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Networker 02 2013 12/02/2013 13:19 Page 1 Networker £3.50 Where Sold February 2013 Networker 02 2013 12/02/2013 13:19 Page 1 Networker £3.50 where sold February 2013 Benefit Changes Ahead Are you a carer? Do you need support? Call 01823 255911 Networker 02 2013 12/02/2013 13:19 Page 2 NEW TRAITRAININGNING OPPOROPPORTUNITIESTUNITIES AATT BBRIDGWBRIDGWATERWWAAATTER COLLEGE Focus, Suite 4, The Courtyard, Higher Comeytrowe Lane, TTaauunton TTAA4 1EQ, 01823 4461876. Bridgwater College,College, Bath Road,Road, Bridgwater,Bridgwaterdgwaterr,, Somerset,Somerset, TA6TTAA6 4PZ4PZ Networker 02 2013 12/02/2013 13:19 Page 3 About q Compass Disability Services is an innovative, enlightened and positive organisation. q Our mission is ‘to enable disabled people to have equality of opportunity’. Our values, beliefs, Networker contents and mission have allowed us to spread our Compass Points influence in Somerset, North Somerset and 4..........................................Network Update Wiltshire, Warwickshire and Birmingham. 11 ..........................................Network Update q Compass Disability Services is a user-led Network news organisation and our Board of Trustees is 5 ...................................Training for Trainers comprised of at least 80% disabled people. 6 ........................................Compass Carers q Our principles give us the authority to explore 7-8..........................................Network news options to give a voice to disabled people. Local news q Compass Disability Services works through 9 ..................................................Carewatch consultation, representation and service delivery, 12....................Mendip Carer Support Project facilitating various projects. 23.........................................................SCCM 24...................................................Rhizo Kids National news Editorial or advertising queries: Contact 10.......................................................Mencap Clive Rymer on 0330 333 0089 or email .............................................Helplines 17-18 Alternative formats: Networker is also Paralympics available in large print, braille, on cassette, cd 18-20 or by email. For further information, contact Cover story Clive Rymer on 0330 333 0089 or email 21 Accessible days out Contact: Compass Disability Services 26-29 ........................................Paignton Zoo welcomes any feedback on Networker, or any Local Sport of the services it provides. 31 Disclaimer: The views expressed in Have your say Networker are not necessarily those of 33-34 Compass Disability Services. Networker is produced by Compass Disability Services, Unit 11-12 Belvedere Trading Estate, Taunton, TA1 1BH. Tel: 0330 3330089 or 01823 282823 Email: Website: Registered Charity Number: 1099376. 3 Networker 02 2013 12/02/2013 13:19 Page 4 Compass Points Richard Pitman CEO Introduces the New Year and a new edition. Well, as we start 2013 and I sit here not funded for, writing my piece for the Networker not such as this knowing whether it will rain or snow, I magazine find myself full of mixed emotions. On which as I look Richard Pitman, CEO, Compass one hand I am concerned for my at budgets for Disability Services fellow disabled people and how the 2013/14 I have continued austerity measures within concerns that we may have to go to services that support us looks set to four editions a year which will make it continue for the foreseeable future. more difficult to keep you up to date These services enable us to live with what is going on. One way in independently, give us the care that which we can support these services we need and provide many other to continue is through our fundraising aspects of support from time to time, efforts and I would encourage you and this is all compacted by the changes your friends and families to visit our in the benefits system that leave many fundraising page on our website for of us confused and uncertain. ideas on how you may get involved. In this issue we have looked to update For 2013 we are already looking to you on the changes from DLA to PIP collect at some of the Somerset which commences in April this year. Carnivals and volunteer collectors are On the other hand I am so excited always welcome. We have had about the launch of Compass Carers interest from people who wish to run this month which will be a new service marathons and do sky dives to raise for carers across Somerset providing money for us. a range of services to enable carers to If you would like to discuss any be supported within their roles, there fundraising opportunities then please is plenty of information about the new contact Michelle Edwards on our main service in this issue. telephone number, 01823 282823. This new contract along with the two Anyway ta ta for now and I hope next others that we secured in 2012 has time my piece will start with how given Compass Disability Services a sunny, dry and warm it is. Happy degree of security for the next few reading. years, however there are a range of services that we provide that we are 4 Networker 02 2013 12/02/2013 13:19 Page 5 Compass Disability Services Join the Network and have your say! The Compass Disability Network is a Network of disabled people, their carers and organisations that represent disabled people, which works to improve access and inclusion to services and facilities. Members have an opportunity to participate in consultation events and meetings to give their views on a range of issues that are important to them. Views are fed back to organisations and agencies that develop services such as local authorities and health services. It’s free to join and members can participate as much or as little as they like. Being part of the Network is a great way to meet other people in a similar situation. To join, please call Ellie on 01823 282823 or email If you know of anyone that you believe would benefit from being part of the Network or receiving this publication please do spread the word! Taunton Deane Disability Discussion Group At the November meeting of the Taunton Deane communication support can be provided to enable Disability Discussion Group, speakers from you to attend. Please contact Mandy or Ellie on Somerset Advice Network and Somerset 01823 282823 for more details. Community Care Matters were in attendance to The Sedgemoor Disability Forum provide information on their work. Are you a disabled person or carer living in A full copy of the report from the meeting is Sedgemoor ? available on our website under the Compass If so you may be interested in attending our Disability Network Somerset section or you can Sedgemoor Disability Forum. This Group meets contact the office for a printed copy. three times per year at different venues in the The next meeting will take place on 26th March Sedgemoor area from 10.30am until 2.30pm. 2013 from 10.30am until 12.30pm in the Mendip Transport, care and communication support (such Suite at Compass Disability Services. Speakers in as an electronic note-taker or BSL interpreter) can attendance at this meeting will be Carol Harmon be provided to enable you to attend. The purpose Partnership Manager from The Department Of Work of the meeting is give local disabled people and and Pensions; providing an update on changes in carers a chance to come together to be consulted benefits such as Personal Independence Payment. and informed on a range of issues from different A representative from Compass Carers will also be organisations. attending to give an update on the new service. If you are a disabled person or care living in the Taunton Deane area, Transport, care and Continued top of page 6 . 5 Networker 02 2013 12/02/2013 13:19 Page 6 The Network . continued from page 5 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 26th Sedgemoor District Councils Benefits Team. February from 10.30am until 2.30pm at the Please contact Mandy at Compass if you would like St John Ambulance Headquarters in Bridgwater. to receive information on this. The topic for this Forum will be Welfare and Copies of reports from all our forums or consultation Benefits. work can be found on our website under the Speakers in attendance will include; Carol Harmon, Compass Disability Network Somerset section. If Partnership Support Manager from The Department you do not have internet access and would like to of Work and Pensions (DWP) updating the group on receive a printed copy, we can arrange this also. current benefit changes and Martin Giles from It’s a tender process Times are hard all round. People are looking for work and if you are in work there is the chance that your hours will be cut or even face redundancy. Benefits too are being changed and that is briefly outlined in the article later in this magazine. For many benefits are being cut and certainly the “cost of living” is increasing. As a charity we are in a rare position of offering new jobs and new paid work to people in our catchment areas and I wondered how we were able to do this. Quite simply it’s through hard work and persistency. We have a Business Development Manager at Compass Disability Services, Rachel. I asked her to outline briefly how she looks at her role. “In days gone by charities were mainly purchase a service and asks interested reliant on a mix of grants and service organisations who meet certain criteria to level agreements (a type of contract) to submit a proposal as to how they would run services and projects. provide the service and how much it Nowadays more public sector funding is would cost. allocated through contracts than grants. Some experts in the field say that for This has meant that securing contracts every ten tenders you submit you should to deliver services has become very be looking to be winning at least one.
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