World History Bulletin Spring 2008 Vol. XXIV No. 1 H. Micheal Tarver Editor
[email protected] In This Issue Editor’s Note Inside Cover Letter From the President 1 Further Recollections by Kevin Reilly, Raritan Valley Community College 1 The 17th Annual WHA Conference Registration Form, University of London, Queen Mary College June 25-29, 2008 3 WHB Focus Issue & Teaching Forum, Guest Editor - Rick Warner, Wabash College 4 Food in World History: Some Preliminary Proposals by Rachel Laudan 4 The History of Sharing and Not Sharing Comfort Food by Natalie Parker-Lawrence, Houston High School (TN) 8 Tasting the History of Globalization: Foods of the Caribbean by Candice Goucher, Washington State University Vancouver 10 Commerce, Cookbooks and Colonialism: Cross-Cultural Cuisine in the Age of Empire by Deborah Neill, York University 10 Paprika by Mario Fenyo, Bowie State University 14 Culinary Interchange in 16th -Century Peru: A Multi-Ethnic Exercise in Building a Cuisine by Kelly E. O’Leary, Boston University 16 How the Chili Pepper Got to China by Caroline Reeves, Emmanuel College 18 The Columbian Exchange Cookbook by Monty Armstrong, Cerritos High School (CA) 20 The Guinea Pig: American Pet - Andean Culture and Food by Dale A. Hueber, East Bay High School (FL) 21 Teaching Food Studies by Rick Warner, Wabash College 23 An Edible Survey by Jeffrey M. Pilcher, The Citadel 25 Mini-Essays on Food and World History 27 The Spice of Life: The Trade in Spices, 1000-1500 by Erik Gilbert Peruvian Fishing by Kevin M. McGeough Equatorial Agriculture in Africa by Candice Goucher Organic Foods Movement and Vegetarianism by Kimberly Dukes Phases of Missionization Around the Pacific Ocean, 1500-1900 29 by Tanya Storch, University of the Pacific Select Bibliography on “Islam in World/Global History” and “World History of Religions” 36 by R.