1 2 3 4 Page | 1 August 17, 2015 Honourable Bill Mauro Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry 6th Floor, Room 6630, Whitney Block 99 Wellesley Street West Toronto, ON M7A 1W3 Honourable Minister Mauro, Council of the Municipality of Grey Highlands passed the following resolution “Resolve, That Council of the Municipality of Grey Highlands supports the resolution as circulated by the County of Grey regarding the potential impacts caused by fracking operations and a copy of this resolution to be forwarded to the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, local M.P.P’s, County of Grey and all lower tier municipalities in Grey County.” A copy of the County of Grey resolution is attached. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Regards, Debbie Robertson, AMCT Clerk/Director Council & Legislative Services
[email protected] 519.986.1216 Ext. 233 cc: Association of Municipalities of Ontario County of Grey M.P.P. Grey County Lower Tier Municipalities The Municipality of Grey Highlands 206 Toronto Street South, Unit One P.O.Box 409 Markdale, Ontario N0C 1H0 519-986-2811 Toll-Free5 1-888-342-4059 Fax 519-986-3643 www.greyhighlands.ca
[email protected] 6 7 341 10th St. Hanover ON N4N 1P5 t 519.364.2780 | t 1.888.HANOVER | f 519.364.6456 | hanover.ca CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER & CLERK 8 Clerk's Department 595 gth Avenue East, Owen Sound Ontario N4K 3E3 519-372-0219 x 1227 / 1-800-567-GREY / Fax: 519-376-8998 July 9, 2015 Honourable Bill Mauro