511 © the Author(S) 2018 K. Corstorphine, L. R. Kremmel (Eds
INDEX1 A African Americans, 15, 407–418, Abbott, Stacey, 302, 308 423, 424 Abbott and Costello Meet slavery, 411 Frankenstein, 114 slaves, 410 Abbruscato, Joseph, 95, 99 Africans, 37, 181, 415, 424–426, Abhinavagupta, 25–27 431, 435 Abject, 407–418 Afro-Caribbean, 224 Aboriginal, 9, 61–74 Aftab, Kalem, 474 Aboriginalism, 68 After Globalisation, 199, 200 Aborigines, 62, 66, 69 Agamemnon, 113 Abraham, Nicolas, 193, 450 Age of Enlightenment, 424 Acker, Kathy, 377, 378 Ahmad, Aalya, 14, 15, 365 Ackroyd, Peter, 349n3, 448 Aickman, Robert, 264 Acoustics, 457–466 Aiken, Conrad, 265 Adams, Carol J., 262 Ajvide Lindqvis, John, 196 Adolescents, 101–110 Akkok, Raziye, 287n2 The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Alaimo, Stacy, 282, 489 Fathom, 166 Alcott, Louisa May, 9 Aeneid, 343 Aldana Reyes, Xavier, 6, 250, 309, 397, Aeschylus, 113 398, 467n4, 485 Aesthetic/s, 21, 22, 24–30, 30n1, 128, Aldiss, Brian, 303 166, 251, 457, 458, 460–465 Alexie, Sherman, 9, 56, 57 Afghanistan, 328, 334 Alfred, Edgar, 207 Africa, 181, 182, 199, 331, 425, Algeria, 328 426, 435 Alien, 115, 503 African American Civil Rights Alimardanian, Mahnaz, 71 Movement, 294 Allman, Eileen, 128 African American Literature, 15 Almagro and Claude, 157 1Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s) 2018 511 K. Corstorphine, L. R. Kremmel (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook to Horror Literature, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-97406-4 512 INDEX Almanac of the Dead, 57 Auld, Tim, 152n22 Almond, Steve, 480 Austen, Jane, 4, 161, 165, 168, 177n1, Althans, Katrin, 61, 64, 65, 68
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