Resource Guide for San Diego and Chula Vista

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Resource Guide for San Diego and Chula Vista SAN DIEGO & CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA CAREGIVER RESOURCE GUIDE SAN DIEGO & CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA CAREGIVER RESOURCE GUIDE Caregiving may be one of the most important roles you will ever take on in your life. You may have become a caregiver suddenly or perhaps your role has evolved over time. No matter where you are in the continuum of caregiving—starting to plan, helping to coordinate a big move, or taking care of a family member in your home—having resources at your fingertips will make the process easier. With many organizations offering different types of help and services, it can be a challenge to sort out the specific type of help or services best suited for your needs. AARP developed this resource guide with you— the caregiver— in mind as a starting point to help you find the services and supports you need throughout your caregiving journey. We hope this resource guide can assist you in the following ways: > Help you get the type of assistance you need. This directory lists many government and nonprofit resources, which you can access both in-person and online. > Help you connect with others. You’ll discov- er, if you have not already, that you’re a part of a community of caregivers and caregiver supporters. You are truly not alone. > Help take care of yourself. This is vitally important but something that many caregiv- ers often overlook. The act of caregiving can take a physical and mental toll on the care- giver. So, it’s important that you make self- care a top priority. 2 AARP CALIFORNIA CAREGIVER GUIDE Tips to Find Services and Supports Here are a few pointers to keep in mind as you begin to look for resources and support. Ask for help. Keep track of your conversations. Friends and family will often ask you if there Keep a notebook of who you talked to. Write is anything that they can do to help. Use your down names, phone numbers, and notes from network and ask others to help you look for each call. You never know when you will need resources and information in your area. the information down the road. If possible, use the Internet. No one person or organization The Internet is an easy and quick way to get has all the answers. information. Because information can vary, it The person you get on the phone or the is important not to rely on one site alone. Also, website you visit may have expertise in certain make sure the sponsoring organization is a areas, but not in others. It is always smart reputable and reliable source of information. to be prepared with other resources and organizations that can help. Talk to a real person. Many phone numbers will lead to voicemail. Use your creativity. It’s important to leave a message, but don’t wait Create your own personal resource network. for someone to call you back. Keep in mind This could include contacting community- that some services have backlogs of calls to based agencies to find out what kinds of return. Keep calling back until you connect with support services are available in your area. someone who can help you. Usually a second Consider asking friends or other caregivers request receives prompt attention. what resources they found to be useful. Write down your Many services are local. questions in advance. Services can vary widely from state to state Before you call, write down specific questions and region to region. Make sure you look for and try to be as concrete and detailed as resources that provide services where you live. possible. “I’m so grateful to have cared for her.” —Z of Coalinga 3 AARP CALIFORNIA CAREGIVER GUIDE wrong door, single point of entry may include: housecleaning, meal system for long-term care services preparation, laundry, grocery and supports including home- shopping, personal care services, delivered meals. and accompaniment to medical appointments. 9335 Hazard Way San Diego, CA 92193 80 Bay Boulevard, Suite 200 1-800-510-2020 Chula Vista, CA 91910 Toll Free: 1-866-351-7722 sdc/hhsa/programs/ais.html Alzheimer’s Association Home Care Services Registry San Diego/Imperial (Home Care Services Enhances care and support for all Consumer Protection Act) those affected by Alzheimer’s and California now requires that home other dementias. Support groups, care organizations be licensed and resources, information and more. creates a public online registry for Home Care Aides who have been Shiley Center for background checked. This law is Education and Support intended to promote consumer 6632 Convoy Court protection for older adults and San Diego, CA 92111 people who are blind or with 24/7 Helpline for information, disabilities who hire private aides referral and support: to come into their homes to 1-800-272-3900 provide assistance with activities SAN DIEGO AND of daily living such as bathing and dressing. CHULA VISTA Southern Caregiver To access the registry, you must RESOURCES Resource Center have the first and last name of the Following are local resources that Provides support and services to caregiver, along with the caregiver’s can help to make caregiving easier. individuals with brain-impairing personnel ID. Some provide helpful information chronic conditions and their 1-877-424-5778 and others offer direct services families. such as help in the home, adult day 3675 Ruffin Rd, Ste 230 care, social services and support hcsregistry/registrysearch.aspx groups. San Diego, CA 92123 TEL: 858-268-4432 FAX: 858-268-7816 Transportation Services Aging and Independence Facilitating Access to Services in San Diego, Coordinated Transit (FACT) also Aging and Disability Provides van and taxi services to Resource Centers (ADRC) In-Home Supportive Services people with disabilities, unable to Comprehensive information San Diego Public Authority independently use public transit about long-term care services due to a disability or disabling The In-Home Supportive Services and support options; and access health condition. (IHSS) Program helps pay for to important planning and services provided to low-income 1-877-232-7433 communication tools, programs, older adults, people who are blind resources, and services for or have disabilities, including seniors and people of all ages children, so that they can remain with a disability. Provides a no- safely in their own home. Services 4 AARP CALIFORNIA CAREGIVER GUIDE Adult Protective Services (APS) Legal Advice: California 1-800-640-4661 San Diego County Advocates for Nursing APS serves adults 65 and older and Home Reform (CANHR) programs/ais/ombudsman_long_term_ dependent adults 18 and older, CANHR provides advice, care/index.html who are harmed, or threatened counseling, technical assistance, with harm, to ensure their right to publications, and training in safety and dignity. APS investigates the areas of public benefits, Senior Housing Assistance elder and dependent adult abuse, and long-term care, including There are many types of housing for including cases of neglect and nursing homes, residential care, seniors; some are quite costly and others abandonment, as well as physical, continuing care retirement are based on the senior’s income. Senior sexual and financial abuse. communities, Medi–Cal, Medicare, home modification and repair programs elder abuse, fiduciary abuse, 1-800-510-2020 (within the county) also are available. and other legal issues affecting 1-800-339-4661 (outside the low–income, disabled, and older San Diego Housing Commission county) California consumers. CANHR has Low-income families and individuals established a statewide hotline for who live or work in the City of San Diego, programs/ais/adult_protective_ legal services staff and consumers: as well as veterans, seniors 62 and older, services/index.html 1-800-474–1116 and websites with the disabled and the homeless may information on every nursing be eligible for rental assistance. The home and residential care/assisted assistance comes in the form of a rental Covered California living facility in California. subsidy called a Housing Choice or The health insurance marketplace 650 Harrison Street, 2nd Floor Section 8 voucher. helps guide Californians as they San Francisco, CA 94107 619-231-9400 shop and compare health plans 415-974-5171 available in California. 1-800-300-1506 Chula Vista San Diego Long-Term Care Affordable Rental List Ombudsman Program California Alternative Rates for Energy (C.A.R.E.) The Long-Term Care Ombudsman — Utilities Assistance program advocates for residents in long-term care facilities, Provides financial assistance such as nursing homes, as well for residents who are unable to as investigates abuse in other pay utility bills. Weatherization licensed facilities. resources also may be available. To request an application form and more information, please contact your utility company or check out their websites for more information. Call San Diego Gas & Electric: 1-800-411-7343 5 AARP CALIFORNIA CAREGIVER GUIDE HICAP (Health Insurance San Diego: Counseling and Advocacy 1255 Imperial Avenue Program) Elder Law & Advocacy San Diego, CA 92101 NATIONAL RESOURCES Phone: 211 Provides one-on-one counseling The national resources below and assistance to people with provide valuable information and Medicare and their families. The sdc/hhsa/facilities/central/mills_ can connect you to programs and agency can help with obtaining building_trolley_towers.html services in your state and local benefits, filing claims and community. understanding health care options. Chula Vista: 690 Oxford Street 5151 Murphy Canyon Road Chula Vista, CA 91911 Alzheimer’s Association Suite 100 Phone: 211 San Diego, CA 92123 Information and support for people with Alzheimer’s disease 858-565-8772 sdc/hhsa/facilities/south/south_ and their caregivers.
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