Acts &Ingertips

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Acts &Ingertips &ACTSAT9OUR AQUICKGUIDETOYOUR &INGERTIPS NEWENVIRONMENT REGENSBURG WWWINVEST IN BAVARIACOM Bavarian Ministry of Economic A!airs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology !"#$%&#'(")%#*'%+"*,-"."*/ 01"%2,#,"%34%5#6#$(#%()%3*"%34%,1"%),$3*7"),/%.3),%#'6#*8"'%#*'%'9*#.(8% "83*3.(8%$"7(3*)%(*%,1"%:3$-';%<3*)('"$"'%=9%.#*9%#)%,1"%2(-(83*%>#--"9% 34% ?@$3A"/% 5#6#$(#% "*B39)% ,1"% $"A@,#,(3* 34% #% :3$-'C8-#))% 1(71C,"81% 8"*,"$;% D(,1%36"$%E/FGG%43$"(7*%1(71%,"81%83.A#*(")%4$3.%HG%83@*,$(")%-38#,"'% (*% 5#6#$(#/% (*,"$*#,(3*#-% =@)(*"))% 1#)% ="83."% #*% (*,"7$#-% A#$,% 34% ,1"% 5#6#$(#*%"83*3.9;%01")"%83.A#*(")%1#6"%813)"*%5#6#$(#%43$%(,)%"I8"-C -"*,% =@)(*"))% "*6($3*."*,/% 733'% (*4$#),$@8,@$"% #*'% #% 1"#-,19% .(I% 34% 1(71C,"81%83.A#*(")%#*'%,$#'(,(3*#-%(*'@),$("); 5@,%,1"$"%#$"%"6"*%.3$"%6"$9%83*6(*8(*7%$"#)3*)%43$%83.(*7%,3%5#6#$(#; JA#$,% 4$3.% (,)% ="#@,(4@-% )8"*"$9/% 5#6#$(#% #-)3% 344"$)% 8@-,@$"% 34% ,1"% 1(71"),% (*,"$*#,(3*#-% ),#*'#$'% #)% :"--% #)% 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