WORKING PAPER NO. 15 NOV 2017 China's involvement in South Africa's wind and solar PV industries Lucy Baker and Wei Shen WORKING PAPER SERIES NO. 15 | NOVEMBER 2017: “China's involvement in South Africa's wind and solar PV industries” by Lucy Baker and Wei Shen TO CITE THIS PAPER: Baker, Lucy and Wei Shen. 2017. China's Involvement in South Africa's Wind and Solar PV Industries. Working Paper No. 2017/15. China-Africa Research Initiative, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC. Retrieved from CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Lucy Baker Email:
[email protected] ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We gratefully acknowledge funding from the China Africa Research Initiative at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS- CARI), which enabled us to undertake the field research for this report. Further support for this research was provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for the Centre for Innovation and Energy Demand, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex (grant number: EP/K011790/1), and Green Transformation Cluster, Institute of Development Studies. Thank you to all the research participants in China and South Africa who are not cited by name for reasons of confidentiality. Finally, thank you to colleagues at the Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town for all help and advice. NOTE: The papers in this Working Paper series have undergone only limited review and may be updated, corrected or withdrawn. Please contact the corresponding author directly with comments or questions about this paper.