Arizona State University Phoenix, AZ [email protected]

Associate Dean in the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, and Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University. Recognized international scholar whose research centers on police behavior, with an emphasis on police use of force and police culture. Over the past 25 years, Dr. Terrill has directed federal and locally funded research projects, worked with local and state law enforcement agencies, served as a consultant on a multitude of projects, been retained as an expert witness, and frequently called up as a media commentator with respect to public safety. Widely published across a diverse array of outlets, including the field’s top-ranked journal outlets, and is the author of two books titled Police Coercion: Application of the Force Continuum and Police Culture: Adapting to the Strains of the Job. Formerly the Chairperson for the American Society of Criminology Division of Policing and served on the Sub-Committee to President Barack Obama’s 2015 Task Force on 21st Century Policing. Presently the Chair of the American Society of Criminology Ethics Committee and Co-Editor of Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice published by Oxford University Press.



Ph.D., Criminal Justice, 2000, Rutgers University Dissertation Committee: Candace McCoy, George Kelling, Bonita Veysey, Stephen Mastrofski

M.A., Criminal Justice (Honors), 1994, Rutgers University

B.S., Criminal Justice (Highest Distinction), 1992, Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg


2019-Present Associate Dean. Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions, Arizona State University

2016-Present Professor. School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Arizona State University

2014-2015 Professor. School of Criminal Justice, State University

2007-2014 Associate Professor. School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University

2005-2007 Assistant Professor. School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University


2000-2005 Assistant Professor. College of Criminal Justice, Northeastern University

1999-2000 Fellowship/Assistant Professor. School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA), Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

1996-1999 Field Research Director (Stephen Mastrofski, Robert Worden, Roger Parks, Al Reiss). Project on Policing Neighborhoods (POPN), National Institute of Justice

1995-1996 Field Research Director (Lorraine Mazerolle). Crime Prevention Programs in Public Housing: The Jersey City Approach to Drug and Violent Crime in Public Housing, National Institute of Justice

1994-1995 Field Researcher (David Weisburd, Lorraine Mazerolle). Controlling Violent Crime Places in Jersey City: A Problem-Oriented Policing Approach

1993-1994 Research Assistant (Don Gottfredson). Sentencing Legislation Reform, New Jersey Criminal Disposition Commission

1992-1993 Research Assistant (James Fyfe). The Use of Excessive Force in Los Angeles.

SCHOLARSHIP Google Scholar Citations 5,378 h-index 35, i10-index 56


Paoline, Eugene A. III and William Terrill (2014). Police Culture: Adapting to the Strains of the Job. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Terrill, William (2001). Police Coercion: Application of the Force Continuum. New York, NY: LFB Scholarly Publishing.

Book Chapters

Terrill, William. (2020). “Reduce Use of Force.” In E. Maguire & C. Katz (eds.), Transforming the Police (pp. 73-89 ). Long Grove, IL, Waveland Press.

Terrill, William, Eugene A. Paoline III, and Jacinta Gau. (2016). “Three Pillars of Police Legitimacy: Procedural Justice, Use of Force, and Occupational Culture.” In Mathieu Deflem (Ed.), Pp. 59-76, The Politics of Policing: Between Force and Legitimacy, Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, Volume 21.


Terrill, William (2014). “Police Coercion.” In Michael D. Reisig and Robert J. Kane (Eds.), Chapter 12, Pp. 260-279, The Oxford Handbook on Police and Policing. Oxford University Press, New York, NY.

Terrill, William (2010). “Police Use of Nondeadly Force: From Determining Appropriateness to Assessing the Impact of Policy.” In Candace McCoy (Ed.), Chapter 3, Pp. 55-72, Holding Police Accountable. Urban Institute Press, Washington DC.

Terrill, William and Eugene A. Paoline, III (2010). “Non-Lethal Force by Police: The Various Lenses through which Appropriateness is Examined.” In Johannes Knutsson and Joseph Kuhns (Eds.), Chapter 1, Pp. 6-13, Police Use of Force: A Global Perspective. Praeger publishing, Santa Barbara, CA.

Terrill, William and Stephen D. Mastrofski (2004). “Working the Street: Does Community Policing Matter?” In Wesley Skogan (Ed.), Chapter 5, Pp. 109-135, Community Policing: Can it Work? Wadsworth publishing, Belmont, CA.

Terrill, William and Stephen D. Mastrofski (2004). “Toward a Better Understanding of Police Use of Nonlethal Force.” In Matthew Hickman, Alex Piquero, and Jack Greene (Eds.), Chapter 8, Pp. 141-161, Police Integrity and Ethics. Wadsworth publishing, Belmont, CA.

Book Reviews

William Terrill (2014). “Failed Evidence: Why Law Enforcement Resists Science” New York University Press by David A. Harris. Criminal law and Criminal Justice Books, November.

Finckenauer, James O. and William Terrill (1995). “Police for the Future” Oxford University Press by David H. Bayley. Criminal Law Forum: An International Journal 6 (3): 539-546.

Journal Articles

Worrall, John, Stephen Bishopp, and William Terrill (2020). “The Effect of Suspect Race on Police Officers’ Decisions to Draw Their Weapons. Justice Quarterly, online first.

Badolato, Gia M., Meleah D. Boyle, Robert McCarter, April M. Zeoli, William Terrill, and Monika K. Goyal (2020). “Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Firearm-Related Pediatric Deaths Related to Legal Intervention.” Pediatrics, 146(6).

Somers, Logan J., William Terrill, Michael T. Rossler, and Jason R. Ingram (2020). “Examining the Effectiveness of Tasers at Gaining Citizen Compliance.” Criminal Justice Policy Review, 31 (8): 1234–1255

Cesario, Joseph, David J. Johnson, and William Terrill (2019). “Is There Evidence of Racial Disparity in Police Use of Deadly Force? Analyses of Officer-Involved Fatal Shootings in 2015- 2016.” Social Psychological and Personality Science, DOI: 10.1177/1948550618775108


Pizarro, Jesenia M., William Terrill, and Charles A. LoFaso (2019). “The Impact of Investigation Strategies and Tactics on Homicide Clearance.” Homicide Studies.

Terrill, William (2018). “Banishment Policies: Establishing Parameters and Assessing Effectiveness.” Criminology and Public Policy, 17 (4): 939-944

Terrill, William, Jason R. Ingram, Logan J. Somers, and Eugene A. Paoline III (2018). “Examining Police Use of Force and Citizen Complaints.” Policing: An International Journal, 41(4): 496-509.

Ingram, Jason, William Terrill, and Eugene A. Paoline III (2018). “Police Culture and Officer Behavior: Application of Multilevel Framework.” Criminology, 56 (4): 780-811.

Mazerolle, Lorraine and William Terrill (2018). “Making Every Police-Citizen Interaction Count: The Challenges of Building a Better Cop.” Criminology and Public Policy, 17(1): 1-8. DOI:10.1111/1745-9133.12340

Terrill, William, Eugene A. Paoline III, and Jason R. Ingram (2018). “Beyond the Final Report: A Research Note on the Assessing Police Use of Force Policy and Outcomes Project.” Policing: An International Journal, 41(2): 194-201.

Paoline, Eugene A. III, Jacinta M. Gau, and William Terrill (2018). “Race and the Police Use of Force Encounter in the .” British Journal of Criminology, 58: 54-74.

Terrill, William and Eugene A. Paoline III (2017). “Police Use of Less Lethal Force: Does Administrative Policy Matter?” Justice Quarterly, 34 (2): 193-216.

Terrill, William (2017). “The Importance of Organizational Use of Force Policy. “Police Science: The Australia & New Zealand Journal of Evidence Based Policing,” 2 (2): 33-35

Michael T. Rossler and William Terrill (2017). “Mental Illness, Police Use of Force, and Citizen Injury.” Police Quarterly, 20 (2): 189-212.

Terrill, William (2016). “Deadly Force: To Shoot or Not to Shoot.” Criminology and Public Policy, 15 (2): 491-496

Terrill, William and Jason Ingram (2016). “Citizen Complaints Against the Police: An Eight City Examination.” Police Quarterly, 19 (2): 150-179.

Terrill, William and Eugene A. Paoline III (2015). “Citizen Complaints as Threats to Police Legitimacy: The Role of Officers’ Occupational Attitudes.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice Education, 31: 192-211.


Paoline, Eugene A. III, William Terrill, and Michael T. Rossler (2015). “Higher Education, College Degree Major, and Police Occupational Attitudes.” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 26: 49-73.

Terrill, William, Michael T. Rossler, and Eugene A. Paoline III (2014). “Police Service Delivery and Responsiveness in a Period of Economic Instability.” Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 15: 490-504.

Ingram, Jason and William Terrill (2014). “Relational Demography and Officer Occupational Attitudes: The Influence of Workgroup Context.” Journal of Criminal Justice, 42: 309-320.

Ingram, Jason, Robert R. Weidner, Eugene A. Paoline III, and William Terrill (2014). “Supervisory Influences on Officers Perceptions of Less Lethal Force Policy: A Multilevel Analysis.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 37 (2): 355- 372.

Terrill, William and Eugene A. Paoline III (2013). “Less Lethal Force Policy and Police Officer Perceptions: A Multi-Site Examination.” Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40 (10): 1109-1130.

Ingram, Jason, Eugene A. Paoline III, and William Terrill (2013). “A Multilevel Framework for Understanding Police Culture: The Role of the Workgroup.” Criminology, 51 (2): 365-397.

Gau, Jacinta, William Terrill, and Eugene A. Paoline III (2013). “Looking Up: Explaining Police Promotional Aspirations.” Criminal Justice and Behavior, 4 (3): 247-272.

Terrill, William and Eugene A. Paoline III (2013). “Examining Less Lethal Force Policy and the Force Continuum: Results from a National Use of Force Study.” Police Quarterly, 16 (1): 38-65.

Paoline, Eugene A. III, William Terrill, and Jason Ingram (2012). “Police Use of Force and Officer Injuries: Comparing Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs) to Hands and Weapon Based Tactics.” Police Quarterly, 15 (2): 115-136.

Rossler, Michael T. and William Terrill (2012). “Police Responsiveness to Service Related Requests.” Police Quarterly, 15 (1): 3-24.

Terrill, William and Eugene A. Paoline III (2012). “Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs) and Citizen Injuries: The Shocking Empirical Reality.” Justice Quarterly, 29 (2): 153-182.

Paoline, Eugene A. III and William Terrill (2011). “Police Use of Force: Varying Perspectives.” Journal of Crime & Justice, 34 (3): 159-162.

Paoline, Eugene A. III and William Terrill (2011). “Listen To Me!: Police Officers’ Views of Appropriate Use of Force.” Journal of Crime and Justice, 34 (3): 178–189.


Schnobrich-Davis, Julie and William Terrill (2010). “Interagency Collaboration: An Administrative and Operational Assessment of the Metro-LEC Approach.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 33 (3): 506-530.

Rydberg, Jason and William Terrill (2010). “The Effect of Higher Education on Police Behavior.” Police Quarterly, 13 (1): 92-120.

Terrill, William (2009). “The Elusive Nature of Reasonableness.” Criminology and Public Policy, 8 (1): 163-172.

Terrill, William, Fredrick Leinfelt, and Dae-Hoon Kwak (2008). “Examining Police Use of Force: A Smaller Agency Perspective.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 31 (1): 57-76.

Terrill, William, Eugene A. Paoline III, and Jason R. Ingram (2008). “Non-Lethal Use of Force Policy: Perceptions from the Front-Line.” Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 8 (4): 7-19.

Foley, Tracy and William Terrill (2008). “Police Comfort and Victims.” Victims and Offenders, 3 (2): 192-216.

Terrill, William and Eugene A. Paoline III (2007). “Force Continuums: Moving beyond Speculation and Toward Empiricism.” Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 7 (4): 27-32.

Terrill, William and Eugene A. Paoline III (2007). “Non-Arrest Decision Making in Police- Citizen Encounters.” Police Quarterly, 10 (3): 308-331.

Paoline, Eugene A. III and William Terrill (2007). “Police Education, Experience, and the Use of Force.” Criminal Justice and Behavior, 34 (2): 179-196.

John D. McCluskey and William Terrill (2005). “Departmental and Citizen Complaints as Predictors of Police Coercion.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 28 (3): 513-529.

Paoline, Eugene A. III and William Terrill (2005). “The Impact of Police Culture on Traffic Stop Searches: An Analysis of Attitudes and Behavior.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 28 (3): 455-472.

Weidner, Robert R. and William Terrill (2005). “A Test of Turk’s Theory of Norm-Resistance using Observational Data on Police-Suspect Encounters.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 42 (1): 84-109.

Terrill, William (2005). “Police Use of Force: A Transactional Approach.” Justice Quarterly, 22 (1): 107-138.


McCluskey, John D., William Terrill, and Eugene A. Paoline, III (2005). “Peer Group Aggressiveness and the Use of Coercion in Police-Suspect Encounters.” Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 6 (1): 19-37.

Paoline, Eugene A. III and William Terrill (2004). “Women Police Officers and the Use of Coercion.” Women and Criminal Justice, 15 (3/4): 97-119.

Mazerolle, Lorraine Green, Justin Ready, William Terrill, and Elin Waring (2004). “Problem- Oriented Policing Succeeds in Public Housing.” National Institute of Justice Journal 251: 28-29.

Reisig, Michael D., John D. McCluskey, Stephen D. Mastrofski, and William Terrill (2004). “Suspect Disrespect Toward the Police.” Justice Quarterly, 21 (2): 241-268.

Terrill, William, Eugene A. Paoline III, and Peter K. Manning (2003). “Police Culture and Coercion.” Criminology, 41 (4): 1003-1034.

Terrill, William, Geoffrey P. Alpert, Roger D. Dunham, and Michael R. Smith (2003). “A Management Tool for Evaluating Police Use of Force: An Application of the Force Factor.” Police Quarterly, 6 (2): 150-171.

Terrill, William and Michael D. Reisig (2003). “Neighborhood Context and Police Use of Force.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 40 (3): 291-321.

Terrill, William (2003). “Police Use of Force and Suspect Resistance: The Micro-Process of the Police-Suspect Encounter.” Police Quarterly, 6 (1): 51-83.

Terrill, William and Stephen D. Mastrofski (2002). “Situational and Officer Based Determinants of Police Coercion.” Justice Quarterly, 19 (2): 215-248.

Terrill, William and John D. McCluskey (2002). “Citizen Complaints and Problem Officers: Examining Officer Behavior.” Journal of Criminal Justice, 30 (2): 143-155.

Reprinted (2004): In Chris W. Eskridge, (Ed.), Chapter 12, Pp. 144-156, Criminal Justice: Concepts and Issues, 4th edition. Roxbury, Los Angeles, CA.

Reprinted (2004): In Stan Stojkovic, John Klofas, and David Kalinich, Chapter 13, Pp. 256-276, The Administration and Management of Criminal Justice Organizations: A Book of Readings, 4th edition. Waveland, Long Grove, IL.

Green Mazerolle, Lorraine, Justin Ready, William Terrill, and Elin Waring (2000). “Problem-Oriented Policing in Public Housing: The Jersey City Evaluation.” Justice Quarterly, 17 (1): 129-158.


Finckenauer, James O., Robert R. Weidner, and William Terrill (1998). “Delinquency Among a Sample of Russian Youth: A Test of Power-Control Theory.” International Criminal Justice Review, 8: 15-32.

Green Mazerolle, Lorraine and William Terrill (1997). “Problem-Oriented Policing in Public Housing: Identifying the Distribution of Problem Places.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 20 (2): 235-255.


Mastrofski, Stephen D, Roger B. Parks, Albert J. Reiss Jr., Robert E. Worden, Christina DeJong, Jeffrey B. Snipes, and William Terrill (1998). Systematic Observation of Public Police: Applying Field Research Methods to Policy Issues. National Institute of Justice Research, NCJ 172859.

Terrill, William (2018). Tapping Into the “Education” Part of Higher Education and Police Performance. ACJS Today, Volume XLIV, Issue 5: 1-7.

Research Reports

Paoline, Eugene A. III, William Terrill, and Sherah Basham (2017). A Five-Year (2011-2015) Analysis of the Orlando Police Department’s Response to Resistance. Final Report to the Orlando Police Department.

Pizarro, Jesenia, William Terrill, Edmund McGarrell, and Naiomi Rivera (2015). Puerto Rico: 2012 Project Safe Neighborhoods Final Report: Process & Outcome Assessment. Final Report to the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

Terrill, William, Eugene A. Paoline, and Jason Ingram (2012). Final Technical Report Draft: Assessing Police Use of Force Policy and Outcomes. U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice. Document No.: 237794

Terrill, William (2004). Findings from the Norwood Police Department Crime and Criminal Justice Survey. Final Report to the Norwood, Massachusetts Police Department.

Terrill, William (2003). Police Use of Force Study. Final Report to the San Antonio, Texas Police Department.

Terrill, William (2001). Phase II, Carlton Street Footbridge, Public Safety Study. Final report to the Town of Brookline, Massachusetts.

Greene, Jack R., Scott H. Decker, Jack McDevitt, Tim S. Bynum, Vince Webb, Peter Manning, Jeff Rojek, Sean Varano, and William Terrill (2002). Safety and Security at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City Utah. Final report to the U.S. Office of Homeland Security.


Mazerolle, Lorraine Green, Justin Ready, and William Terrill (1998). Problem-Oriented Policing in Public Housing: Final Report of the Jersey City Project. Final report to the National Institute of Justice.

Parks, Roger B., Stephen D. Mastrofski, Albert J. Reiss Jr., Robert E. Worden, William Terrill, Christina DeJong, and Meghan Stroshine (1998). St. Petersburg Project on Policing Neighborhoods: A Study of the Police and the Community. Report to the St. Petersburg Police Department.

Parks, Roger B., Stephen D. Mastrofski, Albert J. Reiss Jr., Robert E. Worden, William Terrill, Christina DeJong, and Jeffrey B. Snipes (1997). Indianapolis Project on Policing Neighborhoods: A Study of the Police and the Community. Report to the Indianapolis Police Department.

Research – Principal/Co-Principal Investigator

2020-2021. De-Escalation Behaviors in Naturalistic Law Enforcement Settings ($175,000). Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC). School of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Arizona State University).

2019-2020. Officer Perceptions of Danger: Assessing from the Front Line. School of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Arizona State University).

2012-2015. Puerto Rico: Project Safe Neighborhoods ($300,000). Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (Michigan State University).

2011-2012. Flint’s 21st Century Community Policing Foot Patrol Project Year 2 ($300,000). Charles Mott Foundation (Michigan State University).

2010-2011. Flint’s 21st Century Community Policing Foot Patrol Project Year 1 ($350,000). Charles Mott Foundation (Michigan State University).

2006-2010. Assessing Police Use of Force Policy and Outcomes ($376,255). Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice (Michigan State University & University of Central Florida).

2004. Norwood Community Survey ($12,628). Norwood, Massachusetts Police Department.

2003. San Antonio Police Use of Force Study ($14,584). San Antonio, Texas Police Department.

2001. Carlton Street Footbridge, Feasibility Study - Phase II, Public Safety Study ($11,000). Town of Brookline, Massachusetts.


Field Research Director

1996-1998. Project on Policing Neighborhoods (POPN) ($1,961,701). Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice. Principal Investigators: Stephen Mastrofski (Michigan State University), Robert Worden (SUNY Albany), Roger Parks (Indiana University), and Albert Reiss (Yale University).

1995-1996. Crime Prevention Programs in Public Housing: The Jersey City Approach to Drug and Violent Crime Problems in Public Housing ($198,019). Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice. Principal Investigator: Lorraine Green (University of Cincinnati).

Invited Presentations

William Terrill. Transforming Police Use of Force. Paradise Valley United Methodist Church (PVUMC) Ignite, Paradise Valley, Arizona, June 17, 2020.

Terrill, William. Police Use of Force: Issues, Challenges, and Recommendations. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI). September 18 & 25, 2019, Tempe, Arizona.

Terrill, William and Eugene A. Paoline III. Assessing Use of Force Policies: How Does Your Agency Compare? International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), October 7, 2018, Orlando, Florida

Terrill William. The Assessing Police Use of Force Policy and Outcomes Project. Psychological Consortium, Critical Thinking in Law Enforcement: Adapting to a Changing Environment. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC). August 7-9, 2018, Glynco, Georgia.

Terrill, William. Police Use of Force: Issues, Challenges, and Recommendations. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI). June 22 & 29, 2018, Tempe, Arizona.

Terrill, William. Restoring Trust in American Policing. ASU Barrett & O'Connor Washington Center. March 14, 2018, Washington, District of Columbia.

Terrill, William. The Challenge of Immigration Enforcement and Policing Reform. Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) Conference. Police: June 22, 2017, Phoenix, Arizona.

Terrill, William and Logan Somers. Examining Police Use of Force Behavior and Citizen Complaints. National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE) Academic Symposium. Arizona State University, June 12, 2017, Phoenix, Arizona.

Terrill, William. Evidence from the Police Use of Force Policies and Outcomes Project. Australia and New Zealand Society of Evidence Based Policing (ANZSEBP) Conference. Australian Institute of Police Management (AIPM), May 31, 2017, Sydney, Australia.


Pizarro, Jesenia and William Terrill. Evidence-Based Criminal Justice: An Educational Overview. The Valley Interfaith Project (VIP) Arizona Civic Academy. May 8, 2017, Paradise Valley United Methodist Church (PVUMC), Paradise Valley, Arizona.

Terrill, William. Police Use of Force and Administrative Policy. BJA Body Work Camera Pilot Implementation Project (PIP): Region Meeting. Arizona State University, January 12, 2017, Phoenix, Arizona.

Terrill, William. Policing, Policy, and Privilege in the 21st Century Series: The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. Arizona State University, February 5, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona.

Terrill, William. Police Use of Force with a Dash of Culture. Arizona State University, January 30, 2015, Phoenix, Arizona.

Terrill, William. Crime Prevention Workshop, Michigan Youth Violence Prevention Center. Metawanenee Hills Neighborhood Association, October 21, 2014, Flint, Michigan.

Terrill, William. Crime Prevention Workshop, Michigan Youth Violence Prevention Center. University Avenue Corridor Coalition, October 7, 2014, Flint, Michigan.

Terrill, William. TASERs and Policing. Kiwanis of East Lansing. June 23, 2014, East Lansing, Michigan.

Terrill, William. Crime Prevention Workshop, Michigan Youth Violence Prevention Center. Carriage Hills Historic Neighborhood Association, May 7, 2014, Flint, Michigan.

Terrill, William. Police Use of Force Trajectory. Florida International University, March 7, 2014, Miami, Florida.

Terrill, William. Cybercrime: Policing and Personal Protection. Peoples Church Women’s Forum. September 11, 2013, East Lansing, Michigan.

Terrill, William. and Jesenia-Pizarro. The Policing Enterprise. Kiwanis of East Lansing. June 17, 2013, East Lansing, Michigan.

Terrill, William. and Jesenia-Pizarro. Balancing Justice: A Personal and Professional Journey. Peoples Church Forum. April 1, 2012, East Lansing, Michigan.

Terrill, William and Eugene A. Paoline III. Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs) and Injuries: An Empirical Examination. National Institute of Justice. June 14, 2010, Washington, DC.

Terrill, William and Eugene A. Paoline III. Assessing Police Use of Force Policy and Outcomes. National Institute of Justice. July 22, 2008, Washington, DC.


Terrill, William. Assessing Police Use of Force Policy and Outcomes. Police Oversight Commission (POC). June 12, 2008, Albuquerque, NM.

Terrill, William. Use of Non-Lethal Force: Research on a Force Continuum. Research and Policy on Police Accountability: The Legacy of James Fyfe. John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York. October 5, 2006, New York, NY.


Courses Taught

Introduction to Policing - Undergraduate Police Process - Undergraduate Police Strategies - Undergraduate Administration of Justice - Undergraduate Criminal Justice Organization and Management - Undergraduate Communities and Crime - Undergraduate Proseminar in Criminal Justice - Graduate Criminal Justice Process - Graduate Police Seminar - Graduate Police Deviance - Graduate Introduction to Criminal Justice - Undergraduate (Online) Problem-Solving Policing - Undergraduate (Online) Problem-Solving Policing - Graduate (Online) Proseminar in Criminal Justice - Graduate (Online)

Student Mentoring/Advising

Ph.D. Dissertation Committee:

Logan Somers (Chair), 2018-present

Jon Bottema (Member), 2019-present

Kathleen Padilla (Member), 2018-present

Michael L. Brown (Member). Officer Perceptions and Decision-making in Discretionary Patrol Practices within a Hot Spots Environment Applying Expectancy Motivation Theory. George Mason University, 2014-2019.

Natalie Todak (Member). Principles of De-Escalation in Police-Citizen Encounters: An Ethnographic Field Study of Expert Police De-Escalators. Arizona State University, 2015- 2017.


Michael Rossler (Chair). Environment and Citizen Resistance of Police Coercive Authority: Application of defiance and social disorganization theories. Michigan State University, 2012- 2015.

Jason Ingram (Chair). Officer Aggressiveness, Workgroups, and Use of Force: A Multilevel Examination of the Police Attitude-Behavior Relationship. Michigan State University, 2006- 2010.

Heidi Bonner (Member). Police Decision-making. State University of New York (SUNY) Albany, 2009-2012.

Julie Schnobrich-Davis (Member). Interagency Cooperation: Metro-LEC. State University of New York (SUNY) Albany, 2009-2010.

Ph.D. Guidance Committee:

Logan Somers (Chair). Arizona State University, 2016-present. Kathleen Padilla (Member). Arizona State University, 2016-present. Justin Sanchez (Member). Arizona State University, 2019-present. Robert Peacock (Member). Michigan State University, 2011-2015. Michael Rossler (Chair). Michigan State University, 2010-2013. Michael Suttmoeller (Member). Michigan State University, 2009-2012. Margaret Fischer (Member). Michigan State University, 2005-2010. Dae-Hoon Kwak (Member). Michigan State University, 2005-2010.

Masters Thesis Committee:

Roy Tatum (Member). Defunding the Police. College of Integrated Science and Arts. Arizona State University, 2020-present.

Jon Bottema (Member). Phoenix Police Department Intelligence Officers: Roles, Perceptions and Effectiveness. Arizona State University, 2016-2017.

Brandon Turchan (Member). Handgun Carrying Permits: A Reaction to Local Violent Crime and Nationally Publicized Mass Murders? Michigan State University, 2014.

Michael Rossler (Chair). The Impact of Officer Characteristics on Police Responsiveness in Service Encounters. Michigan State University, 2010.

Jason Rydberg (Chair). The Effect of Higher Education on Police Behavior. Michigan State University, 2009.

Kaitlin Prather (Member). Using Multivariate Statistical Procedures to Identify Ignitable Liquid Residues in the Presence of Interferences, 2011.


Tracy Foley (Member). Victim Comforting. Northeastern University, 2006.

Rebecca Burbank (Member). The Ceremonial Nature of Physician-Assisted Suicide Statutes: Law in Theory versus Law in Action. Northeastern University, 2005.

Undergraduate Honors Thesis Committee:

Noah Miller (Member). Constitutional Dimensions of Law Enforcement using Big Data. Arizona State University, 2020-present.

Abiud Hernandez-Garcia (Member). Hot Spot Policing with a Focus on Building Legitimacy. Arizona State University, 2019-2020.

Marah Weiser (Chair). Women and Police Use of Force. Arizona State University, 2017-2018.

Sean McQuade (Chair). Port Security Policies for the New Hampshire Marine Patrol. Northeastern University, 2003.

Shaun Desantis (Chair). Decreasing Campus Crime: The Application of Situational Policing and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Techniques. Northeastern University, 2003.

Undergraduate Special Program:

John Joyce (Advisor). Professional Assistantship (PA) Honors College. Michigan State University, 2010-2012.



University Level:

University Graduate Council (UGC). Arizona State University, 2020-present.

Social Science/Behavioral/Education Institutional Review Board (SIRB). Michigan State University, 2011-2015.

Department of Police and Public Safety Oversight Committee (Chair). Michigan State University, 2008-2012 and 2014-2015.

Outstanding TA Award Recognition Committee (Member). Northeastern University, 2002- 2003.


Effective TA-Faculty Communication Workshop (Chair). Northeastern Center for Effective University Teaching (NCEUT), Northeastern University, 2003.

Effective TA-Faculty Communication Workshop (Chair). Northeastern Center for Effective University Teaching (NCEUT), Northeastern University, 2001.

College Level:

Associate Dean. Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions. Arizona State University, 2019-2020

Vice Dean Search Committee (Member). Arizona State University, 2018-2019.

School of Criminal Justice Director Search Committee (Chair). Arizona State University, 2018- 2019.

Provost Undergraduate Research Initiative (PURI) Awards Committee (Member). Michigan State University, 2013.

Graduate Committee (Member). Northeastern University, 2000-2005.

Personnel Committee (Member). Northeastern University, 2000-2005.

Honors Committee (Member). Northeastern University, 2004-2005.

School/Department Level:

Personnel Committee (Member). Arizona State University, 2016-present.

Comprehensive Exams Committee (Chair). Arizona State University, 2017-2018.

Comprehensive Exams Committee (Member). Arizona State University, 2016-2017.

Search Committee (Member). Arizona State University, 2017-2018.

Executive Committee (Member). Arizona State University, 2016-2017.

Graduate Committee (Member). Michigan State University, 2005-2013.

Search Committee (Member). Michigan State University, 2005-2007.

Faculty Advisory Committee (Member). Michigan State University, 2006-2007.



Written Monograph (non-paid). Northeastern University, Faculty Perspective Series Cops, Coercion, and the Continuum, 2003.


Health Note: Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act of 2020 Bill 23-0882 Council of the District of Columbia. The Pew Charitable Trusts, Expert Reviewer, October, 2020.

RAND Study on Police Shootings, Scoping Exercise, October, 2020.

Mesa Police Department Use of Force Review and Implementation Committee Member, 2019- 2020.

American Society of Criminology, Ethics Committee, Chair, 2018-present.

Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Co-Editor, 2017-present.

American Society of Criminology, Division of Policing, Chair, 2016-2018.

American Society of Criminology, Division of Policing, Executive Counselor, 2014-2016.

Journal of Criminal Justice Education, Editorial Board member, 2017-present.

Journal of Forensic Research and Analysis, Editorial Board member, 2017-present.

Race and Justice: An International Journal, Editorial Board member, 2014-present.

American Society of Criminology, Division of Policing Sub-Committee to President Barack Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, 2015-2016.

Criminology and Public Policy, Senior Editor, 2014.

American Society of Criminology, Policing Session Organizer, 2008, 2009, and 2012.

Victoria Police Department, Australia, Police Use of Force Policy Review, Author, 2011.

Journal of Crime and Justice, Volume 34, Issue 3, Special Issue on Police Use of Force, Co-Editor along with Eugene A. Paoline III, 2011.

Evidence Integration Initiative (E2I) of Justice Programs and Practices, CrimeSolutions.gov Resource Center, Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Law Enforcement Reviewer, 2011.

Michigan State Police, Problem-Oriented Policing Project, Advisor, 2011.


New York State Task Force on Police-on-Police Shootings, Reducing Inherent Danger: Report of the Task Force on Police-on-Police Shootings, Task Force Member, 2010.

East Lansing Police Department (ELPD), Michigan, Police Use of Force Policy Review, Author, 2010.

Portland Police Bureau (PPB), Oregon, Subject Resistance Statistical Analyses, Analyst, 2010.

Meridian Township Police Department, Central Elementary School, Spartan Buddies, Advisor, 2008-2009.

Michigan State Police, Re-Organizational Development Project, Advisor, 2006-2007.

Justice Quarterly, Associate Journal Editor, 2001-2006.

City of Boston, Monument High School, South Boston, Understanding Why Police Officers Use Force, Lecturer, 2004.

Winter Olympic Games Study, Safety and Security Project, Research Team Member, 2002.

National Institute of Justice. Patterns of Community Policing: Tracking Organizational Change, COPS Funding Phase 3, Analyst, 2000-2001.

National Institute of Justice, Evaluating 311 in Baltimore, Analyst, 1999.

Professional memberships: American Society of Criminology, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 1994-present.

Manuscript review, Justice Quarterly, Criminology, Law and Society Review, Police Quarterly, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Theoretical Criminology, Journal of Experimental Criminology, Homicide Studies, Police Studies, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, Criminal Justice Policy Review, Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Journal of Criminal Justice, Allyn & Bacon, Carolina Academic Press, Temple University Press, Wadsworth, 1998-present.



Arizona Public Radio 91.5 KJZZ, January 7, 2021. “'It Was Perplexing': ASU Policing Expert On Police's Response To Capitol Protesters” (on-air Radio).

Boston Globe, November 27, 2020. “A Rash of Police Shootings in Massachusetts this Month Leaves Two Dead, Two Wounded.”

ABC6onyourside.com, June 16, 2020. “Experts Say Support from Government, Police, and Communities Needed to Enact Reforms.”

France24.com, June 15, 2020. “Under Pressure from Police, France Backs off Chokehold Ban.”

Fox13Memphis.com, June 15, 2020. “France Backs off Chokehold Ban, Adds Stun Guns for Police.”

CNN.com, June 13, 2020. “Why Some Police Officers Rally Around Their Colleagues -- Even When They're Accused of Committing Crimes.”

The Connecticut Mirror, June 11, 2020. “Connecticut Towns Continue to Struggle with Diversity in Police Ranks.”

PBS, Arizona Horizons, June 2, 2020. “Pressures Police Chiefs Face.” (on-air Television).

Arizona Public Radio 91.5 KJZZ, May 27, 2020. “There's No Script for This': The Challenges Of Enforcing Social Distancing Guidelines” (on-air Radio).

Arizona Public Radio 91.5 KJZZ, January 6, 2020. “How Cities and Police Departments Can Talk About Creating Citizen Review Boards” (on-air Radio).

Fox News, December 16, 2019. “Batman-esque Police Technology Could Be Game-changer for Law Enforcement.” (on-air Television).

Tampa Bay Times, November 22, 2019. “Police Are Limiting Tasers as People Die. But Pinellas Sheriff Won’t.”

PBS, Arizona Horizons, November 7, 2019. “Pressures Police Chiefs Face.” (on-air Television).

Arizona Public Radio 91.5 KJZZ, August 5, 2019. “Tempe Police Clarify 'Positive Ticketing' Campaign.” (on-air Radio).

AZCentral.com, Jun 20, 2019. “Every 5 Days, an Arizona Officer Shoots Someone, a Republic Analysis Finds.”

T12 News NBC Phoenix, June 7, 2019. “Too Far? Mesa Officer Uses Patrol Car to Hit Suspect.”


(on-air Television).

On the Front Porch, KFRM Radio AM 550, April 24, 2019. “On The Front Porch with Bryce Dolan.”

The Charlotte Observer, April 15, 2019. “CMPD Shooting Is Legally Justified, Some Experts Say, but Raises ‘Serious Questions.’”

Arizona Public Radio 91.5 KJZZ, February 18, 2019. “Is There Data On How Police Nationwide Use Stun Guns?” (on-air Radio).

ABCNews.com, October 4, 2018. “Texas Man's Shooting by Police Overshadowed Despite Momentum.”

The Arizona Republic, September 3, 2018. “Report: Taser Use Rare in Shootings.”

AZCentral.com, August 24, 2018. “28 Phoenix Police Shootings. Two Used Tasers. Here's Why That's Not Entirely Surprising.”

NPR Nashville, August 14, 2018. “Policy Governing Deadly Use of Force Is Complicated - Especially When Running From Police.” (on-air Radio).

PBS, Arizona Horizons, July 30, 2018. “Police Use of Deadly Force.” (on-air Television).

ABC15 News, June 11, 2018. “Examining Police Use of Force.” (on-air Television).

Arizona Public Radio 91.5 KJZZ, June 8, 2018. “Phoenix Sees Increase in Police Officers Using Deadly Force in 2018.” (on-air Radio and print).

CBS Evening News, June 7, 2018. “Man Beaten Into Submission by Arizona Police Officers in Viral Video Speaks Out.” (on-air Television).

The Washington Post, May 1, 2018. “Police in D.C., New York Revise Shooting Policies in Response to Vehicle Ramming Attacks.”

BBC.com news, April 24, 2018. “Toronto Van Attack: How Is the Suspect Not Dead?”

KOGO AM600 San Diego, April 4, 2018. “Police Accountability and Community Protection Act.” (on-air Radio).

CNN.com, April 3, 2018. “California Lawmakers Seek Change in Police Lethal Force Standard.”

The Sacramento Bee, April 3, 2018. “Police Could Only Use Deadly Force When 'Necessary' under New California Proposal.”


12 News NBC Phoenix, April 2, 2018. “Certain Police Body Cameras Have a Mute Button.” (on-air Television).

The Columbus Dispatch, March 27, 2018. “Columbus Police Veteran Involved in Sixth Shooting in Southeast Side Standoff.”

The Crime Report, March 15, 2018. “Are America’s Police Getting an Unfair Rap?”

People Magazine, People.com, February 28, 2018. “Could Police Have Stopped Florida School Shooter Leading Up to Attack? Probably Not, Say Experts.”

Phoenix New Times, January 19, 2018. “RICO-Funded Stats Used in Report That Labels Young, Undocumented Migrants as Criminals.”

The Atlantic, November 25, 2017. “The Baltimore Cops Studying Plato and James Baldwin.”

Lansing State Journal, November 22, 2017. “How Do Your Police Limit Use of Stun Guns? Answer May Be Hard to Get.”

Arizona Public Radio 91.5 KJZZ, June 29, 2017. “Police Deadly Shootings.” (On-air –radio).

Southern California Public Radio 89.3 KPPC, May 15, 2017. “Drugs and Alcohol Pervasive in San Bernardino County Police Shootings.”

Minneapolis Star Tribune, April 28, 2017. “Minneapolis Mayor Hodges had 90 minutes' notice on police chief's pick for 4th Precinct.”

Ottawa Citizen, February 21, 2017. “Dawson: Do Ontario Police Forces Need More Officers with Higher Education?”

ASU Now, January 27, 2017. “Study Finds Race Plays Key Factor in Police Use of Force.”

NBCNews.com, September 29, 2016. “Taser vs. Gun: Why Police Choose Deadly Force Despite Non-Lethal Options.”

Al Jazeera.com, September 21, 2016. "Charlotte Protests." (On-air TV).

KCBS Radio in San Francisco, August 10, 2016, “DOJ Requiring Police to Report Officer- Involved Deaths.” (On-air -radio).

CBS 10 News WTPS Tampa Bay, July19, 2016, “Study Examines Police Complaints, Including St. Pete.”

The Washington Post, July 18, 2016. “What President Obama Really Thinks about the Police.”


The Hill.com, July 8, 2016. “Police Power: Are Abuses a Personal Failure or a Systemic One?”

Christian Science Monitor, July 2, 2016. “Baltimore Police Department “Revamps 'Use of Force' Policies: Is it Enough?”

The San Antonio Express, May 28, 2016. “Analysis: SAPD Officers Use Force at Higher Rates Against Minorities.”

ABC7 WJLA Washington DC, May 16, 2016. “Viral Video Effect’ Explanation for Rising Murders Stirs Controversy.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 3, 2016. “City Nears Ending Requirement of 60 College Credits for New Cops.”

PoliceOne.com, March 8, 2016. “Why Cops Should Pursue Higher Education. Earning a Degree is What’s Best for your Organization, your Community and your Profession.

CNN.com, January 29, 2016. “Meet Officers Going Beyond the Call of Duty.”

France 24, November 30, 2015. “Baltimore Police Officers Go on Trial.” (On-air -Television).

Southern California Public Radio 89.3 KPPC, November 10, 2015. “Unarmed and Dangerous?”

Southern California Public Radio 89.3 KPPC, November 10, 2015. “A Call for Help”

Newsweek, October 28, 2015. “Federal Government’s Response to South Carolina Spring Valley High School Incident Is Unprecedented.”

Vice.com, October 28, 2015. “Does America Really Need Cops in Schools”

Correctionsone.com, October 22, 2015. “Can Supervisory Style Influence Correctional Officers' Use-of-force Behavior?”

Washington Post, August 9, 2015. “Woman who was Filmed being Shot by D.C. officer is in Serious Condition.”

Boston Globe, June 7, 2015. “Policing Specialists Defend Officers who Fatally Shot Terror Suspect.”

New Scientist, May 22, 2015. “Inside Obama’s Plan to Use Open Data to curb Police Brutality.”

MLive.com, April 12, 2015. “Are Police Becoming too Trigger Happy?”


Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC), March 30, 2015. “University-Educated Police, Tony Doucette on Windsor Morning.” (On-air -radio).

Oxford University Press blog (OUP Blog), March 15, 2015. “The Visual, Experiential, and Research Dimensions of Police Coercion.”

Big Ten Live, March 3, 2015, “MSU Professor Takes 'Academic' Approach to Law Enforcement.”

LCC Radio WLNZ 89.7 with Bonnie Bucqueroux and Bill Castanier, March 2, 2015, “Police Use of Force and Higher Education.” (On-air -radio).

NPR Michigan Radio, Stateside with Cynthia Canty, February 23, 2015, “Do Cops Need College.” (On-air -radio).

Policeone.com, February 20, 2015, “Questionable Reform: New Orleans PD Axes Education Requirement: Eliminating Education from the Equation is not the Path to Successful Police Reform.”

The Wall Street Journal, February 13, 2015, "College Rule for Police at Issue."

Scienceworldreport.com, February 6, 2015,"Cops who are College-Educated are Less 'Trigger Happy'."

Rawstory.com, February 6, 2015, "College-Educated Cops Less Likely to Use Force, but More Likely to Quit Police Jobs."

Councelheal.com, February 6, 2015, "College-Educated Cops Less Trigger-Happy, Study."

WILS Radio with Michael Cohen, February 5, 2015, “Police Education.” (On air - radio).

MSU Today, February 5, 2014, "Do Cops Need College?"

The Los Angeles Times, December 30, 2014. "Police Officer Deaths Rise in 2014, with Firearms the Leading Cause."

The Wall Street Journal, December 21, 2014. "When Tragedy Leaves Divide"

Sputniknews.com, December 14, 2014. "Too Much Focus on Police vs Citizen Safety in U.S.: Analysts."

Al Jazeera.com, December 14, 2014. "Enough is Enough: U.S. Anti-Racism Protests."

Lansing State Journal, December 11, 2014. "When is Deadly Force Justified?"


New Scientist, December 10, 2014. "Why are US Police so Prone to Violence?"

British Broadcasting Company (BBC), December 5, 2014. World News. (On-air -Television).

British Broadcasting Company (BBC), December 5, 2014. National Radio.

British Broadcasting Company (BBC), December 5, 2014. Scotland News. (On-air -Television).

France 24, December 5, 2014. "Police Brutality." (On-air -Television).

The San Antonio Express (San Antonio, Texas), November 25, 2014. "San Antonians Protest Ferguson Grand Jury Decision."

BaltimoreSun.com, September 30, 2014, "Require College Degrees for Police: Higher Education Has Been Shown to Directly Influence the Use of Force Choices Officers Make."

Voices of America, On the Line, September 12, 2014 (On-air -Television).

The State News (East Lansing, Michigan), September 10, 2014, "Armed."

Vox.com, September 5, 2014. "How Do Police Departments Train Cops How to Use Force?"

Cantondailyledger.com, August 25, 2014. "Ferguson, Mo.: Protests, Progress and Patience."

20min.ch, August 23, 2014. "Warum Schiessen US-Cops Nicht Ins Bein."

Stateofopportunity.michiganradio.org, August 22, 2014. "Here's What We Know (and What We Don't Know) About the Use of Force by Police in America."

Theguardian.com, August 21, 2014. "US Police Should Shoot to Kill or Not at All, Law and Justice Experts Say."

Powerlineblog.com, August 19, 2014. "Study: Excessive Use of Force by Police is "Very Rare."

France 24, The Debate, August 19, 2014. "Racism, Riots and Police Violence: USA Under Scrutiny." (On-air -Television).

The Independent, United Kingdom, July 6, 2014. "California 'police brutality': Video Appears to Show Officer Punching Woman on the Floor."

Theamericanconservative.com, July 2, 2014. "Seven Reasons Police Brutality is Systemic, Not Anecdotal."


Better Government Association.com, April 3, 2014. "Not Just A Chicago Thing: Police Misconduct Allegations Span Suburban Departments, too, and are Costing Taxpayers in those Towns a Pretty Penny."

NYULocal.com, March 7, 2014. "A Brief History of Police Brutality in the U.S."

NBC News.com, January 14, 2014. "What is police brutality? Depends on where you live."

DMNewsi.com, January 14, 2014. "Reporter's Notebook: What is police brutality?"

The Spokesman-Review, November 19, 2013. "Spokane Police Consider Education Merit Pay. Kings Review Magazine, September 20, 2013.

Mint Press News, August 29, 2013. "Death By Taser: So Much For ‘Non-Lethal’ Police Weapons."

Law Enforcement Technology Today, August 26, 2013. "Should LEOs Have a College Degree?"

Discover Criminal Justice, August 12, 2013. “Interview with William Terrill; Policing Expert, Professor, Author."

Poughkeepsie Journal, June 17, 2012, "Two Men Die: Do Tasers Kill?"

United Press International (UPI), May 3, 2012. “Stun Gun Use Lowers Police Injuries.”

LiveScience, May 1, 2012. “Stun Guns Protect Police But Injure More Citizens.”

The News, May 2, 2012. “Taser Bill in Synder’s Hands.”

Good Morning America, Yahoo News, May 2, 2012. “Study Finds Stun Guns Sometimes Injure Civilians.”

Michigan Radio, May 1, 2012. “Michigan State University Study Claims Stun Guns Cause More Injuries.” (On-air -radio).

WILS Radio with Michael Cohen, May 4, 2012. “Tasers and Injuries.” (On air - radio).

The Mitch Album Show, May 2, 2012, “Michigan Decision on Citizen Use of Stun Guns.” (On air - radio).

CBS WLNS News, May 2, 2012, “Stun Guns Benefit Police, But Not Citizens, Study Finds.” (On air - television)

Futurity.org, May 2, 2012, “Is Safety ‘Trade-Off’ of Sun Guns Justified?”


MSU Today, May 1, 2012, "Stun Guns Not Safe for Citizens, But Benefit Police. Study Finds."

Lansing State Journal, April 22, 2011, “Lansing Police Involved in Two Shootings Since 2008.”

MillerMcCune.com, September 2, 2010, “Cops and College: Do Police Need Book Smarts.”

Duluth News Tribune (Duluth, Minnesota), August 15, 2010, “Was Use of Deadly Force Justified?”

The San Antonio Express (San Antonio, Texas), October 25, 2009, “SAPD Fires on Moving Vehicles.”

The Jacksonville Times Union (Jacksonville, Florida), April 5, 2009, “Surge of Fear: What Led to the Escalation?”

The Jacksonville Times Union (Jacksonville, Florida), April 5, 2009, “Surge of Fear: Some See Mistaken Identity.”

The San Antonio Express (San Antonio, Texas), March 9, 2008, “SAPD unit for high-crime areas questioned over its use of force.”

National Public Radio (NPR), Interlochen Public Radio (IPR), November, 30, 2007, “Points North,” one hour live call-in. Topic: Police Use of Force.

Observer and Eccentric (Detroit, Michigan), October 14, 2007, “Just the Facts: Police Work’s Often Rewarding.”

The State News (East Lansing, Michigan), November 27, 2006, “When to Tase.”

The State News (East Lansing, Michigan), November 29, 2006, “Tasers Shouldn’t be Used Excessively.”

The Detroit News (Detroit, Michigan), March 6, 2006, “Cops ‘Hooding’ of Suspects Probed.”

Daily News Transcript (Norwood, Massachusetts), January 6, 2005, “Speed Kills in Norwood, Not Crime.”

The American-Statesman (Austin, Texas), November 28, 2004, “Police Cut Use of Force; Ethnic Gap Remains.”

The American-Statesman (Austin, Texas), March 28, 2004, “Resistance, Race Affect Police Response.”

The American-Statesman (Austin, Texas), January 28, 2004, “Piecemeal Progress.”


The American-Statesman (Austin, Texas), January 26, 2004, “The Escalation to Fatal Force.”

The San Antonio Express (San Antonio, Texas), November 7, 2003, “Results of SAPD Review Mixed.”

The San Antonio Express (San Antonio, Texas), November 6, 2003, “Police Release Professor’s Use-of-Force Study.”

The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts), May 19, 2002, City Weekly Section, A “Rash of Break-ins Caught in its Tracks?”

The Cleveland Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio), September 9, 2002, Metro News Section, “Ohio’s Police Forces Getting Younger.”



Penn State University Schuylkill Alumni Achievement Award (2019).

Penn State University School of Public Affairs' Alumni Achievement Award (2014-2015).

Rutgers University, School of Criminal Justice Richard J. Hughes Award, Highest Academic Standing in Master's Program, (1994).

Pennsylvania State University Graduating Senior Award, Highest Academic Standing in Bachelor's Program, Pennsylvania State University School of Public Policy and Criminal Justice, (1992).


Bray and Tracy v. Pierce County, Superior Court of the State of Washington, Case No. 18-2- 06355-3. Plaintiff.

Villegas v. City of San Bernardino and San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, Case No. CIVDS1606504. Defendant.

Pitner v. City of Kokomo and Kokomo Police Department, Cause No. 34D02-1703-CT-00228. Defendant.

Gilbert v. Harrison, U.S.D.C. (E.D. NC), Case No. 5:15-CT-03107-FL. Plaintiff.

Basilica v. Hawes, United States District Court, District of Connecticut, Civil Action No. 3:14- CV-1806. Plaintiff.

Johnson v. Vanderkooi, State of Michigan, in the Circuit Court for the County of Kent, Case No. 14-14-07226-NO. Plaintiff.

Ferrell v. City of Charlotte-Mecklenburg et al, United States District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina, Civil Action No. 3:14-CV-47. Plaintiff.

Brown v. Jersey City, United States District Court, District of New Jersey, Civil Action No. 2:11-CV-04030-CCC-JAD. Plaintiff.

Chacon v. City of Austin, United States District Court, Western District of Texas, Civil Action No. 1:12-CV-226-SS. Defendant.

Strickland v. City of Clinton, United States District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina, Civil Action No. 7:12-CV-207. Plaintiff.


Bolton v. Jersey City, United States District Court, District of New Jersey, Civil Action No. 08- 4298. Plaintiff.

McGovern v. Jersey City, United States District Court, District of New Jersey, Civil Action No. 98-5186. Plaintiff.