their housing and families was raised. The daily 200 percent. In addition, wool taking care of daily necessities. intake of calories for each farmer knits and woven woollen fabrics • Rising degrees of commer• in 1987 was 2,482 KcaL an rose by 75 percent. Trendy young cial consumption. In 1986, the

26 BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 per-capita cash living expense of • Change in consumption from They are spending a larger farmers was 243.8 yuan, a 5.4 a unitary pattern to a duai amount of money on everday life times increase over 1978. This pattern. In the past, the unified and becoming more and more accounted for 64.5 percent (38.6 and collective management of dependent on society. percent in 1978) of the total living rural production demanded little • Decrease in the proportion of costs. Accordingly, money spent spending from farmers for sideline spending for food. The propor• on food increased from 24.1 household occupations. Farmers tion of spending for food percent in 1978 to 46.4 percent in therefore spent most of their compared to total living expendi• 1986; that spent on clothing went income on everyday life. With the tures decreased from 67.7 percent from 89 to 98 percent; spending on introduction of the contracted in 1978 to 55.2 percent in 1987, daily necessities increased from household.responsibility system in indicating that the consumption 87.7 percent to 99.7 percent, and 1978, farming households became standards of farming families is on housing went from 95.1 to 98.3 both consumer units and manu• the increase and farmers now have percent. facturing units, creating a change more spending choices. in consumption patterns. Accord• • A growing variety of cultural • Nationwide improvements in ing to a sample survey, investment activities. In 1987, the average living standards of farmers. The for production increased to 28.3 amount of money available for average annual per-capita living percent of total yearly spending in spending on cultural consumer expenditure in coastal areas in 1987, far exceeding the 1978 figure commodities such as books and 1987 soared to 454.4 yuan, 2.5 of 12.5 percent. Meanwhile, the magazines was 11.76 yuan. In times higher than 1980. In central proportion of living expenses to addition, an average of 6.37 yuan areas, it was 356.2 yuan, up 2.3 total annual expenditures de• per annum was paid for tuition, times, and in western areas, 302.9 creased from 83.5 percent to 65.9 technological training and recre• yuan, up 2.1 times. Food was the percent. ational services. These two sums first spending priority in all added up to 18.13 yuan, 13.39 regions for farming families but in • Diminishing size of farming yuan above what was spent for the the coastal and central areas, families. Farming families in 1978 same items in 1984, for an increase housing was the second spending averaged 5.74 persons per house• of 3.8 times. In recent years, priority for farming families, hold. The number gradually television sets, films, cassette followed by expenditures on daily declined to 5.01 in 1987, a drop of recorders and radios have entered necessities, clothing and fuel. In 12.7 percent. The change, chal• the countryside and have enjoyed the western regions, the order of lenging the traditional large- a ready market in some areas. All priorities was the same except for family way of rural life^ raised these have brought a variety of housing, which ranked next-to- farmers' relative per-capita in• information to farmers and last, taking priority only over fuel. come and consumption capacity. enriched their cultural lives. •

International Studies Both at Home and Abroad — Lu Guozhong Australia's Shift of Strategic Focus and the Problems in A Quarterly in Chinese It — Cheng Qizhen Two Interrelated Strategic Goals — A Brief Discussion Contents of Issue No. 4, 1988 of West Europe's Economic Reinvigoration — Huang Suan Federal Germany and EEC — Zhu Yiqing Study New Changes in the World With New Thinking Mr. Miterrand's African Policy — Zhang Hongming and New Perspective — Wang Shu A Book on Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy — Feng Observations on the New Detente Between the United Chunfang States and Soviet Union — Jin Junhui The Situation of the Black People's Struggle Against Racism in South Africa and Its Prospects — Wu Shi The Panama Crisis and the US-Panamanian China's Foreign Relations: A Chronicle A Relations — Xiao Yu Classified Subject Index to INTERNATIONAL Takeshita's Diplomacy that Has Attracted Attention STUDIES (from No. I, 1988 to No. 4, 1988)

BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 27 NEXUS A bridge iinliing Ciiina to tlie wlioie world A bridge for the whole world to cross over to China NEXUS, the only foreign non-government-funded periodical in China. This magazine introduces China obiectively and comprehensively; NEXUS carries informative in-depth articles for readers of various interests and cultural levels;

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NEXUS wishes to make every effort to facilitate friendly business contacts between the people of China and the world;

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experience. Doctors at the age of 60 are just entering their golden More Working Women in Higli-Tech Trades age. The rigid retirement system is a loss to the state-run hospitals. Although Beijing has many "RENMIN RIBAO" scientific research personnel, en• private hospitals, state-run ones (People's Daily, Overseas Edition) gineers and technicians, doctors, are still crowded with patients. economists, judicial admini• The reason is that most of the strators, college and university patients enjoy free medical care. ccording to a sample survey teachers, and leading officials in Medical expenses cannot be A conducted by the State enterprises and institutions, has reimbursed if one sees a doctor in a Statistics Bureau in 1987, the increased in recent years. This is private hospital. number of Chinese working certainly true of female economic (September 23. 1988) women in 1987 amounted to 69.33 workers, whose proportion percent of the total ft-male among all members in economic population aged 15 and over, departments increased from 38.92 while that in 1982 accounted for percent in 1982 to 50.75 percent in Female Scientists 70.06 percent. 1987, outnumbering the men. The major reason for the Contribute to China reduction has been a drop in the (July 29, 1988) proportion of young working women. In recent years more Private Clinics "GUANGMING RIBAO females have been entering (Guangming Daily) schools of a higher grade. The Spread in Beijing proportion of female students between the ages of 15 and 19 "ZH0NG6U0 XINWEN" hinese female scientists and increased to 23.34 percent in 1987, (Chinese News) C technicians have made re• a 8.24 percent jump from 1982. markable achievements since Another reason is that the 1978. proportion of housewives has arious private clinics and The number of female scientific increased. V people-run hospitals are personnel has increased dramati• The survey also shows that the seen everywhere in the streets and cally. According to the State trades and occupations for women lanes of Beijing. Statistical Bureau, China had a are becoming more reasonable. In An official from the Beijing total of more than 4.44 million 1982, working women were Public Health Bureau said that female scientists and technicians mainly engaged in heavy physical Beijing had 1,731 registered by the end of 1986, accounting for labour and jobs with low-level private doctors and 131 people- 31.7 percent of the country's total, technology. This unreasonable run hospitals and clinics. or an increase of 37.3 percent over situation has been improved to Private clinics and hospitals 1978; while the number of female some extent. In 1987, thebega n in 1985. At first, most of the engineers and technicians in• proportion of working women in doctors engaged in dentistry, creased 152.9 percent; and female the trades of geological survey and bone-setting and massage, as well agro-technicians were up 60.3 prospecting, construction, com• as other kinds of therapies. Now percent. In 1987, the State Science munications and transportation, the private clinics and hospitals and Technology Commission post and telecommunications has possess almost as many depart• approved 51 young and middle- dropped. ments as the state-run hospitals aged female scientists and techni• In service trades and other areas have. cians who made outstanding suitable for women, such as The growth of private clinics contributions as state-level ex• commerce, catering, sanitation, and hospitals, on the one hand, perts. At present, China has 63 sports, public welfare, finance, resulted from state policies and its female experts at the state level. insurance. Party and government tax-free stimulation; on the other The quality of female scientists organizations, and mass organiz• hand, a great number of medical and technicians has improved ations, the proportion of women personnel aged 60 began to retire greatly in the last ten years. has increased. from the state-run hospitals, so During this period, a number of Moreover, the number of private medical institutions tried female scientific and technical women with occupations related to recruit them. The official said personnel have sprung up in the to high-level technology, such as that medical science requires fields of high-energy physics.

BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 29 m FROM THE CHINESE PRESS genetic engineering, micro• returning to China, she guided the itemized report is as follows: electronics, laser and cosmic biomedical engineering depart• The number of retired workers observation, satellite-launching ment of Nanjing Engineering is increasing every year. Workers and other sophisticated Institute to carry out 19 scientific retired before 1970 comprised 4.45 technologies. research projects and won many percent of the total retirees, The title of member of the results. compared with 34.6 percent General Assembly of Academia Li Huamei, China's first woman during 1970-80 and 61 percent Sinica is a laurel for people in to take part in an Antarctic after 1980. It is predicated that the China's scientific and technical expedition, overcame all kinds of percentage will keep rising in the circles. In the 1950s, only Lin difficulties and obtained a lot of future. Qiaozhi, an expert in gynaecology valuable materials. She was higly Living standards of the retired and obstetrics was a female praised by departments con• workers are comparatively low. general assembly member. Up to cerned. And she was named Their average monthly income is 1981, the number of general heroine in the ice and snow 85 yuan (including all allowances), assembly members had expanded wasteland. but since each retiree has to to include 15 women. They are The middle-aged female biolo• support 0.5 person, the actual physicians, chemists, geologists, gist Qin Zisheng discovered, after living costs per person is only geopalaeontologists, astronomers a long, careful investigadon and 56.43 yuan. According to the 1986 and experts of gynaecology and analysis, that the rare panda could statistics of the State Statistical obstetrics. These female experts become nearly extinct owing to a Bureau, urban dwellers' per- have made outstanding contri• lack of staple food. She worked capita monthly hving expenses butions to the advancement of out a series of protective measures were 75.8 yuan. science and technology. so that the pandas might More than half of the retired He Zehui, an expert of nuclear peacefully spend years that could workers are in good condition. physics, has played a positive role have been disastrous. Moreover, they are experienced in the research of high-energy The female engineer Wang and knowledgeable, with one-fifth astrophysics, cosmic rays and Juzhen of the Shanghai Bulb being technical and administrative space science. Factory won the only one first- personnel at or above the forth class prize and one third-class grade level. The youngest female general prize for the 1987 state inventions. (July 23, 1988) assembly member. Ye Shuhua, is Her invention has obtained an influential scientist in intern• patents from the United States, ational astronomy circles. Her Japan and countries in Europe. "accurate determining of world Micro-circulation expert Xiu time'" won a major achievement Ruijuan is known for her "the Xiu prize at the National Science Theory" in scientific and techn• Meeting in 1978. In 1981, she ological circles both at home and became China's first female abroad. observatory president. (August 28, 1988) Wang Zhiren, a prominent woman in scientific circles, used to be an ordinary worker with only a primary education. Through 30 Trade Unions Survey years of hard and conscientious study, she finally became a deputy Retired Worl


production of jet engine compo• Guangzhou Prunes Service Projects nents for an American company. Its parts all passed a strict quality Guangzhou, one of the first at the Guangzhou Steelworks, and control test at the first attempt. Chinese cities to open to the a deal to expand production and The rapid expansion of its trade world, has strengthened its transport facilities in the Guang• has led to plans for establishing a management of foreign capital to zhou Dongjiang Estuary Dock. warehouse in the United States. encourage investment in industrial Across China, the government The Chinese government plans and infrastructural projects rather is cutting back the construction of further growth in the export of than non-productive enterprises non-productive projects. Yuan aircraft spare parts and such as hotels and bars. Zongtang, deputy director of the components. During the first nine months of State Tourism Administration's by Liu JIanjun 1988, the city signed 222 contracts Business Department, has said with overseas companies. More that state approval will not be than 90 percent of these were for given to joint venture hotels in the News in Brief manufacturing or processing country's major tourist cities projects. unless they are essential. • With help from China, Among the major agreements Since 1980, agreements have Mali's general diplomatic radio signed have been a US$7.5 million been signed on 589 joint venture station in Bamako, the nation's investment deal between the hotels which, when they are all capital, was completed on October Guangzhou Timber Co. and a completed, will have a total of 17. Hong Kong company to import a more than 60,000 rooms. To date, With full transmission, recep-: cement board production line 250 of these hotels have opened, tion and telegraph facilities, the capable of outputting 30,000 cubic offering around 39,900 rooms to station's main purpose is provid• metres annually, a modernization tourists. ing a link between the government scheme involving foreign capital by Li Ning and its overseas embassies. This network will become fully oper• ational when work is completed on 18 branch stations. • On Novem.ber 1, the Finnish Saies of Plane Components Soar company Lenita Airisto hosted a show titled Finland's Successful Story in the Great Hall of the ajor advances in the scale and to date, contracts totalling People aimed at giving a brief technical standards of US$100 million have been signed M introduction to the Scandinavian China's aviation industry have led to supply parts over the next nation's industry, culture, scenery to the export of US$10 miUion decade with companies from the and Hfe-style. worth of aircraft components this United States, Britain, France, the year, according to Sun Lipeng, Federal Republic of Germany, During the last two years, general manager of the CITIC Canada and Sweden. Already bilateral trade between China and Industries Corp. landing gear, main and auxiliary Finland has developed rapidly. In 1987, total volume amounted to After a period of stagnation in wings, fins, engine components, US$224 million, up 53 percent on the early 1980s when China forged and cast parts, noses and 1986. The US$148 milHon of trade drastically cut its armed forces, the stabilizers have gone into conducted in the first nine months country's military aircraft fac• production. of 1988 was 40 percent more than tories switched their attention to in the same period last year. civil aeroplanes. To boost its The Harbin Manufacturing commercial airlines, China im• Co., for example, has manu• Economic co-operation be• ported a series of Western models. factured landing gear for British tween the two countries is also But from 1986 onwards, the Aerospace and wings for Short progressing. Already, one Sino- government has insisted that Brothers, as well as numerous Finnish joint venture has started increasing numbers of compo• parts for Sikorsky's Black Hawk operation, agreements have been nents and spare parts be produced helicopter. signed on another four, and a in China. As business has expanded, further four are under negotiation. technological standards have China plans to hold a return This gave the national aviation advanced. The Chengdu Engine exhibition in Finland some time in industry the boost it needed, and Manufacturing Co. has begun the near future.


Computers Date Chinese Relics

uang Qixu, age 38, was the computer dialogues in Chinese report correlated by 99 percent. Hfirst to successfully introduce and at the same time, provided The remaining percent reflected a computer archaeological seriation compatible Western-language sy• difference of opinions among the analysis to China. In the late stems, such as Enghsh, for archaeologists. 1980s, he used this computerized research purposes. In June 1988, the system was programme to analyse the age of As one of the supplementary once again used to date Late unearthed tombs. methods for date analysis in Pleistocene animal fossils found in Archaeological units were pre• archaeological work, the system north China. Within 30 seconds, viously dated according to the has twice been tested and verified 122 fossils belonging to 36 species, number, shapes and constitutional before receiving the nation's collected from eight different changes of unearthed artifacts. formal recognition. It was first spots, were appraised. The Stone Age, Bronze Age and used in regard to research on the Furthermore, this system in Iron Age were categorized in this Chu Tombs of the Eastern Zhou Enghsh has already been used in manner. (770-221 EC) in the Yutai Moun• analysis by the History Depart• In 1951, G.W. Brainerd, an tain, central China, which were ment of the Universitat Bamberg. American archaeologist, propo• unearthed in 1975. This com• Federal Germany, to issue a sed to decide the dates of puterized system appraised 423 report on a cemetery of the Frank unearthed artifacts found in tombs belonging to 109 categories people. different shes in accordance with and 1,162 artifacts. The dates Huang, who attended the the quantitative coefficient of resulting from computer analysis Institute of Archaeology, Beijing, similar number, shapes and and a former archaeological as a post-graduate in 1978, now constitutional changes. W.S. 'Rob• inson, an American statistician, confirmed the feasibility of this Experts examine Huang Qixu's computer archaeological seriation analysis. method and helped solve the problem. In the 60s, some people, first in Britain, then the Federal Republic of Germany, proposed their programmatic systems which, in the early 80s, were perfected by a German statistician by the name of P. Ihm. In 1985 when Federal Germany's experts, for the first time, computerized this analysis theory, Huang, then an overseas Chinese student, took part in the work there.

After returning to China, Huang undertook new designs and experiments. First, he chose to work with a minicomputer. Second, he adopted an oper• ational method that is concise, concrete and easily learned because few users know about both archaeology and computers. Third, he programmed the

32 BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 works for the Museum of Chinese ever his works are exhibited in though similar in content, the two History, sole patron for his study. Japan or , they create great differ in terms of historical He expects his self-designed public attention. accuracy and artistic conception. archaeological computer system, In the exhibition held in Beijing, Both TV and studio films focused through further testing and there were 70 calligraphy works on the 60-year life history of the verification, to become popula• and paintings, many more than 10 20th century Chinese emperor Pu rized and perfected. metres long. Some huge calli• Yi, who was enthroned at the age by Wei Liming graphic works contained about of 3 and overthrown in the 1911 1,000 characters. To avoid Revoludon; who later became the differences in the ink marks, Kou puppet emperor of the Japanese- Plum-Blossom Artist patiently had accomplished each occupied Manchuria in the 1930s, piece in one setting. These works and who was imprisoned as a war Exhibits in Beijing truly reflected the spirit of a criminal at the end of the Second "plum-blossom" artist. World War and then freed by a by Wei Liming special pardon and died an aiwan artist Kou Peishen held ordinary gardener. Tan exhibition in the last ten-day The TV serial was typical of a period of September at the Beijing Chinese historical drama in which Academy of Traditional Chinese Mixed Reviews the producers filtered history Painting. through a tragi-comic lens. The Influenced by his family since For TV's Pu Yi personal life of Pu Yi was childhood, Kou is a lover of intermingled with a couple of calligraphy and plum-blossom significant incidents in modern painting. In 1954, he left Taiwan he 28-episode Chinese TV serial Chinese history, giving full for Japan where he lived for 30 TThe Last Emperor was intro• expression to the suppression the years. duced to thousands of enthusiastic Chinese people suffered during Kou's meticulous dedication to Chinese viewers via CCTV last that dark and absurd age. his art has made it world famous. August. It faced the formidable His art enjoys high prestige in task of being compared with the The TV took advantage of its Japan's political and economic much-praised film version by the length and attached great im• circles and among overseas Italian director Bernardo Bertol- portance to the complete and Chinese. The late Chinese painting ucci, which swept nine Oscars. faithful depiction of historical master Zhang Daqian praised it as Viewers, in general, noted that facts. From beginning to end, the "first-class all over the world." Kou's calligraphy has been Two "little emperors" — Chai Yuanhang, now 13, and Zhang Meng, now 8, who awarded prizes in Taiwan. portrayed Pu YI as a child in the TV serial, chasing after a grasshopper, u JIANGUO

Plum blossoms are particularly favoured by Kou. According to traditional Chinese symbolism, plum blossoms blooming in a hard winter represent a faithful and unyielding spirit. Unlike the few branches portrayed by other painters, Kou's plum blossom paintings are always blooming, full of power and grandeur. In 1983, he left for the White House to present a plum blossom painting, which is 4.5 metres long and 1.7 metres high, to the American President Ronald Reagan and his wife. Former Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka and Yasuhiro Nakasone also have Kou's plum blossom paintings in their offices. When•


differed on the merits of the serial's extravagant use of details. For some, the detailed present• ation was too formal, lacked imagination and like a mirror. They believe that Chinese direc• tors should learn frorn Bertolucci's romantic approach to history. Other critics were displeased with the serial's ideological slant. They said that the serial was too generous in showing sympathy towards the emperor of a feudal dynasty and revealing a regret that Pu Yi lost his imperial power, which is not so desirable in terms of social progress. Some viewers even resented that the TV film sometimes elevated Pu Yi's Hfe. The audience also made com• ments on the structure of the serial. They found the serial loose and superfluous in some places and too strict in others, and the ending too close-minded, leaving little for people to think about. Many raised expectations that Chinese film artists will become more mature in artistic conception and creation, and more liberated in their thinking.

Empress Wan Rong (left) and Emperor Pu Yi were well-cliaracterized by Luo Lige and Chen Daoming.

News in Brief producers pursued one important Many veteran Chinese actors • The First China Break and narrative line — to be or not to be and actresses also created unforge• Disco Dance Competition was an emperor, the gains and losses, ttable images. These were high• the dismay and humiliations of an lighted against a historical at• held in Xian, Shaanxi Province, emperor, and the return of his mosphere. Details of court life and from November 5 to 10. It's the human nature as an ordinary man the social customs recreated a first competition that combines during a time of great upheaval. manner that was beyond the reach both break and disco in China and Audiences agreed that the TV of any foreign film maker. requires participants to have drama was outstanding in its The TV serial outshined the film techniques of both kinds of characterizations. Instead of in many respects, especially in its simply imposing a mask or label faithful representation of histor• dances. on Pu Yi, or delineating the ical events and figures. Every • People in Russian-language trifling court life, for example, the detail in the serial, such as the countries will soon have the film made great efforts to expose coronation ceremony, the routine opportunity to learn about China the inner world of the emperor. rites in the court, as well as the directly in their own language as a Young actor Chen Daoming costumes, food consumed and Russian edition of Nexus Maga• skillfully portrayed the image of sound track, was carefully studied, Pu Yi emphasizing his nervous• remade and accurately portrayed. zine will be published in Beijing ness arising from a split nature. However, viewers' opinions this month. •

34 BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 21-27, 1988 Chinese Paintings by Zhang Yuan

Zhang Yuan was born in Tongxian County, Beijing in 1932. Now he works at the Chinese Calligraphers' Association. He specializes in Chinese painting, calligraphy and woodcuts. His works are simple, clear and natural.

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