Qatar Airways Charts New Territory As Global Main Partner of FC Barcelona

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Qatar Airways Charts New Territory As Global Main Partner of FC Barcelona Qatar Airways 27.08.2013 – 22:13 Uhr Qatar Airways Charts New Territory as Global Main Partner of FC Barcelona Spain (ots/PRNewswire) - Award-Winning Carrier And World's Best Football Club Partnership Brings To Light Shared Values Of Excellence, Passion, Pride And Culture "A Team That Unites The World" Will Guide The Spirit Of The Partnership Qatar Airways officially launched the start of its three year partnership with FC Barcelona at an event held at Camp Nou. (Photo: ) (Photo: ) (Photo: ) The airline's partnership with FCB took effect from July 1st this year. In attendance were leading representatives of both organisations, the CEO of Qatar Airways, Akbar Al-Baker, the President of FC Barcelona, Sandro Rosell and Vice President of FC Barcelona Economic and Strategy Area, Javier Faus. Akbar Al Baker made the following remarks at the start of his address to the media during a press conference: "The joining of FCB and Qatar Airways is truly history in the making. It is the first time we enter into such a landmark, significant sports partnership. "We understand the importance of FCB to Catalonia, to Spain, and in fact - to every country around the world. It is a great honour to be standing side by side as you create and spread the excitement that this great game of football brings to fans." FC Barcelona President Sandro Rosell said: "We have a long journey ahead lasting three years in which we will share experiences, with a common starting point and goals. Barca and Qatar Airways are united by many ideals, such as a passion to be better each day, the conviction that the human factor makes a difference and the integration of different cultures, but I would emphasize the desire we have to connect with people. And this desire leads us to want to be every day closer to our fans." Since its beginnings, FC Barcelona has been characterised by being not just a football organisation, but also a powerful force for globalisation, solidarity, integration and social cohesion. Qatar Airways fully identifies with these values, which is why this partnership between both organisations is much more than just a simple economic alliance. Furthermore, Qatar Airways' partnership with FC Barcelona will help to position the airline in the world. Qatar Airways will work with FC Barcelona to create joint initiatives and will especially focus on connecting with the club's fans and also with underprivileged children to spread the love of the game to all corners of the globe. Contact: or +97444302072 Photo: Diese Meldung kann unter abgerufen werden..
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