Polling District Parish Ward Parish District County Constitucency

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Polling District Parish Ward Parish District County Constitucency Polling District Parish Ward Parish District County Constitucency AA - <None> Ashton-Under-Hill South Bredon Hill Bredon West Worcs Badsey and Aldington ABA - Aldington Badsey and Aldington Badsey Littletons Mid Worcs Badsey and Aldington ABB - Blackminster Badsey and Aldington Bretforton and Offenham Littletons Mid Worcs ABC - Badsey and Aldington Badsey Badsey and Aldington Badsey Littletons Mid Worcs Badsey and Aldington Bowers ABD - Hill Badsey and Aldington Badsey Littletons Mid Worcs ACA - Beckford Beckford Beckford South Bredon Hill Bredon West Worcs ACB - Beckford Grafton Beckford South Bredon Hill Bredon West Worcs AE - Defford and Besford Besford Defford and Besford Eckington Bredon West Worcs AF - <None> Birlingham Eckington Bredon West Worcs Bredon and Bredons Norton AH - Bredon Bredon and Bredons Norton Bredon Bredon West Worcs Bredon and Bredons Norton AHA - Westmancote Bredon and Bredons Norton South Bredon Hill Bredon West Worcs Bredon and Bredons Norton AI - Bredons Norton Bredon and Bredons Norton Bredon Bredon West Worcs AJ - <None> Bretforton Bretforton and Offenham Littletons Mid Worcs Broadway and AK - <None> Broadway Wickhamford Broadway Mid Worcs Broadway and AL - <None> Broadway Wickhamford Broadway Mid Worcs AP - <None> Charlton Fladbury Broadway Mid Worcs Broadway and AQ - <None> Childswickham Wickhamford Broadway Mid Worcs Honeybourne and ARA - <None> Bickmarsh Pebworth Littletons Mid Worcs ARB - <None> Cleeve Prior The Littletons Littletons Mid Worcs Elmley Castle and AS - <None> Great Comberton Somerville Bredon West Worcs Elmley Castle and AT - <None> Little Comberton Somerville Bredon West Worcs AU - <None> Cropthorne Fladbury Broadway Mid Worcs AV - Defford and Besford Defford Defford and Besford Eckington Bredon West Worcs AX - <None> Eckington Eckington Bredon West Worcs Elmley Castle - Bricklehampton and Netherton Elmley Castle - Bricklehampton AZA (Bricklehampton) and Netherton Fladbury Bredon Mid Worcs Elmley Castle - Bricklehampton Elmley Castle - Bricklehampton Elmley Castle and AZB and Netherton (Elmley Castle) and Netherton Somerville Bredon West Worcs Elmley Castle - Bricklehampton Elmley Castle - Bricklehampton Elmley Castle and AZC and Netherton (Netherton) and Netherton Somerville Bredon West Worcs BA - Evesham Town Bengeworth Evesham Town Bengeworth Evesham South Mid Worcs BB - Evesham Town Little Hampton Evesham Town Little Hampton Evesham North West Mid Worcs BC - Evesham Town Great Hampton Evesham Town Great Hampton Evesham North West Mid Worcs BD - Evesham Town Little Hampton Evesham Town Little Hampton Evesham North West Mid Worcs BE - Evesham Town Bengeworth Evesham Town Bengeworth Evesham South Mid Worcs BEA - Evesham Town Twyford Evesham Town Evesham North Harvington Mid Worcs BFA - Evesham Town Bengeworth Evesham Town Bengeworth Evesham South Mid Worcs BFB - Evesham Town South Evesham Town Evesham South Evesham South Mid Worcs BFC - Evesham Town Little Hampton Evesham Town Little Hampton Evesham North West Mid Worcs BFD - Evesham Town South Evesham Town Evesham South Evesham South Mid Worcs BG - Evesham Town South Evesham Town Evesham South Evesham South Mid Worcs BH - Evesham Town Avon Evesham Town Evesham North Evesham North West Mid Worcs BI - <None> Fladbury Fladbury Broadway Mid Worcs BM - <None> Harvington Harvington and Norton Harvington Mid Worcs Honeybourne and BN - <None> Honeybourne Pebworth Littletons Mid Worcs BO - <None> Kemerton South Bredon Hill Bredon West Worcs BQ - <None> North and Middle Littleton The Littletons Littletons Mid Worcs BR - <None> South Littleton The Littletons Littletons Mid Worcs CP - <None> Norton and Lenchwick Harvington and Norton Harvington Mid Worcs CQ - <None> Offenham Bretforton and Offenham Littletons Mid Worcs Overbury and Conderton CRA - Conderton Overbury and Conderton South Bredon Hill Bredon West Worcs Overbury and Conderton CRB - Overbury Overbury and Conderton South Bredon Hill Bredon West Worcs Honeybourne and CS - <None> Pebworth Pebworth Littletons Mid Worcs CU - Pershore Town St Andrews Pershore Town Pershore Pershore West Worcs CVA - Hinton-on-the-GreenPershore Town Holy Cross and Pershore Town Pershore Pershore West Worcs Aston Somerville (Aston Hinton-on-the-Green and Elmley Castle and CZA - Hinton-on-the-GreenSomerville) and Aston Somerville Somerville Broadway West Worcs Aston Somerville (Hinton-on- Hinton-on-the-Green and Elmley Castle and CZB - the green) Aston Somerville Somerville Broadway West Worcs Elmley Castle and CZC - <None> Sedgeberrow Somerville Broadway West Worcs DB - <None> Strensham Eckington Bredon West Worcs DBA - Droitwich Spa West Droitwich Spa Droitwich West Droitwich West Mid Worcs DBB - Droitwich Spa West Droitwich Spa Droitwich West Droitwich West Mid Worcs DBD - Droitwich Spa East Droitwich Spa Droitwich East Droitwich East Mid Worcs DBE - Droitwich Spa Central Droitwich Spa Droitwich Central Droitwich West Mid Worcs DBEA - Droitwich Spa Central Droitwich Spa Droitwich Central Droitwich West Mid Worcs DBF - Droitwich Spa Witton Droitwich Spa Droitwich South West Droitwich East Mid Worcs DBG - Droitwich Spa Chawson Droitwich Spa Droitwich South West Droitwich West Mid Worcs DBH - Droitwich Spa Witton Droitwich Spa Droitwich South West Droitwich East Mid Worcs DBJ - Droitwich Spa Copcut Droitwich Spa Droitwich South East Bowbrook Mid Worcs DBK - Droitwich Spa West Droitwich Spa Droitwich West Droitwich West Mid Worcs DBL - Droitwich Spa East Droitwich Spa Droitwich East Droitwich East Mid Worcs DBM - Droitwich Spa East Droitwich Spa Droitwich East Droitwich East Mid Worcs DBN - Droitwich Spa Tagwell Droitwich Spa Droitwich South East Droitwich East Mid Worcs DG - <None> Wick Fladbury Bredon Mid Worcs Broadway and DH - <None> Wickhamford Wickhamford Broadway Mid Worcs NA - <None> Abbots Morton Inkberrow Harvington Redditch NBA - <None> Abberton Inkberrow Harvington Redditch Bishampton and Throckmorton NBB - Bishampton Bishampton and Throckmorton Pinvin Pershore Mid Worcs NC - <None> South Lenches Inkberrow Harvington Redditch ND - <None> Cookhill Inkberrow Harvington Redditch Drakes Broughton and Wadborough with Pirton Drakes Broughton and NEA - Drakes Wadborough with Pirton Drakes Broughton Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs Drakes Broughton and Wadborough with Pirton Drakes Broughton and NEB - Wadborough Wadborough with Pirton Drakes Broughton Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford NF & North Piddle (Flyford) & North Piddle Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford & North Piddle (Grafton Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford NGA Flyford) & North Piddle Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford NGB & North Piddle (North Piddle) & North Piddle Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NH - <None> Hill and Moor Pinvin Pershore Mid Worcs NIA - <None> Inkberrow Inkberrow Harvington Redditch Kington and Dormston NJA - Dormston Kington and Dormston Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NJB - Kington and Dormston Kington Kington and Dormston Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NK - <None> Norton-Juxta-Kempsey Norton and Whittington Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NL - <None> Peopleton Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NM - <None> Pinvin Pinvin Pershore Mid Worcs Drakes Broughton and Wadborough with Pirton Drakes Broughton and NN - Pirton Wadborough with Pirton Drakes Broughton Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NO - <None> Rous Lench Inkberrow Harvington Redditch NPA - <None> Bredicot Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NPB - <None> Churchill Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NPC - <None> Spetchley Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NQ - <None> Stoulton Drakes Broughton Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs Bishampton and Throckmorton NR - Throckmorton Bishampton and Throckmorton Pinvin Pershore Mid Worcs NSA - <None> Broughton Hackett Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NSB - <None> Naunton Beauchamp Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NSC - <None> Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NT - <None> White Ladies Aston Upton Snodsbury Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NU - <None> Whittington Norton and Whittington Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs NV - <None> Wyre Piddle Pinvin Pershore Mid Worcs RA - <None> Hartlebury Hartlebury Ombersley Mid Worcs Ombersley and Doverdale RDA - Ombersley Ombersley and Doverdale Ombersley Ombersley Mid Worcs Ombersley and Doverdale RDB - Doverdale Ombersley and Doverdale Ombersley Ombersley Mid Worcs Ombersley and Doverdale RE - Ombersley Ombersley and Doverdale Ombersley Ombersley Mid Worcs Hindlip, Martin Hussingtree Hindlip, Martin Hussingtree RFB and Salwarpe (Hindlip) and Salwarpe Lovett and North Claines Bowbrook Mid Worcs Hindlip, Martin Hussingtree and Salwarpe (Martin Hindlip, Martin Hussingtree RFC Hussingtree) and Salwarpe Lovett and North Claines Bowbrook Mid Worcs RG - <None> North Claines Lovett and North Claines Bowbrook Mid Worcs RJ - <None> Tibberton Bowbrook Bowbrook Mid Worcs Grouped Parish of Saleway RKA - Hadzor Grouped Parish of Saleway Bowbrook Bowbrook Mid Worcs Grouped Parish of Saleway RKB - Oddingley Grouped Parish of Saleway Bowbrook Bowbrook Mid Worcs Grouped Parish of Saleway RLA - Himbleton Grouped Parish of Saleway Bowbrook Bowbrook Mid Worcs Grouped Parish of Saleway RLB - Huddington Grouped Parish of Saleway Bowbrook Bowbrook Mid Worcs RM - <None> Crowle Bowbrook Upton Snodsbury Mid Worcs RN - <None> Hanbury Inkberrow Ombersley Redditch ROA - <None> Hanbury Inkberrow Ombersley Redditch ROB - <None> Stock and Bradley Inkberrow Ombersley Redditch RQ - <None> Dodderhill Dodderhill Ombersley Mid Worcs RR - <None> Upton Warren Dodderhill Ombersley Mid Worcs RSA - <None> Elmbridge Lovett and North Claines Ombersley Mid Worcs RSB - <None> Elmley Lovett Lovett and North Claines Ombersley Mid Worcs Hampton Lovett and Hampton Lovett and RTA - Westwood Hampton Lovett Westwood Lovett and North Claines Ombersley Mid Worcs Hampton Lovett and Hampton Lovett and RTB - Westwood Westwood Westwood Lovett and North Claines Ombersley Mid Worcs Martin Hussingtree and Martin Hussingtree and RU Salwarpe Salwarpe Salwarpe Lovett and North Claines Bowbrook Mid Worcs.
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    2016-10-31 Timetable LWY011 Mondays to Saturdays Vehicle : 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 Service : 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 Notes : Sch Sch SH SH Sch SH Sch Sch Prince Henry's High School -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 15-40 15-45 -- -- Evesham, Bus Station 07-34 07-34 07-48 08-48 09-48 10-48 11-48 12-48 13-48 14-48 14-48 15-48 15-48 15-50 16-48 17-48 Bengeworth, Broadway Road, Church 07-39 07-39 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Evesham, Davies Rd, Woodlands 07-42 07-42 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Evesham, Davies Rd, Evesham College 07-45 07-45 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Evesham, Cheltenham Road 07-47 07-47 07-52 08-52 09-52 10-52 11-52 12-52 13-52 14-52 14-52 15-52 15-52 15-54 16-52 17-52 Hinton Cross, Shelter 07-52 07-52 07-57 08-57 09-57 10-57 11-57 12-57 13-57 14-57 14-57 15-57 15-57 15-59 16-57 17-57 Hinton-on-the-Green, Bevans Lane l l l l l l l l l l l l 15-59 16-03 l l Sedgeberrow, Winchcombe Road l l l 09-00 l 11-00 l 13-00 l 15-00 l 16-00 16-04 l 17-00 l Sedgeberrow, Queen's Head l l l 09-01 l 11-01 l 13-01 l 15-01 l 16-01 16-05 l 17-01 l Sedgeberrow, Churchill Road, Shelter l l l 09-04 l 11-04 l 13-04 l 15-04 l 16-04 16-08 l 17-04 l Sedgeberrow, Bypass, old A46 junction l l 08-00 l 10-00 l 12-00 l 14-00 l 15-00 l l l l 18-00 Ashton-under-Hill, Cross, Shelter l l 08-04 09-08 10-04 11-08 12-04 13-08 14-04 15-08 15-04 16-08 16-12 l 17-08 18-04 Ashton-under-Hill, Cornfield Way l l l 09-10 l 11-10 l 13-10 l 15-10 15-06 16-10 16-14 l 17-10 l Ashton-under-Hill, Middle School 07-57 08-00 l
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