Ci) Kwajalein Hourglass

Ci) Kwajalein Hourglass

CI) KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXII, NO 174 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1985 In West Germany Lowest In More Than 5 Years BOMB BLASTS DESTROY UNEMPLOYMENT RATE FALLS U.S. RADAR EQUIPMENT TO 7 PERCENT FOR AUGUST By PETE YOST NOHFELDEN, West Germany (AP) man for the offlce of West Ger­ AP Labor Wn ter -- Terrorlsts bombed a U S an­ many's chlef federal prosecutor, tl-alrcraft mlsslle slte today, sald the bombers cut through a WASHINGTON -- The natl0n's sent late-August car sales destroYlng radar equlpment ln chaln-llnk fence to get onto clvlllan unemployment rate fell soarlng and auto lndustry em­ the fourth attack on Amerlcan the slte, and members of the to 7 percent In August, the low­ ployment rose by 25,000, ac­ mllltary targets ln a month No leftlst Red Army Factlon terror- est level of Ronald Reagan's countlng for fully two-thlrds lnJurles were reported 1st group were suspected Slo­ presldency, but many economlsts of the Job growth for the Exploslons destroyed three gans used by the group were cautloned that Joblessness lS month In manufacturlng moblle radar unlts mounted on spray-palnted on nearby bUlld­ llkely to drlft upward In the The manufacturlng sector, trallers at about 6 a m at the lngs, he sald months ahead hurt by forelgn lmports, has slte near thlS town 30 mlles Federal authorltles belleve The decllne In the rate from lost 210,000 Jobs thlS year from the border wlth Luxem­ the Red Army Factlon carrled 7 3 percent In July, where lt Flrst-half growth was a mea­ bourg, sald Sgt Bob Lentner, a out the Aug 8 bomblng at the had been stuck for SlX months, ger 1 1 percent Three percent spokesman at the U S Army head­ Rheln-Maln Alr Base that kllled lS "excltlng news Amerl- growth lS needed Just to keep quarters In Heldelberg He re­ two Amerlcans and wounded 20 ca's economy lS packlng new pow­ unemployment from rlslng ported no damage to the mlS­ other people and the murder of er," PreSldent Reagan sald In a Some 15,000 people dropped slles, WhlCh are conventlonal an Amerlcan soldler hours be­ hastlly scheduled appearance be­ out of the labor force last weapons fore the bomblng fore reporters "We can keep month, and 288,000 new payroll Lentner sald U S mllltary Prechtel sald hlS offlce had drlvlng our unemployment rate Jobs were created as the num­ personnel were on the mlsslle taken over lnvestlgatlon of to­ down " ber of unemployed people fell slte at the tlme, but no one was day's bomblng West German au­ August's clvlllan rate was to 8 1 mllllon -- the smallest lnJured He sald three bombs ex­ thorltles already are huntlng the lowest Slnce Aprll 1980, In four years ploded but dld not dlsclose for more than a dozen Red Army and the decllne of 0 3 percent­ Servlce Jobs, WhlCh have ac­ thelr type Factlon members suspected In age pOlnts was the blggest drop counted for most of the 8 mll­ Alexander Prechtel, a spokes- the August attacks ln more than a year, the Labor llon new Jobs In the current Department reported 32-month economlC recovery, But Job growth showed only posted another solld gain wlth Reagan Corrects His Remarks mlnor lmprovement last month In the addltlon of 235,000 POS1- manufacturlng, and much of the tlons Wlthln that category, About South African Segregation reductlon In the Jobless rate buslness-servlce Jobs rose by By MICHAEL PUTZEL was attrlbuted to 260,000 teen­ 37,000 That area, WhlCh In­ AP Whlte House Correspondent agers dropplng out of the labor cludes data processlng and tem­ force at the end of the summer porary help, had shown some WASHINGTON -- PreSldent Rea­ Reagan's spokesman, mean­ A cut-rate flnanclng war weakness In recent months gan sald today he used careless whlle, sald the presldent wlll language last month and dldn't declde In the next several days London's Dally Mall Says. really belleve raclal segrega­ on posslble steps to encourage tl0n ln South Afrlca had been an end to vlolence and promote ellmlnated, but he contlnued to negotlatlons almed at endlng Discovered Air-India Nose Section defend what he called "great lm­ apartheld ln the raclally torn provement over what has ever natl0n Strengthens Bomb Theory eXlsted before" In the whlte­ Whlte House spokesman Larry LONDON (AP) -- An underwater the Brltlsh tablold sald In ruled natl0n Speakes sald Reagan lS conslder­ robot has found the severed what lt stated was an exclu­ Reagan apologlzed for an un­ lng how to deal wlth leglsla­ nose sectlon of the Alr-Indla Slve report lntentlonal SllP and lnslsted tl0n pendlng In the Senate that Boelng 747 that crashed lnto It added "The nose sectlon durlng an lmpromptu questlon­ would lmpose trade sanctlons on the sea off Ireland In June, appears to have broken away and-answer seSSlon wlth report­ South Afrlca "and other steps and the dlscovery strengthens Just behlnd the plane's for­ ers that he was "not nearly as he mlght take In consultatlon the theory that a bomb caused ward door That pOlnts to a lll-lnformed as many of you have wlth Congress, In consultatl0n the dlsaster, the Dally Mall re­ blast In the forward luggage made lt out that I was " wlth allles, In consultatl0n ported today hold a few feet away, WhlCh He sald hlS admlnlstratlon's wlth the South Afrlcan govern- "The wreckage of the fllght would have destroyed the elec­ POllCy of deallng wlth South ment " deck and flrst-class compart­ tronlC compartment, knocklng Afrlca's whlte government rather The spokesman refused to be ment was found more than (200 out all the lnstruments and than punlshlng lt wlth economlC more speclflc but sald Reagan, yards) away from the maln de­ controls " or dlplomatlc sanctl0ns lS "the durlng a reVlew of the sltua­ brls of the rest of the Boelng All 329 people aboard the only thlng that's shown any tlon wlth hlS advlsers Thursday, 747 ThlS strengthens the theo­ fllght were kllled The wreck­ slgns of lmprovement in that asked for more lnformation to ry that Fllght 182 was hlt by age sank In water up to 6,700 whole sltuatlon " study before maklng a decision an exploslon at (31,000 feet)," feet deep r-------------------- - -- - - -----~ -----, \ Night Stalker' Suspect Witnesses And Survivors Of Attacks View Richard Ramirez In Lineup By SUE MANNING Assoclated Press Wrlter LOS ANGELES -- Wltnesses and surVlvors are wlth nurses We are afrald, as of the attacks attrlbuted to the "Nlght traumatlzed as they are, havlng to face Stalker" attended a llneup Thursday nlght news medla prlor to or after that mlght that lncluded Rlchard Ramlrez, the man ar­ damage our case " rested In the cases Ramlrez, a drlfter, had been releas­ About 30 people, some of them stlll ed from a slx-week Jall term Just be­ sufferlng the physlcal and emotlonal ef­ fore the spree of kllllngs, rapes and fects of the assaults, vlewed the llneup, assaults began In February, terrorlzlng sald county sherlff's Lt D1Ck Walls the state They observed Ramlrez and "SlX or seven Accordlng to Los Angeles Munlclpal other folks who look llke hlm," Walls sald, Court records, Ramlrez, uSlng the allas addlng that offlclals would not dlsclose Rlchard Munoz Moreno, was arrested In whether they ldentlfled Ramlrez Los Angeles on Dec 12, 1984, when the LOS ANGELES -- ThlS Los Angeles Po­ News organlzatl0ns honored a request by stolen statlon wagon he was drlvlng llce Department artlst's sketch of the the Sherlff's Department to stay away from nearly colllded wlth a pollce car man known as the "Nlght Stalker" -- In­ the Central Jal1 whlle the llneup was con­ Booked for lnvestlgatlon of felony cludlng detalls of the man's stalned and ducted auto theft, Ramlrez pleaded no contest gapped teeth -- helped lead to the ar­ "What concerns us lS the condltl0n of on Dec 17 to a mlsdemeanor vlolatlon rest of Rlchard Ramlrez some of our wltnesses," sald Deputy Wl111e and was sentenced to 75 days In Jall (AP Laserphoto) Mlller "Some are under medlcal care, some He was released Jan 23 -~ ____I LOCAL/WORLD NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1985 'Back-To-School Night' Bright And Brief For Parents At Robots With Human Touch DEARBORN, M1Ch (AP) -- Robots soon WIll George Seitz School be able to do routlne household tasks nor­ From JOHN E MCCAFFREY mally handled w~th a human touch, says the Prlnclpal, George Seltz School cha1rman of the Natlonal Personal Robot As­ soclatlon But don't expect them to scrub Tuesday, Sept 10, George Seltz School dlrty plates WIll hold a "Back-to-School Nlght" for "Dlshes wlll be one of the last appl~ca­ parents of our elementary school ch1ldren tlons A more llkely capab~llty wlll be The follow1ng schedule WIll be observed vacuumlng and as a securlty funct~on," so that parents wIth more than one chIld sald Joe Bosworth, head of the Dearborn­ 1n the school w1ll have an opportunIty to based group of 10 actlve robotlcs compan­ meet each teacher les and about 200 lndlvlduals Grades 1 and 2 6 30 p m "Just the ldea of havlng a robot clear Grades 3 and 4 7 15 P m the table and dlstlngulsh between cups and Grades 5 and 6 8 00 p m spoons 1S a very complex task," Bosworth Spec1al teachers WIll be avaIlable In sald the lIbrary where refreshments WIll be Personal robot manufacturers hope to served have changed ~ome people's minds about the~r technology this week at the second Internat10nal Personal Robot Congress ln Worship Services San FranCISCO, WhlCh featured dlsplays of CATHOLIC robots developed by commerclal manufactur­ Saturday Mass (AntIcIpated) ers and lndlv~duals 5 15 pm, Island Memor1al Chapel Durlng the conventlon, dlnner reserva­ Sunday Masses t~ons were honored at a restaurant ln San 7 am, Blessed

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