Detecting Citizen Problems and Their Locations Detecting CitizenUsing Problems Twitter and Data Their Locations Using Twitter Data Gizem Abal Enis Karaarslan Department Gizemof Computer Abal Engineering DepartmentEnis of Computer Karaarslan Engineering Muğla Stk Koçman University Muğla Stk Koçman University DepartmentMugla, of Computer Turkey Engineering DepartmentMugla, of Computer Turkey Engineering
[email protected]ğla Stk Koçman University
[email protected]ğla Stk Koçman University Mugla, Turkey Mugla, Turkey
[email protected] [email protected] Ali Hürriyetoğlu Feriştah Dalklç CentreAli for Hürriyeto Languageğ Studieslu DepartmentFeri ofş Computertah Dalk lEngineeringç Radboud University Dokuz Eylul University CentreNijmegen, for Language Netherlands Studies Department Izmir,of Computer Turkey Engineering
[email protected] University
[email protected] Eylul University Nijmegen, Netherlands Izmir, Turkey
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract—Twitter is a social network, which contains started to migrate to the cities. The increment in the number of information of the city events (concerts, festival, etc.), city citizens brought along many city problems like pollution, problemsAbstract—Twitter (traffic, collision,is a andsocial road network, incident), thewhich news, contains feelings accidents,started to migrate traffics, to etc. the Whilecities. Thechanges increment were occurring,in the number many of ofinformation people, etc. of For the these city reasons, events there(concerts, are manyfestival, studies, etc.), which city socialcitizens networking brought along services many (like city Facebook, problems Snap like chat,pollution, etc.) useproblems tweet (traffic,data to detectcollision, useful and information road incident), to support the news, the feelings smart whichaccidents, people traffics, use toetc. communicate While changes were were created occurring, and rapidly many of people, etc.