7 @ 31.40 44111:111l3 @ 31.30 GA66 7 @ 31.20 1111i1110111,11,dii

5 @ 31.10 L4111111141 6 @ 31.00 11111101 @ 30.10 6 @ 29.50 5 @ 29.55 5 @ 29.10 4 @ 28.80 151-hyearno. 11 May 13, 1969

0 @ 23.10 0 @ 22.65 5 @ 22.50 they are accepted by the work- 0 @ 22.30 ers before the end of the 30 -day 0 @ 22.25 Propose A FarmLabor period. 5 @ 22.20 Shultz said the proposal dif- 0 @ 22.10 fers from binding arbitration in 0 @ 22.10 BargainingLaw that both the growers and the 0 @ 22.10 workers have a series of op- 0 @ 22.10 The Nixon administration hasagent elections on large farms tions. o @ 22.10 proposed a special collective and to handle cases involving The grower, he said, would 5 @ 22.00 bargaining law for farm work- unfair labor practices. not have to agree to abide by 5 @ 21.85 ers and the idea got support on Under the proposal, growersmediator recommendations if he Capitol Hill. would be protected against "sur-elected not to call for mediation. 5 @ 21.70 But he would not get a 30 -day @ 21.50 George P. Shultz, secretary ofprise strikes." And they would labor, recommended that a farmhave the option of setting a 30 -no -strike guarantee. 0 @ 21.35 The workers, he said, could @310.00 labor relations board of threeday no -strike period for media- members be appointed by thetion and binding recommenda-strike before and after the 30 - @282.00 ATMID - FEEDER PIG SALE day mediation period, and would Ed Clarke of Lyons herds feeder pigs into loading chute. President to conduct bargainingtions by a neutral panel. @271.00 Shultz presented his proposalhave the option of accepting or @247.50 to a Senate labor subcommitteerejecting mediation terms. @198.00 headed by Sen. Harrison A. Wil- The options of the growers @178.00 liams, Jr. (D -N. J.). The secre-and the workers would be re- 'Big Farm Year In Europe tary said it is a product of dis-versed in the case of a lockout, cussion with the secretary of ag-for which a 10 -day notice also SION riculture and others within thewould be required. Cuts U.S.Trade Prospects Nixon administration. Williams, a hear- Agriculture department Department officials have European products now in sur- spokesmen say the European ing on legislation to extend theCo-op Leader been concerned for a long timeplus will be consumed becauseprovisions of the national labor Comnion Market is headed forover what they consider risingthey would be cheaper. relations act to agriculture, another big year in farm pro-protectionism by the Common Critics here say the so-called John Toy Dead pro- called the proposal a "very MANHATTAN - JohnJ. la duction, which is almost certainMarket which threatens the 1.5"internal tax" on oilseed unique new departure." to complicate the U. S. farmbillion dollars annual market ducts would have the effect of Toy, long active in co-op work Shultz told the subcommittee Riley county, is dead at the exportposition with thatim- for U. S. farm products. much higher tariffs on U. S.he supports the right of farm portant outlet. As European production ris- products,namely soybeans age of 91. Toy, who served as Kans, workers to form unions and bar-Riley county commissioner The Foreign Agricultural es and stockpiles continue, ma-which account for most of thegain for employment terms and Service saidin -areport thatny officials say, the Commonannual 500 milliondollaroil- from 1930 to 1938, helped or- conditions. ganize the Farmers Cooperative Common Market output in 1969 Market tends to look toward seed exports to the Common He said product boycotts, such "promises to be again as large" Market. Association at Manhattan and more restrictive policies to head as that in progress againstCali- was president for 40 years. the bumper output of lastoff outside competition. fornia table grapes, are not the year. At the time of his death he The report shows that the way to do it, and no alternativewas president -emeritus and a lina Common Market last year in-Reasons For is acceptable unless it includes adirector of the Manhattan co- Small Luck creased its farm production in- method for dealing with strikesop, which in recent years has dex to 131 per cent of its 1957-Fewer Tornadoes alharvest time. stretched into Pottawatomie 59 average, or three points A misplaced jet stream was Under the Shultz proposal, aand Wabaunsee counties also. In Northern above 1967. credited with the unusually lowunion would be required to give Toy was also an early director to P Record grain production wasnumber of tornadoes reported a10 -daynoticeofintent of the electric co-op at Wamego. a.m.Cattle Pike Spawning reported by the community lastover the United States thus farstrike. Before the deadline, the Ireconsign. Norton Reservoir is the onlyyear, up 3 per cent from1967 this year. grower could call formediation, lakein Kansas which has, soand included major expansion The Weather Bureau's nation-fact-finding and recommenda- KANSAS ANGUS FIELDMAN far, shown any evidence of na- in corn and wheat - two im-al severe storm forecasting cen-tions during a 30 -day periodofMOVES TO BUHLER tural reproduction of northernportant U. S. exports. ter here said his own seleotion - presumably BUHLER - The secretary- it received only fieldman of the Kansas Angus pike, according to Roy Schoon- "Last year, corn accounted for70 twister sightingsinApril, harvest time. 700 @ 21.75 over, fishery chief for the For-over 26 per cent of allfeedgraincompared with 116 in April last The workers would beprohib-Association, James Hladik, has 417 @ 28.75 Buhler. estry, Fish and Game Commis- producedinthecommunity,"year. ited from striking and the grow-moved to Hla.dik's @250.00 in ad-change of address is effective sion. the report said. "The introduc- Only one person died in a tor-er would have to agree in- May 15. Hris phone is 316 543- Schoonover stated that, al- tion of hybrid varieties has nado last month - this deathvance to be bound bythe recom- 218 @ 21.20 creased average yields to the mendations of the mediatorif 2564. 211 @ 21.10 though some natural reproduc- coming in Alabama - against 222 @ 21.10 tion of northernmay have oc-point where corn can compete40 victims of April of 1968. In 216 @ 21.00 curredin other Kansas reser-with small grains and other April of 1965 a total of 264 per- 220 @ 21.05 crops for land." sons died in tornadoes. voirs, fishery biologists have for 225 @ 21.00 3 not discovered any indication of The FAS said the outlook A Weather Bureau spokes. 244 @ 20.55 further increases this yearfor it.At the present time, adult man said fewer than 100 torna- 470 @ 17.90 grain not only has diminisheddoes were sighted in the first 516 @ 17.80 northern pike, capable of repro- prospects for exports tothe 307 @ 18.50 duction,are present in several fcur months of the year - Common Market but has caus-about half the usual number. 330 @ 16.00 large lakes including Tuttle offi- 255 @ 16.50 ed concern among its own Experts explained the jet Creek, Council Grove, Marion, storage @ 18.75 Cheney, Wilson,Elk City andcials on a shortage of stream of cool, dry air which @ 19.00 S Milford space. often collides with warm, moist 138 @ 22.25 Reservoirs. Apparently, the factor limit- The report said prospects areair and produces tornadoes ac- @ 20.25 brighter for exports ofoil -seeds @ 18.00 ing reproductionin these lakes ross the nation's midsection has to the Common Market,but not-been located further south this @ 20.25 is the lack of suitablespawning primarily soy- 102 @25.00 habitat duringthe early spring. ed that these - spring than usual. The result @ 20.25 Northern beans from the UnitedStates -has been more rain and fewer pike normally seek to , increase out flooded vegetationfor theirare not expected twisters. spawning bed and, where this much. Weather Bureau authorities The FAS analysistends to re-were unable, however, to pre- condition is notpresent, little or of de- of the eggs is 'Dos - inforce the recent concern dict how long the tornado luck partment officials overgrowingwill continue. European suppliesand what of- ;hots Schoonoverreports that ne- do about gotiationsare in progress withficials there intend to the controlling them. HOUSING SHORTAGE agencies of these pressing pro-HALTS NEWTON EFFORT N CO. 3 reservoirsin an attempt to man- One of the most posals, now officiallybefore NEWTON - City officials ipulatewater levels to provide is a plan tohere say that prospecting for 5 40 suitablespawning habitat for the Common Market, the northern levy a stiff tax of$60 a ton onnew industry has come to a one pike at a time ton on becauseoflack of When it vegetable oil and $30 a standstill AT SALINA HOLSTEIN SHOW IALINA, is needed. If itis pos- commonhousing. Newton has about Kansas Holstein Queen Janet Sprang of Effingham gets an sible meal consumed in the Mrs. Lloyd EERS: to work out coordinated this way,5000 housing units, and the va- assist from Sandra Funk, 5, daughter of Mr. and Water level market countries. In the annual r, Roger30111101 plans, the future of Market officialscancy rate is reckoned tobe on- Funk of Hillsboro in holding one of the entries at the northern some Common Kansas Holstein -Friesian show in Salina. pikeinKansas and otherly one-half of 1%. should be believe, more butter _ - A/ assured. May 13, 1969 Agriculture Commissioner B. Dale Ball announced April17 the commission had initiated Protest DDT proceedings to outlaw sale of DDT in Michigan and saidall DDT registration would be can- Ban In Michigan celed within 30 days. The National Agricultural Mr. Brinkley said the commis- Chemicals Association said it sion referred to "recent findings will appeal the Michigan Agri-of existing residue levelsin culture Commission's decision wildlife environment" as the ba- to outlaw sale of DDT in thesis for its action. state. The pesticide industry"will Parke Brinkley, association attempt to review evidenceof president, said in a statementthese findings prior to thehear- that the pesticide industry "willing to permit a full exploration insist upon a full hearing before of the decision during the the agriculture commission as Brink- provided in the Michigan admin-course of a hearing," Mr. istrative procedures law." ley said. Agricultural Lime SALES & SERVICE TOM SWIFTSWIFT IN A GRAINBIN currently housing a 100,000 -cubic foot bag which will Bayer Construction Co. A big grain storagefacility in Wichita is upcoming 20th CenturyFox movie taken from the Tom Swift schoolboy series be used in an by a Wichita canvas firm. by 33 feet - was built Later on it willbe & Quarries The bag - 150 feet Swift's story book airship balloon, 509 YUMA ST. Ph. 913 '776-8839 MANHATTAN, KS. joined to anotherconstruction to become Tom FOR AGRICULTURAL LIME SALES month since 1962. Prices dairymen U. S. Milk OutputDown received SEE OR CALL January through March thedined 1.5 per cent from a year au' DICK RUSSELL MANHATTAN Milk production during aged $5.44 per 100 Call Bayer's or Home Phone 913 776-7169 1969 de - earlier, but farmers' prices were pounds first three months of all milk, a gain of 5 up 5 per cent, theAgriculture per department reported. from a year earlier. The The drop in total productionwas attributed tohigher I ernment supports for - was what department officials man 0' we turing grade milk, and cqb had estimated two months ago. inc in federal marketing order Officials said that output dur- P, ing the second quarter probablyes for Class I or bottling will continue below a year ear- GRASS & GRAIN lier. The Mid -Kansas news week, Officialsnotedthat MarchPublished each, Tuesday at ii milk output per cow increasedMoro,(Box 1009)Manhat TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE de-Kansas, 66502 by little from a year earlier, AG PRESS spite an 8 per cent gain in feed- Dean Coughenotar ing of grain and concentrates. E. R. Woodward Second classpostagepaid On This $ 22995 Regularly Priced Cow numbers were down 3.25 TURN per cent during March, the Manhattan, Kansas. smallest rate of decline for the'Subscription: $3__year A $; CIRCULATION started 60mile DRESSMAKER ZIG ZAG MACHINE hi NEW Hay -King thick Near toughest haymaker built! An official 5 Heavier construction - all over - makes the in 1969 difference in the Gehl Hay -King. Exclusive program all -chain drive, with slip clutch protection. ance in Positive power because there are no belts to slip when going gets tough. So, pour it on, Hay -King's easy -adjusting reel reaches far out and under, even in down andproblem crops. Combs back a full nine-foot swath to d full -width crusher rolls that evenly,gently lay down a fast drying, leaf -savingwindrow. Other features: Floating head Fullswath without removing windrow shields.

Loan Bank

an Feder U. S. This Deluxe 24 Cam Zig-Zag machine isdesigned to do everything -- Sews a Perfect Straight Stitch, Makes Buttonholes, Blind Stitches, and Kans Model SWA-2000 does severalBeautifulDecorative Patterns Automatically with Cams. Full size-Heavy Duty all steel machine head. an Features and Specifications CCCI Built -In Non -Glare Sewlight in Faceplate WHAT IS A WillDo This and Much More! directly over sewing area. U L Approved Cash Makes Buttonholes APPLIOUIES Two Tone Color Combination CAM, Matching Luggage Type Carrying Case Blindstitching MAIO MAAS avTrawss A A n Push Button for Reverse Sewing Numbered Dial Tension SAtol %MCI< Push Button Drop Feed for Embroidering MakesButtonholes OVERCASTS CapinC--. Round Bobbin Thisisa decorative cA,(QC andsewson Buttons Sews Forwards and Backwards cam. Itfits into your snvs d ourToors Snrph Built -In Darner machine in a jiffy to LIAM DECOR...ENE STEUXES Undiv Winds Bobbin Automatically make a decorative ® Multi -Colored, Very Attractive and stitch automatically. Completely Detailed Instruction Boole Reser 2 Spool Pins These cams make you Pr Depo5 Hinged Presser Foot Sews Over Pins an expert for all kinds and Heavy Seams of decorative stitching. 7 Speed Foot Control Make us prove it with ademonstration/ Includes Double Zipper Foot Thismachine comes Seam Gauge Lines on Needle Plate Box of Accessories Containing Extra complete with 24 dec- Needles, Bobbins, Oil Can, etc. orative cams. HANOVERCO Monograms LINN IMPL, 1 KUHLMAN MOTOR CO. HANOVER ROSSVILLE TRVC D. E. MINNEAPOLIS ROSSVILLE C°" W. p. "Largest Display of Sewing Machines in Kansas" CHAPMAN IMPL. CO. TRACTOR & WAY? NORTONVILLE WATERVILL,,,E Mill'it E,, City Sewing Machine Company WEISHAAR BROS., INC. WATERVILLE 4 ADA j Phone 562-3731 Wr,IN1FRED 818- Broadway PERRY DO°0 MARYSVILLE, KANSAS SEYLER FARM SUPPLY *INIFRED cultural stabilizationand con- officials originally had indicatedtaled more than 14,900,000 acres servation service, said signups they wanted an additional diver-of the national allotment of to divert land from productionsion of at least 3 million acres16,200,000 acres. of corn, sorghum grainand bar-below basic allotments. As U.S. Cotton farmers are being en- ley this year couldmean a re-wheat exports failed to strength-couraged this year to plant duction in carryover supplies. en in the face of rising foreigntheir full allotments in an ef- "Wheat is less optimistic thancompetition and the dock fort to rebuild diminished re- feed grains, inmy opinion," strike, some officials raised serves. Brunthaver said, mostly be- their sights to diversions of a cause of large world supplies million acres or more. and prospects for reduced U.S. The report showed wheat No Hurry exports this year. farmers have agreed to divert The unhurried Agriculture The department announced its4,900,000 acres from 'total allot- department has put onta final report on farm programments, well below what some news release onitslatest signups for 1969 in which farm-authorities believe necessary to farm -wage annual report ers indicate how much they reduce stockpiling. for 1965. - intend to cut back acreages of The final report also showed major crops, the cotton program signup to- Record participation was re- iP11 ported in the feed grains pro- gram, with farmers agreeing to take from production more than 41,300,000 acres of corn, ,F4IRN".,141..0ANS grain sorghum and barley. _ Last year, when barley was not included, diversions actual- A Financial Serfice )ag which will ly totaled32,400,000acres, For The Farmer schoolboy series. Brunthaver said,allowing for And By The Farmer on itwill be normal attrition, some 38,500,- ion. 000 acres are expected to be R. STANLEYPARSONS, Mgr. held back this year. SEE ME AT 1962. 604 HUMBOLDT PR6-6931 Of this amount, he said, an Res. Phone JE 9-8725 ymen received in estimated 34 million are expect- ugh March ave ed to be diverted from corn MANHATTAN LAND BANK :r 100 pounds fo and sorghum grain, and 4,500,- Open Mon. through Fri. sin of 5 per cent 000 from barley. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed 12-1) earlier. The rise Final signups for wheat ac- Branch Offices: d to higher gov CLAY CENTER & .11'"CTiON CITY counted for 45,700,000 acres of Federal orts for manufac the national allotment of 51,600,- LAND BANK Assn. of I nilk, and mere 000 for this year, which was a MANHATTAN rketing order pri 13 percent acreage cutback Serving Clay, : or bottling from the 1968 program. :Geary, Pottawatomie & Riley Counties. But in addition, department & GRAIN Isas news weekly. Tuesday at 1207 1009)Manhattan, by PRESS 'oughenoUr Woodward postage paid at ansas. TURNPIKE GETS A NEW SURFACE A $750,000 resurfacing program for the Kansas Turnpike has 14 THE slated west of Lawrence.The overlay program will cover about 6D miles at various points along the turnpike, using a 2 -inch thick hot mix asphalt. Near Balance Of Feed Grain Use An Agriculture Departmentstock feed grains but the out- WINNE cial says signups by farmers look for wheat is more uncer- lakes the 1969 crop production -control tain. exclusive grants indicate a near-bal- Carroll G. Brunthaver, asso- The beginning. Baby pig, 0 to 4 weeks ciate administrator of the agri- in age, 5 to 15 lbs. weight. Start him otection. in supply and use of live- on CO-OP Pig Pre -Starter Complete. belts to H Feed about 5 lbs. per pig. ur it on, CONDENSED STATEMENT OF fiches far ' At 5 weeks or 15 to 30 lbs., problem switch toco-opPig Starter Complete. swath to teTe national bank - Figure 25 lbs. per pig. 7,gently windrow. CLAY CENTER, KANSAS ill swath

Established 1885 At the close of Business April 30, 1969

8 to 12 weeks old. Weight range RESOURCES 30 to 75 lbs. The feed now is CO-OP Pig Grower -16 Complete. Loans $ 5,941,755.66 You'll feed 100 lbs. per pig. If you want a lower protein feed, Bank Premises, Furniture 94,295.00 try CO-OP Pig Grower -14 Complete for the 11th and 12th and Fixtures week. Plan to feed 60 lbs. per pig. Federal Reserve Bank Stock 21,000.00 U, S. Treasury Securities . . $1,813,373.28 Kansas Municipal Bonds 1,304,470.60 12 desks to market. Here's where and Warrants CO-OP'S flexibility and scope help. Yoti tailor the feed to the situation. Complete or concentrate, medicated cr CCC Certificates of Interest 1,509,527.90 not, high protein or low, what your Cash and Due from Banks 1,295,493.65 5,922,865.43 heed needs is what you get. Total $ 11,979,916.09

LIABILITIES CO OP Capital There's the plan ... the CO-OP Feeding Pro- Stock $ 200,000.00 gram that speeds your pigs to market in better Surplus 500,000.00 shape and brings them in Heavy on the Profit Side. Where they belong. Call. your CO-OP UndividedProfits 355,076.36 1,055,076.36 Feed Man. He has a plan for you. A profit -plan. PIG FEEDS Reserves 84,126.69 Deposits 10,840,713.04 Total $ 11,979,916.09

,NOVER The above statement is correct . CO, y Center Miner ER IMPL. R. R. SMITH, Cashier F Union Coop Herkimer Co-op Bus. Assn, Elevator Assn. Clay Center -Bala Herkimer Hi 3-3824 -Mdtonvale-Leonardville Greenleaf -Linn )SSVILLE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS aeto RI 4-2341 -Washington TRUCK 'ILLE cO. McINTOSH, Jr. President R. R. SMITH, Cashier ACTOR "F.MdNTOSH, Exec. Vice-Pres.ARLENE HILEMAN, Asst.Cashier flan Cashier Farmers Cooperative Assn. WAYNE W.RYAN, Vice -PresidentJAMES H. SCHULZE, Asst. Manhattan -Alta Vista armors Union Co-op arm Co-op Assn. TERVILLE Business Amen. L'u WADE A. BAUER, Farm Representative -Westmoreland-Onaga Carlton MLLE hint H E. VALENTINE GEORGE W. FULLINGTON Telephone 31 [NIFRED APA LEACHBISENIUS MD IMPS Member F. D. I. C. and Federal Reserve Bank s O! mcP.L, "open area,isauthor of the mingI Robert Docking for assistanceletter to the governorfrom con- here on Family Problems. in fighting the Wichita Board Ma cerned NortheastWichita citi- dig of Education's desegregation zens." places In Desegregation compliance plan. Mrs. Keeler saidshe has one public Thirty-five persons have join- child now attendingWichita also ha ed her in the protest bysigningSoutheast high school.Another with th Bussing petitions that were sent to the WICHITA -A Wichita moth- child entering highschool next of the$ er, facing the prospect of hergovernor. fall has beenassigned to West remain( Mrs. Wanda Keeler, who lives in th six children going to six schools high. A daughter nowis from next fall, has appealed to Gov.in the Ingalls elementary schoolRobinson junior highand a son servati° has been assignedto Mayberry istered junior high. She hastwo daugh- COUNTRY MUSIC FOR THE FAIR Park x elementary "and haven't been forgotten in plans in Tope ters in Ingalls Country music fans for the ---lt is rumored oneof these will Kansas State Fair at Hutchinson.These country NO MATTER 1 stars- be sent to Mathewson." Hank Williams Jr., Wanda Jackson, and Roy Clark- have been BAISE Another mother inthe area, signed for appearances for September 17-18. will have AT Mrs. Keeler said, HILL HOW YOU children in sevenschools. tegration "compliance plan," parents which is scheduled to go into The championship rates at In the letter, the gaOcu4 for have be( oppose the al state they "do not effect next fall, 2,000 junior and roundtb for 1100E AT IT.. Wichita high school students will be re-all other classes will r raising bus services in the be played public schools in aneffort toassigned and bussed tootherNov. 21. The championship vate roc game in the other classes room to integrate the schools. schools. sem "We do,however, oppose be Nov. 29. children Parrticipation in the the plan of separating Approve Grid playoffs Corp of one home intoseveral differ- will be optional. The complicated plan ent schools. We feelthe board bases Playoffs For qualifying for the playoffs Dow of education is asking agreat oe deal in separating familieslike a point system. High Schools There would be two Kans this." The State Board of Education district The letter points out thatthe qualifiers in Class 5Aand four new system will meanthat has approved a plan for highin the other classes. LIBE children cannot participateinschool football playoffs in Kan- A team would be classed ervoirs sas. in north after -schoolactivitiesbecause division according to itsrecord The action, by a 6-1 vote, as- Southwi leave Teams winning more thanhalf . THIS IS A FINE TIRE PROGRAM -A GOOD DEAL FOR they must be ready to ed unfe de- sures football playoffs at the their games would be placed the school when the bus in Engine SERVICE STATIONS, CAR DEALERS, & TIRE MERCHANTS parts. scholastic level in the state Division One. Teams winning "When we have children at-next fall. per cent or fewer of their recomm * Highest Possible Quality *4 Full -Ply Passenger Tires second- The board approved a plan long -ran tending the integrated games would be placed in Din.ron rive * Attractive Buying Prices * Plus Many Other Profit Features ary and high school,it seemssubmitted by the board of di-sion Two. That so unreasonable forthe schoolrectors of Kansas State High 50 points would be given for forSchool Activities Association Col. Ve' board to deny our request a victory over a firstdivision district the younger children toattend (KHSAA). team, 42.5 points for a tie anihearing Herculet Tire Sales the same school and insist that The KHSAA board voted 23.935 points for a loss. Forty persons school. 610 N. 3rd Manh011-qn. Kans they attend a different April 12 in favor of designatingpoints would be given for/ ma and HERCULES Call Collect 913 - 776-9453 HERCULES in playoffs for senior high schoolswin over a second division We request your assistance The 1 TIRES "THE BEST RUBBER ON THE ROAD" TIRES in Classes 5A, 4A, 3A, 2A and this matter." team, 40 for a tie and 30 fnstudies i - and off Under the school board's in - 1A,for11 -manfootballanda loss. uled bec If a team plays an opponenvelopme in a higher classification, itof the b would get five points regardlessaid. Th AT THE SIGN of the outcome. If a team playin Enid, an opponent in a lower classif,with pr cation, it would lose five pointSkeleton OF THE For a perfect season, a tearma. Th( would be given 20additiodrecomm( points. For an undefeated Innel Pink tied campaign, a team would to Corps awarded 10 points. the Cim CLAN- GENTER,KANBAS New Me homa re UNION Not All Rural ed reser STATE Statement of Condition at Close of Business April 30, 1969. narrowe 4-H Image feasible, BAN Trying to shed theirexelui borderin ively rural image, morethou All pr( RESOURCES 1,200 -members of Kansasgern part clubs will'aqend theannual Ilithosen( Loans and Discounts $ 6,223,016.82 Roundup at 'KansasState 115. near Mo I sas, wer 1,448.63 versity June 2 to June9. Overdrafts Gib and rul Colon, Bank Building $ 65,000.00 Students from cities al areas will tourthe camp ope tha Furniture, Fixtures &Equipmatlt 57,281.35 122,281.35 Projects and participate indiscussions Federal Reserve Bank Stock 30,000.00 and careergi0 said stn e fatevifi A N K on citizenship strong U. S. Gov't Securities, $ 1,964,704.97 to Marjorie To GROW WITI4 ance, according congress 99,531.25 theK-State eXt U. S. Agency Securities Tennantofstaff. revival c State and Municipal Securities 2,499,219.61 servicenant reservoir "1"1"1"0411101.11.1.°11° sion0than 95,g Cash and Sight Exchange 1,377,831.22 5,941.287.05 There are more the state,l'r rity list Total 4-H members in Severa $12,318,033.85 said. Thefl` DOUBLE "T" fessor Tennant the heal remained steadydtIM the past fiveyearsdespite 1 LIABILITIES 4Ha(4 OFFICERS decline intraditional Prey,

CHESTER W. OBERG c4a-tmtlemraeinisibnegrsaniidajvu:1' President Capital Stock $ 200,000.00 %t;hillea KENNETH G. STROM Surplus 800,000.00 s:1711.11 nbgere tospecialflectedindteurrcinstgs Vice President Undivided Profits 281,826.57 1,281,826.57 R. D. HINKLE Reserves 174,723.61 TR Cashier to older4 -II sIO: sown, Interest collected not earned 13,776.48 In addition 0 LARRY DAVIDSON operating on ayear -long Ass't Vice President Deposits 10,847,707.19 acP keep inagriculturally-related atom CLARA ROSE Total $12,318,033.85 projects110 ties,short-term ss!ttic; Ass't Cashier a cscmoradllin gtosto0 CALF IRENE MARSHALL di ednetveerleospt Growl' CALF Ass't Cashier shesaid. GARY W. BECK in the newspecialinterest, Ass't Cashier & morerapid, groups 1' Farm Service Director beenconventional than in the A FU FOR DIRECTORS hsaosm or t' 4 The above Statement is correct photography,While projects, DR. LLOYD E. ALQUIST cycle safety low . Chairman have begunwork in F WM. G. AMSTEIN JR. KENNETH G. STROM, Vice President & Cashier Ilianhat areas inLawrence,other GLENN V. DITTMAR Wichitaand CHESTER W. OBERG Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation teal'. CL, FRANK D. ()BERG sas cities,shesaid, and othe,l.ty FOSTER -R. SMITH The Bank that pioneered in helping the farmer computerize farming operations sewing,cooking 1 RENNETHG. STROM The 1969roundupesiteucdteril°11tWisiesw summer°Ilier5 45th annual °IP ,,,prit for Kansas444 SWIM POOL y ATMCPHERSON gepHERSON -A new swim- g poolwillbe completed re in time for the usual open- ,,May. 30. The new pool re- ees one built in 1939 as a bile works project. This one has federal money init, ;h the city providing $97,000 :the $168,000 total cost and the eainder coming from a grant .0 the Land and Water Con - Nation Fund which is admin. tred by the Kansas State and Resources Authority Topeka. :tans for the ntry stars- - have been HSE ROOM RATES HILLSBORO HOSPITAL fjILLSBORO - Hospital LOTS OF HATS ANDBOOTS t -man football. es at theSalem hospital here Sheplers of Wichita, whichboosts itself as the largest retailer of western wear in the world, has recently movedinto anew build- ;hip game for t been increased by $3 a day, ing, displaying 24.000 square feet of hats, boots,warbonnets, steer horns, and the like.Manager Charles Dry, above, says his firm inal roundfor lag the daily cost of a pri- is going into the mail order business. will be played e room to$27, a double iampionship nl to $22, and a triple to $20. factor - recharging the under-search into this area was just trol, water supply, irrigation, expensive to develop, sedimenta- ?r classes will ; ground water table by percola-getting under way with encour- recreation, and fish and wild-tion would be high, dependabil- tion downstream of waters aging results. re- life conservation. He noted thatity of water supply wouldnot a the playoffsCorps Turns leased during flood control- Colonel Pinkey described therecreation alone is not enoughbe satisfactory, irrigation from be considered. criteria that the Corps uses toto justify a reservoir project.the reservoirs would not be StateSen. Don Christy,adetermine whether reservoir He said the Southwest Kan- ed plan bases ownSouthwest economical and flood control ie playoffs on former member of the Kansasprojects would pay their ay sas projects do not measure upbenefits would not be worth the Water Resources board, saidre-in flood control, pollution con-in paying their way, would becost. )e two districtKansas Dams :s 5A and four LIBERAL - Suggested res- isses. evoirs on the Cimarron river be classed iniorth and west of Liberal in to its record.buthwest Kansas are consider - nore than half unfeasible by the Corps of ld be placed in Engineersand are not being tins winning 50 commended in either short -or 'er of their ang-range plans for the Cimar- placed in Diviron river basin. That was disclosed here by d be given forCol. Vernon W, Pinkey, Tulsa first division iistriotengineer,ata public for a tie andearing attended by about 150 loss. Forty iersons from Kansas, Oklaho- given fora ma and New Mexico. )nddivision The hearing, the second on tie and 30 fornudies of the basin, was sched- fed because of interest in de- 7s an opponentvelopment in the western part ssification,it f the basin, Colonel Pinkey Dints regardlessid. The first hearing, April 3 If a team playsis Enid, Okla., dealt primarily lower classifiwith proposed Englewood and lose five points.skeleton reservoirs in Oklaho- season, a teamma. Those two reservoirs are

20additionalrecommended as feasible, Colo- undefeated but:el Pinkey said. team would beCorps of Engineers studies in its. he Cimarron river basin in ew Mexico, Kansas and Okla-

ma resulted in 24 recommend- ural reservoir sites. The list was crowed to nine considered e asible, all in Oklahoma, some d their exclus rdering on Kansas.

more thanAll proposed sites in the west- )f Kansas 41iin part of the basin, including the annual 441use north of Elkhart and isas StateUni ar Moscow in Southwest Kan- o June 9. , were among those dropped. cities and run Colonel Pinkey expressed Red Circle Auction Founder, Mr. John J. Vanier presenting tne 4.suu uuuL.,, it the campus ge that the Southwest Kansas Achievement Award Scholarship to the 1968 winner, Doyle Marquardt of Van Meter, Iowa. n discussions Meets could be revived. He id career guttl' d strong local support and to MarjorieA. rang endorsements by the K -State eaten' gressmen could bring about Begin your Club Project success anal or earlyconstruction of re than95,000 reservoirs far downon the pri- the state, ) tY list. by saving GOOCH RED CIRCLE STAMPS said. The fig - Several ofthose who spoke at I steadyduring ° hearing asked that a new to bid and buy at the... earsdespite a ional 4-Hanti. PreventLossesI ising -andjudg .mbers have interestswhich FRANKLIN during the REDCIRCLE AUCTION

clubs IIIS iI LFA. older 4-1-I LOTION basis BOLUSES Year-long Keep Plan to be there! -relatedaetivh a supply on hand for have projects 1"/IIPt treatment of Ask your nearbyGooch Dealer to help you become a Successful Red JULY 18 -JULY 19 student ling to CALF Circle Auction Bidder.Saturday, July 19, over 100 head of top qual- citiestowns, PNEUMONIA ll sewing machines-including 15 REGISTERED CK owth CALF ity livestock and CK Ranch, e said.Lx, DIPHTHERIA will sell for the Red Circle Stamps you can ,cialinterest HEREFORD HEIFERS SHIPPING Gooch's Best Feeds and FoodProducts. morerapid FEVER save from Brookville, Kansas nventional411 FOOT ROT work on A FULL-SERVICE STOKE CO., INC. udents FOk ANIMAL C K PROCESSING CLAY CENTER ALFALFA MILL ectronics orblr. MEDICINES ,jects, others PHONE ME 2-3272 Manhattan; Kans.Phone 776-9269 Clay Center, Kans. Phone 913 ME 2-3401 in lowincome BLUESTEM ELEVATOR COUNCIL GROVE ELEVATOR ice,-Manhattan, HELD'S and otheri°1/. Phone 273-6324 STORE Cottonwood Falls,Kans. Council Grove, Kans.Phone 767-5534 aid,teaching. CLAYCENTER, KANS. and otherskils, thel dupwill be mmerencan1P. ov.,1-4-. s 4-H ouch. OFBRAND DOLIARS 500,000 YOU OVER ADVERTISEDNOW DISPOSAL ACT GREAT YOUR NATIONALLYIFYOU AT A AT OFFINEST AS WEHAVE DISPOSAL. FURNITUREQUICKLY 969STYLES QUALIV AS NEW FORIMMEDIATE OUT cusToms.asBEMOVED FURNITUREYouR MUS'T OFFER GOODS CAN DELO. REDUCTION.rorrr POSSIBLE.

Sale S t bedroom living mattresses ed, Holds up to406 lbs. sets room frozen foods! FastFreezing! Bedroom set values Living room set Mattress vzlues to 5139.00 UprightConvenience! Big AS LOW AS ASvalues°LOWAS AStoLOWAS $9900 $9900 Bedroom set valves $18°° to Slit se Lift rem set valves Mattress valves to SlOO.1111 AUTC AS LOW AS RAN( AS LOW AS Big AStoLOWAS Rei oo Sek, Sur Prise; $129(4 $28(4 start at -- Mattress valves Model CA -123A 11.6 001 AS LOW AS *ii4lgteregetsNabt AS LOW AS NOM101 939oo ASteLOWAS Merckmdisil $149°° $3800 rafidY410 mr:121691"`" Picas vsAO Living room set values Mai a AS LOW AS to 5268.00 on Terms to Oemilles10' $149°° AS LOW AS meet your si99oo Open Every Betti3 roves Budget Wed. & Sat. Night AS LOW AS Till 9 p.m. SAVE! RED NOT SPECIAL $19900 REG. $79.50 ' King Koil Regal FNE RED HOT SPECIAL Innerspring Mattress Delivery RED HOT SPECIAL Bunk Beds $59.50 Within 200 Miles Chest of Drawers Colonial Style Simmons Beauty -Rest Mod. FinishWalnut $28.88 $39.95 Mattress$59.50 E A ChoiceSelection of BrandNew Furniture at Fantastic Savingsof 30-40-50 UpTo 70% !

is Wed.,Ma 14 room o1ed.& Sat. NightsTi119p.m. breakfast 406 lbs. sets groups Breakfast set values venience!Big Trad4 to 548.50 SPECIAL AS LOW AS ranmete 3 moms d furniture. $3900 HIDE -A -BED BEDROOM Breakfast set values Beautiful Davenport UVING Luxury Bed at Night to STI.51 AUTOMATIC Reversible Cushions RANGE ADMIRAL Full size Innerspring REFRIGERATOR ROOM Big 23" Oven AS LOWAS Removable Deor Self-cleaning Cairod 10 cu. Ft. Cross -top Freezer Surface Units Less Crisper $179.96 Value 'DINETTE Prices on GE Ranges $189. 95 $4900 Regular $550.00 Sale start Value Price - - - Boy complete and save $151 at 129t18 on our floor -13918 * breakfast eet valves -12SA 11.6 Cu.t. * to S119.00 NOW.... $39900 iona TO Tilf Now Is Ike Ihne for you to dress up AS LOW AS OCCASIONAL Ii 'cbandise wul you BeeneforSpring.Nationally $69oo CHAIRS AND ROCKERS idly Mil Ihis Eon brands you know and trial at SAVE TO 70%® to rock bolos prices. We parolee you are surfed Breakfast Set Value undersold on these band or we camel be * to 5179.00 Mies . Special AS LOW AS RECLINER. Vinyl r-Tasy Payments covered. Adjusts $9900 automically. Finest Quality $74.95 Value ht 3988 Since 1890

4: RED HOT SPECIAL Extra Special 20 -inch DINETTE Prices for Replacement seats Newlyweds Window Fans and backs. Only one per 1 seat & Back. customer $4.95 value only 1" sigggigooM1111L $12.88 D Hanover,Kansas tit Grass& Grail) Area DairyCo-op Turns May 13,1969

would be MilkProducers, San Antonio, lot Merger Tex.;Pure Down Bigger association, Chicago; Atill The larger organization in ad- Twin Mid -America Dairymen, Inc., ies MilkProducers vance to distributing milk gain- St.paw a consolidation of 14 co-opera- and 14 smallerco-operatives, ed control of several processing At a tives in the Kansas City area, meeting ofrepresents, plants for the making of dairytives ofthe various has decided against a further products. Mid -America now rep- merger into an even larger or- this week inChicago, resents farmers in nine states.Gage of Kansas john Bloc ganization. Mid -America belongs to a fed- City,repre. The proposed new organiza- senting Mid -America, eration of similar large co-oper- Made it tion, which would be called known that hisassociation atives which is called Associat- does American Milk Producers, Inc., not want at thistime WE*: ed Dairymen. Actually, thisisAmerican Milk to joy would take in regional co-opera- an association with each co-op- Producers. SKIM tives throughout the Middle Mid -America board,Gage The denser erative maintaining its identity. said, West from Minnesota to Texas. preferred thepresent Within thisassociation are associs 1 HIGH POINT PAINT HORSE Originally, Kansas City was tion of the co-operatives 3 some officials who think the and Aaron Russell of Fredonia showed his horse M8iE's NedFlush, served by Pure Milk Producers, would not wantto become various regionals should con- 1 1968 state high point junior gelding in Kansas Paint Horse com- a co-operative of dairy farmers member of a largergroup ontli solidate into one large organi-a study is made of all re petition.The horse competed in the third annual Kansas Paint delivering milk here. Through a the prop. series of mergers and consolida-zation and that is the basis for 1.(-rasinvolved. Horse Association show at the Wilson county fairgrounds. the proposal for American Milk 1 tions, Pure Milk joined with oth- Withdrawal ofMid-Ameijoa Producers, Inc. Included alongfrom the discussions er similar co-operatives to form did not 7.11P. Mid -America Dairymen. with Mid -America Dairymen halt the plans of the Add f others is as be: continuing towarda consolidt Easy. tion, Gage said. crust. one 9- Poor Quarter To Use 1/, For Mutual Funds 1 Theylearn almost immedi- Mutual fund holders had no ately as when nursing a picnicthefirstquarter of cow. They set their own 1969. Of some 300, schedule eating small quan- onlyH mixtu did better than the DowJones stirrir tities every few hours day industrial average, which into 9 and night. lost aroun nine -tenths of 1%. Theho for 12 performer, a Canadianfund, Templeton, gained 5%. hen ty-eight funds lost 10% Calf NUR SETTES or This Grain BodywithCombination Lift -Off Rack. more. The best gainer of the Mrs. It WE ALSO HANDLE vile: Regular grain body last five years, theEnterprise A complete line of medicated feeds 7'x80" wide Hardwood lift-off rack fund, which isup500% in 1 Cu! 8'x80' wide 13'6"x93" wide for young livestock. Racks added to grain five years, lost 10% in the (di 9'x93" wide 15'6"x93" wide 16'6"x93" wide body give 66" height first quarter of 1969. 1 cut 10'x93" wide .Perfect fit (di CARROLL'S SPECIALIZED FEEDS 12'x93" wide 18'x93" wide 1 cu Furnished with 2 love ALTA VISTA. KANS.Ph. 913 229-6454 gates 1 cur -- or see - Special sizes easily manufactured One for grain,one for 1 C111 to your requirements vel stock rack ma VAN METER din VIC DANIELS When Ordering Specify Make,Model, Size of Bed Mix at DAIRY SUPPLY s( POWHATTAN, KS. .GYPSUM, KS. HAUL- MOR, LNG valley falls,kansas phone 945-321 I until Mrs. "With a delici a desse ORTHO lunch." FREI Starter Special Comb THE "SPACE AGE" FERTILIZER

A BROADCASTAPPLICATION NATIONAL JERSEY CLUB HONORS E Glenda Schurle, 17, of Manhamr has been named 3rd -place winner in C STARTER SPECIAL the 1968 National Jersey Youth Achievement Contest sponsored by the American Jersey CattleClub. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. David Schurle.She will be honored at SFT. AN the club's 101st annual meeting in Minneapolis, Minn., on June21, and at the All-American Junior P;

Ohio, Jersey banquet at Columbus, What ORTHO on October 11. DON'T Whet 13-34-10 rume foam Leave (alf a DEALER TIP TOP cause Your T vere WILL likel: Now Phosphorous Farmers Elevator Univ MINNEAPOLIS 392-3118 eda High & Dry HOLLAND BLO Onaga Lumber & Grain an E INSURE ONAGA 889-4821 BALER -TWINE venti BINDER-TWINE provl Seneca Recli-Mix & Fert. sive , SENECA 336-2315 Polo' 13-34-10 Polo: PEWITS° w HIGHER Disc 6951 to al fertilizer Agri -Service, Inc. tatin HILLSBORO STARTER SPECIAL' Or 947-3431 Satisfaction draw

UNIFORM 01(LIICALl. 131.0.C.C, Mor-Kan Elevator Guaranteed Why Feed WHIch, CITY394-2214 I Plow lasse YIELDS daily ORTHO FERTILIZER \- Mid -Continent Elev. Down JUNCTION CITY238-4177 legut Gorden Mark Elevator 13-34-10 CLAY CENTER 632-3381

14441 TA 5th & Ash I SALINA,KANS,

b 4.0, I, oo J J 04, Ar e a' T Is.swas.tlecaaantwyner...YMY T ir Jr. & Grain 3, 1969

Producers, OUR DAILY BREAD TOASTER TARTS Inc., (Makes 12) Grass & Grain 'ex.; PureMilk Thank -You Note - by G&G Area Cooks Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. 9 cago; TwinCit Combine in a bowl: A recent winner of the "Our May 13, 1969 leers,St.Paul, 3 cups packaged biscuit mixDaily Bread" contest, Mrs. Al- co-operatives, 11/2 cups crushed cornflakes bert Frohardt, Chapman, sent of representa Vfanhattanite, Mrs.Warren 1/2 cup sugar a note of thanks: Mix well. Add 1/2 cup shorten- Read Labels anous regionals ing. Cut in with a pastry blend- "You will never know how hicago, John Three Times C. Blodgett, Winner OfPrize er or two knives until mixturepleased and surprised when the s City, repre- looks like coarse cornmeal. Add'Triumph Basket' came to me Mothers, when administering 3/4 cup hot water. Mix just until medicine to your family, do erica, madeit yesterday through the mail. association Winner, Mrs. Warren Blodgett,1225 Hudson, Manhattan: blended. Divide dough in half.This basket will surely be usedwhat the nurses do: does enjoy Grass & Grain very much. With Roll out each half to a square, Read medicine labels three Lis time to join season, this is a delicious pie. Everyonestrawberries almostin 12x12 inches. Cut each squarea lot in my kitchen, as there Producers. enjoys this beautiful in 12 3x4 inch rectangles. Placeare so many ways it can be us-times - 1. when you pick up The dessert. The crust is very good withcream fillings." 12 rectangles on ungreased the container; 2 before giving ,ard, Gagesaid, STRAWBERRY PIE cookie sheet. Place 2 teasttoonsed. Many, many thanks to you present associa for such a nice gift." the medicine; 3. after giving the 1 cup sugar strawberry preserves in the medicine. operativesand 3 tablespoons cornstarch. center of each rectangle. Top itto become 1/2 teaspoon salt with remaining 12 rectangles. a 17 -ounce bottle 7 -up Moisten edges with water and rger group until red food coloring seal securely. Bake at 400 de- of all theprob. 3 cups fresh strawberries grees for 12.15 minutes or until BMB HI -CAPACITY 1 baked butter pecan crust done. To pack for lunch, cool Combine sugar, cornstarch and salt of Mid -America in a saucepan. Stirin and wrap in plastic wrap or ;sions did not 7 -up. Cook on medium heat, stirring constantlyuntil thickened. serve warm at home with cof- HAY SAVOR 12® of the others Add food coloring, a few drops, to tint glaze the fee. Tarts may be reheated in in as berries. Cool slightly. Arrange strawberries in samecooled shade toaster. Note: Try varying the ard a consolida crust. Pour glaze evenly over berries. Chill until pie preserve filling.Apricot or one 9 -inch pie, set. Makes peach preserves are good sub- Sarefroaal%ArlasaaSSer0"aarSAars BUTTER PECAN CRUST stitutes. 1/2 cup butter or oleo ter I/4 cup light brown sugar Heatstroke tlFunds 1 cup sifted flour Cool it as much as possible I/4 cup finely chopped pecans in hot and humid weather and holders hadno VI cup shredded coconut rstquarter of lessen your chances of suffer. Cut butter, sugar and flour with pastry blenderor fork until ing heat exhaustion. Victims of e300, only 16 mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Add pecans and coconut, . the Dow Jones stirring until distributed evenly through mixture. Place mixture heatstroke usually exhibit the age, which lost into 9 -inch pie pan. With back of spoon, press mixtureevenly following symptoms: Pale and around the bottom and sides of pie pan. Bake at 375 degrees clammy skin; rapid and weak 1%. The best for 12.15 minutes or until browned. Canadian fund, * * * * pulse rate; complaints of weak- Mows, aerates, windrows a 12' swath in one pass! ness, headache, or nausea; and fined 5%. Twen- Cuts close, clean; conditions, fluffs hay for fast curing; saves lost 10% or This salad recipe was sent bycups water. Cook for five min-cramps in stomach, legs or utes. Pour into a greased bak-arms. The victim should lie carotene, leaves, protein and color for finest quality - more t gainer of the Mrs. R. J. Cleverdon, R 2, Brook- ing pan, 8x12 inch. Make a bis- valuable - hay! the Enterprise ville: cuit dough, using 3 cups flour,down in a cool place with his 5 CUP SALAD head level to or lower than his Converts to 4 -row shredder by removing windrow formers and s up 500% in 1 cup pineapple chunks 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 adding shredding kit. st 10% in the teaspoon salt, 1/3 cup sugar. Cutbody. If the person is conscious, (drained) in 1/2 cup shortening. Add 1 cupgive him a salt water solution BMBHay Savors® are available in 7 -foot widths, too! 4' 1969. 1 cup mandarin oranges milk and stir slightly. Knead on Top performance - top economy. ,WA11.WWWWW.A (drained) a floured board. Roll into a 12 -- one teaspoon salt to one 1 cup miniature marshmal-inch square. Brush with 3 table-quart water - and then call a SeeYour Local Dealer or Write, Nire, or Phone for Further information lows spoons melted oleo or butter.doctor. 1 cup Angel Flake coconut Spread dough with 3 cups fresh.0.10.4"./.../....W.,W 1 cup cream whipped or 1 en-cut rhubarb and roll as a jelly VERMONT at 9th velope whipped topping roll. Cut into 1 -inch slices andPrevent Falls 913-364-2186 made according to box place in the pan with the sugar According to statistics,1,- HOLTON, KANSAS 66436 directions and water syrup. Bake at 450 de- 500,000seriousfallstake Mix and store in refrigeratorgrees for 40 minutes or until place in and around the house until serving time. nicely brown and done. COMPANY, Inc. * * * every year. Always clean up M * * * Mrs. Roy Peterson, Burdick: The next recipe is from Mrs. wet spots on the floor at once "With rhubarb in season this is to prevent falls. a delicious recipe to be used as Larry M. Elgin of Burlingame: a dessert or a roll for any "0,0ft.s. lunch." FRESH RHUBARB ROLL Combine 11/2 cups sugar and 2 NEW INTERNATIONAL 815 AND 915 COMBINES


First to serve the farmer International I. a registered trademark of ERSEY International Harvester Company, Chicago 60611. PIS B LSAT

. 17, of Manhattan, -d-place winner in GUAR EN Jersey Youth MOLASSES tst sponsoredby BLOCKS yCattle Club. - . and Mrs. David NEW BLOCK WITH be honored at Bloat Guard mual meeting in., on June 21, (POLOXALENE) trican Junior Proved Effective Columbus, Ohio, What Causes Bloat? When gas produced in the rumen is trapped in a stable foam, bloatoccurs. Legumes (alfalfa, clover)are major rTOP causes of bloat. Death or se- vere production losses are likelytoresult. Now There Is Protection. University research develop- ed and proved SWEETLIX IND BLOATGUARD Blocks as an effectivemeans of pre- TWINE venting bloat. Then it was TWINE Proved again through exten- sive herd testingin the field. PoloxaleneIs Safe! BALE Poloxalenecan be safely fed to allcattle - including lac- ion tating dairycows. No with- tranteed drawalperiod is required. Why BlockFeeding? Feedingof Poloxalene in mo- lassesblock makes available, daily,an adequate levelof BLOAT ('.TTARDto control legume bloat. JUNCTION CITY ABILENE MINNEAPOLIS Mohn Impl. Co. DISTRIBUTED BY Chapman Impl. Co. Abilene) Truck & Tractor WASHINGTON COUNCIL GROVE Schumacher's, Inc. LEONARDVITJP; Macha-Revere Kendall Garage TA 74461 [74 HANOVER FALUN WAKEFIELD Hanover Imp1.4co. KANS. MILLING CO. Auld Chevrolet Dauer Impl. Co. HERINGTON BELLEVITffiR ITARYSVMT Clay Center, Kans. Pioneer Service- & Sales ChapmaiVs on US 81 Bruna Brothers Or See a KEY Dealer May 13, arrange remainingwhole olivesTraveling 1969 ir row accross oneend. roll up so, see to itthat Beef, Olive Roll Is olives. wrap inWith Children immunization your childrti, beef around ripe Vacation is just around the shots(tetalk: foil or saran andchill eight corner. Motortrips with infantspolitoo and whooping time slice up cough) hours. At serving just a few date ar Delicious For Snacks Serve on and children require 1 about1/2 -inchthick. extra precautions to assure a sliced hard rolls orbuffet rye journey.Check Fuse roll. safe and comfortable Include the Box bread. Makes one(8 -inch) travel to fuse box ga If possible, limit your spring clean-up in only 200 or 300 miles aday and activities ply with fa- minds the National ad choose stopover points tection Association,Fire'ptt, The Latest cilities for recreationand infant Get ela with a suf- burned -out fusesand rid ot `Daily care. Stock your car sure you are sal ficient supply ofdisposable usingonly 4 of baby ampere fusesexcept Bread' diapers and sealed jars cial circuits designedon six, en1 food. Make certain milk is pas- for hea, Prize teurized and water is pure. Al - vier loads. eit flo of Wit

art zin tr es nal "Triumph" Basket at For delicious and nutritious cheese itevery- try cannedripeol- % cup mayonnaise - YOU'LLUSE ros snacking, day! A must for bettersal- in 2 tablespoons chopped pars- C ives a tasty cream cheese ads.Stain -resistantmiracle - mixture toroll up in chipped ley mesh links make shape ed beef. Hungry nibblers can slice 1,2 teaspoon Worcestershire changes possible at atouch. Be Sure The box off as much as they- want and sauce Safe for all foods. Madeof Grain Bin 4 ounces sliced chipped beef durable steel. Folds flat for it's nice to have on hand when storage. Dozens of uses - You Buy tr. stir unexpected guests dropin. Hard rolls or buffet rye bread salad washer, colander, vege- GUARANTEED wh Keep refrigerated and serve Chop 1/2 cup ripe olives. Com- table washer, egg boiler, hot wh with French bread. bine with softened cheese, may- plate trivet, deep fat fryer, abi onnaise, parsley and Worcester- blancher, planter, fruit bas- CHIEF GRAIN BINS-Now the strongest. Chief hes CHIPPED BEEF ket, steam cooker, center- ies RIPE OLIVE ROLL shire sauce. Spread thin layer piece, berry basket, beach designed vertical stiffeners tested for strength to pie 1 cup canned pitted ripe ol- of chipped beef in 12x8 -inch rec- bag, desk basket, auo litter support todays additionalgrainloads,making ives tangle on foil. Spread ripeol- basket, flower holder. your Chief Bin the strongest bin on the market today. Chief backsit withawritten guarantee. 18 -ounce package cream ive cheese mixture over beef; The winner each week is Be sure the bin you buy is guaranteed. This, plus drawn by lot from the reci- Chief'sexclusivefeaturesmakes CHIEF-YOUR pes printed. BEST GRAIN BIN BUY! Win one b3 sending us your, favorite recipe - this can be maindish,leftover,salad, FOP COMPLETE INFORMATION WRITE sidedish,dessert or what have you. 1. Check your recipe care- CHIEFGRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 fully to be sure all .ingredi- entsareaccurate andac- OR SEE counted for. 2. Be sure your name and Your CHIEF dealer address are on the entry. 3. Only onerecipeata time, please. Elliott Construction Co. 4. Send it to Woman's Page I Phone Editor, Grass & Grain, Box MORI:4\UL K2W.16958 1009, Manhattan,_ Ks., 68502j

CASE.rear -mounted 914_And 916 CULTIVATORS 4 -row 64 op to 2140 inch 42 -inch

HIS LAST LANDING This fly will never leave the ground once he's had a whiff of Cygon* 2E Insecticide. The fly killing power in one spray lasts up to 8 weeks or more! dr7.

You can spray your barn, loafing shed, milking ,,N..t.-.. ff.'"4,1v .1i-4;4 ' parlor, or milk room ... then,forget about annoying houseflies for 2 months. l'iot Nth. Cygon 2E Insecticide is safe to use around Iciiro- -1,7',..t cows and heifers if you mix and spray it as - .. "a-'' e" - directed. Apply Cygon as a long-lasting spray '-4."'- r '''''' '.. l''''. 1gnit.'N'td,,\ .t. .. . , inside your barn, as a spot spray on posts, r 1 rafters, and windowsills, and as a maggot killer on manure. Ask us for Cygon 2E Insecticide when you stop Ruggedly built, remarkably simple... in for your next load of feed. And, use it all summer long wherever flies are a problem. *Reg. Trademark of American Cyanernid Co. adjust quickly to various row spacings

soils ... yetride Precision cultivating with simplified "single -gang" design Spring -loaded to penetrate crusty, hard anti -friction and adjustable toolbar mounting - means you can culti- over obstacles.Disks rotate smoothly on vate rows of corn, soybeans, as narrow as 28 inches bearings. Flint Hills Feed & Grain PR 8-5322Manhattan ...as wide as 40-42 inches. Quick 3 -point hitching. Lets you switchfrom cultivating Simple, rugged construction. Just a single gang carries all to other jobs in just minutes ... withoutsacrificing Farmers Union Feed Mill 437-2434St. Marys shovels between each pair of rows. Gangs are quickly tivating quality or capacity. adaptable to various row widths. The number of gauge Fit any tractor. The 914 and 916 fit anymake traatts,with Mor-Kan Elevator 349-2214White City wheels and other moving parts are nearly cut in half! models lavailable Cross pipe is extra -heavy square box -section steel. 5 -inch CeCategoryn 3 -point hitch. 914 4 -row on the 916, 4 -inch on the 914. with an optional Category I hitch. Reading Grain & Lumber AN 9-3842Reading hitching faster' Tough 18 -inch stabilizer disks. One on the 914, two on Handy, adjustable hold-up stands. Makes Mid -Continent Elevator CE 8-4177 Junction City the 916 guide cultivator between rows without aide drift. easier ... convenient when storing implement. Americus Grain Co. 884-3465Americus 'Gorden Mark Elevator ME 2-3381ClayCenter CLAY CENTER CHAPMAN Porter Eqpt. Co. Jones & Knopp WA 2-3241 Western Grain Mill 767-5933Council Grove 1121 Crawford ME 2.5202 CENTRALIA MARYSVILLE McBratney Impl. Brauchi Brothers PURINA Phone 857-3815 SALINA LINN CHOWS®1CHOWS Vahsholtz Imp'.Co. Kuhlman MotorCo. 1, 1969 your children's Garden Borders )ts(tetanus, Essential Grass & Grain 11 trig cough) are To Unify Plantings May13, 1969 Top Dairymen Averaged Borders are important in E. B. Mayer, LaGrange, Tex., BOX the sum, many colorcombinations president of the National In- garden because they unify the are possible between se box inyour plantings, an effect hard to the bor-stitute of Locker and Freezer $232 Per Cow activities, der plantingsand the flowers Profit re. achieve by other means. An Provisioners, noted in an inter- HIAWATHA - Top manage- mal FirePro. in the border. view there was a strong chance high profit farms. on. Get elaborate planting is not neces- Both sweet alyssum ment paid off at the rate of Interest on machinery and rid of sary, nor is one of rare or un- and Federal Wholesale Meat Act ofmore than $110 per cow the past s and make dwarf zinniasare best grown 1967 provisions would not be in equipment averaged $6.12 and sing only 15. usualflowers. from seed sown ina sunny force by the original deadline. two years for one group of depreciation $37.28 per cow on A border should,however, be northeastern Kansas dairymen, xcept onspe. place wherever theflowers are The act was to be in effect in all the least profitable farms. On igned for entirely of one kind of flower to bloom. a Kansas State University stu-the most profitable farms, the hea. states next Jan. 1 except wheredy shows. that does not vary greatly in states enacted their own similar figures were $3.95 and $29.34, either height or spread. The legislation, as Kansas did this Returns to labor and manage-respectively. flowers may be of one color orSee DelayOn year. ment averaged $232.54 percow Top managers substitute ma- on the most profitable one-half a the varied colors available "We were told this Feb. 1 was chinery for labor, Figurski within a single kind or variety.Meat Controls the deadline for publishing theof the dairy farms in Farm says. However, both machinery Two of the best border plants Management Association No. 4 Small meat lockerand slaugh- new interpretations in the Fed- and labor costs were higher on are sweet alyssum and dwarfterhouse operators during 1967 and 1968. Thiscom-the low profit farms in this Several years probably eral Register," Mayer said, "andpares to $119.92 on the least zinnias. ago,a won't be pushedout of business next Jan. 1 for the state compli- study. tally tiny zinnia, only six inch-by federal inspection profitable one-half. Total costs per cow - includ- legisla- ance, but many of us think Thus, a high profit operator es in height was introduced andtion, a nationalofficial in the there'll be a delay." preciation and interest - aver- named Thumbelina. Perfect forfield said at Wichita. Mayer was addressing the fin- ing feed and non -feed costs, de - a border, this has 11/2 -inch -wide al session of a three-day annual aged $539.58 on the low income flowers of red, yellow, pink, convention of the Kansas Froz- farms and $510.74 on the high rose and white. en Food Locker and Provision- income farms. Colors now have been select. ers Association at the Broad- Machinery costs per crop acre ed from this strain so that a view Hotel. are higher on dairy farms than New with a 50 -cow herd wouldshowmost other types of farms, Fi- border of one color is possible. More than 300 persons attend-a $5500 higher return than For generations sweet alys- locker agurski. says. Low income opera- ed the event, at which officers low profit dairymanwith the sum was known only with a head and directors were elected and tors need to hold machinery Loren same size herd, costs in line with cow numbers white flower. There still are Blaine Bowlin, Whitewater lock- Higher production white -flowered varieties avail- Page, on the or enlarge their herd to spread er and meat processing opera- most profitable farmsaccounts able, but there also are variet- Garnett tor, was chosen "Locker Opera- these costs over a greater num- for much of the difference. ber of animals, he suggests. lief has ies with colored blooms - pur- tor of the Year." However, labor and machinery ngth to ple, violet, pink and rose. The association's president, costs - repairs, depreciation making So, within just the ranges of J. Frank Buehler, Claflin, was and interest- were consider- CHOLERA OUTBREAK market dwarf zinnias and sweet alys- succeeded by former president-ably higher on the low profit IN CAROLINAS arantee. elect Loren C. Page, Garnett. farms, says Leo Figurski, Ex- States adjacent to North and lis, plus New president-elect is James tension economist from Hiawa- -YOUR South Carolina have been advis- Macomber, Winchester, and newtha. ed not to buy or transport hogs vice president is Ray Houston, Hired labor on the low profitfrom the Carolinas. A rash of Eureka. A new one-year direct-farms averaged $29.24 per cow,hog cholera in the two states or is Alvin Roepke, Waterville,compared to $20.85 for high pro-has apparently spread north- and new three-year directors fit farms, he says. Machinery re-ward into neighboring Virginia, BUTTONWEED are Leo Robinson, Junction -Ci-pairs were $9.28 on the lowcausing six outbreaks there ty. and Elmer Duis. Clifton. profit farms and $6.65 on the since March. er SEWING UP Amessage from the president of NFO O. 2 36958 YOUR SOYBEAN °N7Iciroi PROFITS? TomViw@ @r OREN LEE STALEY, President, NFO For farmers,

Some call it aquestion "buttonweed"- others, "velvetleaf". No matter what you call to forget! it-you no longer have to

put up with it-or any other For years, you and I took whatever buy- blocks and bargain collectively with buyers. ers would give us for our farm products. Which means higher farm prices and de- problem weed, such as foxtail, And we took it on the chin. cent profits. A better life for farm families. lambsquarters, smartweed, ragweed, But now there's something farmers and Get the facts about NFO. Send the ranchers can do to help determine what coupon today for your free copy of THE or pigweed-cutting your profits. In they'll be paid for their farm production. BIGGEST FARM STORY OF THE DECADE. That something is NFO, National Farmers Do it now. The next time you say, "What light to medium soil types, "Lorox" Organization. Through NFO, farmers and will you give me?" you could be talking gets buttonweed-and the other ones, ranchers combine their production into about your farm. too-and at less use -cost than other A BETTER LIFEIN THE BARGAIN leading soybean weed killers. Need we say more? See your local dealer today Mail to NFO, Corning, Iowa 50841 I'm willing to learn more about what NFO can do to stop the erosion for your supply of "Lorox". of farm income. Please send me a free, no -obligation copy of the 37 page booklet, The Biggest Farm Story of the Decade.


4 PONTL()11.()x ADDRESS CITY OR TOWN. 4ec,.5,...,.,. STATE_ NATIONAL FARMERS ORGANIZATION 7lP CODF *"Lorox" is Du Pont's trademark for 50% linuron weed killer. Coming. Iowa 50841 2.3241 Distributed by THIS MESSAGE IS BROUGHT TOYOU BY THE NFO BRANCHES OF: Pottawatomie County Geary County NemahaCounty WashingtonCounty Woodbury Chemical Company MarshallCounty DickinsonCounty JacksonCounty Riley County ST. JOSEPH, MO. Clay County Wabaunsee County finished cattle iscoming fromfall and consequently the beefthinks therearen't market rose more than expect. tie sight" enough all directions," says onefeedlot to halt eat the inthe Southwest, ed." rise at thecurrent pk operator mand. rate Increased Consumption where cattle feedingisshow- According to figures collect- of ing thebiggest expansion. ed from Federally inspected Norton E.Smith, janalystn withc livestock "Buyers just don't seemto bemeat packing plants, U. S. cat- rPtaisinien, Buoys Beef Prospect able to get theirneeds filled,"tle slaughter so far this year t le he says. is running at a record pace, 8% " d have hardsays pressedcat CHICAGO - Stampeding $32.25. The average price of all The demand for fedcattle, inabove a year ago. Because of choicel beef demand is outstripping pro- steers sold at Chicago the firstturn, has spurred ascramblethe lighter weights of cattle be- Chicagoto duction, pushing prices to theweek in May was $32, the for feeding stock,animals thating shipped to market, beef hundred pounds.I highest levels in more than ahighest in 17 years. have to be fattenedfor laterproduction is 6% higher than asee just cans decade. And, cattle analysts say, This "bull market" for cattle slaughter. Steers, calvesand year ago. least prices could be nudged still is being felt at the supermarketheifers have beenparticularly But some economists believe higher. meat counter. The retail pricestrong, with pricesfor somethe increase in beef output isn't "The industryisproducing for choice beef so far this year preferred types hitting thehigh-nearly as great as these figures beef that consumers want, andis averaging more than 90 cents est level in more than15 years.indicate, partly because Federal the consumers have the moneya pound, up 4% from a year ear- Many analysts expectfeeder inspection was expanded great- to afford more beef - even thelier and the highest for the 10 pricesto move higher beforely last year and so the figures better cuts," sums up one cattle-years in which the government the upturn levelsout. reflect activity of more packing man. has compiled this average. One The humming economyhasplantsandnotnecessarily Last year, beef consumptiongovernment economist believes played a big part in the strong more slaughtering -- including PIN in the U. S. reached 110 poundsthe 90 -cent average is the high- cattle market, and morethanthat whichisn'tfederallyin- per capita, up 3.5%. from 1967est ever reached by choice beef.one economist figuresthat aspected----slaughter of steers and one of the largest advances But most consumers aren'tmajor slowdown in national and heifers in the last 10 days in recent years. Per -capita con-balking-- at least not yet. As economic growth would soon heactually was below a year ear- sumption was less than 100 a result, meat packers are ac- reflected by a decline in beeflier. pounds four years ago, and wastively competing for cattle sup- demand. "Consumer income This source claims that first 55 pounds in 1951, when choice pliestomaintainefficient probably has more of a bear-quarter commercial output of cattle sold in Chicago for a rec-slaughtering operations. Manying on beef than on most othersteer and heifer beef was up ord $38 or more a hundred- packers say they're being fore- farm -producedproducts,"says weight. only 1% from a year earlier, Ou ec',to reach to more distant one government economist.Inwhile the population was in- op( Choice cattle prices reachedpoints to buy fed cattle, whichexplaining the current demandcreasing about 1.5%. not $34, while the average price ofaccount for about 75% of thesurge, he states, "The economy Th choice steers in early May was John W. Goodwin, agricultur- U. S. beef supply. "Demand for got hotter than we planned lastal economist at Oklahoma State of University, says that if fed cat- 23 me tle continue to be marketed at spe lighter weights and if "we can Ph avoid bunch marketings an she through May, prices for cattle tra Lasso 40% willriseinJune andcould grz reach their 1969 peaks late in The best way to stopa 1* sty Hog Supplement thefallor early winter." He habit is never to acquire it ant tips the scales These Rear Tractor Tires Meal. You can see it scientif- Give You Rubber When You Need inyour favor. ically mixed in quantites that It guarantee freshness. You can LOOK AT THE QUALITY-THE PRICE watchas it'sweighedon That's a fact. Lasso 40% Hog POWER GRIP NYLON REARS Supplement has been thor- government -inspected scales. B.F.Goodrich 18.4-38 6 ply $125 oughlytestedand profit - That way, you can besure 18.4-34 6 ply $105 proven at market. It's Vie one you're getting the right ingredi- carefully -balanced feed that entsin the right amounts. 12.4x28 FirstQuality 4 ply No more. No less. To protect 13.6x28 FirstQuality 4 ply you can bank on for faster 13.6x38 FirstQuality 6 ply growth and more efficient thehealthof your herd L5.5x38 FirstQuality 6 ply $15 ....FirstQuality 6 ply $105 gains.That'sbecause, in through periods of common plus fed. ex.tax & exchg. tire swinediseases, We making Lasso you can tie thi 40% Hog Supple- have the correct antibiotics USED TRACTOR REARS time ment, nothing is added to Lasso 40% Hog We Rave A Large Supply We hs In Most Sizes & Plies all cia left to chance. You Supplement. Get the im- prices pressive gains that come CHEAP Comp know you're gettingexactly decide therightproportions of from feeding this superior Why supplement. Follow Special Prices On M&W Duals Comn Vitamins A, D and E to the an olc pack on the pounds and to directionsfurnished with REX KOPPES Belov make the best use of your each sack of Lasso 40% sale: corn and milo. You know Hog Supplement and you'll STOC get to market 15 to 20 days 2 whi itcontainseighthigh- 55 wl powered growth factors. ahead of the herd. 1 whi And with healthier, Shia: You know it's formulated 2 whi fromnature'srichest heavier hogs. That's 9 blic source of protein: highly a fact. .*1 On North of the Square Plume ME 2.2141 1 CENTER, KANS. 1 blac digestible and palatable KANSAS SOYA POOVOCTS CO., INC. 6 whi Sunflower Brand Soybean Also available at Rex's Deep Rock in Abilene 5 whi Phone DI 2-1210; Emporia, Kansas and Rex's OK Tire Store, Grant Ave., Junction City 1 cha: 2 whi 15 5 whi 7 blac A SALE EVERY 1 whi 1 bro' v WEDNESDAY Salina, Kansas 1 whi Beverly Stockyards Co. 1 blac 7-4-17:) 1 bike ..-*0S 3 holy

Due to the heavy rains in this area our sale Wednesday was Saline County 14 hol cows 966 @ 19.96 2 whi light. The livestock that did get in sold on a steady market Wilson Bros., Abilene 14 black heifers 775 @ 27.05 2 br s for all classes of cattle and hogs. Listed below are a few sales 1 holy from Wednesday's auction: HOGS

Palmer Price, Salina Karl Pflughoeft, Ellsworth 18 mix butchers 213 @ 21.40 1 angus bull 1390 @ 25.50 Edwin Dent Jr., Bavaria 18 whi butchers 210 @ 21.45 7 whi Rick Rundquist, Assaria 2 black heifers 787 @ 28.50 Frank Voyot, Wilson 1 red butcher 285 @ 21.10 1 whi Ben Koralek, Ellsworth 5 cows & calves Pr. @251.00 1 bllo Jim Forshee, Aurora 3 red butchers 251 @ 21.30 Cecil Schriek, Solomon 7 mixed steers760 @ 31.50 1 blk John Workentin, Lehigh 9 mixed heifers 796 @ 28.00 Whether buying or selling livestock, plan 3 whi Michael H. Engle, Abilene to be with us Wed- 7 holstein steers 565 @ 27.10 nesday. For highest prices for your livestock andone of the 3 whi Henry Hare, Abilene 9 blac 1 whif cow/calf @260.00 most widely advertised sales in Kansas, bill Lloyd Pruitt, Barnard your next consign- 2 slid 1 holstein cow 1210 @ 21.00 ment to the BEVERLY STOCKYARDS CO. at Salina. For Wilson Bros., Abilene 12 mix heifers 6 blac 872 @ 27.60 more information about prices and selling timeon your live- Saline County 1 whif bull 1695 @ 25.05 stock, get in touch with us and 1 b c we will come and look at them. 12 WE

1 whi 1 blk For moi4. inform ationabout prices for your livestock get Beverly Stockyards Co., Salina,Kansas 1 whi tS 1 blac /Le51:atin in touch with us and we will Located on east edge of Salina on old highway 40 s7,4: Wednesdayrr3ykoe.morningnK Fa:t 13 bl: Me1v1ae: come and look at them. JACK BBVERLY, Salina TA3-3191 BOB GRACE. Salina TA 7-1541 1 red

PAUL DIEHL, Brookville 411*225-3503 HARLAN JENSEN, Salina TA3-8445 JIM FORSHEE,- Concordia CH3-4717 4 1 whi n't enoughcat. halt theprice ant rate of de. Downtown May 13, 1969 MANHATTAN Grass & Grain mith,livestock 13 me, Webber, s in Chicago, ...".M....~Smai ild haveto be Penneto Heat Great Lakes choice Chicago AUT With A -Power? e below $30a CENTER Bathers who complain that Ijustcan't the Great Lakes are too cold under thatlel,- Meet thePenney might be able to swim in ugh mid -1970," family ofquality warmer water if nuclear pow- er plants heat waters along `Pinto' popular beaches. CB radios The idea of using hot water discharged bynuclear gen- erating stations to warm beach water has been proposed by Roman H. Koenings, U.S. Bur- eau of Outdoor Recreation re- gional director at Ann Arbor. "You have to be a relative - 1y hardy individual to swim in several lakes for extended periods - and I'm not just talking about Lake Superior," $69 Koenings told the Great Lakes ...... "".Research conference..."0 Our 'Pinto 23' comes ready to

operate on all 23 channels . . . nothing else to buy! Our 'Pinto Jr.' is budget priced CYLINDERS This incredibly low priced radio has the finest quality features and perfect for the CB'er with & HOSE two cars! 3" hydraulic cylinders.. of much higher priced units! Full 31/" hydraulic cylinders 26.25 23 transmit/receive channels, "S" Transmits and receives on 6 32.39 meter, PA system,external channels 4" hydraulic cylinders..37.25 speaker jack, mobile microphone. Transistorized for dependab- Iii" Wire Braid Hose le performance length single wire doublewire Plus this unique feature . . . 15" 2.59 an illuminated color coded dial Microphone/speaker combin- 3.05 ation 24" 3.19 3.95 showing the proper channels for 36" 4.09 transmitting. Handsome wood ...... 5.15 48" 4.95 6.35 grain finish over steel. Compact 60" 5.85 to stop a bad styling leaves plenty of legroom 72" 7.49 and it's a breeze to install. 84,, 6.65 8.69 to acquire it. 7.49 9.89 96" 8.35 11.25 108" 9.25 12.45 120" 10.09 13.65 res Extra Heavy Duty 3 Point Rotary Mower- $329.00 Continental Sprayers Need It s129 At Big Savings NO MONEY DOWN Our 'Pinto 23B' base station is [E PRICE . USE PENNEYS TIME designed for PAYMENT PLAN the home...but easily convertible for auto! HOLT FARM ..ON REARS Operates on all 23 channels Illuminated dial with color coded channels ITCOSUPPLY ly $125 Base station microphone, 2 power cords $159 y . Next To Sale Barn $105 OPEN EVERY MONDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS FREE STORE -SIDE PARKING MANHATTAN PR 6-7943 ply 949 i ply 953 ; ply $79 ply.... $105 Manhattan chg. tire Commission Co., Inc.Sale &vim/ 47/fivaday We had a much lighter run of cat- 4 blk wf hm steers357 @ 31.00 1 blk whifc bull 395 @ 32.25 tle this week due to the mud and 7 holstein steers 432 @ 30.00 1 black bull 635 @ 28.00 21/2 MILES EAST OF MANHATTAN ON US 24 REARS time of the year. 1 br. swiss steer 415 @ 29.25 2 whiface bulls 810 @ 27.60 Supply We had a very active market with 1 hol steer 420 @ 29.25 1 black bull 740 @ 27.30 1 whiteface cow 1040 @ 21.10 Plies all classes of cattle selling at higher 2 holstein steers 552 @ 28.40 1 black bull 925 @ 25.60 1 whiteface cow 1085 @ 21.00 prices. 2 holstein steers 515 @ 28.25 1 whifc hm bull 1445 @ 24.85 1 whiteface cow 925 @ 20.80 Compare prices at our sale, then 2 brown sw steers532 @ 28.00 1 black bull 960 @ 24.30 1 whiteface cow 935 @ 20.80 deride where to sell your cattle. 1 whiteface bull 1450 @ 24.20 1 whiteface cow 835 @ 20.80 SPECIAL Why not come to the Manhattan HEIFER CALVES 1 red cow 1105 @ 20.50 1 black bull 1010 @ 23.50 CONSIGNMENT FOR )uals Commission Co. where you have 12 whiface heifers350 @ 33.80 1 jersey bull 430 @ 23.00 1 whiteface cow 1040 @ 20.30 an old and established market. 2 blk whifc heifers297 @ 33.75 1 black bull @ 400.00 1 whiteface cow 985 @ 20.30 Thurs., May 15 KOPPES Below is a partial listing ofour 1 whiface heifer 295 @ 33.50 2 whiface bulls @ 262.50 1 roan cow 1390 @ 20.20 3 registered Polled Hereford Bulls sale: 1 shorthorn heifer305 @ 33.50 1 black cow 1010 @ 20.10 18 months old. 1 shorthorn heifer265 @ 33.50 COWS 1 whiteface cow 875 @ 20.10 STOCKER & FEEDER CATTLE 3 whiface heifers 380 @ 33.40 2 whiface hfettes 802 @ 28.20 1 whiteface cow1175 @ 20.00 2 whiface steers 615 @ 34.00 1 whiface heifer 455 @ 32.25 1 red cow 885 @ 25.60 1 whiteface cow 965 @ 20.00 55 whiface steers 727 @ 33.60 4 black heifers 406 @ 32.25 2 whiface hfettes 845 @ 25.10 1 whiteface cow 970 @ 19.80 1111111111111111 1whiface steer 590 @ 33.50 1 whiface heifer 425 @ 32.00 1 black cow 925 @ 24.60 1 whiteface cow 895 @ 19.60 BUYING 5 black steers 1 black cow 590 @ 33.30 2 black heifers 330 @ 32.00 1 red cow 680 @ 23.75 760 @ 19.50 2 whiface steers 1 red cow 975 @ 19.50 FAT HOGS 630 @ 33.00 1 whiface heifer 400 @ 32.00 1 whiface cow 795 @ 23.60 9 blkwhif steers 1 whiteface cow 925 @ 19.50 820 @ 32.30 7 black heifers 370 @ 31.90 1 blk whifc cow 750 @ 23.60 1 red steer 1 red cow 775 @ 19.20 We buy fat hogs in Manhattan, 580 @ 31.80 1 black heifer 470 @ 31.75 1 whiface cow 845 @ 23.30 1 black steer 705 @ 31.10 1 whiface cow 810 @ 23.30 1 holstein cow 1055 @ 19.20 Alma, and Eskridge according 6 whiface heifers 1 black heifer 375 @ 31.75 1 whiteface cow 850 @ 19.10 to the following schedule: 580 @ 30.30 1 black heifer 305 @ 31.25 1 whiteface cow 705 @ 23.25 5whiface heifers 644 @ 29.90 1 black cow 1145 @ 23.00 1 whiteface cow 980 @ 19.10 1 char whif 1 black whifc hfr 385 @ 31.00 1 whiteface cow 980 @ 19.00 At Manhattan ction City heifer765 @ 29.75 1 whifc red nk hfr440 @ 31.00 1 black cow 890 @ 22.90 2 white heifers 815 @ 29.70 1 holstein cow 1395 @ 22.70 1 whiteface cow 930 @ 18.70 Tuesdays & Saturdays 15 whiface heifers 5 black heifers 426 @ 30.90 1 black cow 790 @ 18.70 688 @ 29.60 10 black heifers 566 @ 30.20 1 brown swiss 1170 @ 22.70 5whiface heifers 831 @ 29.40 1 whiface cow 1 whiteface cow 1025 @ 18.70 BUYING HOURS 2 black heifers 557 @ 30.00 1090 @ 22.50 1 black cow 7black heifers 662 @ 28.80 1 holstein cow 1305 @ 22.50 910 @ 18.60 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 470 @ 30.00 1 whiteface cow lwhiface heifer 800 @28.70 1 whifc hm hfr 1 whiface cow 1080 @ 22.30 870 @ 18.50 496 @ 29.60 1 black cow At Alma 1 brown heifer 890 @28.60 3 black heifers 1 holstein cow 1230 @ 22.20 635 @ 18.40 Lansas 1 whiface hfr 295 @ 29.40 1 black cow 950 @ 18.10 lwhiface heifer 595 @28.00 1 whiteface cow 1010 @ 21.90 Every Tuesday 1 black heifer 6 blk wf hfrs 430 @ 29.10 1 holstein cow 1425 @ 21.80 1 whiteface cow 825 @ 18.10 815 @27.70 1 red cow 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 4 lblkwhifheifer 1 whifc hm hfr 545 @ 28.25 1 black cow 1085 @ 21.70 835 @ 18.10 565 @27.25 1 holstein cow 3holsteinsteers 1 black heifer 500 @ 28.00 1 holstein cow 1075 @ 18.10 1191 @26.40 1465 @ 21.70 1 black cow At Eskridge 2whifaceheifers 1 whiface heifer 520 @ 28.00 1 whiteface cow 970 @ 21.70 780 @ 18.00 625 @22.50 1 whiteface cow 2 br swissheifers 1 black heifer 500 @ 27.75 1 whiface cow 1030 @ 21.70 850 @ 18.00 Every Wednesday 962 @21.90 1 m blk heifer 540 @ 26.25 1 black cow 950 @ 18.00 'holstein heifer 735 @21.70 1 whiface cow 1315 @ 21.70 8: a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 2 blk wf hfrs 315 @ 26.25 1 whiface cow 1 black cow 835 @ 17.90 1090 @ 21.50 For information call the barn 1 blk whifc hfr 530 @ 26.10 1 black cow 1300 @ 21.50 1 whiteface cow 975 @ 17.90 .4 STEER CALVES 1 whiteface cow in Manhattan, PR 6-4815. Or you 7whiface 1 whiface heifer @ 71.00 1 whiteface cow 1085 @ 21.40 780 @ 17.70 steers 326 @40.25 1 whiteface cow may call Joe Raine at Maple Hill I whiface 1 whiteface heifer @ 43.00 1 whiteface cow 915 @ 21.30 675 @ 17.10 4 steer 325 @40.25 1 holstein cow 1060 @ 17.00 663-2226, or Eskridge yard 449- 1 blkwhifsteer 260 @40.00 1 whiteface cow 745 @ 21.10 2347. or Alma yard 765-3841 blkwhif BABY CALVES steer 355 @39.00 FOR ESTIMATES. 4 3whiface 1 red m calf @ 71.00 steers 400 @37.80 1 whiteface calf @ 65.00 W. E. DUGAN -Alta Vista 229-6430 3whifacesteers 435 @37.50 9black 1 whiteface calf @ 55.00 JOE RA1NE Maple Hill, 663-2226 steers 425 @37.50 2shthm 1 whiteface calf @ 51.00 DON WELLS Manhattan, JE 9-3744 strs 282 @37.25 6 black 1 black calf @ 48.00 MERVIN SEXTON Abilene, CO 3-3449 The Manhattan Commission steers 512 @36.75 lblk wf 1 holstein steer @ 46.00 C. J; WENTZ, bus. mgr.Manhattan, JE 9-5561 str clf 180 @ 12 black 36.75 1 black whifc calf @ 31.00 steers 363 @35.90 Compaq, Inc. lwhiface 1 spotted ealf @ 24.00 steer 485 @35.75 1blk wfsteer 370 @35.25 BARN PHONE Manhattan, PR 6-4815 2% MILLS EAST ON US 24 lwhiface KFRM eve)? A steer 415 @34.10 BULLS and 1 blacksteer Consignment Reports . MANHATTAN, KANSAS ng at 7:15 455 @33.75 3 shthm hrn bulls 1070 @ 33.25 at 13 blacksteers WIBW radio 6:30 A. M. Thursdays on KSAL 439 @33.40 4 black bull 460 @ 32.50 WIBW-TV 12:15 Noon Wednesdays 1 red steer 340 @33.25 AUCTIONEER: JOE RAINE 1 whiface 1 whiface bull 390 @ 32.50 0.4t steer 560 @31.25 hogs. lottery. Thesubj A system of crossbreeding before the ect has legislature will be employed that will in-times sell; over thelast crease litter size, increase live- 20 but has yet; ability of the hogs and increase never been for areferendum. appi?, hog growth rate. NewIf shire andNew York The program is getting start- are only statesin the ed locally now, Mills said, and ILS. have state-approved will take about two years to lotteri; get into full operation. The program is designed so that small as well as large op- erators may be involved, he said. An operator may do !LOSE. Spiro Agnew Richard Nixon breeding only, feeding only, or* Whytake chances on losim both operations at once. yourhay crop due toraid - Abraham Lincoln George Washington The program is a controlled *Preservedirect method of production. One of cut alfalh and grasseswithout HOW THEY'D LOOK the extra heavy advantages of ingor wilting. suno As envisioned by a Kansas City Star artist, Abraham Lincoln and George Washingtonwould the program is that farmers *Safefor feeding look rather much in place in today's styles.There's a sincere, clean-cut result from Lincoln, should receive a premium for in 12houq Ivy * with crew cut and modern eye -glasses. Washington doesn't look out of place either with an butcher hogs because the hogs Increase retentionof League hair cut, modern garb, and a lodge pin in his lapel. will be of the quality that pack- andVitamin A, pr

But the results going the other way in time produce less satisfactory results. Wearing Civil ing plants need. *Completelymechanized, War hair styles, President Nixon and Vice President Agnew look more like campus radicals The program will be introduc- *Cattle prefer SI than 19th century statesmen. ed into surrounding counties in LOSEpret the near future. silage. the program is designed to cre- Mills said a similar program *Workswell on sorghums), ate a farmer -owned system to Farmland Picks. Clay Center As has been operating out of Beat- alfalfaand grasses. produce uniform high quality * rice, Nebr., with considerable OnlyDue per treated feeder pigs, Mills said. success. The program there has ton Site For Hog Improvement Program "I must stress that this is not Clay Center has been chosenpacking plant to be built there. been spreading into Iowa be- a program to promote feed cause of the quality of hogs as headquarters for a major If the program develops as from local cooperatives, but a BLAUVELT hog improvement program to anticipated, it will be a majorprogram designed to improve produced, he added. be conducted by Farmland In- hog improvement program the quality of hogs in the entireHERINGTON STICKS Agri Supply dustries of Kansas City. spreading well out of Clay Cen- WITH GRASS GREENS Inc, area," Mills said. "Any hog pro- Superior, Tommy Mills, Farmland fieldter to perhaps 100 to 200 milesducer will be eligible for the HERINGTON - The Hering - Nebraska 68R, representative, said the co-op into the state. program." The local Co-op willton country club will continue USE THIS HANDY COAI organization had selected Clay Based on a need for more coordinate and promote the to have grass greens, at least Center because of the huge locally produced feeder pigs program. for another year. At a recent Gentlemen: The program will be based onmeeting a vote to install syn- I wouldlike moreinformatic

two ideas, animal testing andthetic greens on the 9 -hole SI LOSE. Please sendmemy mra crossbreeding. course at a cost of $16,000 re- dealer's name. Boars and gilts will be con- sulted in 35 yes votes, 31 no's, NOW. Buy Two Bags stantly tested for a specific per-and 33 abstentions. Name iod of time. Hogs will also be NEW JERSEYTO Address tested for a specific amount ofVOTE ON LOTTERY back fat and leanness. New Jersey voters will decide City & State 2:\ Gel One Bap FREE of Mills said testing will providenext November whether they the best growth rate, increasewill approve a state operated - DEALER I N QUI RES WELCO4i feed efficiency and increase the amount of lean meat on Progressing with ManhattanSince 1889 UNIONNATIONALBAr WILL KILLER MANHATTAN, KANSAS 410E BLOAT STRIKE Condensed Statement of ConditonApril 30, 1969 Here's the nearest thing YOUR HERD? to crop insurance.Fron- tier 410E gives high RESOURCES yields and excellent standability... even un- Loans and Discounts _$18,398,8647! HYBRIDS der adverse wind con- ditions.It has large heads, U. S. Government Bonds 2,435,7939; short thick stalk and a Municipal Bonds 6,009,44101) strong root system. Medium maturity. Come in and take Stock iri Federal Reserve Bank 75,000.E advantage of this special today. Cash andSight Exchange 2,494,01

Bank Premises 65,000,0. Furniture and Fixtures 141,448f4 not with new Leasehold Improvements 12,137,E Cooper Other Real EstateOwned 541,597.11 SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER BELOW HI -ENERGY BEEF $30,173,706 Maple Hill Elevator Maple Hill (BLOAT PREVENTIVE) Meriden Coop Elevator Meriden Medicated Meyer's Feed Store McLouth Each pound ofthis new feedcon 'Farmers Union Coop Miltonvale tains10gramsofBloatGuard® LIABILITIES Farmers Elevator Minneapolis Brand of Poloxalenewhich stops rumen foamthatcauses needless Lueck Grain Company Netawaka deaths and costly productionlosses. Farmers Supply Inc. Nortonville Capital Stock and Surplus $2,500,000.E Kuhlman Grain Inc. Oakhill E311-CIATVGUertFt Ce 1,1)84,020 Mountain Hardware Oskaloosa Undivided Profits Pauline Farmers Coop Elevator Pauline Acts fast --within 10 minutes No withdrawal period before Padonia Grain Company Padonia marketing Sowers Grain Company Paxico Equally effective each day of the Total Capital Accounts 3,584,028.19 Kaw Valley Grain Company bloat season Perry Protects your herd for pennies per 264,703° Agricultural Service Center Ramona head per day Reserves______Moore Grain & Feed Roxbury 324979.1 Norris Grain Co. ANOTHER FIRST FROM COOPER! Deposits 26, Russell Cooper was granted Permit No. 1 by Farm & Ranch Service Salina The Food andDrugAdministration for the use of Bloat Guardinitsfeed. Farmers Elevator Sylvan Grove 'Bloat Guard' is the registered trade- Farmers Coop Association Talmage mark of Smith Kline & French Lab- $30,173,7081 Osborne Co. Farmers Union Waldo oratories for its brand of poloxalene. Mor-Kan Grain Company White City White City Grain Company White City Woodbine Fanners Union Woodbine The above statementis correct. Agenda Coop Business Association Agenda WITH Aurora Coop Grain Company Aurora EVERY BAG FEEDS THOS.R. LEE, Vice President &Cashier Thompson Seed Service Von, on Matta Axtell what, pbah.b.led Barnes Feed & Supply Barnes by law. Farmers Coop Elevator Barnes Joseph Thorn Beattie We Don't Compete With Our Customers Raymond O'Neil Beattie Bendena Grain Company Bendena THE 0. A. COOPER CO. Burger Grain Company Inc. Bern MILLS AT jratianatga4d Wittmer Grain Company HUMBOLDT, BEATRICE, COZAD Berwick AND SO. SIOUX CITY, NEBR. MANHATTAN KANSAS Coop Elevator Belleville Other Frontier Dealers Will Be Listed Next Week Home Office: Humboldt, Nebraska 68376 ANIIMMEimmill=nme. rector of AlcoholicBeverage May Ease age, volume and dollar amount. . Control, saidthat although iubject has legislation the Murphy said, for example,a (, ctin makes a major member fills out for a club ;islature sever;Liquor Control change inpresent law, he ag- a last 20 years not yet certain isent a purchase order saying he just what thewants a fifth of eight r been approvedOn Clubs impact willbe. Murphy -year -old turn. New is studying said hebourbon of a particular brand Hatnp Gov. Robert Docking has the changes. v York are Under present at a cost of $5.25. The agent the signed into law a bill that many law, class Athen uses the purchase order to the U.S.which persons contend would in effect private clubs- nonprofit clubsget the liquor. roved lotteries, as distinguished all of class A private clubs in from the profit- The law states further that Kansas to serve liquor by the making class Bclubs- are re- quired to keep no liquor shall be served toa drink. a book showingmember of the club unless the E. V. D. Murphy, di-the amount ofliquor credited But Col. each member tomember shall have a credit bal- stated in brand,ance in his liquor pool account. But the legislature struck out lances on losing the words "brand, age and vol- op due to rain? ume" to require only that the list show the dollar amount. ect cut alfalfa This would seem to without suncur "It takes Giftsmanship mean that the list show only thata mem- to know what ber agreed to purchase,say, $12 It takes MONEY 10 NOW! !ding in 72hours, worth of liquor. entionof protein he wants." Murphy said he thinks the leg- Modern agricultural methods pay their way-if n A. islation, effective July 1, will you're capitalized to improveyour farming pro- create problems in administer- gram and you're willing to think hard and work hard! mechanized. ing the private club law. But he :r SILOSEpresery said he can't be certain of its Capitalrequirementsfor production purposes impact until he has more time come high, and the man who's moving ahead has on sorghum, corn, to studythe bill. had to increase his allocations to allow for the grasses. added costs of keeping up with the times. er treated ton. Banker "DD" FEDERAL JOB FOR Your local PCA pioneered in budgeted -17 Jewels. FORMER AREA REA MAN financing for production purposes. Waterproof°.Gilt Numerals A onetime G&G area REA of- The PCA is staffed by people who .UVELT and Markers. ficial, James N. Myers, has know modern farming and how it $49.95 been named assistant admini- can pay if properly followed. strator of the Rural Electrifica- Discuss your plans soon at your PCA office. Jpply Inc. tion Administration for the co.t ceto Jebraska 68978 agency's electric program. My- Give hima 1144'n-4 Bulova ers, a native of Chase County, SEE YOUR LOCAL PCA MAN S HANDY COUPON was manager of the Coffey County Rural Electric Cooper- Co-uncil Grove PCA Manhattan PCA for Graduation. ative at Burlington prior to go- Chas. Graham, Manager Floyd Rutherford, Manager more information on 315 W. Main 767-5515 600 Humboldt PR 6-7061 ing to Medina Electric at Hondo, Council Grove Manhattan send me my nearest Texas,in 1961. _ Holton PCA North Central Kansas PCA Bob Green, Manager James Ganson, Manager Snyder'sJewelry Visit Our Retail Display Of 435 New York 364-2141 301 W. 7th CH 3-4168 Holton Concordia Clay Center, Kans. Lighting Fixtures Salina PCA -Eh Curtis Syring, Manager Zip Enchicol Electric Co 1321 W. Crawford TA 5-4641 309 MORO MANHATTAN Salina QUIRES WELCOME - THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Manhattan, Kansas 1889 STATEMENT OF CONDITION Now. Is The Time To Contract BANK At Close of Business April 30, 1969 Aerial Spraying RESOURCES 30, 1969 TO CONTROL BRUSH, WEEDS, ALL THISTLES Latest Equipment I Loans andDiscounts $14,975,345.19 for spraying For Brush Control, Government U. S. Bonds 3,419,989.58 Seeding- Dusting Municipal, County, and State Bonds 3,810,451.25 Paysup to the cost Stock in Federal Reserve Bank Defoliating [1/2 _$18,398,864.75 45,000.00 Bank Premises Owned 615,678.11 BONDED _ 2,435,793.92 Furnitureand Fixtures 133,254.53 OPERATOR OWNER Other Real Estate Owned Paul Kitchen _ 6,009,441.99 92,000.00 WAMEGO, KANS. Other Assets 9,268.19 1409 West 6th doing business as Jayhawk Aerial Spray Service - 75,000.00 Cashand Due From Banks 3,514,037.35 Phone 456-7358 WORK GUARANTEED Total Resources - 2,494,422.58 $26,615,024.20


141,448.81 12,137,00 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 500,000.00 541,597.11 Capital Notes 500,000.00 Surplus 1,000,000.00 Undivided Profits $30,173,706.16 882,773.56 Reserve for Contingencies 331,265.71 Federal Funds Sold 675,000.00 hemical Due Federal Reserve 600,000.00 Deposits 22,125,984.93 Total Liabilities $26,615,024.20 -$ 2,500,000.00 1,084,028.19 The above statement is correct ALVIN A. HOSTETLER, President

- 3,584,028,19 264,703,83

_ 26,324,974.14


L. If you need us- Call us - We're ready FERTILIZER DIVISION OF


albir7.4721,1.4. ly all food, packaged and un- household fumigation.One de- under packaged, contained illegal res- partment experiment idues of lindane," the depart- 16 Grass & restaurant conditionsshowed Graip that in five days time"practical- ment said...... 11111111111$41.1111.....ptolipiti May 13, tiiilinesoiiii ..... 1969 FARMERSOUTLOOK L.H. Simerl fall. Recent pricesoffered to farmers were 5to above local loan 8cent`' question new rates. The concerns 41sel' amount of corn that the CornSupplies fames will sell at pricesnear recent ones. Future pricechanges depend largely ritz on theWeal Smaller,Tighter and consequentprospects Supplies of corn - especial-of corn during thelast half ofthe 1969 crop. for ly "free" corn - aresmaller the 1967-1968marketing year than they were a year ago.Thistotaled 2043 millionbushels. I is the principal reasonwhy The disappearancethis year recent prices were about10 should be that much or alittle cents a bushel higher thanlastmore - say2050 million to year. 2150 million bushels.Subtract- TO "TURN OFF" NIAGARA FALLS The tighter supply situationising these amountsfrom stocks shown by a study of the recentcn hand April1 leaves 900 This drawing shows how a coffer dam erected for the Corps of bushels for Engineers will close off the entrance to the American channel at USDA report of Stocks of million to 1 billion Grains on April 1 and other of-carryover nextOctober 1. These Niagara Falls this summer. small- Purpose of the half -million dollar project will be to allow the ficial market publications. figures are considerably Less corn on hand. Stocks ofer than the 1162million bushels Engineers to study the river bed and cliff face to determine what corn on April 1 were estimatedof old corn carried overlast remedial action can be taken to stem erosion of the cataract and at 3011 million bushels -6 per-fall, but they are largerthan remove rock accumulations at its base. cent less than the amount onthe 823 millionbushels carried Heavy rock slides at the American Falls over several years have hand a year earlier. This figureover in the fallof 1967. threatened to make the Falls a gradual incline instead of the spec- was considerably smaller than Needs may exceed "free" sup- tacular falls it is.The larger and better known Horseshoe Falls many market analysts had ex-plies. In addition tothe corn have had similar repair work in the past, altho a complete water pected. Possible explanations that will be needed fordomestic stoppage has never before occurred. are that: (1) The crop harvest-use and exports,at least 150 health of persons ed last fall was smaller than of- million bushels more will be re- chronically (2)Farmers exposed to such vapors. ficial estimates. quired for "pipeline" supplies - have been feeding more corn toworking stocks at feedmills, Add Restrictions Some 34 differentlindane products are affected. livestock than was expected. elevators, and in transit.Thus, Lindane (3) There were heavy field the total amount of cornneededGLAZE OVER On Lindane was approved in 1951 forcom- losses in Minnesota and other million mercial and industrial may be 2200 to 2300 CHRISTOPHER'SMEDAL Federal approval of lindane use in areas. insecticide, products for _manyvaporizers only at timeswhen bushels. A St. Christopher medal,woml1 Stocks of corn on farms April These quantities exceed the many Roman Catholics as religious uses in. vaporizing deviices'has fewor no persons were in the 1 were estimated at 2194 mil- stocks of "free" corn on hand charm, may lose some of its value been "cancelled by' action of thevicinity.It was not for home use, the department said, but lion bushels - 8 percent less April 1 by 260 to 360 million to travelers aware that St. Chris U.S. Department of Agriculture, it than last year. CCC bins held topher is one of 40 saints who hate was found to have been bushels. Prices offered to farm- which cited undue risk to the used in 149 million bushels - 52 per- ers will have to be highenough been dropped from the liturgical cent more than a year before.to cause them to redeem and calendar of the church. A decree And the amount in elevators, issued by Pope Paul VI said the CONDENSED STATEMENT sell this amount of corn, now deleted saints were removed from OF CONDITION mills and warehouses was 668under price -support loans. The the listing because it is doubtful million bushels, down 6 percent. redemptions and sales may in- that they ever existed. More corn under price sup-clude some corn that is under Cancellation from the calendar port: The amount of corn under the reseal program, -as well as means that henceforth the saints .*44)STATEBANK price -support loans on April 1 involved are not considered subject new (1968) crop corn that has of churchwide devotion. St, Chris totaled 1,070 million bushels -been placed under loan. AND TRUST COMPANY41 percent more than one year topher has been considered the Pc Prices of corn (May futures) patron saint of travellers. Among an MANHATTAN, KANSAS before. New corn under loans already have climbed 18 cents other saints dropped from the list es, was listed at 368 million bush- from the low point reached last were St. Barbara and St. Susanna, Close ofBusiness April 30, 1969 els - 8 percent less than last year. But old corn under reseal RESOURCES loans totaled 445 million bush- C els - double the amount under Introducing $ Loans and Discounts 6,516,343.53 reseal in 1968. And the CCC 16 Bank Premises 101,972.35 owned 257 million bushels - 89 Furniture & Fixtures 89,642.72 percent more than a year ago. U. S. Bonds .& Notes 1,524,983.80 A tighter "free" supply. Sub- The Old Crow Municipal Bonds 3,114,135.12 tractingthe amount ofcorn Cash and Sight Exchange 1,028 ,772.09 under price support from the Total Resources $ 12,375,849.61 total stocks gives the "free" Traveler, supply. That supply on April 1 theTuck-Away Fifth that packs as flat as your shirt; apparently was about 1940 mil- All LIABILITIES lion bushels (compared with Set 2447 million bushels a year Da Capital Stock $ 256,200.00 earlier) - a reduction of 21 Surplus 700,000.00 percent. Undivided Profits 94,900.18 The apparent use and exports Reserves 114,841.27 P Accounts Payable 10,000.00 Total Deposits 11,199,908.16 made Total Liabilities $12,375,849.61 while you VV4 The above statement is correct. wait W. H. Bell. President Yot AGGIE HARDWARE DIRECTORS De] 1205 Moro MANHATTAN Cla W. H. Bell, President, Citizens C. M. Skaggs, President, Skaggs Mu State Bank & Trust Company Motors, Inc. PaperBack 25c - 35c S Byron Brooks, State Representa- A. W. Torluenike, Owner, 50c - 75c tive and Rancher Tr -County Motors Books Dorm J. Everett, Attorney Arthur D. Weber, Vice Presi- dent Emeritus, KSU LargestStock Ralph Rothlisberger, Rancher Ward Wright, Executive Vice Pres- In Town For ident, Fenn Bureau Mutual Ins. M. James Ryan, Manager, C.K. Co., Inc. Kansas Farm Life Ins. Processing Co., Inc., KFB Insurance Co. University R. T. Sheldon, Vice President, John Means, Executive Vice Pres- Citizens State Bank & Trust ident, Citizens State Bank and Book Store Company Trust Company 623 N. Manhattan Manhattan H. Alan Bell, Vice President Cecil D. Hunter, partner, Hunter Now the world's favorite and Cashier & Lundberg MATTRESS & Bourbon comes to you in a shape , Its OFFICERS & TELLERS BOX SPRINGS you can take anywhere. The Old Crow Traveler, Specials Every Day the take -along fifth that's catching on everywhere. 1 W. H. Bell, President Phyllis Dawson, Teller New Low Prices And now it's here in Kansas. But the best partof the !ik Byron Brooks,Chairman of the Board Donna Flohr, Teller Buy Direct Crows, S John Means, Executive Vice President Betty Florence, Bookkeeper Traveler is the Bourbon inside...Old Crow. expo R. T. Sheldon, Vice President Ile Fritz, Bookkeeper Also Complete Rebuilding classic flavor and modern smoothness makeal* owr H. Man Bell,, Vice Pres. & CashierJudy Miller, Teller 'Service Twila Ericson, AuiMant Cashier Dorothy Moser, Teller place and any time a little bit better. Off] David Murphy, Assistant Cashier Betty Kirby, Bookkeeper Manhattan Michael Toy, Assistant Cashier Marie Renz, Bookkeeper ,, Marilyn Andes. Secretary Helen Roe, Teller CL DeaaisHatheld,Teller Mattress Co. Golds Abshire, Teller 414 S. 4th ! ---- Nancy Roberts, Bookkeeper PR 8-5302 Old Crow ; Taste made it the world's most popular Bourbon. efeow"'" GRASS & GRAIN k Grain FOR SALE- Registered Horn- ed Hereford bull,3 years old, DAIRY PELLETS,range pellets CiaMOCAADICD1 elean pedigree.Dale Miller, andallkindsof 69 RATES: $1 a week for 15 words Milford, Phone 238-7354, fertilizers. or less. Add5ta word for additional words. or Manhattan MillingCo., 107 cash orderst only) deduct 10% if ad DISCOUNTS: (with Howard Miller, Phone238-3575. Pierre, Manhattan. runs 2 weeks. Deduct 25%if ad runs 4 weeks. TF Chg may collect *refund at the Ag Press officefor any unused amount REFUNDS: you x12 ffered to SIFIED DISPLAY: (boxed ads) $1.82 paid if an ad is cancelled. CLAS- CERTII'Il WAYNEsoy- a column inch. CASH: ads REGISTERED YORKSHIRE beans, bagged & 8 cents 25 -cent billing charge added. not accompanied by cash havea tagged,3.50 boars, back fat probe,sonoray & per bu. Eldon Esslinger,Idana, es. The big Mail To: Ag Press -P.O. Box 1009- 1207 weight for age figures. Some Kans., Phone ME2-2063. Moro - Manhattan, Kansas66502 - JE 9-7558. from certified x11 ?rnsthe litter. Phone KEY RABBIT Mini 241-2599, Neil Walker, Rt.3, Pellets for farmers McPherson. fast gains,no waste, $3.80per 'ar recent 4 YEAR OLD gentle Brahma SB11 hundred pounds f.o.b. Notices bull, good beef type, $300. Phone Key Mill- 1anges may Livestock SHEEP FOR SALE- 100 ing Co., ClayCenter, Kansas, 539-2840, Manhattan, Ks. x11 good ewes with 125 lambs.Also ME 2-2141. he weather other good young breeding TF Teets for AUCTIONEERING FOR SALE- One registered ewes & rams. Roy Eib, Clifton, FOR SALE- Two 1000 bushel Polled Hereford bull, DiamondKans. wire meshcorn cribs. Fred Rollo 401, five years ofage, de- SB12 Rundus, Blue Rapids, I. Shnerl NATIONALLY ACCREDITED pendable breeder, gentle. Regis- 226-7253. Ks. 913 Lawrence E. Welter 29 YORK-HAMP feederpigs, x11 7.of Illinois SPF tered Polled Hereford bulls, 12castrated and weaned. Kermit AUCTIONEER to 14 mo., weights available. Johnson, Rt. 4, Frankfort,Ks., SOYBEAN SEED- Clark 63, 1 REAL ESTATE BROKER DUROC BOARS Spear Point Ranch, Edwin Jor- Phone 2924825. x11 year from cert.,germ. 93, bin dan, Beloit, Phone 738-3853.x11 run $2.90. Recleaned $3.25. Your Sale Solicited FOR SALE -A few ford R. Wright, Clif- OPEN GILTS FOR SALE purebred LeRay, Kans., Large or Small Registered - 18 A-1 sired Hol-Yorkshire boars out of register- Phone 109F21. SB12 stein heifers bred to freshen ed SPF parent stock.No pa- EAST HIGHWAY US 24 Harold Brumm Sept. and Oct. from herd thatpers. Vacc. for erysipelas and RIDE 'EM HIGHfeed for hors- MANHATTAN PR 8-3455 has above average DHIArec- Lepto. Serviceable age. 20 es. Product of Key MillingCo., Rt. 3 Phone 238-7258 ords. Phone 442.2531, Eldean York Clay Center, Kans., Real Estate sews, 3rd litter, start farrowing 2-2141. Phone ME And General Sales JUNCTION CITY, KS.66441 Banahan, Steele City, Nebr. June 1. Vacc. sameway. 125 SBTP x11 feeder pigs, 40-50 lbs.,vacc. for erysipelas & Lepto & trimmed, PASTURE FOR RENT- Quar- Dairymen FOR SALE- Registered Here-with option to buy 125 3 weeks ter section pond &spring for -Buy ford yearling bulls, Onward water. Warren Walter,485-2470, later. We have a lot of lengthin Riley, Ks. SPECIALS breeding. Bill Jackson, Olsburg,our hogs and large litters. We x11 Ed Reimer Ks. 66520. Phone 913 468-3582.guarantee hogs as we CERTItetbD WAYNE The Best For Less x14 repre- soybeans, AUCTIONEER sent them. Geo. J. Rytych, Nar- cleaned and baggedfrom com- WeSpecialize in Selling We have for your selection FOR SALE - 15 big thorough- ka, Kans., Phone Munden42-31 bine, less splits,$3.75 bu. Maur- at x12 ice Gieber, Beli.eville, DAIRY CATTLE all times the largest supplyof bred York gilts born in August. Kans. x12 "A complete Sale Service" SPF SCRNY boar pig with FOR SALE- 20 big Polled WANTED FRESH SPRINGER them 'March 30. Vaccinated forHereford bulls - Alfalfa and prai- HOLSTEIN- GUERNSEY north, 2 east Frankfort. Beattie Delbert John- rie hay, squarebales. C. J. Phone or write for sale son, Junction City, Kans. x14 Merphx405 N.W.2nd, Abilene, dates. JERSEY cholera, erysipelas, lepto. 6 mi. Kans. CO 3-4010. Telephone 367-2373 SWISS and MILKING phone 1121E. William Bramlage. CORRIEDALE SHEEP for sale: x12 GOESSEL, KANSAS SB12 19 ewes & 1 youngram. Wm. R. FOR Ski'- SHORTHORN COWS & Schwarz, Rt. 2, Gypsum, Ks. soybeans, 91%Certified Wayne "Marion County" HEIFERS CHAROLAIS BULLS- 2 2-yr.- 67448. germination. x11 Wayne Neel, Jamestown,Ks., Financing available- up toolds (purebred & 15/16) and 1 Phone 243-3013. 24 mos. 5-yr.-old, purebred. These good ANGUS BULLS, big,growthy, x12 100 head of open Holstein hei- quality, growthy bulls are readyregistered two year olds. Select FOR RENT -_pasturefor uo SMEDAL Bob Wilson fers for use and priced to sell. Don-from a large group readyfor to 20 head covCTS.Herman White, Auctioneering ald Runet, Scandia, Ks. 66966. heavyservice.Guaranteed Westmoreland, Ks., medal, worn by 50 head Holstein heifer calves Phone 913 335-2582. x11 3513. Phone 224- Real Estate Breeders. Kenneth Moore, Rox- SB12 s as religious Alltypes sales CALVES! CALVES! bury, Kans., Phone 2314. x14 of its value Ph. 494-2552 We will have 400 to 500 calves PUREBRED CORRIEDALE rams, serviceable age, extra FOR SALE : St. Chris- or778-3424 beef cross. 2 weeks to 450 lbs. - Serviceable age Autorn..,;ive Box118 - St. George, Ks. At our barn every week for the good, $50. Roland Grogger, Sol-Duroc boars. Nationallyac- ints who have omon, Ks. 655-3417. x13 credited SPF. Fred Germann. e liturgical next several months. Dwight, Kans. SB14 i.A decree WANTED TO BUY- Young, 'Isaid the LAND IMPROVEMENT serviceableboar, Duroc or FOR SALE- 300 good large moved from W. G. WIEBE Hemp preferred. Ed Junghans, ewes in wool, bred to Suffolk s doubtful Phone 244-7625 Junction City, Kans., 238-4341. rams, for September lambs. Summerfield, Kansas SB11 Dale Chrest, Phone Wamego 456-7641. SB12 the calendar LAND IMPROVEMENT FOR SALE - Service agereg- 1 the saints istered Holstein bulls, dams FOR SALE- Beautiful 6 year1967 Ford Ranchero idered subjects "SoilConservation Doesn't Tested SPF milking 90 to 100 lbs. a day. Al- old Quarter Horse bay Cost -It Pays" mare, 1967 GMC 46 ton,6 cyl., 4 spd., )n.St. Chris- Duroc & Yorkshire so eight young registered cows well broke and gentle. Emerson SB, low 7000 miles dered the with good records. Harold Scan- Mugler, Clay Center, Ks. x12 Ponds, terraces, waterways, Boars, Open and lan, Abilene, Ks. x14 1965 Ford Ms ton LWB ers. Among and leveling, drainage ditch- 130 GOOD Western ewes and 4 from the list es, clearing, landscape grad- Bred Gilts FOR SALE - Reg. ShorthornSuffolk rams. Sell any ni'mber. 1965 Ford ton, SWB, V8, 4-sp. St. Susanna. ing. bulls, 12 to 20 mo. old. Reds & Albert Riecherr, Green, Kans. 1960 Eprd 1,4 ton 4sp., LB, 6 for sale. Figures available on roans. Ready for service. Glenn individual animals. Why buy an E. Lacy, Miltonvale, Ks., Ph. x11 Roggendorff untested animal when ones are 4274513. FOR SALE- Young Duroc Conservation Construction available from our test pens? x13 cross boar, 255 lbs., 8 mo. old. McComas Motors Arthur Roggendorff FOR SALE- Charolais bulls, Also 2 combine tires. Large16 240 Westi.6th Phone JE 9-3984 Hayes Beck & Sons gentle disposition, purebred ply airplane tires to fita 26" CH 3-3634 1630 OSAGE-MANHATTAN Route 1 Phone 238-6064 and percentage, 7 months to rim. Paul B. Jury, Jr., WA CONCORDIA, KANSAS JUNCTION CITY, KANS. breeding age. McFadden Bros., 2-6760, Chapman, Ks. SB11 Riley, Kans., Ph. 485-2688. x11 DAIRY SUPPLIES FOR SALE- Registered CIVIC HEREFORD BULLSFOR SALE - Purebred PolledBrown Swiss bull, calved 3-27- We Now Have: Hereford bulls. Roth Bros., 68. Sire V. B. Royal Flush Pa- TRUCKS Green, Kansas, WI 4-2237 or vanne 136140 nam Princess Two 6-yr.-olds, active, sound WI 4-2238. SB13 Honey Lou 396129 classifiedex- 1/2 Ton 60 Ton DeLaval Clay and ready for a lot of use. cellent, sire V. B Carl's Sultan Sales & Service shirt. Some 2-yr.-old bulls, large, FOR SALE - SPF Duroc boars 119405Total production of 4 All Makes conditionedtoturnoutim- serivceable age and guaranteed. lactations M 56,110. BF 2464. TRI-COUNTY MOTORS mediately. 2 miles east of Highway 77 onGood growthv calf ready for 307 N. 3rd Service & Repair An outstanding group of 18 Kansas -Nebraska line. Arlan service. Fldon Trost, Belleville, MANHATMN month old bulls, large framed,Argo, Wymore, Nebr., Ph. 40? Kans., Phone 243-n34. x12 Dairy Equipment weighing up to 1200 lbs. 674-3373. x13 ONLY THE FORDDEALER SPF YORKSHIRE boars, ser- SKAGGS (FORT)) MOTORS viceable age, $75. Richard E. IN MANHATTAN Joe McClure Amstein Schoen, Sylvan Grove, Kans., SELLS Ph. Feed & Seed 229-5284 Alta Vista Hereford Ranch 913 526-3400. x11 A-1 Used Cars CLIFTON, KANSAS 913 455-3628 NATIONALLY ACCREDITED 1968 Galaxie 4-dr. sedan,V8, aut. 4 south of Clifton, or 8 westSPF Yorkshire and Hampshire trans., R&H, p-strg & air and 9northof Clay Centerboars and open gilts. Probes HAIL INSURANCE $2495 WAMEGO DAIRYSUPPLY down to 0.52 and loin eyes up to 1967 Ford Custom 4 drstation Your 6.25. Same breeding as top sell- wagon, V8, aut. trans authorized dealer for: FOR SALE -50 heavy spring-ing boars in recent test station Representing McPherson and air , R&H, er Holstein heifers. Robert Da- sales at KSU with daily gains of Hail Insurance Co. $1995 1966 Chevrolet Impala2 dr. `4 DeLaval milkers vis, Westphalia, Ks. (913) 489- 2Y4 lbs. Floyd Meyer, Palmer, Claims paid immediately. hardtop, V8, 4 spd., R&H Clay push-buttonfarm eqpt. 2208. x18 Kans., Phone 308. x11 MuellerBulk Tanks ORRIS MARSHALL $1795 Stores AndService From NATIONALLY ACCREDITED NATIONALLY ACCREDi FED ME 2-3902 433 Court 1964 Galaxie Convertible,V8, W&nlego & Sabetha,Kansas SPF Hampshire boars, open SPF Duroc boars and open gilts. CLAY CENTER, KS. automatic trans., R&H$1295 gilts, serviceable. H. Wayne Meat type. Larry D. Hobson, 1964 Chevrolet ImpalaConverti- Shirley, Horton, Kansas Phone Scandia, Ks., Phone 335-2650. HOEGEMEYER WHITE ble, V8, R&H $1295 913 474-3349. x12 x11 For Free OR YELLOW SEED CORN OPEN EVENINGS Estimates Call: NATIONALLY ACCREDITED FOR SALE - Registered bulls Single 3 -way; double cross BANK RATE FINANCING WAMEGO SPF Yorkshire boars, service- sired by our $5100 Silver Crest Grain & Forage Sorghums 4567200 or able age. Sam or Jon Thole,973 - buy quality for less ...... A.AltETKAAV 4-2958 Marion, Ks., Phone 316 EV 2-money. Jones Hereford Farms, KENNETH WORTHING 2994. x12 Abilene. Phone Wakefield 461- Wamego Ph. 456-7758 Skaggs (Ford) Motors 5607. SB12 FEEDER PIGS wanted. Will FOR RENT- Pasture near Your Transportation MEMORIALS buy 200 to 300 head R. H. Jung- F'OR SALE - Several good reg-Tuttle Creek dam for 15cows Headquarters hans, Box 226, Junction City, istered Angus bulls 25 months or equivalent. Phone Fred Ger- "Where Customers Send Kans., 913 CE 8-2039. SB11 old, Eileenmere breeding. Ralphmann, Junction City, Kans. Their Friends" Latzke, Chapman, Kans. 238-4382. ler. It's FOR SALE - 2 purebred SPF x14 SB11 2nd & Houston 'where. i- Rundle 24 HAMP PIGS for sale. EldonFOR SALE Phone PR 8-3525 MONUMENTCO. Duroc boars. narwin FTolishold- - Sargo seed, t of the (Formerly Cody) er, Courtland, Ks. Scandia phone Henton, Rt. 3, Manhattan, Ks.grown from certified seed. State MANHATTAN, KANSAS HARLAN 335-2592. x11 SB11 tested - .06 lb.Brown Swiss, Crow's Stones RUNDLE Holstein cows & heifers.Henry designed and cut by WANTEn - 10 gilts to farrow PUREBRED CORRIEDALE Reinert, EA 5-2018, Washington. FOR SALE- 1955 Belvedere ke anY 'xPeriencedcraftsmen in opr Plymouth, good tires,runs good, ownplant. in May. Jay Borsdorf, Phone Rams - serviceable age, extra x11 589-2381, Harveyville, Ks. x11 good. $50. Roland Grogger, Sol- good fishing or farmcar. Will omon, Ks. 913 - 655-3417. x13 ROX ORANGE cane,grown Molyneaux, Clay Center, Ks. C'ffee4th& i& Grant Display FOR SALE - 1 Registered from certified seed. 90%germ- SB12 purebred Charolais bell, 7 yrs. EXTRA LARGE 6 yr. old An- ination. $7.00 CWT.Sumac 2-2323 old, Ben Burnside breeding. gus bull for sale. Dean J. Mar- 1958 CHEVROLET 1/2ton, ' CENTER cane, 90% germination, $6.00 LWB, 4 spd., tires and mechan- CL" Ned Bethell, Williamsburg, Ks. tin, Rt. 1, Manhattan, Kans., CWT. Farmers UnionCo-op, x13 JE 9-3329. q1:211 ically good. 913 OL 5-7773, Sol- on. Assn., Clay Center, Ks. SB13 omon. SB14 FOR SALE ----1367 For FARM TRUCKS Visit Wakefield ton truck with8x10 bed V8I MC rack and hoist.Phone stoo 313 1 1965 Ford 600, 330 V8, 102"CA, SEE THE LAKE 949.594 WHATEVER Art Suderman,Hillsboro, Pwigl 4 spd., 2 spd. SEE THESE CARS Ks. croP' YOUR THING IS 1964 Chev. 60, 327 V8, 900's84" (44;y4401ET/ ante 70) and xii CA, hoist, box available 16' boat, motor (Merc 1968 CHEVELLE 33 Do It in A 1963 Chev. 60, 327 V8, 900s,84" trailer Superspo 1968 Montgomery Ward 125 mo- for sale, 396, 4on floor, grain CA, hoist, box available seats, chrome wheels, bucket home, KEY KONDITIONED 61 Chev. 60, hoist, 15' box tor cycle Evins, Rt. 3, Manhattan,Lawrene, contra 61 Chev. 70, 348 V8, 5 yd. dump LARGE STOCK OFTRUCKS 1965 Honda 90 motorcycle PR 6-8442. Ph: USED CAR 60 Chev. 70, hoist, 16'4" box V8, LWB, W 1967 Bel Air Chevrolet, V8, aut., 1964 Chev. % ton, xi2 61 Ford 700, 302 V8, 116" CA box, aut., powersteering, air Aucti4 1969 Cougar:- 3 spd. $2995 61 Ford 700, hoist, 15%' box power brakes $1195 1966 Malibu 4 dr. station wag- 1968 Chev. 4 door V8 $1995 6G Ford 750, hoist, 151/2' box sleeper cab, on, V8, std. 135 E 10 1959 Dodge D700's, 354" V8 1959 Diamond T, 220 Cum- 1965 Impala 4 dr., V8, aut., air 1966 Pontiac 2 dr. HT, PS, PB, tandem axle tractor, 1965 Volkswagen stationwagon J 5 winch trucks; 15 other dumps just air cond., auto. $1995 mins dsl. $2995 1964 Impala hardtop V8, aut., 1966 Ford Galaxie 500 4 -door 1964 Chev. 80 Series,tandem PS, stereo River sedan, V8, automatic trans- AMES CHEV. CO. axle, 13' dump body,full air1964 Ford 4 dr. V8, std., air CHOICE FARMS mission, air cond. Drive this brakes, 5 sp., 2 sp.,409 V8, AND RANCHES ter 112b1i $1695 AC 316 - 647-3251 $3950 1963 Rambler station wagon, Vcn one and you will buy it. power steering 4 dr., 6 cyl., std. 255 acres withmodern 1965 Pontiac Cat. 4 dr. (2) V8, tandem, 80 large quonset building, horn, MOLINE, KANS. 67353 1965 Chev. tractor, 1962 Pontiac Catalina, 4 dr., Grai automatic transmission, pow- series, 409 engine, 5-speed, 2 - storage. Nearly alllevel air V8, aut. sent er strg. & brakes, factory speed, full air brake,extra 1962 Olds Cutlass F-85, V8, aut. bottom plowland.See this cond. Both of these are real O.K. good $5250 1960 Olds 4 dr. V8, aut., PS, PB, today. oN nice. Your choice $1495 grain air 257 acres, part bluestern, 1960 Trail -Mobile 37' part 1965 GMC 1/2ton 6 cyl., 3 spd. Used Cars $1995trail- 1959 Chevrolet 4 dr., V8, aut. fescue. North ofIola 480A transmission, 34,000 actual er 1959 Plymouth 4 dr., V8, aut. per acre. Need grass?$1.175o gra 1949 IH 1% ton, SWB,10' box Here it miles (not a V6) .... $$1495 2 Year Warranty $695 1959 Ford 4 dr., V8, aut. is at a bargain. buy V-8, auto- and hoist, 4 -speed 315A 1964 Rambler Wagon, 6 cyl., aut. 1967Pontiac 4 dr., $595 1959 Galaxy 4 dr. V8, aut. 480 acres wit134 acre matic, radio and air. Real nice 1961 Chev. % ton, SWB 1958 Mercury 2 dr. V8, aut. wheat trans., power strg., factory air LCF trac- allotment. 115acre feed Economy plus $795 1966 Buick Wildcat 2 dr. H.T., 1961 Chev. 80 Series 1958 Bel Air 4 dr., V8, aut. allotment. % plowld. grail 1.4013Aal V-8,automatic,radio,air, tor, 5 speed, 2 speed,air 1957 Chev. station wagon, V8, Lays Gea $1995 real nice. Silt loamsoilsoil A We also have a real nice 1967 power steering and brakes. brakes, good real aut. buy. Call today tosee this Alfa Romeo 2 dr. plus a 1967 Excellent condition. 1963 Chev. 1/2 ton, SWB $895 1957 Buick station wagon, 4 dr., one. Fiat wagon on our lot, and 480 acre creek bottomfarm 1966 Chevrolet Impala 4 dr. H. 1967 Hobbs 40 ft. platform$3250 V8, aut. on blacktop highway. many other fine buys. T. V-8, automatic and radio. good 1955 Ford 4 dr. V8, aut., air Elderly 1960 IH 108 tractor, extra owner wants quick sale.Mop) low milage. Extraclean. $1295 down, balance 6% interest. 1966 Pontiac 4 dr. H. T., V-8, aut- 406 engine TRUCKS Very like productive. Nice investment KEY PONTIAC INC. omatic, radio, air, power ste- 1967 Ford 2 ton, 84" CA, 1964 Chevrolet1/2 ton Stepside, ering and brakes. Extra clean new, V8, 8.25 tires $2750 V8, 4 spd. build an equity. PR 6-9422 1520 acres with excellent 305 Houston St. 1965 Ford 2 dr. H. T., V-8, auto- Giant 1964 Chevrolet 1/2 ton, Fleetside, fent matic, vinyl top, vinyl inter- 1962 Chev. V8, 2 sp., 151/2' ing, modern home, City, Used Car Lot grain box & hoist, like new, V8, 4 spd. 20,000 bu, to se ior, radio and air. Real clean. $3250 1951 Chevrolet 1/2 ton, 6 cyl., 4- grain storage. Locatednear PR 6-5021 1963 Ford Fairlane 2 door HT, 52,000 miles county seat town. High 231 S. 3rd St. 1965 Chev. tandem axle tractor, snd. rainfall Home of The Key V8, radio,4. speed, real nice 1949 Chev. ton, 6 cyl., 4 spd. - high producing area. 5115 OR car sleeper cab, 409 eng., like per acre on contract 5y,,, Konditioned Used Car 1965 Ford Custom 500 4-dr., V-8, new cond. $4950 terest. Fl Manhattan's Only automatic, radio, air. Nice car1967 Dodge '4 ton Eledro camp- AULD 7200 acre excellent Flint Bea 1964 Chevrolet Impala 4-dr., V-8, er, sleeps 6 $2750 Hill, age a CHEVROLET Ranch. Beautiful lake sitelb VOLUME automatic, radio, and air, low 1960 Chev. 1/2 ton, 3 sp., SWB dern home, corrals, and Kansi New & Used Car Dealer mileage, real clean $595 HO 1-5414 Some of the finest in bluster.lots room 1963 Ford Wagon V-8, automa- 1961 IIH 2 ton, 2 sp., 304 V8, %Cfvlf.r. grass. $130 per acre. carpe tic, radio and power steering, 131/2' grain box & underbody WAKEFIELD rage, real clean hoist, extra good $2395 RICHART) WOOD ings. 1963 -Chevrolet Impala 4-dr. V-8, INVESTMENT CO. and a automatic and radio, 2 owner 1954 GMC single axle tractor, Nationally Accredited joy. good cond. 471 Detroit Diesel DOUBLE Farm and Land Broker car $2250 Show 1966 Buick station wagon, V8, engine ERIE, KANS. Cl 4.11^1 aut., air cond., PS, PB, clean 1962 GMC 1/2 ton, V6, 4 sp. $735 CHECKED USED TRUCKS 1960 Rambler 4 door V-8, auto- 1966 M80 twin screw, 5 spd., 4 NEW LISTINGS: FARMS 1966 Ford F-100 8' Styleside matic and radio, real clean sp., new 427 V8 engine, like USED CARS One of the better ranches; pickup, 6cyl., Cruise-o-matic1960 Pontiac 4-dr.sedan,V-8, new cond., 1000 tires $6950 1968 Opel 2 door, 4000 miles eastern Geary County, Kant 1965 Ford F-2504 ton Styleside automatic and radio 1966 Chev. % ton, LWB, 292 61968 Ford Falcon station wagon consisting of 720 acres 5001 pickup, 6 cyl., 4 spd. 1949 Cadillac 4-dr.sedan, V-8, cyl. engine, 4spd. trans., nice 1968 Pontiac Bonn. 2 dr. hardtop good grass: 220A broke, DIN 1962 Ford F-600 174" WB V8, automatic, clean as a pin $1495 ly creek bottom. Very good so 4 speed, 2 speed, new 16' fold TRUCKS 1963 Chev. 80 Series tandem 1966 Dodge Dart station wagon of improyements, with a 3 bed down bed axle tractor, 5 sp., 2 sp., ex. 1967 Opel 2 door room modern home. An erd CLA 1963 Dodge % ton pickup 1965 LeSabre 2- door hardtop less supply of water. Will set 1965 Ford F100 Styleside_ pick- 1963 Chevrolet % ton 4 -speed, good cond., str. air brakes. PS on contract with terms. up, 6 cyl., 4 -speed 6-cyl., long wide box, big $3450 1962 Olds Starfire sport coupe 1962 Ford F-600 174" WB, chas- Distributor For 160A Clark Creek bottom FLY' tires, heavy duty springs and farm close toSkiddy. 1101 sis & cab, V8, 4 speed, 2 spd. overloads, real good Giant Farm Truck Body Manhattan Motors OTTA broke, good set of improve acres rear axle 1962 Chevrolet 1 ton, 6-cyl., 4 - Heil Under Body Hoist ments. This probably is one 1962 Ford F-600 156" WB, chas- speed with 10 -ft. bed, new 311-317 Houston PR 8-35 1 Good Harsh Mobil Mixer Bulk Used Car Lot 214 Houston of the most productive farm 3bed: sis, cab, V8, 4 spd., 2 spd. tires on Clark Creek. Priced right 1962 Ford F-600 with 3 yard 1949 Ford % ton with 4-spd., 6- Feed Bodies BUICK FOR ly 65 gravel bed, V-8, 4 spd., 2 spd., cvl and box The largest stock of heavy duty 30 YEARS IMMEDIATE PASTURE pastu: 1967 Chev. % ton, 4 spd., 6 cyl., Small choice of three. Chev. truck parts in the Mid - MANHATTAN, KANSAS We have several tracts of contra 1956 Chev. 60 Series chassis & LWB, good tires, 9000 mi., one West. Parts for engines, trans- grass that we can sell or lease cab, V8, 4 speed, 2 speed, owner, ex. cond. missions & 2 speed axles. SIEBE'S TRUCK CENTER for use this season. OTTA choice of two 1967 Chev. Impala Sport Coupe 1968 Chev. 2 ton, V8, 31,000 mi., good V8,aut.,air cond., PS, PB, will carry 15%' box, like miles 1956 Ford F-500, 1% ton, V8,4 25,000 miles, like now Melton Motor Co., Inc. new JUNGHANS Plentl speed, with 131/2' fold down mill, ; Antique car - 1924 Chev. 4-dr., 1965 Chev. 2 ton, V8, with new Real Estate bed and hoist excellent condition 16th and M Sts.JA 7-2201 OTTA 1946 Chev. 1% ton truck with ... $800 151/2' box & hoist 420 N. Franklin CE 866 grain bed 1964 Chevrolet Impala 2-dr.,' HT, 1965 Chev. 2 ton, 6 cyl., 292 en- Roland CE 8-6360 north radio, stdtransreal clean BELLEVILLE gine, new 131/2' box & hoist Riney CE 8-2039 220 a 1945 Chev. 1% ton truck, with 1964 Chevrolet 4-dr. HT, V-8, au- 1964 1 ton Chev. with 9' box & JUNCTION CITY, KANS. pastu: 10' grain bed, 6 cyl., 4 speed otmatic, power steering,ra- hoist plenty dio and power brakes, nice 1965 Chev. % ton pickup, V8 Nearing Completion contra SPORTS CARS with camper LINC Taylor Motor Co. Myers Motor Co. 1967 Cougar, aut. trans.,air 1956 Chev. 1% ton with 13%' In Manhattan acres, Phone 913 325-2202 cond.,pwr. strg. & lots of ex- box & hoist CENTRAL AIR CONDITION- LINC CHEV.-PON'TIAC-CADILLAC tras. A snappy medium green1948 LCF Ford, 2 ton, 2 speed, ED - 3 bedroom home,Ii alltil WASHINGTON, KANS. with dark green vinyl top with fold down box and Harsh baths, fully carpetedwalld equip: 1406 Center - 562-2383 hoist, $650. Has safety sticker 000e, .full basement LINC MARYSVILLE, KANS. 1966 Olds Cutlass 4 door, V8, 1947 V8 Ford with 13'fold bgtardlatg-ien. $ra237 acres NELLIES aut. transmission down $200 road. NEAR MARLATr SCHOOL" tillabl 1947 Chev. with 13%' fold down oak 1966 Chev. Impala 4 door hard- ,1250 Brick home, 3 bedrooms, LINC top, V8, aut. transmission 1951 Chev. with 13%' box and floors, 1% baths,carpeted In; acres THERE'S A TRUCK ing room with wallof built. hoist $550 2 sr 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 2 dr. storage and book shelves, CLOT] FOR YOU hardtop, V8, 3 spd., column 1958 Volkswagen van, $150. CLOT; 1963 Ford % ton, 6 cyl., 4 spd., AT SKINNER'S shift, beige with black vinyl wcointhdit4ilings,Grlegane..Fvina9npred on hi with utility box. state truck Check the following, and more top Siebe's Repair merits $895 will be here within a few days: FAMILY ROOMPLUS FIRE t illabl 1968 Chev. % ton, 6 cyl., 4 speed We have a large stock of fine PLACE - 4 bedroomranch 1965 Ford F600, big V8, 2 spd., Trucks with 16 CLOL $1950 16' Giant box with fold -downs. OK used cars. There was never style home, basement grass, a better time to deal for one. JANSEN, NEBR. tional bedroomfinished, prove 1969 Ford F100, V8, LWB, ra- Big Heil twin cyl. hoist. This VIP dio $2195 truck is in excellent condition PICKUPS Telephone 402 424-2670 baths, double carport, 1964 Chevrolet, 15'6" grain box, Sidebuoy 1966 Ford Econoline Super Van sBiRdeI,C2KbeDdIrT1300Im.EsXea-ch $1495 327 V8 engine, 2 speed. Far 1964 Chevrolet % ton pickup, 6 FOR SALE - 1953 DeSoto, unit 148 S better than average truck. good shape, goodtires,$75. 1963 Chev. 1 ton with utility1966 Chevrolet 292 six cyl., 2 cylinder with 3-spd., trans., Sears garden tractor, with alts. tral air conditioned,full base body & winch $995 spd., near new rubber; HD 6%' Fleetside bed M. C. Bryan, Clay Center, Ks., ment, garage.$28,000 1963 IHC Travelall $795 ME 2-2702. x13 eqpt.; can mount box & hoist 1963 Chevrolet % ton Fleetside 9 ACRE SUBURBANC ''t stm 1967 Chevrolet, 102" cab to axle, pickup, 8' 6 cylinder engine fnierwepit cebed 327 V8, 2 spd.; 7000 lb. front with HD 3 -speed transmis- FOR SALE - 1960 Ford truck, family room,roomhome Long -McArthur, Inc. axle, can mount box & hoist. 1 ton van, good for camper, $550. ment. Double garage.$16P sion, wraparound rear Harold Ross, 1301 East Cloud, Ex Ford -Lincoln-Mercury Only 35,000 miles on this bumper, HiTread tires Traci! 1955 Keystone 36' cattle trailer, Salina, Kans., Phone TA 7-1828. To Buy, Sell or for sa 340 N. Santa Fe Salina, Kans. can be enclosed. This is a ver- 1961 GMC % ton, V6, with 3 spd. SB11 McNeil 1/2 rn satile truck for farm use transmission Maurice force: TA 3-2237 FOR SALE - Rear truck axle, matic rather than commercial 2 ton with 2 speed for 1948 to Realtor 1963 CHEV. 60 Series tandem 1966 Chevrolet H series with UnionRea OBERMEYER 1954 models Chevrolet, $^5.al- Suite 11, 9510 axle truck, 327 engine, 5 spd., 2 HD frame, 17,000 lb. rear, so 4 speed truck transmission, Off i 64801 Res spd., will take 20' bed. $2350. 7000 frontaxle.Fullair MANHATTAN,la 1964 Chev. 327, 5 spd., 2 spd., brakes, new rubber; 366 mtr. $45. Phone Olsburg, Kansas S. 913 468-3371. SB11 with new 16' bed and heavy We have several older trucks, sFoOloRmoSnA FOR hoist. $2975. George Larson, 49s and 50s. Some have boxes, FOR SALE - 1946 Internation- well withSit, stock. Miltonvale, Ph. 913 427-5753. x12some hoists, some both. Better Marvin Obermeyer, Owner al 1% ton truck, 1P58 motor, 4One irrigation in W look over our stock. lev:VleEaril e-bYal HYDRAULIC ELECTRIC Tom- Ph. BL 8-2255 Open to 9 p.m spd., 2 spd., 13% Omaha bed ecres heath with hoist. Harry Kuntz, Abi- offacinialiptireosv.om4ennitsi:fromole Croce my gate for a Chev. or Ford HERINGTON, KANSAS modern hots-and pickup, demonstrator, used lit- Skinner Chevrolet lene, Phone Buckeye 3503.x12 office Kans Y1%; house tle, will mount in 20 minutes. Phone ME 2-2101 FOR SALE- 1957 Ford F600, from Minneapolis, Don's Welding Service, Wa- FOR RENT - 320 acres of LWB, bed & hoist. Bob Rezac, iEnngteaatPe°17si mego, Kans., Phone 456-7434. CLAY CENTER, KANS. grass. Dale Sheppard, Dwight, St. Marys, Ks., Phone 5^5-2798. E913 Z- 3"9k2e-27r. 4ZaMi x12 Kans., 482-3873. SB11 x12 37 Ford MORRIS COUNTY FARM FARMS, HOMES, Suburbans, TRACTORS V8 313 ACRES1mile west of REAL ESTATE JUNCTION CITY, KS. 10 bed,stock wight, Ks., on blacktop. 204A Business Opportunities. Ches- 1963, 1959 AC D-17 tone 949-5918 Sales-Auctions ter Peterson, Osage City, Ks. 1963 AC D19 llsboro, crop, partly creekbottom. Bal- 66523. x12 1968 AC 180 demo. ore pasture. MARVIN COTTRELL, 1948 Ford 9N xll 33 acre wheatbase, 65 acre salesman 3 BEDROOM, full basement, 1957 AC WD 45 Super spo grain sorghumbse. Older 8 rm ARMON BOSSE $14,000. 4 bedroom, wall to wall1951 & 52 AC WD ,21.400446. oo Mme, goodfences & water. On Realtor carpet, double garage, $12,000; contract with 29% down. MACHINERY elsLawrence Your listings appreciated 4 bedroom, $8000; 2 bedroom, 8 row AC planter, new FARM TOOLS hattan,Ph, Call or write $5500; 2 bedroom, $5000; 2 bed- JIM KIRKEMINDE ONAGA, KANSAS room, $3500. Ben Heer, Riley, 2 row IHC planter X12 2 row Dempster lister 111 No. 37 wheel disk, 10'9" Auctioneer & RealEst. Broker Kansas. x12 4 row IHC lister sealed brgs. $545 135 s. 29th, Topeka, AM 6-4590 Fulmer Real Estate 10' John Deere disc IH H & M 250 cult. with cylin- JUST LISTED: FARM 16' John Deere disc, fold up ders $75 10' IHC No. 37 disc IH No. 33A loader, like new Just listed,80 acres Solomon CATHERINE J FULMER Farm Equipment $285 giver bottomland, all tillable, HAYING EQUIPMENT Kewanee wheel disk, 10'2" $385 on blacktoproad. Possession aft REALTOR 14T John Deere baler IH No. 5 low wheel side del. ARMS Will sell on contract Massey rake, 2 wheel ter harvest. Office 456-7696 John Deere rake, 2 wheel rake $150 CHES WILSON REAL ESTATE WC mower JD 3 -sec. peg tooth harrow $75 nodern home, Phone 263-2400 Res. 456-9281 TRACTORS New New Holland mowers &IIH No. 10A 7' tandem disk $45 iding. IH No. 211 rotary mower, 60", Grain ABILENE, KANS. Oliver 770 - John Deere G rakes at special price. $275 1 level semi. WAMEGO We still have a couple of New 3 pt. See this Oliver Model 40 combine Holland hay wagons in stock. 1958 IH No. 45T hay baler, PTO, one LAND FOR SALE Nu -Way bale system chute & hitch $295 duestem, OA Geary County, mostly FARM LANDS FOR SALE Gehl hay conditioner IH No. 45T hay baler, PTO, part Crust Buster 24' Meinhardt Farm Eqpt. chute & hitch $100 Iola$117,50 grass, with 44A broke. A good 263 acres - Southwest. Corn- buy at $63,500 land, milo, alfalfa, pasture; old-AC planter, 2 row IH 4 -section springtooth harrow 'ass? Here it Ford rotary hoe, 3 row, 3 pt. 456-2:110 $75 315A Dickinson Co.,225 broke,er 6 room stone home in livable Peerless roller mixer JD No. 55 3x14 plow .... $195 14 acre wheat balance pasture condition. Large barn, outbuild- JD grain drill, with rubber IH No. 400 3 -section springtooth 'e ings, windmill, well,Y4 mile feed grain140A good river bottom farm in press A1412.0,114JMenS WAMEGO, KS. $125 'land. Lays Geary Co. with good produc- frontage on Highway No .4 JD No. 5 mower, 7' $115 $59,500. JD springtooth, 16' risoil A real tion JD springtooth, 16' with carrier USED COMBINES IH 3 -section rotary hoe, 3 pt. see this one. 40 acres east side Perry Reser- or fast hitch $175 160A Dickinson County, 93A voir, 5 room home, barns, % Plows, most makes and sizes ' AT MARYSVILLE IH No. 209 2x14 plow, 3 pt $175 bottom farm broke, with balance grass. mile frontage. Overlooking res- 1967 C -II Gleaner with cab, 16' IH No. 3S low base elec. cream vay. Elderly Good water and fencing. ervoir. Unusual opportunity New Oliver, Gehl, Crust Buster,1966 A -II Gleaner with cab, 14' t sale. $20,000 $30,000 sale price. Improved. BMB, Homelite 1966 C -II Gleaner with cab, 16' separator,allstainless steel interest. Very for $17,775. $15 Call Pierce Powers Collect. 160 acres 2% miles west of 1964 C -II Gleaner with cab, 16' 111 No. 311 3x14 fast hitch plow nvestment to 238.5295 or 2384719 with the Highway No. 75, Osage County. Toburen Impl. Co. 1958 JD 45 combine, 10' $295 HOYLE AGENCY, in Junction Beautiful country ranch -style 1955 Massey Harris 60,12' Twin-draulic loader $195 ?xcellent fenc-City, Kans., for an appointment home featuring massive living 1952 Massey Harris 27, 14' IH 16x8 grain drill, fertilizer & ? 20,000 bu. to see these fine farms. room. Excellent kitchen. New MACHINERY grass seeder $295 Catednear WE NEED YOUR FARM large metal barn. Mostly pas- 1H H&M 46 lister $40 High rainfall John Deere mower, 9' IH 3x14 fast hitch plow .. $145 area. $175 OR PROPERTY FOR SALE ture, some tillable, some woods. John Deere No. 5 mower, 7' act, 51/2% in. Might consider trade. New Idea mower, 7' TRACTORS FOR SALE: ACREAGE 80 acres Osage County. About IHC rake Beautiful, well kept little acre-50 acres good tillable land. Old- CLAY CENTER, KANS. AC No. 172 6' shredder 1960 Allis D-14 wide front, pow- ,nt Flint Hillsage at the edge of Clay Center, er home, outbuildings, $27,500. Sun Master flail shredder, 4 row er steering, new sleeves & pis- Lake site. MoKansas, with modern two bed- 80 acres on blacktop, south- SAVE BIG Massey Harris 3x16 spinner tons $1375 Is,and lots west. Pasture & tillable. $24,000 1954 1H Farmall Super MTA, t in bluestemroom home, family kitchen, ON THIS MACHINERY plow fully equipped, reconditioned re. carpeted living room, double ga- 3 acres - on highway near We Mean To Sell Broyhill sprayer John Deere Model B tractor rage, and other well kept build- Melvern. Good 6 room home, HAY BALERS 1965 Hesston 500 windrower withlift WOOD ings. Very restful, quiet area several outbuildings, $15,000. 2 NH 68 twine, NH 271 wire 1957 IH Farmall 300 TAINPTO, and a home that could be a real balers, both rebuilt NTT CO. 180 acres on highway near Marysville Mchry. extra clean !credited joy. Melvern. Largely tillable, east of An extra good Ford 250 twine 1H Farmall B tractor with mow- id Broker Shown by Appointmentonly. Highway 75. $63,000. baler East US 36 er $345 CI 4-3311 73% acres - At north edge of2 Nu -Way hay handling eqpt. Ford tractor, 800 Series, clean COMBINES local tractor Loren E. Law Overbrook. Highway frontage, HI 3-4746 ;S: FARMS tillable and pasture.Good 3 - MH 82 & 90, both 14' IH Farman M tractor, fully er ranches in Cockshutt No. 427, 12' Jalt/S 0011.1.Citt equipped with loader $595 REALTOR bedroom home with attached 2 2 ROW FIELD CUTTERS JD 2 row pull type lister .. $50 ounty, Kans,, car garage and circle drive, AND OTHER FORAGE MARYSVILLE, KANSAS 1 Good David Bradley manure acres. 500A 907 Sixth $32,000. Gehl SP 83; N -H SP 188 broke, most. 160A, 80 pasture, 80 cult., mod- SPECIALS THIS WEEK spreader, 2 wheel $175 Very good set ME 2-3159 2 Gehls FH No. 188 F1256 D; F656 Hydrostat. Allis Roto-baler, PTO drive with a 3 bed. ern 3 bed house, 9 outbuildings, Gehl F H83, can be 1 or 2 row No. 47W baler JD 3 section peg tooth harrow ,me. An end. CLAY CENTER, KANSAS 6 miles west of Carbondale. Practically new 1967 NH 717 DUSED $75 tter. Will sell "If It's a Home, See Loren" 197 acres Wabaunsee - will Nearly new IHC No. 550 JD rotary mower, 60", 3pt., terms. sell 29% down $30,000 IHC Model 50 1960 F560 gas tail wheel $185 JD No. 10 flail cutter 1956 60 JD; 1958 F:',,50 D TRUCKS eck bottom FLYING REALTORS OFFER 2 Gehls, BU 86 forage wagons, 1942 M, live hyd. International Scout, full top, kiddy. 110AOTTAWA COUNTY - 160 6' sides, extra good Df improve. Bill Lewis JD 4 bar rake bucket seats, lockout hubs, acres northeast of Bennington. REALTORS Gehl BU 83 forage wagon &1960 IH 163 SP windrower clean $1195 )ably is oneGood improvements, all modern gear, very special price $575No. 8 JD 7' mower 1960 IHC B160, 13' steel plat- luctive farms3 bedroom home. Approximate- 2420 West 17th 913 CE 3-7447 Haul-Mor grain box on ElectricNo. 100 IH mower, FH form,sides,hoist, motor Priced right.ly 65 acres tillable,rest good TOPEKA, KANSAS Wheel gear No. 2W mower, hyd. needs some repair .... $795 pasture, 2 ponds, spring fed. TRACTORS No. 5 JD mower Chevrolet truck, 2 speed axle, PASTURE 1967 Oliver 1800 diesel tracts of Small amount down - rest on APPROXIMATELY 500 acres Ford 3 pt. mower 131/2' platform, grain & stock contract at 6%. Kaw bottom. Possession. $100,- 1963 Oliver 1600 diesel Cockshutt trailer mower sides, hoist, solid old truck, sell or lease, 1959 Oliver 880 diesel works good $895 )n. OTTAWA COUNTY - 160 acres 000 at 65 can be assumed. Bal- 1967 IHC 1206 dsl , low hours Farmhand hay conditioner good grass,approximately4 ance at 55., with 20% down.3 1963 IH 46T baler Ford F100 % ton pickup, 4 styl miles northeast of Bennington. bdr. rancher, several irrigation 1954 IHC Super M, extra good 1961 No 56 wire baler looks ruff, runs good $100 1959 Massey 65 gas 1958 No 45T baler 1960 Chev. 1/2ton LWB, radio, ANS Plenty of water, big pond, wind- wells, and equipment goes with PLOWS mill, good fences. farm. Foreman Real Estate, No. 140 Case wire baler 4 speed, clean tate Oliver 565 SP 4x16 at demo. 1961 No. 50 2 row "P" harvester 1964 International sit ton pickup CE 86622 OTTAWA COUNTY- 640 acres 114 W. 6th, Topeka, Ks., CE price 8.6360 3-3950. Paul L. Weixelman, Mer- 1965 No. 50 2 row Field harvest- due in soon - clean north of Wells, approximately x11 4x14 & 4x16 JD mounted er 8.2039 220 acres cultivated, rest good iden, 484-2242. All machines lister here are No. 250 2 row cultivator TY, KANS. pasture. Well improved and FOR SALE - 320 acres of in good condition, ready for No 255 2 row cultivator M ->fin Implement Co. plenty of water. Will sell on Dwight, service. No. 238 9 row cultivator contract at 5%. grass. Dale Shepherd, Telephone CE 8-5101 rnpletion Kans., 482-3873. SB11 2 No. 37 10'7" sealed bearing LINCOLN COUNTY- 160 LTNDQUIST IMPL. wheel disks. IH attan acres, all tillable FOR SALE by owner: Spacious No. 15 10'7" plain bearing wheel .junction City. Kansas )NDITION LINCOLN COUNTY- 80 acres older home, recently remodeled. TA 3-2451 disk, IH home, 1% all tillable, irrigated, includingBedrooms to spare, abundant Case 10' .TTY 10' wheel disks COMBINES equipment. closet space, 2 baths. Closeto JTTST TRATIED FOR 1967 C -II Gleaner with cab wall -wall, schools, churches and down- 808 N. 10th 1961 190 TR truck 1966 A -II Gleaner, 14' basement, LINCOLN COUNTY- 240 town. See at 5'9 Clark,Clay 1 ciA5 1100 IH truck 1965 A -II Gleaner with cab acres improved, on all weather SB12 SALINA, KANSAS road. 72 acres pasture, 168 acres Center, Kans. 632-5135. 195° Chey. pickup 1961 A Gleaner with cab SCHOOL - tillable. 1963 Chev , 4 on floor automatic 1959 No. 55 John Deere, sharp ^ooms, oak FOR SALE by owner: Wellim- USED 1958 A Gleaner, 1 owner :arpeted llv LINCOLN COUNTY- 320 proved 360 acre farm, 235 acres AC Roto-baler Abilene Truck TRACTORS 11 of builtinacres pasture cropland, balance good pasture. 1965 C -II Gleaner with cab, 18' 1966 4000 Ford gas, clean ;helves, 2 air Modern 5 bedroom home,3 1965 190XT AC diesel, A-1 CLOUD CO.- 200 acres pasture farrow- 12' IH wheel disc Financed CLOUD COUNTY- 160 acresbarns, implement shed, 3 pt. New Holland mower & Tractor, Inc. New D-21 II AC, big savings in.$19,500 on highway, partial improve- ing house, lots of grainstorage, New No. 780 forage harvester ments, 72 acres grass, balancegood fences. Excellentlocation Used 3 & 4 btm. snap coupler below cost 'LUS FIRE. tillable. on Highway 77,Gage County, plows CO 3-4727 )om ranch Nebraska. Will sell oncontract. 1959 AC D17 714 So. Buckeye nt withaddl. CLOUD COUNTY- 2040 acresWrite P.n. Box 491,Beatrice, Bundy Equipment 2 grass, on highway, with im- 1967 Gleaner A -II, like new nished, provements. Nebr. 68310. x14 ABILENE, KANS. ort, $21500. 1966 AC 190XT gas with cab & 942 S. West St. WH 2.7261 Side by FOR SATE or tradefor a pick- duals WICHITA, KANSAS - Siler Agency up - 1958 V8automatic Chevy. 1963 AC D19 gas eh unit. 148 South Seventh FOR SALE - HAY EQPT. full base. TA 51551 Phone PR 6-8251, Manhattan. IHC 11' wheel disk with sealed Model 500 Hesston SP 14' wind - COMBINES - 1959 18' John Ask for Ray LeDuc x11 bearings Deere 95. 1961 C Gleaner. 1952, )00 Evenings TA 74544 rower, good FOR RENT - Justacquired, 1964 AC D15 NH 271 wire baler 1953, 1958 Gleaners. 1959, 1958, AN - With SALINA, KANS. Ander- NH No. 68 wire; 68 twine 1956, 1949 John Deeres. 1959 Al- ne Cutstone 640A grass. Cell Dusty 1959 JD 45 with cab lis LP 100. 1950, 1951 Massey )om, base Half Section son, Phone 913349-2831. SB12 1963 JD 45 with cab, power All Reconditioned 27's. TRACTORS - 1965 LP .ge.$16,000. FOR SALE - Pasturefor 170 steering, 12' platform, 2 row TRACTORS Comfort King 930, 1600 hrs. Excellent Farmland Anderson corn head MM 1966 670 Super Tractor 1961 G -VI. Good 720 John Deere it Trade yearlings. Call Dusty MM GVI tractor for sale. 4 mileseast of Olsburg, 913 349-2831, WhiteCity.SB12 diesel. 1957, 1951 MM GB's. Nice Two MM U; MM GTE 960 Ford with loader. 1957 MF ; McNeil '/2 mile south. Owner's health Cuba Impl. Co. forces OWNFR WILL financepart of 50 with loader. 1952 WD Allis. sale. For price & infor- of )r mation, contact: 3 bedroom homein Keats, Gould's, Inc. Late 5x14 JD semi-mtd. steer - atonalBank an acre withhouse. For ap- Phone 4F 7 able plow. 4x14 Massey mounted Les 95164 Dain's Real Estate pointment call 9-5947. x11 3 pt. plow. Davis loader. 4 row \T, KS. ACIA Cuba, Kans. ifis,(AggPhone CH 32609 Dempster 3 pt. rotary lister, Phone 582-4590 2 BEDROOM home,3 yrs. old, 0,01.1.4*1213 fertilizers, rubber press, gauge of SILVER LAKE, KANS. wall in living 10acres 11/2 baths, wall to CHEAP COMBINES - 1952 wheels. 3 nearly new Dempster )ttomland and dining room,full basement, Gleaner $750. 1948 55, $195. 1949t'cmc4"''''''''''CONCORDIA. KS. rotary units withfertilizers. FOR SALEor trade for live- well, %A Ford plows, discs, Esters, culti- 1 with 1A80 be. stock. Modern3 bedroom home with garage. rood 14' 55, $550. 1949 International ice cou..th finance. Phone FOR SALE - Allis Roto baler,vators, blades. 4 row mounted 3 In Westmoreland. Forced air land, owner will 125, $250. 1950 Massey 27, $195. ! ements heating.Ideal for retirement. Chapman 922-6995. SB12 1951 Massey, $495. 12A Johngood belts, also Bee Boxes pt. lister cultivator. 14' JD rornolete GIt?eerY, drug stores and post bedroom houseDeere. Allis Allcrop Harvester. with Supers. Leo Sandmann, wheel disc. Used cabs for C, A, 4miles office FOR SALE - 2 Blue Rapids, Ks., Phone 55 JD. Nickel Brothers, Buhler, within 2 blocks from J. M. Hart, Del- Nickel Brothers, Buhler, Kans. x11 KansIder./1 house. Call Area 913 224-3687. to be moved. x12 x11. 226-7340. x12 Kansas. tate Rro x13 phos. teapolis, Si311 SPIN SPREADER THIS MACHINERY TRACTORS Keep Comin' No. 301 JD lb. spin spreader Turn -Key BARGAIN -PRICED IHC 560 diesel dryfertilizer 2;ik 1964 F Allis Chalmers WD To St. Marys swath 40", like capaeit'v 1962 j FARMALL 706 LP, 1800 hrs., new '' Construction Allis Chalmers CA & WC 1964 3020 dsl.,wide axle 1961 std.dbr., TA, IPTO, newly We've sold a lot of machinery 1961 $4200 TRACTORS overhauled ...... COMBINES but there's a lot more bar- 1960 1\ PICKUP, Int. 1966, 23,000 miles, MH 60 IHC 303 gains around here. 1963 4010 dsl., $1575 speed 1960 I extra good Gleaner E with corn head SPECIALS 1960 JD 630, 3point pomp 1959 SPRINGTOOTH, NEW IH No. Gleaner C, 14' header 1962 p010 gas, z' 340 191/2', fast hitch or 3 pt., new front 1958 I (A, JD 171/2' fold around FWA disk, 1955 JD 60, tiN 1958 it4 * special $650 MISCELLANEOUS dual wheels, good 3010 gas,power steering JD No. 6 2 row planterwith new sleeves 1955 I CHISEL, JD 13' pull type with 1966 almost new N -H forage wa- 1961 3010 dsl.,repainted 1953 F heavy coil spring teeth $350 fert. gon, mtd. on 4 -wheel trailer 1961 560 IH dsl., 1952 I North Central Steel MOWER, IH 7' fast hitch$135 AC 12'6" tandem disc Priced to go. low hrs. 1950 J RAKE, IH No. 15 completely AC 80T mower, trail type COMBINES $325 TRACTORS 1949 F Irrigation, Inc. overhauled AC 80R mower 1965 JD 55, 14', 1947 LISTER, IH 4 row with fert., Industrial, Lawn & Garden IHC 300 Utility,painted, new cab 1942 I P.O. Box 141 913 392-2077 mounts on H or M Farmall Equipment 1965 Jr) 95, 16',cab MINNEAPOLIS, KANSAS tires 1961 JD 45 12',cab Dual $350 We Rent, Sell, Trade, Lease TO Ferguson 20, good 1959 Jr) 45 12', large SWATHER, IH No. 201, 14' 1960 JD RC 2010 gas, painetd, 1956 JD 45 10', tires NEW FORD TRACTOR $1965 Henry Sales overhauled very clean N°. BARGAINS AT COMBINE, IH 101 12', ready to 1952, 55, 56 JD 55's 26' Pa MCPHERSON, KANSAS 1951 C Farmall, with plow and Interest Waiver 16' IH go $1775 mower To DecemberOn Combiri Model 3000 gas, LPTO $3595 BALER, No. 46 IH twine, good & Service, Inc. 1, 1969 12' III Model 4000 gas LP1 0 $3850 $675 2 JD 630 tractors, 1959 IH No Model 5000 gas LPTO $4650 E. Hwy. 24 1954 60 John Deere WHEEL DISCS omfc Model 5000 diesel LPTO $4995 1959 730 John Deere 2 near new 11'2"Krause Model 5000 D Selecto $5195 GRIMWOOD & Meriden Rd. IHC 1959 560 dsl. 2 RW 11' JD's Model 8000 diesel $7795 IHC 1958 450 gas, real good No. 37 IH 9'10" F & SON Zak FL 4.7641 USED TRACTOR BARGALNS AL).1Sc,..lidisna 2 IHC Model M tractors, sold 10'9" IH wheel 67 Ford 5000 Selecto $3975 BURNS, KANS. one RWA JD 13'10"with Sealed 66 Ford 3000 gas $2650 TOPEKA, KANSAS 2 IHC Model C tractors, sold one Pq rings 62 Ford 5000 diesel $1975 316 PA6-5247 13'10" AW JD $1995 1958 MH 444, gas, power steer- F 63 Ford 4000 gas INTERNATIONAL "A" No. 37 12' IH withsealed brgs, 62 Ford 5000 diesel $1595 ing, 3 pt. hitch, painted, NEW11' Case with regular SEE AT OVERBROOK 1954Modeltractoringood from one end to the other bearingi 62 Ford 881 Selecto $1950 1 Farmall 806D with cab & shape. Only 100 hrs. on over- 61 Ford 871 diesel $1695 wide front 2 MH 44 tractors ROW CROP TOOLS 60 Ford 871 gas $1950 2 Farmall 560D completely hauled motor. 2 JD G; JD A; JD B 2 No. 6 JD lister planters 60 Fordson diesel $1150 overhauled Price $350 USED WHEEL DISKS HM 46 IH lister withfert. 60 Allis D17 diesel $1750 ed 2 row Dempster Plantall 60 Ford 971 diesel $1495 1 Farmall 460D, 700 hrs. on com- See At JD 161/2' BW with fold up gangs 2 4 row JD cultivators 60 Ford 981 gas $1150 plete overhaul FARMERS CO-OP real good 4 row IH tool bar planter $1795 Farrah 59 Ford 881 diesel 1 Farmall 460G, 1962, with 1800 2nd & Pierre PR 6-9467 Jr) 14' AW good 12 sections No. 14 JDhoe 59 Ford 841 diesel $1495 hrs. on it. Excellent cond. MANHATTAN, KANS. IHC 37 10', plain bearings 3 2 row IH cultivators dem, 59 Ford 871, needs repair$595 1 Farmall M, 1946, excellent 4 JD 54 Ford NAA LP $595 cond., has power strg.,live GUARANTEED PLANTERS MISCELLANEOUS plet( 52 M&M R with loader $325 hyd., 3 pt. hitch USED TRACTORS IHC 6 row 30" with fert. & F931H 16' JD wheel springtooth used 48 IHC M diesel $495 1 Farmall M, 1946 1964JD 4020D insecticide 1962 No. 62 Papec cutter Grains 40 IHC M Farmall 5150 403 combine, cab,13' head & 1966 JD 3020 gas, powr-shift IHC hitch for pulling 2 planters row crop & pickup with corn] 48 Massey 30 row crop $275 2 row corn head 1964 JD 3020 gas, Syro-Range together 28' Parker wheel harrow sides 50 Massey 44 Std. $395 Grain-i 101 combine with cab, 10' head 1965 JD 2010, 1716 hrs. Ford 2 row 3 pt., fert., insecti- 32' Crustb"ster wheel hams with New Ford Equipment 101 combine, no cab, 10' head 1961 JD 2010 cide, herbicide No. 9A planter & disk hitch At Bargains Deere 55 combine, good mech. 1961 AC D15 D, wide front 1 JD 4 -row 871 lister, 3 -pt., ro- $S6 gate NEW HOLLAND EQPT. cond , no cab 1959 Ford 971 gas, Select() tary moldboard, fert.insecti- only 907 14' Windrower (new) $5995MH 82 & MH 80 1959 AC D17 gas, overhauled cide,has herbicide Washington Impl. JD F2. 717 2 row harvester.... $2695IH No. 27 hay baler, demonstra- 1959 MF 50, wide front, power IHC rot. MB 4 -row lister, FH Co to 6 269 PTO twine baler; new $1875 tor $1295 steering Used JD circle hitch to pull 2 1963 NH 271 baler, PTO $975 1957 IHC 350 gas 4 row planters EA 5.2301 1961 NH 900 14' windrower IH No. 350 field harvester, new, JD 520 weathered, close out price 1956 Case 401 diesel, power strg. WASHINGTON, $1550 1956 JD 60, power steering SPRINGTOOTHS JD F9 59 Ford 250 PTO baler.. $395 1955 J D50, overhauled JD 18' 3 pt., and 16' KANS. new 57 JJD 14T PTO baler.... $375 Hoyt Farm Eqpt. 1954 JD 60, a good one 3 JD 12' 3 pt. springtooths MF 82 66 IHC No. 47 PTO baler $1375 MH 80 1951 IHC M, power steering IHC 12', fast hitch USED MACHINERY M&W 67 NH SP 818 self propelled 2 - MO 5-2665 1952 IHC H, 3 pt. hitch AT WAKEFIELD JD ( row forage harvester$5750 1950 IHC H 1968 JD 4020 dsl., wide front 65 Ford 612 forage harv. $875 1949 JD A 1967 JD 4020 dsl., wide front 1965 806D Farman OVERBROOK, KANS. 1951 WD AC 1959 JD 630 gas 1964 IH 806 diesel Osa McPherson 1951 MH 44 1962 JD 3010 diesel 1952 TO Ferguson 30 with is HERINGTON 1949 IHC M; 1946 JD G 1960 JD 60 gas dustrial loader Oi Tractor Co. 1964 IHC 70 Cub Cadet lawn & 1959 JD 720 diesel 1959 Ford 941D TRAap TORS garden tractor with mower &D4 Cat with hyd. dozer 1959 Farmall 460 gas with with wide front blade Phone 316 front end U MISCELLANEOUS MILLER -MILLER --MILLER 1959 Farmall 340 gas COLO 1 Pt.tE NI 241-2900 Used JD 694AN planter These offset disks arereally 1958 John Deere 820D 2 year Used Jn 290 planter selling. We've sold truckloads. 1952 IH WD9 1967 0 MCPHERSON, KANS. TRACTORS Used IHC 4 row Flexi-planter And we've got some more. 1951 Farman M, overhauled,1 3 Moo 1965 JD 3020 diesel units yr. cho CASH - NO TRADE 1964 IHC 504 gas Used JD 2 row 3 pt. listers, 1 , 1950 Farmall M; 1950 WD Allisjohn C AT THIS PRICE 1960 IHC 460 diesel with rotary bottoms, 1 with 1948 Farmall M; 1947 Farm]IH F 656 G Hydro Tractor 1959 A -C D-17 LP regular bottoms Farmers Union MD We ha` list price $7350. Special $5800 1962 IHC 560 gas Used Jr) RWA 8'8" wheel disk 1947 John Deere A with loads5 bot F756 D tractor 1962 Ford 971 diesel Used Jr) KBA 8'8", 9'10", 11' Hdw. & Implement 1942 Farmall H; 1938 JD A Case 4 list price $9025. Special $7200 1962 AC D-15 wheel disks 2 Moni F 656 D tractor 1958 John Deere 420 Flail King 12' shredder for Everett Hoobler COMBINES Oliver list price. $7850. Special $6100 1958 JD 520: 1956 IHC 300 with rental or special price on rental Ford 611 SP combine;12' 1962 0] leader; 1954 JD 60; 1951 IHCshredder Mgr. 2 row F 856 D tractor 442.21* OTiCIEltill 1965 1,11 303 combine ' list price $9825. gpssial $T700 M wit* ltive, hyd. Ph. 43q-2663 1651 161, 1957 MH 88, 1954 AC lister F 1256 p tractor 1662 16.1W6; 1948 JD with $6wig motor We list priee ULM. Special $0350 loadr-ri952 G Tette! Tftettati Cek, fibt. fel No. 22 161, tern head I F 756 D tractor Used Perm> cab for JD 4026 Comers field natter list price $9025. Special $7200 MACHINERY Junction Hwys. 36 & 68 TRACTORS IHC 4 row cultivator 1966 Ford 4000 gas with 72? 1967 14/ 550 field cutter 403 Hydro drive combine, 16' Store Phone DE 6-2138 loader 1963 RH 50 field cutter platform JD 4 -row pull curler SENECA, KANSAS BALERS & MOWERS list price $12,450. Special $9800 JD 406 planter with fert. 1964 4020 John Deere IH No. 46 wire 403 combine, 16' platform JD 2 row 3 pt. lister 1963 4010 John Deere PLANTERS Ferguson 3 pt. mower hi list price $12,150. Special $9600 WHEEL DISKS: Jr) RW 12'; 1962 3010 John Deere JD 3 pt. mower, No.9 403 Combine, 16' platform Schaefer 12'; MM 12'; Massey JD 494A, fertilizer, liquid pre- 1959 D-17 Allis with plow; wide list price $12,160. Special $9600 John Deere 9' KBA; Massey emerge, insecticide, very good front axle OTHER MACHINERY 6' offset disk JD 494A, fertilizer, insecticide, 1954 70 John Deere gas 350 forage harvester with crop very good IH F40 4 row weeder,, pull iV unit JD 45W loader with hyd. bucket 1953 John Deere 60 Ford 2 row 3 pt. cultivator JD 45 loader with hyd. bucket JD 494A, fertilizer, insecticide list price $2750. Special $2300 JD 494, insecticide COMBINES IH 261 fast hitch B: Farm hand stacker lior 340 ST center att. for 7' harrow AC 6 row 30", fertilizer, insecti- 1968 55 14' combine IH 250 2 row with rear sec 7' wing extn., 3 pt. hitch, 21' 1967 Gehl SP field harvester, cide, dry herbicide, very good IH 255 2 row fast hitchrearm!. listprice$7:15. extra good 1964 45 12' combine cult9 COM Special $575 IH 2 row fast hitch, fert. Massey 26 combine IH 455 4 row front rat. 80 4R lister with fert. unit 15' Clark anhydrous applicator, Ford 3 pt. lister John Deere 5 sec.springtooth list price $1875. Special $1500. used on 1000A, 330 gal, tank 3 pt. springtooth carrier '1100M:N 1964 JD 215A windrower, with TRACTORS MACHINERY 2 10x10 150 drills, fert., rubber JD 4020 diesel, real good JD 3x14 55 plow No. 60 2 row planter 180 MI press wheels cond. JD 730 diesel, good International H M lister 165 MF list price $9900. Special $2500 1967 Jr) 24T baler JD DR 16-8 grain drill International 182 lister 5R5 Obi, 1963 JD 914T baler JD 70 diesel, good Case 10'6" disk, wheel type 45 Vibra Shank cult., 12' AC CA, live PTO, good Ford 2 row cultivator 205 MF list price $785. Special $595 1962 & 1959 JD 14T balers IH H with live PTO DISCS & PLOWS 300 MF Lots of good used plows, spring- JD 13-7 FB grain drill, new disk IH 37 wheel disc,14' tooths and grain drills & scrapers David Bradley 9'wheel disc POI Heinen Impl. Co. Kansas Farm Mchy. JD 931 springtooth, 16' with IH fast hitch disc 2 row C SEE US FOR NEW carrier IH 37 12' wheel disc 1 row C Crust Buster Harrows New Idea 7' mower disc 913 - HA 8-3261 CE 3-1374 JD 14T baler Krause 14' wheel Grain-O-Vator and Blair Feed JD SS 16-8 grain drill IH oneway plow Wagons I West 24 Allis mtd. 3x16 plow JEWELL, KANS. at Goodyear JD 350 side rake IH No. 560 steerableplow 1(1 Liken( Blair manure spreader Letz PTO grinder 311 FH IH 3x16 Like ne WE RE -BEVEL KNIVES Danuser post hole digger TOPEKA JD No. 6 single row cutter TH 309 demo., 3 pt,3x14 968 30( G -B loaders IHC side rake s.tiPer ON IH FIELD HARVESTERS Ford 2x16 plow, 3 Pt. ce 82 We have the grinder to re -bevel Schafer disks HAYING EQUIPMENTfor JD No. 10 corn attachment Several other 3bottom Pu sale - Allis Chalmers Roto-bal-PA 300 two row lister with 392 cor, the knives on these models of fertilizer att. plows 460 con International field harvesters: ers, standard and fast -wrap Krause 11' disk 3 80 cc 20C, 15-16-50.55-350 and 550 Tri-County Sales overdrive. I can furnish and in- AFarmlso see vs for: est stall, at your farm, top quality Massey 3x16 3 pt. plow Hand FarmrAlilipni 150 Cas. If your knives need sharpening, George Munkres 2 -row pull type listed Lilliston RollingCultivators bring them in for prompt, ex- endless bale forming beltsor corn cult. FOF Phone Collect front press roller. New HollandFord side arm loader and RollingCutters pert beveling. JD No. 9 mower, No. 5mower " ahl 2 BL 8-2249 or BL 8-2991 461 haybine, like new. IHC 12' Hours: 8:00 a.m. 6`. HP; )ase 1 dump rake, tractor hitch. Side Ph.1101 Gehl Schumacher's Inc. HERINGTON, KANSAS delivery rakes. New Idea, Allis EmergencyParts 1 and Ford. M -F Dyna-Balance W W Smith & Sons or HO 1.5811. FOR SALE or trade- IHC 101mowers. 33' and 65' hay and Highway 36 14'platform 1961 combine, corn elevators. Model 35 Fergu- C)tta'i above average. Low acreage. Al- son tractor. Kneib pop-up or 420 5th on ID EA 5-2316 ways shedded. Cold use lareeMokan bale loaders. MM SP mobile home. Karl Smith, 316- combine, Franklin Pacey, ME 2-3148 WASHINGTON, KANS. 478-2415, Norwich, Kans. 67118. Phone Oak Rill -913 -388-2409. x11 x12 CLAY CENTER, KS. )ER USED TRACTORS COMBINES EFarmall 806D WICHITA Bader, 2600 1967 C -II 20',cab, chopper Gas & Diesel Hoerman Supply Co. tpacity, 2 JohnDeere 4010D 1967 C -II 20',LP gas is8). Farman560 LP 1967 C -II 18', $495 John Deere 2010 cab, chopper Shop Service WHERE PUMPS axle 1967 C -II, 18',cab have been our business 00 Massey Ferguson65D 1966 C -II,20' ,chopper MOST up-to-date service s,50 Farmall560D 1966 C -II, 18',chopper shop in our area FOR 25 YEARS ,pump eere 730D 1965 C -II,18' 8 FarmallJoh350D 1965 C -II, 18',chopper Complete diesel testing equip- over 200 pumps LATE MODEL 8 Ford 871 1965 A -II 16', ment to take care of the major- USED TRACTORS ront tires cab ity of tractors. tiering 5 Farmall 400 1960 A, 14'; 1959A, 14' in stock 1966 JD 4020 RC dsl., 3 pt., diff. leeves 3 FarmallSuper M 1951 Massey27 16' 2 Massey Harris 22 1953 A 14'; 1952 Boring bars, line boring ma- RENT -TRADE -REBUILD lock, PTO, new tires, 1844 hrs. ed °John Deere MT R 14' chine, welding, electrical, acety- Warehouse at Zeandale, Ks. $6200 hrs. 1959 AC D17gas tractor with lene. 1965 JD 4020 RC dsl., big fen- 9 FarmallC loader, powerstrg. Phone MANHATTAN ders, 3 pt., dual hyd., diff. S 7Iii TD -6 crawler & dozer 1968 New AC3 pt. mower $475 Valve equipment, rod align- 913 - 776-9253 2 FarmallM ment tools. lock, power shift, new tires, al wheels for Farmall 350 AIRCRAFT TIRES 1400 hrs. Competent factory trained per- 1964 JD 4020 RC dsl., full vision MISCELLANEOUS Allis-Chalmers Parts, sonnel - in hydraulics, diesel, FOR FARM USE cab, 3 pt., hyd., real clean tires No. 448 4 row lister Sales and Service electrical and general mechan-Aircraft pickup traction tires. 1964 JD 4020 RC LP, power clean Parker springtooth harrow ical work. Heavy duty trailer tires. Wide shift, 3 pt., dual hyd. $5250 IH 3 pt. springtooth harrow Ochs, Inc. traction fronts. Flotation com-1964 JD 4020 RC dsl., power Combines IH FH springtooth harrow OTIS, KANS.67565 bine rears. shift, 3 pt., hyd. You won't , 1969 No. 460 4 row planter Phone 913 BOWMAN find a cleaner tractor nfort trail type sprayer - 387-2361 Farm Impl. & Truck Co. 1965 JD 3020 RC dsi., dual hyd., 240 East Eighth Chet Alton diff. lock, wide front, 3 pt., .ause TIRE CO., INC. only 700 hrs. Rossville Truck JUNCTION CITY, KANS. 1964 JD 3020 RC dsl., 3 pt., hyd., 725 N. 11th wide front & Tractor Co. COME TO HILLSBORO TA 3-3767 19,65 JD 4020 std.dsl., hyd., sealed PTO, 1500 hrs., diff. lock Phone 584-3560 COMBINES `The Combine Capital' SALINA, KANS. $5600 ROSSVILLE, KANS. 1967 MF 300, 13' USED COMBINES 1961 Case 630 dsl., wide front, ?aled brgs, 1965 MF 222 corn head 1968 G Gleaner, 23ft., low LOANS ALL TYPES 3 pt., PTO $1750 ar bearings 1967 MF 422 cornhead 1961 MM M-5 dsl. with cab acres $10,000 to $100,000,000 1961 4010 dsl. std., real clean OOLS 1968 MF 300 14 -ft.det.table, 1968 G Gleaner, 20', cab used not over 300acres 1968 G Gleaner 20', clean Anywhere in USA and Canada $ .650 anters 1959 MF No. 82 14' combine, 1968 F Gleaner, 17' cab FISHER Real Estate - Mortgage 1963 AC D19 dsl.,3pt., hyd., h fert. good shape 1967 C -II Gleaner, 18', LPG, Corp. overhauled Inta11 1955 MH 90 Special, 14' chopper Mortgage Brokers irs NEW MACHINES COMBINES 1961 0-.ver No. 25 12' 1963 800 Case, 14', nice Joy, Ill.61260 danter =hand 820 mixer grinder, JD No. 45 with 12' header 1967 C -II Gleaner with cab, 16' D hoe $1475 1959 A Gleaner, 12', cab platform $7800 demo. 1957 A Gleaner, 14', clean New 1968 M -M )rs ID 24B planting units, com- TRACTORS 1957 141 IH, 12' 1966 C -II Gleaner with cab, 16' plete withfert., never been 1967 MF 1:15 Deluxe, 570 SPRING SPECIALS platform L'OUS hrs. Have Some New 1968 F & G 1965 used $675 1955 Case 400 dsl. Moline G 900 Diesel Tractor Gleaner with cab, 16' springtoothrain-O-Vator 30 feed trailer TRACTORS $6995.00 plat form .stter with complete, long auger, ext. 1966 AC 190XTD, low hrs. New MM wheel discs: 1964 A -IT Gleaner 14', always sides & tires. New .... $1099 Pfister -Rhodes 1965 AC 190D, clean 12'8" - $750 shedded, real clean irrow rain0Vator 55 feed trailer 1962 AC D-15, wide front end 13'11" - $7901959 95 John Deere, 18'plat- ?el harrow with ext. sides, removable tail 1965 IH F806D, WF, TA, 3 pt. Special on Dempster Listers form sk hitch $95 gate and airplane tires. One Impl. Co. 1959 AC D-17, overhauled, new 1958 Jr) 55 with 14' platform, only - New $1275 Marion Mchry. Co. power st"ering, always she'l- tires d'd, farmer machine $2500 F245 7-16 plow, reducable Phone 439-2445 1959 JD 730, LPG, 3 pt. 126 East Main Ph. 382-3150 mpl. Co. o 6 btm. Demo. $1750 1957 AC WD 45, WF 1961 .TD 95 with 18' platform JAMESTOWN, KANS. 1953 AC WD, WF, 45kit MARION, KANS. 66861 1961 .Tohn Deere 5514' USED EQUIPMENT 1951 AC WD, good 1961 MF 82, 12', ne wpaint $2000 5-2301 520 tractor $1400 1950 AC WD, wide front end USED TRACTORS SHINGTON, F910 spring harrow, like DAUER 1948 IH M, new tires 1962 JD 4010 dsl., completely Western Impl. Co. overhauled KANS. lew $215 2256 S. West St. WH 3-4261 '82 SP combine $2600 IMPLEMENT CO. MISCELLANEOUS 1961 JD 4010 diesel 180 Special combine .. $595 1964 JD 3020, wide front WICHITA, KANS. 1954 Super MTA, rebuilt & IH 100 trailer mower with 7' 1964 JD 3020, power shift rNERY 1W Turbo charger for 4020 painted or 9' bar [ELD D or 4010, late style .. $275 AC 80R mower, late model 1967 Ford 4000 Complete 1953 IH Super WD6 tractor 1965 Ford F-100 truck, V8, 4 spd., 1950 JD B 1961 IH I -560D tractor SWB 1948 JD A 1= )sage Farm Eq. Co. IH No. 37 12' wheel disk 1967 NH 905 swather, Ford en- LISTERS Line Of 30 with in 1962 IH B275 diesel tractor gine, conditioner OSAGE CITY, KANS. JD 3 pt. lister $225 Behlen Steel 1958 John Deere diesel tractor, 1.966 NH SP 818 cutter, low IH 4 row 3 pt. $"50 Phone LA 8-1422 with roll-a-matic front end acres TILLAGE FARM BUILDINGS, is with wid' 1956 IH F-300 Farman with 1959 Oliver 60T baler USED MACHINERY wide front end 1958 IH 46T baler JD 4x14 semi mounted plow BINS, AUGER EQUIPMENT is AC 77G rake JD RW disk, 13'2" AFB 20D year old Case disc, 11 ft. IH No. 37 1211" disk NH 56B rake 1948 JD A Phone or write Mike Wayland at 7 Oliver 1850 gas IH 4 -section rotary hoe with JD 11' wheel disc JD T4 cult., wit hrear rips 'erhauled, 1 Model A John Deere's, your No. 15 impl. carrier Trvelo 8'x40' house trailer IH No. 37 disk, 12'6" WIB Wayland Const. Co. choice @ $450 IH No. 120, 19 disks, one way, JD RW disk, 13'2" AFB 50 WD AllisIn Deere B; 2 JD 60 3 pt. nearly new Jost Implement Co. Used 4 row lister Phone EA 5-2134 947 FarmallM Farmall M 111 3 IH 403 combines, 16' header, Washington, Kansas66968 have a used No. 5540 Oliver 947-3182 Belleville impl. 5 cut less than 700A with loader bottom plow WANTED TO BUY: 18 JD A ;e 4 sec. rotary hoe 1967 McCormick 201 windrower, HILLSBORO, Ph. JA 7-2261 Monitors 14', auger platform Late Model ES ver wheel disk 10' 1964 McCormick F-806 gas trac- AtISS-CHASIVISMS KANS. Norman V. Hanshaw wrecked or burned ie, 12' 2 Oliver 550, A-1 tor tractors, combines or farm. rowJD rotary moldboard IH No. 20 manure spreader GOOD USED PARTS machinery.Any make or (46, 1954 AClister, 3 pt., with fert. III No. 60 3-16 plow, nearly new TRACTORS Tractors,Combines & Farm model. Call us last; we will We Are Forney Welding 1958 J D520 gas Machinery. We buy wrecked or pay more. head Equipment Dealers McCormick No. 311 3-16 plow1965 JD 3020 gas, low hours, cutter wide front burned late model tractors & North 81 .tter 1954 JD 70, good shape farm machinery. Ater Peschel Bros. Falun MH 33 tractor, new sleeves & North 81 Tractor Salvage TRACTOR & IMPL. SALVAGE DWERS pistons Route 1 PR 2-5491 Ph. PR 2.5491 Route 1 NEW LOCATION SEDGWICK, KANS. 67135 SEDGWICK, KANSAS pier COMBINES 1. 9 400 Center 1958 Gleaner A, 12 ft. TRACTORS SALINA Phone 1011 MH 80, 12 ft. 1962 JD 4010 LP, 3 pt. IINERY 562-2377 Falun is located 20 miles MISCELLANEOUS 1960 JD 830 dsl., electric start ?r, pull 1959 Case 400 gas, 3 pt. MARYSVILLE, KANS. southwest of Salina Heavy duty Twin-draulic loader, ultivator fits MF 85 & 90 tractors 1958 JD 720 dsl. std., 3 pt. 1955 JD 70 dsl RC, pwr. strg. 4E6R103 0118R811331 BIGGEST BARGAIN 1 Used loader, fits AC WD & rear section USED TRACTORS WD 45 tractor 1952 MH No. 55 dsl., overhauled itch rear mt. IN COUNTRY- 1962 4000 diesel loader & back - JD No. 6 field cutter, used 1 1950 IHC W6 gas, overhauled t mt. cult. COME SOUTH AND LOOK hoe season COMBINES IF YOU ARE LOOKING springtooth NEW MACHINERY 1951 Ford 8N JD RW 12'6" wheel disk with FOR QUALITY USED EQPT. .arrier 1962 JO No. 55, 14' AT THE RIGHT PRICE, MF & 6B plow $7750 1947 Ford 9N with overdrive sealed bearings 1955 MH No. 90, 16' ter MF & 5B plow 1959 971 diesel Ford JD KBA 10' wheel disk CHECK US OUT ON THESE lister $6500 1957 Mai or diesel JD 494 planter with fert. 1955 JO No. 55, 14' JD 4020 RC dsl., 1967 model, 3 lister MF & 4B plow $5500 1951 Gleaner R, 14' Oliver comb, 13' head$7500 1949 H Farmall, cult. & lister JD No. 851 rake, recond., all pt., wide front, power shift, 1967 Ford 5000 new teeth 88" belt pickup for JD 55 hyd., only 602 actual hours ADVVS NF comb.13' head $5750 Used straw chopper for late 95 MP comb., 13' head $8500 1947 IHC B, as is JD 4020 RC dsl., 1967 model, 3 14' Frankfort Impl. OTHER MACHINES pt., wide front, PTO, hyd., wheel disc FORAGE HARVESTERS USED MACHINERY 4 row JD front mtd. cultivator only 620 actual hours 'ow Gehl (new) $2250 2 row Dearborn cultivator Jr) 14T baler JD 4020 RC dsl., 1966 Model, row Gehl (new) $1975/2x14 Dearborn plow JD DR168 drill with fert. wide front, diff. lock, PTO, lisc 10' 3 pt. single disc 913 2924458 JD RB 1610 drill hyd., only 1302 actual hours USED MACHTNERY Richardson bale loader 5 sec. 2 pt. springtooth & car-IHC 706 RC gas, TA, PTO, dual ow COMBINES 7 ft. 3 pt. Ferguson disc Le plow, --5xl6 rier hyd., rockshaft, 1965 model ke new410 MF $7250 12' MC springtooth FRANKFORT, KANS. 4 & 5 sec. pull carrier & spring- JD 55 combine, 14', 1968 model, he new 510MF $7500 John Deere T14 baler tooths :, 3x14 16300, SEE THESE AT ALMA less than 400 acres actual use cut 100 acres $7500 Dempster 2 row lister 15' Sunflower V plow JO 55 combine, 15', 1968 modal; )t - Case 4 row planter with fert. pull 'Per 92 (new motor). $2450 THC Model H tractor less than 1000 acres use Atom F82 Hudson sprayer on wheels 1960 550 Cockshutt tractor, pow- NEW SPECIAL $1250 'x14 IHC pull -type plow er strg., wide front end JD DF 208C grain drills JD 55 combine, 15', 1968 mo- combines (good choice) $895 3x14 Dearborn plow 1960 Cockshutt 560, wide front del, less than 1000 acres use combines, choice $495 BMB Brute 7' pull type cutter While They Last JD 55 combine, 1959 model, al- Equipment!(I combines,choice..$1000 No. 77 Oliver tractor with dual ways shedded, farmer owned, ease, David Bradley garden tractor & hyd., WC, AC Cultivators good $1250 No. 81 Massey Harris cream puff Cutters attachments Blanding Impl. Co. MF 82 combine, 14', 1958 model, FORAGEHARVESTERS on steel M -M Jet Star tractor new paint, good cond -6:00 13.112811112 rowSP, like new 4 -row IHC planter 'h. HO 4e1 row pull 2 row John Deere planter BELOIT, KANS. Financing On Combines - thl 1 rowpull M. B. Salisbury Co. No Interest Until Dec. 1 Eberwein Garage PE 8-306A CE 3.7411 ttaWa Farm Salina Impl. Co. Imp. Co. 765-3813 114 Quincy FOR SALE- John De are A TA 3-2206 59;(1, mi. South of 601 S. Broadway EVROTO and 7.1.pw Tzoittuvi 55 rake.Ph. in 1.5414 OTTAWA, KANS. TOPEKA. KANS. ALMA, KANSAS 776-7324, Manhattan. SB11 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 494 John Deereplanter with Fairbanks - FOR SALE -JD No. 70 flexfertilizer and insecticide,$450. TRACTORS FOR SALE - 15 ton planter; JD No.34 field cutter Alfred Roeder, Seneca,Ks. SB11 1959 871 Ford 505 G with loader Morse pitless scale. Fourinch head. Dale Kee - oak deck, 9x18' Mueller Sand& with 2 -row 30" Kans., Ph. John Deere 1959 981 SOS G row crop 337-2252, seeker, Washington, BRAND NEW 494A SALESMAN 1958 971 SOS D, wide front end Gravel Co., Inc., Phone SB14 planter with fertilizer,12" seal- 'WANTED Hanover, Kans. 66945. SB12 325-2886. cov- 1961 971 SOS D, wide front end Hand baleed bearing furrow openers, We need anotherfarm 1951 8N Ford with over & under WANTED - Farm Phone 336- ment salesman. Large equip. FOR SALE - One combine bale pickup ering knives, $1000. territory GR 1958 841 Ford G with loader accumulator and SB11 good potential for NE 2800, Seneca, Kans. , 1951 C Allis Chalmers trailer with dual wheels. inter-fork. State priceand power likes to sell man who ested persons should writeto: driven dump. racks, Gi- and iswilling doir 1953 60 John Deere 1, As- take off or baler FOR SALE - Stock work. Experienced h loco Mrs. Carl W. Ericson, Rt. 1, Superior, rails for double man prefer 1951 8N Ford with loader x11 Paul Rathbun ,Rt. x11 ant bed, to floor red but willtrain bus saria, Kans. Nebr. 68978. good, $75. farm background. man with 1958 Case std. 800 D deck, less rear panels, Salary con' x11 aitit 1948 M Farmall, clean FOR SALE - 1955 Massey FOR SALE - 1952MH Super Wm. Horn, Glasco, Kans. commission. Transportation Joh 1955 Ferguson TO 35 w/ loaderHarris 60 10' combine, bomber needs furnished. war 27 14' combine. Motor FOR SALE -1964John Nor 1958 Ford 861, 4" pistons, good tires, new motor & new variable overhaul, otherwiseready to 12 foot 50 A JD; 56 640 Ford Deere HiLo No. 45 KUHN TRUCK 2411 drive in good condition. Been go. Make offer.LA 4-4880, Har- Richard Nu 3-2440 & TRACTOR 1961 640 Ford shedded. Theo Rippe, Home, Ks., Lincoln, Ks., acres.Reasonable. Lawrence, JE x11 old Von Fange, Wendleken, Clay Center, Ks., Ks, Phone 799-2930. RFD 2. 67455. x11 1-5879. Evenings or Sunday MACHINERY Phone Wakefield HO Don Whitaker, VI contact 12' MH wheel disc FOR SALE - 1958 Case 150 Ford trac- x12 3.463 11' KBA John Deere disc FOR SALE - 1951 combine, $600. Wade Zenger, tor, good shape.Good No. 5 FOR SALE - 7' Sun pickup Need One Experienced 10' Ford wheel disc Cuba, Kans., Phone 26F10. x12 mower - wouldlike to trade 11W MF 3 pt. lift disc Neil Wag- attachment for 16' or 18' Glean- Combine Operator Sears Lambretta scooter FOR SALE - 1965 Versatile for good 3 pt. mower. er. Used very little.$200. Want- ner, Westmoreland,Kans. Ph. H. me and one with someexperienet 4 row Ford pull type planter, swather with crimper, ready to x11 ed to trade: 16' header & All good equipment. p0( 224-3438. G Gleaners, out 2 seasons go to field. Pete Deneke,Phone reel for a C -II for a 14' header 20 -ft.with cabs. She 2 row Dearborn rotary lister x11 & chopper. Ron Roesler, Rt.2, A goodnit dog PE 8-2085, Beloit. FOR SALE - Dearborntractor Ph and top wages to the 2 row Dempster rotary (new) loader with live pump,hyd. Box 197, Manhattan, Kans., Room & board. Startright octt afte 2 row Dempster runner plant-FOR SALE - 1967 660 Case 4 - after 8:30 PR 6-7483. SB11 last combine, 13' head, cab, 2 row bucket. Surge milker, new May. of er, new unit pump, 3 buckets.Twelve FOR SALE - JD fold up wheel 2 row Ferguson rotary lister corn head and M&W header 10 gallon RALPH THOMPSON 2 No. 5 John Deere mowers control. Howard Rowe, Scran- can cooler. Fifteen disk 16'6", one year old. JD 4 cans. Merle Schmale,Palmer, Ph. Green 913WI 5c 7' New Idea trail mower ton, Ks. x14 x11 row cultivator. PaulThomas, 7' 3 pt. Dearborn mower Kans. 66962. Ph. 503. Burlingame, Ks., (913) 654-'615, Palmer, Kans. 3x14 IHC plow FOR SALE - 1958 MH 14' com- NH home after 5:00 and weekends. HAVING 'TROUBLE bine, new bars & tires last year.FOR SALE - Early model x12 hiring Dc 61 Ford 250 PTO string baler 66 baler, reasonable, inrespect- help? Let our 6man crew 58 Massey H string PTO balerEngine overhauled. Ready for able condition. Phone JE9-3140, tract build all types edo 6' 3 pt. land leveler harvest. $1500. Fred Muller, 317 x13 SWATHER BUSINESS is pick- your specifications.of fenceto Cc Dexter, Clay Center, Ks. x12 Manhattan. ing up. See or call us while we A&D 12' Ezee Flow Lindquist Fence Co.,Water 3 pt. Ford rigid shank cult FOR SALE - Late model still have good used and new Kans., 785-2618 or 785.2619, FOR SALE - Model 70 Series Hesston and John Deere ones tit pea: 3 pt. Ford spring shank cult. AC 5 bottom plow, demonstra-Dempster rotary lister, 6 row, See us for you hay tool needs 30" rows, with fertilizer and available. Also have good sup- HELP WANTED con: tor. Zamrzla Impl. Co., Wilson, ply of swather parts. Hetts Im- - grottinp Twine - Wire - Hyd. Hoses SB13 insecticide. Mounted or with independent grocerycompany' tion Complete Hardware Line Kans. 67490, Ph. 658-2370. pull -type carrier. Darwin Hous- plement, Marion, Kans. 316 needs: Store Managers, Lawn Tractors FOR SALE - 1965 JD 4020 holder, Courtland, Ks., Scandia ?82-2102. Night, Tom, 316 389,- Merchandisers, Grocery sale x11 x12 Produce ken ed 1 dsl., wide front axle, 3 pt., phone 335-2592. 2912. chandisers, Bookkeepers,Bo. ers, Meat Cutters, Stock the Burns -Salisbury hyd., PTO, 1700 hrs., 18.34 du- Oliver side -de - FOR SALE - RG 4 row cultiva- Clerk als. Phone 439-5422, Bob Whit- FOR SALE - Checkers and Cooks.Pay is addi ley, Jamestown, Ks. x12 livery rake onrubber. Good tor, $500. 4x16 nlow, throw good with employee benefits East US24 condition. $100.3.14 Plowmaster away shares, $450. Both John eluding: hospital-medicaisurgi.ia veto FOR SALE -66 JD 3020 gas, on rubber. $85Robert Chaffee, Deere 3 point hitch. Phone cal insurance, life insurance, PR 8-5731 power shift, 873 actual hrs. 64 Green. 944-2432. x12 475-3249, Gail W. Gasche, ac. SB12 cidental death and dismember five £04,167PAMIVP41 JD 4020 diesel, wide front. JD Kansas. ment insurance, weekly ins MANHATTAN FOR SALE - 1960 Cockshutt Doc' 4 row 3 pt. rotary lister $545. 1956 CHEV. ? ton truck, 16' protection, profit sharing,as if tl IHC 4 row No. 430 rotary, pull428 SP combine, very good, nual paid vacations, emergent! IN ABILENE type, liquid fert., insecticide, always shedded, power strg., combination bed -hoist: AC mtd. prof 2 row corn planter, fully earin- leave benefits. Apply to BoxIZ like new $850. New 494A 4 rowvariable speed. Phone 913 523- Manhattan, Kansas 66502, TI Parts & Service At 4688, Delphos, Kans. x12 ped, 3 pt. hitch. JD No '50 rake. Bdt planter, D disk, rubber press, Joe Bauman, Bern,Kans., Baird, Personnel Director, gt that 501 NW 2nd 263-1627 $654.89. Schleif Impl. Co., He- ingfullinformation about SB11 FOR SALE - IHC 101 combine, Oneida Phone TW 4-2398. fron bron, Nebr. 768-6077. 12', good; IHC 1950 H tractor, SB11 yourself and your work me, FOR SALE - 1958 Model 66 ience. furk Allis combine in good shape. 1961 181 JD 95 combine, good good; IHC 3 section harrow, 18'; Sill condition, priced reasonable. power post hole digger, fits 77 T -TOG FFEDERS - 3 for sale scho Oscar Beichter, Phone 913 or 88 Oliver. Phone CE 8-3087. Two 60 b"., other 40. Alan oak WANTED - Young men 16e be f ME 2.5025 Clay Center,Ks. Charles Ratzlaff, Canton, Kans., over for harvest crew. Good x12 Phone 316 628-4897. SB13 Ralph Meyer, Junction City, flooring for sale. Phone 229-5?9' ditio Kansas. x11 Alta Vista, Kans. xl 1 equipment. Salary guarantee! FOR SALE - 1960 12' MasseyWANTED - Good Wix or Sno- Trailer horse provided. Welk, sessi combine, good condition. Chris cc bale loader. Ph. 229-6661, BIG SAVING - 1 year old Vir- OWATONNA SWATHER, 1960 Epp, Rt. 4, Newton, Kans., AT 3-0786. SIll Krenzel, Cheney,Ks., 316 Alta Vista. x11 ginia Wonder riding lawn mow- model. for sale wrpw canvases, islat x14 er with 10 HP engine, like new. 0.00d. T-Tr.rold vaidlov. T ongforl, 542-3348. WANTED - Used front end 5x14 plow, good condition. Mar- Kans., Phone 913 388-7'56 WANTED - Custom onerato: not WANTED - HA 83 or HA 84weights to fit 4020 John Deere ion Stucky, Galva, Ks. x11 SB11 to chop ?00 tons grass silage's said, pickup att. for Gehl cutter. Vir- and rear wheel weights for MF 2 weeks. Call 5"98123, Maim prov FOR SALE OR TRADE - 2 tan. Sill gil Marsteller, Abilene, Rt.4. '65 Standard tractor. Don John-1958 MH combines, 14' 82's - the x11 son, RR1, McPherson, Kansas. MEN OR BOYS capable of mi't agre Phone 316 654-7502. x11 $2000 each.Would prefer NICE 1951 Gleaner 18', cab. one MH or Gleaner 14', 1966 Miscellaneous ning combines or trucks on have 1959 John Deere 18', cab. Both2 CUB CADETS, 102 with 38"or newer, if trade. Bob Kiser, run tostart in Oklahoma farmer owned. Nickel Brothers, mower, 122 with 48" mower, 3 Delphos, Kans., Phone 5234255. around June 1. Duane Luna Buhler, Kans. x11 year old Quarter Horse mare. SB11 Phone 293-5677, Leonardvilie Wallace Loewen, Peabody, Ks., Kans. SR FI' GOOD 1958 John Deere 55, only YU 3-2805. x12 FOSTER CHAFF trailer behindWANTED - 200 used railroad $1995. 1952 Gleaner 14', good your combine stacks winter ties. Clifford R. Wright, RFD 1, condition, only $750. Nickel FOR SALE - Salvage partsfeed while you harvest your LeRoy, Kans. 66857. Phone Irrigation RE Brothers, Buhler, Kansas. x11 from Oliver Model 33 SP com-grain. Contact Harold Crofts, 109E21. x12 bine. Lloyd Nemnich, Milton - Turon, Kansas. 316 HV 7-2261. 1951 IHC 14' 125 SP combine, vale, Kans. 67466. Phone 913 x15 FOR SALE - Chinchilla cages, int Is shedded, good tires, concaves ME 2-2760. x14 2 wood, tin lined, one all steel 3 FOR SALE - Tex -Flow Cc and Ausherman cylinder bars, COMBINE PARTS for Masseytiershigh. Complete withall tion flood and sprinklerpipe' in excellent condition. Kenneth ROTARY HOE - Fast hitch, Harris 27-26-21A-80. Also Cock- accessories. Verland W'-thnow, 2000' almost new 8" TexFlow nual Shank, Navarre 3903. x14 good as new IHC, 2 sections shutt 115. Tractor parts for MMHope, Kansas, Phone Hope 188. 20" gated: Roll -a -cone toolba.1 Rum 18x42. Will sell with or without and disc furrowers; also R!6 tion UTS, JD D, Case, Oliver. Roscoe x12 it WANTED - Pickup reel forhitch. A. K. Mussett, Basehor, Seifert, Cheney, Kansas. Ph. KI ardson Playpus irrigation Regi MF 300 combine, 13'. Give make. Kans., PL 8-2505. x12 2-3220. x13 WALNUT PLAYER Piano, ex- rowers; Noble lift-harrows:a condition,price. For sale:In- cellent condition, complete with tie oilers: Stroberg andPoO' at tl ternational T46 baler, excellent FOR SALE - IHC 62 Model 6'FOR SALE - 12 can Masterbiltbench & 68 rolls. Phone JE River cattle gates andpan The condition, $400. Lawrence Katz-with motor, in good condition. submersion milk cooler, good 9 6429, Manhattan. SB11 Waldon farm -tractordozers one II er, Neodesha, Ks., Phone 325- Ted Hollis, Delphos, Ks. SB14 shape. Good pop or melon cool- Warren St. Pierre, Aloes, Ai 2223. x12 er. $100. Wilbur Schoneweis, FOR THE rideof your life. (10 miles east Concordia11. FOR SALE - 12 ft. new Allis Oak Hill, Ks. 388-2107. x12 ride a Big Horn saddle from 446-631. will FOR SALE - John Deere 1958suringtooth harrow. 8'Allis FOR SALE - Hesston swatherKey Milling. Clay Center. Kans distr 720 dsl. std., 3 pt. and hyd. in ex-chisel, hyd lift, good. McCormick cellent condition. Has new rear 500, 1966 Ford motor. C. J. SR TF tern Deering 12' springtooth, good. 2Murphy, 905 W. 2nd, Abilene, `Pier tires and dual wheels. Call A, G, B tractors. Good power Kans., CO 34010. x12 GOVERNMENT SURPLUS 238-3001, Beloit, Kans., Russell takeoff feed grinder. Wanted Raincoats, rain suits & ponchos. Don SB12 Carter. 150 bu. Wayne & Clark soybean PICKUP ATT. with super Supply won't last long. cal ' sweep for N -H 717 chopper. Us- WANTED - Late type John seed. Clinton Schaefer, Empor- Tarps - these are new and VERY SPECIAL his ia, Ks. RR1. Phone DI 2-2544. ed on 150 acres. Keith Ekhutz,the very finest. You can't buy red Inter Deere 2 row weeder. Wayne W. x11 Phone 765-3558, Alma, Ks. x1.1 better. Beautiful bright N Bergin, Route 1, Clay Center, We also have water repellent tional pickup, 3speed on Ks.. x11 WANTED TO BUY - Cash forFOR SALE - 1968 JD 2020 and mildew resistant compound 266 V8 engine.Short v.ri,le 32" Allis Chalmers WD 45 tractorstractor with Comfort cover. On- 6800 guaranteedmiles. 6 FOR SALE or trade for live- to waterproof canvas. ....SI, with wide front. Call or write ly 600 hrs. $3750. Roy Leurs at stock - AC WD 1953, has hyd. Seed Store, Home City, Ks. Ph. Combat boots and shoe oil srd4 loader, cultivator & lister forTruskett Equipment Co., Eure- Roots last longer if they are 1968 Ford Camper 610 Sma ka, Kans., giving price and con- 799-2405. x13 kent well oiled. 5800 miles. Babyblue, Van above. Power takeoff roller SB11 seats, aut. trans , ton, "6ar pa mill; 2 horse trailer, single axle, dition. LLOYD'S qI TRPT .T 1'5 SALES has FOR SALE - 1951 Cub Farm - engine. Thiscamper CO good tires; Allis combine, 5', FOR SALE - Two IHC 461 4 - all, mower, cultivator, lister, all St. Marys, Kansas Mileag° good belts & canvases, been been titled. it"' row front mount cultivators. hydraulic. $575. Call after 8 SPIKE HELMETq wanted, and lendino: 10, shedded. Power lawn mower, p.m., 2834626, Tescott, Ks. manufacturer'sPriced at propelled. 1952 DC Case, wide Will fit M, ?50, 450, 560. Good. x12 other world xvar Pni- free vacations F front, good tires, uses no oil; $250 each. Truskett EquipmentPLANTER: 4 row Allis Chal-vate collector. A. Collins, 1600over actualinvoice. Co., Eureka, Kansas. Phone GI Povnt7, Manhattan, Kars. SR14 1960 IHC ton pickup, long 3-6379. SB11 mers, new in'68. Used about SAI.INA MOBILEHOltlO wheel base, 8x10 flatbed, less 60 acres. A-1 condition. Wilkin- 911 TA 6' than 75,000 actual miles. PhoneFOR SALE - 1967 Case 220son Concrete Co., Dwight. Ks. 100% Vinyl Latex 654 S. B'way (ni 316 274-3177, Cedar Point, Ks., SALINA,KANS. Mul: baler in perfect shape, priced to SB11 WALL PAINT Rak evenings or before 6:30 a.m. sell. Phone 292-4586, Delbert Day. x14 Williams, Frankfort, Ks. x12 FOR SALE - Two 403 IH com- Heavy Duty. Washable bines with cabs, 1967 model 18' Kell FOR SALE - 1955 John DeereFOR SALE - NH 69 wire tie headers. Clifford Wilson, Clif- 2.93 per gal. New 55 combine, always shedded, baler, Ford 3x14 plow, 3 pt., ton, Kans. 66937. x11 Also good selection of good working condition with al-Farm Hand wagon. Chas. Hau- service. most new engine. Priced reason- WANTED - 3 or 4 bottom Linoleum: 9x12, 12x12, 12x15 STALLION FOR er, Alma, Kans., 913 765-3640. son of WimpyII. Excellen, able. Phone Waverly 733-2266. x12 2 -way plow, any condition, type lots ofroOsol x12 or brand. Must be reasonable. position and to Msc FAITH'S which hpasses on 1966 JOHN DEERE 12' 3 pt.Henry Abelsi Clay Center, Ks. FURNITURE MACHINERY, SELLING 4 -row springtooth with harrow attach- x12 Fee$15.e Dwayne Turner,91' Dempster lister with rotary ment, good. Jim Currie, Rt. 2, East US 24 PR 8-3786 Belleville, Kans,Phone moldboards; IHC H&M 2 -row Manhattan, Phone 913 776-7407. FOR SALE -4 row John Deere 527-2828 evenings. 406 planter, fertilizer and rub- MANHATTAN, KANSAS lister,fast hitch, points avail- x12 AT STTTD -Arabian s able; Fox field cutter with cut- ber covered press wheels, woodLITTLE OLD wine makers - 1961. C11 ter bar & single row cornhead.FOR SALE - Several 2 sow condition. Harold Alexander, I'll have the makin's thisfall. Kaaba J. Navrb Mcllobe Duane Gugler, Woodbine, Ks., hog sheds. 12' IHC springtooth.Clay Center, Phone WI 4-9146. Barton's Vineyards, Silver Lake, Raffles bloodlint.. Phone 1730. SB12 Ralph Roper, Barnes. x11 SB12 Kans. x12 Silver Lake5824573. in district 1 is William Moritz tralia; George Olson, Axtell; Pretz, Vermillion; Ed Parli, Ax- Junction City. of Roninger will have competition Harry Miller of Lambert Haug, Centralia; Merltell; and Floyd Curtis, Vermil. it Herington and from Neil McCallum of Elmdale Business Opportunities Wilmer Tisch- in district 3, and Hilsenbeck Stiner, Vermillion; Lawrence I lion. heuser of Wilseywill competefrom Rufus Bateman of Marion (TED for the trusteeshipin district 2. in district 4. equip. RAIN ELEVATOR for sale in NEW MACHINERY BARGAINS territory, Yls Kansas,150,000 bushel cap., ara who ping good business. Railroad Bearcat grinder -mixer, HD, complete. List $2450 villing tooation. Owners have other Our Price $1850 in prefer tusinessinterests, will sell onForecast JD RG 430 4 row rear mtd. cultivator, 30" rows $625 Sianwith :ontract. Excellent opportunity. 5th Best JD RL4 4 row weeders $695 Mary andon H. Vail, Broker, Box 447, 81/4 yd. soil mover paddle scraper $5250 irtation oterville, Kans., Ph. 785-2430, pier H. Oberhelman, broker, USED TRACTORS )416 Marlatt, Manhattan, Phone Wheat Crop JD 4020 power shift, new tires, sharp RACTOR SB11 1962 3010 dsl., 3 pt. hitch, wide front, new tires $3650 '1E94983. 1964 D-15 Allis, Series II. Power steering, 3 pt. nce, Ks. Kansas could harvest its U.S. Department of Agricul- JD 60 with power steering, live PTO ' contact fifth largest crop of wheatthis ture officials. It shows Kansas IIIC 450 RC dsl., power steering, wide front end 163 Pets year despite poor prices anda may harvest 278,488,000 bush- 9N Ford $375 1953 Golden Jubilee Ford, good $750 enced considerable cutback inacreage, els this summer. The forecast crop forecasters say. was up 6 million bushels from MISCELLANEOUS rator JD 46A loader with hydraulic bucket xperience.pOG FOR SALE - German A boost in the production a month earlier. shepherd male. Good watch forecast was made for May 1 by J. E. Palleson, chief statisti- JD 4 section rotary hoe, 3 pt. hitch Gleanars,log. Call 778-5195, Manhattan, JD 4 row 802 rotary moldboard lister with pull type carrier, good run x13 cian for the Kansas Crop and fertilizer. Excellent, used only 2 years $1050 right man. after 5. Livestock Reporting Service, 2 row 3 pt. Dempster rotary moldboard lister with fert. $195 rtlast of JD 896 9 ft. rake Can Get $5 Topeka, said the estimate is 125 gal. pull type sprayer, 8 row boom $235 based on predicted yields of 28 3 used insecticide boxes 'SON 5c Sales Tax? Camper Fee Back bushels per acre from 9,946,000 JD RG4 cultivator 4-2312 harvested acres. JD 4 row weeder, sealed bearings $475 s. The 1969 Kansas Legislature 4 row IHC lister with fertilizer $150 Docking Says It authorized a refund on the Except for the western tier of JD late model 3 pt. mower, 9 ft. cutter bar $250 hiring counties, where poor moisture $250 crew atri- nearly 10,000 pickup coach 6 row rear mtd. Ford cultivator (camper) registration fees col-conditions during the fall and Ford 3 bottom plow, 3 pt. $95 a fencesCould Happen winter doomed many acres to JD 4x14 3 pt. 4 bottom plow $295 s. A&D lected in 1968, according to H. $225 Waterville, Gov. Robert B. Docking, ap- destruction, because wheat fail- Moline 4 bottom hyd. plow pearing on a television news J. Ulrich, Superintendent of New Idea loader $145 -2619.x11 Kansas Motor Vehicle Depart- ed to sprout or grow, the re- conference aired on Kansas sta- mainder of the state's wheat A growingions Sunday, said the state ment. company Ulrich said the Motor Vehiclecrop looks good. ,s, Grocerysales tax may have to be rais- In areas where wheat is head- Concordia Tractor Inc. uce Mened two cents in 1970 because Department is ready to pro- ceed with refunding the 1968ed or heading, one more rain is CH 3-3381 Concordia, Kans, ers, Bak- the 1969 legislature provided likely to be enough to bring on ack Clerks, additional school aid over his registration fee of $5.00. Pay is All persons who purchased the bumper crop, Palleson said. )enefits veto. Insects and disease have been cal-surgi- The increase from three to the 1968 pickup coach (camp-only minor problems this year. OVERSTOCK - DEMONSTRATORS unance,ac- er)registration tags areeli- smember- five cents on dollar purchases, Both pale green and Army cut- John Deere 2510 tractor, diesel, fullyequipped, Docking said, may be necessary gible for this refund. wide front axle,remotei cylinder, weights, dy income In order to receive this re- worms have invaded some SAVE$1500 ring, an - if the legislature is to prevent fields at the west edge of the 15x38 6 ply tires, 3 pt. hitch emergencyproperty taxes from increasing. fund, the owner must surren-state, but wheat is growing so to Box 129, The Democratic governor saidder his 1968 registration re- John Deere 650 3 point hitch side deliveryrake, 5 66502, Bob ceipt along with his name and rapidly that damage is not con- bar, on rubber caster wheels SAVE-$167 ector, giv-that to keep property taxes address to the Motor Vehicle sidered important in all but a a about from increasing next year to John Deere No. 100 chisel plow, 10', with2" flat Department, State Office Build-few fields. spring standards, the answer to late spring 'ork experfund the $27 million boost in Some soil -borne mosaic was SAVE - 1 25 SBllschool aid; the legislature will ing, Topeka, Kansas 66612. showing in fields of south cen- work men 16 or "It will take from four to sixtral Kansas earlier. Yields from be faced with providing an ad-weeks to process the applica- ew. Goodditional $54 million in the 1970 these fields may be cut because SAVE- $31) ;uaranteed. tions and prepare and mail theof infestations, but the loss is John Deere No. 78 rear blade, 6 ft. HD. ed. Weldonsession. pay warrants for the refund," Kans., AT "I said I would veto the leg- not considered to be great. SB11 Ulrich said. $10.25 islation if the legislature did Any individual who has lost Bale Wire, American Sterling - Box oneratornot provide funding," Docking his 1968 pickup coach receipt NEW OFFICERS FOR ss silage insaid, "and when they did not by USED 23, Manhat. may apply for a duplicate N.E. MANAGEMENT ASSN. provide the funding I vetoed sending 50 cents and the 1968 New officers elected by the SB11the bill even though I might coach tag number (not the pick-Farm Management Association 1952 John Deere 60 tractor, clean $895 able of rimagree that the schools may up vehicle tag number)to theNo. 4 (northeast Kansas) are rucks on have needed more money." 'klahoma Motor VehicleDepartment. Wilmer Tischauser, Wilsey, pre- me Lund, This duplicate receipt will be re-sident; Malcolm Gigstand, Ev- 1959 John Deere 630, 3 point, power strg., good $2395 nardville, tained and the refund will beerest, vice president; Mark SB12FlintHills mailed to the individual. Hund, Paxico, secretary. Ray- "This refund does not applymond Gaul of Troy will be a IHC 55W PTO wire hay baler $195 RECA Meeting to any other recreational typedirector representing the data vehicle such as travel trailer,processing department. motor homes, or mobile homes," IIIC 45 PTO baler, good $395 low irriga.,Is Wednesday COUNCIL GROVE - The an- Ulrich stressed. "Only the reg-VERMILLION GROUP nkl"r pipe',1 istration for the camperwhichREELECTS SPIELMAN 2 1964 John Deere 24T hay balers, with bale chute, Tex -Flow nual meeting of the Flint Hills attach- wagon hitch, slick ea. $1095 le tool bars,Rural Electric Co-op Associa- sets in the back of or is MARYSVILLE - Leo Spiel- also Rich-tion will be held here May 14. ed to the frame of a pickup man of Baileyville has been re- gation cur truck isapplicable to the re-elected chairman of the Black $895 arrows; ca. -Registration starts at 6:30 p.m. Vermillion watershed district. A MC Self Propelled Windrower, Model 163, 12' . . and Powderat the high school gymnasium. fund." and pawls; All requests for refundsmustnew board member is Earl The meeting is the 31st annual Ve- 1953 John Deere 55 combine, 12 ftheader, Smith of Centralia. Other board dozers. one for the association. be submitted to the Motor ded very good shed$1095 hies, Kans, hicle Department, Topeka,andmembers are Edward Sedlacek, cordia K-91 Among the items of business Frankfort; Gerald Feldhausen, x12 will be the election of four not at the County Treasurer's Office where the tag was pur- Frankfort;Virgil Ekstrum, 1959 John Deere 45 combine, 10', motor overhauled$1295 district trustees. Trustees whose J.H. Strathman, Cen- terms expire this year are chased, Ulrich reiterated. Vliets; Pierce Powers, Junction City; :311, Allis Chalmers PTO, dual wheels, good $1 50 Donald Peterson, Delavan; Pas- Friday cal Roniger, Burdick; and L. J. IAL Viking elevator, hay or grain, 32', with wagon Hilsenbeck, Marion. hopper, 6 hp engine, hyd. lift $350 'ed Interns Nominated to oppose Powers ed on floor. AUCTION t wide bed MAY 23 32" heavy duty riding mower, John Deere & IHC springtooth harrows, 12 ft. iles.Pri rope controlled & cylinder mount from$100 .....$1 6 HP $269.50 rspecial, ife Jcketsa SALE Starts 1:00 p.m. ue,bucketSmall 2.49L 'Med.2.98 Large 3.25 ton, "60 Van Sickle outside acrylic latex east of Bennington,Kans., 1 mile north & 1/4west. John Deere 11' wheel disc, good $175 - has neve paint, 5.20 per gallon white or 7 miles result 0 colored MISCELLANEOUS Iron wheel wagon gear bag itfer $1 50 & $175 odat $50 1000W 129.50Alternators1500W 169.00 Machinery 12'4" grain auger, electric mtr 2 John Deere KBA wheel discs, 10' Portable Air Compressors 1949 Model LA Case tractor,110 gallon gas tank with pump 69.95 and up motor completely overhaul-Wheel weights for IHC HOMES Mono Brush Cutters ed and power packinstalled,IHC 16x8 fert. drill with seal- John Deere 2 wheel Model 851 rake $250 .R TA 6-" 4' 225.00 5' 259.00 less than 200 hours,hyd. ed bearing discs (nine models to choose from) brakes and good tires IHC 10-12 drill See Or Call Us For Good Prices On The Above Machines aNS. Hay-O-Vator .... 89.50 1951 Model D Case tractor, 100 bushel steel bin tires 8x10 hog house (lakeRake teeth for AC, Case, Co-op, good condition, good JOE BOWMAN Call David Bradley, IHC, JD, Ford, Case 4x14 plow TRUCKS CollectCE 8-4103BUD ANDERES KellyRyan, Massey Ferguson, JD 3x14 & IHC 3x14plows 1967 Chevrolet 1/2ton, long 1111° plow wheel base, big six, 4 -speed, ``ew Holland, New Idea, Oliver Krause 9' oneway 19,000 miles, excellent cond. ?rvice, 0 Krause 10' wheel disc John Deere 4 -sec.springtooth1948 GMC 11/2ton with bad xcellent and hoist, has a 1955 Chevro- f muscle, EATE IHC 2 -row curler let motor col Dempster 8' chisel MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS M to his A irner,11t. 1 dump rake Hand Tools, Vise and Anvil hone913 FARMRANCH GMC TRUCKS- JOHN DEERE SUPPLY Guy Sumear11, Owner Your Manhattan- Junction City Area John Deere Dealer ianstank) Clerk: Bennington '9. Chest° Emporia Auctioneer: Bob Allison State Bank Junction City fcRobeets' Minneapolis, Kans. West Hwy. US 50 Put City Waste On Cropland As Best Solution To Disposal Problem

CHICAGO - The twin prob-the Metropolitan Sanitary Dis- AT 217 SouthA Street lems of waste disposal and pol-trict of Greater Chicago, sum- HERINGTON,KANs.in lution are usually associated marized the experiments in a with cities, but with the in- paper. Saturday,May17 crease in confinement feeding The district's planners con- Starts 5:30 of livestock, the problems havecluded that waste disposal on p.m, invaded the rural areas. cropland was a method that best Chest of drawers;beds; sers; sewing machines; dres. A look at what Chicago is do-met the four major criteria: 1. rockers; end tables; chairs. ing on an experimental basis Did not contribute to any envir- mirrors;portable radio;side board: with "digested" sludge may of-onmental pollution (water or fernery stand. reed' fer some future hope not only air); 2. Was of beneficial use; Day beds; coffeetable; POLLUTION SOLUTION? pone.lain-top - application of waste materials to table;picture for cities but for the livestock Was economical; and 4. Was The ridge and furrow method - dolls;ironing boards;frames industry too. a perpetual solution. The dist- farmland -- has been proposed as apossible solution to the pollution mowe r. lawn problem. A joint experiment by the Chicago Metropolitan Sanitary At the 41st annual conferencerict contracted with the Uni- Bedding, quilts,etc.; of the Water Pollution Control versity of Illinois to test the District and the University of Illinois is testing the feasibility using beds;new feather digested sludge -- sewage wastes held for about 14 days at95 degrees jugs and jars; Federation here in September, conclusions under field condi- gas wagon wheels; 1968, Dr. Thomas D. Hinesly, as- tions on corn and soybeans. for land reclamation and fertilization. stone sistant professor of agronomy Sludge is handled as a liquid ant chief engineer for the Sani-rect this. years at the University of Illinois, andwith a solid content of three to old; Kenmoreston Digested sludge with around ja r; Ben Sosewitz, acting chief offive percent. Irrigation meth- tary District. There is no odor washing machine;old lamps. three percent solids contains on- Antique table with maintenance and operation forods used for the sludge include problem with "digested" sludge radio; old -- that which is held for aroundly a small amount of nitrogencoppercabinet. aluminum irrigation pipe with Collectorsitems and other spray heads, spray heads on the 14 days at 95 degrees. and phosphorous in the liquidtoo numerous to items Construction of the main re-part, but a large amount of po- mention, back of tank trucks, and the $11 ridge and furrow method, ac- searchfacility was completedtassium. The solids contain Mr. & Mrs. too late last year for accurate most of the nitrogen and phos- Walter Will C cording to B. T. Lynam, assist- conclusions, since crops were phorus, and onlya small OWNERS befc FURNITURE.&.ANTIQUES Aucts: Cols. Wm. & Carl too near maturity before the ir-amount of potassium. Bank of Herington, Schnell ecce Inside At Fairgrounds rigation systems were complet- Clerk Le R Fairbury, Nebraska ea.Greenhouse experiments and AUCTION with corn show that using a '0 Thursday, May15 one -inchapplication of fresh Riley Co. Artificial BreedingAssn, coin Starts 12:00 Noon Sunday, May 18 sludge willinhibit seed germ- Also ination, and even a 1/2inch ap- New Inseminator- LARRY WENDLAND ANTIQUES Starts 2:00 p.m. char Salt & pepper sets; castor plication will hamper seedling U. S set with 5 bottles; pickle castor; development. With a two-inch Call Fritz Oil Co., Leonardville Bohemian bottle with stopper; SENECA, KANS. 913 / 293-5385 from 6 a.m.- 9 a.m. application ofolddigested turn china cuspidor; ruby red wine sludge, however, germination glass(Columbian Exposition, On North 7th Street, north of carri 1893); black satin basket; fernUS 36, Std. Oil & Derby Cornerand seedling development were garland creamer; hat pin holder good. Whatevery "He -Graduate" needs and pins; dresser sets Combines Test wells drilled to 20 feet bage Lemonade pitcher;hand su pp painted plates; hand painted & Trucks showed evidence of pollution af- cups & saucers - partial set of4 1959 Massey Harris 82 com-ter a heavy rainfall, but it was SPORTS. were Haviland; many vases; jewelry; bines, 14', lights, power strg.concluded that surface water souvenir spoons; cameos;flat All combines in good repair, CRAFTED silver; watches; china dolls; ready for field use. Good paintentering the wells after the bracelets. and rubber. heavy downpour was the cause. Antique clothing of all kinds; 1963 Dodge, 361 mtr., 5 speed &Efforts have been made to cor- STYLING FOR fur muffs; ostrich plumes; an- 2 speed axle. Obeco grain bed, tique clocks; antique quilts & 131/2' with hoist SUMMER fancy work; 3 writing desks; 21965 Chevrolet, 327 motor, 4 REGISTERED Sa radios;2 beadedglassbook- speed, 2 speed axle, Obeco HEREFORD cases (3 & 4 shelves). grain bed, 131/2', with hoist 1010 1 China closet, oval front; round 1 Melroe pickup att., MH mtgs. BULLS D old HI oak dining room table; kitchen4 6x10' steel dump beds cabinet:Singer sewing ma- 2 16' Obeco flat beds 2-yr. olds chine; 3 rockers; 2 round tables; 2 20" Chev. truck wheels Big,rugged As & unpampered high chair; childs rocker; 5 Several 825x20 used truck tires willS. trunks; plant urn. 135 gallon fuel tank, pickup mt. Heavy boned lowing Dwarf -free WEIGHT Wardrobe; 2 lamps; cedar 115 gal. fuel tank, pickup mt. bloodlines Lang+ at the heat in one of chest; 4 clocks; wicker basket;2 Tokheim hand fuel pumps RECORDS our light and breezy sport luggage; piano stool 10 long chains, 3/8)(7/16, 14-20 ft. AVAILABLE (claw coats. Deeptone plaids in the 1965 feet); high top laced shoes; Mo-5 chain binders KELLEY FARMS witl- 4miles season's favored dern Priscilla magazines: an- Tarps:10x16,10x18,10x14, east of Marymount colors. Regist tique chairs; 2 writing desks. 10x20 Ph. TA5-4139 or TA3-3370 SALINA Wonderful wash'n'wear 4 MH milo sprockets, 29 tooth roar FURNITURE 4 sets milo guards, 14' fabricfeaturingcool Da- to A Large Selection Of Simo sickle tool cron. blends. Superb tailor- Appal. Very Good Pieces ing. Confidently correct brol EDITH KELSO styling. We have your sirs. 2 n 1st Nat'l. Bank, Fairbury, Clerk GENE HAMMES Come try it on. swivel Harold R. Siegel, Auct., 1528 F Terms: Cash AUCTION *Exe St., Fairbury, Phone 729-3651. Auctioneer Vern Groff *Du Pout Registered Trademark Foofiki Clerk: Jim Boeding I will sell at public auction at rebe; the residence in Manchester, Mast Sell At bird c Kans., one block north of Main (%t tat 2 ra NIGHT SALES Street tve.a chairs CtOTHIES $45 flour Some at $37 bench Saturday, May 17 i pump; Starts 12:30 Noon Frui Lunch Served sulato Every Wednesday right 7' tandem disc T Ford power mower Mayte AT ONAGA 1952 Ford 2 door, V8 motor Bame4 &aging, West Sears roto tiller, good Simor STARTSSELLING Old grind stone HOUSEHOLD 11 and vs AT 8HOCATTLEGS SmallWestinghouserefrig- CLAY CENTER, KANS. Pine 1 erator Large Sears wringer type washer CarriE Bathroom heater; 3 iron beds; 2 LIVESTOCK Oak c Onaga CommunitySale large camelback trunks; old AUCTION 4 dra lardpress;cherrypitter;old room Marvin Cottrell, Phone 889-4461or 889-4665, ONAGA, KS. wooden butter churn; old style electrj flour bin. cabin Glass jars; old kraut cutter; I oldcoffeegrinder;oldglass 9s front cupboards;old news- 2'xT; papers; post cards. book dated 1880: collection net; N HORSE SALE . 1311-.E 24"x,V %i? of old stamps; gas lights; 2 wall Due to the heavy rains lastWed- 17/4/1N door telephones; some old dishes; nesday, receipts were small, with o 25 black Angus steers, 525 lbs. 1 at 2 bi 1111C. small table stand. not enough livetock on handto test o 13 whiteface steers, 500 lbs., Old antique books: old alma- the market. If weather permits, thin and a lot of condition sion 1 nac; straight back chairs; rock- 1 tercor Wilson LivestockAuction t we're expecting a prettygood o 32 black Angus steers and heifers taohn- ,/ ing chairs: 12 wood folding sale for this Wednesday, 600 -750 lbs. long haired andthin chairs; 3 record albums; May 14, Mai army with a few of the betterconsign- o2 registered horned Hereford bulls, rifle; SALINA, KANSAS cots:clothes;cart;2 radios; Gamble wringer washer. ments guaranteed breeders misce Wood Wood or coal stove; several5 Saturday, May 17 p gal. cans; all copper teakettle: KCNK electr, Tack Sells 7:00 p.m. - Horses Sell 8:00p.m. old antique stand; severalodd MON.-WED.-FRI Auctioneers Mar Forinfo. orestimates LARRY LAGASSE lerous Horses Sell In The Order Unloaded size jugs & bottles:5 gallon 6:45 This At The Sale crocks: copper boiler; TOMWALKER CH 31714 some Hier( For More Information Contact: shop & garden tools. Barn 243-1074 ROLLIE LAGASSE Bernard Ireton - TA 3-8263 - &dins and 101 other small items. Home 243-1674 CH 32215 Al Soukup - 858-2135 - Wilson Vern Walker - 2621.3123 Abilene Mrs. Clyde Taylor Leh or the Anetaoseers:- Owner Roger A. Johnaon - Bob Perry Jr. Leo Crawford, Auctioneer,Ph. 388-2529, Longford, Ks.67458 Au Lowell Chase, Clerk & Banker 313 building. New Cigar And Both the gasoline and diesel May 13, 1969 tax hikes go into effect July 1. Street in Gasoline Taxes KANS. SELLING HORSES [ay 17 Go On June1 The first of twonew revenue 1.111. laws enacted by the1969 ses- On Consignment beds; dres. sion of the KansasLegislature ies; chairs; goes into effect June 1. Friday Night side board; That measure placesa 35 per- addo;reed cent tax on all tobaccoproducts MAY 16 able; porce- other than cigarettes, whichal- re frames; ready are taxed at therate of Tack Sells 1:00 p.m. Is;lawn eight cents a package. The tobacco products, This is our first horse sale since last tc.;feather such as March and we are expecting a large Is;stone cigars, pipe tobacco,snuff, and turnout of buyers. pn wheels; chewing tobacco, previously . stone jar; were not taxed. At The J.C. Livestock Sale Barn Estimates are that the tax will over 50 JUNCTION CITY. KANS. Kenmore bring (in about $2 millionan- ld lamps. nually. All Kinds Of Horses Will Sell i radio; old The other revenue measure For Consignments enacted this year was part of And Special Information other items contact: ention. the controversial accelerated $11,000 IN COINS FROM A PAUPER highway construction bill. DUANE GUGLER, Woodbine, Phone 1730 s. It provides for a two centa Coin collectors inspect old coins from the BertieDraper estate gallon increase in the gasoline HOWARD LANGVARDT, Upland, Phone 238-8212 Vill before bidding started at the recent sale in Burlington. 3 Draper, an tax, bringing it to seven cents VERN LANGVARDT, Upland, Phone 238-8211 Carl Schnell eccentricwho lost his life in a fire which destroyedhis home at a gallon. on, Clerk Or Call J.C. Sale Barn - CE 8.1471 LeRoy, in Coffey county, was presumed to have been destitute,he That same bill also increases andhis family before him having been on welfare formany years. the diesel fuel tax from seven Thousands of coins were raked from the ashes ofhis home. The to eight cents a gallon but does Wednesday Assn. coins had a face value of $7787 and brought $11,534at auction. not affect the present five cents Also recovered from the home was$600 in currency, plus other a gallon tax on liquified petrole- um. charred paper money, whose value had to be determinedby the AUCTION U. S. Treasury. The entire amount of the to- MAY 14 About $5100 of the money brought in the auction will bacco products tax, a tax on be re- the wholesale sales price, goes turned to the Coffey county welfare department, whichhad to the general fund for support SALE NIGHT SALE carried Draper on its rolls from 1958 until his death lastOctober. Draper was of governmental activities. Starts 7:30 p.m. 76 when he died. He had hauled trash andgar- The revenue from one cent of bage and sold fruit from the orchard on his 40-acre farm to the gasoline tax hike, about SURPLUS EQUIPMENT OFUNIFIED SCHOOL DIST. 417 supplement his welfare payments, which at the time of hisdeath, $11.2 million, will be returned at the National Guard ArmoryBldg., COUNCIL GROVE, Kans. were $58 a month. to cities and counties. The other 1962 24 passenger Ford bus 2 6" Delta joiners MARION RESERVOIR half goes to the Highway Com- 1959 36 -passenger bus, needs Yates American mortiser DEDICATION JUNE 14 repair Steel anvil mission for construction of a 2 upright pianos Metal & wood tool cabinets MARION - Dedication cere-system of expressways. The 2 5'/2' double sinks & cabinetsMiscellaneous hand tools monies for the Marion Reser-Highway Commission also re- 3 Hotpoint 30" gas ranges, likeSeveral student desks AUCTION voir will be June 14. Congress-ceives the revenue from the new Record player man Garner Shriver will be the Gas range 11 good used truck tires, diesel fuel tax hike which will 5 electric sewing machines 825x20 Saturday, May 17 principal speaker. be used for road repair and 10" Delta table saw, extra Steel kitchen hood & filters, Starts 9:30 a.m. good industrial type 1010 West Spruce Street, at the Electric drill press Heavy duty Salvajor garbage old Homer farm. Powermatic band saw disposal JUNCTION CITY, KS. 4 wood turning lathes New hollow core door, 2'8"x 7 used electric motors 6'8" x 13/4" As I am leaving the state, I Acetylene welding outfit, com-5 standard size used doors will sell at public sale the fol- plete Incandescent & fluorescent lowing described property: 10" DeWalt radial arm saw, light fixtures like new 3" oval wood casing, metal HORSES - CAR 12 ft. steel work bench molding 1965 Ford Custom 4 dr. sedan AUCTION SALE 10" Boice Crane table saw Numerous Other Items with new tires, excellent cond. JIM KIRKEMINDE, Registered Quarter Horse blue AUCTIONEER roan mare 4 years old, broke Sunday, May 18 to ride Appaloose pony 4yrs. old, well Monday broken for children Starts 10:00 ANMWES 2 roOkingcrs; wing back fa Memorial 1l g' swivel tether;Bible Sta'n't AUCTION bee** viol*:wig case; deg gave, daik'etfti*lap A10.1.0". KOWA NW IS rat; desk with lord downtrent, Quality items of. Arnericaoa, antique fueidtkwe, aflame bird cage andStand. 2 railtbail lanterns; copper ... brags ... china ...art objects .. . lamps . . SALE Seases MAIO WU 4 wooden grandfather clock . .. dolls. .. bisque. thane; kitchencupboard with Large collection of milk glass andart glass Lunch Served. flour bin;Edwards Stanwood For Full Listings, Call or Write bench;floorpolisher;tire I offer ter sale at public auction the if Oropeety Pumps. 3/4 mile southeast of Melton on ifite Hawks pktee toaon old Fruit jars;crocks; bottles; in- COL. DON ROCHE, Auet. Highway K -M. sulators;2 iron cuspidors; up- Phone 913 226-7282 Blue Rapids, Kans..66411 right piano;park bench. IHC No. 100, fast hitch FURNITURE Tractors IHC No. 100 pull -type, near kaYtag automatic new Westinghouse washer Mrs. Frankie T. Moore Estate IHC 460, good Continental 5' rotary electric dryer Charles H. Moore, Executor of Estate 1949 M serial no. 2 41 Sirnons Hide-a -bed; 12'x15' wool 1941 Mserial no. 519 COMBINES & OTHER Ng; 9'x11' nylonrug; 4 black 1940 M, serial no 595' with No. 303 IHC with corn head, and whitetelevisions; knotty 2001 loader serial no. 1213, 1962 Pine hand made desk. 1947 IHC M sor 1964 203 IHC, sn 1370 Large railroaddesk 1943 H tracto sal no. 645743 4 -row tool bar listers turner 1 2 2 -row curlers Oak ton air conditioner 1942 JD B, C tractors AUCTION draftinfloor lam; 1939 AC WC- trac 4 -sec. JD rotary hoe, with IHC drawer chg est;bl3 roomfans; CLAY CENTER RUC imp. carrier roomcooler; double sink new; 1962 1890 V-345 Loadstar tan-IHC No. 20C field cutter electricheater; small kitchen dem, 24' flatbed, 5 -speed IHC 4 -sec. peg harrow cabinet;swivel chair. 1964 1700 IHC truck tractor Wetmore roller mill MISCELLANEOUS SALES CO, 1956 10 yd. Omaha Standard 2 trailer wagons, 7x14 flatbed 9 sectionsof metal shelving gravel trailer IHC No. 37 10'9" wheel disc x3l; set ofmetal shelving; 1964 C1100 % ton 4 speed IHC No. 10 18x7 drill wok pickup truck IHC MF 13x7 drill 01/ case; wooden filing cabi- p.m. !4'x48ee2metalctures,filingcabinets;3 Hog Sale Every Monday Starts 1:00 1962 Chev. car, V8, aut.,4-dr.David Bradley garden tractor " pi new;brass PLOWS with blade & plow 525 lbs. doorlock set. 512-514 IHC; 411-416 IHC; 411Wide front axle for 560, 350 00 lbs., 2 bicycles;step ladder; exten- Cattle Sale Every Tuesday12:r ton 512.514 IHC; 411.416 IHC; 411- or 300 tractor ion !Ion ladder;2 artist easels; in - 414 IIHC; 214 IHC pull; 3143 pt. hitch for H tractor, less and heifers corn system;sickle bar at- FH; 216 JD 3 pt. cylinder d and thin wIlmentfor lawn tractor. A DEPENDABLE MARKET RAKES -Wheel weights, lots of parts & areford bulls, Marlingolden No. 35A .22 No. 12 FH IHC; David Brad- attachments 70e;Prestopressure cooker; FOR ALL CLASSES OF CATTLE ley; New Idea ,ri records; 4 red - BALERS New Equipment 70(1 planters;shovels; hoes; No. 46 IHC No. 68 6 -row FH cult, new lliscellaneous A LEADING MARKET PLACE eers ectric equipment. 2 No. 55T IHC No. 10 drill with press whls., 4Manyotherarticles too num- FOR HOGS No. 45T IHC baler 16x7 .AGASSE Irous tomention. AC Rotary baler; N H balerNo. 200 2 -row 3 pt. disk cult, i1714 lis isa large sale of clean CULTIVATORS near new LAGASSE rlerehandise.Come early. H. P. ROBBINS, Clay Cents', ME 2.3210 2 461 4 -row IHC; 261 2 -row IHCNo. 61 tandem 7'6" 3 pt. disk, 12215 R. A. BRUEGGEMANN, Clay Center, ME 2-2761 MOWERS new TERMS: CASH HORACE WARE, Longford, ph. 3311-2439 ALL SALES FINAL LelandFlynn, Owner Barn Phone ME 2? S1 CLAY CENTER KANS. Symons Truck & Tractor Co. KANSAS Aucts:C. W. "Bill" Crites Aucts: Col. Russell Ireland Clerk: Sheldon Hochuli, and Earl Brown and Col. Wilson Hawk Denison State Bank Clerk:Everett Sheets FRED SOUCHEK has becomesecretarYtreasul, TAKES LUMBER JOB of the NCKBuilding CONCORDIA - Fred Sou- operates theenter Kansas Got $1.40 Back From chek, formerly manager of the Lumber Co. Leidigh Cloud County Co-op Elevator,

Federal Tax Dollar government spent more money The federal government spent E. Levy, manager of the Fiscalthan its tax returns wereKan- more money in 33 states than and Monetary Department of sas, Oklahoma, andTexas, $1 40 it collected from them 'in taxes the board, a non-profit businesseach: Maryland, Kentucky,Ar- in the 1965-67 fiscal period, theresearch organization. kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, National Industrial Conference The expenditures examined Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Cali- Board reported. included outlays for defense fornia, $1.30 each: Rhode Is- Its expenditures in two states purchases, civilian and militaryland, North Carolina. Florida, Monday matched tax revenues and werepayrolls, direct grants and un-Idaho and Washington, $1.20 lower in 15 states. employment insurancepay- The figures are contained in each; Mane, Vermont, Tennes- ments. see, and Missouri,$1.10 each. the board's third annual study, The top gains in federal ex- The study showed defense AUCTION "The Federal Budget: Its Im-penditures over taxes were MAY19 pact on the Economy." The stu- snending exclr ding personnel mainly states with fairly smallwas the highest expenditure dy was directed by Dr. Michael populations while several pop- a ulous industrial states were item, averaging r0 billion SALE Starts 1:00pat among those with larger defi- year during fiscal 1965-67. Lunch Served cits. On a per capita basis the na- NEBRASKA tionalaveragefordefense SALE The four top gainers, whichpayments was $1.54 but a num- I will sell at public auction at the place 43A miles received $2 or more in federal Hebron, Nebr., on Hiway 81, at the Art Langhorst farm; of ber of states received consider- miles south ofBruningre C,oNebr.rner on Hiway 81; or 1 mile west,orii1 expenditures for each $1 paid in 11i taxes, were Alaska $4.50, Ha- ably more than the average. miles south of Belvide Alaska received about 51/2 waii $2.30, District of Columbia 1951 JD Model A $2.20 and North Dakota $2. times the national average, power steeringgas tractor, Connecticut nearly 3 times, Cal- 46 Head Cattle Freemanmanure Mississippi, New Mexico, 19 Hereford cows, 3 to 6 yrs. loader South Dakota and Virginia eachifornia and Hawaii more than 2 old, with calves at side, 3 mounted on JD A tractor times, Georgia and Texas about 1968 Krause 14' chiselplow benefited by $1.70 in federal to 6 weeks old 14 Krause new 18" money for $1 in taxes. Among 1% times, and Maryland, Ari- 8 Hereford cows, 3.6 yrs. old, surfaced sweeps hard other major gainers were Southzona, Kansas and Virginia more to calve soon 1965 JD 17' wheel tandem wing disc, originally Sylvan Carolina $1.60 and Georgia, than 1% times. TRUCKS 20H 0t 1955 Ford 2 ton, 5 spd., 2 spd., blades, wide space,with B SALE CO., INC. Alabama, Wyoming and Mon- axle, 151/2' box & hoist, 900 dual carriage wheels tana $1.50 each. tires Harrow attachment for17' Sylvan Grove, Ks. disc at FRIDAY SALES EACH WEEK States receiving substantially 1955 Chevrolet % ton pickup, Final Tab On 1968 Big Beaver 3 pt. 8'indus A: Hydramatic, V8 motor Selling 1000-1500 fresh countryless than they contributed were trial blade stocker and feeder cattle, calvesDelaware, 60 cents;Illinois, SOME BALED ALFALFA and stock cows each week. AND BROME HAY John Deere 24-7 Model LL Mike Meyer 913-526-3535 Michigan and New York 60 '68 Cotton Crop MISCELLANEOUS grain drill, with fertilizer cents each; New Jersey, Ohio, USDA says the final tab on attachment Micky Meyer 913.526-3225 2 300 -gal. fuel tanks on steel20' Crust Buster with folding Lip Pennsylvania and Wisconsin 70the 1969 cotton crop was 10.948 stand; Comfort cover for Oli- wings million bales, worth $2.083 bil- ver tractor;electric fence cents each and Indiana, New wire;electric fence posts; Blair 4x10 feed wagon with (hinter Hampshire and Oregon, 80 lion. That's nearly half again as steel posts; feed bunks: other large wheels Or LIVESTOCK cents each. big as the 1967 crop which small items not mentioned. John Deere 4 -section harrow produced 7.5 million bales. Cot- Mohawk 3pt. PTO 2 -row COMM. CO. Nevada, Minnesota, Massa- shredder chusetts and Connecticut wereton acreage was up 15% in 1968. If interested in above =chip Quinter, Ks. on the short end with 90 cents Cotton prices averaged 22.1 Farm Machinery ery, in good condition and rur MONDAY SALES EACH WEEK 1963 Oliver Model 1800 dieselready to go to field, be sure Selling 1000-1500 fresh countryeach. cents a pound forlint, down ter 3.5 from 1967. Cottonseed aver- tractor,fullyequipped, to attend this sale. Not many stocker and feeder cattle, calves West Virginia and Iowa came wide front, 3 point, 18.4 small items so be on time. tior and stock cows each week. out even. aged $50.50 a ton, compared Rur Jay Meyer 913-754-3354 tires, in good condition Terms: CASH Other states where the federalwith $55.20 in 1967. '1 Meyer Stocker Feeder ..mlimasiimaINIMsNOrf stra WESTERN SADDLE SUPPLY Lyle Langhorst ed Order Buying Service 1015 Lincoln Ave., Hebron, Nebr., Phone 768-6874 Featuring Cattle Direct J. D. RITTEL & SONS Beatrice Production Credit Assn., Clerk, Beatrice, Nebr. 11 From The Country WESTERN WEAR Schultis & Son & Wolken, Auctioneers Mike Meyer, Sylvan Grove, Ks.: In Mid -Kansas Livestock, Real Estate & General Farm Sales Micky Meyer, Sylvan Grove Largest Saddle Selection Irvin Schultis, 1109 K St., Fairbury, Nebr., Phone 729.245 Jay Meyer, Quinter, Ks. for the Entire Family Wayne Schultis, Diller, Nebr., Diller Phone 793.3005 BOOTS HORSE TRAILERS Duane Wolken, Diller, Nebr., Diller Phone 793-3081 Square Dancers Supplies HOPE, KANSAS PHONE 43

Where Will YOU Store Your Grain This Year? BURLINGTON, KANSAS Coffey Eureka County Auction

We Livestock Sale Sale $2! in I Every Every 6 Monday 1 Wednesday 6 STARTS 1:0 P.M. 3S STARTS 12 NOON 4(


1 Selling 400to 700Head of 3' 15 Good Cattleat Each MarketWeek 1 31 300 TO 600 FEEDER PIGS 21 PIGS SOLD MOSTLY AT BURLINGTON 1, 11 BURLINGTON CONSIGNMENTS 40 FOR WEDNESDAY, MAY 14 17 25 good yearling wf steers600-700 lbs. 40 31 good wf steer & heifer calves 450-500 17 21 mixed stockcows 40 29 mixed yearling steers 500-600 10 22 feeder heifers 600-650 15 Eligible for ASC Loans 24 black & mixed yearling steers 550-650 31 Turn Key Job Lot of stock hogs 91 If you are too busy to erect your bin- Let us give you BURLINGTON MARKET REPORT 19 a turnkey job with a BS&B bin setting on a flat slab, ig'EheEr'SK SALE or The market wasF50co$1Shigher maybe a hopper bottom, to cut out thescoop shovel. We SteerThetlj calves 400-550 AT @ 37.00-41 00 have aeration ducts & fans. Heifer calves 400-550 @ 31.00-32.50 We have the best bin, waterproof foundations, Yearling steers 600-800 @ 30.00-33.50 and Heifers 600-800 @ 28.00-30.00 we try hardest to please you. Cows 19.50-22.50.Bulls 24.00-25.50 Cows with calves 240.00-275 00 pair trod .,a Pigs were steady to $1 higher40-60 pounders$1.5$92 NORTH CENTRAL STEEL Raymond Rocker CO. INC. Vaughn Herb of se, 116 West Second Minneapolis, Ks. 67467 364-2531 EUREKA 6134" EX 2-2077 BARN PHONE 384-9576 BARN PHONE ..... NNW 1 er ?t.ary-treasurer iing Center, the Leidigh cent of the cost, he said. Cutoff date for the sale of ben- efit units is May 20. SABETHA 'LIVESTOCKAUCTION -7 N! .BMB Attorneys have started pre- IL paring necessary forms and will meet with smaller groups of 'Every Wednesday night-8p.m. S district landowners to process FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS olton, Kansas applications. r Boundaries were established 'A good place to buy- and a good place to sell after the board of county com- missioners formally incorporat- For Information or Estimates Call Barn AV ed the district. The boundaries 4-3131 nday are the Missouri state line on the east, the Marais des Cygnes W. R. Bauman, OwnerAV 4-2266 River on the north, a line run- George Ackerman AV 4.2594 John Hervey AV 4-2620 ning south near the east side of r19 Mound City on the west and a line running east within two or three miles of the northern 1:00 p.m. boundary of Bourbon County on Wednesday Served the south. 8KA SALE Landowners elected Ed Mc- Williams, chairman: Earl Troth, niles north of MAY 21 farm; or 61% vice chairman; David Bradley, mile west, 11/4 secretary; Ray Holder, treasur- er; and Marvin Murray, board - Starts 10:30 a.m. member, all of rural Pleasanton. gas tractor, Lunch Served reloader As I am retiring from farming, I will sell thefollowing ) A tractor Auctioneers Assn. described property I/2 mile south,1/2 mile west, '/ mile north chisel plow of Minneapolis. 18" hard 3s Meet At Lawrence cultivator eel tandem 7 6' sections of peg tooth har- ginally 20" Machinery row with Kewanee hitch ;pace, with BIG TRICYCLE May 24-25 1958 14' Baldwin combine 2 four sec. rotary Moline hoes wheels This huge fertilizer applicator was the LAWRENCE - The 14th an- 1964 930 Case tractor, 1650 hrs4 1000 bu. steel bins, good ent for 17' star attraction on display nual Kansas Auctioneers Asso- 1964 5 bottom Case plow & cyl. MISCELLANEOUS at therecent annual convention of the Kansas Grainand Feed 1966 15' International oneway Wire winder; self -feeder on Association at Wichita. ciation convention will be held and cylinder 3 pt. 8' indus- It is owned by a Salina firm. here Saturday, May 24 and 1965 14' Miller tandem disk &wheels; Graham Hoeme 17' cylinder, "new" chisel and duckfoot; machin- ' Sunday, May 25. The Holiday erytrailer Model LL rict, according to Frank Lewis, 1967 32' Crustbuster, "new" 8x16',bomber th fertilizer FHA supervisor in Fort Scott. Inn pis the convention site. ane cylinder tires, with winch. Wilson Hawk of Effingham is Hoist on wheels; two row with folding Linn County Locations and lengths of wa- F 30 tractor; F 20 tractor curler; four raw tool bar ter lines are uncertain and thethe president of the Kansas 7' International mower lister and cultivator. Auctioneers Association. 2 John Deere drills 16 and 10' wagon with final design will be determined Double drill hitch Road grader; several feed Organizes Rural by saleof bunks; fence charger, posts action harrow subscriptions. The 1949 Dodge truck with stockand wire; hedge posts; some PTO 2 -row city of Pleasanton will sell wa- racks and hoist iron. Water Plan ter to the district. 1949 Ford truck with stock 14' Hume reel- (Trines) BEATRICE racks and hoist Windrow pickup above rnachin MOUND CITY - Sixty-three The 63 who signed paid the John Deere baler with mount- , for combine mdition and rural residents applied for wa- initial $25 fee, Lewis said. The ed motor 2 pickup fuel tanks w/ pumps field, be sure ter service after an organiza- Big air compressor on trans- ale. Not many benefit unit price - total cost 2 Cockshutt 310 side del. rakes port wheels, with gas motor be on time. tional meeting of Linn County to the subscriber - is $210, 6 blade disc plow 12' corrugated alfalfa packer Rural Wlater District No. 2. Case 3 bottom plow 21' Mavrath auger and 3 hp CASK which may be reduced if a fed- 30' bale elevator electric motor The Farmers Home Admini- eral grant is approved, Lewis 30' ear corn elevator with mtr.1000 gal. propane tank; lawn stration has tentatively approv- said. Members of the district 77 16' bale elevator; bale loader mower; shop tools, household ed a $108,300 loan for the dist- will contribute at least 10 per Hammer mill- grinder goods and other articles too 768-6874 LIVESTOCK WC Allis tractor and mountednumerous to mention. ce, Nebr. 68310 ers SALES CO F. L. ZUKER, Owner [ Sales bone 729.2435 The Important Melvin E. Zuker, Auctioneer Clerk: Citizens National e 793.3005 913 392.2748 Bank, Minneapolis e 793.3081 Nebraska Auction .onove tniESIOCK MONDAY'AUCTI° Monday-Cattle SALE EVERY 11:00 a.m. Wednesday--Hogs Saturday SALE TIME 11:00 A.M. We had another large run of cattle last week, with most MAY 24 classessellingsteadyto stronger than a week ago. Starts 12:30 p.m. Baby calves were higher $25 lion to $55 with WF bull $88, Hol. To settle the estate of Roland Weber, the str $82, 2 Blk bulls $72.50. Shel- personal property ly canner & cutter cows 18.50 will be sold at auction at the farm, located 1 milesouth of West- le We had a good sale last week with receipts of 611 cattle and 527 hogs witha to 20.50 with commercial & moreland on Hwy. 99, then I/2 mile easton county mad. $20.90 top on fat hogs. All classes of cattlewere steady to 50¢ to $1.00 higher utility grades at 20.50 to 22.65. corn binder in places with last week's market. The following isa partial listing: Heiferettes to24.50. Bulls John Deere sub-soiler sold up to 25.00. Farm Machinery1 lot of 50 -gal. bibs. CATTLE Some sales include: 6 whiteface hfrs 619 @28.50 1 blk wf strs 545 @ 31.60 F-20 Farman tractor, in good16 -ft. Mayrath grain auger 33 wf & bbf strs 503 @ 33.70 11 BWF strs wt 396 at 38.20 Lumber wagon & box, good day 1 whiteface heifer520 @28.80 9 WF strs wt 668 at 31.85 shape Lot of old machinery & iron 6 whiteface hm hfrs 587 @29.10 1 black steer 660 @ 31.10 F-12 Farmall tractor & 2 -row 318 @ 37.50 11 WF strs wt 504 at 35.00 pile 1:00 P.M. 39 mixed heifers 709 @ 5 black steers 29 WF hfrs wt 488 at 32.10 cultivator 29.35 395 @ 36.50 F-12 Farmall tractor with 7 -ft.100 -ft. extension cord, new 40 mixed heifers 693 @29.35 4 black steers 8 WF strs wt 349 at 36.50 Hydraulic jack 1 black cow 1040 @ 21.30 tractor mower 1 whiteface hm hfr320 @30.25 8 WF hfrs wt 433 at 31.75 Tap & die set, alfalfa seeder 1 holstein cow 1080 @ 20.70 F-20 Farman tractor & man- 1 black heifer 465 @30.00 9 BWF hfrs wt 362 at 8000 McCullouch chain saw, No. 35 id of 1 whiteface cow 1065 @ 22.00 14 WF hfrs wt 603 at 29.80 ure loader Tin roofing, 4x8 plywood, 3 black heifers [email protected] - new 1 whiteface cow 1075 @ 22.30 1 WF bull wt 1555 at 25.00 drill with fertilizer attach 15 holstein steers 873 @25.85 John Deere FB-B 17-7 wheat20 panel gates, hog feeder & 1 whiteface cow 940 @ 21.50 1 WF bull wt 1500 at 24.70 troughs Weekly 1 black steer 530 @32.70 1 WF cow wt 1220 at 22.65 drill with fertilizer attach- 3 black steers 1 whiteface cow 1060 @ 20.70 ment on rubber, good Drive belt, 14 m. electric mot- 548 @32.10 1 whiteface cow 1125 @ 21.40 2 Hol cows wt 1145 at 22.40 1953 GMC 31 -ton pickup or IGS 2 blk wf bulls 450 @31.10 3 Gur cows wt 1200 at 22.05 TON 1 whiteface steer 1 blk spot cow 955 @ 22.10 8 Mix cows with clvs at 278.00 1950 Chevrolet 2-dr. car FURNITURE 380 @34.75 @ 315.00 1939 IHC %ton truck with 1 whifc hm bull 2 wf cows/cvs 9 Mix cows with clvs at 269.00 500 -gal.. propane tank, new, 450 @32.80 2 whiteface cows/cvs @ 300.00 flat bed & grain sides 1 blk whifcsteers 12 Blk cows with clvs at 264.00 propane gas range [ENTS 380 @32.75 1 blk whifc cow/calf @ 280.00 GMC 1% ton truck with metalOld kitchen cabinet 40 mix med qlstrs993 @ 7 WF hfrs wt 479 at 31.60 bed e 14 29.55 5 whiteface cows/cvs @ 295.00 4 WF strs wt 978 at 30.00 Kenmore wood heater, old 17 mix med ql strs986 @29.55 HOGS E -Z Flo spreader wood heater 40 mixedmed ql str 956 @29.55 The rains cut our hog run 2 IHC 2-14 tractor plows on"Warm Morning" propane gas 17 mix med ql strs HOGS rubber 985 @29.60 24 spot fat 212 @ 20.90 down last Wednesday with 200 2 IHC 2-14 tractor plows heater, 50,000 BTU 40 mix med qlstrs978 @29.60 214 @ 20.50 to 240 lb. butchers selling Wood range, Speed Queen 10 mix med 48 mixed fat Buzz saw frame for an F-12 washer ql strs960 @29.55 238 @ 20.45 from 21.00 to 21.70. 240 to 280 New Idea side deliv eryrake 15 mix med ql strs 1063 @ 21 mixed fats lbs at 20.25 to 21.00 & 280 lbs. Burnswick sewing machine, 29.10 21 red & spot wh 216 @ 20.40 New Idea side delivery rake 3 blk bfstrs 360 @34.30 & over at 19.50 to 20.25. Sows good 9 blk bf 18 mixed fats 223 @ 20.35 18.60. Boars 17.00 to 17.60. John Deere 2 -row lister with An old dresser; TV; old T strs 675 @31.80 226 @ 20.30 fertilizer attachment 19 charsteers 546 @31.20 78 mixed fats Some feeder pig sales: 11 Mix IHC tandem disk phonograph case; old copper pigs at $18.50; 35 mix at 17.00; AC single disk, hay rake washer; 2 ladders; large iron TO LIST CONSIGNMENTS OR FORINFORMATION CALL: 14 Wht. at 18.75; 8 Wht. pigs 2 -row curler, 3 section harrowkettle electric sweeper. at 18.00; 8 mix pigs at 13.00. Grain blower JERRY MOYLAN PAT MOYLAN GRAIN BARN PHONE 2 IHC Burr Mills, hammer 250 bu. milo 767-6640 767-5435 mill An offering hand tools & 223.3571 2 M&M 6 -ft. combines WES SWENSON 2 miles north of Beatrice, op- other articles too numerous to SALE BARN posite airport. Tractor post hole digger, oldmention. $15-$22 ahead 767-6388 767-5131 CLARENCE TEGTMEIER Burchard 8654521 TERMS: CASH. JIM on Highway OS 56 East Edge of DELMER JURGENS GI WS Wymore 645-3493 CHAS. RAMSEY, Admin. ERTtP1V2) Kans. JR. Attorney for the Estate: Gary Conklin Council Grove, Beatrice 228-0757 Admin.: Chas. Ramsey. Aucts: Welter, Applegate. Clerk: Farmers State Bank. SandedLivestock Dealers & Order Buyers added 6,700 horsepower of this May said. service in 1968 and expects to 13, 1969 Cross -Shield "We'll just put them on the increase this by an additional tax rolls again," Hiller contin- 15,000 horsepower of gas irriga-killed eight ofhis sheep recent. Mai Avoid Payment ued, "and they will take itto tion pumping in 1969, Jeffreyly. Eagles saidthe dead wre chewedaround shecp court and win again." said. the neck When it was established in and had one totwo-inch foo In Lieu Of Taxes ROXBURY SHEEP KILLERS over them. They gashes An impasse over contract Kansas in1945,the company were in was granted tax-exempt status MAY BE BOBCATS ed-in area bordered a fenc*Dun terms indicates Shawnee Coun-by statute. One dealt with Blue ROXBURY - David Eagles,creek. Two bobcatsby Gypsum Ten ty will not collect any money were Cross, the hospital portion of a Roxbury farmer, believesitnear the Eagles farm shot marijU from Blue Cross -Blue Shield may have been a bobcat whichago. two year; this year inlieu of propertytheorganization.BlueShield frorn taxes. was added later. labora State Rep. Jim Buchele, D - did fr( The medical -hospital insur- Topeka, led a successful fight Monday ance company has not respond- Arnedic itthe 1969 Legislature tore- --today- ed to a contract proposal by thepeal the two statutes. At ti Shawnee County Commission To remain tax-exempt, the men s "and I don't think it will," Com- AUCTION hospital -medical organization MAY 19 cigarel mission Chairman John Hillermust now prove it qualifies un- der State Constitution provi- SALE Herington sions which exempt nonprofit, Starts 10:00aat charitable benevolent institu- Lunch Served tions. UP SCHOLARSHIP Gregory Allen Grater of Green, In order to settle the estate of the late WillisG.W Livestock Blue Cross -Blue Shield had Clay county, is one of 17 Kansas following personal property will be sold at public auction-aguer the agreed to pay $60,000 this year farm located 1 mile northeast of Ellsworth, Kansas on Riwayat the farmyouths who have received 156 for fire and policeprotection $200 scholarships from the Union HOUSEHOLDAND Auction Co. and school aid in lieu of proper- Pacific railroad. COLLECTORS' ITEMS ty taxes, but asked for a five- Machinery Washing machine; Lawrence generating station, 1966 Chev. Impala 4 door se-clocks; 12 chairs. Sale Every year contract with the county. 2 propane heaters; :44 a KPL official said. Other mon- dan, 14,000 miles 2 Hoping the Legislature even- cabinets; wash boiler;buffet A 1948 MH No. 44 rowcrop couch, 2 treadle sewing Tuesda tually will change the com- ey will be spent for transmis- ma.' locat tion lines and substations in David Bradley plow, 3x14 chines, coal heaters;5 iron 77 or pany's classification, the County tractor beds; 4 dressers;2 chests; Commission will accept only anortheast and central Kansas. David Bradley springtooth, 12'radios. Operating under Federal Supervision The utility's 1968 total operat- one-year contract. Dempster tool bar with plant- Records & player;linens & & Bonded for your protection. ing revenue was $8 million ing & ducfkoot attachmentclothing; pendulum Chin: clock (E, gla Reporting for the Herington Live- greater than in 1967 and reach- 2 -row weeder; IVIH cultivator;M. Welch), pictures& frames, stock Auction Co. KPL Sets 5 -Year hannuer mill; scraper; MH porcelain chamber,planter Waln ed $83,316,000, the greatest in power mower; saw frame; box, jewelry. Waln We sold cattle for 66 consignors the history of the company, he top to 46 buyers on a market that was pump jack; lawn mower; us- Several trunks, washstand, Construction Plan reported. ual shop tools. violin,jugs,bottles, Waln about steady with last week's.on jars & Waln The Kansas Power and Light crocks,harness,books,corn stocker and feeder cattle. "It was the best year in cor- 12x8 Superior drill; 500 gal.planter. Erase Butcher cows were also steady, sel- Co. will spend $119 million forporate earnings and dividends propane tank; David BradleySpring wagon hardware robe. ling mostly from $21 to $23 on construction during the next paid to shareholders, in personal chain saw; grain auger withDouble -trees & neck parts piece yokes Sol the good, choice kind. Canners & five years, Balfour S. Jeffrey,earnings paid to our employes, engine; corn sheller; old ma-Grindstone; cisternpump Cutters, with weight, sold from KPL president, says. and the lowest price for elec- chinery. 2 lumber wagons & seat glass' $18 to $21. Light weight Canner! Jeffrey, speaking at the util-tricity to our customers. The 2x14 plow; disc; sulky rake; Sod plow, traps, 2 tables sold from $16 to $18, and bologna sulky plow; wheat binder. with porcelain casters, 6rock. bulls sold mostly from $24 to ity's 45th annual shareholders'per cent increase in our electric ers, kerosene & gas lamps, meeting at Topeka, said $103output exceeded the national av- Manure spreader; 7 sectionsround coal & wood heater, $26. of harrow; oneway; lister; cul- up 1 Here are a few representative sales million will be spent for theerage, due to the fine economic holstered lounge, dishes. tivator;. 2 drills; mower; junk Many other articles too Aucti that were made: electric department and the re-growth of the area we serve." numerous to mention and mainder for the gas depart- A program of gas powered ir- STOCKER & FEEDER STEERS ment. rigation pumping started in 17 blk steers 381 @ 37.30 Lloyd Grothusen, Administrator 2 black steers 375 @ 36.80 The major construction ex-1968 was pointed out as an im- 4 whiface steers 460 @ 35.70 penditure will be completion ofportant marketing effort in the of the estate of wrr.r.is G. WAGNER a430,000 -kilowatt unitatthe Sale Conducted By G&H Auction Co. 9 black steers 466 @ 34.10 gas department. The company Ray Gerbitz, Ellsworth, 472-3491. Melvin Temple, Lyons 2 whiface steers 538 @ 35.50 Clerk - Delvin Haase 257.2915 1 whiface steer 460 @ 35.10 2 black steers 375 @ 35.10 11 whiface steers 475 @ 34.70 Wednesday 3 black steers 500 @ 34.10 3 black steers 528 @ 33.50 3 whiface steers 527 @ 33.00 AUCTION 1 black steer 555 @ 33.00 MAY 14 2 fat steers 1650 @ 32.30 Red Cloud Livestock Comm. Co. Inc. Hg 2 red steers 463 @ 31.30 Starts 11:00 a.m. chine: 5 black steers 595 @ 30.30 SALE Red Cloud, Nebraska from 2 black steers 655 @ 29.10 Lunch Served 2 mill 3 holstein steers 610 @ 27.80 4 holstein steers 730 @ 26.90 As we have quit farming and are moving to Lincoln,we will sell the following personal property at public auction at the Sale Every Tuesday STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS farm located 5 miles south and 3 miles east of Hunter, Kansas Starts 1Z 30 Noon 10 A; 3 whiface heifers 350 @ 31.10 or 1 mile east of Ash Grove, Kans. ers 4 whiface heifers 370 @ 30.70 da3 8 black heifers 457 @ 30.00 Grain auger, 6 -in. 32 -ft. w/ gas The Home Of The Best Feeder Cattle 1 Wl 6 black heifers engine 11 A 438 @ 29.25 Machinery In Southern Nebraska and Northern Kansas wit 2 black heifers 642 @ 29.10 500 gal. gas tank on stand 2 An 16 mixed heifers 625 @ 29.00 JD manure spreader 1962 Allis Chalmers tractor, TOOLS & MISC. 5 An: 3 black heifers 500 @ 29.00 D-19, gas, overhauled last Tumblebug; steel wheel hay 41 mixed heifers 683 @ 28.55 fall rack; sulky rake; 2 harrows, 3- 1 black heifer 680 @ 28.50 For Consignments or Early Listings Contact: 1969 1963 Allis Chalmers loader 519section; 2 wagons; lister, 3- 2 black heifers 578 @ 27.50 1956 Allis Chalmers tractor, row; Wayne air compressor; Barn Phones: 746-2620- 746-2622 onl 7 plain heifers 673 @ 25.90 WD45 Forney welder, 180 amp.; 1969 6 plain heifers 652 @ 25.00 1945 Allis Chalmers tractor, Cpaint spray gun; drill press; 1969 1965 Allis Chalmers mower, 7 -grinders; 1966 ft. 80S BUTCHER COWS Vise, shovels & forks Dean Jones,owner Virgil Miller. mgr. 1963 Allis Chalmers plow, 4-16, Fairbanks -Morse platform 1 whiface cow 1100 @ 23.40 semi -mounted Nelson - 2254281 Red Cloud 746-2445 1 brd cow 1300 @ 22.80 1956 Allis Chalmers plow, scales; hand drill press; 2 1 black cow 1115 @ 22.60 hyd. cylinders & hoses; Audi mounted 3-16 Weed burner, 4 -gal.; lawn Bob 1 black cow 1100 @ 22.10 1963 Allis Chalmers wheel mower; fanning mill & eleva- I 1 holstein cow 1535 @ 21.90 disc, 12 -ft. tor; electric motor, 3'hp.; 1 holstein cow 1520 @ 22.00 1960 Allis Chalmers tool bar,metal table; 220 drop cord, 100 1 holstein cow 1655 @ 21.80 12 -ft. w/ 16 -in. sweens ft.: 1 holstein cow 1255 @ 22.60 1967 Allis Chalmers tool bar, Battery charger; pick-up 1 black cow 970 @ 20.90 12 -ft. w/ 4 -ft. sweeps guards, 1 set; new "V" blades, 1 swiss cow 1195 @ 22.30 1956 Allis Chalmers subsoiler5 -ft.;belt pulley for WD 45 1 holstein cow 1964 Allis Chalmers rear bladeAC tractor; handy -man jack; 995 @ 20.10 1966 Sunflower stubble mulch Inc. 1 whiface cow 960 20+50 JD water cooled engine, 1% Superior LivestockComm. Co., plow, 9 -ft. hp.; smooth & barbed wire; ,1Radi< BOLOGNA BULLS 1968 Mulch treader, 9 -ft. grindstone;kerosene tank We 1 black bull 1964 Kent springtooth, wheel Superior. Nebraska 2015 @ 25.60 heater; here ti 1 whiteface bull 840 @ 26.90 type MM oneway, 8 -ft. Lumber; windows & frames; selling 1 whiteface bull 1655 @ 25.60 fence & hand tools; barrels, and in 1 black bull 1470 @ 25.40 JD Duckfoot w/ sweeps & cans & grease guns; posts, points as- There 1 black bull 1255 @ 25.00 sorted; scrap Iron; squirrel Sale Every Saturday Case grain drill, Model L, 16-8,cage fan & motor: and lu w/ new discs,shoes & 2 log chains, 15 & 16 -ft.; Sale Starts At 12:30 Noon I stock. If you have cattle to sell, call wheel bearings, fertilizer at-tractor cushion & umbrella; buyers collect C. C. Wendt BL 8.2529 tach. pipe: propane gas heater; but on Herington; Wm. Schnell Implement tilt trailer, dual electric water heater; folding Largest Pig Market In Southern Nebraska each a wheels, 16x8 And Northern Kansas BL 8-2039, Herington; Ted MH field sprayer, mounted cot; crocks & fruit jars; assure, Haefner, 317, Lincolnville. Plison cylinder phono- Dependable Cattle Market Saturd Corn sheller, 2 -hole graph. about Grain auger, 6in. 18 -ft. w/ 220 1% hp. motor Many other articles toonu- Owned merous to mention. For Consignments or Early Listings Contact: Ii minim Herington Auctioneers' Note: This isone sale you don't want to miss Barn Phone: 879-3711 We The late model machineryand other personal property ! Saturd all in first class condition. are With al Livestock Dean Jones,owner Jim Bruning, of' We wil Nelson - 225-4281 ....Superior -879.42- THIS I Auction Co. Mr. & Mrs. ArthurJepsen, Owners will be Sale Conducted By GMT AuctionCompany JulY, a Herington, Kans. Ray Gerbitz, Ellsworth, 472-3491Mervin Temple, Lyons. 257-2975 Clerk - Saline Valley Bank I, 1969 the same laboratory,they tion of the American Psychia- its sheep Marijuana Users smoked cigarettesthat looked, tric Association. recent. tasted and the deadsheep smelled exactlythe In another phase of the exper- )kind the same but lacked neck FO)Ied By the active iment, the same youngmen two-inch chemical ingredient gashes juana. in mari- were given, at different times, 7 were in a fene, ummYSmokes pills containing the active chem- ?red by Gypsum And they couldnot tell the :nregular smokers of difference. ical in marijuana, or pills that )cats wereshot juana got the same effects looked and tasted the same but mari Both kinds of farm twoyears dummy cigarettes in a cigarettes gavewhich had none of the chemical !toll them the feeling .atory experiment as they of being mild-in them. The real pills contained lab° ly "high" or slightlyintoxicated.2C times the amount of the act- Idrom the real thing, two The cal researchers reported experimentshows, ive chemical as found in mari- DInday ed. among other things, day. the unre-juana cigarettes. times in the test the youngliability of trustingsmokers to In these comparisons, the men At judge the potencyof the mari-could detect the difference. And :Lensmoked real marijuana ettes. At other times, in juana they use,the researchersthe realpills boosted their IY 19 1ga said in a reportto the conven- pulse rate and altered their perceptions of time and space Wednesday relationships as the smoking of 10:00 aJni, real marijuana cigarettes can eh Served do. The experiments were report- G. Wagner, the AUCTION e auction at the MAY 14 ed by Reese T. Jones, and on Hiway 156 George C. Stone, both of the Langley Porter Neuropsychia- OLD AND SALE RS' ITEMS Starts 12:30 Noon tric Institute and University of line; 12 chairs; California School of Medicine, Lne heaters; 2 Lunch Served San Francisco. boiler; buffet, As I am leaving the farm I will sell at publicsale at my farm RAISE CONSERVATION e sewing ma. located 7 miles southwest of Junction City, Kans.,on old Hiway LEVEL AT KANOPOLIS aters;5 iron 77 or 9 miles southeast of Chapman on old Hiway s; 2 chests; 77. Conservation level at Kanop- plates; olis Lake has been increased Antiques FARM MACHINERY ayer; linens & China cabinet with curved from 1459 to 1463 feet, a level lum clock (E. AND EQUIPMENT which was the conservation tires & frames, glass front 1947 Farmall H tractor,near ber, planter Walnut bed new tires,hydraulicsys- pool mark until it was lowered Walnut dresser with marble tem with starter and lights, several years ago. The change a, wash stand, top in good condition is considered good news for )ttles, Walnut chest with marble top1961 IHC No. 317'tractor jars & Walnut stand with marble top mounter mower with hyd. fishermen. books, corn Brass bedstead; large ward- cylinder robe. (These are all very good iardware parts and many other items. Also neck yokes pieces in good condition) some household goods. ern pump Some antique dishes and Other implements, tools and Adams Peak Annual s & seat glassware; several Haviland misc. items. Basket Dinner Lps, 2 tables For Full Listings See Grass & Grain May6 %asters, 6 rock- Sun., May 18 : gas lamps, At 12:30 p.m. )(ad heater, up- T. M. (Tim) Templeton, Drinks Furnished dishes. Owner School house on acremore articles too Auctioneers: C. W. "Bill" Crites Clerks: Mr. & Mrs. and Howard Langvardt or less of land and furnishings o mention Clarence Jones to be auctioned at 2:30p.m. Located 16 miles north of lrator Manhattan on Highway 13 ER Saturday Lyons 257.2975 AUCTION MAY 17 SALE Starts 1:00 p.m. Located 9 miles west, 3 miles Lunch Served north, 1 east and 31/2 north of Council Grove; or 3 miles east, Co. Inc. Having sold my farm, I will sell at public auction all 2 south, 1 southeast and 1 south SKILL IN AUTO MECHANICS TROUBLE SHOOTING my ma- of WHITE CITY. chinery, livestock and miscellaneous items at thefarm located Two Manhattan teams placed well in an auto mechanics trouble from Topeka, Kans., 1 mile east of old US75 & Elmont spur; 2 miles north on Indian Creek Road. Friday, May .16 shooting contest in which teams from high schools and vocational technical schools competed. 1966 No. 269 New Holland hay Starts 1:30 p.m. baler, like new, baled only Second -place high school team (top picture) was composed of Livestock 6000 bales Vaughn Murphy and Gary Bonawitz, shown with instructor Tony 1) Angus cows, heavy spring-RD -7 Caterpillar with dozer; a Ekart. ers, some to calve by sale good machine Machinery day 1964 IHC 504 tractor with 3- In competition among post -high school men was the team of Ray IHC side delivery rake on rub- pt. hitch, 2006 hrs., ex. cond. le WF cow, springer ber Hammond and Dennis Adams, shown with instructor Charles La - 1 1963 IHC 504 tractor with 2 - Lamas Angus heiferscorning 3 pt. wheel sprayer, 12' booms Master (bottom picture). with first calf 2 section harrow pt. hitch, excellent condition 2Angus heifer calves 500 lbs.4 wheeled wagon with flatbed 8N Ford tractor The top-ranking high school team was the Circle high school Angus steer calves 500 lbs. MH No. 35 combine, SP, 8' 1960 Chev. 1/2 ton pickup, 4 spd auger feed, hyd. platform team of Towanda, Richard Parsley of Benton and Dennis Roths of runs good lift, manual variable speed, Wichita. Machinery MISCELLANEOUS good condition The post -high school team with top rank came from the vo-tech ntact: 1)69 Ford 4000 tractor with100 electric fence posts; elec- 22 only 85 actual hours tric fence wire, barb wire, Sale includes much more state college at Pittsburg with Tom Storey of Girard and Dennis 969 Krause 10' wheel disk hedge posts and many, many equipmentbutveryfew Walker of McPherson on the team. 969 Ford mowing machine, 9'other items too numerous to small items. The top-ranking team on a written exam came from the 1966 Case 3 pt. 2x16 plow list. For Partial Listings See Salina vo-tech school -- Ghazi Jahay of Ellinwood and Dennis iller, mgr. Grass & Grain May 6 d 746-2445 Boyce of Carlton. Merlin Johnson, Owner Mr. & Mrs. Second ranking high school came from the Flint Hills vo-tech Auctioneer: Clerk: Meriden school at Emporia -- Joe Hooper of Council Grove and Chuck State Bank JOHN BLYTHE Bob Towne, Topeka Auct. Jim Kirkeminde DeLancey of Emporia. 0,1crm,c1 aCr04:17tyMitiNrOPIEFtCPCX1M Co., Inc radio KNCK '1390' 6:45 T. T. S. aimMXICaliPtiftgi,XIL=Ct2:01,111k=78 We had a very goodrun of all classes "Gail Garton - owner & manager" ere this past Saturday. Cattle were Concordia, Kansas Sale Every Saturday elling fully steadythroughout the sale, and in spots seemed sales will resume in September. 1 holstein cow 1320 @ 22.00 25 feeder pigs @ 19.75 a bit stronger. 3 whiteface.cows1300 @ 20.00 ['here were121 consigners for cattle Stop in, visit, compare our 23 weaning pigs @ 16.00 and hogs; 65 buyers sale to any other, thendecide where 9 cows/cvs @226.00 21 feeder pigs @ 17.25 for all classes of 1 whiteface cow lock. We don't you'll do business. 1015 @ 23.00 7 sows 480 @ 17.70 know how many 2 whiteface cows1105 @ 22.20 myers are The following are someof the sales 11 sows 320 @ 19.55 necessary for a good sale 2 blk wf cows 980 @ 23.00 asks Hit one thing is certain,we appreciate made this past Saturday: 9 buthcers 200 @ 20.80 'WI and every buyer. Buyers are 9 butchers 260 @ 20.90 STOCKER & FEEDERSTEERS STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS 215 @ 21.30 issued of country fresh stockevery 2 bik heifers 240 @ 37.00 4 butchers ;aturday andyou don't have to worry 2 whiteface steers425 @ 36.00 11 butchers 240 @ 21.50 395 @ 38.00 4 whiteface hfrs 430 @ 31.70 lbout tradercattle or company 3 whiteface steers 4 whiteface heifers 600 @ 31.10 Boars sold from $14.40 to $17.60 wined cattle 6 whiteface steers775 @ 35.10 'tact: as these are held to a 3 black heifers 406 @ 33.50 BULLS Ainimum. 3 holstein steers 985 @ 26.90 2 whiteface heifers 840 @ 29.60 1 whiteface bull We'll beopen for business every 5 whiteface bulls 360 @ 38.00 1280 @ 24.30 Gail Garton, Concordia laturday 470 @ 36.20 2 whiteface heifers305 @ 34.75 throughout the summer 4 whiteface steers With all sales 605 @ 34.20 SHEEP beginning at 1:00 sharp. 3 black steers HOGS 54 feeder lambs king, mgr. 'e will have 2 whiteface steers700 @ 34.00 52 @ 29.80 NOTE our regular HORSE SALE 10 weaning pigs @ 19.50 24 dry ewes @ 9.50 -$794225 mks MONTH,MAY 26, but there 20 feeder pigs @ 16.75 - Horse sale - Every 4th Monday ,411 be no horse COWS If you have sheep to sell- give us a of each month. sales during June, 1100 @ 20.40 19 baby pigs @ 14.25 call. FulY, andAugust. Regular horse 2 blk whifc cows Bob Craig Ph. 243-1112 J.M."Matt" Davis, Delphos 623-4543 Leo Rauch,Clay Can te r632-3092 'Ill III III IIIIIIII11111i1111111111111111111111111U111I11111111111111111111111111111111111IIIE Manchester, Kans., Mrs. ClydeMay 28 - Household goods in Taylor. Auct. Leo Crawford. Clay Center, Kans., Ernest May 13,1969 May 17 - Kansas Spring Quar- Carlson. Auct. Foster Kretz. GaiG Calendar ter Horse Classic in Manhat-May 31 - Household goods & n111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111r Parkerville between Council tan, Kans., Kansas Quarter antiques in Hanover, Ks., May 13 - Household sale, Sal- Horse Assn. Sale mgr. Bob Henry Neumann. Auct. Don Grass ina, Kans., Earl Crawford Grove and White City, Kans., 3 0 & Grain John Blythe. Auct Jim Kirke- Wilson. Roche. Aucts. Bob Perry & Frank May 17 - Household & an- May 31 - Household goods, Harz. minde. May 17 - Household goods of tiques in Lindsborg, Ks., Olaf Gypsum, Kans., May Tinkler S1 May 13 - Farm sale north of Matson estate. Auct. Roger A. estate. Aucts Frank Harz &Aug. 15- Complete Marysville,Kans., Nettie H. Newman estate, farm dispersal, dairy W. Dennis Johnson. Bob Perry. Fairview, Waite. Auct. R. N. Breeding. Manhattan, Kans., Auct. Law- Van Dolsen Dairy Rs, alai] rence Welter. May 17 - Overseas relief auc- June 3 - Household sale, Sal- Farm. Auct May 14 - Farm machinery & & Sale Mgr.Donald and Johnson. tion, statewide, in Hillsboro, ina, Kans., Dean W. Rice, Bowman. antiques southwest of Junc- Kans., for Mennonite Central Aucts Frank Harz & Bob Aug. 23- High grade closE tion City, Kans., T. M. Tem-May 17 - Household goods and complete fund Committee. Auct. Ted Kreh- Perry. Holstein disnersalsale pleton. Aucts C. W. Crites & some antiques in Herington, Falls City, Nebr., at tax biel. June 7 - Household goods, Sal- Mrs Wesley Howard Langvardt. Kans , Mr. & Mrs. Walter CariPo. Auct. babli May 17 - Farm sale north of ina, Kans., Gertrude Hood. - sale mgr,Don. May 14 - Evening sale in Coun- Will. Aucts Wm. & Carl aid J. Bowman. any Schnell. Emporia, Kans.,Kenneth Auctioneers Frank Harz & cilGrove, Kans.,Unified Swanson. Allot. Evert Smith. Bob Perry. Sent. 20- High Grade fora School District 417, busses &May 17 - Farm sale east of To- stein dairy herd Rol grey May 18 - Machinery sale in June 7 - Farm sale north_ of sale, Clima, school equipment. Auct. Jim peka, Kans., Merlin Johnson. Kans., Virgil A: Auct. Bob Towne. Seneca, Ks., Gene Hammes. Walton, Kans., Jake Voth. and Harold Kirkeminde. Cormack. Auct-sale Me. arel May 17 - Household goods, Auct. Vern Groff. Auct Ed Reimer. mgr. D. May 14 - Farm sale southeast May 18 --- Antiques, Atchison, June 7 - Household goods in aidJ. Bowman. of Hunter, Kans., Mr. & Mrs. some antiques and miscel- Nov. 1 - Registered exce Arthur Jepsen. Aucts Ray laneous items in Junction Kans.,Mrs. Frankie Moore Blue Rapids, Mary Lynch. Holstein Est. Auct. Don Roche. Auot. Don Roche. sale in Cameron,Mo., Lloyd Gerbitz and Melvin Temple. City, Kans , Leland Flynn. Bacon. Auct. May 15 - Farm Machinery, Aucts C. W. Crites and EarlMay 19 -- Farm sale north of June 7 - Household goods L. - sale mgr. Don. Brown. Hebron, Nebr., Lyle Lang- Salina, Kans., Fay Derringer, aid J. Bowman, southeast of Junction City, on Nov. 14- Hammarlund Davis Creek Rd., Rex Hunt,May 17 - Household sale. Sal- horst. Aucts Schultis & Son & Aucts Frank Harz & Bob ina, Kans., White and Davis. Wolken. Perry. Shamrock Angussale. Sr. Auct C. W. "Bill" Crites. Nov. 6 & 7 May 15 - Furniture and an- Aucts Frank Harz & Bob May 19 - Machinery sale south- June 14 - House and furnish- - Kansas State Perry. east of Holton, Kans., Symons ings in Canton, Kans., Kate Shorthorn Show& Sale, tiques in Fairbury, Nebr., Hutchinson, Kans. May 17 - Household goods in Truck & Tractor Co. Aucts Dommerfeld. Auct Ed Reim- Milton Na. Edith Kelso. Auct Harold R. gely, sale mgr. Siegel. Cottonwood Falls,Kans., Russell Ireland & Wilson S. er. Julia Thompson. Auct. Jim Hawk. June 14 - Household goods &Nov. 8- Crowther -Walker May 15 - Farmland east of Quarter Horse Barr. May 19 - Farm sale northeast antiques in Manhattan, Ks., production Goessel, Kans., Auct. Ed Rei- sale in Salina, Kans., May 17 - Farmland auction of Ellsworth, Kans., estate of Ada Stuart. Auct. Don Roche. Duane mer. Walker, sale mgr. May 16 - Farmland saleat east of Goessel, Kans., J. C. Willis G. Wagner, Lloyd Gro- June 14 - Household goods & Nov.Fannual.21s-Johnson WaKeeney,Kans.,John Reimer. Auct. Ed Reirner. thusen, admin. Aucts G & H, antiques in Clay Center, Ks., hfnasl ol nll May 17 - Horse sale, Wilson Ray Gerbitz and Melvin Tem- Mrs. Mildred Lohman. Auct - sale,Elmer Schneider. Auct Don Legere. L. Johnson & Sons, May 16 - Consignment horse sale barn, Salina, Kans., Ro- ple Foster Kretz. Smolan, ger A. Johnson and Bob Per-May 19 Farmland in Graham June 16- Farmland sale south- Kansas. sale at JC sale barn, Junction 111111er City, Kans. ry, aucts. county, sellingatHillCity, east of Junction City, Kans., May 16 - Farm sale south ofMay 17 Household goods in Kans., Knapp estate. Auct Val Hartung estate. Auct Fos- TEX REAL Don Legere. ter Kretz. ONWARD Mk May 19 -- Farmland sale north- July 14 -- Farmland sale south- west of Halstead, Ks., Adrian east of Clifton,Kans., Ann 1 Cow Hera - RoyalCKato, Esser estate. Auct. Ted Krehbiel. Lakin estate. Auct Foster Heir May 21 - Household goods in Kretz. Apparent Emporia, Kans., Frede Bright. July 26- Jr. Shorthorn Field SERVICEABLEBULLS Auct. Evert Smith. Day, Manhattan, Kans. WITH WEIGHT RECORDS 1 Priced . . . $300 to $500 May 21 - Farm sale southwest Aug. 1 & 2 - Annual Kansas of Minneapolis, Ks ,Floyd Polled Hereford Assn. east- GRANT POOLE Zuker. Auct. Melvin Zuker. ern 2 chi)/ tour starting at the MANHATTAN, KANS. May 21 Registered Holstein Located 4 mi. south of 1-70-5111 Carl Funk farm in Goff, Ks., intersection, 2 mi.west on Mc- production sale, Seneca, Kans., with a night stop in Ottawa. Dowell Creek Rd. Ph. PR 6-8315. Mat Roeder. Auct.-sale mgr. Arnold Wittorff, sec. HOGS START AT 11:00 A.M. Donald Bowman. CATTLE AT 1:00 P.M. May 23 --Furniture in Fair- 1 Hog Market In Kansas bury, Nebr., Margaret Aden The No. 26 whif & blk hfrs777 V 29.20 estate.Auct. Harold R.Sie- We had a real nice sale for this 62 whifacc heifers647 (a29.05 gel. WASHINGTON SALESCO. time of the year.The market 9 char heifers 761 0,28.85 May 23 - Farm sale at New was active on all classes of live- 6 whiface heifers 714 (a)28.80 Cambria, Kans., Sidney Vid- TRY US SOON stock. We had a top of $20.05 7 blkwhif heifers 839 (a)28.70 ricksen. Aucts. Bob Perry & on fat hogs, and the pig market HOGS every TUESDAY HOLSTEIN STEERS Frank Harz. All Sales was very active with a good de- May 23 -- Farm sale northeast CATTLE every WEDNESDAY mand for them. 10 holstein steers 396 V 29.30 Start 1:00 pm. 2 holstein steers 1012 @'27.00 of Bennington, Kans., Guy 2 holstein steers 735 V 26.50 Sumearl. Auct. Bob Allison. YOU GET ACTION STEER CALVES 1 holstein steer 1025 V 26.50 May 23 -- Farm sale south of AT THE WASHINGTON AUCTION ED BURT 3 char steers 317 @ 36.30 Walton, Kans., Emil Jantz 1 whiface steer 355 @ 36.25 COWS estate. Auct Ed Reimer. 5 whiface steers 402 @ 36.25 1 whifacc cow 950 V 26.00 Residence EA 52393 1 whiface cow 1180 Vl22.90 Johnson. Barn Phone EA 5-2266 4 whiface steers 388 @ 36.25 May 24 - Personal property in 1 black steer 375 @ 35.80 1 whiface cow 1000 (a)22.90 Washington. Kans. 1 blkwhif bull 388 @ 35.00 1 whiface cow 1210 @ 22.80 Emporia, Howard Huntes- 9 black steers 430 @ 34.75 1 brown swiss cow 1120 @ 22.80 tate. Auct. Evert Smith. 12 char steers 432 @ 34.50 1 whiface cow 930 22.75 May 24 - Household goods in 22 whiface steers 544 @ 34.15 1 whiface cow 990 @ 2/.70 Blue Rapids, Kans., Mamie 1 whiface steer 340 @ 34.00 1 holstein cow 1085 @22.65 Harrison. Auct. Don Roche. 3 whiface steers 380 @ 33.80 1 holstein cow 1245 @'22.60 Ronald Rice Motors, Inc 1 holstein cow 1225 0.P22.35 May 24 - Antiques in Madison, 2 char steers 465 @ 33.65 Ks., Caroline Boman estate. CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC 5 black steers 423 @ 33.40 1 holstein cow 1075 @ 22.10 North Kansas' Largest Volume Dealer 3 whiface steers 498 @ 32.90 1 whiface cow 935 @ 21.80 Aucts J. H. Hind & Jim Barr 14 black steers 464 @ 32.80 1 holstein cow 1450 @ 21.70 May 24 - Household goods in NW 2nd Phone CO 3-4000 ABILENE, KASS 2 black steers 625 @ 32.70 2 whiface cows 1073 V 21.50 Hesston, Kans., John Loewen. 1 whiface steer 560 @ 32.00 Auct Ed Reimer. 3 whiface steers 530 @ 31.80 HOGS May 24 - Farm sale south of We're Top Banana 9 mix butchers 214 @ 22.05 Westmoreland, Roland Web- HEIFER CALVES 9 red butchers 233 @ 22.00 In North Central Kansas Volume 1 char heifer 280 @ 32.50 27 mixed butchers 230 @ 22.00 er Estate. Auct Lawrence And We Mean To Stay That Way 16 b & bwf heifers 406 @ 31.75 15 mixed butchers 226 @ 22.00 Welter. 1 whiface heifer 335 @ 31.50 16 mixed butchers 215 @ 21.95 May 24 - Real estate in Wa- But Yes . . . We Have No Lemons 6 black heifers 381 @ 31.40 19 mixed butchers 239 @ 21.85 mego, Kans., Mrs. Vivian 40 whiface heifers556 @ 31.00 25 red butchers 239 @ 21.80 Platz. Auct. Lawrence Welter These Are All Top Banana Cars 5 char heifers 376 @ 31.00 16 hamp butchers 212 @?21.70 May 24 - Household sale, Sa- 1968 OLDSMOBILE 98 Luxury Liner, 4 door sedan .... 095 1 whiface heifer 350 @ 31.00 lina, Kans., B. L. Burgess. 1967FcuHllEvpoEwLerLEanwid atibruco4nddiotoiorner, one owner, like new. 17 b & bwf heifers366 @ 31.00 SOWS 412e8r9. ° Aucts Frank Harz & Bob Per- aBuetlomAiarti4c transmission,dooral ogcoanl one. 1 white sow 345 @19.45 heater, automatic 195 FEEDER STEERS & HEIFERS 1 spotted sow 345 @19.40 ry. 1967 CHEVROLET rstation 36 b & bwf steers 599 @ 32.90 4 mixed sows May 24 - Household & anti- 1967RcaHEdio,vEheLLateEr, 2audImrat6ic etyrlainndsemrission, power steering. 438 @19.00 $169° 10 blkwhif steers 782 @ 32.75 2 white sows 383 @19.00 ques in Wamego, Kans., Dav- 8 char steers 842 @ 32.60 1 hamp sow Radio, heater, stick shift. 9195 460 @18.85 id Helm Estate. Bob Wilson, CHEVROLETsteering station wagon, 4 door ...... $ 11 black steers 878 @ 32.30 1 white sow 500 @18.60 auct. Power 9 whiface steers 751 @ 32.20 1967....$2095 May 24 - Household goods in 1967 FORD Custom 500 V-8 3 whiface steers 915 @ 32.00 PIGS 1 black steers Clay Center, Kans., estate of Power steering and brakes, air conditioner. $ 820 @ 31.90 Pigs weighing from 30-40 lbs. 1966 CHEVROLET Impala, 6 cylinder 4 door sedan .. -1995 2 black steers 847 @ 31.30 sold from $12.50 to $15.00. Geneva Swenson Oberg. Auct. Radio, heater, automatic transmission, local one owner 3 whiface steers 836 @ 31.20 Pigs weighing from 40-60 lbs. Foster Kretz. 1965 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 door V8 ...... $1-5" 5 whiface heifers 682 @ 29.20 sold from $15.00 to $19.00. May 24 & 25- Kansas Auction- Radio, heater, automatic transmission, a real niceone,,,, eers Assn. annual convention 1965 CHEVROLET Biscayne 6 cylinder 2 door ...... SW LICENSED AND BONDED Stick shift. BARN PH. JUNCTION CITY 238-1471 in Lawrence, Ks., Wilson S. 1963 MERCURY Custom Meteor 4 door ...... $895 Hawk, president. Radio, heater, stick shift. If you have livestock to appraise, call: 1961 CHEVROLET Impala V8 4 door ...... $ May 26 steering, VERN LANGVARDT, Manager, 238-8211, Junction City - Parsonage of the Radio, heater, automatic transmission, po obi United Methodist church in power brakes, airconditioner.wer cal HOWARDLANGVARDT, Auctioneer, 238-8212, Junction City Fairbury, Nebr., Auct. Harold HERB NEUMEYER, White City, Phone 349-2863 Open Evenings Till 9 p.m.; R. Siegel. Sundays 1 to 5 pin. 1 1969 . 1 r quite possible In the case of his 'minty Tax System plan to change the whole basis May 13, 1969 ass & Grain By of personal deductions. The public outcry against the Other members of the com-proposal was so great- even mitee have been saying ever though it, too, came coupled tripping MostDeductions since the Nixon administrationwith a plan for offsetting reduc- [plete dairy Wilbur D. Mills of Arkansas, charity, unless put forth its first package of tions in tax rates- that the Fairview, they exceed 10it is now, under Mills' idea. tax reform proposals April 22 Ics., chairman of the House Ways per cent ofa taxpayer's income Eliminate the present es- Idea never was even seriously ry Farm. Auct.and Means Committee, has dis- The banwould include that Mills was determined to considered by Congress. Inald Bowman, closed some of his ideas for the cape from taxation of capital seize the initiative on the re- standard deduction.In exchangegains on property held until Recipients of charitable con- trade complete fundamental reform of the for loss of this form issue from the administra-tributions - churches, universi- sal deduction, he death by providing that the tion. Some saw his comments as saleat tax system. It appeared impro-would lowertax rates signifi-heirs of property that has ap- ties, and so on - were among his ways of doing this. Mrs Wesleybable, however, that many or cantly., preciated in value pay taxes, the opponents, but so were ale mgr. Don.'any of them actually would get Mills' idea of prohibiting all Change the systemof tax-whenever they sell it, on all the millions of ordinary taxpayers formal consideration by Con- ation on capital personal deductions,except who saw that they would lose h Grade gains, so that appreciation since it was boughtcharitable contributions, unless Hol- gress this year. the rate gets lowerthe longer by the person from' whom they the deductions for the interest d sale, Clima, Among Mills' major ideas the property they exceed 10 percent of a tax-on their mortgages. was held before inherited it. payer's income, is similar to id HaroldMc. are these: being sold. The Mills explained that he saw rate for prop- Just how seriously Mills in- one proposed by the Kennedy sale mgr. Don. Ban personal deductions, erty held onlya year or so tended to pursue any of these the elimination of deductions 1. administration in 1963. The Ken- ex:-eptfor contributionsto probably would be higher ideas was not clear. totaling less than 10 percent ed Holstein than nedy recommendation was forof income as a large step tow- He said that he did not knowdisallowance of personal deduc- 1, Mo., Lloyd how they would be received by ard tax simplification. de mgr. Don- LEASING tions that did not exceed 5 per- members of his own committee,cent of income, including char- Farm and Industrial Machinery and it was learned later from itable contributions in the total. nmarlund- If you can't buy it ou can lease other members that none had is sale. any piece of Allis-Chalmers machinery you ma) need, and at lowrates. See.Bob Martin yet been brought up for discus- AUCTION :ansas State for Industrial leasing, Jim Gates for Farm sion there. w & Sale, Equipment leasing. To settle the Estate of Nettie H. Nor was it clear whether Mills Newman,Deceased, we will ns. Milton Na- HENRY SALES ANDSERVICE would stick by these ideas dog- AUCTION East Highway 24 sad Meriden Rood, Topeka,Kam -FL 4-7641 hold a public auction of all of gedly if the Nixon administra- the household goods located at ther-Walker tion opposed them, as appeared production Thursday, May 15 1848 Anderson Avenue, Man- hattan, Kansas, starting prompt- Kans., Duane Starts 12:30 Noon gr. Lunch Served ly at 12:30 P.M. on ison Hereford As I have rented my farm I Saturday, May 17 will sell at public sale the fol-Three all sale, Elmer Reynolds lowing described farm machin- refrigeratorsingood Sons, Smolan, ery and miscellaneous items lo- working condition, stoves, win- cated at my farm 15 miles south-dow air conditioner, occasional east of Junction City, Es., on chairs, chairs, divan, sofas, sev- Davis Creek Road; or 3 miles TEX REAL Sale Barn north and 5 miles west of eral complete bedroom suites, ONWARD 55th Dwight. Watch for sale signs. trunk, tables, lawn mower, gar- ABILENE, KANS. den tiller, ladders, end tables,' CowHera - Farm Machinery book cases, utensils,pans, Royal Essar Selling Every C Kato, Heir 111C Model H tractor, starter & dishes, a lot of good tools, and lights, good tires & engine many Apparent 1958 New Holland No. 68 wire miscellaneous items too F BULLS FRIDAY tie baler, good condition numerous to mention . ' RECORDS And other implements & tools. Note: Good parking located to )0 to $500 Starts 1:00 D.M. Miscellaneous machinery and the rear of above residence in other items. )DOLE theKansasStateUniversity A very good run of cattle 3 hol. thin cows 1126 @ 21.80 Also a 7-yr. old Shetland Parking Lot. N. KANS. 1 holstein cow uth of I -70-K177 moved through the ring 1350 @ 21.00 For Full Listings See Not Responsible for Accidents i. west on Mc - last Friday afternoon.Prices 1 holstein cow1170 @ 22.40 Grass & Grain May 6 Ph. PR 6-8315. Terms -Cash again looked 50e higheron 10 canner cows895 @ 19.70 Maurice L. Hill, Administrator 15 canner cows Rex Hunt Sr., Owner cows and bulls.All classes 861 @ 19.35 C. W. "Bill" Crites & Earl Nettie H. Newman Estate Lnsas of stockers and feederswere Brown, Auctioneers Lawrence Welter, Auctioneer 500 to $1.00 higher. STOCKER & FEEDER STEERS Everett Sheets, Clerk Harold Carlson, Clerk 5 whifc bulls 316 @ 41.80 4 blk wf strs 327 @ 41.20 BULLS 3 blk whifc strs315 @ 40.90 Hogs 11:00 a.m. 1 bull [email protected] 2 whiteface strs475 @ 36.75 Sale COW, WlfettiA41 1 bull [email protected] 8 whiface steers565 @ 35.75 Cattle 1 p.m. 1 bull All Sales [email protected] 4 whiface strs 697 @ 331.0 REMEMBER THE NEW TIME OF OURSALE - 1 bull [email protected] tart 1:00 p.m 17 black strs 518 @ 37.40 Hog Sale at 11:00 And Cattle Saleat 1:00 P.M. 1 fat bull [email protected] 2 shorthorn strs375 @ 37.95 1 bull [email protected] 6 whiteface strs578 @ 35.00 We had a light run of both hogs and cattle due toa heavy BURT 1 bull [email protected] 3 black steers 560 @ 34.80 rain on Wednesday. Feeder cattle were 50t to 75t higher. 1 bull [email protected] 4 whiteface strs380@ 40.10 Light yearlings and calves were steady to 504 higher. Cows 1 bull A 5-2393 [email protected] 8 blk whifc strs716 @ 32.85 were 50t to $1.00 higher. Butcher hogs were up 80t over 1 bull [email protected] 3 whiface strs 736 @ 32.20 a week ago with an extreme top of $21.75 with the bulk 2 whiface strs 840 @ 31.75 bringing $21.60. Pigs were in good demand and bringing COWS 3 whiface strs 583 @ 34.10 from $15.00 to $21.75 per head. The following isa listing 2 heiferettes [email protected] 4 whiface strs 717 @ 31.90 of some of our consignments: 2 heiferettes [email protected] 3 blk whifc strs640 @ 32.85 2 heiferettes [email protected] 8 holstein strs1200 @ 26.55 FAT CATTLE & FEEDERS 1 heiferette [email protected] 2 holstein strs 870@ 26.00 16 whiface steers 514 @35.45 HEIFER CALVES 1 heiferette [email protected] 6 black steers 600 @35.00 4 heiferettes 2 whiface & roan steers 520 @34.80 5 black whiface heifers 382 @ 32.60 [email protected] STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS 4 whiface steers 558 @34.60 2 mix whiface heifers 470 @ 30.60 1 heiferette [email protected] 15 whiface hfrs366 @ 36.10 2 whiface steers 550 @34.50 6 mix whiface heifers 437 @ 20.40 1 char whiface heifer 400 @ 30.30 1 heiferette [email protected] 5 blk whifc hfrs380 @ 33.40 9 whiface steers 708 @33.50 4 whiface steers 590 @33.25 1 whiface heifer 435 @ 29.40 1 heiferette [email protected] 2 blk whifc hfrs365 @ 33.00 7 black heifers 523 @32.00 555 @ 1 heiferette [email protected] 3 black heifers 360 @ 36.40 1 roan whiface heifer 31.90 HOGS & PIGS 2 whiface heifers 540 @ 4 cows 990@ 31.50 23.00 9 fl blk wf hfrs469 @ 32.05 13 whiface heifers 519 @31.10 3 cows [email protected] 2 black heifers 585 @ 31.90 8 whiface hefers 31 mix fats 226 @ 21.75 3 cows [email protected] 7 whiface hfrs 540 @ 32.05 8 whiface heifers 530 @29.40 58 mix fats 209 @ 21.60 21 mix fats 232 @ 21.50 .mons 4 cows [email protected] 8 whiface hfrs 640 @ 31.35 6 mix sows 374 @ 19.50 Cars 2 cows [email protected] 2 whiface hfrs 720 @ 30.25 COWS 2 hamp sows 605 @ 18.15 2 red cows 1 cow [email protected] 5 blk whifc hfrs676 @ 31.00 1028 @24.50 11 black sows 462 @ 17.50 n . $3895 1 black whiface cow 1040 @ 23.00 like new. 1 cows [email protected] 13 blk heifers 642 @ 36.00 1 holstein cown 1590 @ 22.90 1 spotted boar 270 @ 20.25 1 spotted boar 510 @ 16.40 $1895 1 cow [email protected] 44 black heifers536 @ 32.65 1 guernsey cow @312.50 1 spotted feeder 130 @ 20.50 one owner. 1 cow 33 whiface heifers542 @ 31.55 1 blkwhif cow & hfr calf @263.00 $2195 [email protected] 2 mix feeders 138 @ 20.20 1 cow 5 whiface hfrs 654 @ 30.05 steering. [email protected] BULLS 2 mix feeders 165 @@ $1695 3 cows [email protected] 5 whiface hfrs 630 @ 29.80 15 hamp pigs 21.75hd19.75 1 cow 1 whiface hfrs 850 @ 29.50 1 whiface bull 990 @25.10 20 white pigs $2195 [email protected] 2 whiface hfrs 875 @ 29.60 1 whiface bull 1100 @24.10 30 berk pigs @ 18:7755hdd17h 1 cow [email protected] 1 whiface bull 1175 @23.90 29 mix pigs 16.75 $2095 1 cow [email protected] 1 whiface hfr 720 @ 30.10 23 mix pigs @ 13.00hd 690 @ 30.00 $1895 1 cow [email protected] 1 whiface hfr 29 mix pigs 16.75hd BULL & STEER CALVES e owner 1 cow [email protected] $1595 1 cow [email protected] Already listed for Friday, May 16 6 blk & blkwhif steers 452 @35.85 nice one. 1 holstein cow o 96 feeder heifers, 600 - 650 lbs. 1 whiface steer 350 @35.75 $1095 [email protected] 2 whiface steers 470 @35.60 1 holstein cow1260 @ 22.30 o 65 whifc & bwf steers, 700 lbs. 1 black bull calf 265 @35.00 -RALEIGH BREEDING, MANAGER ...... $895 YARDMEN ON Du TY 24HOURS A DAY 1 holstein steer 245 @33.00 barn 562-3671; home 562-3547 1 whiface bull calf 500 @31.50 .. $695 CALL DUDE REYNOLDS COLLECT 1 whiface steer 500 @31.10 Auctioneer: Larry Lagasse, ?r steering, For informatiqn, requests for appraisals at no Bring your cattle 4 holstein steers 472 @29.00 Ph. Concordia, Kans. CH 3.1714 obligation,or inquiries regardingcoming sales, in at any time day call me at any time, day or night. or night; we'll han- dle them for you at LIVESTOCK & COMMISSION CO. your request. se DUDE.REYITILDS rbilene, Kans. Ma4001lis MARYSVILLE, KANSAS Sell 41St. M Sell COWS 1 whitefacecow 0 Or Buyictglic4 a Alton 41193Ch3273 1 black cow 890@ 23,50 3 935 @ 1 blk whifc cow 23.10 STEER CALVES 6 whiteface heifers830 @28.25 1 blk whifc cow 1325 @ 22,70 We sold 821 cattle on a very good 275 @ 40.60 7 mixed heifers 788 @28.20 1440 @ 1 blk wf strs 1 holstein cow 22.70 market. Stocker and Feeder steers 16 whiteface steers 495 @ 39.80 3 mixed heifers 650 @28.20 1420 @ 1 black cow 22.70 were 504 to $1.00 higher, while 2 whiteface steers 372 @ 39.70 9 mixed heifers 765 @28.15 1035 @ 1 holstein cow 22,60 heifers were selling steady. Killing 2 whiteface steers 420 @ 39.40 3 blk wf hfrs 790 @28.10 1230 @ 1 whiteface 22.50 cows were 50t to $1.00 higher. 1 whiteface steer 365 @ 39.00 HEIFER CALVES cow 1000@ 1 whiteface 22.50 2 black steers 365 @ 38.60 2 blk whiteface 335 @34.00 cow 1130 @ 1 holstein cow 22.50 STOCKER & FEEDER STEERS 3 blk whifc strs 463 @ 38.25 1 whiteface heifer 335 @33.50 1480 @22,40 1 whiteface 2 blk whifc strs 565 @ 35.30 1 char. steer 345 @ 38.10 1 whiteface heifer 310 @33.10 cow 1160@ 22,30 1 whiteface cow 36 whiteface steers 624 @ 33.75 1 whiteface steer 380 @ 38.10 6 whiteface heifers340 @33.10 920 @ 1 whiteface cow 22.30 9 black steers 708 @ 33.40 6 black steers 455 @ 37.90 2 whiteface heiers 280 @33.00 940 @ 22,30 7 whiteface steers 1 hlsn cow 562 @ 33.40 2 whiteface steer 417 @ 37.90 1 blk wf hfrs 310 @33.00 1 380 @22.30 5 whiteface steers 1 black cow 621 @ 33.40 5 black steers 446 @ 37.75 3 whiteface heifer 296 @32.90 1 120 @22.30 16 black steers 1 whiteface cow 790 @ 33.30 1 black steer 200 @ 37.50 1 blk whifc hfr 355 @32.80 1025 @22.00 10 whiteface steers 779 @ 33.10 1 whiteface steer 505 @ 37.10 1 blk whifc hfr 240 @32.75 1 whiteface cow 1230 @ 22,00 1 black steer 700 @ 32.90 12 whiface hfrs 422 @32.60 1 whiteface cow AGR 140@ 21.90 co 2 whiteface steers 707 @ 32.70 STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS 5 whiteface heifers377 @32.60 1 black cow 965 @ 21.80 2 black steers conip 680 @ 32.50 3 blk whifc hfrs 595 @ 30.40 2 whiteface heifers410 @32.50 1 whiteface cow 975 @ 21.80 with 2 black steers 735 @ 32.50 1 whiteface heifer1265 @ 30.10 5 whiteface heifers346 @32.10 1 whiteface cow 1010@ 21.80 he der 16 blk whifc strs 672 @ 32.40 9wf&bwfhfrs 1052 @ 29.60 3 whiteface heifers473 @32.00 1 hlsn cow 1480 @ 21,70 (from 3 whiteface steers970 @ 32.40 25 mixed heifers 7 whiteface heifers430 @31.90 1 whiteface cow 580 @ 29.20 755 @ 21.70 John I 32 black steers 610 @ 32.00 1 blk whifc hfr 935 @ 29.10 4 whiteface hfrs 416 @31.80 1 whiteface cow 920 @ 21.60 ham; 26 wf & blk strs 726 @ 31.95 16 whiteface hfrs 560 @ 29.00 3 black heifers 370 @31.60 1 whiteface cow 1465 @ 21,60 10 whiteface steers778 @ 31.90 11 blk whifc hfrs 636 @ 29.00 3 whiteface heifers446 @31.20 1 whiteface cow 1470 @ 21.60 3 whiteface steers1025 @ 31.90 2 mixed heifers 725 @ 28.90 2 blk whifc hfrs 540 @31.20 2 whiteface cow 985 @ 21.50 1 black steer 790 @ 31.80 11 whifc & bwf hfrs 617@ 28.90 3 black heifers 360 @31.20 1 black cow 810@ 21.30 Cc 7 whiteface steers 690 @ 31.80 12 whiteface heifers 596 @ 28;80 4 whiteface heifers495 @31.10 2 whiteface cows 917 @ 21.10 8 whiteface steers 959 @ 31.70 8 wf & bwf hfrs 699 @ 28.70 3 char. heifers 360 @31.00 1 blue roan cow 840 @ 21.00 .A] 6 blk & bwf strs 742 @ 31.30 33 mixed heifers 674 @ 28.50 2 whiteface heifers517 @30.80 1 black cow 1045 @ 20.70 study 3 whiteface steers 1072 @ 31.20 25 mixed heifers 674 @ 28.50 1 whiteface heifer 505 @29.60 1 whitefaceCOW 1 105 @ 20.40 ment 1 whiteface steer 985 @ 31.10 16 mixed heifers 760 @ 28 30 2 whiteface heifers475 @29.25 1 whitefaceCOW 1075 @ 19.80 line 1 whiteface steer 1095 @ 31.10 3 black steers 940 @ 31.00 FOR INFORMATION OR ESTIMATES: 13 mixed steers 651 @ 30.90 REZAC BARN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION Set 8 whiteface steers1 108 @ 30.85 St. Marys 437-2999 3 whiteface steers1281 @ 30.70 DELAINE REZAC To 6 black steers 718 @ 30.25 COMPANY 3 whiteface steers St. Marys 437-6266 985 @ 29.70 ELMER IMTIIURN 3 holstein steers ' Dri 656 @ 27.50 SAl 6 holstein steers Maple Hill MI 3-2440 560 @ 27.30 v$t. Marys, law, 2 whiteface steers PAUL KRAMER 775 @ 26.60 St. Marys 437-2993 quor 1 holstein steer 700 @ 26.20 \uctioneers: LawrenceWelter, GeneToby & Dennis Rezac Kans. thatinto( B Th minit quor whist Central Kansas Most bottleh

the I Modern Livestock Auction... West Side OfSalina ) earner TWO SALES EVERY WEEK $3moA ntli MONDAY THURSDAY Hex of the Hogs & Cattle Cattle Only -1 Hogs sell at 11:00 a.m. followed by Selling starts at 11:00a.m.Cattle our 'regular cattlesale as they are will sell in the order theyare consign. unloaded. ed on the books. tenccioell

Muddy roads curtailed reciepts this weekselling 1420 25 whiface heifers, Ellsworth Co. stores cattle and 569 hogs. Fat hog 561 @ 31.70 -i top was $21.00 and all 15 black heifers, Saline Co. 406 @ 30.40 1 black whifc cow, Saline Co. 980@ 21.20 room classes of cattle very active with lightweightstock cattle 34 whiface heifers, Marion Co. 2 whiteface cows, Rice Co. 935 @ 21,00 showing the most advance. 698 @ 30.80 Irons, 34 whiface heifers, Saline Co. 791 @ 30.70 1° CATTLE 24 bwf heifers, Marion Co. 697 @ 30.15 1 whiface bull, Ottowa Co. 190 @57.50 ibtu-yto 1 43 whiface heifers, McPherson Co. 707 @ 30.20 HOGS 9 whiface steers, Lincoln Co. 254 @46.00 19 whiteface heifers, McPherson Co. 3 whiface steers, Ottowa Co. 671 @ 30.40 9 white hogs, Lincoln Co. 216 @ 21.00 266 @42.25 14 mix heifers, Lane Co. 461 @ 30.20 20 white hogs, Saline Co. 2 whiface steers, McPherson Co. 272 @42.25 213 @ 21.00 bring 60 whiface heifers, Saline Co. 12 black hogs, Lincoln Co. 45 whiface steers, Lincoln Co. 371 @?41.00 592 @ 29.80 220@ 21.00 1 whiface bull, Saline Co. @410.00 7 hamp hogs, Saline Co. 230 @ 21.00 10 whiface steers, Ottowa Co. 380 @40.75 lhecerre ve o:te 1 black bull, Saline Co. 1315 @ 25.50 26 mix hogs, McPherson Co. 236 @ 20.80 5 black steers, Clay CO. 347 @39.00 1 holstein bull, Clay Co. 2120 @ 24.80 10 mix hogs, Saline Co, 233 @ 20.80 5 whiface steers, Cloud Co. 490 @ 38.50 1 whiface bull, McPherson Co. 1345 @ 25.20 20 white hogs, Ottowa Co. 220 @ 20.80 serve 4 whiface steers, McPherson Co. 482 @37.75 2 black cows & 1 calf, Marion Co. @265.00 8 hamp hogs, Lincoln Co. 214 @ 21.00 2 whiface steers, McPherson Co. 430 @37.75 4 black cows/calves, Lincoln Co. 7 mix bulls, Lane Co. @272.50 4 mix hogs, Ellsworth Co. 258 @ 20.60 the 395 @36.40 2 whiface cows/cvs, McPherson Co.q @275.00 1 white boar, Saline Co. 5 whiface steers, Dickinson Co. 571 @36.50 580 @ 14.80 the 2 black cows/calves, Dickinson Co.q @265.00 2 hamp boares, Clay Co. 227 @ 16.75 1 black steer, Saline Co. 535 @35.75 oenl 1 red cow, Dickinson Co. 1030 @24.20 7 hamp sows, Lincoln Co. 378 @ 18.00 2 whiface steers, Saline Co.. 572 @35.00 1 red cow, Dickinson Co.q 1065 @23.00 7 white sows, Lincoln Co.. 491 @ 17.60 15 black steers, Saline Co. 442 @34.30 11 hthaaiskveeo' 1 whiface cow, Dickinson Co. 835 @23.00 8 white sows, Lincoln Co. 6 whiface steers, Lane Co. 525 @ 509 @ 17.55 35.00 1 holstein cow, Cloud Co. 1720 @22.70 7 red shoats, Dickenson Co. 14 whiface steers, McPherson Co. 673 @33.40 117 @ 24.00 1 guernsey cow, McPherson Co. 1030 @22.90 9 mix shoats, Lincoln Co. ee° r 28 whiface steers, Marion Co. 678 @33.30 151 @ 22.75 1 holstein cow, Dickinson Co. 1170 @22.20 16 mix pigs, Lincoln Co. BH @ 20.25 22 mix steers, Marion Co. 611 @ 33.35 1 whiface cow, Ellsworth Co. 1190 @21.70 21 whiface steers, Saline Co. 771 @ 40 mix pigs, Ellsworth Co. BH @ 18.75 i 33.20 1 whiface cow, Ellsworth Co. 1150 @22.70 it' 23 whiface steers, McPherson Co. 682 @ 33 Mix pigs, Dickenson Co. BH @ 16.00 33.00 1 swiss cow, McPherson Co. 1685 @21.90 16 whiface steers, Cloud Co. 852 @ 15 red pigs, Saline Co. BH @ 17.00 33.00 1 black cow, Saline Co. 985 @22.00 10 black steers, Saline Co. 645 @33.00 45 mixed steers, Marion Co. 761 @32.90 FOR INFORMATION OR ESTIMATES: 37 mix steers, Marion Co. 718 @32.80 17 mix steers, Marion Co. 788 @32.80 LAURENCE CLEMENCE Farmers & Ranchers 14 whiface heifers, Lincoln Vo. 250 @41.50 Abilene Phone CO 3-309' ttoher'ed 3 whiface heifers, Ottowa Co. 231 @40.25 MERRILL CHRISTIANSEN th Durham Phone 732-3371 8 whiface heifers, Ottowa Co. 309 @38.25 LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO, Th( 15 whiface heifers, Lincoln Co. 333 @38.00 BOB MUIR Salina Phone TA 3-2963 that 2 whiface heifers, Saline Co. 362 @35.00 West on old US 40 liquor 11 whiface heifers, Barton Co. 432 @ 34.40 MARKET REPORTS suppc whiface heifers, McPherson Co. 447 @33.25 Radio Station KSAL, Salina Chris 5 red heifers, Cloud Co. 357 @32.20 6:45 a.m. Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday 913 TA513-0a2m11"neSoALINA, (Mor bbrISO edtc KFRM DeanMoore,ALee Remy,Y, Roger 6:55 a.m. Mon. through Fri. major

Bonded Licensed latior