Location Optimization of ATM Networks Somnath Basu Roy Chowdhury Biswarup Bhaacharya Sumit Agarwal Indian Institute of Technology Indian Institute of Technology Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302 Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302 Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT & infrastructure, potential criminal activity, maintenance & power ATMs enable the public to perform nancial transactions. Banks costs etc. e companies also consider the cost of seing up an ATM try to strategically position their ATMs in order to maximize trans- in such locations and the amount of return that can be estimated. actions and revenue. In this paper, we introduce a model which At last the companies can analyze whether the entire venture is provides a score to an ATM location, which serves as an indicator of successful. its relative likelihood of transactions. In order to eciently capture We dene a similar problem where we consider the ATM loca- the spatially dynamic features, we utilize two concurrent prediction tions of dierent banks in the state of California, USA. e location models: the local model which encodes the spatial variance by con- features like the population density, average income, living stan- sidering highly energetic features in a given location, and the global dard can be gathered from the given zipcodes. We try to form a model which enforces the dominant trends in the entire data and logical inference of the features at hand in order to assign accu- serves as a feedback to the local model to prevent overing. e rate priority to the appropriate features.