Warm-up Questions .Who established the Franciscan order of ? .How were friars different than ?

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THE CHAPTER 18, SECTION 2 WORLD HISTORY Today’s Learning Targets

I can use academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I can describe the rise in power of the and kings of . I can examine the results of the crusades. Warm-up Questions

.Who established the Franciscan order of friars? ◦. .How were friars different than monks? ◦ They lived among the people, not in monasteries. Reading Check Questions

What did the accomplish? ◦Christians took , set up four small kingdoms, a lord and vassal system of government, and began trade with Europe Reading Check Questions

How did geography limit the success of the Crusades? ◦The Crusaders had to travel a long way, and many died on the hard journey. Crusaders were not prepared to fight in Palestine’s desert climate. Reading Check Questions

What were some results of the Crusades? ◦Trade between Europe and Asia increased; kings became more powerful; tension between Christians, Jews and grew Causes of the Crusades

Muslim ___ begin to take control of the Holy Lands. The ___ began raiding the ___ Empire. The emperor requested help from ______. ◦Turks / Turks / Byzantine / Urban II Call to Arms

Pope Urban II called upon ___ from all over Europe to join the Crusade. “___ wills it!” was their rallying cry. ◦Christians / God The First Crusade

1096: ___ Crusaders leave for the . ___ attack the ___ in Germany. ◦5000 / peasants / Jews The ___ and ___ take back ___ and establish four ___ based upon the feudal system. ◦nobles / kings / Jerusalem / kingdoms The Second and Third Crusades

1147: ___ and ___ kings set off to stop the ___ advance. It is a complete failure. ◦French / German / Muslim 1189: ___ retake Jerusalem in 1189. ___, ___, and the ______bring armies to retake the city. The ___ king died. The ___ king returned to Europe. ◦Muslims / England / France / / German / French The Second and Third Crusades

King ___ stayed to fight ___. In the end, it was a draw. ◦Richard / Saladin Crusades to the Middle East Key Terms Review

To cast out from the church. ◦excommunicate Key Terms Review

A series of between Christians and Muslims ◦Crusades

The region where Jesus lived, preached, and died. ◦Holy Land Survey

What was the rallying cry for Christians entering the crusade? Who was the leader of the Muslims during the 2nd and 3rd crusades? What was the last Christian stronghold to fall in the Holy Lands? Today’s Learning Targets

I can use academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I can describe the rise in power of the popes and kings of Europe. I can examine the results of the crusades.