Appendix 3 Large Sites with Planning Permission with Officer Commentary on Delivery Number included in 5 Planning Not Under Previous Completions Large planning wholly previously year supply Application Site Address Parish Description Started at Construction Officer Comment Use 2018/19 Site status completed allocated as Number April 2019 at April 2019 permissions not started

Erection of 14 dwellings and The site has full planning permission, and although associated infrastructure - reserved there has been no response from the promoter of Land off, Elmley Road, Ashton ASHTON-UNDER- 16/02188 matters application following GR 14 0 0 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 14 this site a number of pre-commencement conditions under Hill HILL outline planning permission have been discharged. Given the size of the site, it is W/16/02188/OU. considered easily deliverable within five years.

Proposed extension to Longcarrant Views Caravan Park to allow for the This application is to extend an existing residential Long Carrant Park, Cheltenham ASHTON-UNDER- relocation of 7 approved mobile caravan park, with 7 mobile homes outstanding. 17/00602 OB 7 0 45 TRUE 3 FALSE FALSE 7 Road, HILL park homes together with landscape Given the nature and size of the site it is considered planting (resubmission of easily deliverable within five years. application).

Reserved matters approval following outline 14/00329 for erection of 36 Land South of, Road, 15/01305 dwellings (Class C3) with GR 0 0 21 TRUE 2 TRUE TRUE 0 Site now wholly complete. Badsey landscaping; vehicular access and all associated works. Manor Farm, Main Street, Reserved Matters application for the 16/00470 , , WR10 BISHAMPTON erection of 12 dwellings with access GR 0 0 12 TRUE 2 TRUE TRUE 0 Site now wholly complete. 2LX off Main Street.

74 open market dwellings and 50 This site is well underway and although there with affordable (housing with care), (40 70 completions during the last monitoring year. Due Land at, Leamington Road, 13/00680 BROADWAY apartments and 10 bungalows) GR 16 21 70 TRUE 3 FALSE TRUE 16 to its size and the number of dwellings remaining Broadway scheme reduced by 1 dwelling to Officers are confident that the site will be delivered 124, application 16/02779. within five years.

74 units have been completed in the last 6 years, on Sold to order up to 249 Mobile average 12 per annum. The owner has invested Homes - permanent residential significantly in the site facilities and continues to Leedons Residential Park, development Phase 1 & 2 at actively advertise. There are currently 26 plinths in Childswickham Road, 96/00597 BROADWAY Leedons Residential Park Broadway GR 114 26 9 TRUE 10 FALSE FALSE 0 place. It is reasonable to assume that these will be Broadway, and Old Broadway Park (Certificate delivered in the next 5 years based on the last 5 WR12 7HB of Lawful use Existing application years, however Officers remain cautious with those 87/01953) that have not commenced and have not included them in the five year supply.

Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and Development is now underway with 2 completions scale for residential development of and 10 dwellings under construction within 8 Land Adjacent, Langham, DRAKES 90 dwellings including associated months of gaining Reserved Matters approval. Due 18/00635 Worcester Road, Drakes GR 78 10 2 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 78 BROUGHTON parking, estate roads, attenuation to its size and the number of dwellings remaining Broughton area and landscaping approved Officers are confident that the site will be delivered under outline planning approval within five years. W14/01419/OU.

1 Number included in 5 Planning Not Under Previous Completions Large planning wholly previously year supply Application Site Address Parish Description Started at Construction Officer Comment Use 2018/19 Site status completed allocated as Number April 2019 at April 2019 permissions not started

Application for Approval of Reserved Matters Pursuant to Outline Planning Permission Ref: The site has full planning permission and the W/14/01611/OU for development developer is seeking to commence on site later this of up to 110 dwellings, including Land Adjacent, Glassier, year. Assuming completions from 2020-21 in line DRAKES 40% affordable housing, structural 14/01611 Worcester Road, Drakes GR 110 0 0 TRUE 2 FALSE FALSE 110 with the developers expectations but at a rate of 40 BROUGHTON planting and landscaping, informal Broughton dwellings per annum, lower than the rate open space, children’s play area, anticipated by the developer, the site is easily surface water attenuation, a deliverable within five years. vehicular access point from Worcester Road and associated ancillary works.

Development is now underway with 5 completions Full reserved matters approval for and 27 dwellings under construction. Due to its size Land opposite, Woodmead, DRAKES 16/01895 32 dwellings granted under outline GR 0 27 5 TRUE 2 FALSE FALSE 0 and the number of dwellings remaining Officers are Walcot Lane, BROUGHTON permission ref W/14/00273/OU. confident that the site will be delivered within five years.

Mixed-Use redevelopment of the Works have now commenced on site with all 51 Raven Hotel, St Andrews Street, Raven Hotel and its grounds; to 13/02538 DROITWICH FE 0 51 0 TRUE 3 FALSE FALSE 0 units under construction. As such, the site is , WR9 8DY comprise of 51 dwellings (36 open considered easily deliverable within five years. market & 15 affordable).

Reserved matters application for the The site is now well underway and Permission Land Rear of, Hill Top Farm, erection of 265 dwellings following Homes have delivered 50, 107 and 70 dwellings in Newland Lane, Newland, 15/01187 DROITWICH outline approval ref: GR 24 14 70 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 24 the past three years respectively. Given their build Droitwich Spa (Yew Tree Farm) W/12/02336/OU. (40% = 106 rates in the District the remainder of this site is (Entrance off Newland Rd) Affordable dwellings). deliverable within 12 months.

Application for reserved matters following outline planning The site is well underway with just 96 dwellings not Land North of Pulley Lane and, permission reference started; assuming a cautious delivery rate of 40 15/01418 Newland Lane, Newland, DROITWICH W/11/01073/OU for 250 dwellings GR 96 35 81 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 96 dwellings per annum, the site is easily deliverable Droitwich Spa (Phase 1) including areas of open within five years. space (including the demolition of The Firs)

Proposed demolition of existing Spar The developer is now on site and is anticipating full Land off Blake Avenue and, convenience store & external store 18/00428 DROITWICH FE 11 0 0 TRUE 3 FALSE FALSE 11 delivery during 2019/20. Given the site of the site, it Long Sling, Droitwich Spa & yard and erection of 11 affordable is easily deliverable within five years. houses.

2 Number included in 5 Planning Not Under Previous Completions Large planning wholly previously year supply Application Site Address Parish Description Started at Construction Officer Comment Use 2018/19 Site status completed allocated as Number April 2019 at April 2019 permissions not started

Taylor Wimpey have now commenced on site with Reserved matters following outline 83 completions delivered last year and a further 46 Land North of Pulley Lane and, 11/01073 - Phase 2 - 250 dwellings under construction. Assuming delivery at a 16/02073 Newland Lane, Newland, DROITWICH GR 108 46 83 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 108 40 % affordable, 80 Social Rented & conservative 40 dwellings per annum in line with Droitwich Spa 20 Intermediate their build rates elsewhere in the District, the site is easily deliverable within five years.

This site has outline planning permission for the erection of 25 dwellings. The site, including additional land, is being promoted through the New residential development of 25 Eckington Neighbourhood Plan (currently under Land rear of, Roman Meadow, dwellings including 10 affordable Examination) for 38 dwellings, alongside a current 15/03029 ECKINGTON GR 25 0 0 TRUE 1 FALSE TRUE 0 Eckington dwellings with associated planning application for 38 dwellings pending landscaping and infrastructure. determination (19/00968). Given this current uncertainty, a cautious approach has been adopted and Officers have decided to discount this site from the supply.

Brooklands Farm, Cheltenham Development of 47 dwelling houses 14/02525 Road, , Worcestershire EVESHAM GR 0 0 42 TRUE 3 TRUE TRUE 0 Site now wholly complete. and associated infrastructure. WR11 2LW

There has been no response from the agent of this Outline application for the site. Given there have been issues raised previously demolition of sheds and buildings Land Between Kings Road and, with potential viability, and as the permission is due 14/02751 EVESHAM and construction of 13 no. houses OB 13 0 0 TRUE 1 FALSE FALSE 0 Northwick Road, Evesham to expire in October 2019, in adopting a cautious and surfacing track. (9 open market approach this site has been discounted from the & 4 Affordable). supply.

A new planning application to There has been no response from the promoter of replace planning permission ref no this site. The development includes the demolition W/07/00948/PN (Appeal ref no of existing buildings and there are known viability Former Gas Depo, Common 15/00923 EVESHAM APP/H1840/A/09/2118031) for FE 123 0 0 TRUE 3 FALSE FALSE 0 issues. On that basis, Officers have adopted a Road, Evesham erection of 123 dwellings (17 are cautious approach and decided to discount this site affordable units) with 9 commercial from the supply until there is evidence to support units. the site being delivered within five years.

Erection of 146 dwellings - application seeking approval of Land at, Pershore Road, reserved matters following granting 16/01899 Hampton, Evesham, EVESHAM GR 0 0 72 TRUE 2 TRUE TRUE 0 Phase now wholly complete. of outline planning permission Worcestershire reference number W/12/02490/PN (Phase 2 of Hybrid application.)

3 Number included in 5 Planning Not Under Previous Completions Large planning wholly previously year supply Application Site Address Parish Description Started at Construction Officer Comment Use 2018/19 Site status completed allocated as Number April 2019 at April 2019 permissions not started

Erection of 104 dwellings - reserved This phase is now well underway with 69 Land at, Pershore Road, matters application following completions and 26 under construction. The 17/00624 Hampton, Evesham, EVESHAM GR 9 26 69 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 9 outline planning permission remainder of this phase is easily deliverable within Worcestershire reference number W/12/02490/PN. 12 months.

Application seeking Reserved Matter Approval (following outline Bloor Homes were on site almost immediately after approval ref. no. W/15/02761/OU being granted Reserved Matters for Phase 1 of this for up to 460 dwellings) - Phase 1 development, which totals 238 dwellings, with 13 Land West of Cheltenham Road, 18/01722 EVESHAM for the erection of 238 dwellings GR 447 13 0 TRUE 1/2 FALSE TRUE 200 dwellings already under construction. In keeping Evesham including open spaces and other with a cautious approach, delivery of 40 dwellings associated works. Phase 2 & 3 for per annum are assumed, and thus 200 dwellings are remaining 220 dwellings are at considered deliverable within five years. outline stage.

Change of use of former garden of This is an extension to an existing site. The area has Windrush, Road, Windrush (now demolished) to site been cleared, with 1 completion and 9 under , Droitwich Spa, HAMPTON 15/00473 10 residential mobile caravans (to GL 0 9 1 TRUE 10 FALSE FALSE 0 construction during the last monitoring year. Given WR9 0LU (extension to LOVETT form an extension to Doverdale Park the size of the site, there is no evidence to suggest Doverdale Park Homes Site) Homes site). that the site is not delivered within five years.

Application for reserved matters approval (Appearance, landscaping, Land West of, Old Worcester 14/01889 scale and layout) pursuant to outline GR 0 0 1 TRUE 2 TRUE TRUE 0 Site now wholly complete. Road, Hartlebury permission W/12/02358/OU for erection of 92 dwellings.

Residential development of 11no. Land south of Blacksmiths Lane, 16/00779 HILL & MOOR dwellings, including associated GR 0 0 5 TRUE 3 TRUE TRUE 0 Site now wholly complete. Lower Moor access, garaging and landscaping.

Although there has been a start made on site with Residential development for 87 new the footings of plot 1 dug, there has not been any Worcestershire Hunt Kennels, dwellings comprising of 39% progress since. As there is no clear evidence that 14/00308 Kennels Lane, , NORTH CLAINES affordable housing including FE 86 1 0 TRUE 3 FALSE TRUE 0 this site is deliverable within five years, in keeping Worcester, WR3 7RZ conversion of existing building into with a cautious approach it has been discounted two dwellings. from the supply.

Submission of reserved matters (internal access, appearance, The site is now well underway and given the delivery Land Off, Dilmore Lane, Fernhill landscaping, layout and scale) 15/02736 NORTH CLAINES GR 0 14 68 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 0 rates experienced in the District by Taylor Wimpey, Heath pursuant to planning permission the site will easily be delivered within 12 months. W/14/00367/OU for the construction of 120 dwellings

4 Number included in 5 Planning Not Under Previous Completions Large planning wholly previously year supply Application Site Address Parish Description Started at Construction Officer Comment Use 2018/19 Site status completed allocated as Number April 2019 at April 2019 permissions not started Construction of 20 dwellings Land Adjacent, Norton Farm (including 8 social housing units) and Development is now underway with 2 completions NORTON & 14/02069 Cottages, Lane, the provision of public open space GR 6 12 2 TRUE 3 FALSE FALSE 6 and 12 dwellings under construction. Given the size LENCHWICK Norton plus construction of new vehicular of the site, it is easily deliverable within five years. access

Land between Leasowes Road Development of 52 dwellings with 17/01757 GR 0 0 29 TRUE 3 TRUE TRUE 0 Site now wholly complete. and, Laurels Road, Offenham 40% affordable.

Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance and landscaping) reserved following Although there has been no response from the grant of outline planning permission promoter of the site, it now has full planning 17/02225/OU for the for the permission and a number of pre-commencement Land off Main Road construction of 30 dwellings 18/00795 OMBERSLEY GR 30 0 0 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 30 conditions have been discharged. Adopting a (known as The Racks (east)) together with associated access, car cautious approach and allowing 12 months before parking and landscaping approved first completions, it is easily deliverable within five under 15/00766/OU without years. compliance with condition 14 (drawing numbers) to amend access, layout and scale.

This site has outline planning permission with two current Reserved Matters applications approved Outline for a mixed use subject to Section 106 agreement (16/01618 & development, comprising up to 380 17/01269). The developer has indicated that work is Land Adjacent to, Sims Metals dwellings, up to 5000m2 of expected to commence in March 2020, with 60 13/00132 UK (South West) Limited, Long employment (Class B1(c)) floor GR 380 0 0 TRUE 2 FALSE FALSE 140 dwellings per annum to delivered once the site is up Marston, Pebworth space, a minimum of 400 sq metres and running. Assuming a more cautious 18 months of community (Class D2) building(s) lead in time and 40 completions per annum, it is and open space considered that 140 dwellings are deliverable within five years.

The site has full planning permission for the erection of 176 dwellings, although the agent has indicated that they have submitted a new full planning application for the development of 190 dwellings. Land to the West of Station Reserved Matters application for the The developer has indicated that there will be one Road including land to the erection of up to 176 dwellings (106 housebuilder on site and development will 15/01036 PERSHORE GR 176 0 0 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 80 North and West of, The Ford open market, 56 affordable rented, commence from June 2020. Due to the uncertainty House, Station Road, Pershore 14 intermediate affordable). and in keeping with a cautious approach, the Council have assumed completions from 2022-23 at a more cautious build rate of 40 dwellings per annum, it is therefore considered that 80 dwellings are deliverable within five years.

5 Number included in 5 Planning Not Under Previous Completions Large planning wholly previously year supply Application Site Address Parish Description Started at Construction Officer Comment Use 2018/19 Site status completed allocated as Number April 2019 at April 2019 permissions not started Phase 1 56 OM, 22 SRH and 8 IAH This phase is virtually complete. The remaining Land West of, Station Road, (of permission for up to 260 15/03037 PERSHORE GR 0 1 0 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 0 dwelling is next to the show home and will be Pershore dwellings together with vehicular completed later in the overall scheme. access from Station Road)

Reserved Matters for the erection This phase is well underway and given Persimmon's Land West of Station Road, of up to 174 dwellings together with 16/01122 PERSHORE GR 2 43 63 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 2 build rates in the District is easily deliverable within Pershore vehicular access from Station Road 5 years, likely within 12 months. (Phase 2 of the 260 dwelling site).

Reserved matters application for the erection of 64 dwellings ( 40% 16/01463 Land off, Wyre Road, Pershore PERSHORE GR 0 0 25 TRUE 2 TRUE TRUE 0 Site now wholly complete. affordable = 20 social rented and 5 intermediate).

The site has outline planning permission and the developer has indicated that works are expected to Erection of up-to 75 dwellings with commence in October 2019 with full delivery vehicular access from Station Road, achieved by 2021-22. Even in adopting a more 16/03028 Land At, Station Road, Pershore PERSHORE a sustainable drainage system, GR 75 0 0 TRUE 1 FALSE TRUE 75 cautious approach and assuming 18 months before Green Infrastructure and associated first completions, and a conservative delivery rate of utilities. 40 dwellings per annum, the site is easily deliverable within five years.

No response has been received from the agent of this site. Given the development requires the Demolition of existing modern farm demolition of existing farm buildings and the buildings, removal of hardstanding Allesborough Farm, removal of hardstanding, and in the absence of 17/00432 PERSHORE and erection of 27no dwellings with GR 27 0 0 TRUE 3 FALSE FALSE 0 Allesborough Hill, Pershore confirmation from the agent that the site will be associated landscaping developed within five years, the Council are enhancements. adopting a cautious approach and discounting this site from the five year supply.

Although there has been no response from the Erection of 22 dwellings, application promoter of the site, it now has full planning seeking reserved matters approval permission and a number of pre-commencement Land adjoining, Conningsby 17/01634 PERSHORE following outline planning GR 22 0 0 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 22 conditions have been discharged. Adopting a Drive, Pershore permission reference no. cautious approach and allowing 12 months before W/14/00643/OU first completions, it is easily deliverable within five years.

Application for approval of reserved matters following outline permission The site is now well underway and given its size and ref no W/13/01578/OU - Land at Hurst Meadows, Wyre the delivery rates experienced in the District by 17/01368 PERSHORE construction of 120 dwellings, green GR 76 24 19 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 76 Road, Pershore Taylor Wimpey, Officers are confident that the site infrastructure, associated drainage, will easily be delivered within five years. roads, footpaths, cycling and temporary construction access.

6 Number included in 5 Planning Not Under Previous Completions Large planning wholly previously year supply Application Site Address Parish Description Started at Construction Officer Comment Use 2018/19 Site status completed allocated as Number April 2019 at April 2019 permissions not started

Erection of 40 number 1, 2, 3 4 and 5 bedroom dwellings and garages, together with roads, sewers and Land Adjacent, The Workshop The site is now well underway. Given there are only associated external works. 17/01860 Business Centre, Main Street, GR 5 4 31 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 5 9 units either not started or under construction, it is Application seeking approval of Pinvin easily deliverable within 12 months. reserved matters following the grant out outline planning permission ref. no. W/16/01625/OUT

It is anticipated that a third developer will get on board with this site as there are already 2 98 dwellings "balance" (part of 740 developers currently building on site. However, in Land between Roman Way and residential units (C3), employment adopting a cautious approach Officers have assumed 10/02896 Copcut Lane, , SALWARPE premises (B1), local centre GR 98 0 0 TRUE 1 FALSE TRUE 98 that the remaining 98 dwellings will not commence Worcestershire (A1,A3,A4 & A5) and associated until the other phases are complete and infrastructure & ancillary works). completions have only been assumed from 2021/22 at a build rate of 40 dwellings per annum. Therefore the site is considered deliverable within five years.

Implementation of reserved matters The developer is well underway on site, with only approval reference the 100 bed extra care apartments (C3) outstanding. Land Between Roman Way and, W/13/01911/RM for Phase 1 It is anticipated that the extra care facility may be 14/02188 Copcut Lane, Salwarpe, SALWARPE comprising 85 dwellings including GR 100 0 41 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 100 built by another developer but as it is one large unit Worcestershire 100 extra care apartments (C3). this will speed up the process. Therefore it is (Remainder has been sold to Miller considered deliverable within 5 years. Homes)

Reserved Matters in pursuance of conditions 2 and 19 of planning Land Between Roman Way and, permission ref. no. W/14/02829/OU This phase is now well underway and will be wholly 16/01369 SALWARPE GR 0 30 134 TRUE 2 FALSE FALSE 0 Copcut Lane, Salwarpe for the erection of 220 dwellings complete within 12 months. (132 open market and 88 affordable), Phase 3.

Reserved matters following grant of Land Between Roman Way And, outline 14/02829 for phase 3 & 4 A This phase is now well underway and is easily 18/01713 SALWARPE GR 41 44 81 TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE 41 Copcut Lane, Salwarpe comprising 175 dwellings ( 105 open deliverable within five years, likely 18-24 months. market & 69 affordable).

The developer is now on site and is anticipating full Land Adjoining, 49 Main Street, Residential development of 20no 18/01514 GR 20 0 0 TRUE 3 FALSE TRUE 20 delivery during 2019/20. Given the site of the site, it Sedgeberrow dwellings and associated garaging. is easily deliverable within five years.

7 Number included in 5 Planning Not Under Previous Completions Large planning wholly previously year supply Application Site Address Parish Description Started at Construction Officer Comment Use 2018/19 Site status completed allocated as Number April 2019 at April 2019 permissions not started

This site has full planning permission for the erection of 21 dwellings. The developer, RSL Rooftop Housing, have indicated that they are seeking to deliver a 100% affordable scheme, which isn't currently viable. There is a current planning application pending determination (18/02688) for Reserved Matters application for up 25 affordable dwellings, which has been approved to 21 dwellings (20 net) including a subject to Section 106 agreement (July 2019 demolition of a dwelling known as Forest Lodge, Shinehill Lane, SOUTH Planning Committee). The developer has indicated 18/01087 Forest Lodge (access from Shinehill GR 21 0 0 TRUE 2 FALSE FALSE 21 LITTLETON that once full planning permission is granted (on Road).pursuant to outline planning signing of the Section 106) for 25 affordable permission W/14/01556/OU for 21 dwellings (18/02688), work will commence on site dwellings. imminently, with the site expected to be wholly complete by 2021-22. These delivery assumptions are broadly in line with the Council's assumptions, however in keeping with a cautious approach only the 21 currently permitted dwellings are included in the five year supply.

Demolition of existing public house and erection of new rural assisted Red Lion, Droitwich Road, STOCK & living retirement complex The site is under construction and can easily be 14/00452 Bradley Green, , B96 FE 0 10 0 TRUE 3 FALSE FALSE 0 BRADLEY comprising 10 residential units completed within 5 years. 6RP (affordable 4 x 1 bed & 1 x 2 bed mix of rented & intermediate tbc)

Hybrid application. Full planning application for 10no affordable homes and village hall. Outline planning application for 4no private Main part of site is wholly complete, however houses and demolition of existing Reserved Matters application for the demolition of 16/03029 & Land off, Hawthorn Rise, village hall and erection of 1 no TIBBERTON GR 1 0 0 TRUE 2/3 FALSE TRUE 1 the existing village hall and the dwelling is still 16/03038 Tibberton private dwelling, including change of pending. Given there is only 1 outstanding dwelling, use from D1 to C3. / Reserved it is considered deliverable within five years. matters application following outline planning permission W/15/00330/OU for 4no. private houses.