The Coordinator's Report on the ELT Project in Los Angeles: Educational
EOCUMENT RESUME ED 045 641 24m TE 002 128 AUTHOR Stern, Hans Georg TITLE The Coordinatorls Report on the ELT Project in Ics Angeles; Educational Laboratory Theatre Project, 1966-70. Final Report. INSTITUTICN Central Midwestern Regional Educational Lab., St. Ann, Mo. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. Bureau of Research. BUREAU NO ER-7-0310 PUB DATE 70 CONTFACT CEC-3-7-07C310-1605 NOTE 183p.; Volume 3 AVAILABLE FECM Verna Smith, CEMPEL, Inc., 10646 St. Charles Rock Road, St.Ann, Mo. 63074 ($1.85) EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.75 HC Not Available from EDPS. DESCRIPTORS *Attitudes, Cultural Activities, Dramatics, *Experimental Programs, Instructional Materials, Program Costs, Program Development, *Program Evaluation, Race Relations, *Secondary Education, Student Behavior, Student Reaction, Teacher Attitudes, *Theater Arts, Urban Schools IDENTIFIERS *Educaticnal Laboratory Theatre Project, Los Angeles ABSTRACT This third of fcur volumes of the final report cn the Educational Labcratory Theatre (ELT) Project provides an on-the-scene account of the Project1s history at its Los Angeles site, from the pcint of view of the school-system people involved. Useful to planners of future cultural programs in its presentation of the practical difficulties of operating such a program in the context of a large urban school system, this volume recounts the planning of the Project, discusses the financial and contractual aspects of the Project, reviews the curriculum and inservice education program, assesses student and teacher reaction to the plays and the Project, and provides a statistical summary, conclusion, and some recommendaticns for the future. Appendices include the 1967-68 and 19E8-69 ccntracts between the school district and the Inner City Cultural Center, a sample poster, and a summary of the September 22, 1969 ELT meeting.(See also TE 002 12E, TE 002 127, and TE 002 129.) (MF) /3/? 7 -b3,0 U.S.
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