Report Monitoring report 2019 BUNDESNETZAGENTUR | BUNDESKARTELLAMT | 1 Monitoring report 2019 in accordance with section 63(3) in conjunction with section 35 of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) and section 48(3) in conjunction with section 53(3) of the Competition Act (GWB) Editorial deadline: 27 November 2019 2 | BUNDESNETZAGENTUR | BUNDESKARTELLAMT Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Bundeskartellamt Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen Referat 603 Arbeitsgruppe Energie-Monitoring Tulpenfeld 4 Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 16 53113 Bonn 53113 Bonn
[email protected] [email protected] BUNDESNETZAGENTUR | BUNDESKARTELLAMT | 3 German Energy Industry Act section 63(3) Reporting (3) Once a year, the Bundesnetzagentur shall publish a report on its activities and in agreement with the Bundeskartellamt, to the extent that aspects of competition are concerned, on the results of its monitoring activities, and shall submit the report to the European Commission and the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). The report shall include the report by the Bundeskartellamt on the results of its monitoring activities under section 48(3) in conjunction with section 53(3) of the Competition Act as prepared in agreement with the Bundesnetzagentur to the extent that aspects of regulation of the distribution networks are concerned. The report shall include general instructions issued by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy in accordance with section 61. German Competition Act section 53(3) Activity report and monitoring reports (3) At least every two years, as part of its monitoring activities pursuant to section 48(3) sentence 1, the Bundeskartellamt shall prepare a report on the competitive conditions in the electricity generation market.