Q & A 12 ASTRONAUT’S VIEW 20 SPACE LAUNCH 34 Neil deGrasse Tyson A realistic moon plan SLS versus commercial

SPECIAL REPORT SPACE DARK ENERGY DILEMMA Why NASA’s planet-hunting telescope is an easy budget target, and what defeat would mean PAGE 24

APRIL 2018 | A publication of the American Institute of Aeronautics andd Astronautics | aeroaerospaceamerica.aiaa.orgerospaceamerica.aiaa.org 9–11 JULY 2018 CINCINNATI, OH

ANNOUNCING EXPANDED TECHNICAL CONTENT FOR 2018! You already know about our extensive technical paper presentations, but did you know that we are now offering an expanded educational program as part of the AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition? In addition to our pre-forum short courses and workshops, we’ve enhanced the technical panels and added focused technical tutorials, high level discussion groups, exciting keynotes and more.


For complete program details please visit: propulsionenergy.aiaa.org FEATURES | April 2018 MORE AT aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org

20 34 40 24 Returning to Launching the Laying down the What next the moon Europa Clipper rules for space Senior research scientist NASA, Congress and We asked experts in for WFIRST? and former astronaut the White House are space policy to comment Tom Jones writes about debating which rocket on proposed United NASA’s three upcoming space what it would take to should send the probe Nations guidelines deliver the funds and into orbit close to this for countries and telescopes are meant to piece together political support for the Jovian moon. companies sending some heady puzzles, but the White Lunar Orbital Outpost- satellites and other craft House’s 2019 budget proposal would Gateway. By Tom Risen to space. kill funding for the Wide Field Infrared By Tom Jones By Debra Werner Survey Telescope.

By Amanda Miller

On the cover: A silhouette of NASA’s Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 1 25–29 JUNE 2018 ATLANTA, GEORGIA


The AIAA AVIATION Forum is the only aviation event that covers the entire integrated spectrum of aviation business, research, development, and technology. The forum will bring together autonomy, hybrid electric propulsion, digital design and manufacturing, and system integration to develop new vehicles, markets, and opportunities.

WHAT TO EXPECT i 2800+ Attendees i 1800+ Meeting Papers i Daily Networking Opportunities i Recruiting Event i Three New Courses i Celebration of the F-35 i Transformational Electric Flight i NASA’s University Leadership Initiative

REGISTER NOW aviation.aiaa.org/register AEROSPACE IN THIS ISSUE ++ +AMERICA + ++ APRIL 2018, VOL. 56, NO. 4 Tom Jones EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ben Iannotta Tom fl ew on four missions. On his last fl ight, STS-98, he led three spacewalks to install the American Destiny Laboratory on the [email protected] International Space Station. He has a doctorate in planetary sciences. ASSOCIATE EDITOR PAGE 20 Karen Small [email protected]

STAFF REPORTER Tom Risen Amanda Miller [email protected] Amanda is a freelance reporter and editor based near Denver with 20 years EDITOR, AIAA BULLETIN of experience at weekly and daily publications. Christine Williams PAGE 24 [email protected]

EDITOR EMERITUS Jerry Grey CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Tom Risen Tom Jones, Amanda Miller, As our staff reporter, Tom covers breaking news and writes features. He has Robert van der Linden, Debra Werner, reported for U.S. News & World Report, Slate and Atlantic Media. Frank H. Winter PAGES 8, 9, 10, 12, 34

James “Jim” Maser AIAA PRESIDENT John Langford AIAA PRESIDENT-ELECT Daniel L. Dumbacher PUBLISHER Rodger S. Williams DEPUTY PUBLISHER Debra Werner

ADVERTISING A frequent contributor to Aerospace America, Debra is also a West Coast [email protected] correspondent for Space News. PAGES 40, 64 ART DIRECTION AND DESIGN THOR Design Studio | thor.design

DEPARTMENTS MANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTION Association Vision | associationvision.com

LETTERS AND CORRESPONDENCE Ben Iannotta, [email protected] CASE STUDY Getting to know Mars 2020’s circuitry 16 Aerospace America (ISSN 0740-722X) is published monthly by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., at 12700 Valley Drive, Suite 200 4 Editor’s Notebook Reston, VA 20191-5807 [703-264-7500]. Subscription rate 9 10 is 50% of dues for AIAA members (and is not deductible therefrom). Nonmember subscription price: U.S., $200; 7 From the Corner Offi ce Trending Book Review foreign, $220. Single copies $20 each. Postmaster: Send The InSight lander The making of “2001: address changes and subscription orders to Aerospace 12 Q & A will be digging A Space Odyssey” America, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, for secrets on Mars at 12700 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA, 20191-5807, Attn: A.I.A.A. Customer Service. Periodical postage 49 AIAA Bulletin paid at Reston, Virginia, and at additional mailing offi ces. Copyright 2018 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., all rights reserved. 61 Career Opportunities 44 64 The name Aerospace America is registered by the AIAA in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Offi ce. Opinion Trajectories 62 Looking Back Here’s why the non- Rocket Lab USA’s nuclear option may be the Daniel Gillies best way to save Earth from an asteroid

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 3 EDITOR’S NOTEBOOK EDUCATION

Beating Silicon Valley at its own game

his month and next, students will head to fi elds in Wichita, Kansas, and The Plains, Virginia, for John Langford, two rites of spring that are taking on increased importance given the fi erce competition among who will become AIAA president in industries to attract the sharpest and most passionate minds . May, works as the I’m talking about AIAA’s annual Design Build Fly aircraft competition for undergraduate range safety offi cer teams from the U.S. and abroad, and the Team America Rocketry Challenge for U.S. students at the 2017 Team Tin grades 7 through 12. America Rocketry In Design Build Fly, teams design and build remote-controlled aircraft and then gather for a fl yoff to Challenge national fi nals. see who can best meet a rigorous set of requirements that are different each year . Last year’s fl yoff drew 73 National Association teams from as far away as Slovenia and India. of Rocketry In the rocketry challenge, teams of students from around the U.S. must build and fl y rockets that can carry a raw egg, sometimes two, to a specifi ed altitude and back within a required time without breakage. The specifi c rules and parameters are different each year. On average, fi ve thousand students compete lo- cally to be among the 100 teams that gather at The Plains outside Washington, D.C., in May for the fi nals of this competition put on by the Aerospace Industries Association and the National Association of Rocketry. So, if you’re one of those who worries that the best and brightest STEM minds are being lured to Silicon Valley or Wall Street to write code instead of revolutionizing aircraft or spacecraft, I would suggest that competitions like these are among the best ways to fi ght back. Silicon Valley’s products are in the hands of children soon after the crib if not while they are still in it. Children on average get their fi rst smartphone by age 10, according to the New York Times, citing 2016 research by the Infl uence Central marketing fi rm. That is down from 12 in 2012. And of course kids start playing with mom’s or dad’s phone much earlier. Being human, it’s only a matter of time before some of these kids start wondering how these games, apps and devices work; how they might make them do even more amazing things. Some of them will one day conceive of the next big step in information devices and concepts . I would not begrudge any young person for pursuing an education and career that leads to Silicon Valley, to Wall Street or even outside the world of science and technology. The point is to empower kids to fi nd their passions. If a young person never gets the chance for a hands-on encounter with aerospace technology, one that’s the equivalent of playing with the code of a computer game, then he or she did not truly make a choice. That’s the timely problem that the surging interest in aircraft and rocket challenges is beginning to solve. +

Ben Iannotta, editor-in-chief, [email protected]

4 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org 17–19 SEPTEMBER 2018 ORLANDO, FLORIDA


Stay tuned for more information: space.aiaa.org/GetAlerts 8–10 MAY 2018 LAUREL, MARYLAND

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It’s Been An Honor

t’s hard to believe that this is my last column as AIAA pres- with our student members, who are reaching out to AIAA’s expe- ident. I am proud of what we have accomplished together rienced members for advice. There are already hundreds of active and to have led AIAA during a period of positive change discussions ranging from space systems engineering to technical and organizational evolution. Although our transition to standards. AIAA Engage soon will be adding section-specifi c sites the new governance structure is ongoing, I believe that so members can discuss local issues. Iwe are already much better positioned to be fl exible and adapt as AIAA is always looking ahead. During my tenure, the Institute necessary to better serve our members and the industry. There are formalized its efforts to increase diversity and inclusion as a so many people who made possible our successful transition to starting point to a long-term and meaningful commitment. We date, including Sandy Magnus, my predecessors as president, Jim as an Institute and industry have much work to do in this area Albaugh and Mike Griffi n, and my fellow volunteer leaders and, but we’ve gotten the ball rolling and set the tone for the future. of course, all of you, the members. We shared the extraordinary As my term ends, we are also saying goodbye to amazing col- vision, dedication, courage to do what was right, rather than leagues and welcoming new ones. While it took scores of people what was easy. Because of this hard work, our Institute is now on to transform AIAA into a more nimble and essential organization, a path to be strategically focused, relevant, and better positioned few had a deeper impact than Sandy Magnus. Sandy’s energy, to deliver programs and events that will help our members and courage, and determination were key to many of the strategic the global aerospace industry fl ourish. changes and “wins” we had during the past fi ve years. She leaves The changes put into motion over the past few years are the Institute both fi nancially stable and well positioned for the already paying dividends. This January’s AIAA SciTech Forum in future. Her strategic vision and determination led the way. I know Kissimmee, FL, had the largest attendance ever—with more than I speak for her staff and fellow members when I wish her all the 4,200 professional and student participants from 39 countries and best in her next adventure. all 50 states. High-level discussions about “fl ying cars,” digital We are excited and fortunate to have Dan Dumbacher take engineering, and autonomous vehicles packed rooms. Attendees the helm as the Institute’s new executive director. He has been an dove into the details during technical and Forum 360 sessions AIAA member for more than 30 years. I certainly can tell you that covering ground-breaking aerospace technical and scientifi c Dan has taken the role with an amazing amount of enthusiasm research, with the session on “Disrupting Aerospace Business and energy, and I am sure that Dan’s experience in government, Models” garnering more than 110,000 views on Livestream! Our academia, and his work with private industry during 35 years at forum event strategy is working! NASA will help take AIAA to the next level. In May, I will hand off As you know, next year is the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 the president’s gavel to my successor, John Langford. John, a mem- and the fi rst manned lunar landing. I am excited that the In- ber for more than 40 years, is CEO and president of Aurora Flight ternational Astronautical Federation selected AIAA to host the Sciences, now a Boeing Company, and has the forward-thinking 70th International Astronautical Congress in Washington, DC, entrepreneurial spirit that is sure to help draw a new generation in October 2019 during this pivotal time. The event will bring of aerospace professionals to AIAA. together thousands of decision makers from all sectors of the Thank you for the opportunity to be your president. I look global space industry, creating opportunities to collaborate with forward to working with Dan and John for the rest of my term, top international innovators and discuss the latest space discov- and then as chair of the AIAA Foundation. We are all part of a eries and advancements—and what that next giant leap might be. tremendous organization with limitless potential. If we remain Giving AIAA’s members a more infl uential voice is part of AIAA’s future-focused and increase our reach, relevance, and engagement mission and a focal point of the new governance structure, which there is nothing we can’t accomplish together. + provides you with a greater say in AIAA’s future. We also launched a new social platform in January to connect our members to each other and bring the aerospace community together. AIAA Engage (engage.aiaa.org) is a place where you can meet fellow aerospace professionals, share your challenges, fl oat new ideas, build your JimJim Maser network, and further your career. The platform has resonated AIAA President

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 7 TRENDING DISCOVERY

Rare World War II planes found BY TOM RISEN | [email protected]

istorians now have color images of rare U.S. naval aviation curator at the National Air and A Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat World War II planes, and families know the Space Museum in Washington, D.C. Paul G. Allen fi nal resting place of 216 U.S. sailors and The Lexington was also notable as a “very un- airmen killed during the Battle of the Coral usual aircraft carrier,” since it was converted from A Douglas TBD-1 Sea, following the research vessel Petrel’s a battle cruiser, says retired U.S. Marine Col. Mark Devastator torpedo Hdiscovery of a wrecked aircraft carrier scuttled in 1942. Cancian, a military expert at the Center for Strategic bomber found with the The Petrel researchers located the wreckage and International Studies in Washington, D.C. wreckage of the USS Lexington. of the USS Lexington on the fl oor of the Coral Sea The 35 U.S. planes that sank onboard the Lex- Paul G. Allen 3,000 meters deep and 800 kilometers off the east- ington included Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat fi ghter ern coast of Australia, according to a March press planes and Douglas TBD-1 Devastator torpedo release from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s team. bombers. The painted decals on some of the planes Researchers located the wreck with the sonar and sea are still intact, similar to some other wrecks at that fl oor mapping instruments on a Remus 6000 auton- depth, where there is little oxygen or life to erode omous underwater vehicle built by Norway-based the paint, Burke says. Kongsberg, which says the vessel can dive to 6,000 “The Japanese had trained for multicarrier task meters. A separate remotely operated underwater groups so the ships could reinforce each other,” he vehicle with LED lights videotaped the wreckage. says. “The Zero [Mitsubishi-built fi ghter plane] was The expedition was funded by Allen, who has paid unquestionably faster and more maneuverable than for other attempts to locate the wreckage of World the Wildcat, but was also more vulnerable to gun fi re.” War II ships. The planes are a rare find and “tempting” to Japanese fi ghter planes launched from aircraft raise from the ocean, especially because there are carriers severely damaged the Lexington, forcing the no intact TBD Devastators on dry land, Burke says. destroyer USS Phelps to scuttle the vessel on May “The [U.S.] Navy still owns the planes and would 8, 1942, after the surviving crew abandoned ship. have to give permission for recovery,” he says. “I The Battle of the Coral Sea was “the fi rst pure believe the depth also makes recovery extremely aircraft carrier battle,” meaning one in which oppos- diffi cult.” ing ships attacked each other with aircraft without Locating the wreckage is signifi cant because directly seeing each other, says Laurence Burke, it could now be designated as a war gravesite. +

8 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org TRENDING SPACE SCIENCE

InSight lander

Length: 6 meters from Width: Mass: InSight left to right below 2 meters front 360 kilograms (each solar panel to back below measures 2.2 meters) Deck height: digs 1.3 meters Temperature and Wind for InSight (TWINS) These twin sensors are repackaged Rotation and Interior Structure versions of temperature and wind Experiment (RISE) for Mars speed sensors on the Curiosity Two X-band antennas will measure distance from rover. They protrude from opposite Mars to Earth to calculate how far Mars wobbles sides of the top of the lander. as it rotates on its axis during its orbit around secrets the sun, which can reveal details about the Martian core.

Mars Cube One These two briefcase-sized cubesats (not Seismic Experiment for pictured here) will be the fi rst in deep space. They will be released from the Atlas Interior Structure (SEIS) 5 rocket separately from InSight, and make A robotic arm will place this sphere- their way to Mars to receive data from the shaped seismometer onto the surface lander and relay the information to Earth. to measure seismic waves caused by meteor strikes, marsquakes and the tidal pull from the Martian moon Phobos or other factors. The arm also Heat Flow and Physical will cover SEIS with a dome-shaped Properties Probe (HP3) wind and thermal shield. A self-hammering spike called the mole will sink deeper into the surface every few seconds, with a goal of reaching 5 meters, the deepest humans have dug outside planet Earth. Instrument deployment cameras The mole will pull a tether of Engineers will monitor operations with a temperature sensors into the medium-resolution color camera on the ground. robotic arm, and look around the landing site

with a fi sh-eye color camera on the base. Source: Staff research, NASA

The lander will measure heat beneath May 5 and June 8 to land on Mars and take the fi rst comprehensive measurements of the planet’s interior that could determine how other the planet’s surface for answers about rocky planets including Earth are formed. The InSight probe, which is why its core cooled, unlike Earth’s. short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport, built by Lockheed Martin, will launch on an Atlas Scientists don’t know why the core of Mars cooled, causing it to 5 rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on a six-month stop generating plate tectonics and the type of magnetic fi eld that journey to the red planet. InSight aims to dig deeper into Mars than protects the atmosphere of Earth from being stripped away by humans have ever dug on another world, so JPL chose a landing site solar winds. NASA theorizes that without that magnetic protection that is relatively rock free. InSight is the fi rst mission with the goal Mars lost its atmosphere and possibly oceans over the eons. NASA- of measuring the heat fl ow within Mars, and the fi rst deep space funded Jet Propulsion Laboratory plans to launch a probe between mission to be accompanied by orbiting cubesats. — Tom Risen

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 9 BOOK REVIEW FILM HISTORY Warner Bros.

2001: Space futurism Michael Benson chronicles the making of the Oscar-winning fi lm 50 years later

BY TOM RISEN | [email protected]

ations around the world are planning mis- Keir Dullea in the role sions to the moon; businesses are meeting of Dr. Dave Bowman, the mission pilot and scien- to discuss mining of deep space resources; tist aboard Discovery and artifi cial intelligence is becoming a part One in “2001: A Space of daily life. The Oscar-winning movie “2001: Odyssey.” NA Space Odyssey” is among the works of science fi ction that inspired the age of space exploration that we live in today, and its fi lmmakers did so by brainstorming with space and technology visionaries before Apollo 11 had even landed the first humans on the moon. Michael Benson, a fi lmmaker and author of several books about space, exhaustively researched the making of the 1968 cult classic for his new book “Space Odyssey: Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke, and the Making of a Masterpiece.” The book is due out in the U.S. and Canada in April to commemorate the fi lm’s 50th anniversary. Benson richly describes how filmmaker Stan- ley Kubrick and novelist Arthur C. Clarke met in 1964 to co-write a movie about concepts includ- SPACE ODYSSEY: STANLEY ing extraterrestrials, human exploration and the KUBRICK, ARTHUR C. CLARKE, power of technology to both create and destroy. AND THE MAKING OF A Benson outlines the film’s origin by drawing on MASTERPIECE candid photos from the fi lm set, interviews with friends and colleagues of the late Kubrick and Clarke, including By Michael Benson Kubrick’s widow, and the men’s personal journals. This Simon & Schuster saga also features encounters they had with icons in- $30 hardcover

10 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org Actors Gary Lockwood and Keir Dullea fl ank author Arthur C. Clarke at a 1968 premiere of the movie.

cluding astrophysicist Carl Sagan and beat poet Allen Ginsberg, and other details that immerse readers in the zeitgeist of 1960s London and . The movie envisioned people from all nations living on the moon and space stations, albeit with Russians and Americans researching separately. Cold War rivalry between Russia and the U.S. was at its peak when the fi lm debuted in 1968, and Kubrick was fresh off the success of his Oscar-nominated “Dr. Strange- love” about nuclear war. Americans in the fi lm lead the fateful mission to Jupiter where the crew of the Dis- covery was sent to search for alien life with the space- ship’s HAL-9000, an artifi cial intelligence character now synonymous with visions of a machine uprising.

Cinephiles will love details about the auteurs and Stanley Kubrick in 1968 stories of actors on the set, but these can sometimes overshadow examples in the 444-page book of the fi lm’s space futurism that inspired science fi ction fi lmmak- Tom Hanks, who performed scenes in microgravity ers including George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg. during “Apollo 13” by fi lming on NASA’s KC-135 plane. Benson recounts how the smallest details in the Benson’s book made me realize that in the decades fi lm’s sets, costumes and backstory were all made after the debut of “2001,” life is not imitating art but it’s by Clarke and Kubrick with an eye for capturing not far off. Airliners are not ferrying people to a Hilton how humanity’s journey into space would shape hotel on a space station that spins to maintain gravity society. The production team of “2001” included but rocket company Blue Origin’s Jeff Bezos has spoken German-born designer Harry Lange, who had pre- about space tourism as a potential business model. viously worked at NASA as the head of its “future There is no moon base, but efforts to send humans projects” section, and Frederick Ordway, NASA’s back to the moon are more international than Kubrick former chief of space information systems, who had and Clarke dreamed of during the Cold War. Russia helped develop the Saturn 5 rocket. Bell Labs, IBM and the U.S. are collaborating on a Lunar Orbital and Hewlett Packard were among the tech fi rms that Platform-Gateway space station for an orbit between advised the fi lmmakers. The sentient supercomputer Earth and the moon. The European Space Agency is HAL-9000 was created with expertise from cryptolo- also gathering international commitments to partner gist I.J. Good and cognitive scientist Marvin Minsky. on a Moon Village, which is intended to be a research Kubrick created the illusion of microgravity station on the lunar surface open to all nations. with tricks including foreground sets locked to a NASA is also designing the Europa Clipper probe camera that rotated as the backgrounds remained to orbit Jupiter and search for extraterrestrial life on stationary, giving the illusion of a corridor spinning the icy moon of Europa. The probe probably won’t in space. To add context for Kubrick’s ingenuity to fi nd a giant black monolith left by aliens or rebel simulate space travel, Benson’s book has received against NASA like HAL-9000, but the mission will advance praise from Hollywood veterans, including take humans on the next step of our space odyssey. +

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 11 Q & A NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON

“STEM illiteracy could be the thing that completely unravels the standing that the United States has.” Q&A NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON

POSITIONS: Host of “Cosmos” TV documentary and “ Talk” podcast. Director of Hayden Science Planetarium in New York City since 1996. Staff scientist at Hayden Planetarium from 1994 to 1996. communicator NOTABLE : Director of the Hayden Planetarium during the reconstruction completed in 2000. In 2004, served on President George W. Bush’s “Moon, Mars and Beyond” commission, which strophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson has emerged as held public hearings and recommended an outspoken defender in the U.S. of science and priorities for NASA. Popularized the term “Manhattanhenge” in Natural History magazine its underlying processes, all of which he suggests to describe the alignment of the sun are dangerously ignored in Congress and the White with the street grid of island. More online House these days. As frustrating as things can be, Ahe says it is possible to discuss science without resorting to AGE: 59 aerospace screaming. I spoke to Tyson on the phone about the Trump america. administration, the ethos of science and technology, our RESIDENCE: New York aiaa.org collective future and the next season of “Cosmos,” his EDUCATION: Bachelor’s degree in physics 21st-century update of the groundbreaking 1980 television from Harvard University; master’s degree in documentary hosted by Carl Sagan. astronomy from University of Texas at Austin; — Tom Risen doctorate in astrophysics from Columbia University.

12 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org IN HIS WORDS can make informed decisions regarding it, including decisions regarding who represents you, not only in municipal government New episodes of “Cosmos” but in federal government. And so if you choose not to, then you It’ll be the same spirit and the same DNA as the previous will bankrupt your state. “Cosmos,” as well as the “Cosmos” back in 1980. And that DNA is about what it is to be a participant in the ecosystem of the world, Nomination of Rep. Jim Bridenstine, R-Okla., for NASA as opposed to being distinct and separate from it. We are trained administrator to think of science in these stovepipes. You’re a biologist, you’re a What’s interesting to me is not what he has said in the past, but chemist or you’re a geologist and you have a show that covers all of is he capable of learning things he did not know in the past, and them and it sounds like it’s broad. But Earth doesn’t care what you what knowledge will he be taking forward into that job? That’s are when an asteroid comes. Ann Druyan, who is a sort of creative what educators do, we try to enlighten people. If he says, I’m force of this show, is deeply scientifi cally literate and even more sticking to my guns, I’m incapable of seeing what the scientists deeply enlightened with regard to the human condition. She was are saying, if he then becomes head of NASA, and then implements one of the original writers in 1980 [and later Carl Sagan’s wife] . the direction of NASA in consort with those ideas, then NASA will fade on the world stage of space exploration. Other countries who Scientists as expert commentators do understand what science is and how and why it works will pass If a bridge falls down, I’m not going to volunteer to be the person us by, like Russia, India, especially China. We can sit here and who comments on the structural failure of the metal members of debate climate change forever, go right ahead, just don’t expect the bridge. No, I would say go fi nd an engineer for that. If there is the United States to lead the world in anything going forward. a question that relates to the universe and my answer needs to tap the chemistry, geology, whatever, if that happens to be outside of my Republicans and climate science specifi c expertise, then I’ll do some homework and brush up on that. Not only is it the Environmental Protection Agency that banned lead in paints and other things under a Republican president, Scientists advocating in politics it was the EPA that was created under a Republican president, Should scientists address members of Congress? I’m not going to President [Richard] Nixon. And when the EPA came online there say what they should or shouldn’t. I will never tell someone what was a Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. If you’re a Republican they should do. If I’m asked to testify , then I will. That’s just you’re and you’re denying human-caused climate change, that’s odd to doing a citizen duty. I’m not going to lobby Congress, because that me, because you’d have to then be denying science. And there’s a means I’m telling Congress what they should do separate from lot of other science that they do not deny, like quantum physics, what their electorate tells them what to do, and I’m not going to do which is responsible for the computers and the cellphones that. I don’t focus on elected offi cials because they are elected by they use. What I think is really going on is, they don’t want any an electorate. So if the lawmaker happens to not be scientifi cally legislation related to curtailing climate change to negatively literate, it means the people who voted that person into offi ce are infl uence their investment portfolio or the industries that people also either not scientifi cally literate, or they do not care that the think would get hurt, hurt as in economically hurt by such person that represents them is scientifi cally literate or not. legislation. What should happen is they should say, “Oh, we recognize the science, we just don’t care. I care more about the Science education and democracy money I’m going to make in the next six months than the effect You could talk yourself till you’re blue in the face getting a that this will have on the environment in fi ve years or 10 years.” [congressional] representative to think one way about science At that point it’s pure politics and money, rather than science. relative to another, and then they’re up for re-election in two years. And somebody else comes in. Now you’ve got to do that Targeting of environmental science again? Well, you can bypass that entire exercise and educate the [President Donald Trump] doesn’t talk much about science at all. public. That’s what “Cosmos” does, that’s what books do, that’s So it’s very hard to link any specifi c policy being implemented what documentaries do, that’s what I do. I say as an educator, I on anything. We have representative government. You never had should train people what science is and how and why it works, episodes of people debating what science was true or not, when and what are the consequences of actions and inactions. You can it came time to think intelligently about legislation. So it means choose to not teach science in the school classroom, because that people who voted for Trump, they either know about the education is local, it’s not federal, because it’s not mentioned in science and don’t care, or they don’t know about the science. So the Constitution, therefore, it is handed over to the states. You can you get the country you voted for in a democracy. If the nation does teach Earth is fl at and, OK; I’m not going to scream at you, I’m not embrace STEM, it will cost us economically, it’ll cost us with just not, I don’t have the time or energy to do so. What I will say regard to our health, it’ll cost us with regard to our security. is, if you teach people that Earth is fl at, you are disenfranchising your community, your state, from any future industry moving their New York and fl ood risks of climate change factory or their headquarters into your community. Because the It seems like people are more and interested in spending 10 growth industries of this world are all tech-driven, science-driven, times as much money to rebuild as they are to prevent themselves engineering-driven. And if you care about wealth and health and from having to rebuild in the fi rst place. You say, “Let’s build security, then you better start becoming STEM literate so that you a higher fl ood wall, we’ve never had a fl ood that high before.”

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 13 And then a fl ood that never happened before happens and takes out half the city. It may be unique to America, but it’s probably something human. We’re not good at being pre-emptive about things that we don’t physically see or experience. So the countries that have such foresight, that do make such investment are the ones that will assure their survival and their continuance on the other side of that catastrophe. STEM illiteracy could be the thing that completely unravels the standing that the United States has come to build and enjoy out of the 20th century.

Engineers in astrophysics The last thing you should tell an engineer is “design this however you want and here’s an unlimited budget.” But if you say, “it’s got to College of DuPage be under 30 kilograms and it’s got to happen within this budget and it’s got to be done within this amount of time,” then extraordinary creativity unfolds. In my fi eld, we depend heavily on innovative engineers. For example, how do you put a telescope mirror that’s bigger than the diameter of a fairing, on a launch fairing of a rocket? Neil deGrasse Tyson says there are more opportunites for STEM They fi gured out how to unfurl a mirror, and then, boom, you’ve got careers now than when he was a youth. High school students a mirror bigger than the fairing. I still deeply enjoy doing original investigate careers in the science, technology, engineering and research, it’s just hard to fold that into the rest of my activities, so math fi elds with hands-on activities at a community college. much of which are trying to enhance public appreciation for science through books and radio and TV and the like. But I have this fantasy that one day I give it all up and just go back to the lab. “Today there are more Challenges, opportunities for science careers Today there are more opportunities to be an astrophysicist outside opportunities to be an of academia. There’s an entire space industry, for example. You can be an astrophysicist for Lockheed Martin or for Boeing or for Northrop Grumman. You can work for NASA in multiple ways in astrophysicist outside many of their centers at JPL and Goddard in Maryland, for example. Possibly even SpaceX or for Bigelow. They all need astro folks who of academia. There’s an are trained in physics, who think about the universe, who know how to code. So it’s not different from when I was growing up in the sense that the path of study is the same. The physics, the math, entire space industry. ... the rigor, the focus, the intensity, the commitment, especially. What you do with it afterward is just a matter where your interests fall. Do you want to stay in academia, do you want to go out to industry? They all need astro folks.” The only other difference is today, there are many more occasions for a person to bring the universe to the public.

Diversity in hiring and advancement in aerospace Advancement is different from hiring, of course. I’m not close and they are paid way better than you are if you stay in academia. enough to that world to have insight into how well it’s doing or not. That’s also true just for going to industry at all, that’s the allure There were some very powerful women in the aerospace industry in of industry. They’ll pay you at least 50 percent again of what you the past, but the fact that I can name them means there weren’t would get paid if you stayed being an academic scientist. The many of them. Joanne Maguire [former executive vice president best of the managers are the ones who understand the mindset of at Lockheed Martin], for example, was very powerful, highly a STEM professional when it’s time to manage them and inspire infl uential and there’s also the WIA, Women in Aerospace. That’s them and to make the right decisions going forward. a very well-organized community of women in the fi eld and they would surely have statistics on this. I just don’t know. Coexisting parallel universes, a multiverse? In a multiverse there’s an unlimited number of universes, all with Doing science for defense contractors slightly different laws of physics, in the model that we’re thinking I’m not one to judge their ethical compass on this. I can say about today. There’s good theoretical justifi cation to think that way that some fraction of us do exactly this: They go into an industry [because of] quantum fl uctuations in the early universe. We create and will participate in classifi ed research in the service of the bubbles, each bubble will then have its own laws of physics that defense of the country. Less than 10 percent do so, but they do would expand, contract, so we’d be in one such bubble.

14 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org Studying the Big Bang have a watering hole and there’s another tribe that wants to fi ght Right now we can see 380,000 years after the Big Bang, using you for the watering hole, a third of that 100 people could end up electromagnetic-wave telescopes. However, neutrino telescopes, dead. There are some countries that were small where a third of gravitational-wave telescopes, can pierce that wall, and enable the people died in the Second World War, but when you take the us to see much farther back in time to the fi rst fractions of a war in total, no, that’s not what happened. As much as we ran second, after the explosion. The LIGO [pronounced lie-go, the Laser ramshackle over Germany, the fraction of Germany’s population Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory] gravitational that died in the war is smaller than that of hunter-gatherers. And light telescopes in Louisiana and in Washington state detect gravity by the way, why is a nuke somehow spiritually different than a waves, and there’s several others being built around the world. Those missile that doesn’t have a nuke? To say today we have a nuclear get even more sensitive and better designed, then we can part that warhead and so [our scientifi c power has outrun our spiritual curtain and see even before [the Big Bang]. We have ideas of what power ] is missing the actual likelihood of you dying in warfare. happened before, but it’d be nice to get fi rst-hand evidence. Astronaut gene editing Risks of artifi cial intelligence We will have very high control over our genome in the not-so- All technologies have dangers. I don’t see the future of AI in that role distant future. If there’s some feature that we need to adjust, being fundamentally different from challenges we’ve had to face in the spacefarers would get their genes adjusted and then they’d the past. There’s the concern that AI just will get up and say, “Oh, we go into space. I don’t see adjusting DNA because you want to be don’t need humans; humans are a scourge of the world.” I’m glad a spacefarer as a moral issue. I don’t see that as any different, science fi ction writers are portraying those futures. It means these really, from what anybody else is already doing with their lives. We are futures we will know we don’t want, and then put in protections make changes to our bodies that don’t involve DNA adjustment. for us. Will AI make us more lazy than television has? With television For example, if you’re an Olympic competitor, your body is really you have to sit there and do nothing else. If instead, you are in some different from everybody else’s, and it didn’t happen genetically, it kind of virtual simulator and you’re spending 30 hours a week on happened because you trained 40 hours a week. that, I think the net effect is the same. Artifi cial-gravity spaceships Autonomous fl ight The concern about zero gravity is then you design a spaceship that We are already deeply embedded in AI. The Boeing 777 airplane is spins up, and then you have artifi cial gravity. It’s solvable instantly fl own by computers [pilots say much of the time] . We have contained and not enough research has been put into that, basically. So if the kinds of decisions they make for very specifi c roles. I see the you go on any real long space journey, just design something that future of AI as being very tuned to specifi c needs of our lives. That’s rotates. Reality seems to be behind science fi ction in that regard. been the trend and I don’t see why that wouldn’t continue. Hibernation in deep space Government search for alien life I don’t see it as a priority. There is no meaningful talk of I think in the next 50 years we will know whether or not there’s suspended animation for space travel. In science fi ction stories any life at all on Mars or Europa or any other places in the solar the premise is we would go into hibernation. The questions you system. So, SETI [the search for intelligent life] is a small percent have to ask are how much are you saving? And do people who of the total money spent on astrophysics. It’s completely sensible had spent time in the suspended animation, do they live longer? that some fraction of any total research budget goes into a If you look at mammals that hibernate, you know their heart rate very-low-probability, but high-impact discovery. I think if you drops and their metabolism slows down. So you have to ask, “Why interviewed the community of astrophysicists, we’re all perfectly would we want to do this? Is it to save food?” [If] you’re not going happy that some amount of money goes into that exploit. I’d want to die later than you’d otherwise die, it’s really just to save food. the Pentagon to look at things that might be a security risk. And But really, is food the heaviest thing you’re worried about on this if an F-18A infrared sensor fi nds something we don’t understand, trip? If we’re traveling in the solar system, then it’s fi ve years I’d hope they’d be checking it out. As for eyewitness testimony of here, 10 years there. But so what? Just go get a movie account or pilots, this is a very low form of evidence in science. something, and bring books.

Is Earth ready for alien visitors? Private space missions to Mars, moon There is no day where I think we would be ready, it’ll just happen None of this is going to happen unless there’s an economic return and we’ll all freak out, but then we’ll get used to it. If we meet for it. It’s not going to happen because we want to do it. This was them, it means they came to us, which means they’re light years a big mistake we all made in the 1960s: “Oh we’re on the moon in ahead of us in technology. the 1960s, yeah we’ll be on Mars by 1985, and we’ll have colonies.” We went to the moon because [the Cold War] took us there. In a Nuclear weapons: spiritual vs. scientifi c power free democracy, a capitalist democracy, there’s two reasons why The 20th century didn’t invent war. Every generation since we were we would do anything that’s supremely expensive: One of them is hunter-gatherers, a smaller and smaller percentage of people have because we don’t want to die, that would be a war driver, and the died at the hands of an enemy force, even into the 20th century. other is we can get fi lthy rich, that’s the economic driver. If neither of So in other words, if you’re a tribe of 100 people, let’s say, and you those two are satisfi ed, I just simply don’t see it happening. +

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 15 CASE STUDY ELECTRONICS

For Mars 2020, circuitry is a key

NASA’s Mars rovers have always posed fascinating power and circuitry challenges, and so it is with the Mars 2020 rover now in assembly at the NASA-funded Jet Propulsion Lab in California. Dale McKeeby of California- based Pioneer Circuits explains the rover’s innovative circuitry scheme.


16 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org ur staff here at Pioneer Circuits began 2-meter-long arm to gather pellet-like core samples working on Mars rovers in 1994 when of Martian soil and rock with a drill, and take pic- we received a request from NASA’s Jet tures of the samples. Overall, the rover will have 23 Propulsion Lab in California to build cameras compared to Curiosity’s 17. Specifi cally, a circuitry for an upcoming mission now mostly titanium mast will rise from its chassis holding Oknown as Mars Pathfi nder. The mission’s 10.6-kilo- Mastcam-Z, a collection of cameras for zooming in gram rover, called Sojourner, was the fi rst ever on the on terrain, taking 3-D pictures and panoramic shots. Martian surface, but when we joined the project, JPL These devices will need to receive power from the thought mass limits would rule out a rover in favor rover’s two batteries, and commands from the rover’s of a stationary lander. The problem was the weight brain consisting of two Rover Compute Elements. of the hard wiring necessary to deliver power to the Images must also fl ow back to the brain for navi- rover’s electronics, including its visual system and gation and for transmission to Earth. The circuitry the high gain antenna for communications between for this must withstand the extreme temperatures the rover and the Deep Space Network antennas on of the Martian environment, and the circuitry must Earth. Analysis showed this wiring would weigh 0.7 be fl exible given that the rover will roll across rugged kilograms — enough to make the rover oversized terrain, fold its mast into its upright position and and overweight. extend its arm to drill samples. Pioneer took on the challenge and built a 30-layer The mast was a special challenge. It must be fl exible printed wiring board, PWB, that replaced all folded down during landing and will then fold up of the hard wiring and reduced the weight to only to properly position Mastcam-Z about 1.5 meters 87 grams. This multilayer rigid fl ex PWB construc- over the rover’s chassis. To deliver power and cre- tion provided a conduit for communicating data, ate a data pathway to Mastcam-Z, we chose an including telemetry for guidance control and video, Extended Length Flex Cable similar to those on while simultaneously supplying electrical power to Curiosity, Spirit and Opportunity. We developed components. What made the circuitry special was this technology about 20 years ago and tested it not its constituent components of copper-clad, with JPL. At the time, we had just learned that the polyimide fi lm and acrylic adhesive. Rather, it was Opportunity and Spirit rovers required a never-be- the manufacturing process. We devised a composite fore-seen 2.13-meter-long, four-layer, shielded fl ex process in which individual sublaminates were bond- circuit to connect all internal electronics, provid- ed together with heat, pressure and adhesives. Our ing the rovers with control, communications and challenge was the structural instability of the base video signal to Earth. To create such a long cable, material, which made the part inherently diffi cult to we devised a proprietary technique for splicing laminate. We devised tooling that compensated for together long fl ex circuits consisting of polyimide this inherent instability. Instead of wires, electricity 0.002 mil-thick fi lm and copper-clad sheets. Our NASA fl owed through different circuits in the same rigid splice technology ensures fl exibility between the board construction through which data was routed. joints via a unique stress relieving technique we This is an artist’s rendering of the Mars The construction of this PWB is a composite of rigid developed. We applied this technology to Mars 2020, 2020 rover, which is and fl exible circuits that cross from one rigid sec- which needs fl ex circuits of up to 10.66 meters. Also, being assembled at tion to the next with fl exible circuit interface. This because the components of the Mars 2020 rover NASA’s Jet Propulsion way, the assembly could be bent to interconnect were more complicated, we needed to condense Lab in California. all of the rover’s communications, telemetry and even more power into these circuits. visual modules. The reliability of this “splice” technology and the The little rover, which would have been consid- extended length fl ex has surpassed even the most ered a success if it had lasted only 1 sol or Martian optimistic projections. The life span of Opportunity, day (about 24 hours and 37 minutes), ended up for instance, was predicted to be 90 days, and as we lasting 90, giving credibility to fl exible circuitry for all know, Opportunity is still generating pictures Mars rover applications. and scientifi c data from the Martian surface today. Our contribution to the success of the Mars Mars 2020 posed a unique challenge for our splice Pathfi nder rover positioned Pioneer as a partner fl ex circuits. These must deliver electricity from the with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab for many more rover’s two batteries to its electronics, including the robotic discoveries across the red planet, including 23 cameras, and also provide data pathways to help the Opportunity, Spirit, Curiosity and now, the Mars the rover navigate, avoid hazards and take images 2020. This new rover, in assembly at JPL, will weigh of samples. The large number of cameras meant in at 1,050 kilograms and measure about the length we had to increase the layer count for the fl ex from of a sedan, not including its robotic arm. Its design four to six to connect such complex modules. With posed familiar power and circuitry challenges, but the splice technology. I worked closely with the JPL in much larger amounts. Mars 2020 must extend its team, when they brought a mock-up of the mast

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 17 Pioneer Circuits tested its latest fl exible circuitry on this mock-up of the Mars 2020 rover’s mast. NASA

The copper clad in this image gives rigid fl ex circuits their fl exibility. Pioneer Circuits They are inside the cameras of the Mars 2020 rover.

18 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org This image taken by the Curiosity rover on the Martian surface shows the extended length fl ex fl ight part (brown, fl at cable that starts on deck and wraps around the mast) that powers the camera and the rest of the rover. NASA

Dale McKeeby, vice president of engineering at Pioneer Circuits of Santa Ana, California. He joined the company in 1991 and now leads research and development, concurrent engineering, and prototype manufacturing for the Deep Space sector. Pioneer’s other here to our facilities, to make sure the upgrades to would also have the highest reliability. I provided business sectors are military the fl ex circuit would work and be just as reliable open communication with the JPL team, provid- applications, satellites and for the Mars 2020 rover. ing weekly updates and sharing challenges of the avionics. Email Also, the electronics inside these cameras utilize different confi gurations along the way. JPL then [email protected] rigid flex circuits, which combine the durability pulled up original design drawings from previous of rigid circuits with the reliability and fl exibility of rovers and worked with us to update it for the new fl ex circuits. The main objectives of using fl ex and confi guration. rigid fl ex circuits was to overcome space and weight The rover’s human-like arm will have a Force confi nements as well as to improve reliability as we Torque Sensor to detect the forces applied to the did for the original Mars Pathfi nder Sojourner rover. arm to give the robot feedback and help it be fl exible Back during development of the other rovers, I recall and adaptable in its movements. Several companies sitting in a NASA board meeting with JPL where including JPL and Motiv Space Systems came to different project managers were answering questions. Pioneer for help with multilayer fl ex circuit man- One key question was what percentage of hard wir- ufacturing as well as the diffi cult fi nal assembly. ing on the rovers after Sojourner could be replaced The arm’s newly developed, multilayer flexible by fl ex circuits. The answer to this was 17 to 20 percent, circuit package provides for fi ner torque control. which satisfied the NASA question. This meeting In fact, the Force Torque Sensor system is the most laid a strong foundation and path forward for the complex fl ex circuit assembly ever integrated into JPL team and me to work on the rigid fl ex parts for a Mars rover arm. future rovers. Overall, Mars 2020 adds to the list of fl exible For Mars 2020, we relied on mock-ups to develop circuit technologies that power the capabilities of the tightest and most robust confi gurations that Mars rovers. +

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 19 ASTRONAUT’S VIEW POLICY

Wanted: a realistic moon plan

The Trump administration wants to return Americans to the moon, fi rst in orbit, followed by expeditions to the surface. Questions abound about the plan’s feasibility. Astronaut and planetary scientist Tom Jones offers advice for avoiding a third failed attempt to get Americans back to our celestial neighbor.

BY TOM JONES | www.AstronautTomJones.com

[email protected]

20 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org n announcing the Trump administration’s strategy for returning to the moon, Acting NASA Administrator Robert Lightfoot told I an audience in Huntsville, Alabama, that the agency would work with contractors to construct a minimalist outpost near the moon to support astronauts on annual visits of increasing du- ration, while serving as a tech lab and transportation hub for eventual sorties to the surface. My sense is that this outpost may eventually evolve into a 2030s “dock- yard” for building a piloted ship headed for Mars. NASA says it knows how to build this Lunar Or- bital Platform-Gateway or LOP-G (Memo to NASA: Find a better name). Assembly in space would begin in 2023 when a rocket lifts off carrying the fi rst Orion spacecraft with a crew aboard. NASA also says it knows what astronauts will do during successive visits: conduct lunar observations, control surface rovers and test exploration equip- ment. What isn’t so clear is how this return-to-the- moon venture will succeed where two previous NASA efforts have failed to launch. I’m not at all certain that the Trump administration has committed to delivering the required funds and political support NASA will need for our return to the moon.

Achilles’ heel: Funding The lunar gateway’s purpose will be to enable hu- man explorers to test life support and critical deep

Commercially built lunar landers, like Blue Origin’s Blue Moon, may take NASA scientifi c and resource payloads to the moon in the early 2020s. Proven lander designs should help NASA produce a human-rated ship for lunar landings in the late 2020s.

The footprints of astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are visible in the dust around the United States fl ag they planted on the moon’s surface on July 20, 1969. It remains to be seen whether NASA will have the fi nancial and Blue Origin political support to return Americans to the moon. NASA

APRIL 2018 | 21 space systems in the harsher environment beyond Congress will not allow a fl at-out giveaway of a low Earth orbit. When Vice President Mike Pence multibillion-dollar government asset to the private promised in October 2017 “a renewed American sector. Nor can NASA hand over ISS modules owned presence on the moon,” NASA refocused its planning by our international partners. for this outpost from an orbital way station to a This creates a conundrum. NASA needs ISS to gateway both to the nearby lunar surface and deep be available beyond 2024 to prove the technologies space — namely, Mars. for inhabiting deep space. But it also needs addi- NASA hopes subsequent Trump administration tional funds for building up lunar operations. The budgets will enable steady expansion of the gateway president and Congress must fund critical ISS re- and periodic crew visits of a month or more. Crews search even as they direct a growing presence around would ride on NASA’s Space Launch System rocket, the moon. The reality is that NASA’s top line budget and supplies would be rocketed to lunar orbit by must increase. A 5 percent boost to about $21 billion international partners or, more likely, by fi rms in- is the minimum investment needed. That’s less than cluding SpaceX, Boeing and Blue Origin. half a percent of the overall federal budget. Want the Meanwhile, robots will establish routine access to moon? Pay for it. the moon’s surface, renewing scientifi c studies, pros- pecting for resources, and scouting habitat locations. Don’t lose the moon As the moon campaign hits full stride, astronauts Funding alone won’t guarantee a return to the moon. would venture to the surface in the late 2020s. Here are some additional steps NASA should take: The lunar campaign’s Achilles’ heel will always Don’t low-ball the resources needed. The mis- be miserly funding. NASA predicts it will cost about fi res of the Space Exploration Initiative in the 1990s $2.7 billion over fi ve years to mount a Lunar Explo- and the Constellation Program in the 2000s were ration Campaign and see the initial launch of the partially due to unrealistic budgeting — too high gateway. Yet the administration’s proposed 2019 in the case of the Space Launch Initiative and too NASA budget contains just a slight increase — to low in the case of Constellation. NASA should tell $19.9 billion — followed by another four years of fl at Congress and the public what it will cost to return spending. To fi nd money for the moon, NASA has to the moon, and if voted those resources, perform been told to shuffl e funds away from space and Earth within that budget. science, and the International Space Station, redi- Negotiate with our ISS international partners recting them toward the lunar campaign. to collaborate around the moon, but be leery of That’s a tall order. Congress will likely reject these putting any one partner in the critical path to es- priority shifts, leaving the lunar program underfund- tablishing the lunar gateway. We learned in the ISS ed. NASA may be able to pay for a few test fl ights of program the costs of assigning critical hardware Orion and the Space Launch System, but it won’t be elements to cash-strapped (and an increasingly able to afford robotic landers and a human-tended adversarial) Russia. lunar outpost, let alone build a piloted lunar module. Don’t buy a lunar lander the way NASA has NASA’s top line budget must increase, or we will still always done such things — by hiring contractors be looking at the moon from afar as the ISS plunges to meet detailed and unprecedented specifi cations. into the Pacifi c after 2028, the projected engineering Ask industry to evolve commercial designs, like “drop dead” date for the station. Time to write your Blue Origin’s robotic Blue Moon lander, toward a NASA congressman. piloted vehicle. Human access to the moon’s sur- face should be a competition-driven service, rath- Sunsetting ISS er than an expensive, government-run transport No feature of the administration’s NASA budget has monopoly. drawn more controversy than its proposal to termi- Finally, put human explorers at the center of nate government ISS funding by 2025. Shifting sta- the moon story. Use the unique skills of astronauts tion operations to the commercial sector by then to tackle the deepest scientifi c mysteries of the could free up $3 billion annually in subsequent years moon. Put them to work building and maintaining for lunar exploration. optical and radio telescopes on the moon’s far side. Setting a fi rm date for this transition is a gambit Follow up robotic discoveries to have astronauts to force NASA to start easing ISS toward a private tap the richest water ice deposits on the moon. operator, while NASA would remain a research cus- Assign them to establish pilot plants that turn that tomer for tests of key deep-space technologies, such ice into rocket propellant, paving the way for a as a new spacesuit, life support systems, and bio- profi t-driven resource economy on the moon. Show medical countermeasures against radiation and how astronaut habitats, power supplies, rovers and free-fall deconditioning. But the process will be spacesuits will provide the experience needed to neither simple nor quick. deploy those same systems to Mars.

22 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org This artist’s rendering A meaningful step toward Mars lunar and asteroid resources might be the key to shows NASA’s proposed For the last 10 years NASA has had the luxury of make deep space a realm where humans can stay. Lunar Orbital Platform- talking about humans on Mars without doing The move toward the moon can happen quick- Gateway, which would test hardware for future much to make it a reality. Now, the agency has ly — politicians and the public might stay inter- trips to the moon and been told to prove it can reach the moon. To do ested long enough to let humans again explore a Mars. so, NASA must overcome bureaucratic ossifica- world we’ve scarcely touched. A decade of experi- tion, congressional indifference, defenders of the ence on and around the moon can give NASA and status quo, and an ever-shortening national at- its partners the technological maturity to reduce tention span. the risk of Mars expeditions and lower their costs But there are reasons for optimism. New com- to acceptable levels. mercial space fi rms can develop innovative space- The moon offers America a chance to show it is craft designs and affordable launch and logistics still a rising technological power, willing to put its services. SpaceX’s launch of the Falcon Heavy in explorers at the cutting edge of scientifi c, engineer- February is a good example of impressive industry ing and economic frontiers. Given the national will capabilities unavailable to the NASA of the and adequate resources, NASA and its partners can 1990s-2000s. Enlisting the commercial sector to tap do the job. The moon is still there — let’s go. +

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 23 COVER STORY AUTHOR | INFO

The case for WFIRST

Overlayed on a rendering of deep space, the white box shows Hubble Space Telescope's fi eld of view compared to that of WFIRST, shown by the blue lines.

24 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org The Trump budget would cancel development of the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope, a spacecraft that would help measure the amount of dark energy in the universe while giving scientists a better sense of its properties and possibly delivering images of exoplanets, albeit giant gaseous ones at best. Is the proposed cancellation punishment for past sins on other projects? Will it be another close call for a project that’s been on the brink before? Amanda Miller spoke to the scientists who could be asked to make the case for WFIRST as Congress weighs its future.

BY AMANDA MILLER | [email protected]

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 25 NASA

f you love astronomy, you probably have “I think that some people have been saying that An artist’s some questions right now. Are the most the cost has gotten out of control, and I think we’re rendering of the Wide Field Infrared thrilling aspects of space science about actually doing a pretty good job,” says Spergel, one Survey Telescope. to get delayed by a decade or more? Why of the scientists who was anticipating pitching the shut down the American astronomy com- project’s virtues to congressional funding committees. munity’s top spacecraft priority, which Scientifi cally speaking, NASA’s three forthcoming Iwould target the biggest astrophysical mystery space telescopes are meant to piece together a few known to humans? different puzzles. Cutting out WFIRST would leave At this point, you fi gure it’s all about the money. gaps in calculating the numbers and types of planets NASA wants to get astronauts back to the moon. in the galaxy and decloaking the preponderance and But maybe it’s not so simple. properties of “dark energy,” a theorized phenomenon If you’re one of those working on NASA’s Wide or force that seems to be making the universe fl y Field Infrared Survey Telescope, you’re starting to apart faster and faster. Also halted would be an op- sense additional reasons why the White House wants tical demonstration of a technique that could, on a to end development of the spacecraft, even though more powerful telescope in the future, give human- the $3.2 billion program is pretty much on budget ity its fi rst image of an Earth-like planet. and WFIRST shows all the scientifi c promise it did International partners contributing hardware, when you went to work on it going on a decade ago. technology and research are nervous that their invest- “I think in some ways this may be OMB” — as ments could come to naught. Spergel has been giving in the White House Office of Management and “civics lessons” to explain that “just because the Budget — “and others trying to punish the astron- president’s budget says it’s canceled doesn’t mean it’s omy community for [past] overruns,” says astro- canceled.” The president’s budget is a request to physicist David Spergel of Princeton University, Congress that never “gets accepted as is, and they co-lead investigator for WFIRST, scheduled to shouldn’t drop out and panic yet.” launch in the mid-2020s. He’s referring to President As the science team and NASA got ready to brief Donald Trump’s budget request, now over to Con- their oversight committees in Washington, I spoke gress, with a proposal to zero out funding for to the astrophysicists who may be called on to ex- WFIRST in fi scal 2019. plain WFIRST.

26 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org Biggest mystery in the universe WFIRST back on the table. The Hubble Space Telescope’s observations of dis- “It really enabled us to be a much more capable tant-past supernovae led to a startling announcement mission,” Spergel says. “It also made it a very pow- in 1998. Astrophysicists said a substance, or phe- erful successor to Hubble.” The mirror is being nomenon, or repulsive force of some kind must be retrofi tted to collect light in the near-infrared from causing the universe to expand at an accelerating a million galaxies at a time. rate, and that this dark energy must make up most WFIRST’s Wide Field Instrument is a 300-megapix- of the universe. In fact, with today’s observations, el digital camera that records the measurements WFIRST VS. they estimate that dark energy makes up 68 percent. meant for both the dark energy research and a new Scientists think that another 27 percent of the uni- statistical survey of exoplanets. EUCLID verse consists of “dark matter,” a term coined decades Belief that dark energy makes up so much of the Like WFIRST, the European before the Hubble discovery to explain why galaxies universe is enough, astronomers say, to justify their Space Agency’s Euclid space telescope will rotate as though they are heavier than suggested by desire to know more about it. investigate dark energy their emitted light . The remaining 5 percent is the WFIRST’s supernova survey would carry on what when it is launched 2021. normal matter that we can see or detect. Hubble’s started, but on a much larger scale, along ESA says Euclid will Adding to the dark energy mystery is Einstein’s with more measurements to factor into the expansion observe billions of galaxies theory of general relativity, which says gravity ought history. to investigate the origin of to be slowing the expansion. “Is this cosmic accelera- Hertz of NASA headquarters explains that WFIRST the universe’s accelerating expansion and “reveal tion due to a strange, previously unknown ‘dark ener- will stare at a bunch of points in the sky that are the signatures of dark gy’ that is defeating the pull of gravity on the vast scale loaded with galaxies. WFIRST “will keep coming back energy.” The WFIRST and of the universe, or is it possible that we have discovered to them, regularly looking to see if one of the stars in Euclid missions looked that Einstein’s formulation of the law of gravity is not those galaxies goes supernova,” he says. Once a su- similar enough that in quite right?” That’s the question posed in the 2010 pernova is found, WFIRST will measure how bright 2012 a committee of U.S. scientists considered decadal survey of astronomy and astrophysics prior- it appears. “Because we know how bright supernovae whether the missions ities conducted by the National Research Council, an actually are, how bright that supernova looks tells us might be redundant while arm of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, En- how far away that galaxy is. And so we can then in- weighing whether the gineering and Medicine . The survey listed WFIRST as dependently measure the redshift of that galaxy” U.S. should have a role in the country’s recommended “highest priority” space — the term for how celestial objects shift to the in- Euclid. WFIRST “had the mission for astronomy and astrophysics. frared spectrum as they move farther away — “so more robust and powerful approach” and would WFIRST’s cosmology experiments are meant to that we know how fast it’s moving away from us.” tackle “more ambitious” target this question about Einstein’s theory. Scientists This gives scientists the distance and the redshift measurements, including will measure the brightness of supernovae and the of the supernova. “If we do that for a lot of galaxies, a supernova survey and distortions in how galaxies appear caused by inter- we can map out how fast the universe is expanding. observations intriguing to vening dark matter. “These are all techniques used And since the further away we look, the further back planet hunters, reported the Board on Physics and to try to understand how much dark energy there is in time we’re looking, we can convert that map of Astronomy of the National in the universe and what its properties are,” says the expansion of the universe into a description of Academies of Sciences, Paul Hertz, director of NASA’s Astrophysics Division the expansion history of the universe,” Hertz explains. Engineering and Medicine. in the Science Mission Directorate. “Because dark “And so by comparing what the actual expansion of David Spergel of Princeton energy is so weak, it has such small effects, you have the history of the universe is to what it would be if University, today’s WFIRST to study large numbers of galaxies and clusters of there was only gravity and there was no dark energy, co-principal investigator, was chair of the study galaxies in order to accumulate enough statistics to we can measure the impact of dark energy on the committee. The U.S. is do something measurable. So that’s why WFIRST is expansion history of the universe.” supplying Euclid's near- so sensitive and has, compared to Hubble, such a It’s just one of the gaps that the James Webb Space infrared detectors. large fi eld of view.” Telescope, now due for launch in spring 2019, with In fact, WFIRST’s fi eld of view is 100 times larger its much narrower fi eld of view, won’t be able to fi ll. than Hubble’s. Another is a very big chunk of time. Eight years ago, when WFIRST emerged as the Webb’s mission prioritizes the mid-infrared — highest priority, plans called for a 1.5-meter-wide “wavelengths that are way redder than our eyes can mirror, but the science case grew less compelling as see,” Hertz says. “So that’s the early universe. Webb the European Space Agency continued developing its is designed to see the fi rst stars and galaxies after Euclid spacecraft to investigate the “dark universe” of the Big Bang.” dark energy and dark matter with a 1.2-meter mirror. WFIRST, on the other hand, “operates in the near-in- Everything changed in 2011, when the National Recon- frared, which is just a little bit redder than our eyes naissance Offi ce gave NASA a 2.4-meter-wide mirror can see,” providing a look midway back in time. among telescope hardware that no longer fi t within the “If we don’t do WFIRST — if the U.S. chooses not scope of that agency’s missions. Better resolution — and to build and launch WFIRST — then we will not make the prospect of adding another instrument — put the progress that we need to make to understand

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 27 dark energy,” Hertz says. “There is 15 times more the ones that are most likely to pass in front of the Astronomers are dark energy than there is normal matter in the uni- star and block out a little bit of that star’s light,” says looking at NASA's next verse, and we don’t understand it, and the National Hertz, NASA’s astrophysics director, describing the three telescopes to help solve mysteries relating Academy of Sciences has said it was the highest technique of transit photometry used by TESS and to dark energy and where priority science problem that needs to be solved.” made famous by Kepler. Such planets are more there are planets that Back at Princeton, WFIRST’s Spergel says he hopes likely to be in the “habitable zone” at temperatures might be like Earth. Congress will follow the decadal recommendation, that allow for liquid water. NASA as it has historically done, versus going along with Even within its much smaller fi eld of view, Kepler the White House’s plan to redirect WFIRST funds. gathered enough data to satisfy scientists that they “I know in conversations with congressional understand how many close-in planets populate staffers and conversations with some of the members the galaxy. Now TESS will monitor vast swaths of sky of Congress, they have said to me they value the to single out possible exoplanets close enough to decadals,” Spergel says. “I hope they continue to Earth for follow-up by ground telescopes and the support [WFIRST].” James Webb Space Telescope scheduled to launch Trump’s nominee for NASA administrator, Rep. in 2019, to try to fi nd out things such as atmospher- Jim Bridenstine, R-Okla., was fi rm on following the ic composition. decadal recommendations, when asked during his “WFIRST, because it’s using a completely differ- Nov. 1 confi rmation hearing. They help policymak- ent method, will be sensitive to different kinds of ers “make good decisions,” he said, and added: planets. So in particular, WFIRST is more sensitive “We need to follow the decadals.” to planets that are far away from their star,” Hertz explains — “out in the areas where in our solar system All the planets in the galaxy Jupiter and Saturn and Uranus and Neptune reside. Why does NASA even need a new exoplanet survey “We don’t actually know how common planets of the galaxy, when the Kepler Space Telescope has are outside of the habitable zone because Kepler already defi ned the population of planets potential- was not sensitive to those planets.” ly suitable for human habitation and TESS, the small The big pictures brought in by WFIRST would Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite planned for enable an observational technique called micro- launch this month, is expected to fi nd 20,000 new lensing — a way of fi nding planets that’s like the exoplanet candidates? reverse of transit photometry. “The reason why you want a mission like WFIRST In WFIRST’s microlensing, the gravity of a plan- and a mission like TESS is, TESS is most sensitive to et in a totally other solar system from a background exoplanets that are close to the star because they’re star crosses in front of that star and bends and

28 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org amplifi es the star’s light. Researchers fi nd the plan- “If we don’t do WFIRST — if the U.S. ets statistically, the planets’ effects recorded as smaller increases in brightness than those created by their own host stars. chooses not to build and launch “So you will see the distant star will get brighter, and then start to get faint, and then get a little bit WFIRST — then we will not make brighter again, and then continue getting faint, and that would indicate that there is a planet around the the progress that we need to make ‘lensing’ star — the intermediate star — and so that’s how WFIRST will discover exoplanets,” Hertz says. to understand dark energy.” The method is better for fi nding bigger planets — Paul Hertz, director of NASA’s Astrophysics Division in the orbiting farther out, as their effects are less likely to get mixed up with those of their stars. Science Mission Directorate “It will complete the statistical census of exo- planets in our galaxy,” Hertz says. “We’re not count- The original WFIRST, with the smaller mirror, ing every planet, but we’re counting enough that we was going to cost $1.6 billion, according to the 2010 can extrapolate as to the whole population.” projection. A cap was set at $3.2 billion with the addition of the bigger mirror and added capabilities. First look at an Earth-like world The independent review concluded last year found The gift of the big mirror came with the feasibility that it was on track to cost closer to $3.9 billion, so of adding another planet-focused instrument that the coronagraph was reclassifi ed, bringing the esti- wasn’t part of the original plan but which Hertz re- mate back down to $3.2 billion. gards as addressing “one of the most exciting science In the meantime, the congressional Government questions of the day” — namely, how to fi nd life on Accountability Offi ce has said Webb is likely to exceed other planets. its $8 billion cap. Getting a direct visual image is widely thought NASA Acting Administrator Robert Lightfoot, to be the surest way of knowing whether a planet is before announcing his plan to retire at the end of truly Earth-like, says Jeremy Kasdin, principal in- this month, sent a different message from what vestigator of the WFIRST coronagraph instrument. members of the astrophysics community are saying. Coronagraphs are optics that block out a star’s light, “I think when you look at the priorities that we revealing planets otherwise shrouded in the glare. have today, that we’re still meeting the majority of For the fi rst time, a coronagraph in space would our science priorities going forward,” Lightfoot told have controls to compensate for telescope pointing a congressional committee in March in defending drift and jitter. Webb’s won’t, making it a lot less accurate. the cut. “We’re going to launch TESS, for instance, NASA reclassifi ed the WFIRST coronagraph as a this upcoming year. We’ve got James Webb going technology demonstration instrument after an in- out. So the astrophysics area’s in pretty good shape dependent review, concluded in 2017, suggested from that standpoint.” doing so. This lowered classifi cation reduced the Later, when pressed on WFIRST, he acknowledged required testing load and helped get WFIRST back that “the gap in astrophysics data that we would get on budget. from WFIRST — I mean, to the astrophysics com- WFIRST’s coronagraph is appropriate for pho- munity, that’s a challenge, from a scientifi c perspec- tographing giant planets, but capturing a smaller tive. The positive side of that, though, is that those rocky world, like Earth, would require a more pow- funds can perhaps get the data in a different way.” erful telescope. A goal of WFIRST is to demonstrate He said WFIRST is “definitely what the decadal the technology for a future telescope like that. With survey has asked for, but we think there’s other ways a more sensitive telescope and a tried-and-true to get that same data.” coronagraph, Kasdin thinks the fi rst photos of Earth- WFIRST was budgeted for $350 million in 2019. size exoplanets will be possible. As of early March, Spergel hoped Congress would approve the Senate’s budgeted $150 million for The money part fi scal 2018 and thought a thumbs-up vote by Congress Spergel at Princeton was surprised by the 2019 could be a good sign. The program had been oper- budget proposal, but not totally shocked, partly ating at the 2017 spending level of $105 million. because it’s a vulnerable time in the development WFIRST could easily image 1 billion galaxies in — the end of Phase A, the concept defi nition stage its lifetime. in which requirements are set. Some work has been “It would be a great loss to science and a great done on long-lead-time components, such as the loss to U.S. leadership in science” if WFIRST were infrared detector arrays. cut, says Hertz, NASA’s head of astrophysics. +

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 29 OPINION DEFENSE A boost for military spacepl

30 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org The U.S. Air Force has long wanted the ability to project conventional weapons and surveillance equipment anywhere in the world in minutes. Despite spending billions on various concepts, the capability has remained elusive. Military space expert Jess Sponable says its time for the service to take a fresh look at the anes feasibility of spaceplanes for this role. BY JESS SPONABLE

he launch of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy in Feb- Two of a Falcon ruary and the recovery of two of the massive Heavy’s three core boosters land at Cape vehicle’s three boost stages should cause a Canaveral Air Force Ttectonic shift in the U.S. Air Force’s thinking Station in Florida. about the feasibility of building a small fl eet of space- planes to project eyes, ears and presence globally. Here’s why. Based on publicly reported information, the recovered stages had an attractively high propellant mass fraction, a calculation of propellant mass over takeoff gross mass. A higher mass fraction enables larger payloads, and when reusability is introduced, this adds up to the potential for enhanced reli- ability and much lower launch costs per kilogram. In short, the SpaceX feat suggests that it is now economically viable to construct and operate a new class of vehicle: Global reach military spaceplanes able reach anywhere in the world in under an hour. Extrapolating into the future is always risky, but the impressive mass properties and public plans of SpaceX, including the planned Big Falcon Rocket or BFR, provide a highly credible roadmap that the Air Force could follow for its own endeavors with contractors. Military spaceplanes will likely not need the mas- sive payloads of the Falcon Heavy and BFR, instead far smaller vehicles with one or two stages can operate from distributed bases inside the United States. In lieu of SpaceX’s launch on schedule, the military spaceplanes would be launched on demand, be fully reusable, turn around in hours and routinely fl y to space or overfl y any location on Earth. Depending on the mission, they could be designed to glide high within the Earth’s atmosphere or fl y on top of it at the edge of space. Short single pass missions would enhance survivability in any threat environment. In terms of physical size and dry weight, both of which drive cost, military spaceplanes scaled down from SpaceX vehicles would be no larger than commercial aircraft. Indeed, the payload/ dry weight ratio, a measure of productivity in the SpaceX

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 31 operational systems can potentially be developed at a fraction the cost of many current military aircraft. Spaceplanes are hardly a new concept. Ever since the Army Air Forces became the U.S. Air Force in 1947, the service has envisioned and invested many billions toward creating global reach spaceplanes. For decades Strategic Air Command (SAC) provided the impetus behind high speed aircraft including the X-15, X-24, XB-70, and the development of spaceplane concepts, including the X-20 DynaSoar and the X-30 National Aero-Space Plane, neither of which fl ew. The NASP program alone spent over $5 billion in to- day’s dollars, no small investment. In addition, weapons experiments like the Boost Glide and Advanced Maneuvering Reentry Vehicles were fl own. Then, with the end of the Cold War, SAC was retired, and its assets were reassigned to other major com- mands. Also retired, unintentionally, was much of the Air Force’s strategic thinking about future weapon sys- tems, and any signifi cant investments to continue the service’s heritage of advancing high speed technologies. SAC had thought about how to fight in a world of nuclear super- powers, growing terrorism, religious and political extremism, the pro- liferation of weapons of mass de- NASA struction, multi-polar powers and The Defense commercial sector, would be similar to conven- technology run rampant. Without SAC, leaders of Department and then tional aircraft, suggesting that ultimately costs will the reorganized Air Force shifted toward investing NASA fl ew the vertical be similar as well. Gross weights would be heavier in the service’s traditional technologies: Superior takeoff and landing Delta Clipper Experimental, or compared to commercial aircraft, but the differ- short-range aircraft and bigger, more exquisite DC-X, in the 1990s. ence would be largely due to the oxidizer, which satellites. Equally signifi cant, most investment in only costs about 10 to 15 cents per kilogram and the Air Force’s high-speed future tailed off, with is far cheaper than jet fuel. They would be “space- spending instead focused on improving proven planes” not because they have wings or look like technologies and refining existing approaches. aircraft but rather because they fl y with aircraft-like Thankfully, some work on advanced launch operability, sortie rates, and recurring fl ight costs. and landing technologies persisted. In the early SpaceX, of course, still fl ies a small expendable 1990s, the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization upper stage, and the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy fl ew the vertical takeoff and landing Delta Clipper are limited by their expendable vehicle origins, but Experimental, or DC-X, and then transitioned the SpaceX’s next step, the BFR, aims to be fully reusable. technology to NASA, which continued the fl ights. SpaceX is leveraging their design and operational Ultimately, the vertical takeoff and landing vision was experience to create a future of routine, fully reus- picked up by the commercial sector – Blue Origin and able, aircraft-like access to space or any location on SpaceX – rather than by the military. In the late 1990s, Earth. By leveraging the technology and cost effi - researchers from the Air Force and NASA air dropped ciency demonstrated by SpaceX and other emerging a very different experimental vehicle, the Boeing-built entrepreneurs, experimental spaceplanes or even X-40, which evolved into the X-37 orbit test vehi-

32 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org cle, essentially a recoverable satellite. In parallel, Military spaceplanes will likely not need NASA continued maturing reusable technologies. Ultimately America’s true geniuses, our entrepre- the massive payloads of the Falcon neurs, stepped up to the plate. Elon Musk achieved the fi rst big success by fl ying back a Falcon 9 stage Heavy and BFR, instead far smaller in December 2015, but Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin is not far behind. Even Boeing is investing with vehicles with one or two stages can DARPA, under the Experimental Spaceplane XSP program, in their Phantom Express spaceplane. . operate from distributed bases inside With DARPA’s aggressive goals of very long-life and a high ops tempo of ten fl ights in ten days, Boeing the United States. is arguably the closest to achieving the aircraft-like operability needed for military spaceplanes. Yet other entrepreneurs are maturing expendable launch vehicles with plans to migrate toward reusable sys- tems in the future, like SpaceX. While entrepreneurs innovated, the Air Force began to rekindle its heritage eyes, ears and presence overseas at a combined cost of advancing technologies: in 2014 the service pub- of over $200 billion annually, all before the fi rst shot lished its 30 year “call to the future” urging airmen is fi red. Spaceplanes will not replace these assets but to develop global vigilance, global reach, global over time they can lead the way to a force mix that power capabilities. This vision supports modernizing also emphasizes rapid temporal response and globe conventional crewed and unmanned air systems, shrinking speeds. These are critical attributes for de- but every mission and core competency identifi ed, terring, and when necessary, waging future confl icts. whether intentional or not, also advocated for the In a world of proliferating terrorism and nu- capabilities global reach spaceplanes can provide. clear weapons the ability to respond near instan- taneously may well be the only credible defense. Militarizing space Whether rapidly replacing lost assets in orbit or Speaking to the Air Force Association in February, fl ying a single pass reconnaissance mission from the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. David Goldfein, the central United States, the response time, relative Jess Sponable reportedly warned, “It is not a question of if but invulnerability and speed of spaceplanes can be left DARPA in November where when airmen will be fi ghting in space.” He had it key to deterring the escalation of future confl icts. he was program manager partially right. The real issue is not fi ghting in space If history is a guide, it’s far from certain that for development of the XSP but rather fl ying through or near space to accomplish the U.S. military will decide to develop military Experimental Spaceplane. a myriad of Air Force missions. Launch on demand spaceplanes. Indeed, the U.S. Army failed to keep up He has supported satellite, for augmenting and reconstituting lost capability will with worldwide developments in aviation for over launch and spaceplane be essential, especially in the coming era of prolif- 30 years after the Wright brothers fl ew. Instead, the initiatives and technology erating satellite constellations. Launch on demand technology was matured overseas where the fi nest development since 1987 as also enables single pass reconnaissance anywhere military aircraft were made. It took another world war, a civil servant, in the private on Earth even if our large, exquisite satellites are massive loss of life, and the greatest generation to sector and as an Air Force lost. Such concepts require only a small squadron shake the U.S. out of our complacency. There is syn- offi cer before retiring as a of global reach sortie vehicles fl ying with impunity ergy between the entrepreneurial and military needs, lieutenant colonel. Sponable from the United States. Surge fl ight rates could be but the military cannot change without investment. was program manager for implemented when required. The spaceplane fl eet If the Air Force is serious about its technological the DC-X vertical takeoff could be akin to the 1990s SR-71 fl eet of twelve air- heritage, it needs to step up and invest in a series and landing rocket in the craft, only without the vulnerabilities. Spaceplanes of X-planes and projects that leverage entrepre- early 1990s. could fl y and fi ght through any attack against our neurial investments and pave the way to launch on space systems. If the future warrants the development demand global reach capabilities. The investments of boost glide vehicles to counter those espoused should not just be about modernizing Air Force in Vladimir Putin’s state-of-his-nation address in Space Command, they should be about dragging March, the U.S. Air Force’s military spaceplanes the Combat Air Forces into the space age. Like the could be optimized for testing and executing such U.S. Army, the Air Force has chosen not to invest combat missions. Next generation spaceplanes with for over a quarter century. A narrow mission ori- their global reach, hypersonic speeds, and relative ented “stovepipe” organizational structure, politics invulnerability to today’s air and space defenses and bureaucratic inertia all drove those decisions, will make them invaluable to the Air Force, from Air but the SpaceX success with reusable boosters Mobility Command to every combatant command. suggests it may be time to rethink that decision. Our ground, sea, air and space assets project our One thing for sure, no bucks, no Buck Rogers. +

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 33 REACH EUROP

34 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org The White House wants to steer the launch of NASA’s proposed Europa Clipper spacecraft to a commercial rocket, such as the Delta 4 Heavy or possibly the Falcon Heavy. Not so fast, says one powerful congressman. Tom Risen looks at the launch vehicle politics and tradeoffs for what could be one of NASA’s most extraordinary endeavors yet.

BY TOM RISEN | [email protected] ING A

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 35 pace science and A tacit debate is playing out these days among United Launch technology careers offi cials from NASA, the White House and Congress Alliance's Delta 4 Heavy rocket is one of the at NASA can push over which rocket to launch Europa Clipper on commercial contenders the envelope of one’s sometime between 2022 and 2025. to send NASA's Europa biological clock. The commercial options are a United Launch Clipper into space. First you have to Alliance Delta 4 Heavy or perhaps a SpaceX Falcon ULAA persuade the agency Heavy. The government-owned option is a Space to fund your idea, Launch System rocket in development for NASA by SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket is the other and then it can take Boeing, and Orbital ATK main- commercial candidate. fi ve years or longer ly for launching astronauts. NASA Sto design and build What’s the difference? An SLS could get the the spacecraft. $4 billion Europa Clipper to Jupiter’s orbit in 2½ to NASA Consider the Europa Clipper probe whose orbit three years. Once in space, the rocket’s exploration around Jupiter would send it close to the ice-covered upper stage would blast Clipper directly to an orbit moon Europa, and hopefully through what appear around Jupiter that would take it by Europa every in Hubble images to be plumes of water vapor 14 days. NASA says a version of SLS with a less erupting from its surface. Where there is water there powerful interim cryogenic propulsion stage could could be life or at least the chemical residue from also carry Clipper on a direct fl ight. living organisms. A Delta 4 Heavy or Falcon Heavy would take Scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in several times longer because the SLS will have more California began thinking about visiting Europa in some thrust at liftoff from four RS-25 engines and two manner after the Galileo probe in 1997 found evidence solid rocket boosters. This means the Clipper would for saltwater oceans beneath the icy surface. It took have to orbit Venus to gain momentum for a fl ight until August 2015 to establish the team that will devel- to Jupiter’s orbit. op the Europa Clipper mission and make key recom- “I’m retiring in a few years, so I won’t see it mendations such as which vehicle to launch it on. through if it launches on a 7½-year cruise,” says

36 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org Barry Goldstein, the Europa Clipper project man- The Space Launch This was an unexpected twist for Europa Clip- System is the ager at JPL. per scientists and it seems to be headed for a po- government-owned Normally, a decision about the launch vehicle option in development. litical minefi eld. The 2017 appropriations bill signed for a high-profi le mission like the Clipper belongs NASA by President Donald Trump requires NASA to “use to the NASA administrator. The agency says the NASA the Space Launch System as the launch vehicle” leader will decide within a year, subject to any legal for the spacecraft “no later than 2022.” direction. NASA Acting Administrator Robert Light- For Clipper scientists, the message from Rep. foot announced he is retiring in April, however, and John Culberson, R-Texas, chair of the House Ap- administrator nominee Rep. Jim Bridenstine, R-Ok- propriations subcommittee in charge of NASA, la., is still waiting for Senate approval. seems to be don’t fret. The SLS choice is “not de- The clear preference among Clipper scientists batable,” he tells Aerospace America. Culberson, a would be to fl y on an SLS, provided it meets the strong backer of SLS whose district includes NASA’s agency’s criteria, but the design has not yet left the Johnson Space Center, says he appreciates the White ground. “The reliability of SLS depends on matur- House’s passion for space exploration but “the fi nal ing manufacturing processes and having a steady decisions are made in Congress” through NASA cadence of fl ights. Neither has happened yet,” notes authorization and appropriations bills. Cristina Chaplain, who directs oversight research “We’ll be able to get science back far more into space and missile defense work for the con- quickly using the SLS,” he says. There is urgency to gressional Government Accountability Offi ce. this mission, he adds, because if signs of life are Enter the Trump administration. The NASA found on Europa, “that is the kind of civilization-lev- portion of the White House budget request for 2019 el discovery that NASA needs to inject fresh energy, proposes launching the Europa Clipper on a Delta fresh support for the space program, in general.” 4 Heavy or other “commercial launch vehicle,” The SLS has a deep bench of supporters on saying this “would be several hundreds of millions Capitol Hill. Sens. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., and Bill of dollars cheaper than an SLS fl ight.” It also bumps Nelson, D-Fla., have fought attempts to curtail the launch to 2025 instead of 2022. funding for the SLS rockets. The adapters that will

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 37 release payloads to space are being built at NASA’s The choice Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama. In Flori- da, NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, where Nelson NASA wants to fi nd out if the ocean under the ice once flew from as a shuttle astronaut, has been upgraded as the launch site for the SLS. of Jupiter's moon Europa could support life. The There are critics of SLS, too. Delays and cost agency is weighing the best rocket and trajectory overruns have drawn criticism from House Science for putting the Europa Clipper probe into an orbit Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, among others. NASA in 2017 pushed the fi rst mission for around Jupiter that would take it by Europa. Here the rocket, Exploration Mission 1, from 2017 to are the options: December 2019. The agency has spent about $8.6 billion on SLS through fi scal 2017 and expects to spend about another $1.2 billion through fi scal 2020. FLY DIRECT Arrive in 2.9 years Given the direction from Congress that was signed off on by Trump, the JPL team continues to

3 prepare Clipper for the 2022 launch deadline set by EVENTS Congress. Officials there are excited about the 2 1. Launch: June 17, 2022 prospect of gathering close-up data just a few years 2. Deep space maneuver: after that, if SLS is ready and available. March 22, 2023 There could be a big hitch due to SLS’s main job 1 3. Jupiter orbital insertion: of carrying astronauts on exploration missions. “It May 1, 2025 Jupiter Orbit is not possible to launch the Clipper on an SLS earlier than 2024 without disrupting current NASA . human exploration plans,” according to the White Tradeoffs: Fast, but requires NASA’s Space Launch House 2019 budget proposal. System rocket, which is still being developed. The request proposes 2025 as the launch date. to keep SLS “focused on supporting the adminis- tration’s new space exploration strategy and pri- GRAVITY-ASSIST OPTIONS Arrive in 7.6 years oritizing the return of astronauts to the surface of the Moon.” Jupiter Orbit EVENTS Exploration Mission 2 scheduled for 2022 to send astronauts to orbit the moon could confl ict 1. Launch: May 25, 2022 3 with Clipper’s launch date. 6 2. First Earth gravity assist: May 24, 2023 4 Scheduling is a concern, but NASA and Congress 3. Venus gravity assist: Nov. 22, 2023 1 want to maximize fl ights on the SLS so a broad 2 4. Second Earth gravity assist: Oct. 21, 2024 7 5. Deep space maneuver: Oct. 22, 2025 range of missions make the cost of the rockets 5 6. Third Earth gravity assist: Oct. 22, 2026 worthwhile, says James Knauf, a former U.S. Air 7. Jupiter orbital insertion: Jan. 15, 2030 Force colonel who served as deputy director of space acquisition at the Pentagon. NASA says it Tradeoffs: Could be achieved with less expensive would cost $700 million to $1 billion to launch an commercial rockets, but takes more than twice as long. SLS rocket, including an exploration upper stage, based on its preliminary estimate, according to NASA’s Cheryl Warner. “I don’t have a lot of optimism that they are going to be able to bring the SLS launch cost down,” Knauf says. The discussion about launch options refl ects how “we are at a crossroads” with the creation of more privately owned heavy lift rockets, says Eric Stallmer, president of the Commercial Spacefl ight Federation industry association that represents companies including SpaceX. “I don’t think the White House is anti-SLS,” says Falcon Delta 4 SLS Stallmer, who is a member of the National Space Heavy Heavy Block 1 Council’s User Advisory Group, representatives from industry and other non-federal entities that “use”

Source: NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory or benefi t from aerospace technology. The Nation- al Space Council is an executive branch board that

38 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org “The reliability of SLS depends on maturing manufacturing processes and having a steady cadence of fl ights. Neither has happened yet.”

— Cristina Chaplain, Government Accountability Offi ce

makes space recommendations to Trump. in case it fl ies close to Venus on a trajectory to reach “The White House is very keen on the greatest the Jovian moon, he says, adding that the preliminary utilization of commercial products when possible,” design review for the Clipper is in August. Stallmer says. Flying Clipper on a longer route to Jupiter orbit Delta 4 Heavy has been the main contender would also mean spending more on NASA employ- against SLS, but Clipper offi cials noted the Falcon ees to monitor the spacecraft. There are only rough LIFE ON Heavy debut launch in February. Goldstein says models for that potential expense but it would the performance data from that launch sent by “defi nitely be less than the difference in the cost” EUROPA Kennedy Space Center indicates the Falcon Heavy between SLS and another rocket, says Joan Salute, NASA was so optimistic would likewise be unable to fl y directly to Jupiter, program executive for Europa Clipper at NASA JPL. about the chance and would arrive at a similar time as the Delta 4 If patience is called for, that won’t be something Heavy by getting a momentum boost after orbiting new for the planetary scientists involved with Clip- for life-supporting Venus. Both rockets have a payload fairing large per. Planetary science missions can last 20 years, conditions on Europa enough to carry the Europa Clipper. SpaceX found- so their teams often expect not be at NASA for the that it concluded er Elon Musk has said a fully expendable Falcon end of their missions and train replacements to the Galileo in 2003 Heavy would cost $150 million per launch. ULA continue operations after they retire. by fl ying the probe and NASA did not provide launch cost estimates “Any biogenic material, any bacteria that may be into Jupiter to avoid for the Delta 4 Heavy. there in the water plumes, will likely be there years contamination from a Uncertainty about which rocket will launch the from now, so I don’t know if there is urgency that potential crash into Clipper makes designing the probe more challeng- requires the SLS to fly Europa Clipper,” says Jack the moon. ing and more expensive, Goldstein says. The probe Burns, an astrophysicist at the University of Colora- is being designed with additional thermal shielding do who served on Trump’s NASA transition team. +

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 39 Those who are in the busi- ness of launching rockets PREVENTING and operating satellites could soon have a set of internationally approved SPACE guidelines that are meant to put everyone on the same page about how POLLUTION to be good stewards of the orbital environment. Twenty-one guidelines are scheduled to be assessed in June by the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which is expected Orbital debris and risks to pass them to the Gen- of collisions among eral Assembly for consid- satellites have grown eration. The nine newest enormously in the short were approved in February time that humanity has in Austria by a COPUOS working group that includ- been active in space. ed members from China, With more countries Europe, Iran, Russia and and companies joining the U.S. These guidelines the space community, join 12 that were approved experts affi liated with in 2016 but never passed the United Nations are forward. The working pushing to establish group was formed in 2010, specifi c best practices. the year after an Iridium Debra Werner asked communications satellite experts what they think and a defunct Russian of the proposed military satellite collided, guidelines. and three years after China destroyed one of its sat- BY DEBRA WERNER ellites in an anti-satellite [email protected] missile demonstration that left thousands of pieces of debris in orbit.

40 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org IN THEIR WORDS It was a process of getting everyone on the same page fi rst on the importance of this issue and second 1 David Kendall on the kind of measures we should take to preserve the space environment for current and future gen- Now we have a comprehensive erations. This is the first step in what will be an set of new guidelines. That is ongoing discussion in COPUOS and in the global space community, including international profes- 1 quite remarkable. sional and industry associations. Canadian David Kendall has This is new guidance that supplements the exist- chaired COPUOS, the United ing guidance in treaties, national laws, standards, etc. Nations Committee on the These 21 new guidelines are nonbinding and voluntary. The guidelines give some direction, particularly to Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, This refl ects the reality under which COPUOS operates. emerging space actors, about responsible behaviors since 2016. He led science Many states believe that obtaining agreement on in outer space. We are very much hoping these vol- and technology programs in binding treaties is not possible in the near future untary nonbinding guidelines will assist states that the Canadian Space Agency given geopolitical differences, although there remains are developing their space capabilities and that even for eight years. the hope that binding instruments on essential issues established actors will be informed by them in for- might be possible after further negotiation and dis- mulating their own space activities. cussion. The process now is to encourage all states 2 and international intergovernmental organizations South African Peter Martinez to take measures to ensure that the guidelines are 3 Victoria Samson chairs the United Nations implemented to the greatest extent feasible and Working Group on the practicable in accordance with their respective needs, You have countries sitting Long-Term Sustainability of conditions and capabilities and with their existing Outer Space Activities. He is obligations under applicable international law. While together, the United States, director of SpaceLab, a one could consider that to be fairly soft, it does have Russia, China, Iran, Canada, graduate school within the a moral suasion. States that have signed onto these Department of Electrical guidelines have an obligation to follow through. Switzerland, with a variety of Engineering at the University Most people do not understand the complexity of Cape Town. of trying to reach agreement at this level of detail. different interests and Every word, every dot, every comma was negotiated to ensure consensus. There were times when we concerns. The fact they were threw up our hands and thought, “This isn’t going able to come to agreement on to work.” But in the end, it did. We have a committee whose members are working in spite of political 21 guidelines is a real win.” differences to ensure the security, safety and sus- tainability of outer space, to ensure that this global commons is available now and in the future because, Now there are over 60 countries with space 3 if we screw it up, we are in big trouble. capabilities or interests. The use of space is also American Victoria Samson changing. We are seeing mega-constellations analyzes military space and and new activities proposed, like proximity security issues in the 2 Peter Martinez operations and active debris removal. It’s good Washington, D.C., offi ce of to have rules of the road to ensure that space is the nonprofi t Secure World In well-established spacefaring usable and sustainable over the long term. That’s Foundation, headquartered helpful from an international perspective and in Colorado. nations, many of the practices also from a U.S. national security viewpoint. All you need is one person to do something either in the guidelines are already maliciously or, more likely, accidentally that accepted practices but they leaves so much debris in an orbit it becomes fi nancially unrealistic for anyone to use it. may be rather less well or not The COPUOS process, while lengthy, allows for multiple stakeholders to give input and to voice their at all established in emerging concerns. space nations.

The fact that the world space community has been able to agree on any guidelines at all is a step forward.

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 41 4 John Crassidis they are going to do a maneuver but I don’t see countries providing that information. I don’t see why “Guidelines to limit the amount they’d want to. of debris are good. Obviously, Guidelines to limit the amount of debris are good. Obviously, you don’t want to put more debris up you don’t want to put more there. If the Kessler Syndrome keeps going, low Earth 4 orbit is going to essentially be useless to us. People American John Crassidis debris up there. If the Kessler should pay attention to this debris problem because teaches space situational it’s going to affect future generations. awareness at the University of Syndrome keeps going, low Buffalo in New York, where he Earth orbit is going to directs the Center for 5 Jonathan McDowell Multisource Information essentially be useless to us.” “A few percent of satellites are Fusion. He is an AIAA fellow. never registered. Most of those The guidelines are good because they raise awareness. The United Nations is saying this debris problem is are not due to malign intent but important. If some NASA offi ce published the guide- lines, they would not get the same exposure. due to bureaucratic screw ups Some of the guidelines are very pointed. One or turf wars.” had to do with laser beams passing through outer space. That’s obviously a good one. You don’t want The current registration system established during 5 to dazzle a satellite by mistake. On other ones, I don’t the Cold War when there were only American and Jonathan McDowell, a British see much cooperation. One guideline calls for coun- Soviet satellites is inadequate for 21st-century space and American citizen, is an tries to perform conjunction assessments during all traffi c management when, for example, an Indian astrophysicist at the phases of controlled fl ight. For a lot of satellites, we rocket launches 100 satellites from many different Harvard-Smithsonian Center don’t know if they are going to do a maneuver because countries. for Astrophysics in they don’t belong to us. Yes, it would be good for The bigger problem is a lack of transparency. Cambridge, Massachusetts. those countries to share the information on when That’s what the new guidelines try to address. What

GOOD STEWARDSHIP Here is a brief Spacecraft operators who are unable to perform overview of the nine guidelines approved by conjunction assessments should seek support from state authorities who can assist them. the U.N. Working Group on the Long-term • Conduct pre-launch conjunction assessments to Sustainability of Outer Space Activities in ensure their spacecraft do not collide with anything February. * during launch. • Promote and facilitate international cooperation aimed at helping emerging spacefaring countries The guidelines say that nations and international implement the U.N. guidelines. intergovernmental organizations should: • Share expertise and information related to the long-term sustainability of outer space activities. • Register with the U.N. in a timely manner anything • Ensure that even very small spacecraft include sent into orbit and update the registry when a features that make them easy to track in orbit. Nations spacecraft changes orbit, stops working or ejects and international governmental organizations should anything, including small satellites or service modules. encourage spacecraft manufacturers and operators to adhere to national and international space debris • Exchange updated contact information on mitigation standards. organizations authorized to exchange information on • Take measures to address risks associated with the spacecraft operations, conjunction assessments and to uncontrolled re-entry of space objects. respond to incident reports and forecasts. • Take precautions to ensure that laser beams sent through space near Earth do not interfere with other •Find ways to more precisely determine the orbit of space activities. space objects and perform conjunction assessments * The complete guidelines are posted at the website of the for each spacecraft’s current and planned trajectories. U.N. Offi ce of Outer Space Affairs, www.unoosa.org.

42 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org happens to the satellites after launch? Tell us when NUMBER OF OBJECTS IN EARTH ORBIT BY OBJECT TYPE you are going to move your satellite so we don’t move at the same time and accidently hit you. The other thing the guidelines say is, “Get your act together before launch to decide who is the launching state” [meaning the country responsible for registering the satellite with the U.N. Offi ce for Outer Space Affairs]. A number of satellites are unregistered because the rocket owner’s host coun- try thought the satellite owner’s host country should register it and the satellite owner never informed their host country. It’s good that the countries agreed on these policies but there is a lot more work to be done in terms of defi ning standards and getting people to start adopting them.

Source: U.S. Space Surveillance Network 6 Jessica West “[The guidelines] strike a balance between expecting similar set of obligations across all satellites and starts to point toward things that will make it easi- that everyone will adopt best er to manage traffi c in outer space and debris. It points to the fact that small satellites should have practices and acknowledging tracking sensors which would enable better space traffi c management from the ground, particularly not everyone has the same if we are starting to talk about these large constel- 6 technical capabilities. I lations of satellites that are being planned. Canadian Jessica West The guidelines are voluntary, but I wouldn’t write manages the Space Security appreciate the attention given off the voluntary nature. Most states take their po- Index, an annual risk litical commitments very seriously and don’t see assessment produced by to cooperation and technical much difference between binding and voluntary experts from Australia, commitments. Canada, China and the U.S., assistance, because space is under Project Ploughshares, a growing into an environment nongovernmental organization 7 Matthew Desch that encourages policies to with a lot of different actors.” “This is a reasonable fi rst step, prevent war. but frankly, much more needs Mostly, the guidelines codify best practice, which is fi ne because they need to be adopted by everybody. to be done and it lacks ‘teeth,’ They also strike a balance between expecting that everyone will adopt best practices and acknowledg- as it all depends on the good ing not everyone has the same technical capabilities. will of all parties.” I appreciate the attention it gives to cooperation and technical assistance because space is growing Given our experience in this area, we are very sup- 7 into an environment with a lot of different actors. portive of this U.N. working group effort. This is a American Matthew Desch is As access continues to grow, it will be important to reasonable fi rst step, but frankly, much more needs CEO of Iridium, a company have everybody on the same page and applying the to be done and it lacks ‘teeth,’ as it all depends on building the Iridium NEXT same standards. the good will of all parties — many who may not constellation of 66 satellites in The guidelines also start to tackle some of the have the incentives to comply. Still, we’re encouraged low Earth orbit. In 2009, one of trickier sustainability questions on the horizon by the work and are hopeful this will help provide the company’s satellites was concerning small satellites. Do all satellites have to a baseline for future operators and constellations. struck by a Russian satellite in follow the same standards of safety and respect for Iridium is already following these guidelines. + the fi rst reported incident of a the environment or do small satellites have a dif- functioning satellite destroyed ferent set of obligations? This sets the stage for a by an accidental collision.

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 43 OPINION By Robert L. Marcialis, Nadine G. Barlow and Larry A. Lebofsky

Detonating a nuclear bomb sounds like a common-sense way to protect Earth from a far-off asteroid or comet headed our way. The reality is that the attempt would probably make matters worse, which is why it has been relegated to being a fringe idea. Planetary Astronomers Robert L. Marcialis, Nadine G. Barlow and Larry A. Lebofsky explain. NUCLEAR NONS

he community of researchers who object would be large enough to cause extensive Pieces of the comet worry about the issue of dangerous damage, ballistically throwing ejecta as far as 3 Shoemaker-Levy 9, sometimes referred to near-Earth objects on a daily ba- km from the crater. as the string of pearls sis long ago considered and wisely Let’s look at the content and energy of the comet, collided with discarded the nuclear option that is Barringer object. Made of iron and nickel, it did Jupiter in 1994. This is a favored in the opinion article, “Earth’s not vaporize entirely on impact despite megaton series of images from the Best Defense,” in the February issue of estimates for the released energy of up to 60 MT. Hubble Space Telescope. TAerospace America. The reasons for this rejection had Many chunks were strewn about the surrounding NASA nothing to do with political correctness and everything countryside; many are now in collections. Those to do with analysis, physics, and information shared observations agree with the results of laboratory through a series of Planetary Defense conferences studies and numerical modeling that demonstrate held every two years. Allow us to explain. how difficult it is to vaporize iron or mixes of iron Suppose an asteroid, 10 to 50 meters in diam- and nickel. It’s therefore incorrect to expect that a eter, were on a collision course with Earth. This is nuclear detonation of similar megatonnage could the size of the object referred to in the February vaporize such an object before it reached Earth. article and that created the 1.2 kilometer-wide Instead of neutralizing the threat, we would be Barringer Crater near Winslow, Arizona. Such an left with a fragmented, disrupted body. True reme-

44 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org OLUTION NASA/MSFC/Jacobs Technology/ESSSA/Aaron Kingery

diation is more likely if the target is not disrupted, a range of kinetic energies and would drift apart. Comet Lovejoy and but given a gentle, long-lasting nudge in a controlled If detonation occurs at 1 AU and 100 days before its tail are visible in this three-minute exposure. manner. Fragmentation would compound our prob- Earth encounter, the cloud would have expanded to At the time of this image lems enormously. Instead of having to defl ect one 17,000 km, or 1.35 Earth diameters. To ensure that in 2013, Lovejoy was 37 bullet, we would have a hailstorm of particles, large this cloud misses Earth, we would have to ensure a million miles from Earth, and small, to dodge. Perturbation of each particle defl ection of at least 2.6 Earth radii (the radius of the very near to its closest from its original orbit cannot be predicted, and we cloud, plus the gravitational radius of Earth), plus approach. would have to ensure the entire ensemble misses a 50 percent safety margin, or nearly 4 Earth radii. Earth so as not to compound the damage infl icted. Dispersal also would occur along the trajectory, Note that a 10-centimeter wide iron fragment (the not just normal to it. A single impact here on Earth size of your fi st) can survive atmospheric entry to would become a string of impacts lasting more hit the ground, heating and producing shock waves than an hour. in the atmosphere on its way down. The 2013 Chely- Note that a near miss is not acceptable risk. The abinsk bolide (estimated to be initially 20 meters in threat avoidance problem is much more complicated. diameter) attests to how seriously damaging these Here’s why: If the mutual orbits of Earth and the object shock waves can be. intersect at one point in time, they will intersect at Fragments of this body would be imparted with other times in the future. Fragments will continue to



The aerospace industry has set ambitious goals for the next three generations of commercial transport aircraft to accommodate rapid growth in emerging markets and ensure the future sustainability of air travel. One approach being explored to meet these targets is nontraditional aircraft propulsion using electric, turboelectric, or hybrid-electric powertrains.

Recent workshops by the IEEE and AIAA have identified the need to bring together electrical engineers and aerospace experts as the industry looks to more electric propulsion technologies for future aircraft. The AIAA Aircraft Electric Propulsion and Power Working Group, the IEEE Transportation Electrification Community, and the College of Engineering of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are collaborating to organize a new two-day symposium to address these issues. The event occurs on 12–13 July, following the AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum.

The symposium will focus on electric aircraft technology across three programmatic tracks: (1) electric-power enabled aircraft configurations and system requirements, (2) enabling technologies for electric aircraft propulsion, and (3) electric aircraft system integration and controls. Abstracts are solicited in specific areas of relevancy including, but not limited to, the following:

TRACK 1 TRACK 2 TRACK 3 Aircraft Configurations & Enabling Technologies System Integration and Controls Systems Requirements i Machines and drives integration for i Electric powertrain architectures i System feasibility studies optimum performance i Fault isolation and reconfigurable i Electric-enabled innovative aircraft i Conventional, cryogenic, and systems design and propulsion concepts superconducting i Energy management systems i Electrical powertrain performance i Fault tolerant power systems and requirements components i Integrated electro-thermal systems System modeling tools i Safety, critical failure modes, i Energy storage devices and systems i certification i Electric machine and gas turbine i Monitoring and diagnostics i Lifecycle energy, operational cost, engine integration and emission analysis i New material solutions or applications

i Novel thermal management solutions

i Verification and testing Sponsored by:

All papers will be co-published in both AIAA’s electronic library, Aerospace Research Central (ARC), and the IEEE Xplore digital library. In addition, the EATS organizing committee may recommend high-quality papers for journal publication and is exploring the development of an invited special edition publication in a relevant AIAA or IEEE journal, covering the most impactful work presented at EATS.

For complete symposium details visit: aiaa.org/EATS Tourists look into the Barringer Crater from the edge near Winslow, Ariz. Scientists estimate an asteroid 10 to 50 meters in diameter caused the crater.

U.S. Geological Survey disperse even after the Earth encounter, becoming would simply fragment the body. Robert L. Marcialis an ever-widening debris cloud. Tidal forces (the Whether an object is stony or metallic, a failed is a visiting scientist at the tendency of objects in a gravity gradient to drift fi rst attempt at defl ection by a nuclear device in all University of Arizona’s Lunar apart with time), the Yarkovsky effect (the slight probability eliminates any chance of success on and Planetary Laboratory in thrust caused by solar heating and re-radiation of subsequent tries, even should suffi cient time exist. Tucson and an AIAA senior member. He holds a doctorate thermal IR by the evening hemisphere), radiation The debris from the fi rst attempt would produce in planetary science from pressure, and perturbations by other bodies of what amounts to a fi eld of kinetic energy weapons the University of Arizona the inner solar system will constrain what con- around the body. At an approach velocity of 11 km/ and a Bachelor of Science in stitutes a successful change in trajectory. Each of sec, impact on the delivery vehicle by a rice-sized aeronautical and astronautical these stochastically adds to what comprises an particle would be catastrophic to the vehicle and engineering from MIT. Email acceptable “miss.” the odds of mission success. [email protected] Metallic bodies actually comprise only a small Our best path to success depends on early minority (about 4.5 percent) of the population of detection and cataloging of potentially hazardous Nadine G. Barlow interplanetary bodies, as shown by the distribution bodies, combined with knowledge of the physical chairs the Department of of meteorites recovered from Antarctica. Much more properties of such a body, both keys to designing a Physics and Astronomy at Northern Arizona University probable is that the threatening body would have reasonable course of action. in Flagstaff. She holds a a stony composition. From the sample of asteroids Here’s a sampling of the many methods of gentle doctorate in planetary sciences and comets visited by spacecraft, representative diversion that have been proposed over the last from the University of Arizona. porosities of these bodies are a few tens of percent. couple of decades: Email [email protected] These bodies are most likely agglomerations of i Sending a massive satellite close to the body as a chunks, large and small. Any impulsive change in “gravity tractor” to pull the threat in a calculated Larry A. Lebofsky momentum is likely to fragment the body rather than and controllable direction. is a senior education and defl ect its trajectory, because it is mechanically weak. i Landing a similar satellite on the surface of the body communications specialist at There is overwhelming evidence that the aver- and pushing the threat with high specifi c impulse, the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, and an age object is mechanically weak. Consider Comet low thrust rocket motors in the desired direction. AIAA senior member. He has i Shoemaker-Levy 9’s impact with Jupiter in 1992. The Physically painting parts of the body’s surface with a doctorate in earth and comet was torn into 21 fragments merely by tidal refl ective and/or absorptive coloring. planetary sciences from MIT. forces in a previous encounter with Jupiter. For stony i Orbiting a satellite equipped with lasers, which Email [email protected]. objects, including most asteroids and all comets, would vaporize select regions on the surface of edu the “rubble pile” description is most appropriate.. the body, producing an in situ thrust. Gravity and mechanical strength are close to zero. These are just a few of the ways we can inter- If you push a bucket of sand, it moves as a whole. vene. The reality is that the nuclear option is no Not the case for a sand castle. Should a stony object option at all. + be headed our way, it is likely a wash between the A more detailed version of this article is available kinetic impactor and a nuclear detonation: either at http://bit.ly/2pfWLI8.

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 47 Aerospace Spotlight Awards Gala Wednesday, 2 May 2018 Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center Washington, D.C.

Please celebrate with esteemed guests and colleagues in Washington, D.C., when AIAA recognizes individuals and teams for outstanding contributions that make the world safer, more connected, and more prosperous.

Presentation of Awards

i AIAA Goddard Astronautics Award i AIAA Public Service Award Gwynne E. Shotwell George C. Nield President and Chief Operating Officer Associate Administrator for Commercial SpaceX Space Transportation Federal Aviation Administration i AIAA Reed Aeronautics Award Mark Drela i Lawrence Sperry Award Kohler Professor of Fluid Dynamics Michael D. West Director, Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel Assistant Director Massachusetts Institute of Technology Australian Department of Defence

i AIAA Distinguished Service Award i AIAA Foundation Award for Excellence Mary L. Snitch To Be Announced Senior Manager, Global S&T Engagement Lockheed Martin Corporation i Class of 2018 Fellows and Honorary Fellows i Daniel Guggenheim Medal Paul M. Bevilaqua Manager, Advanced Development Programs Lockheed Martin Corporation (retired)

Visit aiaa.org/gala2018 to reserve your seat AAIA BULLETIN | AIAA NEWS AND EVENTS



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aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 49 AIAA BULLETIN | AIAA NEWS AND EVENTS

Notes About the Calendar For more information on meetings listed below, visit our website at Calendar aiaa.org/events or call 800.639.AIAA or 703.264.7500 (outside U.S.).



6 Apr DirectTech Webinar—Thermal Modeling and Regenerative Cooling of Liquid Rocket Engines Virtual (aiaa.org/onlinelearning) DirectTech Webinar—Electric Aircraft Design Fundamentals: Enabling Technologies and 26 Apr Virtual (aiaa.org/onlinelearning) Analysis Methods for More-, Hybrid-, and All-Electric Aircraft 1 May 2018 Fellows Dinner Crystal City, VA 2 May Aerospace Spotlight Awards Gala Washington, DC AIAA DEFENSE Forum (AIAA Defense and Security Forum) Featuring: 8–10 May – Missile Sciences Conference Laurel, MD 30 Nov 17 – National Forum on Weapon System Effectivenss – Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference 10–11 May Aerospace Survivability Course Laurel, MD Saint Petersburg, Russia 28–30 May † 25th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (Contact: www.elektropribor.spb.ru) Marseille, France 28 May–1 Jun † SpaceOps 2018: 15th International Conference on Space Operations 6 Jul 17 (Contact: www.spaceops2018.org) DirectTech Webinar—High Order CFD Methods: Results and Advancements from the 5th 31 May Virtual (aiaa.org/onlinelearning) International Workshop 4–8 Jun† DATT (Defense & Aerospace Test & Telemetry) Summit Orlando, FL (www.dattsummit.com) 23–24 Jun Design of Electric and Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Course Atlanta, GA 23–24 Jun Missile Aerodynamics Course Atlanta, GA 23–24 Jun Optimal Design in Multidisciplilnary Systems Course Atlanta, GA Practical Design Methods for Aircraft and Rotorcraft Flgiht Control for Manned and UAV 23–24 Jun Atlanta, GA Applications with Hands-on Training Using CONDUIT® Course 23–24 Jun 5th AIAA Workshop on Benchmark Problems for Airframe Noise Computations (BANC-V) Atlanta, GA AIAA AVIATION Forum (AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition) Featuring: – AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference – Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference – Applied Aerodynamics Conference – Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference – Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference 25–29 Jun – Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference Atlanta, GA 9 Nov 17 – Flight Testing Conference – Flow Control Conference – Fluid Dynamics Conference – Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference – Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference – Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference – Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference Kobe, Japan (Contact: http://www.org.kobe-u. 25–29 Jun† 15th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference (SCTC) ac.jp/15sctc/index.html) 3–6 Jul† ICNPAA-2018 - Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences Yerevan, Armenia (Contact:: www.icnpaa.com) 7–8 Jul Emerging Concepts in High Speed Air-Breathing Propulsion Course Cincinnati, OH Fundamentals of Gas Turbine Engine Aerothermodynamics, Performance, and Systems 7–8 Jul Cincinnati, OH Integration Course 7–8 Jul Liquid Atomization, Spray, and Fuel Injection in Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines Course Cincinnati, OH 7–8 Jul Liquid Rocket Engines: Fundamentals, Green Propellants, and Emerging Technologies Course Cincinnati, OH

50 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org AIAA Continuing Education offerings †Meetings cosponsored by AIAA. Cosponsorship forms can be found at aiaa.org/Co-SponsorshipOpportunities. AIAA Symposiums and Workshops


7–8 Jul Propulsion of Flapping-wing Micro Air Vehicles (FMAVS) Course Cincinnati, OH 7–8 Jul AIAA Complex Aerospace Systems Exchange (CASE) Workshop Cincinnati, OH 7–8 Jul 4th Propulsion Aerodynamics Workshop Cincinnati, OH Enabling Technologies and Analysis Methods for More-, Hybrid-, and All-Electric Aircraft 8 Jul Cincinnati, OH Course AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum (AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition) Featuring: 9–11 Jul Cincinnati, OH 4 Jan 18 – Joint Propulsion Conference – International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference 12–13 Jul AIAA/IEEE Electric Aircraft Technologies Symposium Cincinnati, OH (aiaa.org/eats) 15 Feb 18 19–23 Aug† 2018 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference Snowbird, UT (www.space-fl ight.org) AIAA SPACE Forum (AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition) Featuring: 17–19 Sep Orlando, FL 8 Feb 18 – Complex Aerospace Systems Exchange – International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference 1–5 Oct† 69th International Astronautical Congress Bremen, Germany


AIAA SciTech Forum (AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition) Featuring: – Adaptive Structures Conference – Aerospace Sciences Meeting – Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference – Information Systems — Infotech@Aerospace Conference – Dynamics Specialists Conference 7–11 Jan San Diego, CA 11 Jun 18 – Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference – Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference – Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference – Space Flight Mechanics Meeting – Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference – Spacecraft Structures Conference – Wind Energy Symposium 13–17 Jan† 29th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting Ka’anapali, HI 14 Sep 18 2–9 Mar† 2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference Big Sky, MT (www.aeroconf.org) Milan, Italy (Contact: www. 3–5 Apr† 5th CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control (2019 EuroGNC) eurognc19.polimi.it) Saint Petersburg, Russia 27–29 May† 26th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (Contact: www.elektropribor.spb.ru/ icins2019/en)

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 51 AIAA BULLETIN | AIAA NEWS AND EVENTS Recognizing Top Achievements— An AIAA Tradition

For over 80 years, AIAA has been committed to ensuring that aerospace professionals are recognized and celebrated for their achievements, innovations, and discoveries that make the world safer, more connected, more accessible, and more prosperous. AIAA celebrates the pioneering spirit that is showcased by the following individuals who were recognized between October 2017 and January 2018.

Presented at the Joint Conference Presented at the Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and of the AIAA International AIAA SciTech Forum Control Award Communications Satellite Systems 8–12 January 2018, Kissimmee, Mark J. Balas Conference (ICSSC) and the Ka Florida Professor, Embry- and Broadband Communications Riddle Aeronautical Conference (Ka) Durand Lecture for Public Service University 16–19 October 2017, Trieste, Italy C. D. Mote, Jr. For sustained President, National excellence in AIAA Aerospace Communications Academy of developing the frontiers Award Engineering of theory and practice in advanced Stuart T. Linsky “NAE’s Grand adaptive control systems for complex and Vice President, Engineering and Global Challenges for dynamic systems. Product Development, Northrop Engineering and the Nominated by: Mark Whorton, The Grumman Corporation Scholars Program” University of Tennessee Space Institute For technical leadership, innovation and development of protected satellite Dryden Lectureship in Research de Florez Award for Flight Simulation communications systems. Graham V. Candler Laurence Retman Nominated by: Ron Smith, Northrop McKnight Presidential Young Grumman Aerospace Systems. Professor and Russell Professor, J. Penrose Professor, Massachusetts Presented at the 33rd Society for University of Institute of Technology Gravitational and Space Research Minnesota Distinguished Annual Meeting “Advances in the researcher responsible 25–28 October 2017, Renton, Simulation of High-Speed Combustion for fundamental contributions in Washington Flows” applying quantitative models of human perception and control to enhance fl ight AIAA Space Processing Award Aerospace Design Engineering Award simulation motion and visual cueing. Mark M. Weislogel NASA/Boeing PRSEUS Development Nominated by: John Tylko, Aurora Flight Portland State University and Test Team Sciences Corporation For decades of leadership in Space Received by Shuttle and ISS zero-g fl uids scientifi c Dawn Jegley, Intelligent Systems Award experimentation and global public Team Primary Kevin A. Wise outreach via design and publicity of NASA Langley Senior Technical creative fl uids activities onboard ISS. Research Center Fellow, The Boeing Nominated by: Jeff G. Marchetta, In recognition Company University of Memphis of excellence For his long history of in developing developing intelligent and demonstrating damage arresting autonomy and composites technology in a Pultruded integrating intelligent systems into Rod Stitched Effi cient Unitized Structure production aerospace systems. (PRSEUS). Nominated by: Christine Belcastro, Nominated by: Damodar Ambur, NASA NASA Langley Research Center Langley Research Center

52 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org Integrated Computational Materials aeroelasticity of rotary- and fi xed-wing Abe M. Zarem Educator Award Engineering (ICME) Prize aircraft including seminal research Joseph Majdalani advancements and publications, and Professor, Auburn academic mentoring of outstanding University aerospace engineers. Nominated by: Earl Dowell, Duke University

Survivability Award Vincent Volpe Faculty Advisor Award Research Staff Farhan Gandhi Member, Institute for Professor, Rensselaer Julie Tomasi, Will Pisani, Defense Analyses Polytechnic Institute Chinkanjanarot, Aaron Krieg, David For pioneering efforts For reviving the Jaszczak, Julie King, Ibrahim Miskioglu, as founding member AIAA RPI Student Greg Odegard of AIAA Survivability Branch, facilitating Michigan Technical University Technical Committee and more than seminars, astronaut and 40 years of outstanding technical visits, company tours, conference Evan Pineda, Brett Bednarcyk, Sandi contributions to aircraft survivability participation, and providing students Miller community. opportunity, exposure, and sense-of- NASA Glenn Research Center Nominated by: Mark Couch, Institute for community through the association Modeling-driven damage tolerant design Defense Analyses with AIAA. of graphene nanoplatelet/carbon fi ber/ Nominated by: Onkar Sahni, Rensselaer epoxy hybrid composite panels for full- Diversity & Inclusion Award Polytechnic Institute scale aerospace structures AIAA Guidance, Navigation Control (GNC) Technical Committee J. Leland Atwood Award Mechanics and Control of Flight Award Represented by: Lesley Hanspeter Schaub Hanspeter Schaub A. Weitz Professor, University of Professor, University of Principal Simulation Colorado at Boulder Colorado Boulder Modeling Engineer, For seminal For the far-reaching The MITRE contributions and theoretical and Corporation recognition for his practical advances in For signifi cant innovation, elegance, spacecraft guidance, contributions to AIAA diversity and dedication, enthusiasm and impact as an navigation and control, particularly inclusion as a champion of women’s aerospace educator to the University of in the fi elds of relative motion and leadership and technical advancements Colorado at Boulder nonlinear attitude dynamics and control, in guidance, navigation, and control as well as space debris remediation systems. Gardner-Lasser Aerospace History dynamics. Literature Award Nominated by: Jeffrey Forbes, University Abe M. Zarem Award for Distinguished Margot Lee Shetterly of Colorado Achievement in Astronautics Author, HarperCollins Langston L. Williams Publishers Structures, Structural Dynamics and Graduate Research Hidden Figures Materials Award Assistant/AEP Nominated by: Alivia Dewey H. Hodges Facilitator, Auburn Lopez, HarperCollins Professor, School University Publishers of Aerospace Nominated by: Joseph Engineering, Georgia Majdalani, Auburn Institute of Technology University For exceptional contributions to structures, structural dynamics and aerospaceamerica.org | APRIL 2018 | 53 AIAA BULLETIN | AIAA NEWS AND EVENTS

History Manuscript Award Summerfi eld Book Award Amy Kaminski NASA Headquarters “Sharing the Shuttle with America: Annual Business NASA and Public Engagement After Meeting Notice Apollo” Nominated by: William Barry, NASA Leland Nicolai Notice is hereby given that Lockheed Martin Corporation (retired) the Annual Business Meeting Pendray Aerospace Literature Award of the American Institute of Josette R. Bellan Grant Carichner Aeronautics and Astronautics Senior Research Lockheed Martin Corporation (retired) will be held at the Crystal City Scientist, Jet Hilton Hotel, Arlington, VA on Propulsion Laboratory, Authors of Fundamentals of Aircraft and Wednesday, 2 May 2018, at California Institute of Airship Design 1:00 PM. Technology Nominated by: Edward H. Allen, For widely reaching, Lockheed Martin Corporation seminal and outstanding publications on Christopher Horton, bio-fuels, sprays and high pressure fl ows AIAA Governance Secretary to meet future challenges of Aeronautics Learn more about the AIAA and Astronautics combustion systems. Honors and Awards program at Nominated by: Ashwani K. Gupta, aiaa.org/HonorsAndAwards University of Maryland

Do you know someone who has made notable Nominate Your Peers contributions to aerospace arts, sciences, or technology? Bolster the reputation and respect of an outstanding peer—throughout the industry and Colleagues! Nominate them now!

Candidates for SENIOR MEMBER

• Accepting online nominations monthly Candidates for ASSOCIATE FELLOW • Acceptance Period begins 15 December 2017 • Nomination Forms are due 15 April 2018 • Reference Forms are due 15 May 2018 Candidates for FELLOW • Acceptance Period begins 1 April 2018 • Nomination Forms are due 15 June 2018 • Reference Forms are due 15 July 2018 Candidates for HONORARY FELLOW • Acceptance period begins 1 January 2018 • Nomination forms are due 15 June 2018 • Reference forms are due 15 July 2018

“Appreciation can make a day – even change a life.Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” -- Margaret Cousins For more information on nominations: aiaa.org/Honors

54 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org CONGRATULATIONS “AIAA Fellows and Honorary Fellows have dedicated themselves and their careers to the advancement AIAA CLASS OF of aeronautics and astronautics. Their hard work, innovative spirit and leadership have made possible scores of noteworthy aerospace achievements— 2018 large and small—during the past decades. AIAA FELLOWS AND congratulates the members of the 2018 Class of Fellows HONORARY and Honorary Fellows on their selection.” FELLOWS! James Maser, AIAA President

2018 HONORARY FELLOWS H. Norman Abramson Charles Elachi Antony Jameson Southwest Research Institute California Institute of Technology Stanford University (retired)


Nancy F. Andersen James E. Graf Dava J. Newman Johns Hopkins University Applied Jet Propulsion Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Physics Laboratory Technology Michael A. Hamel Supriya Banerjee Lockheed Martin Corporation Robert W. Pitz FAMES Vanderbilt University Vlad J. Hruby Olivier A. Bauchau Busek Co. Inc Stephen A. Rizzi University of Maryland NASA Langley Research Center Parimal H. Kopardekar Marty K. Bradley NASA Ames Research Center Hannes G. Ross The Boeing Company IBR Aeronautical Consulting; Eugene Lavretsky EADS Military Aircraft (retired) Edward L. Burnett The Boeing Company Lockheed Martin Corporation Robie I. Samanta Roy Sankaran Mahadevan Lockheed Martin Corporation Carissa B. Christensen Vanderbilt University Bryce Space and Technology, LLC Steven P. Schneider Mark D. Maughmer Purdue University Jonathan E. Cooper Pennsylvania State University University of Bristol Steven D. Young Robert E. Meyerson NASA Langley Research Center Blue Origin LLC

All AIAA Fellows and Honorary Fellows, you are cordially invited to join us to celebrate the Class of 2018 at the AIAA Fellows Dinner.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018 Reception: 1830 hrs Hilton Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia Dinner: 1930 hrs Attire: Business Tickets: $130/each By Invitation Only More information and registration: aiaa.org/FellowsDinner2018

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 55 AIAA BULLETIN | AIAA NEWS AND EVENTS Astronaut Stories Australia Fosters Interest in the Contributors: Abhijeet Kumar, Benjamin Morrell, Liam Heidt, Bhavraj Aerospace Industry Thethy, Brock Little

In fall 2017 the AIAA Sydney Section problems. She was joined by fi ve other ed in activities involving programming organized Astronaut Stories Australia, a aerospace professionals who answered Arduinos, virtual reality, a Mars Yard, series of public outreach events de- insightful questions from the students and a spacewalk. Feedback from the signed to connect students, researchers, about physics in space, what the hyper- program suggested that the students and the public with leading icons of sonic regime entails what career path- were inspired to select a high math level the space industry to increase public ways lead to a career in space, and the or science unit for their school cours- interest in space-based activities and role of artifi cial intelligence in space. This es after the program and saw a life for the wonder of space, as well as motivat- was followed by a rocket activity where themselves in the STEM disciplines. ing support of scientifi c and technical students had to design the fi n and no- Five hundred people attended the exploration. The events took advantage secone of their air-powered rocket with evening event where Col. Melroy and Dr. of the large number of astronauts who design considerations and constraints Magnus were hosted by Dr. Fred Watson. came to Australia for the International based on maneuverability and stability. After an introductory presentation, Astronautical Congress (held in Adelaide They were introduced to rocket physics there was a Q&A session where ques- in late September). and what would help the rocket reach the tions ranged from the technical to the Events were planned in Canberra, highest altitude possible. The next ac- aspirational. Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, and tivity entailed spaceship design with Dr. each event included an astronaut to Sean Tuttle (ESA Rosetta engineer), which Melbourne Event headline a STEM workshop for high focused on systems integration, followed On 20 September, “From STEM to Space school students and a large public by a session on trajectory design with Melbourne” took place at Science- presentation. The student event (From Dr. Doug Griffi n and Prof. Andrew Neely, Works, Museums Victoria. One hundred STEM to Space) was designed to spark which focused on launch, travel, and students from 10 schools from low an interest in STEM careers. The events reentry of spacecraft heading to Mars. socioeconomic areas attended the entire included a presentation and Q&A with a The evening event, hosted by program. A further 600 students from panel of astronauts and local STEM role SQNLDR Marija Jovanovich, included 14 schools around Victoria attended a models, followed by hands-on science a presentation by Col. Melroy followed portion of the program via video confer- and engineering activities. The public by a Q&A where many children had the ence. The program was split into a rocket event (An Evening of Astronaut Stories) chance to ask questions. Numerous workshop run by the Australian Youth aimed to foster a passion and interest audience members expressed profound Aerospace Association (AYAA), where the for space activities. An astronaut shared wonder and excitement at the end of the students learned to conduct the hands- stories from their career and from when event where human spacefl ight, advo- on design and manufacture of chem- they were in space, followed by an cacy and policy, career pathways, and ical rockets, and a talk by either Tony audience Q&A session. space exploration were discussed. The Antonelli or Dorin Prunariu about their The events had a tremendous turn- event was livetweeted, which meant there experience as astronauts. The students out: over 1,000 students participated in was good engagement throughout the were allowed to explore the Science- the STEM events and 5,000 individuals, Canberra community. Works museum during the lunch break including a large number of children, to see the range of exhibits on display. participated in the evening events. Sydney Event Noting the problem of gender balance The Sydney STEM event took place and equal representation in engineering Canberra Event on 21 September with Col. Melroy, Dr. today, a broader goal of the Melbourne The fi rst event was held on 19 September Sandy Magnus, Dr. Sydney Do, and Mr. event was to attempt to achieve a bal- at the University of New South Wales Warwick Holmes participating, and in- ance in gender, and about 65% of the Canberra. Col. Pamela Melroy spoke to cluded 180 students from eight schools. students were female. The volunteers 70 students from eight schools about The panelists spoke about their career were an equal 50-50 representation of the technical engineering challenges journey and STEM education, trying to male and female. By targeting females that she faced in space and the simple inspire students from a lower socioeco- at a young age, the sections hopes to en- ingenuity that is required of astronauts to nomic background to explore science courage more of them into STEM roles. come up with simple fi xes to challenging and technology. The students participat- A VIP Night was held on 20 Sep-

56 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org tember with members of Museums Brisbane Event listened to a short address about the Victoria and representatives from the On 3 October, “From STEM to Space STEM careers available at UQ before aerospace industry, including Boeing, Brisbane” took place at the University Fuglesang spoke to the audience about DST Group, BAE Systems, Nova Systems, of Queensland (UQ) St. Lucia campus. his experiences and then answered RAeS, Monash University, RMIT, and the Seventy-three students from fi ve schools questions with TV science presenter Lee University of Melbourne. An Evening of attended the program, which included a Constable. Astronaut Stories Melbourne (with Tony talk from panelists, including astronaut Antonelli) was held on 23 September Christer Fuglesang, on how the panel- Volunteer Committee in conjunction with the AstroLight ists had transitioned from secondary To organize these events, students work- Festival. About 1,600 attendees were school to a STEM career. There was a ing with the AIAA Sydney Section formed at the festival, and the Amphitheatre strong career focus, with discussions a national committee that worked with was completely full with the talk being on the practical steps to pursue a STEM teams in each city. The 20 committee livestreamed to other areas of the career and the skills required to do so. members also had a large team of about festival. The children in the audience The students also had the opportunity 60 other volunteers across the four cities. were encouraged to ask questions and to design, build, and launch rockets, The events benefi ted from partnerships Antonelli emphasized the importance of with the help of Kate Dent from AYAA. with different organizations: Science- math and science in school and made a This project was similar to the one at works in Melbourne provided the venue big impression on the children. The fi nal Canberra and Melbourne and students for the events, and combined the events event of the evening was a panel event needed to design and integrate fi ns, with their Astrolight Festival; the Muse- focused on “Space Science in 2030” nosecone, and a parachute, so that their um of Applied Arts and Sciences in Syd- with Dr. Sarah Wittig (European Space rocket would reach the highest altitude ney hosed the STEM event and coordi- Agency), Dr. Gail Iles (formerly ESA and possible. Fuglesang watched the rocket nated the STEM workshop; Sydney Ideas now RMIT) and Dr. Katie Mack (Uni- launches, asking questions about the de- helped host the Sydney evening events; versity of Melbourne). Incoming AIAA signs and talked with the students about and the Australian Youth Aerospace As- Melbourne Section Chair Dr. Daniel how the performance compared with sociation ran the events in Brisbane and Edginton-Mitchell moderated the panel. their predictions. The students also had the STEM activities in Melbourne. Topics ranged from black holes and a chance to tour the university’s Civil Event sponsors were the Royal space travel to the importance of women Engineering Labs, Additive Manufactur- Aeronautical Society (national partner) in STEM. AIAA also ran an information ing Labs, Super-orbital Expansion Tube and local sponsors were the University booth at the AstroLight festival and were Laboratory, and UQ Racing Workshop. of Queensland, University of Sydney, happy to have more than 80 individuals That evening at Astronaut Stories University of NSW Canberra, and interested in future events. Brisbane approximately 270 attendees Monash University.

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 57 AIAA BULLETIN | AIAA NEWS AND EVENTS Chris Zimmer

Thirteen AIAA student members have been named winners of Aviation Week Network’s award program: Tomorrow’s Engineering Leaders: The 20 Twenties.

The award recognizes students who are nominated by their universities on the basis of their academic performance, civic contribution, and research or design project. The winners were honored during Aviation Week’s 61st Annual Laureate Awards on 1 March at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. At the event, AIAA President-Elect John Langford, CEO and President of Aurora Flight Sciences, a Boeing Company, was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award, and AIAA corporate m embers SpaceX and Boeing were named as Grand Laureate of the Space and Defense divisions, respectively. (More details can be found at: aiaa.org/2018-Laureate-Awards-and-20-Twenties-Winners)

Call for Papers Now Open for the 29th Space Flight Mechanics Meeting

The 29th Space Flight Mechanics Meeting will be held 13–17 January 2019 at the Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa in Ka’anapali, HI. The conference is organized by the American Astronautical Society (AAS) Space Flight Mechanics Committee and cosponsored by the AIAA Astrodynamics Technical Committee. Manuscripts will be accepted based on their quality of the extended abstract, the originality of the work and/or ideas, and the anticipated interest in the proposed subject. The abstract deadline is 14 Septem- ber 2018. Complete manuscripts are required before the conference. Full details can be found at the website: http://space-fl ight. org/docs/2019_winter/2019_winter.html.

58 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org Working Across Different Disciplines— Society and Aerospace

Technology From left to right: Mary Ellen Eagan, Roy Hawkins, Dirk Speas, and T.J. Schulz Integration and Outreach AIAA/ACC/AAAE Speas Committee Award Presented in March

On 1 March, the 2018 AIAA/AAAE/ACC Jay Hollingsworth Speas Airport Award was presented to the Gerald R. Ford International Airport Authority during an awards luncheon at the 2018 AAAE/ACC Airport Planning, Design and By: Dr. Amir S. Gohardani, SAT IOC, Construction Symposium. The airport authority was recognized for an Chair innovative and sustainable stormwater and deicing treatment system that provides an example to other airports in meeting operational, regulatory and Following the latest face-to-face meeting community needs. Roy Hawkins, planning engineer, accepted the award . of the Society and Aerospace Technology The Speas award was established in 1983 and is presented annually to the Integration and Outreach Committee nominee(s) judged to have contributed most signifi cantly in recent years to (SAT IOC) at the 2018 AIAA SciTech the enhancement of relationships between airports and/or heliports and their Forum in January, SAT IOC is following surrounding environments via exemplary innovation that might be replicated up its objectives to identify impacts elsewhere. of technology on society. A sequential approach for the committee is to mirror the fi ndings from potential studies into these topics. SAT IOC is actively pursuing a variety of different activities AIAA Journals Announcement and will have several sessions at the 2018 To leverage advances in publishing technology, AIAA has been transi- AIAA SPACE Forum in September (for tioning our technical journals away from the traditional print format more information, go to space.aiaa.org/ over the past few years. This process will be complete in January 2019. getalerts). Journal of Aircraft (JA), Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics Most recently, additional updates (JGCD), Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (JSR), Journal of Propulsion have also been made to the SAT IOC and Power (JPP), and Journal of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer webpage as the committee explores (JTHT), will be the last of the journals to move to an online-only format collaborative efforts with other AIAA in 2019. The fi nal 2018 issue for each of these journals will be the last IOCs and technical committees. A red issue distributed in print. thread that runs through most SAT IOC activities is the multidisciplinary topics Print customers transitioning to the online format will be able to that enable a more all-inclusive vantage maximize the user experience with research tools and access to the most point about the aerospace technologies up-to-date versions of articles in Aerospace Research Central. All of impacting society. SAT IOC is com- AIAA’s technical journals will continue to publish high-quality, original mitted to facilitate knowledge transfer research papers spanning the spectrum of aerospace science and between different subject areas and technology and reporting on the most critical aerospace advances. share those fi ndings with the general public.

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 59 AIAA BULLETIN | AIAA NEWS AND EVENTS

teaching abilities early by developing AIAA Associate Fellow Obituaries and teaching three aircraft design Barnard Died in February related courses that were taught as part of the McDonnell Voluntary Improve- Harry R. Barnard, age 82, died on 25 ment Program (Aircraft Confi guration February. Design, Unigraphics I and II 3-D Design, Barnard attended Texas A&M Uni- Design for Manufacturability). Addi- versity, earning his degree in Aerospace tionally, while at McDonnell-Douglas Engineering (1962). He earned his Mr. D’Urso made biweekly visits to the masters degree in Aerospace Engineer- UIUC campus to assist Professor Ken ing from Southern Methodist University Sivier with the teaching of the AE senior (1969). design courses. He also served on the AE In the 1960s, he worked at General Academic Advisory Board from 1991 to Dynamics, Bell Helicopter, and LTV 2011 and was its VP (1995–1996) as well Aerospace Corporation before moving as president (1997–2000). Additionally, to Texas Instruments where he was he served on the UIUC College of Engi- an aerodynamic project engineer neering Advisory Board (1997–2000). for the 155 mm Cannon Launched After his retirement in 2011 as Guided Projectile Program among Senior Systems Engineer/Manager other projects. In 1983, he moved to at The Boeing Company, Mr. D’Urso Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire returned to UIUC as a Lecturer and Control as a Lockheed Martin Fellow. Program Coordinator for Aerospace He was experienced in the design, Systems Engineering in the Aerospace analysis, and testing of guided mis- AIAA Associate Fellow Engineering Department. He organized siles, gun fired guided projectiles and D’Urso Died in February and initiated the latter undergraduate pilotless aircraft. His tasks included and graduate programs. He also taught aerodynamic coefficient determina- Steven J. D’Urso died on 16 February. the two-semester senior aeronautical tion, aerodynamic and inertial loads He was 65 years old. design capstone courses as well as a determination, flight dynamics, wind Mr. D’Urso graduated from the course systems engineering. His courses tunnel testing, autopilot and control University of Illinois at Urbana-Cham- were convincing mixture of theory and system analysis, six-DOF simulation, paign (UIUC) with a B.S. in Mechanical rich contributions based on his many rocket, turbojet, pulsejet and ramjet Engineering (1978). He also earned an years of industrial experiences. Addi- performance analysis, aero-elastic M.S. degree in Aeronautical and Astro- tionally, he advised undergraduates and analysis and aerodynamic heating nautical Engineering (1989) through the graduates in special research courses analysis. He taught Lockheed Martin special off-campus graduate program and also supervised graduate thesis in-house courses related to missile/ that the UIUC Aerospace Engineering students. aircraft propulsion, missile/aircraft (AE) department delivered to McDon- Mr. D’Urso was an active member conceptual design and aerodynamics. nell-Douglas in the 1980s. of the International Committee on Mr. Barnard was also an adjunct After graduation he accepted a System Engineering (INCOSE). As an professor at the University of Texas at position with Boeing Seattle as a design AIAA Associate Fellow, he was actively Arlington. He was a member of the AIAA engineer specializing in structural and engaged in research and a frequent Gas Turbine Engines Technical Com- mechanical design. During his three paper contributor at AIAA conferences. mittee and supported both local and years in Seattle he contributed to the He co-authored a book chapter and a national AIAA activities. design of the Boeing 767 aircraft. In number of signifi cant research papers. 1980 he joined the McDonnell Aircraft Mr. D’Urso also was an active member Company as a Technical Specialist on and contributor to the AIAA System for confi guration design before being Engineering Technical Committee. promoted to Senior Principal Engineer Among his achievement awards and then to a Senior Systems Manager. are the McDonnell-Douglas Teammate It was during this time period that he of Distinction (1991) and Leadership made signifi cant contributions to the Award (1992); the UIUC AE Department Joint Strike Fighter competition. In par- Outstanding Recent Alumnus Award ticular, he produced a fuselage re-design (1994) and Distinguished Alumnus of the X-32 that eliminated the “ugly Award (1998); and the Boeing Integrated moniker” associated with that aircraft. Defense Systems Performance Awards During his time at McDonnell (2000, 2003) and Leadership Award Aircraft, Steve demonstrated his natural (2007).

60 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org CAREER OPPORTUNITIES


USC Faculty Position

The University of Southern California, invites applications for tenure-track or tenured positions in the Department of Astronautical Engineering in the Your Membership Viterbi School of Engineering. We seek outstanding faculty candidates for positions at any rank. The USC Viterbi School of Engineering is committed Benefits to increasing the diversity of its faculty and welcomes applications from 1. Get Ahead of the Curve – women, underrepresented groups, veterans, and individuals with disabilities. Stay abreast of in-depth reporting Outstanding applicants who have demonstrated academic excellence and on the innovations shaping leadership, and whose past activities document a commitment to issues the aerospace industry with Aerospace America, and a involving the advancement of women in science and engineering may also be daily dose of vetted industry news considered for the Lloyd Armstrong, Jr. Endowed Chair, which is supported in the AIAA Daily Launch – by the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program endowment. both delivered free with AIAA membership. We invite applications from candidates knowledgeable in astronautical engineering, and will focus on a candidate’s promise and/or track record 2. Connect with Your Peers – Whether you are ready to travel during the review process. Areas of interest include but are not limited to to one of AIAA’s five forums, or space and rocket propulsion, astrodynamics, and space environment and you want to stay close to home, science, with particular priority in the propulsion area. We seek outstanding AIAA offers the best opportunities individuals who will participate in the university’s research and engage with to meet the people working in your industry and interest graduate and undergraduate students. Successful candidates will establish area. a strong, externally funded, research program of national prominence while contributing the core teaching mission of the department. An earned 3. Explore More Opportunities doctorate in a field closely related to Astronautical Engineering is required. – AIAA has deep relationships with the most respected and innovative Applications must include a letter clearly indicating area(s) of specialization, aerospace companies in the world. a detailed curriculum vitae, a concise statement of current and future They look to our membership for the most qualified candidates. As research directions, a teaching statement, and contact information for at an AIAA member, you get access least four professional references. Applicants are encouraged to include a to our Career Center to view job succinct statement on fostering an environment of diversity and inclusion. listings and post your resume to be Please apply at https://astronautics.usc.edu/facultypositions/. This material seen by the best companies in the industry. should be submitted by June 1, 2018; applications received after this date might not be considered. Interested individuals are welcome to contact Chair 4. Publish Your Work – If of the Faculty Search Committee, Professor Joseph Kunc ([email protected]). you are searching for the best place to publish or present your The USC Viterbi School of Engineering is among the top tier of engineering research, look no further! AIAA schools in the world. It counts 185 full-time, tenure-track faculty members, has five targeted forums, eight and is home to the Information Sciences Institute, two National Science specifically focused journals, and a number of co-sponsored Foundation Engineering Research Centers, a Department of Energy EFRC conferences to choose from. Find (Energy Frontiers Research center), and the Department of Homeland your peers, publish your work and Security’s first University Center of Excellent, CREATE. The school is affiliated progress in your career! with Alfred E. Mann Institute for Biomedical Engineering, the Institute for 5. Save Money – Get free Creative Technologies and the USC Stevens Center for Innovation. Research access to all our standards expenditures typically exceed $185 million annually. documents and get discounts on forum registrations, journal USC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. All qualified subscriptions and book purchases. applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, These savings can quickly pay for color, religion, sex, sexual orientation gender identity, national origin, protected your membership!

veteran status, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law or USC 16-1302 policy. USC will consider for employment all qualified applicants with criminal histories in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Los Angeles Fair www.aiaa.org Chance Initiative for Hiring ordinance.

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 61 LOOKING BACK | 100, 75, 50, 25 YEARS AGO IN APRIL 1918 1943

April 1 The Royal Air April 2 The Research Building of the Army Air Forces April 16 Seeds of rubber trees are dropped by para- Force forms when the School of Aviation Medicine offi cially opens. It con- chute in remote Belgian Congo plantations to speed British Army’s Royal Fly- tains four high-altitude decompression chambers and up the production of rubber, which is badly needed in ing Corps and the Royal is staff ed by 27 offi cers and 35 civilians. E.M. Emme, the war. The Aeroplane, April 23, 1943, p. 472. Naval Air Service merge. ed., Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1915-60, p. 45. It is the world’s fi rst inde- pendent air force. David April 18 Famed Japanese Baker, Flight Flying: A Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto, Chronology, p. 110. April 11 The California Rocket Society tests the fi rst hybrid (combination solid-fuel and liquid-fuel) rocket the mastermind behind propulsion system in the U.S. The system uses liquid the attack on Pearl Harbor, oxygen and a carbon rod. Bernard Smith, a former is killed when his Mitsubi- member of the American Rocket Society, is one of the shi G4M “Betty” bomber is principal experimenters. E.M. Emme, ed., Aeronautics intercepted and destroyed and Astronautics, 1915-60, p. 45; by a fl ight of U.S. Army Air Forces Lockheed P-38s led by Capt. Thomas Lanphier and Lt. Rex Barker. The two are credited with the victory. Allied intelligence April 13 An airplane had intercepted and decoded Japanese messages that crosses the Andes for the April 12 The revealed details of Yamamoto’s fl ight. David Baker, fi rst time. Argentine army War Department Flight and Flying: A Chronology, p. 281. Lt. Luis Candelaria piloted discloses the fi rst the Morane-Saulnier details of the for- monoplane. Francis Ma- merly secret Nor- April 28 Brig. Gen. Frank Lackland, after whom Lack- son and Martin Windrow, den bombsight. land Air Force Base is named, dies at 58. Born in Fau- Know Aviation, pp. 20-21. The sight consists of three metal quier County, Virginia, he joined the Army in 1911 and spheres; one con- in 1917 transferred to the Aviation Section of the Signal tains a gyroscope Corps. He later became an air offi cer at Kelly Field, and another a Texas; commanding offi cer of the 1st Wing, March telescope fi tted Field, California; and commandant of the Air Force with cross-hairs that have to be aligned on the target. Advanced Flying School at Kelly Field. Lackland Air No description is given on the third sphere. The sight Force Base is the Army Air Forces’ main training base is said to automatically stay on the target irrespective for new recruits. U.S. Air Services, May 1943, p. 18. of the speed or movement of the aircraft. The Aero- plane, April 23, p. 472.

During April 1943 Consolidated Aircraft, formed by Maj. Reuben Fleet, April 13 Sixteen of the nation’s leading airframe celebrates its 20th anniversary. A pioneer in the devel- manufacturers, representing about 90 percent of the opment of large fl ying boats such as the classic PBY country’s warplane output, form the National Aircraft Catalina, Consolidated also produced such notable aircraft as the Fleet biplane, the PB2Y Coronado, and April 21 Baron Manfred War Production Council at a meeting in Los Angeles. the B-24 Liberator bomber. As it completes its 20th von Richthofen, the high- Glenn Martin is elected fi rst president of the Washing- year, the company merges with Vultee to form the est scoring ace of World ton-based organization which, among other things, is Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp. Aviation, April 1943, War I, is shot down and to coordinate the free exchange of information among pp. 122-125, 404. dies at Sailly-le-Sec in the companies to avoid duplication and delay; to facilitate Somme Valley, France, cooperation with the armed services; and to expedite North American soon after he gains his the pooling of facilities and plans for increasing the ef- Aviation presi- 80th victory in the air. fi ciency of wartime aircraft manufacture. Aero Digest, dent J.H. “Dutch” Also known as “the Red May, p. 457. Kindelberger Baron,” he is shot down announces that by Australian anti-aircraft his company’s fi re as his bright red April 15 British Intelligence sources inform Prime P-51 Mustang is Fokker Dr. 1 triplane fl ies Minister Winston Churchill of reported German exper- being adapted as low over the front lines. iments with long-range bombardment rockets. These a dive-bomber. Francis Mason and Martin are the A-4, or V-2, projectiles, which are subsequently Designated A-36, the dive-bomber version is fi tted Windrow, Know Aviation, deployed against London and other targets in 1944. with four hydraulically operated dive brakes. Each p. 21; Flight, April 25, E.M. Emme, ed., Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1915- wing has a bomb rack to hold either bombs or droppa- p. 453. 60, p. 45. ble fuel tanks. Aero Digest, April 1943, p. 311.

62 | APRIL 2018 | aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org COMPILED BY FRANK H. WINTER and ROBERT VAN DER LINDEN 1968 1993

April 3 Harold Rosen, assistant manager of Hughes to predict trajectories of future lunar missions. New Aircraft Co.’s Space Systems Division and manager of York Times, April 8, p. 1. Hughes Satellite Systems Laboratories, is named as the recipient of AAIA’s fi rst Aerospace Communica- tions Award for his “leadership in making synchronous satellite communications a global reality.” NASA, April 9-10 Electronic signals on the medical condition Astronautics and Aeronautics, p. 77. of U.S. Marine Corps volunteer patients in Tokyo are transmitted among Tokyo, Houston and Washington, D.C., via Intelsat-2 F-2, to demonstrate how world- wide diagnosis of complex medical problems may April 4 The unmanned be achieved by advanced communications satellites. April 8 Astronaut Ellen Apollo 6 (ASA-502) mis- Washington Post, April 11, p. A15. Ochoa becomes the sion is launched from Cape fi rst Hispanic-American Kennedy in Florida to qualify woman in space as a the Saturn 5 vehicle for future crew member on the manned fl ights for Project space shuttle Discovery, Apollo. Among the objectives mission STS-56. Ochoa this launch is to demonstrate is an expert with the are the translunar injection shuttle’s 15-meter remote capability of the Saturn 5 with manipulator arm. She is a simulated payload equal responsible for operating to about 80 percent of a full the arm to lift the $6 mil- Apollo lunar spacecraft, and lion free-fl ying SPARTAN a repeat demonstration of satellite and place it into the command module’s heat orbit. SPARTAN has two shield capability to withstand telescopes to study the a lunar re-entry. This is NASA’s sun’s halo and the solar fi nal unmanned qualifying wind, which often inter- April 17 NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center awards a mission. But unlike Apollo 4’s near-perfect launch and feres with radio commu- contract to the industrial design fi rm Raymond Loewy/ mission, Apollo 6’s fl ight is plagued with problems. At nications and navigation William Smith Inc. to conduct habitability studies of launch, an oscillation ruptures igniter fuel lines in J-2 systems on Earth. After planned Earth orbital space stations. The basic goal engines in the second and third stages. The guidance two days of deployment, is to ensure that the stations are comfortable and system shuts down two second-stage engines early the SPARTAN is retrieved functional structures in which to live and work. Many and the third-stage engine operates at less than by Ochoa with the ma- years earlier, the French-born Loewy had designed the optimum performance, preventing the vehicle from nipulator arm and placed “Transportation of Tomorrow” exhibit in the Chrysler achieving its desired parking orbit. Also, in readiness back in the shuttle’s Motors Pavilion at the 1939-1940 New York World’s for translunar injection, the S-IVB third stage fails to cargo bay for return to Fair, which included a rocket ship that would travel restart. Nonetheless, 10 hours after launch, the craft Earth so that scientists between New York and London. Loewy later believed lands 80 kilometers from its planned touchdown point can study its data. NASA, that his most signifi cant project was his work with in the North Pacifi c Ocean. Even with the engine fail- Astronautics and Aero- NASA when, from 1967 to 1973, he was retained as a ures, Apollo 6 provides NASA with enough confi dence nautics, 1991-1995, pp. habitability consultant for the Saturn-Apollo and Sky- to use the Saturn 5 for manned launches. Washington 346, 350-351, 701. Post, April 5, p. A18; Aviation Week, April 8, p. 29. lab projects. His recommendations for Skylab include a window through which astronauts can see Earth. NASA, Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1968, pp. 86-87.

April 7 The Soviet Union launches its Lunik, or Luna 14 spacecraft, toward the moon. On April 10, the spacecraft enters into a lunar orbit. The spacecraft April 22 Representatives of 43 nations sign a space provides data for studies of the interaction of the rescue treaty in separate ceremonies in Washington, Earth and lunar masses, the lunar gravitational fi eld, D.C., London and Moscow. The treaty, which had been the propagation and stability of radio communications unanimously approved by the United Nations General to the spacecraft at diff erent orbital positions, solar Assembly on Dec. 19, 1967, provides for the assistance charged particles and cosmic rays, and the motion of of astronauts or cosmonauts in emergencies and for the moon. It is later revealed, however, that the prima- their safe return and the return of space hardware. U.S. ry goal of the fl ight is to test communications systems Secretary of State Dean Rusk, with President Lyndon in support of a planned piloted lunar landing project, Johnson in attendance, signs for the United States. although this is never carried out. In addition, ground NASA, Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1968, pp. 89-90. tracking of the spacecraft’s orbit allows controllers to accurately map lunar gravitational anomalies in order

aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org | APRIL 2018 | 63 TRAJECTORIES CAREER TURNING POINTS AND FUTURE VISIONS DANIEL GILLIES, 33 Rocket Lab USA, mission management and integration director

Daniel Gillies was planning to become an astrophysicist until a competition in his suburban Philadelphia middle school showed him how much fun it was to build things. Gillies now works at Rocket Lab headquarters in Huntington Beach, Cal- ifornia, helping customers send small satellites into low Earth orbit on the 17-meter-tall Electron rocket. Rocket Lab, a U.S. company with a wholly owned subsidiary in New Zealand, where it operates a launch site, charges about $5.7 million to launch 150 kilograms. In January, Rocket Lab sent three cubesats into low Earth orbit on its second test fl ight.

HowH did you become an aerospace engineer? AroundA sixth grade, we had a Future City Competition. It’s focused on civil engi- neeringn and architecture with a lot of planning and design. I loved it. My math teacherte said, “You should think about engineering,” and told me what her husband didd as an engineer. I got my undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering at Purdue.P [After I graduated,] NASA was beginning to award the contract for the OrionO space capsule, and I didn’t want to miss an awesome phase of U.S. aerospace development.d I became a fl ight controller for United Space Alliance in Houston andan got operational experience, sitting on console and doing operations training withw astronauts. It was exciting work but I never touched the real hardware. When ththe space shuttle program was ending, it was hard for Boeing to hire people for a pprogram that was scheduled to end in a couple of years. But for me as a young enengineer, it was perfect. I did fi ve years with Boeing as a space shuttle mechanical engineer,en a CH-47 helicopter design engineer and a 787 manufacturing engineer. AtA that point, SpaceX was ramping up its commercial operations prior to the fi rst FalconFa 9 fairing fl ight. I joined as a mission integrator and worked my way to missionm manager for the space station commercial resupply missions. The mission managerm role is superinteresting because you get to interact with every part of the companyco and external customers. After SpaceX, I did that work at Spacefl ight IndustriesIn in Seattle, focusing on rideshare missions [where small satellites ride intoin orbit alongside larger ones]. Once the fi rst fl ight of Rocket Lab’s Electron went off,o I thought, “Now is the time for me to move in while the company is still young andan help develop a new sector, small dedicated launch.”

ImagineIm the world in 2050: What do you think will be happeningh in space? RightR now, I view what we do as a logistics function, although it’s still very much treatedtr like a specialized engineering function. By 2050, it’s my goal to help elim- inatein part of my job, the mission integration function, so that going to space is trulytr as routine as everyone wants it to be. When you want to get a satellite to orbit, youyo will bring in a package just like going to FedEx. There may be some white glove levelle of service for particularly sensitive payloads, but I fully expect universities andan companies to be able to pack up their payloads and ship them off for a launch to space. I think there will be a large number of vehicles operating in space and wew will have a more multimodal architecture. I expect by 2050, you will have a wide varietyva of options to get to orbit with small and large launch vehicles addressing theirth respective markets. The space industry will have in-space transportation servicesse to the moon, to asteroids, or wherever they need to go. +

By Debra Werner | [email protected]

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