Digest of Other White House Announcements
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618 Administration of George W. Bush, 2004 Digest of Other neva, Switzerland, and the human rights situ- White House Announcements ation in Cuba and to convey his condolences for losses suffered by Mexican families dur- ing recent floods. The following list includes the President’s public Later in the morning, the President had schedule and other items of general interest an- an intelligence briefing. nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and In the afternoon, the President met with not included elsewhere in this issue. economic advisers, including Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snow, Secretary of Com- April 10 merce Donald L. Evans, Secretary of Labor In the morning, at the Bush Ranch in Elaine L. Chao, and U.S. Trade Representa- Crawford, TX, the President had an intel- tive Robert Zoellick. ligence briefing. Later, he met with the Na- The White House announced that the tional Security Council. He also had tele- President will welcome President Oscar phone conversations with Ambassador L. Berger of Guatemala to the White House on Paul Bremer III, Presidential Envoy to Iraq, April 30. and Gen. John P. Abizaid, USA, combatant commander, U.S. Central Command, to dis- April 14 cuss the situation in Iraq. In the morning, the President had a tele- The President declared a major disaster in phone conversation with President Nicanor the Federated States of Micronesia and or- Duarte Frutos of Paraguay to discuss dered Federal aid to supplement national counterterrorism efforts and other issues. and State recovery efforts in the area struck Later, he had an intelligence briefing. by Typhoon Sudal on April 8 and continuing. Later in the morning, the President had April 11 a videoconference with the National Security Council, including Ambassador L. Paul In the morning, the President and Mrs. Bremer III, Presidential Envoy to Iraq, and Bush traveled to Fort Hood, TX, where they Gen. John P. Abizaid, USA, combatant com- attended an Easter Sunday church service at mander, U.S. Central Command. He then the military chapel. Later, at Darnall Army met with Secretary of Defense Donald H. Community Hospital, the President visited Rumsfeld. U.S. military personnel injured in Iraq, and In the late morning, in the Residence, the he awarded Purple Hearts to several of them. President met with Prime Minister Ariel Later in the morning, the President and Sharon of Israel. In the afternoon, they had Mrs. Bush returned to the Bush Ranch, lunch in the Residence. where they had Easter dinner with family Later in the afternoon, the President members. joined Army Staff Sergeant Michael April 12 McNaughton, who was injured in Iraq, for In the morning, the President had an intel- an exercise run around the South Lawn jog- ligence briefing. ging track. In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. April 15 Bush returned to Washington, DC, arriving in the evening. In the morning, the President had a tele- The President announced his intention to phone conversation with Prime Minister appoint Richard R. Kasher (Chairman), Rob- David Oddsson of Iceland, who was visiting ert E. Peterson, and David Patrick Twomey New York City, to welcome him to the as members of Presidential Emergency United States and to discuss the situation in Board No. 237. Iraq and counterterrorism efforts. Later, he had an intelligence briefing and then met April 13 with Secretary of State Colin L. Powell. In the morning, the President had a tele- Later in the morning, the President trav- phone conversation with President Vicente eled to Des Moines, IA, where, upon arrival, Fox of Mexico to discuss the United Nations he met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer Human Rights Commission meeting in Ge- Sarah Sindlinger. VerDate mar 24 2004 09:40 Apr 20, 2004 Jkt 203250 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P16APT4.016 P16APT4 Administration of George W. Bush, 2004 619 In the afternoon, the President returned R. Jackson, and Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Washington, DC. Anthony J. Principi. The White House announced that the The President announced his intention to President will host Prime Minister Goran appoint the following individuals as members Persson of Sweden for a meeting at the of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council: White House on April 28. James M. Abroms, Ivan E. Becker, Dottie The White House announced that the Bennett, Frank R. Berman, William Danhof, President will welcome Prime Minister Goh Arlene Herson, M. Ronald Krongold, Stuart Chok Tong of Singapore to the White House P. Levine, and Aldona Wos. on May 5. The President announced the recess ap- pointment of Eugene Hickok as Deputy Sec- April 16 retary of Education. The President announced the recess ap- In the morning, the President had a tele- pointment of Edward R. McPherson as phone conversation with President Under Secretary of Education. Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal to discuss the The President announced the recess ap- situations in Iraq and the Middle East. Later, pointment of Linda Morrison Combs as an he had an intelligence briefing and then met Assistant Secretary of Transportation (Budg- with the National Security Council. et and Programs). In the afternoon, in the Residence, the The President announced the recess ap- President had lunch with Prime Minister pointment of Linda Mysliwy Conlin as a Tony Blair of the United Kingdom. member of the Board of Directors of the Ex- Later in the afternoon, the President trav- port-Import Bank of the United States. eled to Camp David, MD. The President announced his intention to nominate Thomas Fingar to be Assistant Sec- retary of State for Intelligence and Research. The President announced his intention to Nominations nominate Suzanne Hale to be Ambassador Submitted to the Senate to the Federated States of Micronesia. The President announced his intention to NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the nominate Anne W. Patterson to be U.S. Dep- Senate during the period covered by this issue. uty Representative to the United Nations with the rank of Ambassador, U.S. Deputy Representative to the U.N. Security Council, and U.S. Representative to the sessions of the U.N. General Assembly. Checklist The President announced his intention to of White House Press Releases nominate Constance Berry Newman to be a member of the Board of Directors of the Af- The following list contains releases of the Office rican Development Foundation. of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as The President announced his intention to items nor covered by entries in the Digest of appoint William Brewer as a member of the Other White House Announcements. National Veterans Business Development Corporation. Released April 10 The President announced his intention to Statement by the Press Secretary on the es- appoint the following individuals as members tablishment of Presidential Emergency of the Policy Committee of the White House Board No. 237 Conference on Aging: Dorcas R. Hardy, Alejandro Aparicio, Clayton S. Fong, Gail Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster Gibson Hunt, Scott Serota, Melvin L. assistance to the Federated States of Micro- Woods, Secretary of Health and Human nesia Services Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary of Statement by the Press Secretary announcing Housing and Urban Development Alphonso that the President signed H.R. 3108 VerDate mar 24 2004 09:40 Apr 20, 2004 Jkt 203250 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P16APT4.016 P16APT4.