Worcestershire. [Kelly S
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7 238 SALWARPE. WORCESTERSHIRE. [KELLY S Wall Letter Boxes.-Copcut Elms P.H. cleared at 6.5o Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1882, & sup- p.m. week days only; Ladywood, cleared 8.20 a. m. & parted in part by the endowment mentioned above, for 6.15 p.m.; sundays, 8.40 a.m.; Lower Ladywood, u8 children; average attendance, 100; William cleared 8.10 a.m. & 6.20 p.m.; surrdays, 8.30 a.m Robinson, master Cookes Miss, Hill end Dovey Job, shopkeeper, Newland Stinton Benj. & Garnett, farmers, Garnett Rev. Richard Craven M.A.. Edwards Edwin,boot maker,Ladywood Oakley & Copcut farms The Rectory Edwards James, blacksmith, Copcut Terry J. G. assistant overseer, Boy- Hingley Sir George Benjamin bart. Golledge Matthias, farmer,Salwarpe et cott farm D.L. J.P. High park Hill John Richard, farmer, Chawson Thirwall Edward, farmer, Newland Walford Osborne, Middleton cottage Inett George, Copcut Elm P.H Thomas William, farmer, Hill end COMMERCIAL. Lench Emma (Mrs.), frmr.Ladywood Tolley A.lbert John, builder, Upper Cave William Perry, farmer, & assist- Parker George, farmer, Churchfields, Ladywood ant overseer for Martin Hussingtree Ladywood *Tolley George, farmer, Oak Tree parish, Ladywood *Prosser William Thomas, farmer, farm, Upper Ladywood Colley Wm. pig dealer, Newland corn Middleton farm, Ladywood Wilkes William, farmer,Newland com Davis John, farme,r, New mill Smith Henry William, miller (water) Willis Thomas, farmer, Hill top SAPEY PITCHARD (or Lower Sapey) was formerly mile to the south-east' of the present church. The re- a chapelry to Clifton-on-Teme, but is now a civil parish, gister of baptisms and marriages dates from I67·h and formed in 1895, and is 5 miles north-east from Brom- that of burials from 1878, when the first funeral took yard station on the Worcester and Bromyard line of the place in the present churchyard, the parish having pre Great Western railway and 13 west from Worcester, in viously no burial ground, but having the right of burial the Western division of the county, Upper Doddingtree · at Clifton-on-Teme. The living is a rectory, net yearly hundred, Hundred House petty sessional division, Mart- value £170, including 69 acres of glebe, with residence. ley union, Worcester county court district, rural deanery in the gift of Mrs. P. Evans, and held since 1882 by of Bromyard and archdeaconry and diocese of Hereford. the Rev. Charles Uppleby Bower M.A.. of St. John's The church of St. Bartholomew, situated at Ha1 pley, a College, Cambridge. Mrs. Patrick Evans, of 54 Long small hamlet towards the north-west of the parish, was ridge road., Earl's court, London S "\V, i1 the principal built by subscription, at a cost of £2,2'oo, and consecrated landowner. The soil is clay; subsoil, brash. The chief August 2, 1877: the site, with the churchyard of one crops are wheat, barley, beans and fruit. The area is acre, was given by Edward Bickerton Evans esq. D.L., 1,696 acres; rateable value, £1,591; the population in J.P. of Whitbourne Hall, Herefordshire, who also made 1901 was 161. a large donation to the building fund : the church is Parish Clerk, William Hemming. built of local grey stone with Bath stone dressings in Letters are received from Worcester at 10 a.m. Tedstone the Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave, ·wafer is the nearest money order & telegraph office organ chamber, vestry, south porch and a western turret Wall Letter Box, near Rectory, cleared 4.25 p.m. week containing 2 bell~: there are sittings for about 120 per- days sons. The old church of St. Bartholomew, now disused The children of this parish attend the schools at Ted- and gradually falling into decay, is a small whitewashed stone Wafer, Clifton-on-Teme building of rubble and. travertin, consisting of chancel Carriers.-Joseph Rea, to Worcester, sat.; Thomas and nave, and is situated near the Sapey brook, about a Dallow, to Bromyard, thurs (Marked thus * receive their letters *Corbett Chas. farmer, Field house *HPmming Wm.shoe maker, High la (through Whitbourne.) *Dallow George,farmer,The Wheeleys tMitchell Thomas, farmer, Oxhall (Marked thus t receive their letters Dallow Geo. jun. farmer, Park Horn *Overton Mary A.. (Mrs.), shopkeepr through Clifton-on-Teme.) *Dallow Thomas, carrier & farmer, tPound Edwd. farmer, Church farm *Bower Rev. Charles Uppleby M.A.. Culver house tRea Joseph, farmer & carrier, Rose Rectorv tDalton Bros. farmers, Burton court Furlong *Downes.Miss tDelahay Chas. farmer, Sapey court *Richards John, farmer *Gibbs William, farmer, The Thorn tRichards Louis, farmer, The Hill COMMERCIAL. tGreen Edward, gamekeeper to Mrs. tRichardson J. (Mrs.), cowkpr.Flint ho tBishop James, farmer, Three gates P. Evans tSkyrme Jas. farmer, The Hat house tBooton John, stone mason *Griffin Wm. Gate Hangs Well P.H *Soley William, farmer, Landimore SEDGE:BERROW is a parish and village on the road memorial to her husband: there are sittings for r8o from Evesham to Winchcomb, on the borders of Glou- persons. The register dates from the year 1565. The cestershire, I~ miles north-east from Ashton-under-Hill living is a rectory, net yearly value, arising from 187 station on the Evesham and A.shchurch branch of the acres of glebe, £267, with residence, in the gift of the Midland railway, 3! miles t!Outh from Evesbam and 12~ Dean and Chapter of Worcester, and held since I8g6 north-east from Cheltenham, in the Southern division of by the Rev. Frederick Thomas Marsh B.A., L.Th. of the county, hundred of Middle Oswaldslow, Pershore the University of Durham. The Dean and Chapter of petty sessional division, union and county court district Worcester are lords of the manor. The principal land of Evesham, and in the Evesham rural deanery, War- owners are A.lbert William Barrett esq. Arthur William wick archdeaconry and Worcester diocese. The church Bowley esq. the trustees of the late Henry Field esq. of St. ~1ary the Virgin,... consecrated Sept. I 6th, I33I, is and the rector. The soil is light and heavy clay; sub an ancient building of stone in the Transitional style soil, gravel, clay and stone. The chief crops are wheat, from Decorated to Perpendicular, and forms a simple oats, beans and market garden produce. The parish con parallelogram, without any external division between tains I,o2o acres; rateable value, £1,857; the popula the nave and chancel, but possesses many features of tion in 1911 was 339· unusual interest; it consists of chancel, nave, north Parish Clerk, John Hunt. porch and vestries, erected in 1900, and a hexagonal Post & T. Office.-Mrs. Caroline Higgins, sub-post- western turret, with a stone spire, and containing 3 mistress. Letters arrive through Evesham at 6. 5 bells: the east window was painted and presented to the d' h d 5 · th · h' h d a.m. & 2 p.m.; Ispatc e at 9.15 a.m. & 6 p.m. c h urc h b y M rs. B arb er 1n I 871 : ere IS a 1g carve oak rood screen on a stone base, a richly carved canopied week days only; no sunday delivery. Dumbleton i.;; the nearest money order office reredos, plain double sedilia, canopied piscina, some frag- ments of ancient stained glass, and a plain Norman font; Wall Letter Box, cleared week days only at 9.15 a.m. and there also remain a few original 15th century bench & 6.5 p.m ends: the church was restored in I868, under the super- Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1840 & en- vision of Mr. William Butter:field, architect, at the sole larged in 1876, for 6o children; average attendancP, cost of Mrs. Barber, widow of the late rector, as a 47; Miss Mary Woodward, mistress A.shwin Miss Bowley Arthur Wm. & Co. farmers Hunt Fdk. & Harry, market gardnrs Field Mrs. Sedgeberrow hall & market gardeners Hunt John, market gardener Jeacock Mrs. The Grange Burrell Eric Lionel, market gardener, Pearson Harold Eden, market gar- MaTsh Rev. Frederick Thomas B.A.., see Whitehouse & Burrell dener, West End cottage L. Th. Rectory Burrows Thomas, market gardener Savage A lice (Mrs.), market gardener Pearson Harold Eden, West End cot Burrows William, market gardener Savage Thomas, shopkeeper Whitehouse William Sandys, Sedge- Clements Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist Taylor Bros. millers (water) & farmr!' berrow house Driver William, market gardener Taylor Joseph, market gardener COMMERCIAL. Field Frank D farmer Whitehouse & Burrell, market gar- Ballinger Herbert, market gardener Hig-gins ~'lary (~1:iss), shopkeeper, deners, SedgPberrow house Ballinger William, market gardener Post office Winnett Arthur, market gardener Barrett A.rthur William, farmer Holyfield Charles, farmer Winnett Colin, shopkeeper Bell Charles Hy. Queen's Head P.H , Hnmphris Jas. shopkeeper & dairyman Winnett Thomas, market gardener .