Check out the new selection of biographies at the library. Academy Award winner Shirley MacLainehas written her 12th book titled I'm Over All That, and Other Confessions. Shirley, being in the entertainment business, has worked with some truly great actors and actresses throughout her career. People like Elizabeth Taylor, Jack Lemon, , and many more. Her movie and stage performances span more than a decade. Now she just wants to live her own life quietly. Shirley's not interested in the latest fashions, being on someone's A list, or getting ready for the red carpet. She likes going to the movies, having a good meal, and loves attending notable charity events. Find out the latest scoop about Shirley in this witty and entertaining book.

Soap opera star, 's, television history character, Erica Kane on All My Childrenhas earned her the title as “Leading Lady of Daytime.” Erica is a villain in some episodes, and a damsel in distress in others, and those who watch the show love her or love to hate her. Lucci's latest memoir titled All My Lifetalks about her childhood, her husband's cancer, her career in television and much more. Pick this one up today.

Ashley Judd,the other daughter of singing sensation Naomi Judd, has written a memoir of her life titled All That Is Bitter and Sweet. At one time Ashley had a successful career in Hollywood. She suddenly walked away from it all to become a humanitarian and advocate for those who are neglected, and suffering in Southeast Asia. When she first visited this part of the world, she saw nothing but sadness and despair. She heard many stories of survival from those she encountered in the slums,hospices, and brothels. Ashley soon found that her own coping skills, stemming from childhood abandonment issues, were interfering with her mission. Find out how Ashley turned it all around and became a true and caring advocate who has dedicated her life to helping others. This is definitely a must read.

My Lucky Life In and Out of Show businessby Dick Van Dyke,is filled with the heartwarming memories of a very gifted and talented man. He is known to many as “Bert” the chimney sweep in Mary Poppins, and played the role of Caractacus Potts in the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. He likes to think of himself as a simple song and dance man. Generations of viewers have been delighted with his rendition of “Chim Chim -ee,” and who can forget the song “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”. Dick is as well known today as he was many years ago in the golden age of television. This book is filled with fun and laughter, and with lots of reminiscing of days gone by.

Patricia , the wife of former president passed away in 1993. Several books have since been published about her, and her role as a presidential spouse. Pat Nixon ; Embattled First Lady byAuthor Mary C. Brennanis a book full of real stories about a woman who was often portrayed as “Plastic Pat”. Always in the shadows of her husband's career, she was oftentimes seen as the woman behind the man who one day would become president. Pat would get a job done as best she could, even if it meant she had to grit her teeth to complete the task. The author shows the world that Mrs. Nixon's strength was unwavering during her political years campaigning and living the dream as a presidential wife. This book finally spotlights Mrs. Nixon for the strong woman she truly was.

All of the books mentioned above can be found at the Manistee County Library. For more information please contact the library at 723-2519.