12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook

Ross Spano @RossSpano · Political Candidate

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Ross Spano August 13 · I supported President Trump in 2016 and I voted for President Trump in 2016. I will always stand with our President.

https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 1/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook

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1Y2o8u, Robert More, Grant Fellers and 125 others 55 Comments 14 Shares

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Gordon Wayne Watts As I ponder our various losses, I am sad to remember your loss in the GOP primary, Ross: And I add that my mother who feels you are an honest Christian wanted me to tell you she wants you to not be discouraged but rather run again at a later date. Tha… See More

FORBES.COM House Democrats Debate Bill To Allow Student Loan Discharges In Bankruptcy

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Gordon Wayne Watts Update: U.S. Rep. (R-FL-01) was outstanding, making solid economic Conservative Free Market arguments for hr2648 and s1414, the student loan bankruptcy equality bills. Democrats also made good arguments. #Bipartisan #Teamwork https://YouTu… See More

YOUTUBE.COM https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 2/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook YOUTUBE.COM Full Committee Markup on H.R. 7370, the Protecting Employees and Retirees in Business Bankruptcies

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Robert More Initial component of complaint to Congressman Ross Spano complaining about defraudments committed due to his refusal to keep his promise to support pro-life GOP candidate, Scott Franklin: The undersigned, Robert J. More (RJM) comes now to complain to… See More

VIMEO.COM Polk GOP Meeting

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Ron Hornback There are videos gordon

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Gordon Wayne Watts Update: U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL-01) was outstanding, making solid economic Conservative Free Market arguments for hr2648 and s1414, the student loan bankruptcy equality bills. Democrats also made good arguments. #Bipartisan #Teamwork https://YouTu… See More

YOUTUBE.COM Full Committee Markup on H.R. 7370, the Protecting Employees and Retirees in Business Bankruptcies

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Robert More This constitutes the initial component of complaint to Congressman Ross Spano complaining about defraudments committed due to his refusal to keep his promise to support pro-life GOP candidate, Scott Franklin: The undersigned, Robert J. More (RJM) come… See More

VIMEO.COM Polk GOP Meeting https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 3/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook

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1 Reply

Gordon Wayne Watts SUBJECT: FYI- Pres Trump's Exec Order beat me to this, but still needs your legislative attention. Thank you. Sorry to bother you again, but after I emailed you my "brilliant idea," about eliminating thr insurance middleman, the other day, I discovere… See More

WHITEHOUSE.GOV Executive Order on Lowering Prices for Patients by Eliminating Kickbacks to Middlemen | The White House

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Gordon Wayne Watts Rep. Ross Spano, R-FL-15: Re: https://Facebook.com/story.php? story_fbid=770948026808062&id=377392172830318… See More

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Dywan Washington II The truth is coming out and we know it's your opponent who donated to democrats.

Wow · Reply · 16w 1 Reply

Doris Hiatt And you Mr Spano have mine and my husbands vote! Thank you for your continue care and support, helping us as you have!

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Matthew Hooper If you are with Trump who is standing with the district?

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Rick Breckinridge That's why your toady behind is leaving. Imagine being as obtuse as you... still... after all he's done to harm this nation and its Constitution. Like · Reply · 15w

Jamie Hurst I pray you stand against Assembly bill A99 because noone and I mean NOONE will https://www.facebootka.ckome/ RmosysS spaonno/ pforsotsm/43 7s3c37h75o4o60l.3 5P79E1 OPLE PLEASE LOOK IT UP 4/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook take my son from school. PEOPLE PLEASE LOOK IT UP

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Chris Violet Google Thomas Paul Griest, Krystealya Spano boyfriend. One of Orlando area biggest drug dealers.

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Van Alexander That investigation must feel good right about now

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Pat Perkins You will have no President Trump or vote unless a stimulus package is signed for the American People. #purplepower

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Robin Pomerantz Laidlaw

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Steve Martin You had that coming you crook. Next, a little walk with the Bar?

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Bill Clegg So how'd that tRump thing work out for you? Bye bye...

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Steve D'Angelo What kind of loser loses a primary as an incumbent?

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Mark Tulowiecki MAGA2020!

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Juan Francisco Gonzalez My thoughts and prayers. YOU LOST.

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Alex Blank I'm so proud to have voted today. God bless our democracy and Rule of Law! https://docs.google.com/.../1DtiNZobIn6dtJKFTfgPO.../edit...

DOCS.GOOGLE.COM Why I am Voting for https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 5/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook

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Dennis Marrero You lost.....

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Matthew Hooper Poor Ross is daddy Trump going to help you now or just call you a loser? Good luck with your impending criminal charges.

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Chris Warner Another criminal politician

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Pray Instead We’re praying for you!

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Steve D'Angelo Just coming to check and see how it feels being an incumbent primary loser. Its too bad you will still keep a job in politics somehow.

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Leslie Hirschberg Comar Tudela You SHOULD know better to carry a loaded gun onto any airline flight despite your gun permit. What the he’ll were you thinking and did you NOT think it would be detected Utter stupidity and idiocy, ,Ike accusations of violation Of, campaign finance l… See More

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William Walsh I would appreciate your co-sponsorship of H.Res.1165 - Condemning Azerbaijan's military operation in Nagorno-Karabakh and denouncing Turkish interference in the conflict.

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Jody Hodges Shame on you

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Dennis Newton When Tom Selleck ( Magnum ) says " I think I've been around long enough to know what's what " I think that applies to the seniors of too. We've seen our loved ones and friends die of Covid19, and saw how little our President and Governor care a… See More

TALKINGPOINTSMEMO.COM Trump Mocks The Elderly Days After Calling Seniors 'My https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/postsF/43a7v33o7r75it4e60 3P57e91ople In The World' 6/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook Favorite People In The World'

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Dennis Newton Veterans across Florida no longer support Ross Spano. He has failed to stand up to Trump, who has repeatedly disparaged our troops and those that died in defense of our country.

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Karen Jones Republican Representative for the American People; I am writing this to express my dismay at the 2020 election. We spent the Obama terms watching while he cowered to other countries, sent our money to Iran, fostered a healthcare program that has resul… See More

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Chris Mohr As a Republican, I believe in the rule of law. Election officials and workers are getting death threats in Georgia as well as other states. So is Rudy Giuliani. has the right to demand recounts and take his case to the courts. But please t… See More

YOUTUBE.COM Georgia Republican BLASTS Trump

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Dennis Newton In 2008 Obama inherited what was at the time the largest economic collapse since the Great Depression. The only man in Washington who could oversee the 800 billion dollar "Recovery Act" was Joe Biden. It was Joe who built an economy that continued to g… See More

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Sylvester Waffles II I am so glad you lost the primary, now you can become a lobbyist and really screw over the people...lol 2 Like · Reply · 15w

Dennis Newton Latest update!! Trump’s worst nightmare! A nasty strong woman that’s fearless from Fox News! Fox News' Jennifer Griffin stands by report on Trump remarks on troops. https://l.facebook.com/l.php? u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffpost.com%2Fentry%2Ftrump-jenni… See More https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 7/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook HUFFPOST.COM Fox News Reporter Snaps Back As Trump Demands Her Firing For Confirming War Dead Story

1 Like · Reply · 12w

Dennis Newton Covid19 is on the rise in over 40 states. Meanwhile our SuperSpreader in Chief and Pence are rushing state to state holding SuperSpreader Events. https://l.facebook.com/l.php? u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chicagotribune.com%2Fcolumns%2Frex-huppke%2Fct- trump-co… See More

CHICAGOTRIBUNE.COM Column: Trump fearlessly surrenders to the coronavirus as cases surge nationwide: ‘It’s going to be over,’ he lied

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Ross Spano August 13 · I supported President Trump in 2016 and I voted for President Trump in 2016. I will always stand with our President.

Sorry, we're having trouble playing this video. https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 8/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook

1Y2o8u, Robert More, Grant Fellers and 125 others 55 Comments 14 Shares

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Gordon Wayne Watts As I ponder our various losses, I am sad to remember your loss in the GOP primary, Ross: And I add that my mother who feels you are an honest Christian wanted me to tell you she wants you to not be discouraged but rather run again at a later date. That said, we must move forward, and not be fearful to do so. To that end, I address lose ends/ unfinished Legislative business: House Democrats on Tuesday are marking up and debating a bill that would amend the U.S. bankruptcy code to permit student loans to be easily discharged in bankruptcy. The bill, H.R. 2648, also known as Student Borrower Bankruptcy Relief Act, would simply strike the section of the bankruptcy code that makes it much more difficult for student loan borrowers to discharge their student debt in bankruptcy. The bankruptcy code treats student loan debt differently from most other forms of consumer debt, such as credit cards and medical bills. Borrowers must generally prove that they have an “undue hardship” in order to discharge their student loan debt in bankruptcy. These restrictions initially only applied to federal student loans, but were subsequently expanded to cover private student loans following the passage of a 2005 bankruptcy reform bill. Source: https://www.Forbes.com/.../house-democrats-debate-bill.../ We all know you to be a Christian, Ross, ---and as you are "OK" with Donald Trump getting numerous huge and repeated bankruptcy discharges (even after many tax breaks and other stimulus and government assistance), I respectfully ask you to cosponsor both this bill -- as well as introduce de novo, as Primary Sponsor-- the loan https://www.faceboolki.mcomit/sR ossspSepanndo/ipnogst sc/4u37t3s3 7b75il4l 6f0o35r7 h91igher ed loans-- which Trump requested March 2019 as 9/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook limits spending cuts bill for higher ed loans-- which Trump requested March 2019 as reported by FORBES and many other news outlets. Problem: https://www.Forbes.com/.../trump-proposes-limits-on... Archived: https://Web.Archive.org/.../trump-proposes-limits-on.../ Solution: of TWO (2) VERSIONS of your 'Loan Limits' bill: * https://GordonWatts.com/BILLS-116hr-GWW-proposed-ih.pdfand here: * https://GordonWayneWatts.com/BILLS-116hr-GWW-proposed-ih.pdf“Collegiate Loan Bankrupt * https://Web.Archive.org/.../BILLS-116hr-GWW-proposed-ih.pdf If you really are a Christian (and I think you are), you will grant both of these: 1) Jesus was clear in the golden rule: If you don't want Trump's and all others' business loans (incl. yours) stripped of bankruptcy after they signed the contract, then don't allow THIS debt slavery to continue. Jesus is right. Slavery (of all types) is wrong: Plz cosponsor hr2648 AND it's Senate companion bill S.1414. I'm not asking for a free handout-- only that you obey the Contract clause and the Uniformity clause of the U.S. Constitution (Google them if you forget your law school days) -- and obey Jesus's golden rule. Period. 0 2) Trump made this spending cuts request-- AND, I add, it's very reasonable: Almost 2 TRILLION dollars of our Nat'l Debt is college Debt -- Time to support Trump with deeds-- not mere words. If GOP lawmakers can't support President Trump on a reasonable (and much-needed) request, we should "throw in the towel," and hand the reigns of power over to Democrats. These are morally Sine Qua Non required-- but politically difficult: While it costs DEARLY to publish and maintain a website, I'm doing it for you. See my eponymous and namesake blogs https://GordonWatts.comand https://gordonWAYNEwatts.comfor helpful details. Please act quickly. Besides economic and moral and Constitutional bases, there are electoral bases: The GOP needs to act quickly on both of these if it is to avoid getting another beat down like we saw LAST Election when Pelosi-led Democrats took the House from the GOP. If, in your actions (votes, sponsorship, cosponsorship, advocacy, and press releases) you don't act correctly, when your lame duck term is over in Jan 2021, you will be on the wrong side of history and end up opposing President Trump's requests, that of other Conservatives (me includes), opposing Sovereign King Jesus, and in support of debt slavery: Whatever political differences we may have, we GOP lawmakers and constituents must "work together" or else we will crash the dollar, anger Jesus (see above), and lose seats on the Senate and House-- including Scott Franklin, who is the GOP nominees to run for your Dist.15 seat: We must do everything we can to help Scott win. If we are truly Conservative Republicans and Christians who don't want to see a Blue Wave of abortion-loving Democrats raise the minimum wage and open our borders whilst supporting gay marriage and other Liberal agendai. Tarry not: Your time in office ends Jan 2021, and https://www.facebooyk.ocoumr/R laosssSt pvaonot/epo sists /4s3o73o3n77e5r4.6035791 10/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook your last vote is sooner. I hope this is helpful. Gordon Wayne Watts, and friends/family, constituents in Dist.15 ■***//_--P.S.: While it may not be obvious how bankruptcy might save money, let me be CLEAR: Students who could defend in bankruptcy would scare the pure living daylights out of the U.S. Dept of Education, and they would "think twice" before loaning (read: wasting) TRILLIONS of YOUR taxpayer dollars to make or guarantee collegiate loans to students who can't afford these illegally price-gouging monopoly-inflated tuition costs, to rich colleges who used to offer AFFORDABLE tuition, and who could/would again... if taxpayers STOPPED subsidizing this BULL. ...

FORBES.COM House Democrats Debate Bill To Allow Student Loan Discharges In Bankruptcy

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Gordon Wayne Watts Update: U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL-01) was outstanding, making solid economic Conservative Free Market arguments for hr2648 and s1414, the student loan bankruptcy equality bills. Democrats also made good arguments. #Bipartisan #Teamwork https://YouTube.com/watch?v=CC1clXG4r40

YOUTUBE.COM Full Committee Markup on H.R. 7370, the Protecting Employees and Retirees in Business Bankruptcies

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https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 11/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook

Robert More Initial component of complaint to Congressman Ross Spano complaining about defraudments committed due to his refusal to keep his promise to support pro-life GOP candidate, Scott Franklin: The undersigned, Robert J. More (RJM) comes now to complain to Congressman Ross Spano for failing to keep his word to publicly support and endorse the eventual GOP Primary Election winner, as documented in this video at the following URL links: URLS: https://Vimeo.com/445888418 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZqW65EKauw https://web.archive.org/.../https://vimeo.com/445888418 See time stamps … 1:19:15 to 1:19:40 for above urls URLS: https://www.facebook.com/GordonWanneWatts/videos/10218767297478450/ https://web.archive.org/.../Gor.../videos/10218767297478450/ See the last 3:15 of the shorter facebook video, from stamps 22:50 to 23:15 for above urls Spano has never made good on this promise that RJM knows of and has left the congressional seat unprotected from procurement by the pro-abortion Democrat candidate, whomever that may be. Spano has also previously refused to act to enact various Trump agenda (see URL: https://www.forbes.com/.../trump-proposes-limits- on.../) and now seeks, by his negligence, to prevent new GOP candidate, Franklin, from doing the same. This constitutes a second defraudment of his ofce. FTR, RJM is not totally familiar with GOP candidate, Scott Franklin, but nds Spano's actions (inactions) deplorable because the Democrat candidate is much more dangerous in many of his policies than candidate, Franklin. RJM supports the claims that neighbor, Gordon Wayne Watts (GWW) has told him privately, namely that Mr. Spano has broken his vows before God and must confess his sins and keep his vows in this regard. The sins that Spano has committed privately will be displayed publicly unless or until he ceases this sinful behavior by public confession and a ceasing of this sin. RJM now posts this public demand to Spano to, before election day, when it can “make a difference”, endorse publicly, as he promised, Mr. Franklin, so that the deaths of any unborn children whose lives might be lost might due to Spano's negligence in protecting the congressional seat not be laid to the hand of Mr. Spano. RJM herein also demands that Spano support the agenda of Trump, so long as it it is not sinful. Tbc, composed extemporaneously in an imperfect dictation app.

VIMEO.COM Polk GOP Meeting

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https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 12/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook

Gordon Wayne Watts Robert More, I had hoped to keep this indiscretion private, but will confirm that I privately and confidentially told this to you. As his sins here, his refusal to keep a vow before God, will eventual become public anyhow, it is better sooner than later. Moreover, while your post is unpopular, you are commenting as a constituent, and if he or his staff delete your post, I will post screenshots and protest censorship, as tax dollars are used. (His personal social media he can censor, but this is public.) On a personal note, Ross is not just my Congressman, but he and his wife, Aime, are my friends, and I am sad for any grief that Ross Spano has encountered here, but as I told you and others: He gave his word, a vow before God, to support the eventual GOP primary winner, and so did Franklin. For the record, I messaged, phoned, and emailed Ross privately about this, so as to avoid embarrassing him unnecessarily, but sin must be confronted publicly if not addressed. I have no motives to insult my friend, so my confirmation here is with pure motives: Ross sinned before God and man when he purposely chose not to endorse Franklin, and this hurts our pro-life cause and hurts the GOP. I had hoped the rumours were not true that I heard, but as time passed, it become clear: Ross had made up his mind to break his vows, and I can only guess why, perhaps soreness and anger over Franklin's view on the campaign finance controversy. But you gave your word to endose Franklin, and please do so while your obedience to God can make a difference before election day, this Tuesday. We continue to pray for you, but YOU have a part to play, now play it. Gordon Wayne Watts in Plant City, Florida, one of your constituents, your friend, and brother in Christ Jesus./// 1 Care · Reply · 5w

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Ron Hornback There are videos gordon 2 Care · Reply · 10w

Gordon Wayne Watts Update: U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL-01) was outstanding, making solid economic Conservative Free Market arguments for hr2648 and s1414, the student loan bankruptcy equality bills. Democrats also made good arguments. #Bipartisan #Teamwork https://YouTube.com/watch?v=CC1clXG4r40

YOUTUBE.COM Full Committee Markup on H.R. 7370, the Protecting https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/postsE/43m73p37l7o5y46e03e57s9 1and Retirees in Business Bankruptcies 13/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook Employees and Retirees in Business Bankruptcies

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Robert More This constitutes the initial component of complaint to Congressman Ross Spano complaining about defraudments committed due to his refusal to keep his promise to support pro-life GOP candidate, Scott Franklin: The undersigned, Robert J. More (RJM) comes now to complain to Congressman Ross Spano for failing to keep his word to publicly support and endorse the eventual GOP Primary Election winner, as documented in this video at the following URL links: URLS: https://Vimeo.com/445888418 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZqW65EKauw https://web.archive.org/.../https://vimeo.com/445888418 See time stamps … 1:19:15 to 1:19:40 for above urls URLS: https://www.facebook.com/GordonWanneWatts/videos/10218767297478450/ https://web.archive.org/.../Gor.../videos/10218767297478450/ See the last 3:15 of the shorter facebook video, from stamps 22:50 to 23:15 for above urls Spano has never made good on this promise that RJM knows of and has left the congressional seat unprotected from procurement by the pro-abortion Democrat candidate, whomever that may be. Spano has also previously refused to act to enact various Trump agenda (see URL: https://www.forbes.com/.../trump-proposes-limits- on.../) and now seeks, by his negligence, to prevent new GOP candidate, Franklin, from doing the same. This constitutes a second defraudment of his ofce. FTR, RJM is not totally familiar with GOP candidate, Scott Franklin, but nds Spano's actions (inactions) deplorable because the Democrat candidate is much more dangerous in many of his policies than candidate, Franklin. RJM supports the claims that neighbor, Gordon Wayne Watts (GWW) has told him privately, namely that Mr. Spano has broken his vows before God and must confess his sins and keep his vows in this regard. The sins that Spano has committed privately will be displayed publicly unless or until he ceases this sinful behavior by public confession and a ceasing of this sin. RJM now posts this public demand to Spano to, before election day, when it can “make a difference”, endorse publicly, as he promised, Mr. Franklin, so that the deaths of any unborn children whose lives might be lost might due to Spano's negligence in protecting the congressional seat not be laid to the hand of Mr. Spano. RJM herein also demands that Spano support the agenda of Trump, so long as it it is not sinful. Tbc, composed extemporaneously in an imperfect dictation app.

VIMEO.COM Polk GOP Meeting

1 Care · Reply · 5w https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 14/23 12/8/2020 Care · Reply · 5w Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook

Gordon Wayne Watts Robert More, I had hoped to keep this indiscretion private, but will confirm that I privately and confidentially told this to you. As his sins here, his refusal to keep a vow before God, will eventual become public anyhow, it is better sooner than later. Moreover, while your post is unpopular, you are commenting as a constituent, and if he or his staff delete your post, I will post screenshots and protest censorship, as tax dollars are used. (His personal social media he can censor, but this is public.) On a personal note, Ross is not just my Congressman, but he and his wife, Aime, are my friends, and I am sad for any grief that Ross Spano has encountered here, but as I told you and others: He gave his word, a vow before God, to support the eventual GOP primary winner, and so did Franklin. For the record, I messaged, phoned, and emailed Ross privately about this, so as to avoid embarrassing him unnecessarily, but sin must be confronted publicly if not addressed. I have no motives to insult my friend, so my confirmation here is with pure motives: Ross sinned before God and man when he purposely chose not to endorse Franklin, and this hurts our pro-life cause and hurts the GOP. I had hoped the rumours were not true that I heard, but as time passed, it become clear: Ross Spano had made up his mind to break his vows, and I can only guess why, perhaps soreness and anger over Franklin's view on the campaign finance controversy. But you gave your word to endose Franklin, and please do so while your obedience to God can make a difference before election day, this Tuesday. We continue to pray for you, but YOU have a part to play, now play it. Gordon Wayne Watts in Plant City, Florida, one of your constituents, your friend, and brother in Christ Jesus./// 1 Care · Reply · 5w

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Gordon Wayne Watts SUBJECT: FYI- Pres Trump's Exec Order beat me to this, but still needs your legislative attention. Thank you. Sorry to bother you again, but after I emailed you my "brilliant idea," about eliminating thr insurance middleman, the other day, I discovered that President Trump had beaten me to it -- "Brilliant minds think alike." See below & attached for his Executive Order doing (via Executive Branch powers) what I had asked YOU to do via Legislative Legislation. (Grammatical redundancy to underscore the importance and gravity of his idea-- which I accidentally copied.) That said, Constitutional "Seperation of Powers" limitations limit Mr. Trump's abilities in this regard-- and so my Constituent request stands: Give Trump the help he needs here, please. In unrelated (but important!) news, you recall I asked you to enroll legislation to https://www.facebooHk.caomrd/ReorsnsS/Pparno/tpeosctst/4U37p3g37r7a54d6e03 5th79e1 Power and Telecommunications grid, right? 15/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook Hardern/Protect/Upgrade the Power and Telecommunications grid, right? Well-- I found a few good, bipartisan, bills that seem to address various aspects, and while I haven't reviewed them extensively yet, they all look meritorious, and are most likely deserving of your co-sponsorship. I'll list them below for your review. LINK to EO: https://www.Whitehouse.gov/.../executive-order-lowering.../ LINK to related speech: https://www.Whitehouse.gov/.../remarks-president-trump.../ Title/Date: Executive Order on Lowering Prices for Patients by Eliminating Kickbacks to Middlemen HEALTHCARE Issued on: July 24, 2020 Archive-1: https://Archive.vn/f4NXb See also: Attached PDF prints in my separate email. Archive-2: https://Web.Archive.org/.../executive-order-lowering.../ Mr. Trump's GREAT speech, "Remarks by President Trump on Lowering Drug Prices," at The Rose Garden: Archive-1: https://archive.vn/PWgeu Archive-2: https://Web.Archive.org/.../remarks-president-trump.../ Examples of good, bipartisan, "protect the grid" bills include, but are not limited, to the following: H.R.668 - Secure High-voltage Infrastructure for Electricity from Lethal Damage Act [112th Congress (2011-2012)] – aka: “SHIELD Act” – Sponsor: Rep. Franks, Trent [R- AZ-2], Cosponsors – 41 total, 37 Republican, 4 Democrat H.R.6221 - Identifying Cybersecurity Risks to Critical Infrastructure Act of 2012 [112th Congress (2011-2012)] – Sponsor: Rep. Clarke, Yvette D. [D-NY-11] (Introduced 07/26/2012), Cosponsors: 4 total, 3 Democrat, 1 Republican H.Res.762 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding community-based civil defense and power generation. [112th Congress (2011-2012)] – Sponsor: Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6] (Introduced 08/02/2012), Cosponsors listed: (all original cosponsors) Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ-2], Rep. Clarke, Yvette D. [D- NY-11], Rep. Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. [D-GA-4] H.R.3410 - Critical Infrastructure Protection Act [113th Congress (2013-2014)] – aka: CIPA – Sponsor: Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ-8] (Introduced 10/30/2013), Cosponsors: 21 total, 19 Republican, 2 Democrat S.1846 - Critical Infrastructure Protection Act of 2016 [114th Congress (2015-2016)] – aka: CIPA – Sponsor: Sen. Johnson, Ron [R-WI] (Introduced 07/23/2015), Cosponsor: Sen. Ted Cruz [R-TX] S.2232 - Next Generation GRID Act [115th Congress (2017-2018)] – Sponsor: Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] H.R.2962 - SMART Grid Study Act of 2013 [113th Congress (2013-2014)] – Sponsor: Rep. Payne, Donald M., Jr. [D-NJ-10] (Introduced 08/01/2013), Cosponsors: 37 total, 32 Democrat, 5 Republican https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 16/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook

See also this paper: SOLAR FLARES and EMP's do pose a threat, and we must “Harden the Grid”: [ PDF file format ] https://GordonWatts.com/SolarFlarePAPER.pdf https://GordonWayneWatts.com/SolarFlarePAPER.pdf NOTE: You might download a PDF copy for further research, but it is attached, for your convenience. https://www.Academia.edu/40529432/WATTS_SolarFlarePAPER https://Web.Archive.org/.../GordonWay.../SolarFlarePAPER.pdf https://Archive.vn/UgY63 https://Web.Archive.org/.../40529432/WATTS_SolarFlarePAPER TITLE: “Probability estimation of a catastrophic Carrington−like geomagnetic storm: Re−evaluated in new light of upcoming Maunder Minimum and recent decreases in geomagnetic field, after recent studies came to conflicting conclusions; Proposed solutions for citizens and lawmakers,” Author: Gordon Wayne Watts, First published: Wednesday, 02 October 2019, at Academia.edu G.W.///

WHITEHOUSE.GOV Executive Order on Lowering Prices for Patients by Eliminating Kickbacks to Middlemen | The White House

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Gordon Wayne Watts Rep. Ross Spano, R-FL-15: Re: https://Facebook.com/story.php? story_fbid=770948026808062&id=377392172830318… See More 1 Care · Reply · 5w

Dywan Washington II The truth is coming out and we know it's your opponent who donated to democrats. 3 Wow · Reply · 16w

Matt Fitez Dywan Washington II ross donated to a known domestic terrorist group. Maybe 1 Wow · Reply · 15w

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Doris Hiatt And you Mr Spano have mine and my husbands vote! Thank you for your continue care and support, helping us as you have! 4 Care · Reply · 16w

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Author Ross Spano Doris Hiatt Thank you Doris! 4 Care · Reply · 16w

Matt Fitez Doris Hiatt your vote didn't help. Ross lost 2 Sad · Reply · 15w

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Matthew Hooper If you are standing with Trump who is standing with the district? 11 Like · Reply · 16w

Tom Ucfdad

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Carol Evanson Tom Ucfdad how adult of you!

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Rick Breckinridge That's why your toady behind is leaving. Imagine being as obtuse as you... still... after all he's done to harm this nation and its Constitution. 2 Like · Reply · 15w

Jamie Hurst I pray you stand against Assembly bill A99 because noone and I mean NOONE will take my son from school. PEOPLE PLEASE LOOK IT UP

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Chris Violet Google Thomas Paul Griest, Krystealya Spano boyfriend. One of Orlando area biggest drug dealers.

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Van Alexander That investigation must feel good right about now 2 Like · Reply · 15w

Pat Perkins You will have no President Trump or vote unless a stimulus package is signed for the American People. #purplepower 2 https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 18/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook

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Robin Pomerantz Laidlaw

1 Like · Reply · 15w

Steve Martin You had that coming you crook. Next, a little walk with the Bar? 3 Like · Reply · 15w

Bill Clegg So how'd that tRump thing work out for you? Bye bye... 4 Like · Reply · 15w

Steve D'Angelo What kind of loser loses a primary as an incumbent? 2 Like · Reply · 15w

Steve D'Angelo Barry Gadd *former politician

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Mark Tulowiecki MAGA2020!

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Juan Francisco Gonzalez My thoughts and prayers. YOU LOST. 3 Like · Reply · 15w

Alex Blank I'm so proud to have voted today. God bless our democracy and Rule of Law! https://docs.google.com/.../1DtiNZobIn6dtJKFTfgPO.../edit...

DOCS.GOOGLE.COM Why I am Voting for Joe Biden

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Dennis Marrero You lost.....

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Matthew Hooper Poor Ross is daddy Trump going to help you now or just call you a loser? Good luck with your impending criminal charges. 3 https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 19/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook 3 Like · Reply · 15w

Chris Warner Another criminal politician

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Pray Instead We’re praying for you!

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Steve D'Angelo Just coming to check and see how it feels being an incumbent primary loser. Its too bad you will still keep a job in politics somehow.

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Leslie Hirschberg Comar Tudela You SHOULD know better to carry a loaded gun onto any airline flight despite your gun permit. What the he’ll were you thinking and did you NOT think it would be detected Utter stupidity and idiocy, ,Ike accusations of violation Of, campaign finance l… See More

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William Walsh I would appreciate your co-sponsorship of H.Res.1165 - Condemning Azerbaijan's military operation in Nagorno-Karabakh and denouncing Turkish interference in the conflict.

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Jody Hodges Shame on you

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Dennis Newton When Tom Selleck ( Magnum ) says " I think I've been around long enough to know what's what " I think that applies to the seniors of Florida too. We've seen our loved ones and friends die of Covid19, and saw how little our President and Governor care a… See More

TALKINGPOINTSMEMO.COM Trump Mocks The Elderly Days After Calling Seniors 'My Favorite People In The World'

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Dennis Newton Veterans across Florida no longer support Ross Spano. He has failed to stand up to Trump, who has repeatedly disparaged our troops and those that died in defense of our country.

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Karen Jones Republican Representative for the American People; I am writing this to express my dismay at the 2020 election. We spent the Obama terms watching while he cowered to other countries, sent our money to Iran, fostered a healthcare program that has resul… See More

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Chris Mohr As a Republican, I believe in the rule of law. Election officials and workers are getting death threats in Georgia as well as other states. So is Rudy Giuliani. Donald Trump has the right to demand recounts and take his case to the courts. But please t… See More

YOUTUBE.COM Georgia Republican BLASTS Trump

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Dennis Newton In 2008 Obama inherited what was at the time the largest economic collapse since the Great Depression. The only man in Washington who could oversee the 800 billion dollar "Recovery Act" was Joe Biden. It was Joe who built an economy that continued to g… See More

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Sylvester Waffles II I am so glad you lost the primary, now you can become a lobbyist and really screw over the people...lol

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Dennis Newton Latest update!! Trump’s worst nightmare! A nasty strong woman that’s fearless from Fox News! Fox News' Jennifer Griffin stands by report on Trump remarks on troops. https://l.facebook.com/l.php? u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffpost.com%2Fentry%2Ftrump-jenni… See More

HUFFPOST.COM Fox News Reporter Snaps Back As Trump Demands Her Firing For Confirming War Dead Story

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https://www.facebook.com/RossSpano/posts/4373377546035791 21/23 12/8/2020 Ross Spano - Posts | Facebook

Dennis Newton Covid19 is on the rise in over 40 states. Meanwhile our SuperSpreader in Chief and Pence are rushing state to state holding SuperSpreader Events. https://l.facebook.com/l.php? u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chicagotribune.com%2Fcolumns%2Frex-huppke%2Fct- trump-co… See More

CHICAGOTRIBUNE.COM Column: Trump fearlessly surrenders to the coronavirus as cases surge nationwide: ‘It’s going to be over,’ he lied

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Ross Spano September 11 · Remembering today..... and never forgetting.... 2,977 innocent lives taken....

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Judy Nicklo Praying God touch and comfort every family member who lost a love one through this tragedy on 9/11/2001!

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