In West Germany Lowest In More Than 5 Years BOMB BLASTS DESTROY UNEMPLOYMENT RATE FALLS U.S. RADAR EQUIPMENT TO 7 PERCENT FOR AUGUST By PETE YOST NOHFELDEN, West Germany (AP) man for the offlce of West Ger­ AP Labor Wn ter -- Terrorlsts bombed a U S an­ many's chlef federal prosecutor, tl-alrcraft mlsslle slte today, sald the bombers cut through a WASHINGTON -- The natl0n's sent late-August car sales destroYlng radar equlpment ln chaln-llnk fence to get onto clvlllan unemployment rate fell soarlng and auto lndustry em­ the fourth attack on Amerlcan the slte, and members of the to 7 percent In August, the low­ ployment rose by 25,000, ac­ mllltary targets ln a month No leftlst Red Army Factlon terror- est level of Ronald Reagan's countlng for fully two-thlrds lnJurles were reported 1st group were suspected Slo­ presldency, but many economlsts of the Job growth for the Exploslons destroyed three gans used by the group were cautloned that Joblessness lS month In manufacturlng moblle radar unlts mounted on spray-palnted on nearby bUlld­ llkely to drlft upward In the The manufacturlng sector, trallers at about 6 a m at the lngs, he sald months ahead hurt by forelgn lmports, has slte near thlS town 30 mlles Federal authorltles belleve The decllne In the rate from lost 210,000 Jobs thlS year from the border wlth Luxem­ the Red Army Factlon carrled 7 3 percent In July, where lt Flrst-half growth was a mea­ bourg, sald Sgt Bob Lentner, a out the Aug 8 bomblng at the had been stuck for SlX months, ger 1 1 percent Three percent spokesman at the U S Army head­ Rheln-Maln Alr Base that kllled lS "excltlng news Amerl- growth lS needed Just to keep quarters In Heldelberg He re­ two Amerlcans and wounded 20 ca's economy lS packlng new pow­ unemployment from rlslng ported no damage to the mlS­ other people and the murder of er," PreSldent Reagan sald In a Some 15,000 people dropped slles, WhlCh are conventlonal an Amerlcan soldler hours be­ hastlly scheduled appearance be­ out of the labor force last weapons fore the bomblng fore reporters "We can keep month, and 288,000 new payroll Lentner sald U S mllltary Prechtel sald hlS offlce had drlvlng our unemployment rate Jobs were created as the num­ personnel were on the mlsslle taken over lnvestlgatlon of to­ down " ber of unemployed people fell slte at the tlme, but no one was day's bomblng West German au­ August's clvlllan rate was to 8 1 mllllon -- the smallest lnJured He sald three bombs ex­ thorltles already are huntlng the lowest Slnce Aprll 1980, In four years ploded but dld not dlsclose for more than a dozen Red Army and the decllne of 0 3 percent­ Servlce Jobs, WhlCh have ac­ thelr type Factlon members suspected In age pOlnts was the blggest drop counted for most of the 8 mll­ Alexander Prechtel, a spokes- the August attacks ln more than a year, the Labor llon new Jobs In the current Department reported 32-month economlC recovery, But Job growth showed only posted another solld gain wlth Reagan Corrects His Remarks mlnor lmprovement last month In the addltlon of 235,000 POS1- manufacturlng, and much of the tlons Wlthln that category, About South African Segregation reductlon In the Jobless rate buslness-servlce Jobs rose by By MICHAEL PUTZEL was attrlbuted to 260,000 teen­ 37,000 That area, WhlCh In­ AP Whlte House Correspondent agers dropplng out of the labor cludes data processlng and tem­ force at the end of the summer porary help, had shown some WASHINGTON -- PreSldent Rea­ Reagan's spokesman, mean­ A cut-rate flnanclng war weakness In recent months gan sald today he used careless whlle, sald the presldent wlll language last month and dldn't declde In the next several days 's Dally Mall Says. really belleve raclal segrega­ on posslble steps to encourage tl0n ln South Afrlca had been an end to vlolence and promote ellmlnated, but he contlnued to negotlatlons almed at endlng Discovered Air-India Nose Section defend what he called "great lm­ apartheld ln the raclally torn provement over what has ever natl0n Strengthens Bomb Theory eXlsted before" In the whlte­ Whlte House spokesman Larry LONDON (AP) -- An underwater the Brltlsh tablold sald In ruled natl0n Speakes sald Reagan lS conslder­ robot has found the severed what lt stated was an exclu­ Reagan apologlzed for an un­ lng how to deal wlth leglsla­ nose sectlon of the Alr-Indla Slve report lntentlonal SllP and lnslsted tl0n pendlng In the Senate that Boelng 747 that crashed lnto It added "The nose sectlon durlng an lmpromptu questlon­ would lmpose trade sanctlons on the sea off Ireland In June, appears to have broken away and-answer seSSlon wlth report­ South Afrlca "and other steps and the dlscovery strengthens Just behlnd the plane's for­ ers that he was "not nearly as he mlght take In consultatlon the theory that a bomb caused ward door That pOlnts to a lll-lnformed as many of you have wlth Congress, In consultatl0n the dlsaster, the Dally Mall re­ blast In the forward luggage made lt out that I was " wlth allles, In consultatl0n ported today hold a few feet away, WhlCh He sald hlS admlnlstratlon's wlth the South Afrlcan govern- "The wreckage of the fllght would have destroyed the elec­ POllCy of deallng wlth South ment " deck and flrst-class compart­ tronlC compartment, knocklng Afrlca's whlte government rather The spokesman refused to be ment was found more than (200 out all the lnstruments and than punlshlng lt wlth economlC more speclflc but sald Reagan, yards) away from the maln de­ controls " or dlplomatlc sanctl0ns lS "the durlng a reVlew of the sltua­ brls of the rest of the Boelng All 329 people aboard the only thlng that's shown any tlon wlth hlS advlsers Thursday, 747 ThlS strengthens the theo­ fllght were kllled The wreck­ slgns of lmprovement in that asked for more lnformation to ry that Fllght 182 was hlt by age sank In water up to 6,700 whole sltuatlon " study before maklng a decision an exploslon at (31,000 feet)," feet deep r------~ -----, \ Night Stalker' Suspect Witnesses And Survivors Of Attacks View Richard Ramirez In Lineup By SUE MANNING Assoclated Press Wrlter -- Wltnesses and surVlvors are wlth nurses We are afrald, as of the attacks attrlbuted to the "Nlght traumatlzed as they are, havlng to face Stalker" attended a llneup Thursday nlght news medla prlor to or after that mlght that lncluded Rlchard Ramlrez, the man ar­ damage our case " rested In the cases Ramlrez, a drlfter, had been releas­ About 30 people, some of them stlll ed from a slx-week Jall term Just be­ sufferlng the physlcal and emotlonal ef­ fore the spree of kllllngs, rapes and fects of the assaults, vlewed the llneup, assaults began In February, terrorlzlng sald county sherlff's Lt D1Ck Walls the state They observed Ramlrez and "SlX or seven Accordlng to Los Angeles Munlclpal other folks who look llke hlm," Walls sald, Court records, Ramlrez, uSlng the allas addlng that offlclals would not dlsclose Rlchard Munoz Moreno, was arrested In whether they ldentlfled Ramlrez Los Angeles on Dec 12, 1984, when the LOS ANGELES -- ThlS Los Angeles Po­ News organlzatl0ns honored a request by stolen statlon wagon he was drlvlng llce Department artlst's sketch of the the Sherlff's Department to stay away from nearly colllded wlth a pollce car man known as the "Nlght Stalker" -- In­ the Central Jal1 whlle the llneup was con­ Booked for lnvestlgatlon of felony cludlng detalls of the man's stalned and ducted auto theft, Ramlrez pleaded no contest gapped teeth -- helped lead to the ar­ "What concerns us lS the condltl0n of on Dec 17 to a mlsdemeanor vlolatlon rest of Rlchard Ramlrez some of our wltnesses," sald Deputy Wl111e and was sentenced to 75 days In Jall (AP Laserphoto) Mlller "Some are under medlcal care, some He was released Jan 23 -~ ____I LOCAL/WORLD NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1985 'Back-To-School Night' Bright And Brief For Parents At Robots With Human Touch DEARBORN, M1Ch (AP) -- Robots soon WIll George Seitz School be able to do routlne household tasks nor­ From JOHN E MCCAFFREY mally handled w~th a human touch, says the Prlnclpal, George Seltz School cha1rman of the Natlonal Personal Robot As­ soclatlon But don't expect them to scrub Tuesday, Sept 10, George Seltz School dlrty plates WIll hold a "Back-to-School Nlght" for "Dlshes wlll be one of the last appl~ca­ parents of our elementary school ch1ldren tlons A more llkely capab~llty wlll be The follow1ng schedule WIll be observed vacuumlng and as a securlty funct~on," so that parents wIth more than one chIld sald Joe Bosworth, head of the Dearborn­ 1n the school w1ll have an opportunIty to based group of 10 actlve robotlcs compan­ meet each teacher les and about 200 lndlvlduals Grades 1 and 2 6 30 p m "Just the ldea of havlng a robot clear Grades 3 and 4 7 15 P m the table and dlstlngulsh between cups and Grades 5 and 6 8 00 p m spoons 1S a very complex task," Bosworth Spec1al teachers WIll be avaIlable In sald the lIbrary where refreshments WIll be Personal robot manufacturers hope to served have changed ~ome people's minds about the~r technology this week at the second Internat10nal Personal Robot Congress ln Worship Services , WhlCh featured dlsplays of CATHOLIC robots developed by commerclal manufactur­ Saturday Mass (AntIcIpated) ers and lndlv~duals 5 15 pm, Island Memor1al Chapel Durlng the conventlon, dlnner reserva­ Sunday Masses t~ons were honored at a restaurant ln San 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel Franc~sco for two "Omnlbot 2000" robots 9 15 am, Island MemorIal Chapel dressed ln black tles and accompan~ed by The Rev Robert D Greathouse 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Commun~ty Center human dates Monday-FrIday Masses 9 15 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel Kwaialein Protestant Chapel ConfessIons Santa's Plug Pulled Monday-FrIday, 9 am, Blessed Sacra­ TORONTO (AP) -- Sorry V1rg1n~a, Santa Welcomes Interim Chaplain ment Chapel Also In the chaplaIn's of­ Claus no longer has a work~ng number fIce, call 82116 beforehand, and In Canada Post Corp has chopped ltS popu­ By RUTH HORNE Tr 835, call 84535 beforehand lar Santa Claus Hotllne as an economy mea­ The Rev Robert D Greathouse arr~ved on CHURCH OF CHRIST sure, though lt won't say how much lt ex­ KwaJale~n Fr~day, Aug 16, to serve as the Sunday worshIp IS held at 9 a m In pects to save ~nter~m chapla~n for the Protestant Island Room 20, George Se~tz School V~sltors Last Chr~stmas season, ch1ldren wantlng Memor~al Chapel He f~lls the vacancy left are welcome For more ~nformat~on, call to talk to Santa made 535,000 calls to a by Chapla~n R~chard QUlnn's departure un­ 82613, 82639, or 82451 speclal number ln the Toronto and Oshawa t~l a new permanent chapla~n arr~ves CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS areas, the only two centers ln the country Born ~n Oh~o, Greathouse now calls San­ Serv~ces are held In Room 18, George where ~t operated, a Canada Post spokesman ta Rosa, ln northern Cal~forn~a, h~s home Se~tz School Pr~esthood meetIng IS at 8, sa~d He has been ~n the pastoral m~n~stry for Sunday school at 9, sacrament serv~ces are PullIng Santa's plug IS the second re­ 25 years, serv~ng Presbyterlan and Congre­ at 10, and the Rellef SocIety meets at cent cost-cuttlng measure by the postal gat~onal churches ~n several states and In 11 a m VISItors are welcome For more In­ agency, WhICh expects a $200 mlillon defl­ Canada formatIon, contact Mark Hanson, 82885 c~t thls year Startlng next week, all par­ Greathouse rece~ved a bachelor's degree Serv~ces on Ro~-Namur are held at 8 a m cels and letters wIth lnsufflc~ent postage from San Jose State College and a master In the ROl-Namur Commun~ty Center Call WIll be returned to sender lnstead of be­ of d~v~nlty degree from San Franc~sco Theo­ Len Cooper, 99660, for Informatlon, and lng forwarded log~cal Semlnary Rlchard SmIth, 99467, for transportatIon But Canada Post Isn't belng a complete For the past year the new chapla~n has PROTESTANT Scrooge It wlll contlnue to accept and taken a leave of absence from the pastoral Sunday mornIng worshIp serVIces w~ll be answer letters to Santa m~n~stry He has been wr~t~ng -- Includ~ng held at 8 and 11 a m at the Island Memo­ a full-length novel -- do~ng ~ndependent rIal Chapel Chapla~n Robert Greathouse 11 Times No For' Nineth ' study, and has completed the f~rst stages WIll preach the sermon entItled "There Are of publlsh~ng a magaz~ne for slngles No Second-Class Chrlstlans " NASHVILLE, Tenn (AP) -- A state educa­ Greathouse acknowledge~ that the pr~ma­ SpecIal mUSIC at both serVIces WIll be tIon report on hlgh school ach~evement ry purpose of an ~nter~m pastor ~s "to prov~ded by a hIgh school gIrls' ensemble scores used the word "n~nth" 11 tlmes and ma~nta~n the status quo " But he says he SIngIng "Pass It On," and by the Chapel spelled lt "nlneth" 11 tlmes would l~ke to help ~mprove the fellowsh~p ChoIr SIngIng "God So Loved the World" at "That lS really lnterestlng, because we among the chapel congregatlon, "espec~ally the 11 o'clock serVIce (orlglnally) had lt half one way and half between fam~lles and slngles," durIng hIS Sunday school classes for all ages are another," sald Joy McLarty, asslstant com­ tIme on Island held at the George Seltz School at 9 30 mIss loner for the department's DlvlSlon of In hIS spare tIme, the chaplaln lS an a m Adults are present to asslst newcom­ School Success, wh~ch comp~led the report enthuslastlc golfer ers In flnd~ng the~r classrooms "I thought someone had looked lt up It Greathouse looks forward to workIng wlth The Sunday even~ng worshIp serv~ce on was changed to be conslstent," she sald the members of nlS new congregatIon He ROl-Namur w~ll be held at 6 30 In the Com­ Well, lt was partIcularly wants to "mln~ster to theIr mun~ty Center and w~ll be led by Chapld~n sp~rltual needs whIle I'm here" Greathouse Gospel serVIce WIll be held Sunday eve­ Worth Repeating nIng at 7 In the chapel WHAT'S NEW "I have yet to fInd the man, however AT Surf And Sun exalted h~s statIon, who dId not do ­ * SUR F WAY * ter work and put forth greater effort un­ AS OF 12 01 A H der a spIrIt of approval, than under a Fl~day, Sept 6, 1985 spIrIt of crltlclsm " -- Charles Schwab, Dally raInfall None ==CJII(~",,==== lndustrlallst Monthly total 05 fllOZE"-" REFRIGERATED FOOD o ====~...,..r ... Yearly total 61 65 ~ tc:::::=::Mtc:::::=::Mtc:::::=::Mtc:::::=::Mte::::::::)(tc::=::::>! TOMORROW ON [ZWA JALEIN * Ch 1 tt 11 ngs SunrIse 6 40 a m * Cheese Hot Dogs JUST ARRIVED ~ Sunset 6 54 p m * MoonrIse 12 19 a m Breast Cordon Bleu * Lambchops~ Rlb~ LOln~ & Leg r Moon~et 1 19 P m ~ A new Mupmen-t ~ HI TIde 8 18 a m 3 2'-10 12 P m 3 8' 6 Lo TIde 2 58 a m 2 6'-2 18 p m 2 5 ' 0 yOWl 6avofLde n~ SUNDAY DR\, GROCER\.~~.-,~~== FOOO SunrIse 6 40 a m MoonrIse 1 09 a m ~ ~~IRISH CRYSTAL~~ U 6 54 p m 2 13 p m Sunc,et Moon~et DISTINCTIVE COOKIES On ~a{e Satu~day, HI TIde 1 07 p m 3 0'- Lo TIde 6 59 a m 2 7'-5 38 p m 2 8 ' * r·111ano Septembe~ 7th I MONDAY * Bordeaux i SunrIse 6 40 a m MO(JnrIse 2 03 a m * Peanut Chocolate m Sun~et 6 53 P m Moon~et 3 07 p * Chocolate Coconut HI TIde 1 02 a m 4 0'-2 17 P m 3 5' ~ ~ ~ Lo TIde 8 14 a m 2 1'-7 39 p m 2 4 ' [- T~~SE ITEr1S ON SALE SATURDAY - L==.J FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 84700 COMMENTARY HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1985, PAGE 3

Brady's People An evening with John 'The Beast' ------b y James Brady------

m~crophone, remark~ng as he If you do not yet have cable good anymore fac~ng "The Beast" ~n November for the champ1onsh~p went, that "Marvelous Marv~n" teleV1S10n hooked up 1n your Now ESPN has brought back would "feast on 'The Beast,'" a part of the country, you are f1ght n1ght In fact, several Mugab1 entered the r~ng llne that w~ll not make us for­ m1ss1ng someth1ng qU1te wonder­ f1ght n1ghts The catch ~s you drool1ng Or maybe ~t was s~m­ ply mo~sture from the sponge He get Muhammad All ful have to have cable TV but ~f was announced as "the pr~de" of M~ckey Duff, who manages It 1S the f1ghts on ESPN, you do, and 1f you are a f~ght Kampala, Uganda To me, "The "The Beast ';" was called upon to the cable telev1s10n sports fan, then you are, approx~mate­ respond Duff, a Br~t, sa~d ly, ~n heaven If you do not, Beast," drool~ng or not, looked channel When Amer1ca used to "The Beast" was only 60 percent then you m1SS truly h1stor~c more menac1ng than Id1 Am~n be great, we had the f1ghts on 1n shape, that thls was con­ occaS10ns l~ke the f1ght be­ The referee, Larry Hazzard, regular telev1s10n every Fr1day sldered merely a warmup f1ght n1ght G11lette sponsored them tween John "The Beast" Mugab~ brought the f~ghters together He w~ll knock out Hagler, Duff and J1mmy Powers d1d the an­ and B1l1 "F1reball" Bradley ~n m1d-r~ng and we were off "F1reball" brawled and sprawled assured us nounc1ng and allover the coun­ When last seen, "The Beast" - "He can run but he can't awkwardly but at least he d~d try men got 1nto the1r under­ was devour1ng Frank "The An- h1de," declared Duff, echolIlg not collapse ~n round one as sh1rts and opened a bottle of 1mal" Fletcher I l~ke names the sentlments of the great Joe llkes that I'm t1red of boxers happens to so many of "The beer and settled back to watch LOU1S 40 years ago when pre­ named Cedr1c Beast's" opponents Then, rath­ the Fr1day n1ght f1ghts parlng to meet B11ly Conn ESPN has two superb f~ght er abruptly, at the end of the The f1ghts were 1n black and I got myself another can of announcers, Sam Rosen and Al 4th round, w1thout a slngle wh1te on small screens and they beer and, not for the flrst were terr1f1c Bernste~n But the Mugab~-Brad­ knockdown, Hazzard waved the t~me, muttered a llttle prayer ley clash was cons~dered so s~g­ f~ght over and declared "The Then Las Vegas was d1scover­ of gratltude to ESPN for havlng n1f~cant a th1rd expert com­ Beast" W1nner by a TKO A tall ed and we suddenly d1dn't have brought back flght nlght and re­ mentator was brought 1n, "Goody" blonde entered the r~ng to so­ f1ghts on the tube anymore You stored my fa1th 1n Amer1ca had to go to a mOV1e house and Petronell~, manager of "Marvelous lace "F~reball" w~th a tender Marv1n" Hagler, the f1ne m~d­ embrace Copyn qht 1985 pay 10 bucks to see a f1ght K1ng Features Synd1cate Inc Somehow the f1ghts weren't very dlewe1ght who m1ght ~ndeed be "Goody" Petronell~ left the


By PETER WEAVER come of, say, $30,000 a year Q If I d1dn't need the mon­ Bas~cally, c1v~1 rlghts at­ fore you leave your home ey, I'd qU1t my Job Some of the torneys say there are two types Remember, most of the cr~mes and have mlnlmum assets of men 1n the off1ce make passes, of harassment based on sex 1) are commltted ln broad dayllght $200,000 (~ncludes your home) say th1ngs and make me feel llke Demand of sexual favors for Job wh~le you are away at work or You should ask the sales representatlve for all the de­ I'~ c str1pper even though I try advancement (or demot~on lf fa­ at some place of recreat~on Be to wear conservat1ve clothes vors are not granted) 2) Hos­ sure garage doors are lockable ta1ls and all the rlsks If he Because I am cool to the1r ad­ tll1ty ln the work place You Or use electr1c openers that or she says there's not enough vances, I th1nk I may not have are forced to llsten to sexual automatlcally lock the doors t1me, then thlS 1S a clear SIg­ much of a chance for advance­ slurs and smart remarks e1ther Have outslde floodllghts that nal that somethlng 1S wrong ment I know there's a law from other employees or from come on at dark automatlcally In general, you should never aga1nst sexual harassment on the customers and cllents A well-llghted, well-locked lnvest In anyth1ng you do not Job but I don't know how 1t Many employers are taklng home dlscourages burglars and thoroughly understand Have any ~nvestment expla~ned care­ works and what I'm supposed to steps to comply w1th the law the cost ~s relat1vely small do Do I get a lawyer or report and are settlng up grlevance * * * fully so you know what's gOlng 1t to a government agency? commlttees or some person you Q A fr1end 1nvested 1n a on Deal wlth well-known sales S H , Ch 1cago, III can talk to wlthout gett~ng In- real estate syndlcat10n Wh1Ch representat~ves and brokers A Sexual harassment ~s a to trouble 1S supposed to br1ng 1n a lot These people are regulated by v~olat~on of the U S C~vll * * * of money and some of 1t w1ll be Q Three people on our the Secur~tles Exchange Comm1s­ R1ghts Act and 1S enforced by tax free She wants me to 1n­ street have had the1r homes Slon and other government the EEOC (Equal Employment Op­ vest too but the sales represen­ broken 1nto by hoodlums The bod1es They have dlsclosure portunlty Commlsslon) You can tat1ve doesn't have anyth1ng look up the nearest EEOC offlce th1eves took TVs, stereos, Jew­ but a brochure to glve me rules they must follow Ask for references and ex­ (your federal government 11St­ elry and left the places 1n a He says he has to hurry to pect names of professIonals, lngs ~n the phone book should mess How much does 1t cost to get my money ln before the deal have the number) and make an 1nstall a burglar alarm and are 1S closed Aren't they supposed bankers and others Not Just appo1ntment to dlSCUSS your alarms really worth the pr1ce to glve you brochures and 1n­ names you can't check You'll f~nd that the more quest~ons case you have to pay? formatlon of how much 1ncome you ask, the less lnterested If ~t looks llke a pattern J 0 • St LOU1S, Mo you can expect? of harassment at your place of A Alarms can cost anywhere o 0 ,St LOU1S, Mo the phony sales reps are 1n your buslness work, the EEOC m~ght take ac­ from $700 on up lnto the thou­ A Anyone who wants your mon­ A good broker or sales rep­ tlon Otherwlse, you can get sands The r1ght k1nd of alarm ey for lnvestment most certa1nly resentatlve WIll be patlent and counsellng on what klnd of can, 1ndeed, ~nh~b~t burglars should glve you all the detalls wlll offer all sorts of d1sclo­ chances you m~ght have hlrlng an But you may be able to take a ln wrltlng It's the law You attorney If you do get an at­ number of other protectlve should be g~ven a "prospectus" sure lnformatlon and references torney, p1ck someone who has had steps that cost relat1vely that spells out where your mon­ A good ploy Get as many de­ talls as you can Then, bounce experlence ln labor law and C1V- l~ttle money ey 1S gOlng, who lS managlng 11 r1ghts cases Check your locks on doors the deal and all the r1sks In­ them off your banker, lnsurance You may also want to check and w1ndows Get double-bolt volved representatlve, accountant or 1n w1th your state or local gov­ locks and put p1ns or locks on As a matter of fact, most other such profess1onal to get ernment Equal R1ghts or Human your wlndows (make sure keys reputable real estate llmlted a "second op1nlon " Usually, partnersh1ps have ~nvestment re­ the answer lS a loud "no " R~ghts offlce Somet~mes local are nearby or plns can be re­ laws are tougher than the fed­ moved from the 1ns1de so you qu~rements perta1n1ng to how eral law and you can get more won't be trapped ln a f1re) much you can afford to rlsk Copynght 1985 You must be mak1ng a mln1mum 1n- K1ng Features Synd1cate Inc effect~ve actlon -- qUlcker Lock all doors and wlndows be-

The Kwa]ale1n Hourglass lS an unoff1clal publlcatlon authorlzed under the provlslons of AR 360-S1 It lS publlshed by Global Assoclates Monday through Frlday (excludlng holldays) ~t the dlrectlon of the commandlng offlcer, U S Army Kwa]aleln Mlsslle Range, Marshall Commandlng Offlcer Col Wlillam A Spln islands under contract DASG60-S2-C-0063 ThlS lS an offset publlcatlon, wlth a dally PubllC Affalrs Offlcer Pat Robblns clrculatlon of 1 950 The Vlews and oplnlons expressed hereln are not neces~arlly those Edltor Courtney Danko of the Department of the Army Communlcatlons should be addressed to the Hourglass, P 0 Local News/Feature Wrlter Ruth Horne Box 23 APO San FranC1SCO 96555, or call 83539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Materlals appearlng Copy Edltor Clrculatlon Jeanne Vlncent In the Hourglass may not be reprlnted wlthout the approval of the commandlng offlcer, Sportswrlter Vacant U S Army KwaJaleIn MIsslle Range All want ads and notlces must be submltted on GA Form 8028 R-4 by 12 30 p m the workIng day prlor to publlcatlon - WORLD NEWS PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1985 Fighting Continues, S. African Government Closes Schools Woman Testifies Death Toll Rises Amid Renewed Rioting Against Apartheid Miller Admitted In Lebanon By JAMES F SMITH Selling Documents By FAROUK NASSAR Assoclated Press Wrlter By LINDA DEUTSCH Assoclated Press Wrlter ~ssoclated Press Wrlter JOHANNESBURG, Sout~ Afrlca Seventy-slx people were ar­ BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Palestlnlan The government closed hun­ rested In the Cape Town rl­ LOS ANGELES -- A woman tes­ guerrlilas battled Shllte Mos­ dreds of schools around Cape otlng, where pollce battled tlfled Thursday that she was lem mliltlamen around a Pales­ Town today after re~e~ed rl­ youths In seven mlxed-race former FBI agent Rlchard Mll­ tlnlan refugee camp today, and otlng agalnst apartheld, and townshlps, pollce headquarters ler's lover at the same tlme he flghtlng raged between Shlltes questlons arose over the at Pretorla sald No new deaths was romantlcally l.nvolved wlth and Druse In West Belrut Pollce health of lmprlsoned black were reported a Sovlet spy, and that he ad­ sald 22 people were kliled and 85 leader ~elson ~rdela In a year of turmoll over mltted to her that he sold were wounded In the Indlan Ocean port apartheld, South Afrlca's ra­ classlfled documents Chrlstlan and Moslem snlpers clty of Durban, 680 mlles clal segregatlon system, more Marta York of Portland, Ore, also flred at each other along fro~ Cape To"~, rlot patrols than 650 people have been klll­ testlfled durlng Mlller's es­ the Green Llne that dlvldes the used blrdshot, rubber bullets, ed plonage trlal that she came to Moselm west and Chrlstlan east tear gas and ThlPS today Law and Order Mlnlster Los Angeles to VlSlt hlm sectors of Belrut agalnst crovrds of rock-throw­ Louls Ie Grange sald today he the last two weeks of September Pollce sald at least 12 peo­ lng youths In renewed unrest, planned new measures to quell 1984 ple were kliled and 40 were pollce sald 10 days of vlolence around She sald at the tlme she wounded In battles between Pal­ Mandela was examlned by a Cape Town He vlslted the area vlslted hlm, she was unaware he estlnlans and Shlltes at BourJ urologlst Thursday, the prlsons Thursday wlth Defense Mlnlster was havlng an lntlmate rela­ el-BaraJneh refugee camp on the servlce sald without glvlng Magnus Malan tlonshlp wlth Svetlana Ogor­ outsklrts of Belrut The flght­ detalls Lawyer lsmall Ayob, Pollce sald they broke up odnlkov, who has been convlcted lng tapered off early thls morn­ representlng l-1andela's wlfe, crowds of students today In of spylng for the Sovlet Unlon, lng ~hnnle, sald she was "frantl.c Lamontvllie townshlp, near but he later told her Rocket-propelled grenades ex­ wlth worry" and wanted her hus­ Durban York sald she bell.eved Mll­ ploded around BourJ el-BaraJneh, band examlne~ by a famlly doc­ Prlnclpal Phlillp Mzobe ler was dlvorced and she was and the two sldes attacked each tor sald some Lamontvllie Hlgh seeklng a long-term relatlon­ other In close-quarter flre­ Ayob sald he would seek a School students stoned a pass­ shlp wlth hlm hghts court order on Monday or ear­ lng pollce patrol whlle he Mliler, the flrst FBI agent The hlghway to Belrut Alrport, ller for Mandela, 67, to be was addresslng youths at an ever accused of spYlng, was a whlch runs along the edge of the checked by an lndependent doc­ assembly Pollce flred tear tense and nervous man who pour­ camp, was closed for a whlle be­ tor gas, shotgun pellets and rubber ed out hls personal problems to cause of Palestlnlan snlper flre Mandela, imprlsoned for bullets, breaklng school Wln­ her, York sald of her two-week llfe Slnce a 1964 convlctlon dows, the South Afrlcan Press VlSlt durlng whlch she went to In Spy Case for plannlng sabotage, re­ Assoclatlon reported mOVles and the county fair wlth malns the most promlnent lead­ Mzobe sald puplls Jumped hlm Judge Refuses Bail er of South Afrlca's 24 mll­ from second-floor wlndows to York, a natlve of El Salva­ llon voteless blacks flee, and flve were hurt dor and a resldent allen, sald Near Cape Town, pollce Accordlng to the news agency she warned hlm repeatedly that For Navy Radioman guards drove off attackers account, pollce entered the "we were belng followed and SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A Judge trylng to flrebomb the home school and struck students watched " has refused ball for a former Navy of a mlxed-race member of Par­ wlth rubber whlps before Mzobe "The last day I told hlm radloman accused of seillng mll­ llament as sporadlc rlotlng persuaded them to leave the somebody was taklng plctures," ltary secrets to the Sovlets af­ perslsted overnlght premlses she recalled "He always laugh­ ter the prosecutor called the ed at me and sald I llked to charge'> "more serlOUS than murder " Secx:nj Day Of TesbIl 0 IV play detectlve " U S Dlstrlct Judge John Vuk­ Before she returned to Port­ dSln sald Thursday that there was Keith Hernandez Takes Stand land, she sald Mliler admltted probable cause of convlctlon and to her he was not dlvorced and a llkellhood that Jerry A Whlt­ told her he was obsessed wlth worth would flee If he were re­ In Curtis Strong Cocaine Trial maklng money She returned home Sept 29, she sald leased on bond By ALAN ROBINSON "No one can questlon the grav­ AP Sportswrl ter lty of the charges that have been U.S. Weather Notes leveled agalnst Mr Whltworth," PITTSBURGH -- New York Mets Phlladelphla Phlilles who lS he sald flrst baseman Kelth Hernandez accused of dlstrlbutlng co­ By THE Whltworth, 48, of Davls, has testlfled today that he began calne Montana's northwest moun­ been held wlthout ball Slnce he uSlng cocalne In the mlddle of Under questlonlng from U S talns were under a heavy snow surrendered to federal author­ the 1980 season, a tlme he Attorney J Alan Johnson. warnlng today and warm and ltles June 3 sald was one of "romance" be­ Hernandez sald he got hls drugs humld weather held its grlp on He lS accused of furnlshlng tween baseball players and In 1980, 1981 and 1982 from the Plalns secrets about Navy communlcatlons the drug other, unldentlfled players Raln dotted the natlon from systems to hls longtlme frlend "I thlnk It was the love- At the tlme, Hernandez was a affalr years It was pret- member of the St Louls Car­ coast to coast after a day of John A Walker Jr , In a con­ record-breaklng heat In the splracy that authorltles say may ty prevalent," Hernandez sald dlnals East have begun as early as 1970 and of cocalne use by ballplayers On Thursday, a former team­ Showers and thunderstorms ended In 1983 when Whltworth re­ He sald he used the drug mate, outflelder Lonnle Smlth, heavlly for the rest of the testlfled that he bought co­ were scattered today from New tlred from the Navy Walker, de­ England to the southern Great scrlbed by federal prosecutors 1980 season, but worrled calne from Strong and had used about ltS effect on hlm after the drug wlth Hernandez and Lakes, across northern Mln­ as the leader of the spy rlng, nesota. central and eastern Ken­ allegedly turned the documents he lost 10 pounds and awakened pltcher Joaquln AndUjar In 1982 whlle all were wlth the tucky, eastern sectlons of the over to Sovlet agents once wlth a bloody nose and the shakes Cardlnals Smlth now plays for Tennessee Valley, and parts of He faces at least three llfe central and southern Texas terms plus 57 years If convlcted Hernandez was the leadoff Kansas Clty Asked If he bought cocalne Temperatures around the na­ A hearlng scheduled for Sept 13 wltness l.n the second day of from fellow players, Hernandez tlon at 3 a m EDT ranged from wlll determlne whether he could testlmony at the federal sald "Players never sell It 39 degrees at Flagstaff, Arlz , get the death penalty If found trial of Curtls Strong, a for­ was there to use " to 86 at Corpus Chrlstl, Texas gUllty mer clubhouse cook for the Financial News Briefly ell Fleld at Mllwaukee to­ pllght of graduate students day The former graduate stu­ Dollar closlng In HONOLULU CAP) -- A hurrl­ The DC-9, Fllght 105, dent kliled mathematlcs Pro­ Tokyo was cane watch was lssued today was scheduled for takeoff at fessor Karel deLeeuw In 1978 241 45 yen, for 100,000 resldents on Hawall 3 15 p m CDT to protest the way the unl­ and In Zurlch was Island as Hurrlcane Paullne, There were apparently some verslty treats lts graduate 2 4175 SWlSS francs wlth wlnds gustlng to 105 mph, fatalltles students CLOSING METALS churned westward across the An eyewltness In a prl­ * * * Gold off 8 35 at 317 65 Paclflc vate plane sald she heard the WASHINGTON CAP) -- Pres­ SlIver up 05 at 6 09 If It malntalns ltS pres­ pllot radlo that he had an ldent Reagan, whlle urglng DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES ent course and speed, the storm emergency She sald she saw Congress to JOln hlm In de­ 30 Industrlals wlll pass wlthln 50 mlles south the plane do two barrel rolls vlslng a "freer and falrer up 9 86 at 1335 69 of Hawall's largest lsland of and land on lts nose tradlng system," sald today 20 Transportatlons Hawall Saturday nlght, Natlonal * * * he has not yet declded on up 5 03 at 667 55 Weather Servlce forecasters VACAVILLE, Callf (AP)-- what trade actlons to take 15 Utlhtles sal.d Theodore Streleskl says he'll to open more forelgn markets off 21 at 159 16 * * * walk free from prlson Sunday to U S products 65 Stocks l-1ILWAUKEE CAP) -- A Mldwest wlthout remorse, convlnced "These thlngs are under up 3 36 at 551 53 Express Alrllnes fllght bound that by hammerlng a Stanford dlscusslon As qUlckly as we VOLUME 95,040,000 shares for crashed upon take­ Unlverslty professor to death have somethlng to report, we SEE LISTINGS off at the General Blily Mltch- he helped publlclze the wlll," Reagan sald IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY SPORTS HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1985, PAGE 5 KWGA Slates Annual Managers To Meet Sadie Hawkins Tourney Main Season Softball By PAM BARTON KwaJaleln Women's Golf Assoclatlon Coming Soon The annual Kwajaleln Women's Golf Asso­ By CINDY PENDER CIatIon-sponsored SadIe HawkIns Golf Tour­ Speclal SerVlces Recreatlon Dlrector nament WIll be held Sunday, Oct 6, wlth a Maln season men's and women's softball shotgun start at 8 a m IS comlng soon, and managers WIll meet Frl­ Teams WIll conSIst of one KWGA member day, Sept 13, at 5 15 P m on Brandon and four male teammates who are KGA mem­ Fleld bers The meetIng IS mandatory for all manag­ The format IS a handIcapped flve-person ers, and all team rosters must be turned scramble In at th1S tIme Ladles, get your teams now and SIgn up Each team IS requlred to submlt one In­ at the clubhouse There WIll also be a dlvldual who wlll serve as an umplre for SIgn-up sheet for anyone looklng for a the season ThlS person must attend the of­ team Entry fee IS $10 per person, WhICh flclatlng cllnlc on Brandon Fleld at 5 p m Includes refreshments, lunch and prIzes Monday, Sept 16 Persons Interested In of­ For more InformatIon call Lee AlIas or fICIatIng Llttle League baseball and jUnlOr Pam Barton coed softball should also attend thlS cllnlc Scorekeepers are needed for the maln Sports In Brief season softball All persons Interested By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS should attend the scorekeepers meetlng at 4 30 p m Monday, Sept 16, on Brandon NEW YORK -- Ivan Lendl of Czechoslovakla and JImmy Connors rolled Into the semlfl­ Baseball Roundup nals of the U S Open TennIS Champlonshlps Thursday, Lendl durIng the heat of the day, Connors durIng the heat of the nIght Yankees Dispute Call And the roads they took, although both ended In Identlcal 6-2, 6-2, 6-4 vlctorles, In Game Against A's were as dIfferent as nIght and day (AP) -- The New York Yankees dId not Lendl, hIS power game as hot as the lIke what they saw on the scoreboard l12-degree on-court temperature, demolIsh­ Nelther dld the umplres ed seventh-seeded Yannlck Noah of France Sure, the Yankees beat the Oakland A's Connors, In a lackluster performance, was 7-3 Thursday nlght for theIr slxth straight Doug McLaughlln, plctured above teelng never tested In hIS easy vlctory over vlctory But they dld not llke to see that off, had the low gross In the KGA's 15th SWItzerland's HeInz Gunthardt Toronto had routed MInnesota 7-0, keeplng KwaJ Open wlth a 159 * * * the Blue Jays 2Yz games ahead of New York (Hourglass Flle Photo by NATE JACKSON) NEW YORK -- John McEnroe was flned In the Amerlcan League East And what the $1,500 by the Men's InternatIonal Profes­ Yankees saw In the slxth Innlng bothered slonal TennIS CounCIl for "verbal abuse" them even more 139 Golfers Enjoy dIrected at tournament offlclals durlng In a close call at fIrst base, MIke hIS U S Open quarterfInal vlctory over DaVIS of the A's was ruled safe by umplre 15th Kwajalein Open Joaklm Nystrom Ken KaIser That set up a game-tYlng, A total of 139 golfers partlclpated In McEnroe was flned because he referred three-run homer by Dwayne Murphy the Kwajaleln Golf ASSOCIatIon's 15th an­ to Steve Wlnyard, the quarterfInal umpIre, And as the Yankees came to bat In the nual KwaJaleln Open, WhICh ended wIth the as a "bonehead" and because he called Bob bottom of the slxth, the play In whlch second round of play Saturday and Sunday, Howe, the tournament referee, "an Incompe­ pItcher Ed Whltson appeared to tag flrst Aug 31 and Sept 1 tent Idot," an MIPTC spokeswoman saId base ahead of DaVIS was shown tWlce on Chopper Suglbayashl was the fIrst-place the large scoreboard In rIght-center fIeld fInIsher In the Men's A Fllght wlth a The replays, one of them In slow mo­ score of 141 Other WInners In men's YOKWE YUK CLUB tlon, seemed to Indlcate the Yankees were flIghts were FlIght B - Frank Gotlob, 142, rIght In thelr argument The replays also Fllght C - DICk Tlmas, 139, FlIght D - prompted several fans at Yankee Stadlum to BIll Gregg, 142 throw objects at flrst base umplre Kalser Jackl Ahnne's score of 143 topped the At that pOlnt, crew chlef Larry Bar­ Women's A FlIght Cathy CampI took the B nett went Into the New York dugout and FlIght wlth a 140 threatened to pull the umplres off the One of the hlghllghts of the tournament fIeld Barnett sald there was a league dl­ actIVItIes was d "horse race" To enter, rectlve adVlslng dlscretlon on shOWIng players had to quallfy by plaYlng In the such controverslal calls June and July medal plays The players "I told Blily (Yankees Manager Martln) WIth the 24 lowest scores entered the to knock It off and he saId It'S In the horse race Twelve teams plaYIng scotch hands of George (team owner SteInbrenner)," twosome began the slx-hole race, WIth the Barnett sald lowest score on each hule droppIng out, Countered Stelnbrenner "Call Bobby accordIng to Pam Barton of the KGA WInners TOUGH WEEK?? Cool off and calm down at Brown (the Amerlcan League preSIdent) and were WIn - Tracy Walker and Wally Toma, the Club each FrIday, enjoy our speCIal see what he thought of that call " Place - Suglbayashl and Stan Ikehara, and pupus and easy mUSIC from 5 - 7 p m In other AL games, Kansas CIty beat MIl­ Show - Hal CunnIngham and Gotlob After relaXIng for a few hours release waukee 4-1, Chlcago rIpped Texas 11-4, and The two-week festIVItIes also Included all the pent-up energy by danCIng to th Cleveland SpIlt a doubleheader wlth Boston, puttIng, long drIve and chIpPIng contests from 9 p m untll mldnlght WIth the Red Sox wlnnlng the opener 13-6 FIrst place In the puttlng contest went before fallIng 9-5 to AlVIn Kaholokula after a tIebreaker Saturday - DISCO mUSIC from 9 p m untll In the Natlonal League, St LOUIS stop­ WIth second-place WInner RIck Cousler mldnlght ped 6-1 and edged PlttS­ In the long drIve contest, Men's FlIght burgh 4-3 0-15, fIrst place went to Ken HeflIn WIth 236 yards, 1 foot, 2 1nches Terry Hoggatt took second place WIth 228 yards, 6 Inches Columbus Day Run Is Scheduled For ••• Ellka Kaiwi won fIrst place 1n the Men's FlIght l6-over w1th 236 yards, 9Yz Inches

ARIES SCORPIO Japanese Find' Junk' In Honolulu (Mar 21 to Apr 19) 1fIIt (Oct 23 to Nov 21) 'IE HONOLULU (AP) - A Japanese travel agent says some Some confuslon relgns on the Some advice you recelve today 18 home front, but matters are solved by mlBleadmg, but a good fnend offers Japanese tourlsts return home w1th lots of money they day's end Apply mcreased energy to WlSe counsel after dark Legal afflW'S dldn't spend ln Hawa11 because they couldn't f1nd work projects meet Wlth delays quallty goods they wanted to buy TAURUS SAGITI'ARIUS FumlO Tamamura. a board member of the Japan ASSOC1- (Apr 20 to May 20) JiiIr (Nov 22 to Dec 21) m In busmess, you may have dIffi Late-breakmg career developments atlon of Travel Agents, told a news conference ln culty expressmg yourself, but m put you on top Some confuslon Walklkl Wednesday that 90 percent of the merchand1se romance, your words come across relgns, though, m mvestment areas for sale ln Walklkl and other tourlst areas of Hawall Wlth love and clanty Watch your step GEMINI CAPRICORN lS "Junk " (May 21 to June 20) ~ (Dec 22 to Jan 19) ~ It lS usually made from wood, shells or coral lm­ It won't be untll the end of the day Lettmg a partner get tlungs off h1S ported from the PhlllpPlnes or Talwan, he sald that you re able to put all the pleces or her chest IS the best route to together concernmg a fmanclal harmony today Refram from com­ The San Franclsco-born Tamamura sald the Japanese endeavor mentmg Be a good l1Stener want somethlng to take home that they would be proud CANCER AQUARIUS to show thelr frlends That does not lnclude such (June 21 to July 22) ..we (Jan 20 to Feb 18) d;\ thlngs as aloha shlrts and muumuus that they would InconsIStency on your part makes The workplace IS at a standstlll now It's not untll you're away from never wear at home, he sald you less effectlve than usual How­ l ever, you'll know where you stand by the office that you II make progress Tamamura sald he wanted to know why Hawall s tour- rughtfall Keep well rested 1st lndustry ma1nly 1S seillng $10 1tems when many LEO PISCES tourlsts from Japan and posslbly elsewhere would buy (July 23 to Aug 22) ~ (Feb 19 to Mar 20) == Its a low-key day, but tlus fact After a shaky begmrung, you'll end $100 ltems shouldn t be cause for worry Nlght­ up haVIng a good tlme Wlth one Tamamura and two other board members of the Japan tlme bnngs an lmportant financlal whom you hold dear torught Chll­ ASSOclatlon of Travel Agents sald they have notlced decISlon dren reqmre understandmg VIRGO YOU BORN TODAY are genumely a prollferatlon of lmported. low-prlced, lower-quallty (Aug 23 to Sept 22) il! concerned about your fellow man goods that have no real Hawall connectlon Fnends are making a muddle of a and belong m publIc service You Otherwlse, they sald, Japanese ln general stlll sltuatIOn, but Wlth your leadership have admmlStratlve talents and are thmgs fall mto place Take the happlest when you lose yourself m a llke Hawall for ltS frlendly people, natural beauty, lIUUatlve cause POhtlCS may be a field for balmy cllmate and flne beaches LmRA which you have a SpeClal talent Of an (Sept 23 to Oct 22) ~ academlc bent, you can succeed m A Thought For The Day After heanng what everybody else education and creatlve endeavors has to say on a subject, you II do your You're strong willed by nature, but Lawyer Bertrand Barere de Vleuzac, a leader of the own research In prIvate Then, must avold any tendency to be French Revolutlon, sald, liThe tree of llberty only answers are forthcommg dIctatonal grows when watered by the blood of tyrants II DOONESBURY Garry Trudeau





© 1985o Umted Feature Syndicate Inc GARFIELD Jim DaVIS


"My DAD 1)OESN'T CARE WHAT I DO AS LONG D I k B row n e I--_A_S_HE_roE_S_N'T_f_IN_O_OUT_Aeo_UT_I_T_'-----I -----~--- - Hel,6A MUGT BE GETTING 17/PPY .••

NoW SHe':; TAI,K'ING TO A - OUM6 ANIMAL! !J~I& C,-osswo,-d By Eugene Sheller ACROSS 48 Restau 2 Swell 23 GraYish 1 InVlte rant sIgn 3 "M' A ·S·H" tree 4 Angora, 52 Honest settmg 24 Woods e g fellow 4 Chaplin man s 7 Domestics 53 "Love prop need 12 Twosome Story" 5 Nuclear 25 Title of 13 Dmed star 6 Lukewarm respect 14 Sound 54 "Norma - 7 Lamb 26 Piggery 15 Go awry 55 Verb type owner 28 Squeal 16 Street abbr 8 DIVlng bird 30 Cornda Sign 56 Smger 9 Amm cheer BEETLE BAILEY Mort Walker 18 Matlire Mldler 10 NOIse 31 Yoko 19 Post of 57 ArchaIC 11 Soak 32 In which etiquette 58 Make lace 17 Actor mariner ,/iOMP ~ I CAN 20 Page DOWN Bates 33 Simian TELL 8Y 22 Actress 1 "Let s 21 Passen 36 Quest THE" 50UN17 Lupmo Make - gers 37 This Is - rlfOMP ~ OF HI6 23 Food fish Tap " STEP 27 Rambow Avg solutIOn tune 24 mm () ~ 29 Street 40 Veep " sign Agnew ~ 31 Tara 42 Pend ~ family 43 Stnped . 34 Cautious creature , 35 Store 44 Siskel s Sign co 37 Bnef reVlewer " ~ JJci?$ time 45 Smgle q-b 0 (it.~R I 38 Is m 46 Elderly 48 FriSCO s I~======~~:======~ 39 Secondiliered - HIli Brant Parker and Johnn Sight 49 UnIty 41 Mist 50 Collec 45 Old photo ~UND TH~ tmt Al.ArzM ~UND 47 Network THE:: AI.Af2M!


~ ~~

© News Amenca Syndicate, 985 CLASSIFIED PAGE 8, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1985 OFFICIAL NOTICES WANTED ART CENTER WILL BE OPEN thlS Saturday, ALL PERSONS WHO WILL NOT BE OFFICIATING BEGINNING WINDSURFER to lease for next two 10-11 am, for your needs softball durlng maln season are requested weeks Call 82766 to return thelr offlclals' shlrts to the STEAK FEED, Vets Hall, Sunday, Sept 8, gear locker Many shlrts checked out are HOUSE OR TRAILER FOR VISITING RELATIVES to 4 p m For tlckets call Vets Hall, 84440, outstandlng from prevlous seasons of soft­ house-slt durlng month of October Please or R Hetzendorf, 82575 Tlckets $10 Come ball, basketball and soccer These shlrts contact Dlane or Bevan Jacobs, 82573, have fun wlll be needed by offlclals for the cur- 99108 rent season (Speclal Servlces) KINDERGARTEN GIRLS INTERESTED ln becomIng BOOK "GRAPES OF CANAAN" by Albertlne Loom­ a Dalsy Scout call Maureen Glarratano or WATER EXERCISE CLASSES wlll be conducted lS Would llke to buy lf you have finlshed Sherry Sherrlll at 82364 or 82639 at the Adult Pool from 8 30-9 15 a m Mon­ readlng lt Call 82296 days, Wednesdays and Thursdays beglnnlng "ANOTHER OPENING, ANOTHER SHOW" Tlckets Monday, Sept 9 (Speclal Servlces) USED SMALL AQUARIUM ln good condltlon for KCT's productlon of "Chapter Two" are Call Cralg, W9939l 8-4 on sale on Macy's porch on Thursdays from THE FAMILY POOL WILL BE CLOSED for after­ 4-6 p m and Saturdays from 10 a m -12 30 hours use Sept 7, 8 and 14 from 6-8 p m NEED HOUSE- OR TRAILER-SITTING POSITION due to prescheduled actlvltles Non-smokers Wlfe would llke to V1Slt Don AMERICAN LEGION MEETING Sept 10, 7 p m (Speclal Servlces) Pentecost, Box 1356, 84449 New cards and electlons Support Post 44 Dept of Hawall" PASSPORT PHOTOS REQUIRE PREPAID RECEIPT HELP WANTED from Global Flnance Present recelpt to KWAJALEIN ISLAND NURSERY SCHOOL lS now ac~ RACQUETBALL SOCIAL FOR ALL MEMBERS and Photo Lab on passport days, Tuesdays from ceptlng appllcatlons for part-tlme employ­ non-members of KRA Sunday, Sept 8, 9 a m 9-11 a m (only) (KMR Photo Lab) ment Apply Monday-Frlday, 8 a m -4 pm, untll dark Refreshments provlded & all at KINS For more InformatIon call Cathy the racquetball you can play Slgn-ups THE U S COAST GUARD BUOY TENDER MALLOW Koyanagl at 82158 taken for the fall tournament wlJl be ln the area untll Sept 9 Durlng thlS perlod the Mallow wlll be provldlng SERVICES OFFERED INTERESTED IN SHOOTING DARTS? KDL beglns annual lnspectlon/malntenance deployment RESPONSIBLE 15-YEAR-OLD BOY wlshes to baby­ new fall season Sept 9 at the Yuk Club, on navlgatlonal alds throughout the KwaJa­ Slt Call Erlch at 82388 7 p m Reglster any tlme by callIng Evelyn, leln Atoll Pil sea craft are to remaln 82650, after 5 pm, or reglster Monday clear of thlS vessel whlle lt lS maneuver­ COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES For Info see Jerry Lachman, Frank Hunt lng and worklng wlthln the atoll area KWAJALEIN TENNIS CLUB general membershlp (Global Operatlons Coordlnatlon) meetlng Mon , 7 pm, Room 19, Geovge IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR HOURGLASS Seltz School There wlll be dlScusslon of by 5 30 pm, call 84190 and one wlll be FOR SALE plans for tournaments, other actlvltleb delIvered to you FUJI FINEST MARK II, man's 23-lnch frame, for comIng year Info? Call Don, 99417 6-12 gears, 119 5 gear ratlo, exc cond MISSED GIRL SCOUT REGISTRATION FOR GIRLS $400 Phone H82558, W83270 CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUP MEMBERS There wlll ln klndergarten through 12th grade? Don't be a meetlng Monday nlght, 7 30, Qtrs 441B worry Call Cherle Anderer, 82398, for TWO-FAMILY PATIO SALE Men's, chlldren's lnfo and baby clothlng Curtalns galore, many KWAJALEIN SCUBA CLUB IS sponsorlng a nlght small kltchen ltems, small work tools dlve/cookout party Sept 20 Watch Hour­ Some toys Fantastlc prlces Qtrs 420B glass for more detalls Mon , 9/9, 7 a m -2 p m No phone calls INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING at Mlcroneslan TOASTMASTER OVEN/BROILER AAFES Catalog Handlcraft Shop? Short tralnlng seSSlon to p A82, $50, small freezer, $70 Call be held there Thurs , 9/12, 1 p rn If un­ 84538 able to attend, but want to help, contact Mary, 82342 or Laprell, 83605 PATIO SALE Qtrs 448A Men's and women's clothlng, household ltems Saturday 7 a m LAST CHANCE TO DISCOVER more of what you exerClse for "Come on-n-n down-n-n" to NEW LEE BLUE JEANS, Slze 32x30, $14, wom­ Macy's porch thlb Saturdav mornlng and get en's shoe skates, good condltl0n, Slze 8, your tlckets for the AEROBICS LUNCHEON $7 Call 82296 Sept 10

CAMERA -- brand new Cannon T-80 wlth case, KWAJALEIN ALL STARS WISH TO CHALLENGE the 199T flash and 35-70mm auto-focus lens notorlOUS Dragonb from the C G vessel Mal­ AAFES prlce $435 plus postage Sacrlflce low to a game of basketball to avenge the $375 Call 84449 after 6 pm, ask for defeat of the KwaJ Regulars Aug 24 Game Woody starts at 6 sharp tonlght

PCS PATIO SALE MONDAY, Sept 9, 7 30 a m - ATTN KWAJALEIN JEWISH COMMUNITY There 4 30 pm, Qtrs 408B Brownle unlform, wlll be a meetlng at the Synagogue, Tr 500, glrl's clothlng, snorkel gear, one palr 1 p m Sunday, Sept 8, to plan for the roller skates, chl1dren's books, halrdryer, Hlgh Holy Days and the comIng year Please blender and more attend, or call Steve at H82805 or W99428

BARGAIN BAZAAR HAS SOME SPECIAL ITEMS BETA SIGMA PHI wll1 meet Tuesday, Sept 10, avallable now Blngo markers, roll of fI­ at 7 30 pm, Tr 665 VIce Presldent Vl berglass Insulatlon, scuba dIver's BC, Bradley wl1l hostess and also present the flSh tank paraphernalla, female wet SUlt program "Invltatlon to Llfe " top, bowllng balls, heavy-duty mlxer, more A NIGHT TO REMEMBER KwaJ KarnIval Nlght Tonight At The Movies SPORTY BUT CONSERVATIVE NIKEs, dark gray, comlng up Sept 28 Tlckets, tlckets Yokw€ Yuk - DIgby, The Blggest Dog men's Slze 10, brand new, never worn Orlg­ step rlght up' Thursday, FrIday and ~atur­ In The World lnal cost $35, wl1l sell for $25 83733 day, Sept 5-7, Macy's porch durlng ~tore 6 30 ------G hours Tel 82621 for lnfo Stlck FISH TANK, large wlth all accessorles to 8 30, 12 30 ------R go wlth lt, $55, Moped blke, l1ke new, ATTENTION KREMS PERSONNEL and famll1es TradeWlnds - Beverly Hliis Cop $500 fum 82324 Hold Sunday, Oct 13, open for the 8 00 ------R KREMS plcnlC at Coral Sands Beach More Tonight On Television LOST lnformatlon to follow 14K GOLD ANCHOR In or around PBQ Labor Day Kwajalein weekend Reward lf returned Call Dwayne SWING YOUR PARTNER' Island resldents are 4 40 General Hospltal at 82097 or 82223 lnvlted to Atoll 8'b annual NIght 5 25 Benson 9/21 ln the YYC maIn dlnlng room BBQ dln­ 5 55 ABC News/CNN Sports CLARINET ln black case sometlme ln the end ner & square danclng Jerry Deener caller 6 50 Three's A Crowd of last school year Please call 82324 Tlckets $9 50 Call Betty, 83504 7 15 It's Your Move 7 40 Call To Glory FOUND BARGAIN BAZAAR SEPTEMBER HOURS ARE Tues.,. 8 30 Cagney & Lacey PACKAGE LEFT ON GIRL SCOUT slgn-up tdble day, 1 30-5 p m and 6-8 pm, Thursday, 9 20 "Bullshoot Crummond" Sat Call 82398 to ldentlfy 1 30-5 p m For pIckup serVlce on Tuesday 10 50 CNN News/Nlghtllne please call Penny Berrldge, 82686 11 50 Tonlght Show WILL THE PERSON who asked for thelr read­ Roi-Namur Lng glasses to be plcked up at the Vets KWAJALEIN RUNNING CLUB appllcdtlon formb 5 1 ') General Rospltal Hall and saved for them please retrleve avallable on Macy's porch JOln now and 6 00 ABC News/CNN Sports same from the flre preventlon offlLe enJoy beneflts of dlscounr/free entry to 6 55 Benson races, dlscounts at Hono runnIng btores, 7 20 Who's The Boss? SMALL CHILD'S BLUE FLIP-FLOP on Ocedn Road free refreshments after fun runs 7 45 Peter Gunn In front of Paclflc Club Sunday nlght, 9/1 8 10 Cagney & Lacey Call Sunny at W82128, H84355 ATTENTION VETS Due to lack of bupplleb 9 00 St Elbewhere your whlte ChIPS cannot be honored after 9 50 "Anthony And Cleopatra" 10-SPEED BIKE (sad shape) Call Hal and t>ept 15 They wlll be g()(ld nntll then Part I ldentlfy, W82023, H82685 Your cooperatIon IS dppreclated ENTERTAINMENT HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1985, PAGE 9 Channel 9 Television Movies S The Black Hole, Teen Center, 1 p m Kwajalem Saturday Kwajalem Frtday A Irreconc1lable Dlfferences, R1chardson, 7 30 p m 8 00 Chlldren's Programs 10 00 Today Show T To Be Announced, R1chardson Theater, 9 30 p m 12 10 /Soul Traln 12 00 Take Two D1gby The B1ggest Dog In The World, Tradewmds, 8 p m 1 45 Rock 'n' Roll Summer 2 00 Ryan's Hope S Herb1e R1des Aga1n, Teen Center, 1 p m 2 35 Babe Ruth Story 2 25 Donahue (Rlghtb Of Anlmals) U St1ck, Yokwe Yuk Club, 2 p m 4 20 Comedy Shop 3 15 The Muppets/Sesame Street N To Be Announced, Yokwe Yuk Club, 7 p m 4 45 "I Could Go On Slnglng" 4 40 General Hospltal Rob1n Hood, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m 6 25 CNN News 5 25 Benson ~l To Be Announced, Yokwe Yuk Club, 7 p m 6 55 Kaz 5 50 CBS News/CNN Sports o Rob1n Hood, R1chardson Theater, 7 30 p m 7 45 Peter Gunn 6 45 Three's A Crowd T D1gby The B1ggest Dog In The World, Yuk Theater, 6 30 8 10 CH1PS 7 10 It's Your Move (ends) U St1ck, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 8 30, 12 30 9 00 St Elsewhere 7 35 Call To Glory E Irreconcllable Dlfferences, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 9 55 Falcon Crest 8 25 Cagney & Lacey W Protocol, R1chardson Theater, 7 30 p m 10 45 "The Domlno Prlnclp1e" 9 15 "Edge Of Darkness" E St1ck, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m 12_02 _S~t~r~aL ~l£h! ~l~e______11 10 CNN News/Nlghtllne T Irreconc11able Dlfferences, Yokwe Yuk, 6 30, 8 30, 12 30 12 10 Tonlght Show H Mass Appeal, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m Kwajaleln Sunday F Robln Hood, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30 p m 9 00 Rellgl0us Programs ROI-Namur Saturday R To Be Announced, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 8 30, 12 30 10 15 Sunday Mornlng w/Char1es Kuralt 10 00 Hee Haw I Protocol, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 11 35 ThlS Week Wlth DaVld Brlnkley 10 50 Soul Traln 12 35 Wl1d Klngdom 11 35 That's Incredlble DIGBY -- THE BIGGEST Jlm Dale, Sp1ke Mlillgan 1 00 "MUS1C To Our Ears" 12 25 Too Close For Comfort DOG IN THE WORLD Comedy RT 88 G 1 50 Hlt Clty 1 00 Facts Of Llfe A professor of an1mal psychology experiments on a llqUld 2 15 "Pueblo Aff alr" 1 25 R1pley's Bel1eve It Or Not that causes rap1d growth He takes some home to glve to hlS 3 55 "James Dean" 2 15 Abbott And Costello roses Acc1dentally, D1gby, hlS sheepdog, drlnks the liquld 5 35 Abbott And Costello 2 40 Death Valley Days and grows to abnormal Slze 6 00 Death Valley Days 3 05 Baseball Clnclnnatl vs Chlcago Saturday, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m 6 25 CNN News 6 05 CNN News/CNN Sports Tuesday, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30 p m 6 55 Who's The Boss? 7 00 SOlld Gold 7 20 Facts Of Llfe 7 50 Ahce IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES Ryan 0'Ne11, Shelley Long 7 45 E/R (ends) 8 15 The Cosby Show Comedy/Drama RT 114 PG 8 10 Magnum P I 8 45 Dynasty Th1S f11m concerns the story about a woman help1ng her 9 00 "The Daybreakers" 9 35 Murder, She Wrote husband ach1eve success and then belng dumped for a younger ~0_52_D~v~d_L~t~e~~n______10 25 "Help Wanted Hale" woman, and thelr neglected ch11d The ch1ld takes her father l2_02 _S~t~r~ay ~l£h! ~l~e ______and mother to court for her own d1vorce and decldes she wants Kwajalem Monday to move 1n w1th the faml1y ma1d, who's been the only frlend 10 00 Today Show ROI-Namur Sunday she's ever had 12 00 Take Two 7 00 Rellgl0us Programs Saturday, R1chardson Theater. 7 30 p m 2 00 Ryan's Hope 8 00 Tuesday, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m 2 25 Donahue (Loss Of Llfe) 8 50 "The Smugglers" Thursday, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30, 8 30, 12 30 3 15 Nashvl11e SWlng 10 30 Boxlng From The Olymplc 3 40 Sesame Street 11 25 Wlld Klngdom MASS APPEAL Jack Lemmon, Charles Durnlng 4 40 Nell Sadaka Concert 11 50 Oklahoma State vs Washlngton Drama RT 99 PG (General Hospltal Pre-empted) 2 50 NFL Seattle vs ClnClnnatl A prlest who's only 1nterested in enterta1nlng his pa­ 5 40 New Tech Tlmes 5 50 Sunday Mornlng W/Charles Kuralt rlsh10ners clashes wlth a young, 1dealistic sem1narian Thus 6 10 NBC News/CNN Sports 7 10 CNN News beglns an unl1kely frlendshlp between the overly nalve young 7 05 Natl0nal Geographlc (ends) 7 40 NFL Hlghllghts deacon and hlS equally cyn1cal tutor 8 05 Dukes Of Hazzard 8 25 Bob Newhart Thursday, Tradewlnds Theater. 8 p m 8 55 Allce 8 50 Falcon Crest 9 20 Murder, She Wrote 9 40 Magnum, P I PROTOCOL Goldle Hawn, Chrls Sarandon 10 10 Fame 10 30 "The Man Who Had Power Comedy RT 96 PG 11 00 CNN News Over Women" An 1nnocent, effervescent young woman, through a qUlrk 11 30 Nlghtllne of fate, becomes head of protocol for the Wh1te House 12_0Q _T~n~g~t_S~o~ ______ROI-Namur Monday Wednesday, R1chardson Theater, 7 30 p m 2 45 Ryan's Hope Fr1day, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m Kwajalem Tuesday 3 10 Puttln' On The HltS 10 00 Today Show 3 30 Nashvllie SW1ng/F1ght Back ROBIN HOOD An1mated 12 00 Take Two 4 20 Donahue (Human R1ghts) Comedy RT 83 G 2 00 Ryan's Hope 5 15 General Hosp1tal Rob1n Hood saves Fr1ar Tuck and others from the klng's 2 25 Donahue (Sexual Relatlonshlps) 6 00 NBC News Ja1l and steals the tax money 1n thlS verS10n of the legend 3 15 Inspector Gadget 6 30 60 Mlnutes ln wh1ch the characters are portrayed as an1mals 3 40 Electrlc Company 7 30 NfL or Reds Baseball Sunday, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m 4 10 Comedy Shop 10 30 Dallas Monday, R1chardson Theater, 7 30 p m 4 35 General Hospltal 11 20 Best Ot Carson Fr1day, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30 p m 5 20 Rlpley's Belleve It Or Not 6 10 CBS News/CNN Sports ROI-Namur Tuesday STICK , Candlce Bergen 7 05 SlIver Spoons 2 45 Ryan's Hope/Reg1s Ph11b1n Drama RT 109 R 7 30 T J Hooker 4 00 Fam11y Feud Based on the novel by Elmore Leonard, "St1ck" tells the 8 20 West 57th 4 25 Donahue (TOX1C Pollut10n) story of a man who returns to F10rlda determ1ned to plck 9 20 "Anthony And Cleopatra" Part 1 5 15 General Hospltal up the pIeces of h1S 11fe following seven years In a Michl­ 10 45 CNN News 6 00 CBS l-